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2008 07 15 Distributed During Informational 100
Date: July 15, 2008 The attached document was distributed to the City Commission during Informational Agenda Item "100" at the July 15, 2008 City Commission Workshop. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS General Fund Llne Item Comparison exclusive of Fire Department FISCAL YEAR 2008.2009 Payroll $14,400 $14,400 $p 0.0% 0% 0 51110 Mayors Expense $60,000 $60,000 $0 . 1 4% 51111 Commission Expense 312 895 $7 $7,785,857 $109,455 51210 Regular Salaries , , 416 $130 $107,527 $22'889 21 3% 51210 Sick Leave Purchase , 254 $237 $242,430 ($5'1$ ) _2.1% ° 51214 Overtime Salaries , 500 $1 $1,500 0 0.0 h 51330 Planning and Zoning Board , $775 $900 ($125) 13 9% 51340 Board of Adjustments 000 $2 $2,000 $0 0.0% 51360 Code Enforcement Board , 000 $2 $2,000 $p 0.0% 51370 B.O.W.S. Board , $750 $750 $0 0.0% 51380 Pension Board of Trustees 861 $626 $619,628 $7'233 1.2% 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion , 175 $821 $883,737 ($62,562) _7.1% 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins , 573 $187 $182,109 $5,464 3.0% 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance , 423 197 $1 $1,072,551 $124'8$2 11.6% 52330 Pension Expense , , 500 $20 $20,500 0 0.0% 52335 Deferred Comp. -City Cont ICMA 457 , 846 $18 $716 3 6% 52336 Deferred Comp. - 401(a) $19,562 $11,217,501 , $11,014,735 $202,766 1 8% Total Operating 000 $12 $10,000 $2,000 20.0% 52510 Unemployment Compensation , 000 $300 $250,000 $50,000 20.0% ° 53111 Legal Services -General , 000 $1 $10,000 ($9'0$~ g0 0 / ° 53117 Legal Services -Labor , 000 $10 $10,000 0 0 / 53119 Special Legal Services , 000 $6 $6,000 $0 0.0% 53120 Codification , $0 $20,000 ($20,000) -100.0% 53121 Court Services 390 $26 $27,789 ($1,399) .5.0% 53140 Pre-EmploymenUPhysicals , 000 $9 $14,000 ($5~0$) 35.7% ° 53160 Consulting , 000 $20 $20,000 00 / 53179 Consulting Services -Town Center , 500 $86 $110,275 ($23,775) 21 6% 53180 Consultant Services , $0 $1,000 ($1,000) _100.0% ° 53181 Consulting Services -MAP Services 400 $80 $9,000 11 2 / 53186 Outside Temp Services $89,400 940 $170 , $171,815 ($875) _0.5 53188 Contract Services , 000 $5 $5,000 $0 0.0% 53199 Legislative Services , $32 100 $37,500 ($5,400) -14.4% 53210 Audit Services , 000 $1 $1,800 ($800) -44.4% 53410 Billing Services Cost , 500 $12 $7,000 $5,500 78 6% 53411 Service Charges , 285 $44 $55,966 ($11,681) 20 9% ° 54010 Travel 8 Per Diem , 000 $9 $9,000 $0 54020 Automobile Allowance , 473 $135 $142,930 ($7,457) 5 2 54110 Telephone , 925 $81 $80,950 $975 1.2% 54210 Postage , 000 $324 $234,850 $89,150 38.0% 54310 Utility Services , 000 $68 $70,000 ($2,000) -2.9% 54311 Utility Services -City Hall , 000 $452 $390,000 $62,000 15.9% 54312 Utility Services - Streetlighting , $500 $4,500 90 54382 Lot Cleaning $5,000 550 $23 $24,200 ($6$ ) 2.7% ° 54410 Equipment Rental , $300 $300 0 0.0 / ° 54451 Trail Lease Costs 000 $1 $1,300 ($300) -23 1 / ° 54501 Collection Services , 000 $566 $576,136 ($10,136) 1 8 / 54510 Generallnsurance , 000 $75 $100,000 ($25,000) _25.0% ° 54511 General Insurance Settlements , 935 $106 $10 • 0 $ _0.5 / 54630 Repair 8 Maintenance -Equipment , g 800 5 75) ($1 -16.1% 54632 Software Maintenance & Licenses Fees 691 $282 $26,763 9.5% 54633 Maint. Agree 8 Contracts $309,454 , $ $ 33.2% 54634 Web Site Maintenance & Development $10,2$0 $500 ($500) -100.0% 54638 Repair 8 Maintenance -Equipment 0 000 10 $ $0 0.0% 54639 Network Development $10,000 100 $14 , $17,908 ($3'808) -21.3% 54640 Repair & Maintenance -Communications , 000 $135 $17,000 12.6% 54644 Repair & Maintenance -Town Center $152,000 , 010 $67 ($2,530) _3 8°/ 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $64,480 , 400 $48 32,100 $ 66.3% 54660 Repair & Maintenance -Building $80,500 , 200 $25 $300 1.2°~ 54661 Repair & Maintenance -City Hall $25,500 , 750 $600 $2'750 0.5% 54682 Repair 8 Maintenance -Grounds $603,500 , 000 $55 ($20,000) _36.4% 54685 Arbor Improvements $35,000 000 $4 , $4,000 $0 0.0% 54687 Repair & Maintenance -Irrigation , $300 $300 $0 0.0 54710 Election Printing 200 $27 $30,100 ($2,900) -9.6% 54720 Fax 8 Copy Machine Supplies & Lease , 530 $42 ($3,130) 7 4 / 54730 Printing Expense $39,400 0 0 $37 , 32,720 $ $4,280 13 1% 54731 Publications-Newsletter (prev 58200) $ , $100 ($100) -100.0% 54733 ScanninglRecords Mgmt. 0 $0 $400 ($400) -100.0% 54740 Computer Services CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 Less fire Ue artment 2009 Proposed Budget Cit Mana er 2008 Original Budget Difference % aqe Change 54750 Map Printing $1,250 $1,750 ($500) ° -28.6 0 54800 Promotional Activities $32,050 $252,150 ($220,100) 0 -87.3/ 54810 Employee Relations $17,750 $19,550 ($1,800) -9.2% 54850 Scholarship Expense $1,000 $1,000 $0 0.0% 54880 Summer Youth Program $67,000 $66,000 $1,000 1.5% 54890 League and Field Rental Expense $55,000 $48,000 $7,000 14.6 54891 Community Youth Organization $4,000 $4,000 $0 0.0% 54907 Disposal Costs $50 $50 $0 0.0% 54920 Legal Advertising $7,400 $9,100 ($1,700) ° -18.7/0 54930 Classified Advertising $9,000 $9,800 ($800) -8.2% 54950 Recording Fees $1,800 $1,600 $200 12.5% 55110 Office Supplies $34,750 $33,700 $1,050 3.1% 55120 Computer Supplies $20,510 $22,010 ($1,500) -6.8% 55201 US 17-92 Tax Payment $87,655 $150,000 ($62,345) -41.6% 55210 Fuel 8 Oil $359,250 $206,960 $152,290 73.6% 55220 Tires & Filters $25,525 $23,300 $2,225 9.5% 55230 Operating Supplies $60,050 $65,007 ($4,957) -7.6% 55230 Operating Supplies -BOWS Board $845 $3,000 ($2,155) -71.8% 55236 Operating Supplies -Food $17,000 $19,000 ($2,000) -10.5 55237 Operating Supplies -Drink $15,000 $17,000 ($2,000) -11.8 55240 Uniforms $46,575 $47,068 ($493) -1.0 55250 Street Signs $13,000 $15,000 ($ ) 1 55260 Janitorial Supplies $27,750 $27,560 $090 0.7% 55262 Holiday Decorations $14,000 $16,650 ($2,650) -15.9% 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $64,425 $71,052 ($6,627) -9.3% 55271 K-9 Unit $0 $1,200 ($1,200) ° -100.0 55275 Communications Support $3,165 $4,593 ($1,428) 0 -31.1 /° 55278 New Software-Systems $21,525 $34,688 ($13,163) -37.9% 55285 Pool/Splash Playground Chemicals $5,000 $0 $5,000 100.0 55290 Protective Clothing $29,130 $28,670 $460 1.6% 55410 Subscriptions $6,925 $7,400 ($475) -6.4% 55411 Dues 8 Registrations $44,636 $51,465 ($6,829) ° -13.3 / 55420 Operational Books $2,950 $3,450 ($500) -14.5 55430 Employee Development $50,524 $51,250 ($726) -1.4 55431 Employee Education Incentive $7,450 $0 $7,450 100.0% 55440 Certification Expense $1,500 $2,500 ($1,000) -40.0% 55441 Accreditation Expense $9,000 $19,515 ($10,515) -53.9° 55470 Reference Library Expense $500 $1,000 ($500) -50.0 56910 Contingencies $26,500 $32,500 ($6,000) -18.5 58000 Grants and Aids $32,000 $27,000 $5,000 18.5 58300 Grants and Aids - Econ Dev $5,850 $5,850 $0 0.0°/ Total $5,324,447 $5,347,611 ($23,164) -0.4°/ 57160 LeasePurchase-Vehicles $121,514 $121,514 $0 0.0% Interfund Transfers 58115 Transfer to Stormwater $19,837 $25,267 ($5,430) -21.5 58125 Transfer to Other Funds $140,000 $0 $140,000 100.0 58160 Transfer to LOC Debt Service Fund $60,000 $60,000 $0 0.0 58175 Transfer to Dev Services Fund $25,653 $24,431 $1,222 5.0% Total $245,490 $109,698 $135, 792 123.8 Capital 62000 Buildings $0 $4,000 ($4,000) -100.0% 63000 Improvements $20,000 $40,000 ($20,000) -50.0% 64000 Equipment-General $133,700 $100,000 $33,700 33.7% 64100 Vehicles $0 $29,000 ($29,000) -100.0% 64200 Data Processing Equipment $13,000 $21,960 ($8,960) -40.8 64300 Furniture /Office Equipment $0 $20,875 ($20,875) -100.0 65000 Construction in Progress $60,000 $125,000 ($65 000) -52.0 Total $226,700 $340,835 ($114,135) -33.5% Total $17,135,652 $16,934,393 $201,259 1.2% CRY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2006-2009 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE RECAP BY LINE ITEM City Manager Recommended FY 09 Budget P l Total Executive Gen Gov't Finance Gen Svc Into Svc PW ayro l Com Dev Police Fire PgR 51110 Mayor's Expense $14400 $ta 400 $0 51111 Commission Expense $60 000 , $60 000 50 50 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 51270 Regular Salaries . $7 895 3 t2 . $356 626 $0 $0 SO 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 51270 Sick Leave Purchase , , $130 416 , $8 006 $0 $598,358 $238.357 $502,185 $695,095 $405,895 $4,077,584 51021212 51213 Salary Reim bursement , $0 , $0 $0 $5,904 $5.062 54,660 $2.570 $9,105 $86 572 $8 537 51214 Overtime Salaries $237 25a $9 849 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $p , $0 , $0 57230 Compensated Absences , 50 . $0 57,647 82,014 511458 $26,908 $3,719 $148,190 527469 51330 Planning and Zoning Board $1,500 $1 500 $0 51300 Boartl of Adjustments 8775 , $775 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 51360 Code Enlorcament Board $2 000 $2 000 $p $p $0 50 EO $0 $0 $p 51370 B.O.W.S. Board , $2.000 , $2 000 $0 $0 $0 g0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 51360 Pensbn Board of Trustees $750 , $750 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 50 $0 53180 Districting Commisson $0 50 $p $0 $p $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Porten $626,861 $25 643 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 g0 52370 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $821,175 , $28 567 $0 $46.811 $18,776 $39,649 $55 467 $32.179 5327,155 581 181 52320 Workers'Comp Insurance $107 573 , $1 148 $56,782 $25,188 $52,324 $94,232 $36,639 5d32539 , $94 904 52330 Pensron Expense , $1 197 423 , $59 888 SD $1,738 9 7 $34 622 EB,Bdp 5106,408 . 531 851 52335 Deferred Comp. - 457 , , $20,500 , $20 500 50 $p $91,786 $36,8 6 5 2831 $108,751 $63 067 $644,359 , 5719 925 52336 Deferred Comp.-401(a) $19,562 , $19 562 gp So $0 g0 $0 $0 , $o Total $11,217,501 , 3611,214 $0 50 $809027 $327 704 50 $0 $0 $p $0 , $684581 $1017,6d5 $559,44a $5,822807 $1,385,079 Operating 52510 Unemployment Compensatan $12,000 $0 $0 531 t 7 Legal Services -General $300 000 $0 $300 000 $0 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 53117 Legal Services-Labor , $1 000 $0 . $1 $p gp 5g $0 50 50 $0 53119 Special Legal Services , $10 000 ,000 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 gp 53120 Codification . $6.000 $6 000 $100$0 $D $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 53140 Pre-EmploymenVPh ysicals $26 390 , $0 $0 50 g0 $0 SO $0 gp 53160 Consulting , $9 000 $0 $0 50 $0 $1,700 5300 $21,600 $2780 53179 Consulting Services -Town Center , $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $3,000 EO $0 56,000 53180 Consultant Services $86 500 $0 $ $0 50 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 53186 Outside Tamp Services , 400 589 $500 50 $500 $0 $a 1,000 $0 $45,000 $p $p 53188 Contract Services , $170 940 $0 EO $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $38 900 53799 Legislative Services , $5 000 $0 50 5170,940 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 . $p 53210 Audit Services , $32 100 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 53410 Contractual Service Costs , $1 000 $0 $0 $32.100 gp $0 $p 50 50 50 53011 Service Charges , $12 500 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 gp 50010 TravelBPer Diem . 544,285 $14 525 $7,000 $0 $5,500 $3 $0 50 EO $0 $0 $p 54020 Automobile Allowance $9 000 , $4 800 $ ,260 $1,200 51,700 $400 $2,900 $16,400 $3,900 54110 Telephones , $135,473 , $7 300 0 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,200 50210 Postage $81 925 , $2 300 $ $ ,950 $19,300 $8421 $1,300 $2,900 $85,070 59,232 54310 Ut114 Services Y , $324 000 , $0 0 568,700 $1,100 5125 $500 $1,050 $6,600 57,550 54311 Utility Services - Crty Hall , $68 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 g0 534,000 $53,500 $57600 5178,900 50312 Utility Services - Streetlighting , $452.000 $0 g0 $0 $0 $ $68,000 50 $0 $0 $p 50 50382 Lot Cleaning $5 000 $0 5 0 $0 g0 $452 000 $0 $0 54010 Equipment Rental . $23 550 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5 000 SO 54451 Trail Lease Costs , $300 $0 $300 $0 50 50 $950 5100 $3,500 519 000 54501 Collection Services $1 000 $p $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54510 General Insurance . $566.000 g0 $0 $0 $15 000 $0 $551 000 g0 $0 $1,000 $p $0 54511 General Insurance Settlements $75,000 50 50 , $0 $75 00 $0 $0 $p $p $0 54630 RepairB Maintenance-Equipment $106,935 $300 $0 $825 , 0 $0 $0 $p $p $0 50832 Software Maintenance 8 Lk;enses Fees $8 225 $0 $0 $925 50 $5,000 $19,800 $750 $33050 $g7,21p 50633 Maint. AgreeBContract5 , $30945d 5305 $0 $8950 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,300 $0 54634 Web Slte MaintenanceB Development $10 200 $0 $3,000 5271,974 $4,000 $0 $21,125 $200 54639 Network Development . $10 000 50 $0 $0 $0 510,200 $0 $0 g0 $p 4 4 epalrB Maintenance-Communications , $14 100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 510.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 54644 Repair 8 Maintenance -Town Center , $152 000 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $1.500 $100 $12500 $p 50650 RepairB Maintenance-Vehicles , $64 A80 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $752.000 $0 $p 54660 Repair 8 Maintenance -Building 580 500 $0 50 $500 $0 $9400 $900 $41,680 $12,000 50661 Repair 8 Maintenance - Coy Hall , $25 500 $p $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,000 $0 544,000 $29,500 54682 Repair BMaintenance -Grounds , 5603 500 $0 50 50 $0 $25 000 $500 $0 $0 $0 $p 50685 Arbor Maintenance , $35 000 $0 g0 $0 $11,000 $D $20,000 $379,000 $0 $193,500 54887 Repair 8 Maintenance - Irrgation , $4 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,000 EO $p 54710 Electpn Printing . $300 $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 EO $0 $4,000 54720 Fan 8 Copy Machine Supplies 8 Lease $27 200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 54730 Printing Expense , $39 400 $1 700 SO EO 512 000 $0 $200 $0 $12,300 $2,700 54731 Publica7rons-Newslener (prey 58200) , $37 OOG , 537 000 $0 $0 $9,600 $650 $100 $200 $800 $4,800 $27,550 50750 Map Printing , $1 250 , $0 $ $0 50 $0 $0 $0 , 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,050 $0 $200 CRY GF WINTER SPRINGS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE RECAP BY LINE ITEM FlscnL YEnR 2ooe-2009 City Manager Recommended FY 09 Budget Total Exacutiye Gan Gov't Finance Ge~_ Into Svc PW Gom Dev Pol~ce F~re P8R Payroll 54800 Promotional Actrvrties $32.050 $0.750 $0 50 50 $0 $0 $0 $7 200 54810 Employee Relatans 517.750 EO $0 $0 515 500 $0 $0 50 , $2 5 $16,100 Sd850 Scholarship Expense $1,000 50 SO $0 . $0 50 $0 .2 0 g0 54880 Summer Youth Program $67,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 51,000 54880 League and Field Rental Expense $55.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $07,000 SdB91 Community youth Organ¢ation 54.000 50 So $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 §55.000 54907 Disposal Costs $50 50 $0 50 $0 550 50 $0 54,000 g0 54920 Legal Advertising $7 a0o $1,200 $0 $1,500 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 54,500 $0 $0 $0 5200 54930 Classified Advertising $9.000 $0 $0 $0 $5.000 $0 50 54 000 50 $0 54950 Recording Fees $1.800 $400 g0 $150 $0 $0 50 §300 $650 5300 SSt10 Oflice Supplies 53x.750 52,200 50 $5.000 $5,300 51,450 $400 $3600 512,600 §4 200 55120 Computer/PrinterlFax Supplies 520.510 $900 50 $4,000 51400 55,970 $800 $1,600 $3 500 , §2 400 55201 US 17-92 Tax Payment $87,655 $0 $67,655 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 , $0 , §0 55210 Fuel8Oil 5359250 $0 $0 $0 $1.500 $0 $58500 $8000 5260,250 531 000 55220 Tires 8 Filters $25.525 50 $0 50 5100 $0 58.200 $900 $13.325 , $3 000 55230 Operating Supplies 560,050 52.000 $0 $2.550 $950 51.200 $t 950 $t d00 $34 650 . 515 350 55230 Operating Supplies-BOWS Boartl SBaS $845 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 , $0 55236 Operating Supplies-Food $17.000 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 55237 Operating Supplies -Drink 515.000 50 $0 $0 ba $0 So $17,000 55240 Uniforms 546575 $0 g0 50 530C Eo 50 515,000 55250 Sheet Signs 513.000 50 $0 $0 $0 50 50 55.125 513,000 $900 50 $35.950 $0 54.300 $0 55260 Jannorial Supplies $27,750 $0 50 $0 $4.000 $0 $1.800 $0 54 400 $17 550 55262 Holiday Decorations $14.000 SO $0 $0 50 $0 514 000 $0 $0 . $0 55270 Small Tools 8 Equipment 564 425 $2,505 $0 52,000 51.000 $1,700 $7.$00 $2,160 523.770 $23 390 55275 Communicatgns Support 53.165 50 50 50 50 $500 50 5100 $2.565 , 50 55278 Software Systems $21,525 $2.050 50 $0 50 51.000 $825 $1,850 514,275 $1 525 55285 Pcol/Splash Playground Chemicals $5,000 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 , 55 000 55290 Protective Clothing $29.t3C $0 $0 50 5100 50 $3.900 $300 $21.980 , 850 52 55410 Subscnpt'rons $6,925 $SGG 40 $0 5100 $3,225 $200 $600 52.000 , $300 SSan DuesBRegatralrons $44,636 $22,600 5C $1775 $650 51.535 5500 $6400 $5400 776 55 SSd20 Operatronal Books 52.950 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $300 $100 $2550 . $0 55430 Employee Development 550.524 $250 50 $5,950 51.600 518.700 52.500 $5,700 $13.200 52,624 55431 Employee Educatron Incentive $7.450 8750 50 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 56.700 50 SS4a0 Cenlfication Expense $1.506 SO Sc EO 50 50 $0 SO $0 $1,500 55441 Accredrtatron Expense $9,000 So $0 $0 So $0 $0 $0 $9.000 §0 55470 Ralerence Library Expense 5500 $0 $0 $0 5500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 56910 Conlingendies 526.500 5t 500 525.000 $0 50 $0 50 $0 $0 g0 58000 Grants and Aids $32.000 517 000 $0 $0 $0 EO 50 515.000 50 $0 58300 Grants and Aas ~ Economic Development $S.BSG 55,850 $0 50 50 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 Total 55,324.447 $144,330 $436,955 $341075 $817,750 5434,290 $223,850 $1,205.760 5852,740 $867,697 57160 Lassa Purchase-Vehicles $121.5 t4 50 50 $0 50 50 $0 bo $t2 1.514 50 Intedund Transfers 58115 Transfer to Stormwater $19.837 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $19,837 50 $0 $0 58125 Transfer to Other Funds $140.000 $0 g0 50 50 50 $0 $0 $0 $140,000 SBt60 Transfer to LOC Debt Service Fund 56o.GO0 50 $0 50 50 SO $0 EO 50 $60 000 58!?5 Transfer to Dev Services Fund 525 653 $C $U $0 50 $0 $0 $25 653 $0 . $0 Total $245490 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $19,837 $25,653 $o $200,000 Capital 63000 Improvements 520.000 SG 50 $0 520.000 50 50 50 $0 $C 66000 Equipment-General 5133.700 $0 §0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $95,900 537,BG9 64200 Data Processing Equipment $13.000 $1,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,600 $5,200 $3,800 65000 Constructron in Progress $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 580 000 Total 5226,700 $1.300 50 50 $20,000 50 50 $2600 $101.100 5101,700 Total 517,135,652 5756 844 $436 955 51 150 102 51 165 454 51 118 871 $1 261 332 E 1 793 457 S6 898 161 52 554 476 CRr OF WINTER SPRINGS FlscnL rEnR zoos-zoos Payroll 51110 Maynr's Expense 51 t 11 Commissnn Expense 51210 Regular Salaries 51210 Sick Leave Purcnase 51216 Overtime Salaries St330 Planning and Zoning Board 51340 Board o(Adlustments 51360 Gode Enforcement Board 51370 8 O.W.S. Board 51380 Pension Board of Trustees 52110 F I C A Taxes-Cny Ponron 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins 52320 Workers' Comp Insurance 52330 Pension Expense 52335 Deferred Comp -Cny Cont IC MA 457 52336 Deferred Comp -dOtla) Total GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE RECAP BY LINE ITEM -CURRENT YEAR ORIGINAL BUDGET Original Fr OB Budget Tonal Exec utiye G,en Gov't Finance Gon Svc Info Svc PW Cpm Dey Police ?~R $1ag0o 51 6.600 $0 50 so SO 50 $G g0 $0 560.000 560000 $0 SC $0 SO SC $o ao $o $7.785.857 $334,960 $0 $59[.835 $235,288 $493.692 $712,447 $403.166 $4.008,855 $1 005614 $107.527 $7.692 50 $3.881 $1,679 $2.712 $2,512 $6.664 $75,190 , $7 217 52x2430 $8.177 50 Stat 78 57.762 $13082 $28,9[4 $4.854 $738,981 , $26,472 $1.500 St SGa 50 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 50 $900 $900 50 50 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $2.000 Ez.DOD $D so $o so 50 $D sD $o $2.000 $2,000 30 $0 $0 $0 5D $D 30 $0 $750 $750 $0 50 $0 $0 SG $0 $0 $0 5619.628 $25,179 $0 546.657 $18,72[ $39.09C $56.905 $31.723 $321,847 $79 506 $883,737 $31.388 $0 562,835 $26,002 $60,724 $101,it3 $38,125 $461,643 , $101 907 $182.109 $t 073 $0 $1)33 $1,508 $1,453 $35,326 $8.667 $101,832 , $30717 51.072.551 $50.284 $0 $82.336 $33.040 $68.983 $[00.423 $55,981 $567,009 $114,495 szo5oo szo wo so so so so sD $o So $o $18,846 $16.846 $11,014,735 $579,649 $0 $803.x55 $324,000 $679,736 $1,037,640 $549,160 $5,675,167 57,365.928 Operating 52510 Unemployment Compensatpn $10,000 50 50 $0 $10000 $0 $0 $0 SO 531 t 1 Legal Servces -General $250.000 50 $250,000 g0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 53117 Legal Services -Labor $10,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 53119 Special Legal Services $10.000 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 50 $0 53120 Codifwatron $6,000 56.000 $0 $0 So SO 50 50 $0 $0 53121 Court Serves $20.000 50 520,000 $0 $o g0 $0 EO $0 $0 53160 Pre-EmploymenLiPhysicals $27,789 $9G 50 $0 $0 $0 $2.200 8300 $20 G99 $0 $6 700 53160 Consulting $14,000 $0 $0 30 30 $0 $3.000 $0 $0 , 511 000 53178 Consulting $ermces-Town Center $20.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO $20000 EO , EO 53160 Consultant Services $110 275 80 50 $2.200 $0 $53 075 $0 $55 000 EO $0 53181 Consulting Seances-MAP Services $1,000 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 53186 Outside Temp Services EBO 400 $500 50 $500 $0 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $39 600 53188 Contract Services $t 77815 $0 $0 $171,815 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 , 50 53199 Le9islabve Services $5,000 $o $5 000 $0 $0 $0 30 50 50 $0 53210 Autla Services $37,500 $0 $D 537,500 $0 EO 50 50 $0 EO 53410 billing Services Cost $1,800 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $800 $0 53411 Service Charges $7,000 $0 $7,000 50 50 $0 $0 $0 EO $0 56010 TravelBPer Diem $55,966 $17,700 $0 $5.466 51.300 $4,650 $400 $2,100 $19,852 $4 300 Sa020 Automobile Allowance $9,000 $4.600 $0 $0 SO SO $0 EO 50 , 54,200 Sd 110 Telephone $142,930 $7.783 $0 $1,959 $21685 514800 $1400 $3850 $62,267 EB,1B6 54210 Postage $00,950 $2,800 $0 $67,500 $500 5300 $500 $1,050 $6,750 57,550 54310 Utilay Services $234,850 $0 $0 30 SO $0 $37,000 $43,500 $49,000 5705,350 Sa3t1 Utility Services-City Hall $70,000 $0 $0 $0 $70,000 $0 50 $0 EO EO 54312 Utility Services-5treetlghting $390,000 g0 $0 SO $0 50 $D $390000 50 $0 Sa3B2 Lot Cleaning 5500 $0 $0 SD $0 $0 $0 $0 $500 $0 Sa410 Equipment Rental $26,200 $0 $0 $150 $0 $0 $1,150 $100 $x,500 516,300 Sd451 Trail Lease Costs $300 $D $300 $0 30 $0 $0 $0 50 EO Sa501 Callecton Serulces $1.300 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,300 $0 $0 54510 General Insurance $576,136 $0 $0 $15 000 $561,136 SO $0 50 50 $0 54511 General Insurance Settlements $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 50 $D $0 $0 $0 54630 Repair B Maintenance -Equipment $107.443 $650 $0 $2.A25 5150 $3500 $19,800 5900 $36,618 563.200 54632 $okware Maintenance 8 Licenses Fees 59,600 50 50 52.500 50 50 SO SO 57,300 $0 54633 Mamt Agree 8 Contracts $282.691 5498 $0 510 500 54.200 $242 859 53,500 50 $21,334 $200 54636 Weh Sae Ma~menance 8 Development $7 660 50 $0 50 $0 $7 660 $D $0 $0 $0 54830 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $500 $0 $0 $0 50 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sa839 Network Development $10,000 $D $0 $0 SO $10,000 $0 $0 $0 EO 56640 Repav 8 Maintenance -Communications 5t 7 908 50 $0 50 SO $0 51 600 $Z50 516 056 $0 Sa6a4 Repau aMaintenance -Town Center 5135.DOC Si, 50 SO $0 $0 5C 3135.000 $0 $0 54650 RepauBMaintenance-Vehicles $fi7,010 5G 50 $0 $500 $500 E9.iD0 $1,950 $42,960 512,000 54680 RepauBMaintenance-Butlding $46400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6.000 $0 $13.900 528,500 54667 Repair 8 Maintenance - Cay Hall $25,200 $0 $0 $0 $25 000 5200 $0 SO EO $0 56682 Repau 8 Maintenance -Grounds $600,750 $G SO $0 59.450 50 525.000 $370 000 5500 $185,800 54685 Arbor Improvements $55 000 50 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $55.000 50 50 56687 Repau 8 Maintenance - Irrgatwn $4 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 ED 50 $0 50 $4,000 54710 Electron Printing 5300 $300 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 EO EO $0 54720 Fax 8 Copy Machine Supplies 8 Lease 530,100 $0 $0 $300 $14,000 50 $200 $0 512,300 53.300 54730 Printing Expense $42.530 $1700 $0 $9260 $650 $100 $200 $1,050 SB,000 521,550 54731 Publications-Newsletter (prev 58200) 532.720 $32,720 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 84733 5canntng/Records Mgmt. 5100 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $D $100 $0 50 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE RECAP BY LINE ITEM -CURRENT YEAR ORIGINAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2008.2009 Original FV Oa Budget 54740 Computer Services Total Executive Gen Gov't Finance Gen Svc Info Svc PW Com Dev Police 54750 Map Printing $400 $1 750 SO 50 $0 50 $0 $0 $400 $0 $0 54800 Promotronal Activities , $252 150 56 250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,550 30 $200 54610 Employee Relations , $19 550 , $100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5230,200 54850 Scholarship Expense , $1 000 $0 515400 $o $0 50 $4,050 $0 54680 Summer Vouth Program , $66000 gp SO $0 g0 $0 50 qo $0 $1,000 54890 League and Field Rental Expense $48 000 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 SO $0 $0 $66,000 54891 Community Vouth Organization $4 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $48,000 50907 Disposal Costs , $50 $a S~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $0 54920 Legal Advertising $9 100 51 200 $0 $ $ $0 $0 54930 Classified Advertising . $9 800 $0 50 1 500 $0 $0 $0 $6,200 SO $200 54950 Retarding Fees , $1 600 $400 $ $150 $5.150 $0 $0 $4500 $0 $0 55110 Office Supplies , $33 700 52 200 p $0 $0 $4 $0 $0 $0 $300 $600 $300 55120 Computer Supplies . $22 0(0 , $900 ,500 $4,500 $1,200 $400 $6,300 $12,600 $4,000 55201 US t7-B2 Tax Payment . $150 000 $0 $0 $4,000 $1.700 $5.800 $500 $1,600 $5,010 E2 600 55210 Fuel80il , $208 960 $0 $150.000 $0 $0 $p $p $0 $0 $0 55220 Tires 8 Filters , $23 300 $0 $0 $1500 $200 $49,650 $7,900 $119,510 $20,000 55230 Operating Supplies , $65 007 $0 $2 50 $0 $0 5100 $0 $6,300 $900 $12,700 $3,300 55230 Operating Supplies -BOWS Board , $3 000 0 $3 00 $0 $2.850 $1,000 $1,200 $2.100 $1,900 534457 $19,450 55236 Operating Supplies -Food . $19 000 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $p 55237 Operating Supplies -Drink , 517 000 So So q0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,000 55240 Uniforms . $47 068 $0 50 so So $o $o $o $o $n,o6o 55250 Street Signs . $75 000 $0 $ 50 $600 $0 $5 400 $1,150 $35,218 54,700 55260 Janitorial Supplies , 527 560 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 50 $15.000 $0 $0 $0 55262 Holiday Decora7ions , $16650 SO $0 $0 5a 000 $0 $1,300 $0 $4 A70 $17,850 55270 Small Tools 8 Equipment $71 052 $2 565 $0 $0 q0 $16000 $0 $650 $0 55271 K-9 Una , 5 , $0 $5.x50 52.200 $a 000 $10,875 $1,900 $21,387 522,675 55275 Communications Support 1.200 $4 593 $C $0 $0 50 50 51,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $p 55278 New Software-Systems , $3x 688 $2 055 SO $0 $ $400 $800 q0 $250 53,143 $0 55290 Protective Clothing . $28 670 , $0 $0 0 $0 $12,300 $825 $1,700 $16,533 $7,275 SSdtO Subscnptrons , $7 400 3600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $300 $21,520 $2,850 55411 DuesBRegistratrons , $51 465 523 000 $0 $100 $100 53.500 5200 $600 $2,000 $300 55420 Operatronal Books , $3 450 . $0 $2.265 51,000 $2,250 $600 $7,100 $6,900 $8,150 SSd30 Employee Development , $51 250 51 000 $0 $0 $0 5 $0 $0 $300 $100 53,050 $0 55440 Certification Expense , $2 500 . $ 8.100 57,850 $20.000 $3,500 55,500 $9.000 $2,300 55441 Accreditation Expense . $19 515 0 SO $0 $0 50 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $2,500 55470 Reference Library Expense , $1,000 SO $0 $0 q0 $0 $1 $0 SO $0 $19,515 $p 56910 Contingencies $32.500 51 500 $25 000 $0 ,000 q0 $0 SU $0 58000 Grants and Aids $27,000 , $17 000 , $0 $0 $0 56,000 $0 50 $0 gp 50300 Grants and Aids - Econ Dev $5,850 , $5 850 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 SO $0 Total $5,347.671 $145,011 $478,300 $356 408 $860 271 $0 $635 344 $0 $228 $0 $0 $p , , . 400 51,140,600 $687,081 $1,018,186 57160 Lease Purchase-Vehicles 5121,516 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $127,514 $0 InteAund Transfers 581 t5 Transfer to Stormwater $25267 $0 $0 $0 $0 58160 Transfer to LOC Debt Service Fund $60,000 SO $60 000 $0 $0 $0 $ $25,267 $0 gp gp 56175 Transfer to Dev Services Fund $24 431 $0 , $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $p $p Total $109 690 $24 431 $0 $p , SO $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $25.267 $24,431 $0 $0 Cepltal 62000 Buildings $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $4 000 $0 SO $0 $0 63000 Improvements $60,000 $0 $0 SO , $40 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $p 64000 Equipment-General $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $p 64100 Vehicles $29.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $86,500 513,500 64200 Data Processing Equipment $21,960 $3,610 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,000 $1 00 $0 $0 64300 Furniture / OHice Equipment $20.875 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 8 $74,700 $1,850 65000 Construction in Progress $125 000 $ SO 56,500 $14,375 $0 T , 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 q0 $0 $125 000 otal $340,835 $3,610 $0 $0 $46.000 $0 $0 $37,300 $115,575 $140,350 Total 816,934,393 E728,270 $538,300 $7,759,863 31,228,271 $1 115 080 S7 T91 307 S7 751 491 S6 599 347 52 522 464