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2008 07 28 Regular 600 Contract for Construction of Northern Way and Shetland Ave Sidewalk Project
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 600 July 28, 2008 Meeting CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X MGR~~,,,,_. /DEPT / ~•` Authorization REQUEST: The Public Works Department is requesting approval to enter into a contract with Central Florida Environmental Corporation for the Construction of the Northern Way and Shetland Avenue Sidewalk Project, Piggybacking off of Seminole County's 2007 Public Works Construction Contract CC-1075-061 PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request approval to enter into a contract with Central Florida Environmental Corporation in the amount of $371,763.95 plus a 10% contingency to construct sidewalks on Northern Way and Shetland Avenue, piggybacking off of Seminole County's 2007 Public Works Construction Contract CC-1075-061 CONSIDERATIONS: • At the November 26, 2007 City Commission meeting, the Commission directed staff to proceed with sidewalks on the south side of Northern Way from Howell Creek Drive to Shetland Avenue, and on the west side of Shetland Avenue from Northern Way to Citrus Road. These two sidewalk segments are approved for funding by Seminole County by Interlocal Agreement with the City. • The draft final engineering plans were approved by the Commission on April 28, 2008. In preparing the final engineering plans, Staff met onsite with property owners of 20 of the 22 abutting properties on Northern Way and Shetland Avenue. Resident input has been incorporated into the plans to the extent possible, including items such as: minor alignment changes, addressing localized drainage issues, meandering the sidewalk at certain locations, and the provision of decorative retaining walls where feasible and appropriate. • The sidewalks will be 5-feet wide and will be located entirely within the City right-of- way. Generally, the sidewalks are located away from the road closer to the edge of the right-of--way. This location is best for pedestrian safety, aesthetics, and preservation of existing tree canopy, and it is consistent with existing sidewalks throughout similar residential streets in Tuscawilla. In several locations, site constraints required the 072808_COMM_Regular 600 Northern-Shetland Sidewalk Construction Approval Regular Agenda Item #600 July 28, 2008 Page 2 of 4 sidewalk to be shifted closer to the road for short segments. The sidewalk project also includes a new pedestrian bridge on Northern Way over Howell Creek. • On May 2, 2008, the City received a petition signed by 11 of the 13 homeowners along Northern Way opposing the proposed sidewalk. A copy of the petition is attached as Exhibit A. The following information is provided to address the design-related issues listed in the petition: 1. Drainage The proposed sidewalks will not change the existing drainage patterns. The existing swales are located adjacent to the road and are designed to collect runoff from the roads and the adjacent properties. The proposed sidewalks are in most cases located on the property side of the swales, several feet above the swale bottom. The at-grade sidewalks will not prevent runoff from reaching the swales or reduce the swale capacity. Staff has observed in the Northern/Shetland area that heavy storms leave standing water in the swales and in driveways in several locations where the driveways follow the swale grades. This standing water is expected and is normal for a swale drainage system, at least for up to 72 hours after major storms. The swales provide the only means of stormwater retention in this area and this is an important part of the stonmwater management system. The Sidewalk Project will address several localized drainage problems, and in all cases where a driveway is being replaced a new culvert will be installed. 2. Concrete Reinforcement FDOT, Seminole County, and City standards do not have steel reinforcement in sidewalks. Adding steel reinforcement would significantly increase the cost and would provide minimal benefits for the 4-inch thick sidewalks. Sidewalks adjacent to uncurbed roads, such as the existing sidewalk on Northern Way, are more susceptible to damage by vehicles. Locating the sidewalks further away from the road as proposed will reduce the likelihood of vehicular damage. The proposed sidewalks will be 6-inches thick where they cross existing driveways. 3. Responsibility for Sidewalk Repairs The City is responsible for sidewalk maintenance. Homeowners would not be held responsible for repairing sidewalks at any time. 4. Retaining Wall Materials Retaining walls are necessary in some locations due to existing steep embankments. The proposed retaining walls are decorative segmental block walls having 6-inch split faced blocks with beveled faces. Similar walls can be found in the surrounding residential areas, including the recently constructed sidewalks along Dyson Drive. The retaining walls have an installed cost $19.50 per square foot. City staff requested and incorporated input from several residents along Northern Way regarding the Regular Agenda Item #600 July 28, 2008 Page 3 of 4 proposed retaining wall style, color, and texture. The walls are in the right-of--way and will be maintained by the City. 5. Conflicts with Buried Phone, Cable, and Irrigation Lines The sidewalks will not impede phone and cable service to residents. In case of conflict with the sidewalks, the phone and cable companies will move their lines within the City right-of--way at their expense. Irrigation lines and sprinkler heads will be repaired by the contractor in case of damage or conflict with the sidewalks. 6. Front Setback The chart below shows the existing setback from the house to the street, the distance from the street edge to the back of sidewalk, and the setback from the house to the edge of the new sidewalk. ddress Approx Setback from House to Street Edge (ft) Distance from Street Edge to Back of Sidewalk (ft) Approx Setback from House to New Sidewalk 1025 Northern Wa 140 24 116 1027 Northern Wa 89 24 65 1029 Northern Wa 101 24 77 1031 Northern Wa 97 24 73 1033 Northern Way 116 24 92 1035 Northern Wa 148 24 124 1037 Northern Wa 108 24 84 1039 Northern Wa 118 24 94 1041 Northern Wa 107 24 83 1043 Northern Wa 103 24 79 1045 Northern Wa front 115 11 104 1045 Northern Wa side 90 16 74 1219 Howell Creek Drive side 78 21 57 800 D on Drive (side 82 20 62 805 D son Drive side 92 21 71 936 Arabian Ave. (side 49 10 39 984 Shetland Ave construction 112 20 92 986 Shetland Ave 76 16 60 988 Shetland Ave 98 22 76 990 Shetland Ave 107 14 93 992 Shetland Ave 85 16 69 994 Shetland Ave 97 16 81 AVAILABILITY OF FUNDING FOR OTHER PROJECTS OR USES: • Funding from Seminole County is available only for new sidewalk construction. The County funding cannot be used to replace the existing sidewalks along the north side of Northern Way or the east side of Shetland Avenue. • Seminole County funds sidewalk projects with the one-cent sales tax. The funds must be used for transportation projects (roads, sidewalks, etc.). The funds from Seminole County are available to the City only for the proposed sidewalks on Northern Way and Regular Agenda Item #600 July 28, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Shetland Avenue per the Interlocal Agreement. If the City decided to not build these sidewalks, the County would likely utilize the funds for another sidewalk project in Seminole County. BIDDING SUMMARY: Per Seminole County's direction, the bidding documents were issued to the five construction companies under contract with the County under their 2007 Public Works Construction Contract CC-1075-061. Four bids were received, with results as follows: 1. CFE $371,763.95 2. Southland $416,000.00 3. APEC $470,897.00 4. AJC $543,575.92 Staff has reviewed the bids and is recommending award of the contract to CFE (Central Florida Environmental Corporation). FUNDING: Funding is being provided by Seminole County through an Interlocal Agreement with the City. Seminole County will reimburse the City the full cost of the design and construction. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the contract with Central Florida Environmental Corporation in the amount of $371,763.95 plus a 10% contingency, subject to Seminole County approval. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: The Notice of Award will be presented to CFE within ten days of approval by Seminole County. Construction is expected to begin in August 2008 with completion by November 2008. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A -Petition dated Apri14, 2008 COMMISSION ACTION: Apri14, 2008 PETITION FROM THE HOMEOWNERS OF PROPERTIES ESTATES ALONG NORTHERN WAY IN REGARD TO ADDITONAL OF SIDEWALKS u~~~ d s ~ 23/08 G~~~~ ~- CAWILLA PROPOSED PURPOSE: To supply the appropriate City of Winter Springs officials the reasons the said homeowners do no't support the addition of sidewalks. BACKGROUND: The present residents of Northern Way, located in the original Estate Section, purchased their homes to combine the prestige of large homes and property (~2 acres) with the rural ambiance of country living. The properties are deeded for up to two horses and have a common horse trail. The present sidewalk along Northern Way, adjacent to the golf course is more than sufficient to accommodate the volume of users without impacting the intended texture of the Estate Section. NORTHERN WAY RESIDENT ISSUES WITH THE PROPOSED SIDEWALKS: ISSUES: 1.The locations of sidewalk position, either close to the street or close to owners light posts, jeopardize the delicate nature of water drainage and the present swale that has taken 25 years of honing to produce an effective water drainage path. 2. Plans are not to re-bar reinforce the concrete sidewalk. This lack of structural integrity has caused the existing sidewalk to be in a constant state of repair and safety concerns from broken concrete. It has been observed, that up to ane}r,~/P~ has transpired before repairs are done. Adding another sideway will increase the cost of maintaince. The city will escrow funds and this cost will be passed along by_ raising taxes and by other means. 3. Sidewalks added to an owners property increases the complication of liability and insurance. A broken sidewalk would become a burden to the home owner. At the time of sale, the owner would be held responsible to fix the sidewalk before closing. 4. The lovely rolling nature of many of the front lawns would be visually compromised by retaining walls. The planned material of these walls is not the expensive brick that comprise the house along~iorthern Way proper. The proposed retaining wall material is more suited to commercial development and lower cost communities. This would detract from an already existing difficult market situation. Over time, retaining walls move, misalign and separate. The home owner will be stuck with correcting. these issues. 5. A number of the lawn services have indicated a fee increase to edge and avoid the sidewalk while moving. 6. Times have changed. Residents of Northern Way work out of their home and have invested in high speed computer and phone lines as the lifeline to their businesses. In some cases, Bright House has had to re-install cable three times to g_et it right. These cables are in line with the proposed upper sidewalk location. 7. In conjunction with Issue 6. the sprinkler system and home owner light post wiring is in line with the upper sidewalk location. 8. As sidewalks are positioned closer to the homes, the ~80 foot fronts that the owners bargained for will be as a crime buffer will be impacted. As crime is on the increase, suspect individuals could leisurely use the sidewalk to become closer to the garage and front door. Without the sidewalk, it is pretty obvious when someone is on your front lawn. IN SUMMARY: 1. The present sidewalks are more than sufficient. 2. The impact to the home owners is unwarranted. 3. In these difficult financial times, surely the money can be used more productively. The undersigned home owners respectfully request the City of Winter Springs reconsider the additional sidewalk along Northern Way and in their wisdom apply the funds to more worthwhile uses. 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