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2008 07 14 Regular 600 Presentation of Fiscal Year 2009 Preliminary Budget
City of Winter Springs Regular Meeting july 14, 2008 071408_COMM_Regular_600_FY09_Prel iminary_Budget Page 1 of 1 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 600 Consent Informational Public Hearing X July 14, 2008 MGR. I ~ /DEPT. Regular Meeting Authorization REQUEST: The City Manager requesting the City Commission to receive the presentation of the FY 09 Preliminary Budget. PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed for the City Commission to receive the FY 09 Preliminary Budget beginning the FY 09 Budget Review and Adoption Process. CONSIDERATIONS: State Law and the City Charter require the review and adoption of an annual budget in accordance with State and Local Laws. As usual, the actual budget document will not be available until the Commission meeting. FUNDING: N/A RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission accept the FY 09 Preliminary Budget and initiate the review and adoption process per the established schedule. ATTACHMENTS: FY 09 Preliminary Budget Document COMMISSION ACTION: Date: Ju�y 14, 2008 The attached document was referenced during Regular Agenda Item "600" at the July 14, 2008 City Commission Regular Meeting. City of Winter Springs Prelifninary Budget Fiscal Year 2008-2009 ;~, ~~ 4 4 `, \ ~1\ ~` t ~~~ ~'~ 1126 E. State Road 434 ,, ~: ~~~~ ~. WinteY SpYings, FL 32708 '~'~~ ~~'~ ~, ~,~ ~`~!,~~ (407) 327-7590 ~'' ti ~,'~;~~\~4, CITY OF 4NINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ORIOP Ronald W. McLemore Ciry Manager 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Mayor and Commission Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager ~~~~ July 14, 2008 FY 2009 Preliminary Budget I am very pleased to present to you the Preliminary FY 2009 Budget. Before moving forward I want to thank our Department Heads, who have gone through a grinding process of analyzing services levels and resources in order to provide you with alternative approaches for balancing the public policy challenges before you in the FY 2009 Budget. Building community is a far more sophisticated possible level of funding. Building community programs that improve the quality of life. process than providing services at the cheapest requires investment in value added services and Relatedly, the FY 2009 budget decisions that the Commission will make will in large part determine if the Golden Age of the City of Winter Springs is over, or in the alternative, whether the city's investment in its extraordinary vision of excellence will continue to propel Winter Springs forward as one of the great addresses in Florida and the Nation. If we are to continue moving forward we will need to continue investing in services and programs that add value to the quality of life for which we are known, and which have influenced many of our resident's decision to move to and invest in Winter Springs. 1'he FY 20009 budget process is made more difficult by two factors. First is the economy which creates fears about our future and questions about our commitment to excellence. Second is the extraordinary policy straight jacket which Amendment "1"and the Legislature has wrapped around us. These factors combined have reduced general fund revenues by approximately $1,000,000. Additionally, these tax cutting initiatives have in effect placed price controls on local government at a time when unprecedented cost increases in everything we need to sustain our services are being passed on to us. For example, the cost of fuel, oil, and electricity alone has increased 24% from $831,810 in FY 2008 to $1,135,250 in FY 2009. In another example, our solid waste contractor is requesting a new fuel adjustment clause in its contract to be able to stay in business. This will result in, at minimum, a $1 per month increase in residential solid waste collection rates, and increases in commercial collection rates. Page 1 of 2 In addition to the General Fund and Solid Waste Fund, two other areas of the budget will be of particular interest. During FY 2009 the Commission will need to make decisions regarding the expansion of the reclaimed water system. This decision will impact utility rates. Additionally, studies are being completed now regarding impact fees. These studies, which will be complete in the very near future, could affect impact fees. The questions remain the same. 1. Will we continue our vision of excellence into the future? 2. Who will make our decision for the future, Tallahassee or Winter Springs? It is important to note that the millage that we establish this year is probably going to be the millage that we will have to live with for a long time. We can expect further intervention from the Legislature next year to make it more difficult for us to decide the future we desire for our community. The likelihood of further cuts in state shared revenues, the ever present threat of natural disasters and the need to preserve our ability to help leverage economic development opportunities demands that we maintain reserves at or near current levels. Due to the unusual challenge of this year's budget process I am deviating from the normal budget message by adding a special section on the general fund to assist you with your budget deliberations. In this extraordinary hour of decision making the staff and I will do everything in our power to assist you. ~J P Page 2 of 2 City of Winter Springs Table of Contents Fund/Div No. Page No. Budget Message i-vii Budget Message -General Fund viii-xxi General Information - org/fund structure, policies, glossary Al-A14 Source and Application of Funds -Overview A15 Source and Application of Funds - 2008-2009 Budget A16-A18 Source and Application of Funds - 2007-2008 Revised Budget A19-A21 Overview of Changes in Fund Balance/Fund Equity A22-A23 Discussion of City-wide Revenues A24-A29 Personnel -City-wide A30-A32 Debt Service Requirements to Maturity -City-wide A33-A35 New Requests -City-wide A36-A39 Capital Outlay -City-wide A40-A42 Statistical Data A43-A49 GENERAL FUND General Fund Fiscal Policy Tests 1 General Fund Sources and Applications 2 General Fund Revenues & Transfers In 3-4 General Fund Applications by Department 5-6 Department/Divisions: Executive -Overview and Summary 7-8 Executive -Commission 1100 9 Executive -Boards 1110 10 Executive -City Manager 1200 11 Executive -City Clerk 1210 12 General Government -Summary 13 General Government -Legal Services 1220 14 General Government -Code Enforcement Court 1230 15 General Government -General 1900 16 Finance -Overview and Summary 17-18 Finance -General 1300 19 Finance -Utility Billing & Customer Service 1360 20 General Services -Overview and Summary 21-22 General Services -Administration 1350 23 General Services -Human Resources 1310 24 General Services -Purchasing 1330 25 General Services -City Hall 1910 26 General Services -Operator 1915 27 General Services -Risk Management 1920 28 General Services -Library 1930 29 Information Services -Overview and Summary 30-31 Information Services -General 1340 32 Information Services -Special Projects 1341 33 Information Services -Records Management 1342 34 Information Services - Kiva/GIS 1343 35 Public Works -Overview and Summary 36-37 Public Works -Administration 4410 38 Public Works -Roads and ROW Maintenance 4412 39 Public Works -Fleet Maintenance 4413 40 Public Works -Facilities Maintenance 4414 41 Public Works -Capital Projects 4415 42 Public Works -Engineering 1500 43 City of Winter Springs Table of Contents Fund/Div No. Page No. Community Development -Overview and Summary 44-45 Com Dev -Administration & Planning 1510 46 Com Dev -Long Range Planning 1515 47 Com Dev -Development Review 1520 48 Com Dev -Urban Beautification 1525 49 Com Dev - Streetlighting 1526 50 Police -Overview and Summary 51-52 Police -Office of the Chief 2110 53 Police -Criminal Investigations Bureau 2113 55 Police -Community Services Bureau 2114 56 Police -Operations Bureau 2115 57 Police -Information Services Bureau 2116 58 Police -Technical Services Bureau 2117 59 Police -Code Enforcement 2118 60 Police -Motorcycle 2119 61 Police -Canine 2120 62 Police -Professional Standards 2121 63 Fire -Overview and Summary 64-65 Fire-Administration 2210 66 Fire -Prevention 2230 67 Fire -Operations 2240 69 Fire -Training 2250 70 Parks and Recreation -Overview and Summary 71-72 Parks and Recreation -Administration 7200 73 Parks and Recreation -Athletics -General 7210 74 Parks and Recreation -Athletics -League 7211 75 Parks and Recreation -Athletics -Partnership 7212 76 Parks and Recreation -Concessions 7220 77 Parks and Recreation -Parks & Grounds 7230 78 Parks and Recreation -Program & Special Events 7240 79 Parks and Recreation -Seniors 7250 80 Parks and Recreation -Senior Center Pool 7251 81 Parks and Recreation -Community Events 7260 82 Parks and Recreation -Hound Ground 7270 83 Parks and Recreation -Splash Playgrounds 7280 84 General Fund Expenditure Detail - 2008-2009 Budget 85-86 General Fund Expenditure Detail - 2007-2008 Revised Budget 87-88 General Fund Expenditure Detail -Budget Comparison 89-90 General Fund Expenditure Detail -Prior Year Actuals 91-92 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Revenue Recap by Fund 93 Expenditure Recap by Fund 94 Special Revenue Funds Police Education Fund 102 95 Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund -Local 103 96 Transportation Improvement Fund 104 97 Solid Waste/Recycling Fund 107 98 Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund -Federal 108 99 Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund 109 100 Arbor Fund 110 101 City of Winter Springs Table of Contents Fund/Div No. Page No. HOA Projects - Streetlighting & Signage Fund 112 102 Storm Reserve Fund 114 103 Road Improvement Fund 115 104 Transportation Impact Fee Fund 140 105 Public Buildings Impact Fee Fund 145 106 Police Impact Fee Fund 150 107 Park Impact Fee Fund 155 108 Fire Impact Fee Fund 160 109 Medical Transport Services Fund Recap 170 110 Medical Transport -Operating 2600 111 Medical Transport -EMS 2610 112 Public and Communications Service Tax Fund 172 113 Electric Franchise Fee Fund 174 114 Fire Assessment Fee Fund 175 115 TLBD TLBD Debt Service Fund 182 116 TLBD Phase II Debt Service Fund 213 117 TLBD Maintenance Fund 184 118 TLBD Phase II Maintenance Fund 185 119 TLBD Phase II Improvements Fund 313 120 Oak Forest Oak Forest Maintenance Fund 191 121 Oak Forest Debt Service Fund 192 122 Oak Forest Capital Projects Fund 309 123 Debt Service Funds 2003 Debt Service Fund 206 124 1999 Debt Service Fund 215 125 Central Winds G.O. Debt Service Fund 225 126 2004 Capital Projects Debt Service Fund 230 127 Capital Project Funds 1999 Construction C.P. Fund 305 128 Revolving Rehabilitation C.P. Fund 306 129 Utility/Public Works Facility C.P. Fund 311 130 Public Facilities C.P. Fund 312 131 HMGP C.P. Fund 314 132 Trotwood Improvements C.P. Fund 315 133 Senior Center Expansion C.P. Fund 316 134 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds Recap 401/420/430 135 Water and Sewer Utility Fund -Overview and Recap 401 136-137 Operating Division Revenues 3600 138 Operating Division Expenditures 3600 139-140 Renewal & Replacement Division 3610 141 Revenue Generation Division 3620 142 2000 Construction Division 3640 143 Development Services Fund -Overview and Recap 420 144-145 Development Services Expenditure Summary 420 146 Plans and Inspections Division 2410 147 Customer Service Division 2411 148 Delinquent Permits Division 2412 149 Stormwater Utility Fund -Overview and Recap 430 150-151 Stormwater Expenditure Summary 430 152 Operating Division Expenditures 3800 153 Engineering Division Expenditures 3810 154 Special Projects Division Expenditures 3820 155 OVERALL BUDGET REVENUES As shown below, based upon a millage assumption of 2.3785 mills, total revenues and transfers in for the FY 2009 Budget will decrease by 18.7%. In addition, $5,390,427 is recommended for appropriation from fund balances. Total revenues, transfers in, and appropriation from fund balances will decrease by 16.6% as follows: FY 08 Original Budget General Fund $21,982,901 Other Governmental Funds $21,853,542 Enterprise Funds $11,857,832 Sub-Total $55,694,275 Appropriation from Fund Balances $5,022,428 Total 60.716.703 OVERALL BUDGET SPENDING FY 09 Manager Recommended Budget Change $17,162,061 (21.9%) $17,574,907 (19.6%) $10,516,463 (11.3%) $45,253,431 (18.7%) $5,390,427 7.3% 50.643.858 1( 6.6%l As shown below, total expenditures and transfers out for the FY 2009 Budget will decrease by 15.9%. In addition, $1,385,659 is recommended for appropriation to fund balances. Total expenditures, transfers out, and appropriation to fund balances will decrease by 16.6% as follows: FY 09 FY 08 Manager Original Recommended Budget Budget Change General Fund $21,652,406 $17,149,027 (20.8%) Other Governmental Funds $23,388,703 $19,290,732 (17.5%) Enterprise Funds $13,498,969 $12,818,440 (5.0%) Sub-Total $58,540,078 $49,258,199 (15.9%) Appropriation to Fund Balances $2,176,625 $1,385,659 (36.3%) Total 60.716.703 50.643.858 1( 6.6%1 OVERALL CHANGE IN FINANCIAL POSITION As shown below, the year-ending cash position in the General Fund will increase slightly, while overall cash position in the Other Governmental Funds and Enterprise Funds w ill decrease. FY 08 FY 09 Projected Projected Year-Ending Year-Ending Cash Position Cash Position Change General Fund $8,639,458 $8,652,492 $13,034 Other Governmental Funds $10,914,713 $9,198,888 ($1,715,825) Enterprise Funds $10,220,922 $7,918,945 ($2,301,977) Total 29.776.093 25.770.325 ($4.005.7681 The overall decrease in Other Governmental Funds and Enterprise Funds cash position is related to large expenditures in capital improvements and does not represent issues with the financial viability of the funds. REVENUE HIGHLIGHTS - AD VALOREM MILEAGE In order to fund the Manager's recommended budget, I recommend a total millage rate of 2.3785 mills for FY 2009, inclusive of a voted debt millage rate of 0.1100 and an operating millage rate of 2.2685 as follows: Non-Voted 2.2685 mills Voted 0.1100 mills Total Millage 2.3785 mills This compares to last year's budget as follows FY 08 FY 09 Change Non-Voted 3.2496 2.2685 (0.9811) Voted 0.1022 0.1100 0.0078 Total 3.3518 2.3785 (0.9733) Assuming the operating millage is adopted at 2.2685, the FY 2009 operating millage rate would be 37.9% under the rolled-back rate of 3.6512 mills based on the tentative estimated property valuation. In light of the Commission decision to forego fire assessments and consolidate fire services with Seminole County in FY 2009, the current year operating millage may be further delineated for comparison purposes as follows: FY 08 FY 09 Change Adopted Operating Millage 3.2496 Fire Fee Equivalent Millage 1.1141 Total Millage/Equivalent 4.3637 4.5984 0.2347 Less County MSTU 2( 3299) 2( 3299) City Operating Millage 2.0338 2.2685 0.2347 Considering the newly imposed County MSTU to fund consolidated fire services, the net operating millage increase to City taxpayers is 0.2347 mills as shown below: City Millage/Equivalent County MSTU Total FY 08 FY 09 Change 4.3637 2.2685 (2.0952) 0 2.3299 2.3299 4.3637 4.5984 0.2347 ii The 0.2347 increase in City operating millage is recommended to help overcome estimated losses in revenue in FY 2009 as follows: Estimated Amendment 1 Effects $545,000 State Revenues 300,000 Interest Income 155,000 Total Estimated Losses $1,000,000 The preliminary estimated Ad Valorem Tax Base for FY 2009 is $2,019,574,380 as follows: Prior Existing Property $1,984,610,518 98.27% Annexations & New Construction 34,963,862 1.73% Total $2,019,574,380 100.00% The decrease in ad valorem taxes from FY 2008 is 9.05% as follows: Prior Existing Property 0.17% Annexations & New Construction 1.57% Amendment 1 Effect 1( 0.79%) Total (9.05%) STATE SHARED REVENUES Projected FY 2009 State Shared Revenues, as provided by the State Department of Revenue, are expected to decrease $294,103 or 7.8% as follows: FY 08 FY 09 Change $3,754,162 $3,460,059 ($294,103) (7.8%) PUBLIC & COMMUNICATION SERVICES TAX & ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE General Fund revenues from the Public & Communication Services Tax and Electric Franchise Fee Funds are expected to increase $73,415 or 1.5% as follows: FY 08 FY 09 Change $4, 771, 085 $4, 844, 500 $73, 415 1.5% OTHER SOURCES Funds from other sources are expected to decrease $2,068,735 or 31.7% due to a projected decrease in interest earnings and the decision to forego fire assessments in FY 2009. This decrease is mitigated in FY 2009 by the implementation of new traffic light enforcement revenues. FY 08 FY 09 Chance $6, 528, 054 $4,459,319 ($2,068,735) (31.7)% iii OTHER RATES AND CHARGES The following changes to other rates and charges are anticipated for FY 2009: 1. Fire Assessments. Consistent with prior Commission action, fire assessments will not be levied in FY 2009 and are not included in this budget. Delinquent fire assessments from the FY 2008 levy, totaling approximately $380,000, are budgeted herein. 2. Traffic Light Enforcement Fines. Implementation of new traffic light enforcement fines, preliminarily estimated to generate $310,000 in revenues, is programmed in the General Fund for FY 2009. 3. Reclaimed Water Charges. Studies on expansion of the City's reclaimed water augmentation system will be on-going during FY 2009. Information on system expansion costs and rates will be presented to the Commission for consideration in the Spring of FY 2009. 4. Impact Fees. An Impact Fee Study is currently underway and will be brought to the Commission for consideration in FY 2009. 5. Solid Waste Charges. The City's solid waste hauler has petitioned for a rate adjustment due to significant increases in fuel costs experienced during FY 2008. The City is currently reviewing this request. If an adjustment is approved, a resulting increase in operating costs for the Solid Waste Fund and an increase in customer rates would occur. It is estimated that residential rates would increase a minimum of $1.00 per month. No other changes in fees and charges are anticipated at this time for FY 2009. EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS -OVERVIEW All departments were asked to trim budgets as much as possible while maintaining current service levels. The Parks & Recreation Department represents a special case in that the Commission has already taken action regarding service level reductions in community events which, therefore, have not been reprogrammed into the FY 2009 budget. Additionally, the smaller departments are obviously the most difficult budgets to reduce. Below is a summary of changes in department budgets over/under the prior year Original Budget: Department Over/(Under) FY 08 Budget Police $298,814 4.5% Executive 28,574 3.9% General Government (101,345) (18.8%) Public Works (29,975) (2.3%) Finance (9,761) (0.8%) Community Development 41,966 2.4% General Services (62,817) (5.1 %) Information Services 3,791 0.3% Parks & Recreation 32,012 1.3% Total $201,259 1.2% Fire (FY09 consolidation) 13,375 N/A Revised Total $214,634 1.3% iv EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS -PERSONNEL COST In FY 2009, $14,662,058 is recommended for funding, representing a 20.7% decrease, in personnel cost. Personnel costs include salaries, FICA, health and life insurance, worker's comp, and pension. FY 09 FY 08 Manager Original Recommended Budget Budget Change General Fund $14,926,998 $11,230,876 (24.8%) Other Governmental Funds $86,864 $350 (99.6%) Enterprise Funds $3,479,060 $3,430,832 (1.4%) Total $18,492,922 $14,662,058 (20.7%) No new employees are recommended in FY 2009. However, as a result of consolidation of fire services with the Seminole County and associated transfer of 50 employees thereto, the resulting number of FTE's for FY 2009 is reduced and would be as follows: Full Time 240.00 Part Time 16.36 NEW REQUEST -SALARIES In light of the current economic environment, funding for the 4% merit increase is not included in the budget for FY 2009. NEW REQUEST -PENSION The budget provides fora 1.5% of payroll increase to cover significant market losses experienced in the Pension Fund in FY 2008. Accordingly, the FY 2009 allocation, as compared to FY 2008, would be as follows: City FY 08 13.5% FY 09 15.0% NEW REQUEST -HEALTH INSURANCE Employee Total 3.0% 16.5% 3.0% 18.0% A 3% reduction in funding for health insurance costs have been built into the budget in anticipation of changes to the approved health insurance plan design for FY 2009. EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS -OPERATING COST In FY 2009, $15,089,970 in Operating Costs is recommended representing an overall 7.4% decrease in Operating Expenses when compared to the FY 2008 Original Budget. v FY 09 FY 08 Manager Original Recommended Budget Budget Change General Fund $5,759,141 $5,324,447 (7.5%) Other Government Funds $5,536,145 $4,781,089 (13.6%) Enterprise Funds $4,875,439 $4,862,920 0( 3%) Total $16,170,725 $14,968,456 (7.4%) EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS -INTERIM DEBT Current Line of Credit Loans The FY 2009 budget includes a $60,000 transfer from the General Fund for the annual debt service payment on a $750,000 draw on the line of credit for the Senior Center Expansion. No other interim debt financing is anticipated at this time. EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS -CAPITAL OUTLAYS Capital Outlays includes Capital Improvements defined as land and improvements to land, and Capital Equipment defined as vehicles and equipment over $1,000 in value. FY 2009 recommended capital outlay requests are 13.2% lower than last year. Most of the capital outlay expenditures in FY 2009 occur in the Road Improvements Fund, 1999 Construction Fund, and Public Works Facility Capital Projects Fund. FY 08 Original Budget FY 09 Manager Recommended Budget Change General Fund $856,569 Other Government Funds $8,438,483 Enterprise Funds $2,132,707 Total $11,427,759 Capital Outlays for FY 2009 include the following: General Fund • Capitallmprovements $80,000 • Vehicles 121,514 • Equipment/Machinery 133,700 • Data Processing Equipment 13,000 Total $348,214 Governmental Funds • Capitallmprovements $7,418,793 • Other Equipment 22,700 Total $7,441,493 $348,214 (59.4%) $7,441,493 (11.8%) $2,027,016 (5.0%) $9,816,723 (14.1%) vi Enterprise Funds • Capitallmprovements • Vehicles • Data Processing • Other Total Total $1, 797,166 48,000 14, 300 167, 550 $2, 027, 016 COMPARISON OF DEPARTMENTAL REQUEST AND MANAGER RECOMMENDATIONS There are no differences between the Department Head requests and the Manager recommendations other than the Community Development Director's request for a new Planner position that I am not recommending for funding at this time. GENERAL FUND FISCAL POLICY TEST Each year we test the General Fund to determine if the fund is in compliance with three fiscal policies as follows: 1. That sufficient recurring revenues exist to pay for all recurring costs, thus avoiding the use of non-recurring revenues and fund balances to fund recurring costs. 2. That sufficient recurring and non-recurring revenues are available to fund non-recurring costs. 3. That the 25% fund balance policy is being maintained (fund balance equal to or exceeding 25% of personnel and operating costs). As shown on Page 1, all three policies are being satisfied for FY 2009. vii INTRODUCTION There are two great challenges for the General Fund in FY 2009 as follows 1. How will we be able to maintain service expectations with an approximate loss in general fund revenues of $1,000,000 while confronting unprecedented increases in cost driven by soaring energy prices? 2. How will we protect the fiscal soundness of the pension plan related to the temporary reduced earnings caused by the downturn in the equity market associated with the recession? In addressing these issues the staff has worked many hours to reduce budgets in an attempt to off sett the effects of increases energy costs and reduced interest earnings resulting in a 1.2% increase in the general fund. The staff has also indentified some $495,000 in new revenue opportunities. However, these cost cutting and new revenue measures are not sufficient to fully maintain current service levels, and provide adequate support to our employees. In that regard the staff is providing the Commission with the following four budget scenarios. Each scenario has millage implications. Scenario 1: Represents a no millage increase spending plan. This scenario requires additional cuts in current programs when added to the deep cuts contained in the Scenario 2- base budget. Scenario 2 -Base Budget: Represents a millage increase off setting Amendment "1" revenue losses in order to maintain current service levels, except in recreation where community events have been deleted This alternative does not provide for any salary increases and replaces our current insurance plan with an HSA type plan which reduces city health insurance costs by 3%, but increases the cost of health insurance for employees Scenario 3: Represents a millage increase off setting approximately 2/3 of the $1,000,000 revenue loss. It also adds new revenue sources. It adds back salary increases, and increases the city contribution to employee health insurance, and a portion of the community events not included in the base budget. Scenario 4: Represents a millage increase sufficient off setting 100% of the $1,000,000 loss of revenues and additional revenue sources. This scenario adds back salary increases, increases our employee health insurance contributions, and numerous program cuts. Schedules are provided defining the following: Table 1. Budget Scenarios Table 2. Additional Expenditure Cuts to that provided in the Base Budget. Table 3. Expenditure Add Backs to the Base Budget. Table 4. New Revenue Sources not provided for in the Base Budget. viii FY 2009 BASE BUDGET GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Considering Fire Department Consolidation I am recommending a 1.27 increase over the FY 2008 budget for FY 2009 and a 2.2685 operating millage to fund the base budget. FY 08 FY 09 +/_ +/_ Budget Budget Expenditures Including Fire Department 21,652,406 17,149,027 4,503,379 20.80 Expenditures Including Fire Department Consolidation 16,934,393 17,149,027 214,634 1.27 The base budget includes one new source of revenue generated from the proposed automated red light ticketing system in an amount of $310,000. The budget does not provide for any additional pay increases. Furthermore, the base health insurance plan has been changed to an HSA type plan which actually reduces the city's and employees cost of health insurance premiums by 3%, but increases employee up front out of pocket cost. Attached are three additional budget scenarios, a list of proposed new revenues sources, additional spending reductions, and expenditure add backs for Commission consideration. ix FY 2009 BASE BUDGET OPERATING MILEAGE I am recommending an operating millage of 2.2685 for FY 2009. This millage was arrived at as follows: FY 2008 FY 2009 Difference Millage Adopted Millage - FY 08 3.2496 - - Fire Fee Equivalent 1.1141 - - Total Millage/Equivalent 4.3637 4.5984 0.2347 Less County MSTU (2.3299) (2.3299) - City Millage 2.0338 2.2685 0.2347 x FY 2009 BASE BUDGET GENERAL FUND OPERATING MILEAGE As shown below, the recommended operating millage of 2.2685 mills represents a 0.9811 reduction in millage for FY 2009. FY 2008 Millage 3.2496 FY 2009 Recommended Millage 2.2685 (0.9811) Considering the newly imposed County MSTU utilized to fund consolidated fire services the net increase in operating millage to city taxpayers is 0.2347 mills as shown below. FY 08 FY 09 +/- City Millage/Equivalent 4.3637 2.2685 County MSTU -0- 2.3299 4.3637 4.5984 0.2347 The 0.2347 net increase in city millage to taxpayers is recommended to help overcome estimated losses in revenue in FY 2009 as follows. Estimated Amendment "1" 545,000 State Shared Revenue 300,000 Interest Earnings 155,000 Total Losses $1,000,000 xi FISCAL YEAR 2009 BASE BUDGET GENERAL FUND NEW REVENUE SOURCES The base budget includes $310,000 in new revenue which will be generated by the proposed automated camera red light system. Inclusion of this new revenue service has an element of risk for two reasons as follows: 1. Although our estimates are far below estimates provided by the vendor and the experience of other cities, due to the large number of variables unique to each city's traffic flows, the actual amount of revenue will not be known until the system is operational for several months. 2. Second, the Legislature has its eyes on this system. There was considerable interest among some Legislators in the previous Legislative Session in either prohibiting the system statewide, or taking a portion of the revenue for the State. xii FY 2009 BASE BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPEDITURES OVER UNDER FY 2008 BUDGET BY DEPARTMENT INCLUSIVE OF FIRE CONSOLIDATION Departments Police 298,814 4.5 Executive 28,574 3.9 Community Development 41,966 2.4 Parks and Recreation 32,102 1.3 Fire Department 13,375 N.A. Information Services 3,791 0.3 Finance (9,761) (0.8) Public Works (29,975) (2.3) General Services (62,817) (5.1) General Government (101,345) (18.8) Total 214,634 1.27 xiii BASE BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES OVER UNDER FY 2008 BUDGET BY DEPARTMENT (INCLUSIVE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT) Departments Police 298,814 4.5 Executive 28,574 3.9 Community Development 41,966 2.4 Parks and Recreation 32,012 1.3 Information Services 3,791 0.3 Finance (9,761) (0.8) Public Works (29,975) (2.3) General Services (62,817) (5.1) General Government (101,345) (18.8) Fire Department (4,704,638) (99.7) Total (4,905,897) (22.6) xiv BASE BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES OVER (UNDER) FY 2008 BUDGET BY FUNCTION CONSIDERING FIRE DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATION Excluding the Fire Department FY 2009 expenditures increased 1.27% over the adopted budget. +/- +/- Personnel Services Operations and Maintenance Short Term Debt-Vehicle Lease Purchase Inter Fund Transfers Capital Outlays 216,461 1.93 (23,164) (0.4) -0- 0.0 135,792 123.8 (114,135) (33.5) Total 214,634 1.27 xv FY 2009 BASE BUDGET SIGNIFICANT INCREASES AND DECREASES IN EXPENDITURES OVER FY 2008 Personnel Services Increases Salaries /FY 08 Merit Increases 118,432 1.5 Pension Expense 126,366 11.8 Decreases Health/Life Insurance (61,6500) (7.0) The 1.5% increase in salaries represents FY 08 approved merit increases flowing through the FY 09 budget. The 11.8% increase in pension expense represents the increase contribution to the pension fund. State statutes require the City to maintain the financial integrity of its pension plan. Although the City has maintained one of the most fiscal sound pension plans in the State, unusually large reductions in investment earnings has reduced the asset value of the pension plan below normal previous projections. Although the plan continues to be fiscally sound, I am recommending that the City Commission take pro active protection measures in the form of a 1 and %2 percent increase in contribution rates in FY 09. Studies underway will provide more definitive information regarding strategies that may or may not be needed to address this down cycle in earnings. The (7%) reduction in health insurance represents reductions in insurance premiums. In the initial bids from health insurance carriers for the FY 09 renewal period to maintain the city's current base plan was 28%. Through negotiation our broker was able to reduce that cost to 14.8% to maintain our current base plan. Only two of the seven insurance carriers asked to bid returned a bid due to our past years cost experience. Due to the current economic situation I wanted to find a no cost increase option for the Commission to review. After extensive review of the bids, we are recommending a three tier plan for the Commission to review. The current cost sharing concept is retained. The current cost sharing involves the city paying 100% of the employees' cost and 28% of the additional cost for family coverage. Plan Type Cost Increase (Decrease) New HSA Plan (3.0%) Amended Current Plan 6.8% Current Plan 14.80% xvi As proposed, the new HSA (Health Services Account) plan will become the city's new base plan. The HSA plan is a high deductible plan that pays 100% of all cost after the initial deductible is satisfied. The HSA plan provides for a personal savings account in which the employee sets aside a certain amount of money through payroll deduction to help satisfy the high deductible, which in this case is $1,500 for the employee and $3,000 for the family. The city may, if it desires, contribute to the savings plan. In order to provide a no cost increase option to the City Commission this year I am recommending that the city not contribute to the employees savings plan this year, but consider it in future years. If the employee rejects the HSA plan the employee can buy up to the amended plan fora 7% increase in the employees cost, or retain the current plan with a 14.8% increase in cost. Operating Expenses Increases Fuel and Oil 152,290 73.6 Utility Services 89,150 35.0 Utility Services-Street Lights 62,000 15.9 Legal Services 50,000 20.09 Building Maintenance 31,400 71.4 Decreases Insurance Settlements (25,000) (25) Promotional Activity (Community Events) (220,100) (87.3) 17-92 CRA (62,345) (41.6) The 71.4% increase represents repairs and maintenance to the police department for sealing and repainting the building. InterFund Transfers Increase Transfers to other Funds 140,000 100.0% The $140,000 transfer represents 140,000 in general fund revenues being transferred from the general fund to the Trotwood Park improvement fund. Capital Outlaw Decreases Vehicles 29,000 100.0 Construction in Progress 65,000 52.0 The 52.0% reduction in construction in progress results less capital projects being rolled over into the FY 09 budget. xvii TABLE 1 FY 2009 BUDGET SCENARIOS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Scenario 1 (Base Budget) Scenario 2 ^ No Millage Inc. Operating Millage Rate 2.0338 Operating Millage Delta from Base (0.2347) Gains/(Losses) from Base Budget: New Property Tax Revenue (455,000) New Operating Revenue 185,000 Total Gains/(Losses) from Base Budget (270,000) EXPENDITURES Cost Reductions: Concessions 24,800 Contract Park Maintenance 83,000 Sr. Center Loan Pay-Off 60,000 Community Development 25,000 Eliminate 1 Non-Sworn Police Position 50,000 Eliminate 1 Public Works Position 30,000 Total Reductions 272,800 Add-Backs: 4% Merit Cody Pay Plan Upgrades Health Insurance-Amended Plan Health Insurance-Current Plan Christmas Parade Christmas Tree Lighting Christmas Concert Spring CONcert July 4th Event Lot Clearing Fire Dept.-2 Positions Total Add-Backs 2.2685 xviii Scenario 3 Scenario 4 ^ Overrides Amd. 1 ^ Overrides All & State Losses Losses ^ Funds Partial ^ Funds All Add-Backs Add-Backs 2.3545 2.4646 0.0860 0.1961 175,000 396,000 185,000 185,000 360,000 581,000 180,000 180,000 36,000 36,000 62,000 62,000 68,000 7,000 7,000 15,000 15,000 23,000 23,000 60,000 60,000 15,000 92,000 360,000 581,000 TABLE 2 FY 2009 ADDITIONAL BUDGET REDUCTIONS GENERAL FUND Expense Millage $$ Equivalent Police Delay Building Repairs 31,000 0.015 Absorb Code Enforcement Bureau into Patrol & Eliminate 4 Sworn Officers 240,000 0.119 Eliminate 3 Non-Sworn Officers 150,000 0.074 Total Police 421,000 0.208 Recreation & Parks Trotwood Park Expansion-Operating 15,000 0.007 Trotwood Park Expansion-Capital 150,000 0.074 Paw Park Operations 20,000 0.010 Contract Concessions 24,800 0.012 Contract Neighborhood Park Maintenance-Operating 50,000 0.025 Contract Neighborhood Park Maintenance-Capital 33,000 0.016 Eliminate Senior Center Bus Service 37,400 0.019 Reduce Sr. Center to 3 Day per Week Operation 40,000 0.020 Senior Center Expansion Loan-Pay Off from Reserves 60,000 0.030 Total Parks & Recreation 430,200 0.213 Community Development Reduce Town Center Consulting 5,000 0.002 Reduce General Consulting 5,000 0.002 Reduce Comp Plan Consulting 5,000 0.002 Reduce General Maintenance 5,000 0.002 Reduce Town Center Maintenance 5,000 0.002 Eliminate Neighborhood Grants 15,000 0.007 Reduce Tree Trimming 5,000 0.002 Eliminate Arbor Position 50,000 0.025 Total Community Development 95,000 0.047 Executive Reduce Newsletter 17,000 0.008 Eliminate Community Grants: WFME 5,000 0.002 Meals on Wheels 5,000 0.002 Other Undesignated 12,000 0.006 Eliminate W/Spgs/Oviedo Chamber of Commerce 3,750 0.002 Eliminate Seminole County Chamber of Commerce 850 0.000 Total Executive 43,600 0.022 General Services Reduce Small Insurance Settlements 25,000 0.012 Eliminate Christmas Employee Gifts 8,200 0.004 Eliminate Telephone Operator 10,500 0.005 Eliminate Employee Awards 7,300 0.004 Total General Services 51,000 0.025 Information Services Eliminate Multi Media Position 36,000 0.018 Total Information Services 36,000 0.018 Public Works Eliminate 2 Employees 60,000 0.030 Total Public Works 60,000 0.030 Total Reductions 1,136,800 0.563 XIX TABLE 3 FY 2009 POTENTIAL EXPENDITURE ADD-BACKS GENERAL FUND ADD BACKS Merit Pay Cody Study Range Adjustments Health Insurance (Increments): Amended Plan Cvg. - 7% Current Plan Cvg. - Add'I 7.8% Christmas Parade Christmass Tree Lighting Christmass CONcert Spring Concert July 4th Event Fire Dept.-2 Positions Court Services fro Lot Clearing Total Expense Millage $$ Equivalent 180,000 0. 089 30,000 0. 015 62,000 0. 031 68,000 0. 034 7,000 0. 003 15,000 0. 007 23,000 0. 011 23,000 0. 011 60,000 0. 030 92,000 0. 046 15,000 0. 007 575,000 0. 285 xx TABLE 4 FY 2009 POTENTIAL NEW/ADDITIONAL REVENUE SOURCES GENERAL FUND POTENTIAL REVENUES Increase Slpash Pad Fees Increase League Fees Therapy Pool Classess Civic Center Seminars Return to SBA Total Revenue Millage $$ Equivalent 30,000 0.015 20,000 0.010 5,000 0.002 5,000 0.002 125,000 0.062 185,000 0.092 xxi City Manager Ronald W. McLemore City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese Department Directors City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces Finance Michelle Greco General Services Kevin Smith Information Services Joanne Dalka Public Works/Utility Kipton Lockcuff Community Development Randy Stevenson Police Daniel Kerr Fire (interim) David O'Brien Parks and Recreation Chuck Pula A 1 City of Winter Springs Organizational Chart Citizens of Winter Springs Mayor and City Commission Advisory Boards City Manager City Attorney Information Services I Finance Director I Community Development I Fire Chief Police Chief Public WorkslUtility I Parks & Recreation I General Services Director Director Director Director •Administration •Administration •Administration •Administration •Administration •Administration •Administration •Accounting •Comp Planning •Fire/Rescue •Records •Stormwater •Civic/Senior •HR •Debt Mgmt. •Land Mgmt. •Fire Prevention •Communications •Transportation •Parks/Field Maint. •Risk Mgmt. •Treasury Mgmt. •Permit & Insp. •EMS •Patrol •Engineering •Athletics •Purchasing •Meter Services •Investigations •Water Mgmt. •Rec. Programs •Budgeting •Code Enforcement Water •Concessions Wastewater *The City Manager is appointed by the Commission. *The City Clerk is appointed by the Mayor with ratification of the City Commission and works under the direction of the City Manager. *The City Attorney is appointed by the Mayor with ratification of the City Commission and works under the direction of the City Commission. *Advisory Boards are appointed by the Mayor and City Commission and work under the direction of the City Commission. A 2 Winter Springs at a Glance The City of Winter Springs, incorporated in 1959, is located in Seminole County, which is part of the greater Orlando metropolitan area in East Central Florida. This area is one of the fastest growing areas in the county. The City currently has a land area of 14.78 square miles and a population of approximately 35,000 which is up approximately 30% from that of ten years ago. The City operates according to a Council/Manager form of government, with an appointed City Manager, five elected City Commissioners and a separately elected Mayor. The governing body is responsible for passing ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing committees, and hiring the City's Manager, Clerk, and Attorney. The City Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the governing body, for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the government, and for hiring the directors of the various departments. The City of Winter Springs provides a full range of services, including police and fire protection; the construction and maintenance of highways, streets, and other infrastructure; and recreational activities and cultural events. The City maintains a Water and Sewer Utility, a Stormwater Management Fund, and a Development Services Fund which essentially function as departments of the City of Winter Springs. The City of Winter Springs is primarily a retail, office and residential area with a small amount of light industry and commerce. The City's total assessed valuation for real and personal property has maintained steady growth and local indicators continue to point to a continued trend of growth as the City works with builders, developers and residents for both commercial and residential development. This year however, the preliminary valuations are down approximately 9% from the previous fiscal year, largely due to the effects of Amendment One (see pages A24-A25). .. ~~~~~ a Financial and Budget Introduction The operations for the City of Winter Springs are accounted for on the basis of fund and account groups. A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The City of Winter Springs, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. Fund Categories All of the funds of the City of Winter Springs can be divided into three categories governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds. The City has four types of governmental funds: General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, and Capital Project. The City of Winter Springs maintains one type of proprietary fund called enterprise funds. Such funds have been established for the Water and Sewer Utility, Development Services, and the Storm Water Management Fund. The Pension Trust Fund is the only fiduciary fund and is not reflected in this budget because the resources of such funds are held for the benefit of parties outside the government. It is the only fund that is included in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report that is not included in this budget. The basis of accounting for budgetary purposes is the same as that used for the audited financial statements as indicated below. Also designated is each fund's classification as a major or non-major fund as determined by the calculation used in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. A major fund is one whose revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets, or liabilities (excluding extraordinary items) are at least 10 percent of corresponding totals for all governmental or enterprise funds and at least 5 percent of the aggregate amount for all governmental and enterprise funds for the same item. Governmental: General Fund MAJOR/modified accrual basis This is the chief operating fund of the City of Winter Springs. It accounts for all financial resources of the general government, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds (#102) Police Education Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund accounts for the costs of educational expenses for police officers. It is funded by a portion of the collections from fines and forfeitures. (#103 and 108) Special Law Enforcement Trust Funds (Local and Federal, respectively) non-major/modified accrual basis These funds were established to receive revenues derived from confiscated property obtained during the enforcement of illegal operations. Proceeds are utilized strictly for law enforcement purposes, exclusive of salaries and vehicles. Such purposes may include drug education programs such as the DARE program. A 4 (#104) Transportation Improvement Fund non-major/modified accrual basis Revenues in this fund are derived from Local Option Gasoline Tax distribution. Proceeds are to be used for road, right of way, and drainage maintenance and equipment necessary to build or maintain roads, right of ways, and drainage. (#105) Parks Donation Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to record funds received from new developers for the acquisition of land for recreational purposes in lieu of land donated by these developers for recreational purposes. (#107) Solid Waste/Recycling Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for fees for solid waste and recycling services performed by contract vendors. Proceeds are used to pay monthly vendor charges for providing solid waste and recycling services. (#109) Emergency and Disaster Relief Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to capture the costs of hurricane preparation and recovery due to the unusually active and costly 2004 hurricane season. (#110) Arbor Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for arbor revenues. This revenue source is used to maintain plantings in the City. (#112) HOA Projects - Streetlighting & Signage Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to account for streetlighting and signage projects for homeowners associations. (#114) Storm Reserve Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established when the new solid waste contract was structured. One dollar per month per residential customer will be assessed for storm clean-up via the Solid Waste Fund and transferred into this fund for that purpose. (#115) Road Improvements Fund MAJOR/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for collected one-cent sales tax revenues to be used for Town Center road improvements. (#140) Transportation Impact Fee Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for collected impact fees on new development to help defray the cost of future road construction as a result of growth. A 5 (#145) Public Facilities Impact Fee Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for the collected impact fees on new development to defray the cost of capital investment needed to maintain public buildings due to future growth. (#150) Police Impact Fee Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for collected impact fees on new development to help defray the cost of capital investment needed to maintain the level of police service due to future growth. (#155) Parks Impact Fee Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for collected impact fees on new development to defray the cost of capital investment needed to develop and improve the parks due to future growth. (#160) Fire Impact Fee Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for collected impact fees on new development to help defray the cost of capital investment needed to maintain the level of fire service due to future growth. (#170) Medical Transport Services Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to receive revenues generated from fees charged for paramedic services. The proceeds from this fund are used to pay for the incremental costs related to providing these services. (#172) Public and Communications Service Tax Fund MAJOR/modified accrual basis This fund accounts for collections of utility taxes charged on electric, water and gas services as well as telecommunications service taxes. Proceeds are used to pay annual debt service and monies not required to pay debt service are transferred to the General Fund. (#174) Electric Franchise Fee Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for proceeds of electric franchise fees. These proceeds are used to pay annual debt service and monies not required to pay debt service are transferred to the General Fund. (#175) Fire Assessment Fee Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for the Fire Assessment Fees. This revenue stream will only be collected for those fees related to the 2008 fiscal year. As of October 2, 2008, Winter Springs' Fire Department will be consolidated with the Seminole County Fire Department. (#184 and #185) TLBD Maintenance Funds (Phase 1 and 11, respectively) non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for collected special assessments for maintenance related to the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District phases I and II. In fiscal year 2006-2007, A 6 these maintenance programs were streamlined into one assessment district and are accounted for in fund #182. (#191) Oak Forest Maintenance Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for collected special assessments for maintenance related to the Oak forest subdivision wall. Debt Service Funds (#182 and #213) TLBD Debt Service Funds (phases 1 and 11, respectively) #182 - MAJOR/modified accrual basis; #213 -non-major/modified accrual basis These funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of principal, interest and related costs for the 2001 and 2006 special assessment bond issues. (#192) Oak Forest Debt Service non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of principal, interest, and related costs for the 2000 note payable (Oak Forest portion). (#206) 2003 Debt Service Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of principal, interest, and related costs for the 2003 bond issue. (#215) 1999 Debt Service Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of principal, interest, and related costs for the 1999 bond issue. (#225) Central Winds General Obligation Debt Service Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of principal, interest, and related costs for the 2002 limited general obligation bond. (#230) 2004 Capital Projects Debt Service Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of principal and interest for the Capital Improvement Revenue Note Series 2004. Capital Projects Funds (#305) 1999 Construction Capital Projects Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established for the acquisition and construction of City-owned capital improvements. (#306) Revolving Rehabilitation Capital Projects Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to provide loans for rehabilitation projects within the City. (#308 and #313) TLBD Improvements Funds (Phases 1 and 11, respectively) non-major/modified accrual basis A 7 These funds were established to account for the construction of improvements to the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District. (#309) Oak Forest Capital Projects Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to account for construction of the Oak Forest subdivision wall. (#311) Utility/Public Works Facility Capital Projects Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to account for the construction of public facilities -currently the Public Works/Utility Compound. (#312) Public Facilities Capital Projects Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to account for the construction of a number of capital projects, the priority of which has yet to be determined. (#314) HMGP Project Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to account for the Hazard Mitigation Grant revenues and expenditures. The grant monies will reimburse 75% of the eligible project costs, with the remaining to be absorbed by the City via transfers from the Fire, Police, and Park Impact Fee Funds. (#315) Trotwood Improvements Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to account for improvements to Trotwood Park; $200,000 expected in FRDAP grants. (#316) Senior Center Expansion Fund non-major/modified accrual basis This fund was established to account for the Senior Center Expansion project. This project is to include an indoor therapy pool and will heavily rely on CDBG funds from Seminole County. Proprietary: Enterprise Funds (#401) Water and Sewer Utility Fund MAJOR/accrual basis This fund was established to account for the provision of water and sewer services to the residents of the City. All necessary activities associated with providing these services are accounted for in one of four fund categories: Operating, Renewal and Replacement (requires fund balance equivalent to 5% of previous year's gross revenues), Revenue Generation, and 2000 Utility Construction. (#420) Development Services Fund MAJOR/accrual basis This fund was established in 2003 to account for the Plans and Inspections department, the Customer Service department, and the Delinquent Permits department as divisions of an enterprise fund. A 8 (#430) Storm Water Management Fund MAJOR/accrual basis This fund was established to account for the storm water management department as an enterprise fund. Fiduciary: Pension Plan Trust Fund Accrual basis This fund accounts for the contributions to the defined benefit plan. Because this fund accounts for the resources held for the benefit of parties outside the government it is not included in the budget document. Budget Process Annual budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles for all funds. The budget is established through the following procedures: • In January and February, department directors begin the task of budget preparation for the next fiscal year. For several weeks, discussions ensue on many levels and gradually the budget begins to emerge. • About March of each year, the budget calendar is presented by staff and approved by the City Commission. • In the spring, meetings are convened with each department director and their support staff, the City Manager, the Finance Director and the Budget Analyst to evaluate the budget requests. From those in-house workshops, a Preliminary Budget is prepared that includes both the department requests and the City Manager's recommended budget. • On or before July 1 of each year, the City Manager submits this Preliminary Budget to the Commission for consideration. Submission of the fiscal year 2008-2009 Preliminary Budget was slightly delayed due to ramifications from the Fire Department consolidation with Seminole County. • The City Commission then holds informal budget workshops which the public is invited to attend. • In late July, the City Commission sets the tentative millage rate (DR 420) which becomes the millage `ceiling' when approving the annual millage rate and budget in September. Although it is possible for a City to exceed its millage cap, to do so is a difficult and costly process. • Also established at this late-July meeting are the rolled-back rate calculation, the date, time and place of the FIRST Public Hearing. Once these determinations have been made they are communicated via the DR 420 to the Seminole County Property Appraiser, the Seminole County Tax Collector and the Department of Revenue. This information is then advertised via the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM Notice) which is mailed to property owners by the Property Appraiser. • Two to five days prior to the SECOND public hearing the notice of the final budget hearing is advertised in a newspaper of general paid circulation. If a tax increase is proposed that must also be advertised. A 9 • On or before September 30 of each year, after two public hearings, the Commission adopts the final budget and establishes the ad valorem tax millage. • The TRIM (Truth in Millage) compliance package is submitted to the Department of Revenue. • The budget may be formally amended by the Commission at any time (see below). 2009 Fiscal Year Budaet Calendar: Date Function March 11 Commission approves budget calendar April 18 Deadline for Departments to submit budgets to Finance Jul 1 Pro ert A raiser sends DR 420 certification July 14 Preliminary Budget and Budget Message presented to Commission Jul - Au ust Bud et Worksho s with Commission 7/15,7/16,8/12,8/18,8/19 July 28 Commission sets DR 420 cap (Resolution; Regular agenda item) July 30 Notice to Property Appraiser of proposed millage rate, rolled-back rate, date, time, and place of FIRST Public Hearing (within 35 days of value certification) August 25 Deadline for Property Appraiser to send TRIM Notice (This is considered notification of Tentative Budget hearing; must be mailed by PA within 55 days of value certification) September 8 First Public Hearing (Tentative) (within 80 days of value certification but not earlier than 65 days after certification) September 11 Advertisement publication date (Final public hearing must be within 15 days of the tentative public hearing) September 22 Second Public Hearing (Final) Final millage and budget hearing -Adoption of final millage and budget must be done separately and in that order. (Hearing must be held not less than 2 days or more than 5 days after advertisement is published) September 23 Resolution to Property Appraiser and Tax Collector This must be done within 3 days of adoption of final millage rate Soon after the Mail TRIM package to Property Tax Administration Program Department of Final Hearing Revenue (must be submitted within 30 days of final adoption). Submission deadline -October 22nd Budget Transfers and Amendments • The legal level of budgetary control is at the department level. • The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between accounts within a department. • The budget is an annual one, as such, unexpended appropriations for these funds lapse at the end of each fiscal year. • Increases to the budget are accomplished by resolution duly adopted by the Commission. There are usually two amendments to the budget each fiscal year - one at mid-year and one within 60 days of the fiscal year-end. A 10 Budget, Financial and Management Guidelines General • An independent audit will be performed annually. The City administration will promptly evaluate the audit management letter to determine the necessary steps to implement the audit recommendations. • The City will strive to maintain a fund balance in the General and Enterprise funds of 25% of personnel services and operating expenditures. • The City will strive to ensure that personal and operating costs do not exceed recurring revenues; that is, recurring expenses will not be funded with non-recurring revenue. • The City will set user-fees for all enterprise funds at a level that fully supports the total direct and indirect cost of the activity. • It will be the City's highest priority to maintain current service levels for all essential services. • Employee positions are fully-funded. Annual merit increases have been budgeted organization-wide at 0%. Budget • The City will adhere to all Federal, State, and local legal requirements related to the operating budget. • The City will abide by a structured budget process and comply with the "Truth in Millage" state statute which regulates taxing authorities in the millage assessment process. • Budgets are considered balanced when revenues and appropriations from the fund (if applicable) equal expenditures and appropriations to the fund (if applicable). • The City will maintain a budgetary control system to ensure budgetary compliance. • All fund balances will be presented in the annual budget. • The City will attempt to avoid layoffs of permanent employees in order to balance the budget. Purchasing • The City Manager is authorized to purchase or to contract for all commodities and services which do not exceed $25,000; those in excess require written bids and Commission approval. • Regarding bids, the City of Winter Springs intends to secure a source of supply for item(s) or services(s) at the lowest price; early and satisfactory manufacture; and prompt, convenient service and shipment. • Purchase orders over $5,000 must be approved by the City Manager. • Purchases for commodities and services over $2,500 require three quotes unless a sole source vendor is being utilized or the City is piggy-backing off another governmental agency contract. Invactmantc • Cash and investments are managed in accordance with the City's investment policy while providing for liquidity to meet the City's needs in a sound and prudent manner. A 11 • The City administers a cash management and investment program that seeks to maximize, in order of priority, the preservation of funds, liquidity, and interest earnings over its cash and investments. Capital Assets • The City has a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) which it annually reviews and updates to ensure that all necessary capital improvements are being incorporated. This plan is a multi-year prioritized schedule of improvements that lists each capital improvement by intended year of purchase/commencement, the amount of expenditure per year, and the method of financing. • The budget will provide for the maintenance and replacement of capital assets which are defined as expenditures which equal or exceed $1000. • Surplus and obsolete property will be disposed of at public auction. Debt Management • There are no limitations placed on the amount of debt the City may issue either by the City's charter, code of ordinances or by the Florida State Statutes. • Debt service -managed to ensure that timely payment of principal and interest is made and that bond covenants are met so as to maximize efficiency and credit- worthiness. • General obligation debt will not be used to finance the activities of enterprise funds. • The term of bonds shall not exceed the useful life of the expenditure being financed. • For long-term debt, the City uses financial advisors independent of bond brokerage houses and independent bond counsel to determine the best method of financing. • The City will maintain an adequate debt service fund for each bond issue. Pension Plan • The City's pension plan is a defined benefit plan. A participant who retires after reaching the Normal Retirement Date will receive a monthly pension based on a formula that reflects years of service, average compensation and a benefit multiplier. • Employees become plan participants on the first day of the month immediately following the date 6 months after the first day of employment. • The City will provide sufficient funding to the pension plan in order to ensure that the plan will be able to fully meet its obligations to retired employees on a timely basis. • The budget includes a City contribution rate of 15% of the employee's compensation with an employee contribution rate of 3%. A 12 GLOSSARY account number - In accordance with the state chart of accounts, each class of expenditures and revenues is assigned a specific account number for use within the City's accounting system ad valorem tax - A tax levied on assessed value of real property (land and buildings) and personal property (business equipment) within the City and not expressly exempt; also known as property tax accrual basis -method of accounting that recognizes the financial effect of transactions, events, and interfund activities when they occur, regardless of the timing of related cash flows annual budget - An estimate of expenditures for specific purposes during the fiscal year (October 1 -September 30) and the estimated revenues for financing those activities appropriation - An authorization granted by the City Commission to make expenditures and to incur obligations for purposes specified in the budget appropriation resolution assessed valuation - A valuation set upon property by the County Property Appraiser as a basis for levying taxes capital - A level of budgetary appropriation that includes expenses for land, building, machinery and equipment; expenditures must equal or exceed $1000 to be considered for capitalization contingency - An appropriation of funds to cover unforeseen events that occur during the fiscal year debt service -The payment of principal and interest on borrowed funds such as bonds department - An organizational unit comprised of one or more programs, responsible for carrying out a major governmental function depreciation -The decrease in value of physical assets due to use and the passage of time encumbrance - An amount of money committed for the payment of goods and services not yet received or paid enterprise fund - Aself-supporting fund designed to account for activities supported by user charges; the Water and Sewer Fund is an example of an enterprise fund excise tax - A tax assessed on the consumer of a service, usually a utility service that is based upon the level of consumption expenditure -The amount of money actually paid or obligated for payment from City funds fines and forfeitures -Revenues derived from penalties imposed for the commission of statutory offenses, violation of lawful administrative rules and regulations and for neglect of official duty; confiscated property is an example of this category of revenue fiscal year -Any period of 12 consecutive months designated as the budget year. The City's budget year begins October 1 and ends September 30, the same as the Federal Government. The year is represented by the date on which it ends. October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009 would be Fiscal Year 2009 (FY 09) FTE -Full-Time Equivalent, which is calculated on the basis of the number of hours that have been budgeted for a particular position franchise tax - A fee assessed on a business, usually a public utility, in return for giving them the exclusive right to operate inside the City limits fund - An accounting entity that has a set of self-balancing accounts and that records all financial transactions or specific activities of government functions A 13 fund balance -The resources available for appropriation in accordance with the prescribed basis of budgeting fund equity -Net assets less net capital; noncapital portion of net assets GAAP -Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board General Fund -The general operating fund of the City which is supported primarily through taxes, fees and intergovernmental revenues and includes most of the essential governmental services such as police, fire, public works, and general administration GIS -Geographic Information Systems impact fees -Fees charged to developers at the time of development for construction of facilities to serve the development site interFund transfers -flow of assets between funds without equivalent flow of assets in return and without requirement for repayment Kiva -land management software LCIR -The State of Florida's Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations LIBOR -London Interbank Offered Rate; the rate at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the London wholesale money market Local Option Gas - A tax established in 1983 to fund transportation-related improvements maximum millage rate -The maximum millage that a county or municipality may levy with a simple majority vote of the governing body; other voting requirements will allow a municipality to adopt a millage rate in excess of the maximum millage rate millage rate -The tax rate on real and personal property, with one mill equal to $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed property value modified accrual basis - A modification of the accrual basis; revenues recognized when they are measurable and available and expenditures are recognized when governments usually liquidate the liability rather than when that liability is first incurred retirement benefit multiplier -the rate applied to the average compensation multiplied by the employee's years of accrual service to yield the amount payable under the normal retirement pension rolled-back millage rate -The tax rate which produces the same amount of taxes as levied in the prior year when calculated against the current year's tax base exclusive of new construction special revenue funds -Funds established for the purpose of accounting for specific sources which are restricted by law or policy to finance specific activities TLBD - Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District transfers -see interfund transfers Truth in Millage (TRIM) -State statutes governing the determination of millage for taxing authorities; requires strict parameters for advertising, public hearings, levy methods, etc. user charges -The payment of a fee for direct receipt of a public service by the party benefiting from the service utility excise tax - A tax levied by cities on the consumers of various utilities such as electricity, gas, and telephone service A 14 Source and Application of Funds by Fund Type General Other Governmental: Special Revenue Special Assessment Debt Service Capital Project Enterprise Sub-Total Total Appropriations FROM Funds Total Sources " Source of Funds Final Revised 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 Bud et Actual Bud et $21,356,541 $21,084,031 $20,688,632 $11,494,263 $12,935,542 $14,367,665 $739,484 $773,088 $2,068,571 $1,262,748 $1,265,915 $1,311,886 $3,133,352 $3,211,045 $1,916,983 $11,902,808 $10,771,080 $12,164,556 $49,889,196 $50,040,701 $52,518,293 $12.187.483 $4.633.150 $7.608.689 2008-2009 Budget $17,162,061 $14,336,170 $1,275,957 $1,291,480 $671,300 $10,516,463 $45,253,431 Aoolication of Funds Fund Type General Other Governmental: Special Revenue Special Assessment Debt Service Capital Project Enterprise Sub-Total Total Appropriations TO Funds Total Applications " Includes interfund transfers of: 2008-2009 Budget $17,149,027 $13,769,985 $1,366,929 $1,324,550 $2,829,268 $12,818,440 $49,258,199 Final Revised 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 Bud et Actual Bud et $22,712,786 $20,242,009 $22,332,320 $14,085,923 $13,095,711 $14,802,433 $1,189,210 $818,482 $2,336,766 $1,257,725 $1,225,399 $1,292,200 $7,383,965 $5,351,777 $3,633,247 $14,706,697 $9,763,515 $13,992,762 $61,336,306 $50,496,893 $58,389,728 740,373 $4,176,958 $1,737,254 $62,076,679 $54,673,851 $60,126,982 $11,116,058 $10,649,805 $11,408,763 $9,810,962 The 2008-2009 Budget Fire Department consolidation with Seminole County allows removal of the fire assessment fee and a 0.9811 operating millage reduction. The General Fund's budgeted ending fund balance provides a 90-day operating reserve and approximately 4.5 million dollars for non-recurring capital projects and economic development partnership opportunities. (see General Fund Fiscal Policy Test -page 1) A15 Source and Application of Funds City-wide by Function 2008-2009 Budget Budget Source FY 09 Charges for Service Interfund Transfers In Intergovernment Appropriations from Fund Balance Ad Valorem Taxes Utility Taxes Franchise Fees Licenses & Permits Impact Fees Miscellaneous Interest Fines & Forfeitures Fire Assessment Total Sources by Function Application Interfund Transfers Out Capital Outlay Public Safety General Government Water & Sewer (Physical Environment) Debt Solid Waste (Physical Environment) Recreation Community Development Transportation Appropriations to Fund Balance Storm Water (Physical Environment) Total Applications by Function As a Percentage of Total Sources $11,834,067 23.4% $9,810,962 19.4% $7,914,129 15.6% $5,390,427 10.6% $4,611,633 9.1 $4,128,500 8.2% $1,865,000 3.7% $1,319,600 2.6% $1,256,900 2.5% $819,830 1.6% $707,060 1.4% $575,750 1.1 $410,000 0.8% $50,643,858 100.0% As a Percentage Budget of Total FY 09 Applications $9,810,962 19.4% $9,695,209 19.1 $7,766,316 15.3% $5,221,665 10.3% $4,575,253 9.0% $3,542,789 7.0% $2,265,500 4.5% $2,252,776 4.4% $1,765,204 3.5% $1,463,595 2.9% $1,385,659 2.7% $898,930 1.8% $50,643,858 100.0% A16 Z O ~U ~ Z Z_ _ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ''~^^ m vI 0 0 Z Z ~ N ~ ~ O O O V N U~ O ~~ ~~ ss ~s s~ s~ :~ ~~ ~o s ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Y~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ J~ .~ ~~ N ~~ J~ 9~ .~ m s~ s~ ~ ~J ~N ~ d S yJ G~ s ~ e~ T ~~~ s~ f~ ~~ 0 ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~o s c..~ co ~o ~~~ ~ ~~ y o i ~ ~~ s s~ ~~ G~ d ~ 7ic~P G 0 s~ ~y v r Q °o °o °o °o °o °o °o °~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V (V O 00 CO V (V EA EA EA EA ~ ~ ~ Z U ~ Z ~ ~ Z LL }, a ~ °' ~~ ~ ~Zm z~°o ~ o~ ~Zo ~ 0 N ~_ a UV_ J a a Q ~~ d~ ~o v> ~~ V .~ ~ ~ <i~ ~~ O s s cow o~i °Q. yo s~ ~~ ~~ 0 iy ~y O .~ 0 ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ J d ~~ ~o ~~ J~ ~9~ ~ sy o dJ s~ ~'-~. ~o G~ ~~o ~~~ J~ ~i~ y0/ v~o~ ~~ ~~ ~ d y~~~~ ~~ ~~~ J~ ~~9~ O' T 9~ O i ~~ ~J ~~ O m Y~ ~i V~`/ [~ ~h ~~ ~~ Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (V O ~ ~ Source and Application of Funds City-wide by Function Prior Year Revised Budget As a Percentage Source FY 08 of Total Sources Net Appropriation from Fund Balance Interfund Transfers In Loan Proceeds Ad Valorem Taxes Fire Assessment Impact Fees Utility Taxes Franchise Fees Licenses & Permits Charges for Service Intergovernment Miscellaneous Interest $7,608,689 12.7% $11,408,763 19.0% $750,000 1.2% $7,147,536 11.9% $1,040,000 1.7% $1,886,000 3.1 $3,956,485 6.6% $1,968,229 3.3% $1,806,700 3.0% $12,675,879 21.1 $7,590,167 12.6% $929,838 1.5% $1,123,846 1.9% Total Sources by Function $60,126,982 100.0% Revised As a Percentage Budget of Total Application FY 08 Applications Public Safety Capital Outlay Interfund Transfers Out General Government Water & Sewer (Physical Environment) Debt Solid Waste (Physical Environment) Recreation Community Development Appropriation to Fund Balance Transportation Storm Water (Physical Environment) $12,194,917 20.3% $11,617,019 19.3% $11,408,763 19.0% $5,662,338 9.4% $4,579,839 7.6% $3,491,724 5.8% $2,808,468 4.7% $2,428,279 4.0% $1,768,372 2.9% $1,737,254 2.9% $1,512,640 2.5% $917,369 1.5% Total Applications by Function $60,126,982 100.0% A19 ~~ d Z O ~ U °~ Z Z M~ ''^~ LL W vI ~ 0 W ~ N D ti Z O ?>L=LN Q 0 ~ ~U~y U~~ O <tP. s s~ o~ G~ ~y J~ G~! V~ d ~O ~~ J ~ lid O S~ ~~ J d s~ s~ ~~N ~J ~ ~~ N~ yJ G~ S~ ~ f~ /~ s~ ~~ J~ ~~ i d~ ~~ s~ ~~ s~ s ~f ~~, ~~ 0 ~~~ ~~ J O d G~ O~ i s s~ ~~ <i ~JG ~~ R ~~ ~O y ~O ~~R O ~~ d~ 2 O O O O O O O ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O V N O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z O U }, C7 ~ ~ ZIL~ -a, ~ 7 aim ~~o ~Do W Z N Z ~ 0 ?~ Q N ~ Z ~ ~ 0 N ~_ ~ .~ UV~ J a a Q ~~ d~ ~o v> ~~ V ~~ - ~~ ''~ OJ O~ y~ S ~ c~ ~~ ~ o ~~ ~s c~ ~~~ 0 G ~~~~ o~ q' ,/ ~~ O T .~ 0 ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ J d d~ ~o ~'~ J~ ~9~ ~ sy o dJ m s~ ~'~'. ~o G~ ~~o ~~~ J~ ~i~ y0/ v~o~ ~~ ~~ ~ ,t~O y~~y~ ~~ s V~ ~~ ~`/ C~ ~~ T .~ ~O ~~ ~~ T ~~ v~ ~~9~ d N Q °o °o °o °o °o °o °o °~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °o °o °o °o °o °o °o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V (V O 00 CO V (V EA EA EA EA ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL FUND Revenues Expenditures Appropriation To (From) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 PROJECTED CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE/FUND EQUITY Revised FY 07/08 Budget $20,688,632 $22,332,320 ($1,643,688) $9,098,935 ($1,643,688) $7,455,247 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Revenues Expenditures Appropriation To (From) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $19,665,105 $22,064,646 ($2,399,541) $11,351,761 ($2,399,541) $8,952,220 Projected FY 07/08 Budget $20,474,925 $20,934,402 ($459,477) $9,098,935 ($459,477) $8,639,458 $18,353,912 $18,790,960 ($437,048) FY 08/09 Budget $17,162,061 $17,149,027 $13,034 $8,639,458 $13,034 $8,652,492 $17,574,907 $19,290,732 ($1,715,825) Change Between Revised FY 08/09 & FY 08/09 Budget ($3,526,571) ($5,183,293) $1,656,722 ($459,477) $1,656,722 $1,197,245 ($2,090,198) ($2,773,914) $683,716 ($437,048) $683,716 $246,668 $11,351,761 ($437,048) $10,914,713 $10,914,713 ($1,715,825) $9,198,888 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Fund Equity - noncapital portion of net assets Revenues Expenditures (including capital) Appropriation To (From) Fund Balance FUND EQUITY -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND EQUITY -September 30 ($1,648,093) ($1,174,322) ($473,771) $12,164,556 $10,827,402 $10,516,463 $13,992,762 $12,126,722 $12,818,440 ($1,828,206) ($1,299,320) ($2,301,977) Net Assets less Net Capital $11,520,242 $11,520,242 $10,220,922 ($1,828,206) ($1,299,320) ($2,301,977) $9,692,036 $10,220,922 $7,918,945 ($1,299,320) ($473,771) ($1,773,091) A22 This page intentionally left blank. A23 Ad Valorem Taxes Ad valorem taxes represent the largest single revenue source to the City. For fiscal year 2009 the ad valorem revenue budget accounts for 26% of the total budgeted revenue for the General Fund. The amount of ad valorem revenue generated is a function of the gross final taxable value as established by the Seminole County Property Appraiser and the millage rate (per thousand dollars of property valuation) established by the City Commission. The following graph shows the final gross taxable value (DR-422) for the last ten fiscal years. Please note that the valuation identified for fiscal year 2009 is not the final valuation but rather the preliminary valuation as submitted by the Property Appraiser on the DR-420. Final Gross Taxable Value Percentage Incr Fiscal Year Tax Year from DR-422 (Decry 1999 1998 $906,032,833 6.1 2000 1999 $972,980,638 7.4% 2001 2000 $1,065,390,346 9.5% 2002 2001 $1,184,740,270 11.2% 2003 2002 $1,266,969,110 6.9% 2004 2003 $1,365,985,321 7.8% 2005 2004 $1,483,116,250 8.6% 2006 2005 $1,661,073,712 12.0% 2007 2006 $2,003,805,968 20.6% 2008 2007 $2,220,522,082 10.8% From Property Appraiser DR-420: 2009 2008 $2,019,574,380 -9.0% Final Gross Taxable Value $2,500 $2,300 $2,100 ~ $1,900 o $1,700 $1,500 ~ $1,300 ~ $1,100 $900 $700 $500 ~~~~ 0~0 0~~ o~~, 0~3 o~D~ ooh o~~ 0~1 o0cb Fiscal Year A24 Ad Valorem Taxes (cor,Yd> Florida Statute 200.065 -Truth in Millage Bill (TRIM): This statute went into effect with fiscal year 1982. This law will only allow a taxing authority to receive the same dollar amount of property tax in each subsequent year without advertising a tax increase. If property values increase, exclusive of new construction, the taxing authority is required to reduce, or roll back, the millage rate in order to receive the same tax dollars as the previous year. Any millage in excess of the rolled-back millage is considered a tax increase and must be publicly advertised. Additionally, any tax increase must be publicly announced at two public hearings prior to the budget adoption. House Bill 1 B was passed by the Legislature on June 14, 2007 and signed into law on June 21, 2007. A key provision of this legislation provides for maximum millage rates defined as the maximum millage that may be levied with a simple majority vote. House Bill 1 B allows for millage rates higher than the maximum millage rate by meeting other voting requirements. Atwo-third's vote will allow an operating millage rate up to the rolled-back rate and a unanimous vote will allow an operating millage rate up to the current year's operating millage rate. Florida Statutes 200.185 and 200.186 Amendment One which was passed in January 2008 resulted in the following revisions to the State Constitution: - Doubling of the Homestead Exemption from $25,000 to $50,000 - Allowance of up to $500,000 of accumulated Save-Our-Homes exemption can be transferred (portability) from an existing homestead property to a newly purchased one - Creation of a new exemption for the first $25,000 of assessed value for tangible personal property - 10% cap per year on the increase of the assessed value of anon-homestead property The following chart shows the millage history, both operating and voted debt, for the City of Winter Springs for the last ten fiscal years. Millage Rate Fiscal Year Tax Year Operating Voted Debt Total Millage 1999 1998 3.5495 3.5495 2000 1999 3.5495 3.5495 2001 2000 3.5400 3.5400 2002 2001 3.7708 3.7708 2003 2002 4.1658 4.1658 2004 2003 4.3000 0.2500 4.5500 2005 2004 4.3000 0.2500 4.5500 2006 2005 4.6126 0.1374 4.7500 2007 2006 4.2919 0.1100 4.4019 2008 2007 3.2496 0.1022 3.3518 2009 2008 2.2685 0.1100 2.3785 Operating & Voted Debt Millage Rates 5.0 4.5 d ~ 4.0 3.5 3.0 A25 General Fund Transfers In The General Fund receives a number of transfers from other funds which are both recurring and non-recurring in nature. The primary examples of non-recurring transfers relate to short lived special projects such as records imaging and KIVA initiatives as well as transfers associated with grant activity. Many of the recurring transfers are the result of centralized costs being allocated to the funds to which those costs relate. Examples include Utility Billing (1360), City Hall Operator (1915), and recurring KIVA initiatives (1343) to name a few. Two transfers coming from the Public and Communication Service Tax Fund and the Electric Franchise Fee Fund are expected to comprise a significant percentage of the General Fund revenues, approximately 21 % and 7%, respectively. These funds have dedicated revenue streams which have been obligated to pay the annual debt service for the 2003 Debt Service Fund (206) and the 1999 Debt Service Fund (215). After the debt service has been satisfied remaining fund balances are transferred to the General Fund. Public and Communications Services Tax Fund (Utility taxes -Sections 1-2, Art. Vlll State Constitution, Municipal Ordinances 751, 2001-42, 2005- 13; Comm Svc. -Sections 202.19(1), F.S] This fund collects utility taxes on electric, water, gas and communication service. The electric utility and communication service taxes make up approximately 91 % of the PCST fund revenues. The Florida Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (LCIR) provides projections for the communications services tax which was utilized in the upcoming fiscal year budget. The other fund revenues were projected using aweighted-average trend analysis. The following chart reflects seven years of historical data for the major revenue sources as well as estimates for fiscal years' 2008 and 2009. A26 Electric Franchise Fee Fund (Home Rule Authority -Sections 7-2, Art. Vlll, State Constitution) There is only one revenue stream for this fund -electric franchise fees from Progress Energy. The following chart reflects six years of historicals for this revenue source. The current and upcoming fiscal year projections are based on aweighted-average trend analysis. Electric Franchise Fees $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 prof Other Funds Receiving Significant Transfers The following list represents other funds expected to receive significant transfers during the upcoming fiscal year along with the anticipated amount and reason for transfer: Fund Amount Reason for Transfer Storm Reserve Fund (#114) $138,000 From Solid Waste /Recycling special revenue fund for future emergency storm clean-up 2003 Debt Service Fund (#206) $858,000 From PCST and EFFF Funds (50/50) for debt service requirements related to the series 2003 Improvement Refunding Revenue Bonds 1999 Debt Service Fund (#215) $146,000 From PCST and EFFF Funds (50/50) for debt service requirements related to the series 1999 Improvement Refunding Revenue Bonds 2004 Capital Project DS Fund $60,000 From General Fund for debt service requirements related to the line (#230) of credit draw ($750,000) for the Senior Center Therapy Pool Expansion Utility/Public Works Facility C.P. $200,000 From Stormwater ($100,000) and Transportation Improvement Fund (#311) ($100,000) Funds for construction costs related to the Utility/PW Facility W&S -Renewal & Replacement $200,000 From W&S -Operating (401-3600) for the cost of extensions, Fund (#401-3610) enlargements, additions to, or replacement of capital assets of the system and emergency repairs. Per the bond covenants this fund balance must be at least 5% of preceeding year's gross revenues. Stormwater Fund (#430) $59,510 From W&S and General Fund for their portions of Stormwater- Engineering costs (#3810), 20% and 10%, respectively A27 Major Inter-Governmental Revenues State-Shared Revenues There are a number of taxes imposed by the State and shared with counties, municipalities and school districts. Based on eligibility requirements the state allocates a portion of state-collected taxes to specified local governments. Two of the state-shared revenues which provide a significant percentage of total fund revenues for the General Fund are Municipal Revenue Sharing and Local Government Half-Cent Sales Tax. Municipal Revenue Sharing Program (Sections 206.605(1), 206.879(1), 212.20(6), and 218.20-.26, Florida Statutes] In order to ensure a certain level of parity across local government units the Florida Revenue Sharing Act of 1972 was enacted. Typically, legislation is passed each year that could potentially impact the amount of sales tax revenues available for distribution to municipal governments. Florida's Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (LCIR) provides projections which are the basis for the budget. During fiscal year 2008 it is expected that this revenue will contribute approximately 6% of total General Fund revenues. Local Government Half-Cent Sales Tax Program (Sections 212.20(6) and 218.60-.66, Florida Statutes] This program which was authorized in 1982 is the largest revenue generator among the state-shared revenue sources. The program's primary purpose is to provide funding for local programs while offering relief from ad valorem and utility taxes. Distribution is based on allocation formulas; projections for the upcoming fiscal year come from LCIR. During fiscal year 2008 it is expected that this revenue will contribute approximately 14% of total General Fund revenues. Local Discretionary Sales Surtax (Sections 212.054-.055, Florida Statutes] There are seven types of local discretionary sales surtaxes currently authorized for county and municipal government revenue sources. This surtax is also referred to as local option sales taxes. The Road Improvements Fund (#115) receives the Local Government Infrastructure Surtax -Section 212.055(2), Florida Statutes. This 1 % surtax became effective in Seminole County on January 1, 2002 and will expire on December 31, 2011. Based on the anticipated completion of eligible projects during fiscal year 2008 it is expected that this revenue stream will contribute approximately 89% of this fund's revenues. A28 Charges for Services [Utility Fees -Home Rule Authority Sections 1-2, Art. Vlll, State Constitution] The Water and Sewer Utility Fund and the Stormwater Funds are enterprise funds whose primary revenue streams consist of Charges for Service with a customer base of approximately 12,500. The Solid Waste fund is a special revenue fund established to account for fees for solid waste and recycling services performed by contract vendors for the benefit of approximately 11,100 customers. The City has retained a consultant to review the adequacy of all utility rates, fees and charges for the operation, maintenance, replacement and debt service of the water and wastewater systems. Implementation of any rate changes is anticipated in FY 08/09. The following chart indicates the current charges for these services: Irrigation Water (3/4" meter) Reclaimed Meters Sewer' Base facility charge Base facility charge - non-metered $4.39 n/a $3.55 n/a $8.55 n/a Consumption rates per gallon: 0 - 5, 000 5, 000 - 10, 000 10,001 to 15,000 15,001 - 20,000 20,001 - 25,000 25,001 - 30,000 30,001 and over $1.11 $0.25 $1.53 $1.11 $0.25 $1.82 $1.53 $0.25 $2.13 $1.82 $0.25 $2.44 $2.13 $0.50 $3.04 $2.44 $0.50 $3.04 $3.04 $0.50 $3.04 ~- Sewer is only charged on the first 10,000 gallons Stormwater - $5.50/month and per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) Solid Waste (garbage and recycling) - $18.10/month Additional cart rate - $10.55/month Fire Assessment Fee [Home Rule Authority, Sections 1-2, Art. VIII, State Constitution, Chapter 170, F.S. (2007)) $8.09 n/a $3.16 $3.16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a During fiscal year 2007-2008, the City Commission unanimously voted to institute a Fire Assessment Fee. The fire assessment fee, in concert with the reduction in millage, made it possible to satisfy the intent of the new statutory legislation to reduce property taxes while carrying out the wishes of the residents to maintain city service levels. For a brief discussion regarding the new legislation see page A22. It was the intent of the Commission to reduce the ad valorem levy by an amount approximately equivalent to the estimated revenue generated from the new fire assessment fee. In the final analysis, a decision by the Commission to reduce the 2008 fire assessment fee resulted in significantly less revenue than originally anticipated in the original budget. On June 23, 2008, the Commission approved the consolidation of the City of Winter Springs' Fire Department with Seminole County. This decision resulted from a multitude of factors that have unfolded over the last year and will become effective on October 2, 2008. A29 Organization-Wide Personnel Summary Approved Positions by Fund/Department GENERAL FUND Division/Department 2006-2007 Y/E Budget 2007-2008 2008-2009 Budget Revised Budget per City Manager recommendation FTEs Full-Time Part-Time 7oLil Full-Time Part-Time Total Full-Time Part-Time Total Executive 6 0.00 ~~.U(1 6 0.00 G.(1(1 6 0.00 (x.(10 Finance 15 0.00 I>.0(1 15 0.00 I>.(1(1 15 0.00 l~.(10 General Services 5 0.00 >.U(1 5 0.00 x.(1(1 5 0.00 >.UU Information Services 11 0.00 I L0(1 11 0.00 1 l.(10 11 0.00 11.00 Public Works 21 0.00 ~ I .U(1 21 0.00 ? I .(1(1 21 0.00 ' I .(10 Community Development 7 0.00 7. (1(l 7 0.00 7. (10 7 0.00 7.0(1 Police-Uniformed 70 0.00 7(1.0(1 70 0.00 70.(1(1 70 0.00 7U.(1U Police -Other 20 0.75 7(1.7 20 0.75 ?0.7> 20 0.75 ~0.7> Fire 52 0.00 >?.(1(1 52 0.00 >3.(x) 0 0.00 (1.00 Parks & Recreation 22 13.78 >>J~ 22 14.63 ~~~.w 22 15.61 .Z61 TOTAL ??'> 1-1.~~ ?-~,.~, 7'~> I~.~ti ?-l-l.~ti I~' I(;.;1, I~>;.;1, GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Division/Department 2006-2007 Y/E Budget 2007-2008 Revised Budget 2008-2009 Budget per City Manager FTEs FTEs FTEs Full-Time Part-Time Total Full-Time Part-Time Total Full-Time Part-Time Total Medical Transport 1 0.00 L0(1 1 0.00 l.(1(1 0 0.00 0.(10 TOTAL I O i)(1 100 1 O.UU L0U (1 0.O0 u.OO ENTERPRISE FUNDS Division/Department 2006-2007 Y/E Budget 2007-2008 Revised Budget 2008-2009 Budget per City Manager FTEs FTEs FTEs Full-Time Part-Time Total Full-Time Part-Time Total Full-Time Part-Time Total Water and Sewer Development Services Stormwater 43 10 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.0(1 I (1. U(1 9.0(1 45 10 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 -h.(1(1 I U.(1(1 9.(1(1 45 9 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 -l>.(10 ~>.00 ~>.00 TOTAL 62 (1 (iii h?.O(i h-l (1.0(1 (;} i11i 1,: 11 (1(i l„ (in ORGANIZATION-WIDE 2006-2007 Y/E Budget 2007-2008 2008-2009 Budget FTEs FTEs FTEs Full-Time Part-Time Total Full-Time Part-Time Total Full-Time Part-Time Total ORGANIZATION-WIDE TOTAL 29~ 1 t.>> :0(~.~ . ~9-l I ~. ~~ ~U9. ~~ ? tU I ~i. ~(~ 2~~~..~~ FTEs -Full-time Equivalents Y/E -Year-ending A30 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 by Division Per City Manager FYE 2006-2007 FYE 2007-2008 2008-2009 Budgeted FTEs Budgeted FTEs Budgeted FTEs Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time GENERAL FUND Executive 1200 Executive -City Manager 2 - 2 - 2 - 1210 Executive -City Clerk 4 4 4 Departmental Total 6 0 6 0 6 0 Positio n reassigned to IS Finance 1300 Finance - General 7 - 7 - 7 - 1360 Finance -Utility Billing & Customer Service 8 8 8 Departmental Total 15 0 15 0 15 0 General Services 1350 General Services-Administration 1 - 1 - 1 - 1310 General Services -Human Resources 1 - 1 - 1 - 1330 General Services -Purchasing 1 - 1 - 1 - 1910 General Services -City Hall 1 - 1 - 1 - 1915 General Services-Operator 1 1 1 Departmental Total 5 0 5 0 5 0 Information Systems 1340 Information Systems -General 6 - 6 - 6 - 1341 Information Systems -Special Projects 2 - 2 - 2 - 1342 Information Systems -Records Management 2 - 2 - 2 - 1343 Information Systems - Kiva/GIS 1 1 1 Departmental Total ""` 11 ""' 0 11 0 11 0 Position reassigned from Clerk Public Works 4410 Public Works-Administration 2 - 2 - 2 - 4412 Public Works -Roads and ROW Maint. 14 - 14 - 14 - 4413 Public Works -Fleet Maintenance 3 - 3 - 3 - 4414 Public Works -Facilities Maintenance 1 - 1 - 1 - 4415 Public Works -Capital Projects 1 1 1 Departmental Total 21 0 21 0 21 0 Community Dev 1510 Com Dev-Administration 2 - 2 - 2 - 1515 Com Dev-Planning 1 - 1 - 1 - 1520 Com Dev -Dev Review 1 - 1 - 1 - 1525 Com Dev-Urban Beautification 3 3 3 Departmental Total 7 0 7 0 7 0 Police 2110 Police -Office of the Chief 2 - 2 - 2 - 2111 Police -COPS Grant-Officer 0 - 0 - 0 - 2113 Police-Criminal Investigations 9 - 9 - 9 - 2114 Police -Community Service 6 - 6 - 6 - 2115 Police-Operations 38 - 38 - 37 - 2116 Police -Informations Services 17 0.75 17 0.75 18 0.75 2117 Police-Technical Services 4 - 4 - 4 - 2118 Police -Code Enforcement 5 - 5 - 5 - 2119 Police-Motorcycle 4 - 4 - 4 - 2120 Police-Canine 2 - 2 - 2 - 2121 Police -Professional Standards 3 3 3 Departmental Total 90 0.75 90 0.75 90 0.75 Fire 2210 Fire-Administration 3 - 3 - - - 2220 Fire -EMS (to Med Trans - FY 06) - - - - - - 2230 Fire -Prevention 2 - 2 - - - 2240 Fire -Operations 46 - 46 - - - 2250 Fire -Training 1 1 Departmental Total 52 0 52 0 0 0 P& R-Operations 7200 P& R-Administration 2 - 2 - 2 - 7210 P&R-Athletics-General 2 3.56 2 4.16 2 4.16 7212 P&R-Athletics-Partnerships - 0.37 - 0.37 - - 7220 P & R -Concessions 1 0.58 - 1.73 - 1.73 7230 P & R -Parks & Grounds 15 5.25 14.7 3.75 14.7 3.75 7240 P & R -Program & Special Events 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 7250 P& R-Seniors 1 2.52 1 1.68 1 1.7 7251 P & R -Senior Pool - - 1 - 1 - 7270 P & R -Hound Ground - - 0.3 - 0.3 - 7280 P & R -Splash Playgrounds 1.44 2.77 Departmental Total MEDICAL TRANSPORT WATER & SEWER General Fund Total 2610 Fire -EMS 3600 Operating DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STORMWATER CITY-WIDE TOTALS 2410 Plans and Inspections 2411 Customer Service 2412 Delinquent Permits Dev Services Total 3800 Operating 3810 Engineering Storm Water Total 22 13.78 22 14.63 22 15.61 Concessions Mgr FT to PT; Pool Attendant PT to FT 229 14.53 229 15.38 177 16.36 1 0 1 0 0 0 43 0 45 0 45 0 Maintenance WaterOper Mechanic Mechanic 4 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 1 1 1 10 0 10 0 9 0 7 - 7 - 7 - 2 2 2 9 0 9 0 9 0 292 14.53 294 15.38 240 16.36 306.53 309.38 256.36 A31 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET BUDGETED FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT CITY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES BY FUNCTION Last Ten Fiscal Years Per City Budg eted Full-time Equivale nt Employees as of September 30, Mgr Function 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Development Services' 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 10 9 General Government 35 36 38 36 37 41 44 44 44 44 Public Safety: Police Sworn Officers 54 54 59 59 64 64 70 70 70 70 Non sworn officers - - - - - - - - - Civilians z 20 20 20 20 20 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 Fire s Firefighters and officers 38 38 41 49 50 50 51 51 51 - Civilians 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 - Public Works 22 21 22 21 23 23 21 21 21 21 Culture and Recreation 20 20 19 20 21 32.34 33.67 35.78 36.63 37.61 Utilities 34 35 36 35 40 42 42 43 45 45 Stormwater 5 5 6 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 Total 235 236 248 256 272 292.09 303.42 306.53 309.38 256.36 Beginnin g with fiscal year 2005, part-time employees Part-time Employees 22 24 24 * 23 are reflected in terms of their full-time equiva lent units (FTEs). Those units are included in the appropriate Part-time FTEs a function totals above. Note * Data not available Prior to fiscal year 2003, Development Services was included in Governmental activities: Public Safety: Community Development - ' Building. Z Police civilians include emergency communication center personnel. 3 Includes Medical Transport 4 FTEs -Full-time Equivalents A32 H Z W W ~_ W D Z O m z °' O ~ O aN ~ ~ ~ O ~ N Z ~ W LL ~ O ~ Q U U ~ A 7 R O r L .~ N~ N d U •L d d D R C C Q p M OO OO OO OO O l(') O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OO p M O O O M (O M N l(') O l(7 l(7 O O l(7 O O O M O l(') O O O - p jn V ~ ~ N (O O N ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O N O ~ ~ N ~ N ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ _ _ 00 l(') N O l(7 (O l(') O V OO N (O O N V (O OO O O O O O 0 p V V V M M M X 0 0 0 OO I~ ~ M l(') V M M N N N ~ ~ ' ~ p N O _ _ _ _ ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER _ l( ) 0 O p ro ~ N N (0 O ~ N M ~ ~ ~ U ~ O N E ~- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~i C~ ~ o m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ Sri Sri O Sri Sri O Sri O Sri Sri O Sri O Sri Sri O O Sri Sri Sri Sri O O O ~ U U _ I~ ~ OO OO OO O O O O ~ N N M M V l(') (O (O I~ OO O O O N (0 C (A ER ER ER ER ER ER N N O ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M ~ J l(') M l(7 l(7 O O O (O l(') V N O O OO (O V M O O N V aO O M O M lf) O~ O N M N~ 00 N M M O O~ N O jp O O aO M N aO M_ M O N ~ ~ N (O O N O_ O O O N O V O ~ M N 00 M I~ O O O lf) ~ N M M M I~ M OO M O V - O U OO OO I~ ~ M l(') l(7 V M M (O O M l(') I~ OO O M N N O N O ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER V OO OO O O O O O O O O l(') ~ l(') ~ ~ ~ O O Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 ~ N Q' O ~ O _ m ' - O U N~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I~ lf) M O M M~~ l( ) I~ ' ' O ~ O ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OO O M O M l( ) I~ OO l( ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OO ~~ OO V V M l(') V O I O ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~_ 0 0 0 ~ N ~ (0 l(7 l(7 l(7 l(7 l(7 O l(7 l(7 O l(7 O I~ M O N l(') OO M OO V ' ' OO ; > (n l(7 I~ O E M l( ) I~ O M lf) O~ l( ) M O I~ M V M OO O U C ' 'U ~~~ N N N V M M M M M N N N N N Q Q ~ p En Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 lf) C C M M OO OO l(') OO O M O OO M O N V I~ O V aO O N I~ ' O fn ~ O_ N_ O_ V M_ M O l( ) N OO - O N ~ M M V O~ O V (O ~ ~ O O N N O ~ lf) M O~ l(') N O I~ V OO ~ M O _ N N N ER ER ER Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 Ef3 ~ M ~ ~ O N ~ O O OO Ef3 ~ _ m N a0 'O O °~ U N~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O c . 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Fund #311 CIP -Utility/Public Works Facility $1,371,718 Trotwood Improvement Fund #315 CIP -Paved access road/parking (partial funding only) $140,000 Total Other Governmental Funds -Capital Outlay $7,441,493 Water & Sewer -Operating #401-3600 Plants and Main - NO 1st Addition Water Main $250,000 Plants and Main -Sample taps for flushing devices (25) $25,000 Plants and Main - CL17 for WTP#1 $4,000 Plants and Main - LS Pressure Transducer $15,000 Plants and Main -Storage Tank WTP #1 (T2) $115,000 Plants and Main - Ortho Skid -WTP #1 $9,000 Plants and Main -East Force Main Redesign $50,000 Plants and Main - Hydrotanks (2) $50,000 Plants and Main - SR 46 Alt Water Study $75,000 Equipment -General -Fluke Power Quality Analyzer $2,600 Equipment -General -Utility Bed $12,300 Equipment -General -Mobile Radios (3) $8,200 Equipment -General -Generator 60kw $38,000 Vehicles -Ford Escape Hybrid $25,000 Vehicles - F-250 $23,000 Data Processing Equipment -Personal Computer w/ 19" monitor (2) $3,600 Data Processing Equipment -Laptop $2,500 Machinery - 6' Bushhog $4,000 CIP -Elect imp to WTP #2 $300,000 CIP -Town Center Sewer $50,000 A40-A42 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 $1,062,200 Water & Sewer -Renewal and Replacement #401-3610 CIP -Sewer relining $250,000 Water & Sewer -Revenue Generation #401-3620 Plants and Main - SCADA Antenna Relocation $42,166 Equipment -General -Polymer Mixer-East WWTP $4,000 $46,166 Water & Sewer - 2000 Utility Construction #401-3640 CIP -Well #4 $207,000 CIP -Spine Road Water Main $215,000 $422,000 Development Services -Plans and Inspections #420-2410 Data Processing Equipment -Personal Computer w/ 19" monitor (2) $2,600 Development Services -Customer Service Office #420-2411 Data Processing Equipment -Personal Computer w/ 19" monitor (1) $1,300 Stormwater -Operating #430-3800 Equipment -General - Backhoe Knuckle $18,000 Equipment -General -Vacuum Trailer $14,000 Equipment -General -Trash Pump $3,000 Equipment -General -Bush Hog $2,200 Equipment -General -Truck Crane $1,250 Machinery -Skid Steer Loader $60,000 CIP -Curb Inlet Replacements $5,000 CIP - Underdrains $15,000 CIP -Creek Dredging $35,000 CIP - VVR replacement $30,000 CIP - TMDL Water Quality $55,000 $238,450 Stormwater-Engineering #430-3810 Data Processing Equipment -Personal Computer w/ 19" monitor (1) $1,800 Data Processing Equipment -Laptop $2,500 $4,300 Total Enterprise Funds -Capital Outlay $2,027,016 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY - ALL FUNDS $9,816,723 A40-A42 ~ O 0 r 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 N 0 W 0 O 0 I~ 0 r 0 N ~~ N (O ~ M W N N M N O I~ N ~ r ~ r r r r ~ (m0 N ; a ~ N U ~ N U d N Q ~ (6 Q ~~ O O (O V W O W ~ M I~ 3 r O N W V O ~ V W N ~ N 0 (~O (O ~ a N M ( 0 W O V N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (V (V M M (6 4 N W ~ rn rn O O N O O O W ~ ~ N N N r ~ N N r ~ M ~ N N M M M M V V V V V M 0 ~ (6 O F ~ O V M ~ ~ W ~ O ~ N N N Lf~ N 3 4 ~ W W O ~ N M ~ N O 0 a N ( O O F N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (V (V ~ N a ~N Q w J m Q N ~~ N N M (O (~O N V ~ (00 W N W W (00 N r M N N X Q ~, M N ~ ~ ~ N O V ~ N O (V Q E N N M N M V N N r M N 0 ~ ~ ~ LL a O w ~' M M M ~ M ~ N M M ~ J IO T -6 Q N ~ ~ N ~ O ~ ~ a~ U J ~ } Q ~ ~ (6 N N ~ W O (~O V N O M I~ O N U Q LL Q V (O N N I~ r r N N N a m m °v v v v v ~ coo cmo p ~ Q ~~ H ~ Q m N a ^~ J C ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'U W V W (O (O O I~ N ~ W ~ ~ M ~ M ~ (O ~ N O N O N ~ (O ~ V O ~ O O p o ~ ~ Z v Q W W I~ V N V ~ N O ~ ~ r M ~ V N ~ r ~ N J (6 ~ ~' N M ~ M ~ M V N ~ ~ E Q O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N M M p O v a` W W ~ m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q y N (00 M r r ON M N ~ ~ Q O` o a W W W ~ ~ W W ~ ~ ~ d u, ~ ~ W ~ V N ~ M ~ O N M N~ a Q . ~ O ~ N O ~ O O ~ V M ~ (O V ~ (O (NO ~ V ~ ~ M O (V ~ r (V M ~ M N O ~ a` (6 (6 ~ '~ ~~ (O r V V N M ~ M M ~ N N M O M (O ~ N O Z N N ~~ Q N O N ~ N N M ~ V V (O N ~ O O M M ~ W N O ~ O N ~ O d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N M M d (~ 00 U m +~ a N ~ O ~ ~ ~ W N F Z Q rn °0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W d ~ m rn o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LL } > ~ ~ s 0 ~ U ~ U N LL W Q ~ U LL M Q Z p ~ O d N ~ ~ ~ O W N H ~ z a ~ w O J a ~~ U W z W NzN L7. y W LWI O r ,^ a V ~I V az ~ a a 0 0 0 a z a U W D N L CO U C N CO J ~j Q N O W V V lM ~ ~ O O M d N y (6 M N W (O (O V (O M o0 M O) O) (O 00 M (O I~ o0 M Q N d' 0 1 (6 O) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ Q N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N W In ~ N 01 ~~ V V V V V V V V V V t O ~6 ~ N ~ 0 O O O O O O O O O O S .-. ~ ~ O 00 O O In O N O O O M O N O In O M O M ~ O O O~ O) V In V M (O O O M r In (O O) In I~ V O V =_ ~ O O O O O) 00 00 I~ r r fn O M O M O O O O) O O In O In O O O O O O N O N r 0 M N V M O O O p ~ ~~ ~ 00 ( 0 ( O I O Q O O O O O O O O O O t ~~ U rn o N 0 In 0 In 0 M 0 O) 0 0 I~ 0 In 0 M 0 M C d - O ~ O o0 I~ In M N In r V V N ~ (O O) In I~ V O N -_ O) 00 00 00 00 00 00 I~ r r 0 M O) ~ N I~ In O) O O O O) (6 C m N ~ N N ~ ~ N ~ In O 0 ~_ ~ In In In In In In In In In V U ~ 7 O V M O ~ M 00 o0 O (O 00 O _ N _ V _ In _ In ~ ~ O N O O) ~ O V V ~ O ~ ~~ ~ Q O ~ O O N O N O O O N O O O . ~~ ~ m _~ ~ 01 ~_ O) O) O) O) O) O) O) O) M O N In V V V V V V V V V 0 ~ u~ u~ o 00 00 0 0 o rn o U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `r °c ani m= ri ri ri ri c c c c c ri o ~ H N 01 ~ O O O O O O O V O O N ~ N N ~ ~ O O O O O O O O O O ll~ N ~ N M O ~ ~ _ Q O O O O O O O O O O O ~ ~ SC S rn ~ ~ O o o O O m N rn m C d ~ 01 V In V In V In ~ r (O O M O M M O) N V N m d ri ri ri ri c c c c c ri O ~ U OI O) O O O O O O O O O N d ji ~ O) O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N N Z 01 C .Q SN S U y t .~ i N 0 O Q Q CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PRINCIPAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS (amounts expressed in thousands) 2008 Taxpayer Laurel Oaks LLC Courtney Springs LP Capital Green I LLC Florida Power Corporation United Dominion Realty Trust Winter Springs Holdings, Inc. Levitt & Sons of Seminole County Tousa Homes, Inc. BRI 1813 Villagio Co-op, Inc. Baxley Robert & Annmarie TRS Golf Terrace, Ltd. Hacienda Village Co-op Time Warner Entertainment Southern Bell Telephone Centex Homes Tuskawilla Investors, Inc. Partners Preferred Yield, Inc. DR Horton, Inc. Totals 1999 Taxable Assessed Value $ 33,083 21,078 19,687 18,646 11,197 9,137 8,307 7,480 7,156 6,179 $ 141,950 Percentage of Total Taxable Taxable Assessed Assessed Rank Value Value 1 1.65% - 2 1.05% - 3 0.98% - 4 0.93% 8,465 5 0.56% 7,103 6 0.46% - 7 0.41 % - 8 0.37% - 9 0.36% - 10 0.31 % - - 12,085 - 4,973 - 3,538 - 3,094 - 2,938 - 2,601 - 2,024 - 2,001 7.08% $ 48,822 Source: Seminole County Property Appraiser (www.scpafl.org) Rank 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Percentage of Total Taxable Assessed Value 0.93% 0.78% 1.33% 0.55% 0.39% 0.34% 0.32% 0.29% 0.22% 0.22% 5.37% A45 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS Last Ten Fiscal Years Personal Education Income Level in (amounts Per Capita Years of expressed in Personal Median Formal School Unemploy- Fiscal Year Population ~ thousands) Income ~ Age ~ Schooling ~ Enrollment z ment Rate a 1998 28,404 5,967 3.1 1999 29,220 5,711 2.8% 2000 30,860 785,726 25,461 37.2 13.68 5,776 2.6% 2001 31,666 6,421 2.5% 2002 32,082 6,508 4.8% 2003 32,572 7,413 4.9% 2004 32,955 7,476 4.2% 2005 33,321 7,492 3.4% 2006 34, 621 979, 428 28, 290 39.3 13.97 7, 342 3.1 2007 34, 899 971, 623 27, 841 39.8 13.93 7,115 4.0% Data not available at time of printing Note ~ Source: Estimates from Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission (www.orlandoedc.com) z Source: Seminole County Public Schools a Source: US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (data.bls.gov) A46 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 PRINCIPAL EMPLOYERS Fiscal Year 2007 ~ Percentage of Total City Employer Employees Rank Employment Seminole County School Board 1,604 1 30.85% City of Winter Springs 294 2 5.65% Dearborn Electronics 140 3 2.69% Publix (Winter Springs Town Center) 134 4 2.58% Modern Plumbing 102 5 1.96% Tuscawilla Country Club 100 6 1.92% United States Post Office 49 7 0.94% Dittmer Architectural Aluminum 45 8 0.87% The Grove Counseling Center 40 9 0.77% Longwood Kia /Mitsubishi 40 10 0.77% Total 2,548 49.00% Source: Business Organizations Note ~ The City of Winter Springs has an estimated employee population of 5,200 with approximately 600 business establishments as of 9/30/2007. A47 C7 m ? o ~ N a ~ ~ ~ N W H ~ z a 3 w LL } O ~ a ~ N U LL Z O F U Z 7 LL m m ~ N r ~ m O ~ Q ~ - U ~ u D F Z ~ J Z qF W a O ~ - _ a' a v ~ o~ w a' z' ~ m in in in - c7 c7 c7 c7 rn ~ a -. z z' ~ a' ~ o ~ m O a ~ ~ a ~ ~ a a ~ 3 a p! ro LL a LL 2 U ~ U C7 Z' ~ Q y Z ~ O ~ O d N ~ ~ ~ N W F ~ Z a W LL } O J Q F y U LL U } U1 _ LL ~ ~ LL U1 J 0 o m ^ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 `o m ~ ~ 0 0 o - _ ~ ~ o m r. m ~' E - m m E o .~. m °-~ ~ ~ ~ ~' E -0 4 a~ m ~ ~ E~ o -a m ~- Y m ~ a~ E ~ °~ >. ~ Y ~ ~ ~ m .~ m ~, n ~ ~ v E9 m rn m a~i m y ~° Y Y Y °- ~ a? ~~ n :° E E m o ._ (n LL m m m m m m °~ ~ ~ m o m °~ ~ o m~ - Q a° LL ~ in in in ~ Y a a a in c~ ~ ~ LL ~ o ~ in in F c~ o ii a = v ~ cn z Q CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GENERAL FUND CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 OPERATING COVERAGE Recurring Revenue Total Expenditures $17,149,027 LESS Capital Expenditures (includes capital lease) ($348,214) Non-recurring Transfer (Trotwood Improvements) ($140,000) Recurring Personal and Operating Expenditures $16,660,813 ($16,660,813) Effect on Fund Balance -OPERATING COVERAGE CAPITAL COVERAGE Non-recurring Revenue LESS: Capital Expenditures (includes capital lease) Non-recurring Transfer (Trotwood Improvements) Effect on Fund Balance -CAPITAL COVERAGE TOTAL EFFECT ON FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE Projected Beginning Fund Balance Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance Projected Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Designations: 90-day / 25% Operating Reserve Non-recurring Special Capital Projects $4,165,203 $4,487,289 $8,652,492 $1,914 $499,334 ($348,214) ($140,000) $11,120 $16,662,727 $13,034 $8,639,458 $13,034 $8,652,492 Minimum fund balance target (25% of recurring personal and operating expenditures): $4,165,203 GENERAL FUND FISCAL POLICY TESTS 1 GENERAL FUND The following presents a General Fund overview of the anticipated sources and applications of funds for the 2008-2009 fiscal year. :~:~: General Fund -Budgeted Sources :::: ::~:~:::~;~:~:~::~:~::~:~:~:~:~:~:=:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~ .... ....... •;•:Q Franchise Fees, $40, 00 •;•;Q Miscellaneous, $11 ,000 ;;;~ Licenses & Permits, $202,000 •:•:~ Interest , $268,00 ;:~ Charges for Service, $459,5 7 ;_;_~ Fines& Forfeitures, $5 5,000 - - Inter overnment, $3,460, 059 Ad Valorem Taxes, $4,398,1 3 In erfund Transfers In $7,660,252 ..:.~.$0.~.~.-.~.•.•.•.~.~.-$2,00.0,000~.-.~.•.•.•.•. $4;00.0,000. .~.~.~.•.. $fi,000,000 •.•..~$8,000,.000 .~.~.•.-.~..$1~0;000,Q00.•.•. ... ..... ~:=: General Fund -Budgeted Applications ::: ; ::~:~::~:~:~:=:~:~:~:::~:=:~:~:~:~:=: .................................................................................. :: I Appropriations to Fund Balance, $13,034 .. 0 Debt, $121,514 :-.~® Capital Outlay, $226,700 _ ::.-© Interfund Transfers Out, $245,490 Transport tion ,$1,241, 95 C mmunity D velopment, $1,765,204 Recreation, $2,252,776 General ' Government, $4,6 6,926 Public Safety, $6,688,922•:' .... .... ....` •;•;~0•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•$~,OOD;000•;•;•; •; •; •;•;•;•;•;•;$4;00;000,•; :•;•,•;•;~, $6,000,000;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•;•$8,00;0;000•;•:•. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GENERAL FUND -REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08,'09 FY 08!09 FY 08109 FY 08109 NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF REVENUES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget RECURRING REVENUES Based on 33635 milk and valuation estimates from PA i DR 1301 ~~// 4 %~ statutory discount applied 311000 Ad Valorem Tax Revenue $8,265,545 $6,929,600 $6,929,600 $6,929,600 51.398.183 SO 53.398,183 51,398.183 323400 Franchise Fee-Gas (prev#313400) $38,463 $50,000 $50,000 $40,000 510.000 SO 510,000 510.000 State Revenues 335120 State of FL -Rev Sharing -Sales tax 65°k $720,284 $758,623 $710,359 $710,359 5681.x55 - ou 56H L155 5681.155 335120 State of FL -Rev Sharing -Gas tax 35°k $387,845 $408,490 $382,501 $382,501 .,66.938 ~ SO i6.93H ~ 66.838 5~ 335140 State of FL-Mobile Home License $10,884 $12,000 $12,000 $15,000 513.000 - 513.000 S1=.000 335150 State of FL -Alcoholic Beverage Tax $6,020 $9,400 $9,400 $12,000 510.000 SO 510.000 510.000 335180 State of FL -Half Cent Sales Tax $2,442,701 $2,542,049 $2,357,604 $2,347,781 .,_..,07.106 - .367.166 ~ " 367.166 335191 State of FL -Motor Fuel Tax Rebate $18,156 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 518.000 SO 518.000 518.000 335210 State of FL - Firefghter Supp Comp (prev 2240-51213) $5,781 $5,600 $5,600 $5,000 .,_ ~~ - ou SO m~ 335220 State of FL -Wireless 911 $4,601 $0 $0 $4,500 54.500 SO 51.500 Si.500 $3,596,272 $3,754,162 $3,495,464 $3,495,141 53,160,059 SO 53,460.059 53.160,059 Community Development Revenues 316000 Local Business Tax (prev #321000 Occup License) $165,216 $175,000 $175,000 $172,500 5170.000 SO 5170.000 5170.000 341200 Zoning &Annexations $39,289 $25,000 $25,000 $22,500 .,_____ ~° - 0-2.000 .,^0.000 341300 Site Plan Review $7,900 $15,000 $15,000 $11,500 S1 000 SO 51=.000 513.000 341300 Collection fee -County Local Business Tax (prev 302001) $3,286 $0 $0 $1,200 51.500 - ou 51.500 51.500 341300 Collection fee -County Impact Fees (prev 321100) $1,393 $5,000 $5,000 $2,250 S".500 SO - -- 5_ ~uu 3500 $217,084 $220,000 $220,000 $209,950 5206,000 SO 5206.000 5206,000 Public Safety Revenues 342100 Police -School Resource Offcer (prev 335550) $57,954 $58,000 $58,000 $62,068 35.000 SO 15.000 ~ 65.000 o 351100 Police -Fines &Forteitures $235,331 $208,000 $208,000 $230,000 5740.000 - ou 5310.000 S"[10.000 351101 Police -Fines &Forteitures -Code $13,830 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 55.000 SO 55.000 55.000 351102 Traffc Light Enforcement $0 $0 $0 $0 .,= 5310.000 5310.000 5310.000 342900 Fire and Traffc Insurance Rebates $0 $45,000 $0 $0 Su - SO - ~u SO $307,115 $316,000 $271,000 $295,068 5310,000 5310,000 5620.000 5620,000 Parks and Recreation Revenues 347201 XXXXX League Fees #7211 prev 349100 $59,360 $54,000 $54,000 $54,000 551.000 SO 554.000 551.000 347202 Summer Camp #7240 prev 349200 $77,186 $65,600 $65,600 $65,600 565.600 - ou 65.600 o _. __ 347203 Program Fees #7240 (prev 349300) $16,172 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1.500 SO 51 500 51.500 347204 Partnership League Fees #7212 (prev 349400) $59,210 $50,000 $50,000 $58,500 55H.500 - 558.500 558.500 347205 Sports Camps #7211 (prev 349500) $78,759 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 511.300 SO 511.`00 511.300 347210 Concession Stand-C.W.P. #7220 (prev 343801) $87,949 $85,000 $85,000 $52,000 .,__.___ - .,6n.000 .,00.000 347400 90100 Special Events #7260 (prev 361111, 369101) $3,550 $5,000 $5,000 $0 .,= SO SO 347505 Senior Center Annual Registrations $0 $0 $0 $6,320 -___ ~~ - SZ000 57.000 347510 Senior Center Therapy Pool Memberships $0 $0 $0 $6,650 S7.i00 SO 57.100 57.100 347515 Splash Playground Revenue $0 $0 $0 $3,000 ii iii iii .,.,_.___ ~~ - .,30.000 .,30.000 347530 Facility Rental (CivicCtr, Pavillion, Bounce House) $25,050 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 535.000 SO S"5.000 5-5.000 $407,236 $296,100 $296,100 $282,570 5320,200 SO 5320.200 5320,200 Public Works Revenues 344900 Traffc Signal FDOT $12,466 $8,700 $8,700 $14,040 S1 ^.805 SO 51=.805 513.H05 344900 ROW Maint FDOT $52,960 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 555.363 - ou 555.36^ - $65,426 $58,700 $58,700 $64,040 568.167 SO 568,167 568.167 Miscellaneous Revenues 341901 Recording & Copy Fees $1,507 $2,500 $2,500 $1,200 . ___ ~ - 53.000 5=.000 343907 NSF Check Fees $3,046 $200 $200 $200 S"'00 SO 5 1111 __= 5300 362100 60004 Tower Rental -City Hall $50,977 $53,850 $53,850 $59,990 555.500 - ou 555 500 ... 362100 60005 Tower Rental -Spray Fields $56,333 $52,000 $52,000 $57,116 558.500 SO 558.500 558.500 361100 Interest Earned $635,158 $400,000 $320,000 $320,000 - ___ S_ou.~~~~~~ - ou .,"nn.000 .,3110.000 361101 County Interest Earned $12,799 $5,000 $5,000 $9,100 58.000 SO 58.000 58.000 369101 Miscellaneous Revenues $11,003 $2,500 $3,039 $20,000 55.000 50 55.000 55.000 $770,823 $516,050 $436,589 $467,606 5389.200 SO 5389.200 5389.200 TOTAL RECURRING REVENUES $13,667,964 $12,140,612 $11,757,453 $11,783,975 59.191.809 5310.000 59.501.809 59,501.809 NON-RECURRING REVENUES Grants 331500 Federal - FHFC Home Again $0 $0 $62,822 $62,822 SO 50 SO 331200 81008 Federal - Ed Byrne Grant -Police video storage $0 $0 $58,000 $58,000 .,= 50 SO 50 331200 81009 Federal - Ed Byrne Grant -Police Vistawilla offce $0 $0 $8,438 $8,438 SO 50 SO 334001 State Grants (FDLE) $4,684 $0 $0 $0 .,= 50 SO 50 334910 Other State Grants $11,618 $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 SO 50 SO 337200 81002 Local Grant -Public Safety $10,000 $0 $0 $0 - 50 SO 50 $26,302 $5,000 $134,260 $139,260 SO SO 50 SO Miscellaneous Revenues 364100 Auction Proceeds $20,861 $40,000 $40,000 $16,370 .,= 50 SO 50 366000 Donations prev#361200,366200 $3,550 $0 $1,400 $1,250 SO 50 SO 366000 70013 Donations (Paw Park) prev #366200 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 .,= 50 SO 50 366000 81003 Donations (Markoly-Fire) prev #366200 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO 366000 81005 Donations (Workforce Training) $0 $0 $657 $657 .,= 50 SO 50 366000 81006 Donations (Walmart-Fire) prev #366200 $1,500 $0 $1,000 $1,000 SO 50 SO 366000 90100 Donations (4th of July) $6,350 $0 $0 $0 .,= 50 SO 50 366000 90200 Donations (Tree Lighting) prev #361200, 366200 $1,900 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO 366000 90300 Donations (Concert) prev #361200, 366200 $4,500 $0 $0 $0 .,= 50 SO 50 366000 90600 Donations (Under Stars) prev #361200, 366200 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO 369300 Settlements and Collections $9,189 $0 $0 $0 .,= 50 SO 50 369305 Insurance Proceeds prev#364200 $17,720 $0 $11,338 $11,338 SO 50 SO 389000 Non-Operating Proceeds $341,000 $0 $0 $0 - 50 SO 50 $435,570 $40,000 $54,395 $30,615 SO SO 50 SO TOTAL NON-RECURRING REVENUES $461,872 $45,000 $188,655 $169,875 SO SO 50 SO TOTAL REVENUES $14,129,836 $12,185,612 $11,946,108 $11,953,850 59.191.809 5310.000 59,501.809 59.501.809 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL FUND-TRANSFERS IN Manages Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08!09 FY 08!09 FY 08!09 FY 08!09 NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF REVENUES Actual Budget Budget Actual Budget Budget Budget Buduet TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS Recurring 381001 Transfer from Public & Comm Svc Tax Fund $3,424,813 $3,486,285 $3,451,285 $3,476,285 -6 500 $~ b~ - 53.6=0.500 53.6=0.500 381002 Transfer from Electric Franchise Fee Fund $1,248,726 $1,284,800 $1,284,800 $1,231,240 S1.^18.000 - 5L218.000 5L218.000 381004 Stonn Water (Admin Fees) $82,907 $87,052 $87,052 $87,052 591405 - 591 405 591 405 381008 Solid Waste/Recycling $133,288 $137,796 $135,519 $135,519 5138.000 - 5130.000 5130.000 381090 21360 Water&Sewer-Utility Billing $515,081 $643,363 $649,613 $618,853 5039.839 - 5639.839 5639.839 381090 21915 Water&Sewer-Operator i6°k (prev#382100) $5,619 $6,138 $6,138 $6,090 56.180 - Su 50.180 50.180 381090 24415 Water&Sewer-Cap Proj Mgr. $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 S12.Onn 50 512.000 512.000 381091 Water&Sewer-AuditlAdmin $632,835 $664,477 $664,477 $664,477 -701 ° ~ - 5u 5697701 5697701 381150 Dev Services- Indirect Costs $164,962 $173,210 $173,210 $173,210 5181.870 50 5181.870 5181.870 381151 Dev Services -Cora Dev Admin $213,467 $224,141 $224,141 $224,141 5235.345 SO .,"5343 .,"5343 381152 Dev Services -Fire Prevention $49,662 $52,145 $52,145 $52,145 50 - - - 381153 21343 Dev Services -Kiva/GIS $169,493 $125,040 $125,040 $125,040 5119.007 - 51 I~.si07 51 I~.si07 381153 21915 Dev Serv-Operator 57°k $20,016 $21,867 $21,867 $21,696 22.015 - 2_'.015 2_'.015 381154 Dev Services Fund -Crossover $27,563 $28,941 $28,941 $28,941 530 388 - 530.388 530.388 381175 Fire Assessment-Fire Operations $0 $1,973,000 $1,040,000 $1,040,000 - 50 - - 381175 Fire Assessment-Start-up, admin, collections $0 $194,000 $0 $0 5u - Su - Su - Su - 381302 Oak Forest Maint (Clerk/Beaut Coord/Ins) $11,059 $12,290 $11,293 $11,293 513200 50 513.200 513.200 381305 TLBD Maint (Clerk/Beaut Coord/Ins) $55,195 $60,274 $56,665 $56,665 So.,.uuu --- SO 03.000 03.000 381504 24415 1999 Construction Fund-Cap Proj Mgr. $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 S1 ^_.OOn 50 512.000 512.000 381600 24415 Road Improvement-Cap Proj Mgr $48,240 $52,459 $52,459 $52,549 554405 - 554.465 554.465 $6,802,926 $9,251,278 $8,088,645 $8,029,196 57.160.918 SO 57.160.918 57.160.918 Non-Recurring 381004 21341 Storm Water- IS Special Proj $3,162 $1,614 $2,571 $2,571 S°.040 - 52.040 52.040 381004 21342 Stonn Water- IS Records Mgmt $5,294 $18,896 $19,494 $19,494 55.147 - 55.147 55.147 381004 21343 Storm Water-Kiva $4,725 $5,916 $5,916 $5,916 55950 - - Sov:u - Sov:u 381008 21342 Solidwaste- IS Records Mgmt $3,176 $3,033 $3,392 $3,392 53.088 - 53.088 53.088 381090 21341 Water &Sewer- IS Spec. Proj (prev #382100) $23,527 $9,684 $16,788 $16,788 510.735 - 510.735 510.735 381090 21342 Water&Sewer-Records Mgmt (prev#382100) $10,588 $10,271 $11,468 $11,468 545.253 - 545.J93 545.J93 381090 21343 Water&Sewer-Kiva (prev#382100) $14,176 $19,727 $19,727 $19,727 519.035 - 519.835 519.835 381153 21341 Dev Serv- IS Spec Proj $15,809 $4,842 $6,597 $6,597 54.001 - 54.601 54.601 381153 21342 Dev Serv-Records Mgmt. $51,827 $8,405 $11,038 $11,038 .,2°.045 .,_ .,_2.045 .,_2.045 Fire Assessment -Fire Operations (2009 transfer relates to 381175 2008 delinquent assessments) $0 $0 $0 $0 5380.Onn SO 5380.000 5380.000 381175 Fire Assessment -Fire Truck $0 $208,000 $0 $0 - 50 - - 381308 Transferfrom Medical Transport $0 $162,000 $162,000 $0 - - - - 381600 20314 Transfer from Other Funds MMGP #314) $0 $93,623 $0 $0 Su - 50 - - 381600 81002 Transfer from Other Funds (Sp Law Fed #108) $13,065 $0 $0 $0 SO - Su - - 381600 Transfer from O[her Funds (Sp Law Fed #108) $5,920 $0 $0 $0 - 50 - - 381600 Transfer from O[her Funds (Sr Ctr Exp #316) $0 $0 $394,888 $394,888 Su - 5u - Su - Su - $151,269 $546,011 $653,879 $491,879 5499.334 SO 5199.334 5199.334 TOTAL TRANSFERS (Recurring and Non-Recurring) $6,954,195 $9,797,289 $8,742,524 $8,521,075 57.660.252 SO 57.660.252 57.660.252 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES & TRANSFERS IN 521.081.031 521.982.901 520.688.632 520.171.925 516.852.061 5310.000 517.162.061 517.162.061 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS OUT FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET (Two pages) Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 DIV # DEPARTMENT Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget Executive 1100 Executive-Commission $182,835 $171,096 $175,296 $162,130 5174.5`0 50 51,4.550 51,4.550 1110 Executive-Boards $6,416 $11,100 $11,100 $9,880 ,8.945 50 ,.~45 i,,.~45 1200 Executive-City Manager $267,640 $283,010 $283,272 $277,872 _,.121 P6.%54 i 3C ;^_9 3C 1210 Executive-City Clerk $231,292 $263,064 $263,064 $254,386 -1.744 51.730 3A-4 -,34-4 $688,183 $728,270 $732,732 $704,268 $748,360 $8,484 $756,844 $756,844 General Government 1220 General Gov't- Legal Services $388,475 $270,000 $270,000 $380,000 5311.000 50 5311.000 5311.000 1230 General Gov't- Code Enforcement Court $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 .... 50 ..., 50 1900 General Govt-General $248,757 $248,300 $416,168 $363,488 I _ --- 130 I -- s31= _- $637,232 $538,300 $706,168 $743,488 $436,955 $0 $436,955 $436,955 Finance 1300 Finance -General $479,233 $516,500 $516,500 $488,490 +- 53.413 5~~.250 10 ^63 551., ^63 1360 Finance -Utility Billing & Cust Service $515,081 $643,363 $649,613 $618,853 C sB25 530.954 = - _ $994,314 $1,159,863 $1,166,113 $1,107,343 $1,112,298 $37,804 $1,150,102 $1,150,102 General Services 1350 General Services-Administration $102,278 $109,152 $109,152 $106,090 ;110.810 50 110.8%0 311 ~.2%0 1310 General Services- Human Resources $93,210 $106,595 $106,595 $103,384 5106.661 50 5106.661 5106.661 1330 General Services- Purchasing $60,812 $67,441 $67,441 $64,873 566.6E5 50 566.666 566.666 1910 General Services- City Hall $173,357 $234,584 $257,861 $213,826 S^04.145 50 5^04.145 5^04.145 1915 General Services-Operator $35,116 $38,363 $38,363 $38,063 -.. _. _._ E;0 _. _._ ._._ _. _._ 1920 General Services-Risk Management $533,904 $671,136 $671,136 $587,000 .:.,.000 50 .:..300 ,_3,,.300 1930 General Services- Library $69 $1,000 $1,000 $0 5500 SO 5500 5000 $998,746 $1,228,271 $1,251,548 $1,113,236 $1,165,454 $0 $1,165,454 $1,165,454 Information Services 1340 Information Services- General $479,783 $622,539 $563,147 $480,692 ..4.239 50 1 X35 X621 ~~~ 1341 Information Services-Special Projects $325,284 $133,386 $265,429 $255,652 I ~~.~-= 50 I -= S1' '.~_ 1342 Information Services- Records Mgmt $134,416 $153,389 $165,356 $148,732 I ~-~ 50 I -~ S1r -~ 1343 Information Services-Kiva/GIS $226,197 $205,766 $230,208 $171,719 12.345 50 I ~ .345 519.345 $1,165,680 $1,115,080 $1,224,140 $1,056,795 $1,118,871 $0 $1,118,871 $1,118,871 Public Works 4410 Public Works-Administmtion $223,390 $217,545 $217,845 $209,366 9 _.--- ~.. --; .~_.....-~; 4412 Public Works- Roads and ROW Maint. $568,993 $746,592 $744,192 $724,350 ~.b l1 X3.116 -- ..-- -- 4413 Public Works-Fleet Maintenance $137,456 $186,413 $188,513 $183,451 I.~IJ29 50 I ~~ S1P-.-~~ 4414 Public Works- Facilities Maintenance $57,304 $62,916 $62,916 $60,389 564.509 ~.. 564 .509 564.509 4415 Public Works-Capital Projects $73,886 $77,841 $77,841 $76,133 -8.710 50 -2 .710 -2.710 $1,061,029 $1,291,307 $1,291,307 $1,253,689 $1,258,216 $3,116 $1,261, 332 $1,261,332 Community Development 1510 Com Dev-Administration $218,074 $266,537 $323,263 $277,540 ~J44.024 50 41 .024 `~~'244.024 1515 Com Dev-Long Range Planning $109,952 $144,614 $144,614 $142,914 X116.60 32~. ~_~ I . 496 314 _.,- 1520 Com Dev-Dev Review $90,071 $95,205 $95,455 $94,805 >134.041 31730 15 771 51 C5.771 1525 Com Dev-Urban Beautification $1,100,805 $855,135 $886,721 $819,827 8.955 ~_ .300 1, ^66 5247 ^66 1526 Com Dev-Streetlighting $0 $390,000 $390,000 $380,000 A20.00 :33.000 ~4.-"= .000 54~:`~.000 $1,518,902 $1,751,491 $1,840,053 $1,715,086 $1,673,697 $189,919 $1,863, 616 $1,793,457 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS OUT FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 0809 FY 08!09 FY 08!09 FY 0809 NUMBER DEPARTMENT Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget Police 2110 Police-Offce of the Chief $264,851 $267,469 $267,435 $268,080 S ___ 52.300 S^1.435 S 34.435 2113 Police-Criminal Investigations $694,278 $689,915 $696,341 $690,401 S 12,96 St 330 S 6.616 S _6.616 2114 Police-Community Services $371,249 $434,618 $446,610 $454,861 51`1755 S^1 60n S 5.355 5 _.,., 2115 Police-Operations $3,086,504 $2,695,718 $2,751,189 $2,814,658 S __,- S32._55 S ,1°.°.6 S2. 11 8_ 2116 Police-Informations Services $925,357 $1,021,539 $1,022,784 $1,017,412 SI 11i6U 512.56- SI I`_~ I9n 51.I 180 2117 Police -Technical Services $403,260 $418,693 $457,993 $455,131 541 L54~s 531.100 511^ X48 5442.648 2118 Police -Code Enforcement $357,450 $373,999 $375,862 $378,616 41, 1058 Sr 100 41,_ 158 51 J.158 2119 Police-Motorcycle $315,045 $336,543 $336,543 $315,606 ~ 2.-~ S ^00 ~ a.,°,%3 S .. -_ 2120 Police-Canine $133,014 $136,523 $136,673 $137,028 1144.371 52.300 111 571 514 X71 2121 Police -Professional Standards $210,855 $224,330 $225,432 $231,904 S~3%.551 SO S~3%.551 5237.551 $8,761,863 $8,599,347 $8,716,862 $8,763,697 $6,723,765 $174,396 $6,898,161 $6,898,161 Fire 2210 Fire-Administration $254,372 $400,067 $402,017 $244,277 S827 Sn S85 S8^7 2230 Fire-Prevention $153,222 $177,779 $177,779 $186,629 5640 SO 5640 S640 2240 Fire-Operations $3,229,945 $4,004,758 $4,008,906 $3,579,169 511.627 SO 511.627 511.627 2250 Fire-Training $133,943 $135,409 $136,066 $119,082 52,91 SO 52,91 S^81 $3,771,482 $4,718,013 $4,724,768 $4,129,157 $13,375 $0 $13,375 $13,375 P & R -Operations 7200 P&R-Administration $179,610 $198,158 $198,158 $187,892 SI',t1.548 S1 2._ SI 3.278 51 ~._-_ 7210 P&R-Athletics-General $181,526 $215,791 $215,791 $214,884 9'9.0^1 SO 9'9.0^1 S '021 7211 P&R-Athletics-League $114,671 $38,000 $38,000 $38,000 53~.n00 SO S~J00 ~ _- 7212 P&R-Athletics-Partnerships $37,087 $41,733 $41,733 $39,400 534.400 SO 5"1100 s 4110 7220 P & R -Concessions $74,698 $82,845 $82,845 $68,361 X75.^40 55.584 9ti4.874 684.8^4 7230 P & R-Parks & Grounds $1,091,567 $1,136,654 $1,178,004 $1,096,898 51 1 ~ °,°.4 S234 °30 SI 61.614 S1._61.614 7240 P & R -Programs $220,507 $205,446 $204,848 $200,633 571^.115 51 -30 S I~ t145 S 1.845 7250 P & R -Seniors $141,349 $164,030 $208,889 $222,984 5155206 SO 5155206 S155 ^06 7251 P & R -Senior Center Pool $394,888 $40,058 $106,568 $113,725 S I 9.585 4 .55 S I; "x.140 51 "3140 7260 P & R -Community Events $208,675 $222,000 $224,394 $113,597 SO SO SO Sn 7270 P & R -Hound Ground $0 $142,777 $144,427 $19,427 515.545 SO 515.545 515.545 7280 P & R -Splash Playgrounds $0 $34,972 $34,972 $31,842 533.500 530.655 564.155 S64.155 $2,644,578 $2,522,464 $2,678,629 $2,347,643 $2,279,448 $275,028 $2,554,476 $2,554,476 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS OUT $2Q242,009 $21,652,406 $22,332,320 $20,934,402 $16,530,439 $688,747 $17,219,186 $17,149,027 FUND BALANCE-Octoberl $8,256,913 $8,170,448 $9,098,935 $9,098,935 S 3~5.45t1 S ~J.45t1 58. y.458 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $842,022 $330,495 ($1,643,688) ($459,4771 5-21.6^^ S37r '47i ~SZ 1251 612.034 FUND BALANCE-September 30 $9,098,935 $8,500,943 $7,455,247 $8,639,458 S ~~I nB~ S37~-47i S 58. 0.452 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS EXECUTIVE -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Personal Services $539,087 $579,649 $579,634 $574,181 $611,214 $611,214 Operating Expenses $142,761 $145,011 $149,488 $127,312 $144,330 $144,330 Transfers Capital Outlay $6,335 $3,610 $3,610 $2,775 $1 ,300 $1,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $688,183 $728,270 $732,732 $704,268 $756,844 $756,844 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) City Manager - 1200 City Manager 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Total 2 2 2 2 City Clerk - 1210 City Clerk 1 1 1 1 Deputy City Clerk (FY 2007-1 of 2 positions allocated to 1342, except overtime costs) 1 1 1 1 Clerk Assistant (approved as a temporary position will terminate by Feb 2009) 2 2 2 2 Total 4 4 4 4 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 6 6 6 6 NON-EMPLOYEE Commission - 1100 Commissioners 5 5 5 5 Mayor 1 1 1 1 Boards - 1110 Beautification of Winter Springs (BOWS) Board of Adjustments Pension Board of Trustees Code Enforcement Board Planning and Zoning Board Election Districting Board Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Board Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Board Note: Ad Hoc advisory committees are short-term in nature and established by resolution as needed 7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EXECUTIVE -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51110 Mayor's Expense $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 514.400 ~., 514.400 514.400 51111 Commission Expense $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 560.000 50 560.000 560.000 51210 Regular Salaries $309,076 $334,960 $334,960 $330,803 ~~SCr 51 -'.-" 5356.56 53556 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $6,537 $7,692 $7,692 $7,424 5.006 50 58.006 S-_.006 51214 Overtime Salaries $10,767 $8,177 $8,177 $8,122 59.849 ~., 59.849 59.849 51330 Planning and Zoning Board $1,725 $1,500 $1,500 $1,625 St500 50 51.500 51.500 51340 Board of Adjustments $325 $900 $775 $625 "-- 50 .~-_.- .~-, .'_ 51360 Code Enforcement Board $1,225 $2,000 $2,000 $2,200 52000 50 52000 52000 51370 B.O.W.S. Board $1,500 $2,000 $2,000 $1,750 52000 ~., 52.000 52.000 51380 Pension Board of Trustees $1,075 $750 $750 $750 5750 50 5'50 5'50 51390 Districting Commission $75 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 50 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $23,612 $25,179 $25,289 $24,969 ~_'..'..,., ~_ ,5.643 5^5.648 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $24,942 $31,388 $31,388 $31,388 ?8.531 ~~., 5^8.567 _355 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $1,207 $1,073 $1,073 $1,060 51.132 516 51.148 S1.148 52330 Pension Expense $45,332 $50,284 $50,284 $49,719 5.59715 5173 559.888 559.888 52335 Deferred Comp - 457 $19,827 $20,500 $20,500 $20,500 520.500 ~., 520.500 5^0.500 52336 Deferred Comp-401 (a) $17,462 $18,846 $18,846 $18,846 518.871 5691 519.Sb- 519.562 Total Payroll $539,087 $579,649 $579,634 $574,181 5604.460 SB754 5811214 5811214 53113 Records Management Services $597 $0 $0 $0 50 50 .., ~., 53120 Codification $2,336 $6,000 $6,000 $7,450 56.000 ~., 56.000 56.000 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $11 $90 $90 $90 50 50 SO 50 53180 Consulting $263 $0 $262 $262 50 50 50 50 53186 Outside Services $2,930 $500 $500 $0 5500 50 5500 5500 54010 Travel & Per Diem $15,041 $17,700 $14,725 $9,525 514.5", ~., 514.,"5 514. ,?5 54020 Auto Allowance $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 54800 50 54.800 54.800 54110 Telephone $3,938 $7,783 $7,673 $6,900 2300 50 7.300 .7.300 54210 Postage $1,567 $2,800 $2,800 $1,675 5.300 ~., 52.300 52300 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $450 $580 $430 .~~~.... ~.. 500 5300 54633 Maintenance Agreements $73 $498 $498 $280 505 50 ~~.,'. ~~.,'. 54710 Election Printing $0 $300 $300 $300 5300 50 5300 5300 54730 Printing Expense $2,037 $1,700 $1,700 $1,000 51700 50 51700 51700 54731 Publications (previously#58200) $43,017 $32,720 $36,920 $36,000 ~~3Z 000 ~., 55.000 ~;Z000 54800 PromotionalActivities $22,624 $6,250 $9,350 $9,350 58.750 50 _750 .,_750 54810 Employee Relations $0 $100 $100 $0 50 50 50 .~., 54920 Legal Advertising $799 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 St200 50 51.200 51200 54950 Recording Fees $45 $400 $1,000 $400 5400 ~., 5400 5400 55110 Office Supplies $2,222 $2,200 $2,200 $2,100 52200 50 2200 52200 55120 Computer Supplies $1,209 $900 $900 $800 5900 50 5900 5900 55230 Operating Supplies $1,381 $2,050 $2,050 $1,550 5.000 50 52.000 52000 55230 90001 Operating Supplies -BOWS Board $0 $3,000 $3,000 $2,155 5845 ~., 5845 5845 55240 Uniforms $134 $0 $0 $0 50 50 SO 50 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $446 $2,565 $1,835 $1,365 _._-- 5130 ~_.'.,.' .~_.'.,.' 55278 Software $1,186 $2,055 $2,055 $1,730 51750 5300 5.050 . _.,'.., 55410 Subscriptions $233 $600 $600 $450 .~~-.... ~.. 5500 5500 55411 Dues&Registrations $25,187 $23,000 $23,000 $21,900 52.600 50 52.800 522.600 55430 Employee Development $685 $1,000 $1,000 $500 5",0 50 5,0 52,0 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $500 S'S0 50 5750 5750 56910 Contingencies $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 51.500 ~., 51.500 51.500 58000 Grants & Aids $10,000 $17,000 $17,000 $10,000 517.000 50 517.000 517.000 58300 Other Grants & Aids -Economic Development $0 $5,850 $5,850 $4,600 5`,.850 50 - -.850 '850 Total Operating $142,761 $145,011 $149,488 $127,312 5143900 54.90 5144.330 5144.330 64200 Data Processing Equipment $6,335 $3,610 $3,610 $2,775 50 51.300 51.300 51.300 64300 Furniture /Office Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 50 Total Capital $6,335 $3,610 $3,610 $2,775 50 51.300 51.300 51.900 TOTAL EXECUTIVE-SUMMARY BUDGET $688,183 $728,270 $732,732 $704,268 ;748.360 8.484 '.,6.844 ,"-6.844 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EXECUTIVE -COMMISSION -1100 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51110 Mayor's Expense $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 514.400 ~., 514.400 514.400 51111 Commission Expense $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 560.000 50 560.000 560.000 Total Payroll $74,400 $74,400 $74,400 $74,400 574.400 50 574.400 574.400 54010 Travel & Per Diem $11,082 $12,000 $8,900 $5,000 59.000 ~., 59.000 59.000 54110 Telephone $2,049 $4,962 $4,962 $4,900 55.000 50 55.000 55.000 54630 Rep. & Maint. -Equipment $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 50 5100 5100 54633 Maintenance Agreements $0 $209 $209 $200 5225 SO 5225 5225 54730 Printing Expense $286 $600 $600 $300 5600 ~., 5600 5600 54731 Publications (previously #58200) $43,017 $32,720 $36,920 $36,000 537.000 50 53'.000 532000 54800 XXXXX Promotion Expense (see below) $22,624 $6,250 $9,350 $9,350 _.750 50 ,750 5,_.750 55230 Operating Supplies $195 $600 $600 $450 5600 SO 5600 5600 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $775 $775 $500 .~--,' ~.. ~ _ -,' .~, -- 55278 Software $0 $230 $230 $230 5250 50 5-50 ~_'.., 55411 Dues & Registrations $18,037 $15,400 $15,400 $16,100 515.000 50 515.000 515000 58000 Grants & Aids ~~~ $10,000 $17,000 $17,000 $10,000 517.000 SO 517.000 517.000 58300 Other Grants & Aids -Economic Development «~ $0 $5,850 $5,850 $4,600 - 850 ~. 50 55.850 55.50 Total Operating $107,290 $96,696 $100,896 $87,730 5100,150 50 5100.150 5100.150 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,145 $0 $0 $0 ,u ,u - ,u - Total Capital $1,145 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO .,., TOTAL COMMISSION BUDGET $182,835 $171,096 $175,296 $162,130 5174.550 - 5174.550 5174550 Promotion Expense: (1) Grants 8. Aids: Intergovernmental 11001 $2,000 WMFE $5,000 Appreciation Dinner (Boards & Committees) 11002 $3,000 Other (criteria to be determined) $12,000 Flowers/Remembrance 11006 $1,000 $17,000 General N/A $2,750 $8,750 (2) Economic Development: OviedoNVinter Springs Chamber $5,000 Seminole Chamber $850 $5,850 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EXECUTIVE -BOARDS -1110 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51330 Planning and Zoning Board $1,725 $1,500 $1,500 $1,625 51.500 ~., 51.500 51.500 51340 Board of Adjustments $325 $900 $775 $625 . -~ 50 ~--'. "-~ 51360 Code Enforcement Board $1,225 $2,000 $2,000 $2,200 52000 50 52000 52000 51370 B.O.W.S. Board $1,500 $2,000 $2,000 $1,750 52.000 50 52.000 52.000 51380 Pension Board of Trustees $1,075 $750 $750 $750 .~-~.. ~.. ~_~-.. 5750 51390 Districting Commission $75 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO ~u Total Payroll $5,925 $7,150 $7,025 $6,950 5?,025 SO 57.025 57.025 54010 Travel& Per Diem $221 $150 $275 $275 .~_-'. ~., ~_-~ ~_-- 55230 Operating Supplies $222 $200 $200 $200 5200 50 5200 ~_.,., 55230 90001 Oper Sup -BOWS Board $0 $3,000 $3,000 $2,155 5845 SO 5845 5845 55411 Dues & Registrations $0 $600 $600 $300 5600 50 5600 Sei00 55430 Employee Development $48 $0 $0 $0 ~u - ,u - ,u - SO Total Operating $491 $3,950 $4,075 $2,930 51.9'0 SO 51.920 51.920 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SO ~., SO .,., TOTAL BOARDS' BUDGET $6,416 $11,100 $11,100 $9,880 58.945 SO 58.945 58.945 10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EXECUTIVE -CITY MANAGER -1200 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $159,330 $165,803 $165,803 $165,803 .172859 ~~ 1 8 614 5176.614 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $5,116 $5,612 $5,612 $5,320 ~ 824 SO ~ 824 S5 824 51214 Overtime Salaries $705 $2,122 $2,122 $2,122 521 ~ 8 SO S2178 52.1 ; 8 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $11,326 $11,731 $11,768 $11,768 S11 115 ~ S11 190 511.198 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $12,957 $14,790 $14,790 $14,790 S14 394 536 S14A30 S14 430 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $659 $573 $573 $573 5595 S16 S611 S611 52330 Pension Expense $24,641 $26,553 $26,553 $26,553 S31.405 S1 %~ S31 578 531 S8 52335 Deferred Comp - 457 $19,827 $20,500 $20,500 $20,500 S20 500 520.500 520.500 52336 Deferred Comp - 401 (a) $17,462 $18,846 $18,846 $18,846 S18 871 5691 519.562 S19 562 Total Payroll $252,023 $266,530 $266,567 $266,275 --.741 ~ 754 ~4 495 ~264A95 53180 Consulting $263 $0 $262 $262 SO SD 53186 Outside Services $2,930 $500 $500 $0 8500 SO 8500 5500 54010 Travel & Per Diem $584 $2,800 $2,800 $1,500 52.500 SO 52500 53500 54020 Auto Allowance $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 S4 800 SO 54.800 S4 800 54110 Telephone $796 $1,000 $963 $800 S1 000 S1 000 51.000 54210 Postage $164 $300 $300 $175 S300 S300 5300 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $100 $230 $230 S100 SO S100 5100 54633 Maintenance Agreements $73 $80 $80 $80 ~ SO S80 S80 54730 Printing Expense $978 $200 $200 $200 _ 5200 S200 55110 Office Supplies $555 $500 $500 $400 5400 5400 S400 55120 Computer Supplies $379 $400 $400 $300 5300 SO 5300 S300 55230 Operating Supplies $36 $250 $250 $100 5200 SO 5200 S200 55240 Uniforms $134 $0 $0 $0 SD SD 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $48 $525 $395 $200 S400 S400 5400 55278 Software $293 $325 $325 $0 SO SO SO 55410 Subscriptions $40 $200 $200 $50 S100 50 S100 5100 55411 Dues & Registrations $2,399 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 ~ 53.000 S3000 56910 Contingencies $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 51.500 51.500 S1500 Total Operating $14,472 $16,480 $16,705 $11,597 S15,380 50 S15 380 515,380 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,145 $0 $0 $0 SO SO Total Capital $1,145 $0 $0 $0 50 SO 50 SO TOTAL CITY MANAGER BUDGET $267,640 $283,010 $283,272 $277,872 X293 Y21 6 754 ti~ ~7~-~ 5299 5 2008-2009 payroll costs include vacation/sick-leave pay-out for retiring Administrative Assistant. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EXECUTIVE -CITY CLERK -1210 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $149,746 $169,157 $169,157 $165,000 5178.012 ~., 5174.012 5178.012 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,421 $2,080 $2,080 $2,104 52.182 50 52142 52.142 51214 Overtime Salaries (for board clerks) $10,062 $6,055 $6,055 $6,000 c7.671 50 57.671 57.671 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $12,286 $13,448 $13,521 $13,201 514.445 50 514.445 514.445 52310 Health/Lifelnsurance $11,985 $16,598 $16,598 $16,598 514.137 ~., 514.157 514.137 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $548 $500 $500 $487 - - 50 ~ ~, ~'.~~ 52330 Pension Expense $20,691 $23,731 $23,731 $23,166 4310 50 - 8310 - 8310 Total Payroll $206,739 $231,569 $231,642 $226,556 X45.294 50 ~ -t~.294 X245.294 53113 Records Management Services $597 $0 $0 $0 50 50 SO SO 53120 Codification $2,336 $6,000 $6,000 $7,450 56,000 50 56.000 56.000 53140 Pre-EmploymenUPhysicals $11 $90 $90 $90 50 50 .., SO 54010 Travel & Per Diem $3,154 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 ~_.--., ~., -_.-'., _.750 54110 Telephone $1,093 $1,821 $1,748 $1,200 51.300 50 51.300 51.300 54210 Postage $1,403 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 52.000 50 52000 52000 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $250 $250 $100 5100 ~., 5100 5100 54633 Maintenance Agreements $0 $209 $209 $0 ~.. ~.. ~.. SO 54710 Election Printing $0 $300 $300 $300 5300 50 5300 ~~.,., 54730 Printing Expense $773 $900 $900 $500 5300 50 5900 5900 54810 Employee Relations $0 $100 $100 $0 50 50 .., SO 54920 Legal Advertising $799 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 51200 ~., 51200 51200 54950 Recording Fees $45 $400 $1,000 $400 5400 50 5400 5400 55110 Office Supplies $1,667 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 51.400 50 51.400 51.800 55120 Computer Supplies $830 $500 $500 $500 5600 50 5600 5600 55230 Operating Supplies $928 $1,000 $1,000 $800 "x1.000 ~., 51.000 51.000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $398 $1,265 $665 $665 St200 5130 51. X30 51.330 55278 Softv~are $893 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 51.500 5300 51.400 51.800 55410 Subscriptions $193 $400 $400 $400 5400 ~., 5400 5400 55411 Dues & Registrations $4,751 $4,000 $4,000 $3,000 54.000 ~., 54.000 54000 55430 Employee Development $637 $1,000 $1,000 $500 5250 50 5250 ~_~., 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $500 550 SO 5750 --' Total Operating $20,508 $27,885 $27,812 $25,055 520 4',n 543r~ ;;;;n .~_...__ - 4;n .__... _ 64200 Data Processing Equipment $4,045 $3,610 $3,610 $2,775 50 51 °00 51.300 51.300 Total Capital $4,045 $3,610 $3,610 $2,775 50 51.300 51.300 51.300 TOTAL CITY CLERK BUDGET $231,292 $263,064 $263,064 $254,386 5271.744 J1.730 3.474 273474 Small Tools 8. Equipment: UPS battery back-up $130 Software: Microsoft Professional $300 Data Processing Equipment: Personal Computer Dais (1) $1,300 12 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 53111 Legal Services -General $301,841 $250,000 $250,000 $350,000 5300.000 ~., 500.000 500.000 53117 Legal Services -Labor $1,705 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 51.000 50 51.000 51.000 53119 Special Legal Services $84,929 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 510.000 50 510.000 510.000 53121 Court Services $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 SO SO .., ~., 53180 Consulting Services $17,714 $0 $24,514 $26,278 ~.. ~.. ~.. SO 53199 Legislative Services $4,850 $5,000 $5,000 $0 55.000 50 55.000 S5.000 53410 Billing Services Cost-Ad Valorem $829 $1,000 $1,000 $820 ;1.000 50 51.000 51.000 53411 Bank Service Charges $5,927 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 57.000 ~., 57.000 57.000 54450 Property Lease Costs (Wagner Curve) $34,735 $0 $4,065 $4,065 ~.. ~.. ~.. SO 54451 Trail Lease Costs $300 $300 $300 $300 500 50 500 5300 54800 90300 Promotion -Concert Series $3,738 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 ~., 55201 US 17-92 Tax Payment $150,132 $150,000 $140,035 $110,775 ~_7i55 SO So7.85 So7.0'75 56910 Contingencies $0 $25,000 $20,004 $0 5?5.000 SO 25.000 .25.000 58300 Other Grants & Aids -Economic Development $0 $0 $208,350 $208,350 SO SO SO SO Total Operating $606,700 $478,300 $706,168 $743,488 54.38,955 50 5436.955 5430.95, 70105 Transfer to 2004 CP Debt S1~c Fund 58160 (Senior Ctr) $0 $60,000 $0 $0 .,u ~u .,u .,u Total Transfers $30,532 $60,000 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 64000 Equipment-General $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 ~.. ~.. ~.. 50 TOTAL GENERALGOV'T-SUMMARY BUDGET $637,232 $538,300 $706,168 $743,488 5436.955 - 54;8.955 558.955 13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT -LEGAL SERVICES -1220 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budget Budget 53111 LegalServices-General $301,841 $250,000 $250,000 $350,000 5300.000 5300.000 5300.000 53117 Legal Services -Labor $1,705 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 S1 000 51.000 51.000 53119 Special Legal Services $84,929 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 S10 000 SO S10 000 S10 000 Total Operating $388,475 $270,000 $270,000 $380,000 S311,000 SO S311,000 S31t000 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 ~., ,., ~., ~., Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES BUDGET $388,475 $270,000 $270,000 $380,000 S311.000 5311.000 5311.000 14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL GOV -CODE ENFORCEMENT COURT -1230 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 53121 Court Services $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Operating $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO TOTAL CODE ENF. COURT BUDGET $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 SO SO SO SO 15 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT -GENERAL-1900 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 53161 Consuting -Compensation Study $0 $0 $5,900 $5,900 ~.. ~.. ~.. SO 53180 Consulting Services $17,714 $0 $24,514 $26,278 SO SO SO SO 53199 Legislative Services $4,850 $5,000 $5,000 $0 c:,.000 SO 55.000 55.000 53410 Billing Services Cost - Ad Valorem $829 $1,000 $1,000 $820 51.000 50 51.000 51.000 53411 Bank Service Charges $5,927 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 57.000 ~., 57.000 5Z 000 54450 Property Lease Costs (Wagner Curve) $34,735 $0 $4,065 $4,065 50 50 50 SO 54451 Trail Lease Costs $300 $300 $300 $300 5300 50 5500 ~.~.,., 54800 Promotion -Concert Series $3,738 $0 $0 $0 50 SO ." ., SO 55201 US 17-92 Tax Payment $150,132 $150,000 $140,035 $110,775 547.655 ~., ~~ ~., , ~_ '~ ~~_..,.'- 56910 Contingencies $0 $25,000 $20,004 $0 55.000 SO 525.000 525.000 58300 Other Grants & Aids -Economic Development $0 $0 $208,350 $208,350 50 5G SG ~u Total Operating $218,225 $188,300 $416,168 $363,488 5125.955 SO 5125.955 5125.955 58125 Transfer to Translmpact Fee Fund #140 $30,532 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 50 SO 70105 Transfer to 2004 CP Debt Svc Fund 58160 (Senior Ctr) ~ $0 $60,000 $0 $0 S2 52 52 Total Transfers $30,532 $60,000 $0 $0 .~.. ~.. ~.. ~.. Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 50 50 TOTAL GENERAL BUDGET $248,757 $248,300 $416,168 $363,488 5125.955 SO 5125.955 5125.955 ~ In fiscal year 2008, $750,000 was drawn down from a SunTrust line of credit for the Sen ior Center Expansion. These funds will be transferred to the 2004 Line of Credit Debt Service Fund (#230) for interest and principal reduction via division 7251 - Senior Center Pool. 16 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FINANCE -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Personal Services $698,192 $803,455 $803,528 $785,492 $809,027 $809,027 Operating Supplies $285,546 $356,408 $362,585 $321,851 $341,075 $341,075 Capital Outlay $10,576 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $994,314 $1,159,863 $1,166,113 $1,107,343 $1,150,102 $1,150,102 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs; part-time positions in italics) General -1300 Finance Director 1 1 Accountant 2 2 Accounts Payable Clerk 1 1 Accounts Payable Supervisor 1 1 Budget Analyst 1 1 Controller 1 1 Total 7 7 Utility Billing - 1360 Utility Services Manager 1 1 Customer Service Representative 3 3 Revenue Officer 1 1 Utility Billing Accountant 0 1 Utility Billing Specialist 3 2 Total 8 8 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 15 15 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 8 8 15 15 17 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FINANCE -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $537,240 $591,835 $591,835 $591,671 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~ SO » ~ ,~~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $3,875 $3,881 $3,881 $3,401 S5 904 SO S5,904 S~ 904 51214 Overtime Salaries $2,305 $14,178 $14,178 $4,500 SZ64; 50 57.647 57.64; 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $40,195 $46,657 $46,730 $45,780 546.811 546.811 S46 811 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $45,528 $62,835 $62,835 $57,533 ,~~ _ _ 50 .~~-~_ 556 ~8~ 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $1,865 $1,733 $1,733 $1,665 S1 ; 39 1 %39 51 °39 52330 Pension Expense $67,184 $82,336 $82,336 $80,942 591.786 50 S91786 591 X86 Total Payroll $698,192 $803,455 $803,528 $785,492 ii-i 027 SS - ,oC i J27 53180 Consultant Services $1,000 $2,200 $6,700 $5,000 5500 5500 5500 53186 Outside Services - Temp Serv. $8,875 $500 $500 $0 SO 53188 Contract Services $119,643 $171,815 $158,995 $145,250 x14451 ~ 5,~ 424 51 %0.940 517 X40 53210 Audit Services $30,700 $37,500 $37,500 $27,600 537.100 50 S32 100 532100 53410 Contractual Service Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 . ~ 5~ 500 55.500 55.500 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,622 $5,464 $5,464 $3,300 s260 50 ~ 5~ ~ ~0 54110 Telephone $1,263 $1,959 $3,286 $3,286 S1950 51.550 51.950 54210 Postage $62,099 $67,500 $66,155 $64,500 54790 53910 - .. S°' 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $150 $150 $0 ~ 50 54510 General Insurance $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 515.000 50 S15 000 515.000 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equip $210 $2,825 $2,825 $825 _~ 585 _~ 54632 Software Maintenance & License $395 $2,500 $2,500 $800 .~_~ 50 ~<_~ .~_~ 54633 Maint. Agree & Contracts $7,123 $10,500 $15,000 $15,000 SZ500 51.350 So~850 5&850 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $175 $0 $0 $0 SO 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $0 $300 $300 $0 . ~ 50 54730 Printing Expense $13,938 $9,280 $15,200 $14,600 ~~ ~-0 0.00 ~ _ 54920 Legal Advertising $1,343 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1 500 51.500 51.500 54930 Classified Advertising $0 $150 $150 $0 SO 54950 Recording Fees $20 $0 $600 $600 5150 5150 5150 55110 Office Supplies $4,804 $4,500 $4,500 $5,000 ~ 50 55.000 55.000 55120 Computer Supplies $5,887 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 S4000 54.000 54.000 55230 Operating Supplies $2,534 $2,850 $2,850 $2,850 _~~ 50 ,_~~ __~~ 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $2,138 $5,450 $5,100 $4,400 52.000 52000 S~ 000 55278 New Software-Systems $2,856 $0 $2,580 $2,000 SO 55410 Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $0 50 55411 Dues&Registrations $1,140 $2,265 $2,265 $1,450 51.775 50 5175 51 X75 55430 Employee Development $2,371 $8,100 $8,100 $3,625 55.950 a, 55.90 5~ 950 Total Operating $285,546 $356,408 $362,585 $321,851 32i1 S~7 .04 ,41 073 S341 x75 64200 Data Processing Equipment $10,576 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Capital $10,576 $0 $0 $0 50 SS 50 50 TOTAL FINANCE -SUMMARY BUDGET $994,314 $1,159,863 $1,166,113 $1,107,343 51 112.298 53 804 51.1 ,0.102 51.150.102 18 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FINANCE -GENERAL - 1300 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $329,915 $340,067 $340,067 $340,587 S 4 .406 SO , 4 -108 5342 400 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $3,060 $2,552 $2,552 $2,553 S3,648 SO S3 64o S3,648 51214 Overtime Salaries $1,337 $7,407 $7,407 $2,500 53.650 53.656 53.650 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $24,336 $26,777 $26,850 $26,350 ,,6.753 50 ._~-~~ 56753 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $35,045 $39,186 $39,186 $34,788 ~~ ;7~ ,, ~~ ~ ~.._ -_ 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $1,148 $995 $995 $965 S994 50 5994 5994 52330 Pension Expense $41,519 $47,253 $47,253 $46,661 552.457 552457 56~ 45~ Total Payroll $436,360 $464,237 $464,310 $454,404 4 , '88 50 4 _~ :465 '88 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $82 $0 $0 $0 SO 53180 Consultant Services $1,000 $2,200 $2,200 $500 5500 5500 5500 53186 Outside Services - Temp Serv. $0 $500 $500 $0 SO 53210 Audit Services $15,350 $20,000 $20,000 $13,800 516.050 516.050 S16 050 53410 Contractual Service Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 55.500 55.500 55.500 54010 Travel & Per Diem $205 $3,564 $3,564 $1,400 51.600 51.600 51.600 54110 Telephone $962 $1,309 $1,236 $1,236 51.300 50 51.300 51.300 54210 Postage $2,138 $4,500 $3,920 $3,200 53.500 53.500 53.500 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $150 $150 $0 50 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equip $210 $325 $325 $325 5325 53-5 ~_~ 54632 Software Maintenance & License $395 $500 $500 $500 55"5 50 5525 .~_~ 54633 Maint. Agree & Contracts $0 $0 $0 $0 51.350 51.350 SL350 54730 Printing Expense $2,182 $2,600 $2,600 $2,000 _~ 50 5~ 300 ~_~ 54920 Legal Advertising $1,035 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1 500 51.500 51.500 54930 Classified Advertising $0 $150 $150 $0 SO 55110 Office Supplies $2,455 $2,000 $2,000 $2,500 52.500 52500 5~ 500 55120 Computer Supplies $1,774 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 _ 50 5~ 000 __ 55230 Operating Supplies $620 $1,050 $1,050 $1,050 S1 050 51.050 51.050 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $1,173 $1,450 $1,200 $500 5~~00 50 5500 Sb00 55278 New Software-Systems $1,751 $0 $830 $250 ... SO ... 55410 Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $0 50 55411 Dues & Registrations $1,140 $1,765 $1,765 $1,200 S1 525 51.5-5 51.525 55430 Employee Development $2,371 $6,600 $6,600 $2,125 54.450 50 54.450 54.450 Total Operating $34,843 $52,263 $52,190 $34,086 ~ ~_~ S "~ X46.4;5 546.475 64200 Data Processing Equipment $8,030 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Capital $8,030 $0 $0 $0 50 50 S~~ 50 TOTAL FINANCE -GENERAL BUDGET Contractual Service Costs: Bond Arbitrage Services $479,233 $516,500 $516,500 $488,490 S503 413 S6 050 S510 263 S510263 Maint. Agree & Contracts: $5,500 Envelope Stuffer $1,350 19 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FINANCE -UTILITY BILLING - 1360 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET This division (1360) is entirely funded by a transfer from the Water & Sewer Utility Fund -see General Fund revenues 001-381090 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $207,325 $251,768 $251,768 $251,084 ~ ~ ~~50 SO a a50 S~5a-~50 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $815 $1,329 $1,329 $848 S3256 50 S3 356 S3256 51214 Overtime Salaries $968 $6,771 $6,771 $2,000 53.991 53.991 53.991 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $15,859 $19,880 $19,880 $19,430 _~50 ~ ~~ S2_Ub8 52310 Health/Life Insurance $10,483 $23,649 $23,649 $22,745 52.910 5,~ 910 52910 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $717 $738 $738 $700 5; 4b 5745 5745 52330 Pension Expense $25,665 $35,083 $35,083 $34,281 s ~ 329 53 z Total Payroll $261,832 $339,218 $339,218 $331,088 4 -39 ,~ j4 '~~ d34~ ?39 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $328 $0 $265 $265 ... SO 53180 Consultant Services $0 $0 $4,500 $4,500 50 53186 Outside Serv.-Temp Services $8,875 $0 $0 $0 SO 53188 Contract Services $119,643 $171,815 $158,995 $145,250 5144.516 726.929 S170.940 51 ; 0.940 53210 Audit Services $15,350 $17,500 $17,500 $13,800 S16 050 516.050 S16 Ob0 54010 Travel& Per Diem $1,417 $1,900 $1,900 $1,900 51.660 51.660 51.660 54110 Telephone $301 $650 $2,050 $2,050 5650 ~ 5650 5650 54210 Postage $59,961 $63,000 $62,235 $61,300 1290 7.970 565 X00 54510 General Insurance $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 S15 000 515.000 S15 000 54630 Repair&Maintenance-Equipment $0 $2,500 $2,500 $500 .~ _~ 5500 54632 Software Maintenance & License $0 $2,000 $2,000 $300 5400 ~ 5400 5400 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts $7,123 $10,500 $15,000 $15,000 5- ` 57.500 5-.500 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $175 $0 $0 $0 SO 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $0 $300 $300 $0 50 54730 Printing Expense $11,756 $6,680 $12,600 $12,600 56.660 7620 5; .300 5; .300 54920 Legal Advertising $308 $0 $0 $0 50 54950 Recording Fees $20 $0 $600 $600 5150 ~ 5150 5150 55110 Office Supplies $2,349 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 ~_~ 5~ 500 5-.500 55120 Computer Supplies $4,113 $2,000 $3,000 $3,000 S~ 000 S2 000 S~ 000 55230 Operating Supplies $1,914 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 51.500 51.500 51.500 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $965 $4,000 $3,900 $3,900 51.500 ~ S1 500 51.500 55278 NewSoftware-Systems $1,105 $0 $1,750 $1,750 50 55411 Dues & Registrations $0 $500 $500 $250 550 550 ~ _~ 55430 Employee Development $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 51.500 51.500 51500 Total Operating $250,703 $304,145 $310,395 $287,765 :.646 530 ;54 .4 HOC S2941 00 64200 Data Processing Equipment $2,546 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Capital $2,546 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 50 TOTAL UTILITY BILLING BUDGET $515,081 $643,363 $649,613 $618,853 ~6 S3 ~~4 S ~ 039 a3~ 039 The italicized amounts in 'New' column are the result of anticipated new construction. Note: In FY09, new'Contract Services" also includes a full year of bill print outsourcing services. This service was originally budgeted for a full year in FY08, but due to a lengthy program implementation phase this service will not require the full year's budget. 20 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Personal Services $300,304 $324,000 $324,073 $318,894 $327,704 $327,704 Operating Expenses $690,828 $860,271 $883,375 $770,275 $817,750 $817,750 Capital Outlay $7,614 $44,000 $44,100 $24,067 $20,000 $20,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $998,746 $1,228,271 $1,251,548 $1,113,236 $1,165,454 $1,165,454 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) Administration -1350 General Services Director 1 1 1 Human Resources -1310 Human Resources Coordinator 1 1 1 Purchasing - 1330 Purchasing Coordinator 1 1 1 City Hall -1910 City Hall Custodian 1 1 1 Operator -1915 Operator (approved 11/15/05) 1 1 1 Under the direction of IS TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 21 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $226,014 $235,288 $235,288 $235,288 ~~~- ~~ ~_~ 85; 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,672 $1,679 $1,679 $1,731 55.06- .~ ~_ 55.062 51214 Overtime Salaries $200 $7,762 $7,762 $2,806 S2014 SO S2014 S2014 51230 Compensated Absences $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 52110 F. LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $16,931 $18,721 $18,794 $18,710 513.776 ,1 , ; 76 51 %-~ 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $24,846 $26,002 $26,002 $26,002 525.13E '5.185 .2 1d8 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $1,421 $1,508 $1,508 $1,466 St 491 SO 514Fi1 51A91 52330 Pension Expense $29,220 $33,040 $33,040 $32,891 S86 816 SO S36 616 S36 616 Total Payroll $300,304 $324,000 $324,073 $318,894 ~-.704 50 ,,; .704 58~ .704 52510 Unemployment Compensation $18,025 $10,000 $10,000 $12,000 S12000 SO S12000 S12000 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $586 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 54010 Travel & Per Diem $281 $1,300 $1,225 $925 51.200 S1 200 S1 200 54110 Telephone $16,109 $21,685 $21,927 $19,050 519.300 519.300 S19300 54210 Postage $801 $500 $500 $975 St 100 SO S1 100 S1 100 54311 Utility Services -City Hall $57,668 $70,000 $70,000 $62,000 538.000 SO , ,.000 St , J00 54510 Generallnsurance $475,575 $561,136 $561,136 $525,000 Sb51.000 5551.000 5551.000 54511 General Insurance Settlements $39,254 $100,000 $100,000 $50,000 575.000 5-5.000 5,5.000 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $150 $150 $0 SO SO 50 SO 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts $2,663 $4,200 $4,200 $2,600 S3 000 SO S3 000 S3 000 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicle $49 $500 $500 $200 5500 ~ 5500 54661 Repair & Maintenance -City Hall $17,970 $25,000 $42,862 $40,000 _ , "~ 000 . _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 54682 Repair & Maintenance -Grounds $23,948 $9,450 $14,450 $14,000 S1 t000 SO S11 000 S11 0 0 0 54720 Fax & Copy Machine Supplies & Lease $9,500 $14,000 $14,000 $10,000 S12000 SO S12000 S12000 54730 Printing Expense $53 $650 $850 $0 5650 S650 .~~ 54810 Employee Relations $13,311 $15,400 $15,400 $15,400 S15 500 515.500 51~~500 54930 Classified Advertising $2,110 $5,150 $5,150 $6,000 S5 000 SO S5, 000 S5 000 55110 Office Supplies $5,209 $4,500 $4,500 $3,825 S~ 300 SO S5 800 S5 800 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax Supplies $575 $1,700 $1,775 $1,150 51.400 S1400 S1400 55210 Fuel & Oil $226 $1,500 $1,500 $1,200 51.500 51.500 51.500 55220 Tires $0 $100 $100 $100 S100 SO S100 S100 55230 Operating Supplies $623 $1,000 $1,000 $725 5950 SO S950 S9~0 55240 Uniforms $357 $600 $600 $50 5300 5300 .~ 55260 Janitorial Supplies $3,365 $4,000 $4,000 $3,000 54.000 S4000 S4000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $657 $2,200 $2,000 $575 S1 000 SO S1,000 S1,000 55275 Comm/Cable Service & Support $0 $1,200 $1,200 $0 SO SO SO SO 55278 Software Systems $293 $400 $400 $300 5100 5100 5100 55410 Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $0 5100 5100 5100 55411 Dues & Registrations $151 $1,000 $925 $525 S6~0 SO S650 S650 55430 Employee Development $350 $1,850 $1,925 $675 S1600 SO S1B00 S1600 55470 Reference Library Expense $69 $1,000 $1,000 $0 5500 Sb00 Total Operating $690,828 $860,271 $883,375 $770,275 ,~177b0 ~81Z;51 581 50 62000 Building $0 $4,000 $4,100 $4,067 SO SO SO SO 63000 Improvements $0 $40,000 $40,000 $20,000 520 OJ0 a 000 5~:' J00 64200 Data Processing Equipment $2,614 $0 $0 $0 50 50 65000 Construction in Progress $5,000 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Capital $7,614 $44,000 $44,100 $24,067 S20,000 SO S20,000 S20,000 TOTAL GENERAL SERVICES -SUMMARY BUDGET $998,746 $1,228,271 $1,251,548 $1,113,236 S1 165 4b4 51.165.454 51.165. a54 22 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -ADMINISTRATION - 1350 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $76,703 $80,046 $80,046 $80,046 ~ .~~'~,~ SO ~ ~15~3 S3 ~_~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 S1 554 SO S1,~54 St554 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 SO 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $5,863 $6,123 $6,196 $6,196 56.30? 56.302 56.302 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,723 $5,013 $5,013 $5,013 54.550 SO 54 8b0 54.550 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $0 $228 $228 $228 534 534 5234 52330 Pension Expense $9,803 $10,807 $10,807 $10,807 51~ 35; 50 S1~ 35i 51235; Total Payroll $97,092 $102,217 $102,290 $102,290 5100.120 S5 510610 5106.120 54010 Travel & Per Diem $213 $1,000 $1,000 $800 S1 000 51.000 51.000 54110 Telephone $987 $1,635 $1,562 $1,000 51.200 50 51.200 51200 54210 Postage $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 54730 Printing Expense $0 $50 $50 $0 ,~ 50 .~ ,~ 54930 Classified Advertising $0 $0 $0 $0 . ~ 50 55110 Office Supplies $146 $300 $300 $150 ._.,., SO _..., ._.,., 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax Supplies $130 $300 $300 $200 500 S~00 500 55230 Operating Supplies $192 $300 $300 $200 .~ 50 5300 .~ 55240 Uniforms $238 $100 $100 $50 5100 5100 5100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $148 $1,450 $1,450 $400 .~ 50 5300 .~ 55278 Software Systems $293 $300 $300 $300 5100 5100 5100 55410 Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $0 S100 50 5100 S100 55411 Dues & Registrations $25 $300 $300 $100 5100 5100 5100 55430 Employee Development $200 $1,000 $1,000 $500 51.000 50 51.000 51.000 Total Operating $2,572 $6,935 $6,862 $3,800 S4 ~ 50 S5 54 X50 54 ; 50 64200 Data Processing Equipment $2,614 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Capital $2,614 $0 $0 $0 SJ 50 SJ 50 TOTAL GEN SVC-ADMIN BUDGET $102,278 $109,152 $109,152 $106,090 511~~5;0 SO X11 570 S11~15;0 23 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -HUMAN RESOURCES - 1310 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $58,882 $61,219 $61,219 $61,219 S62 063 SO S62 063 S62 063 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 S1194 SO S11~4 S1,194 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $3,061 $3,061 $1,000 5621 561 5621 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $4,473 $4,918 $4,918 $4,918 4 58; 50 4 ;F2 54 ,3; 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,665 $4,886 $4,886 $4,886 S4 ~ 32 54.132 54 ; 32 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $201 $183 $183 $183 S182 50 5152 S1 o2 52330 Pension Expense $7,527 $8,678 $8,678 $8,678 59 ~~ Total Payroll $75,748 $82,945 $82,945 $80,884 ~ ~1 50 X61 X83 X61 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $586 $0 $0 $0 SO 54010 Travel & Per Diem $0 $200 $200 $100 5100 5100 5100 54110 Telephone $22 $50 $50 $50 S100 50 5100 S100 54210 Postage $681 $300 $300 $700 5800 5800 5800 54730 Printing Expense $0 $500 $700 $0 .~ 50 5500 54810 Employee Relations $13,311 $15,400 $15,400 $15,400 510500 515.500 S1b~500 54930 Classified Advertising $2,110 $5,150 $5,150 $6,000 ~ 50 55.000 55.000 55110 Office Supplies $387 $400 $400 $50 5300 5300 5300 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax Supplies $64 $200 $200 $50 . _.,., SO _:.., _.,:, 55230 Operating Supplies $274 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $27 $400 $200 $50 S100 50 5100 S100 55411 Dues & Registrations $0 $200 $200 $0 5200 5200 5200 55430 Employee Development $0 $750 $750 $0 50 5500 Total Operating $17,462 $23,650 $23,650 $22,500 523.400 50 523.400 523400 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 50 SS 50 50 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES BUDGET $93,210 $106,595 $106,595 $103,384 S106 661 SO S106 661 5106.6x1 24 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -PURCHASING -1330 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $44,104 $45,895 $45,895 $45,895 -1~ ~~o SO -i ~ 79o S4~ ~~~'~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,672 $1,679 $1,679 $1,731 51.800 S1800 51.800 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $2,295 $2,295 $500 S4ro SO S468 54x8 52110 F. LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $3,497 $3,814 $3,814 $3,814 S3 ; 54 SO S3754 S3 754 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,591 $4,784 $4,784 $4,784 54.636 S4 680 54.680 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $157 $142 $142 $142 5139 SO S13~ 513 52330 Pension Expense $5,863 $6,732 $6,732 $6,732 S7360 SO Si 360 S; 360 Total Payroll $59,884 $65,341 $65,341 $63,598 S64,955 SO S64,~~5 S64955 54010 Travel & Per Diem $68 $100 $25 $25 5100 5100 5100 54210 Postage $120 $100 $100 $175 S~00 SO S~00 S200 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $150 $150 $0 ~ SO SO SO 54730 Printing Expense $53 $100 $100 $0 5100 5100 5100 55110 Office Supplies $104 $200 $200 $125 500 50 ._ ~_ 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax Supplies $210 $600 $675 $300 S400 SO S400 S400 55230 Operating Supplies $16 $100 $100 $25 S50 SO S~0 S~0 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $81 $50 $50 $25 500 50 55278 Software Systems $0 $100 $100 $0 55411 Dues & Registrations $126 $500 $425 $425 S300 SO S300 530 55430 Employee Development $150 $100 $175 $175 S100 SO S100 S100 Total Operating $928 $2,100 $2,100 $1,275 S1 ;00 SS 51.;00 51.;00 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO TOTAL PURCHASING BUDGET $60,812 $67,441 $67,441 $64,873 S66 655 SO 36.655 S6r, 655 25 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -CITY HALL - 1910 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $21,201 $22,002 $22,002 $22,002 X21 546 SO ~,1 d48 S21 X48 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $200 $1,100 $1,100 $0 5658 ~~ 5658 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $1,181 $1,768 $1,768 $1,684 S1 i29 517-9 51 7~9 52310 Health/Lifelnsurance $6,402 $6,668 $6,668 $6,668 S6461 ~ S6461 56A61 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $975 $877 $877 $835 X056 SO o;56 5;58 52330 Pension Expense $2,734 $3,119 $3,119 $2,970 S3 3~1 53 3~1 S3 391 Total Payroll $32,693 $35,534 $35,534 $34,159 SSS 045 SO 535.045 535.045 54110 Telephone $15,100 $20,000 $20,315 $18,000 518.000 ~ S16 000 S16 000 54311 Utility Services -City Hall $57,668 $70,000 $70,000 $62,000 x'.:.000 r ;00 ~8 200 54633 Maint. Agree & Contracts $2,663 $4,200 $4,200 $2,600 S3 000 ~ 53.000 53.000 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $49 $500 $500 $200 S500 SO S500 S500 54661 Repair & Maintenance -City Hall $17,970 $25,000 $42,862 $40,000 S25 000 SO 535.000 535.000 54682 Repair & Maintenance -Grounds $23,948 $9,450 $14,450 $14,000 511.000 S11.000 S11 000 54720 Fax & Copy Machine Supplies & Lease $9,500 $14,000 $14,000 $10,000 S1 ~ 000 512.000 512.000 55110 Office Supplies $4,572 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 S4500 SO S4500 S4500 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax Supplies $171 $500 $500 $500 S500 SO S500 S500 55210 Fuel& Oil $226 $1,500 $1,500 $1,200 51.500 S1 500 51.500 55220 Tires $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 S100 5100 55230 Operating Supplies $141 $500 $500 $400 S500 ~ S500 S500 55240 Uniforms $119 $300 $300 $0 S200 SO ~_~~ S200 55260 Janitorial Supplies $3,365 $4,000 $4,000 $3,000 54.000 54.000 54.000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $172 $300 $300 $100 5300 ~ ~~00 55275 Comm/Cable Service & Support $0 $1,200 $1,200 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Operating $135,664 $155,050 $178,227 $155,600 S1~ 100 SO S14Fi100 S149 100 62000 Building $0 $4,000 $4,100 $4,067 SO SO SO 63000 Improvements $0 $40,000 $40,000 $20,000 520.000 ~ S20 000 S20 000 65000 Construction in Progress $5,000 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $5,000 $44,000 $44,100 $24,067 J00 ~l ,~10 ~0: 00 TOTAL CITY HALL BUDGET $173,357 $234,584 $257,861 $213,826 S-04.145 5204.145 S204.145 26 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -OPERATOR -1915 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $25,124 $26,126 $26,126 $26,126 S~B7~~ ~"6 i~5 ~"G7~5 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 S514 5514 5514 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $1,306 $1,306 $1,306 S26i SO _~- S~6; 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $1,917 $2,098 $2,098 $2,098 S2104 SO S~~104 S~ 104 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,465 $4,651 $4,651 $4,651 54 b0~ 54.509 S4509 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $88 $78 $78 $78 -- ... 52330 Pension Expense $3,293 $3,704 $3,704 $3,704 S41-6 SO S41-6 54.1-6 Total Payroll $34,887 $37,963 $37,963 $37,963 S~ ~ ~_~ SO S3c,323 , ~,3~3 55110 Office Supplies $0 $100 $100 $0 S100 5100 5100 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax Supplies $0 $100 $100 $100 S100 SO S100 S100 55240 Uniforms $0 $200 $200 $0 SO SO SO SO 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $229 $0 $0 $0 S100 5100 5100 Total Operating $229 $400 $400 $100 5300 50 5300 5300 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO TOTAL OPERATOR BUDGET $35,116 $38,363 $38,363 $38,063 ;~3 S3~G23 Note -Per Regular 504 (11/14/05), the costs attributable to this department will be allocated as follows: Dev Services - 57 General - 27 Water and Sewer - 16 27 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -RISK MANAGEMENT - 1920 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget Total Payroll $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 52510 Unemployment Compensation $18,025 $10,000 $10,000 $12,000 S1~ 000 SO S1~ 000 S12000 53180 Consulting Services $1,050 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 54510 Generallnsurance $475,575 $561,136 $561,136 $525,000 S5b1000 5551.000 Sb51000 54511 General Insurance Settlements $39,254 $100,000 $100,000 $50,000 X5.000 - -5.000 Total Operating $533,904 $671,136 $671,136 $587,000 '.:.000 50 ~_ J00 X30 000 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 50 SJ 50 SJ TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT BUDGET $533,904 $671,136 $671,136 $587,000 ~ (l00 SO a .~ 100 S~3oS100 General Insurance (premium estimates): Property $225,000 General Liab $240,000 Auto $80,000 Pension $5,000 Special Risk $6,000 Storage Tank $10,000 Utility Billing Allocation ($15,000) $551, 000 28 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET GENERAL SERVICES -LIBRARY - 1930 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget Total Payroll $0 $0 $0 $0 o SO ~ 50 55470 Reference Library Expense $69 $1,000 $1,000 $0 -' 5500 Total Operating $69 $1,000 $1,000 $0 500 ~~ ~~~~ 5500 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 ~~ ,~ ~~ 50 TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $69 $1,000 $1,000 $0 5500 - 5500 29 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET INFO SERVICES -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Personal Services $543,261 $679,736 $622,573 $534,371 $684,581 $684,581 Operating Expenses $425,999 $435,344 $496,889 $419,957 $434,290 $434,290 Capital Outlay $196,420 $0 $104,678 $102,467 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,165,680 $1,115,080 $1,224,140 $1,056,795 $1,118,871 $1,118,871 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) General -1340 IS Director 1 Multi-Media Technician 1 Network Administrator 1 Project & Application Support 1 Systems Administrator I 1 Systems Administrator II 1 Total 6 Special Proiects -1341 IT Coordinator & Security Administrator 1 Projects Clerk 1 Total 2 Records Manaaement -1342 Imaging Clerk 1 Deputy Clerk 1 2 Kiva/GIS - 1343 System Analyst/Kiva Administrator 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 11 11 11 30 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET INFORMATION SERVICES -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $408,442 $493,692 $435,237 $391,456 S"''.185 SO , .105 502185 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $2,153 $2,712 $2,712 $2,712 S4,660 SO S4 r60 S4,660 51214 Overtime Salaries $10,658 $13,082 $13,082 $11,293 511.450 511.450 511.458 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $31,215 $39,090 $39,538 $30,717 d 649 SO ~~ X49 ,35 X49 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $42,505 $60,724 $60,761 $45,250 52.324 2 3~4 552.324 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $1,447 $1,453 $1,470 $1,124 51.4; 4 SO 51.474 51.414 52330 Pension Expense $46,841 $68,983 $69,773 $51,819 ?.831 ,.831 -'.031 Total Payroll $543,261 $679,736 $622,573 $534,371 ~ -4.581 50 -}S01 X84 581 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals 53180 Consulting Services 53186 Outside Services 54010 Travel & Per Diem 54110 Telephone 54210 Postage 54630 Rep. & Maint.-Equipment (IS) 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts 54634 Web Site Maint &Dev 54638 Rep. & Maint.-Equipment (System) 54639 Network Dev & Tech Support 54650 Repair & Maint -Vehicles 54661 Repair & Maint -City Hall 54730 Printing 54800 Promotional 54907 Disposal Costs 54930 Classified Advertising 55110 Office Supplies 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax Supplies 55210 Fuel & Oil 55230 Operating Supplies 55270 Small Tools & Equipment 55275 Communications Cable 55278 New Software - (System) 55410 Subscriptions - (I.S.) 55411 Dues & Registrations 55430 Employee Development - (I.S.) 56910 Contingencies Total Operating 64200 Data Processing Equipment 64300 Furniture/Equipment 65000 CIP Total Capital TOTAL INFORMATION SERVICES BUDGET $246 $0 $531 $531 50 $110,803 $53,075 $81,907 $31,387 541.000 541.000 541.000 $28,532 $40,000 $51,967 $51,967 S50 000 50 .b0 000 ,~ $3,400 $4,850 $4,915 $2,165 S1 700 51 X00 S1 ;00 $7,670 $14,800 $14,800 $9,520 58.421 50 58.421 58A~1 $2,452 $300 $444 $219 515 S1~5 5125 $901 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 55.000 50 S5 000 $199,490 $242,459 $259,313 $256,000 ~ 1 874 1.974 5271.074 $13,363 $7,660 $7,660 $7,500 510.200 50 S10 X00 510.200 $0 $500 $500 $0 50 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $8,040 510.000 50 S10 000 510.000 $117 $500 $500 $0 50 $65 $200 $550 $550 5500 50 5500 .~ $1,461 $100 $100 $100 5100 S100 5100 $333 $0 $0 $0 50 .~ $0 $50 $50 $50 550 ,~ 550 $1,131 $0 $0 $0 50 $1,414 $1,200 $1,270 $1,200 S1 450 51.450 S1 450 $7,371 $5,900 $5,900 $5,900 55.910 50 55.910 55.910 $46 $200 $200 $100 50 $3,739 $1,200 $935 $1,200 51.200 50 51 X00 51.200 $7,880 $4,000 $8,373 $5,905 S1 700 51 X00 S1 ;00 $105 $800 $800 $500 5500 50 5500 .~ $16,297 $12,300 $8,250 $6,508 51.000 51.000 St000 $3,445 $3,500 $3,500 $3,225 j ?25 50 __~ 5325 $1,109 $2,250 $2,250 $1,400 S1535 51.535 S1535 $14,629 $20,000 $22,290 $22,490 518.700 50 S18 700 518 X00 $0 $6,000 $6,384 $0 50 $425,999 $435,344 $496,889 $419,957 -l -i ~90 50 4,-} ~i0 S434 =~0 $187,982 $0 $96,344 $94,201 50 $1,757 $0 $0 $0 50 .~ $6,681 $0 $8,334 $8,266 50 $196,420 $0 $104,678 $102,467 ~., ~., a.. ~., $1,165,680 $1,115,080 $1,224,140 $1,056,795 S1 11~ 071 SO 51 110 071 St11c 8; 1 31 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET INFORMATION SERVICES -GENERAL -1340 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $209,647 $286,990 $222,687 $183,387 1 49~ SO "31.497 S~b1 497 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $2,153 $1,545 $1,545 $1,545 S1 606 51.606 51.606 51214 Overtime Salaries $10,637 $10,293 $10,293 $10,293 510,522 SO S10 522 S10 522 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $16,589 $22,860 $22,860 $15,267 ~ 462 SO S ~ 462 S22 462 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $18,523 $34,914 $34,914 $24,000 ,1 -03 j1 '83 531. ~ S3 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $765 $850 $850 $555 S835 SO 5035 ~~~~ 52330 Pension Expense $21,423 $40,342 $40,342 $26,355 S43 550 SO S43 950 S43 950 Total Payroll $279,737 $397,794 $333,491 $261,402 j.655 SS ~ X55 ~~Q 65~ 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $246 $0 $353 $353 SO SO SO SO 53180 Consulting Services $1,080 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 S6,000 SO S6000 S6000 54010 Travel & Per Diem $555 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 St000 SO S1 000 S1 000 54110 Telephone $5,755 $4,700 $4,700 $4,700 -__ -- S6 7~ 54210 Postage $201 $300 $300 $75 ~ SO 575 .-~ 54630 Rep. & Maint.-Equipment QS) $0 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 S1 000 SO S1 000 S1 000 54633 Maint Agree&Contracts $146,926 $161,785 $161,785 $161,000 ,1 1 s5~'~ SO 51 1 ~5~ S19t ~5b 54634 Web Site Maint & Dev $12,759 $7,660 $7,660 $7,500 510.200 SO S10200 510200 54638 Rep. & Maint.-Equipment (System) $0 $500 $500 $0 54639 Network Dev & Tech Support $0 $10,000 $10,000 $8,040 510,000 SO S10,000 S10,000 54650 Repair & Maint -Vehicles $117 $500 $500 $0 SO SO SO SO 54661 Repair & Maint -City Hall $65 $200 $550 $550 5500 5500 5500 54730 Printing $59 $100 $100 $100 S100 50 5100 5100 54907 Disposal Costs $0 $50 $50 $50 S50 SO S50 S50 55110 Office Supplies $547 $500 $500 $500 S500 SO S500 S500 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax Supplies $7,232 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 55.500 50 55.500 55.500 55210 Fuel& Oil $46 $200 $200 $100 .:. 55230 Operating Supplies $68 $1,000 $735 $1,000 S1,000 SO 51.000 51.000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $3,061 $4,000 $3,912 $1,500 S1 500 SO S1 500 S1 500 55275 Communications Cable $105 $800 $800 $500 5500 5500 5500 55278 NewSoftware-(System) $2,055 $2,000 $2,864 $1,600 S1,000 SO S1000 St 000 55410 Subscriptions - Q.S.) $3,445 $3,500 $3,500 $3,225 ~~225 SO 53225 S3 225 55411 Dues & Registrations $325 $1,450 $1,450 $1,300 S1 300 SO 51.300 St300 55430 Employee Development - Q.S.) $7,289 $10,000 $9,650 $9,650 510.000 50 510.000 510.000 Total Operating $191,936 $224,745 $225,609 $215,243 5241.584 50 5241.554 541 504 64200 Data Processing Equipment $8,110 $0 $4,047 $4,047 Total Capital $8,110 $0 $4,047 $4,047 50 50 50 50 TOTAL IS-GENERAL BUDGET $479,783 $622,539 $563,147 $480,692 .54.239 4.''35 5634.'39 32 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET INFORMATION SERVICES -SPECIAL PROJECTS -1341 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $83,773 $87,102 $92,950 $93,069 $95,657 $0 $95,657 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,840 $0 $1,840 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $1,407 $1,407 $0 $0 $0 $0 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $5,940 $6,771 $7,219 $6,500 $7,458 $0 $7,458 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $11,102 $11,581 $11,618 $11,550 $11,267 $0 $11,267 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $287 $252 $269 $258 $277 $0 $277 52330 Pension Expense $10,706 $11,948 $12,738 $12,564 $14,624 $0 $14,624 Total Payroll $111,808 $119,061 $126,201 $123,941 $131,123 $0 $131,123 53180 Consulting Services $66,898 $3,075 $21,495 $19,571 $0 $0 $0 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,096 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 54110 Telephone $1,141 $750 $750 $795 $800 $0 $800 54210 Postage $2,251 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54630 Rep. & Maint.-Equipment (IS) $901 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts $2,416 $0 $7,185 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 54634 Web Site Maint & Dev $604 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54730 Printing $1,402 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54800 Promotional $333 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54930 Classified Advertising $1,131 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55110 Office Supplies $56 $100 $170 $100 $50 $0 $50 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax Supplies $30 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $3,671 $0 $3,903 $3,851 $0 $0 $0 55278 New Software - (System) $13,954 $10,000 $4,138 $4,138 $0 $0 $0 55411 Dues & Registrations $85 $100 $100 $100 $85 $0 $85 55430 Employee Development-(I.S.) $2,250 $0 $1,590 $1,590 $1,000 $0 $1,000 56910 Contingencies $0 $0 $1,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating $98,219 $14,325 $40,751 $35,445 $2,235 $0 $2,235 64200 Data Processing Equipment $106,819 $0 $90,143 $88,000 $0 $0 $0 64300 Furniture/Equipment $1,757 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 65000 CIP $6,681 $0 $8,334 $8,266 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $115,257 $0 $98,477 $96,266 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL IS -SPECIAL PROJECTS BUDGET $325,284 $133,386 $265,429 $255,652 $133,358 $0 $133,358 Allocation: General Fund $115,982 Water & Sewer $10,735 Stormwater $2,040 Development Services $4,601 $133,358 33 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET INFORMATION SERVICES -RECORDS MANAGEMENT -1342 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $54,362 $57,708 $57,708 $54,000 S61 926 SD S61 926 S61 926 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $21 $1,382 $1,382 $1,000 S9~6 SO 596 S936 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $4,103 $4,635 $4,635 $4,350 S4 80 ~ S4 80 ~ S4 609 52310 Health/Lifelnsurance/Dislns $8,211 $9,338 $9,338 $5,000 S4535 S4535 54555 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $191 $172 $172 $140 S1 % ~ SO S179 5179 52330 Pension Expense $6,950 $8,180 $8,180 $4,700 S4609 SO S4609 54.609 Total Payroll $73,838 $81,415 $81,415 $69,190 X76994 SD 3.994 5-6.994 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $0 $0 $178 $178 SO SO SO SO 53180 Consulting Services $10,550 $5,000 $3,685 $0 SO SO SO SO 53186 Outside Services $28,532 $40,000 $51,967 $51,967 550.000 550.000 550.000 54010 Travel & Per Diem $42 $0 $65 $65 S100 S100 5100 54110 Telephone $1 $50 $50 $25 _~ SO _~ S25 54630 Rep. & Maint.-Equipment (IS) $0 $0 $0 $0 S3 000 SO S3 000 S^.000 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts $18,014 $25,024 $25,024 $25,000 S21 500 SD S21 500 521.500 55110 Office Supplies $783 $500 $500 $500 5600 SD 5600 S800 55120 ComputedPrinter/Fax Supplies $109 $100 $100 $100 5110 SO 5110 S110 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $176 $0 $158 $157 5200 SO 5200 S200 55278 New Software-(System) $288 $300 $300 $300 SD 55430 Employee Development-(LS.) $780 $0 $1,250 $1,250 _ 5200 8200 56910 Contingencies $0 $1,000 $664 $0 SO 50 SO 50 TotalOperating $59,275 $71,974 $83,941 $79,542 ~?x,935 50 ~?x,935 575.95 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,303 $0 $0 $0 50 SO 50 Total Capital $1,303 $0 $0 $0 50 SO 50 TOTAL IS -RECORDS MANAGEMENT BUDGET $134,416 $153,389 $165,356 $148,732 S152929 SO S152929 515299 Allocation: General Fund $76,756 Water & Sewer $45,293 Development Services $22,645 Stormwater $5,147 Solid Waste $3,088 $152, 929 34 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Kiva -Land management software GIS -Geographic Information Systems INFORMATION SERVICES - KIVA/GIS - 1343 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $60,660 $61,892 $61,892 $61,000 S63 105 SO 563.105 S83 105 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $1,167 $1,167 $1,167 S1,214 SO S1,214 S1214 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $4,583 $4,824 $4,824 $4,600 54.920 S4920 54.920 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,669 $4,891 $4,891 $4,700 54739 54.739 S4 739 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $204 $179 $179 $171 5153 5183 5153 52330 Pension Expense $7,762 $8,513 $8,513 $8,200 648 X48 X48 Total Payroll $77,878 $81,466 $81,466 $79,838 'ii9 ~ -;r )zi ii9 ~_ _ _ 53180 Consulting Services $32,275 $40,000 $51,727 $6,816 535.000 535.000 535.000 54010 Travel& Per Diem $1,707 $1,750 $1,750 $1,000 5500 ~ ~ ~ 5500 54110 Telephone $773 $9,300 $9,300 $4,000 _., __.. _., 54210 Postage $0 $0 $144 $144 550 ,~ 550 54630 Rep. & Maint.-Equipment QS) $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 51.000 S1 000 51.000 54633 MaintAgree&Contracts $32,134 $55,650 $65,319 $65,000 569.116 569.118 569.116 55110 Office Supplies $28 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax Supplies $0 $200 $200 $200 500 ._ 500 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $4,643 $0 $400 $397 50 ~ ~ 50 55278 New Software - (System) $0 $0 $948 $470 ... 55411 Dues & Registrations $699 $700 $700 $0 5150 S150 5150 55430 Employee Development - Q.S.) $4,310 $10,000 $9,800 $10,000 57.500 57.500 ~- 5 56910 Contingencies $0 $5,000 $4,600 $0 50 50 Total Operating $76,569 $124,300 $146,588 $89,727 5114.536 SJ 5114.530 S114 536 64200 Data Processing Equipment $71,750 $0 $2,154 $2,154 50 50 Total Capital $71,750 $0 $2,154 $2,154 ~., ,., o.. ~., TOTAL IS - KIVA/GIS BUDGET $226,197 $205,766 $230,208 $171,719 ~1 0.345 SO a1 a'~ 345 S19~ 345 AI location: General Fund $53,553 Water & Sewer $19,835 Development Services $119,007 Stormwater $5,950 $198, 345 35 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW Manager EXPENDITURES Personal Services Operating Expenses Transfers Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES Rec. Original Revised Projected Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget $840,255 $1,037,640 $1,021,177 $1,006,380 $1,017,645 $1,017,645 $196,704 $228,400 $244,863 $228,813 $223,850 $223,850 $21,307 $25,267 $25,267 $18,496 $19,837 $19,837 $2,763 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,061,029 $1,291,307 $1,291,307 $1,253,689 $1,261,332 $1,261,332 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) Administration - 4410 Public Works Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 1 1 1 1 Total 2 2 2 2 Roads-4412 Team Leader 2 1 1 1 Maintenance Mechanic - 1 1 1 Maintenance Worker 7 5 5 7 Maintenance Worker II 1 3 3 1 Equipment Operator 3 3 3 3 Sign Maintenance Technician 1 1 1 1 Total 14 14 14 14 Fleet Maintenance - 4413 Fleet Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Mechanic I 1 1 1 1 Mechanic II 1 1 1 1 Total 3 3 3 3 Facility Maintenance - 4414 Facilities Technician 1 1 1 1 Capital Proiects - 4415 Capital Projects Coordinator 1 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 21 21 21 21 36 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budyet Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $603,110 $712,447 $696,947 $696,947 X692808 _~- ~~G5 0~., 565 095 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $2,501 $2,512 $2,512 $2,650 S-b70 SO S-biO 52.5%0 51213 Salary Reimbursement ($2,819) $0 $0 $0 50 SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $16,142 $28,914 $27,914 $18,700 .26 %94 5114 .26.908 82.908 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $46,208 $56,905 $56,942 $55,361 ~~ _ ~ 284 ,55.46% 055.467 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $71,534 $101,113 $101,113 $101,113 S2218 S14 S222 594.22 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $30,220 $35,326 $35,326 $33,977 24A65 515% 24,62 534.622 52330 Pension Expense $73,359 $100,423 $100,423 $97,632 S108391 5360 S108 751 5106.751 Total Payroll $840,255 $1,037,640 $1,021,177 $1,006,380 2.014.52 53.116 22%.645 2.01%.645 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $1,371 $2,200 $2,200 $1,250 2700 SO 2700 51,700 53160 Consulting Services $6,770 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 53.000 53.000 53.000 54010 Travel & Per Diem $0 $400 $400 $250 S400 ~ S400 5400 54110 Telephone $722 $1,400 $1,363 $1,043 51.300 SO 2 300 S1 300 54210 Postage $447 $500 $500 $450 S500 SO S500 2500 54310 Utility Services $45,981 $37,000 $37,000 $35,000 534.000 SO 24.000 24.000 54410 Equipment Rental $276 $1,150 $1,150 $675 5950 SO 5950 S.950 54630 Repair&Maintenance -Equipment $17,987 $19,800 $19,800 $16,650 29.800 SO 29.800 S19 800 54633 Maintenance Agreements $2,973 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 2.000 SO 2.000 54.000 54640 Repair&Maintenance-Communication $705 $1,600 $1,600 $1,350 51.500 51.500 2.500 54650 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles $2,603 $1,600 $1,600 $1,400 51.900 ~ 51.900 2.900 54661 Repair &Maintenance -City Hall $5,672 $6,000 $8,300 $8,300 57.000 50 SZ000 S7 000 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $3,930 $7,500 $6,500 $6,000 2,500 50 2,500 2.500 54682 Repair&Maintenance-Grounds $14,385 $25,000 $22,600 $22,000 520.000 SO S2.000 520.000 54720 Fax and Copy Machine Supplies $55 $200 $200 $200 5200 SO 5200 200 54730 Printing Expense $110 $200 $200 $200 5200 SO 5200 5200 55110 Office Supplies $386 $400 $400 $400 5400 SO 5400 S400 55120 Computer/PrintedFax $465 $500 $500 $500 S800 S800 5800 55210 Fuel & Oil $38,452 $49,850 $65,850 $65,650 ~6 500 ~ ~ ~ 558.500 55220 Tires & Filters $6,274 $6,300 $7,800 $8,200 8.200 50 8.200 S8200 55230 Operating Supplies $1,382 $2,100 $2,200 $1,800 2.20 50 2250 2.950 55240 Uniforms $3,755 $5,400 $5,400 $5,045 S5125 SO S5.125 55.125 55250 Street Signs $11,118 $15,000 $15,000 $14,000 513.000 SO 513.000 S13000 55260 Janitorial Supplies $1,096 $1,300 $1,800 $1,800 2.800 SO 2.800 51.800 55262 Holiday Deco rations $13,425 $16,000 $16,000 $15,000 S14000 SO 514.000 24,000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $9,912 $10,875 $10,375 $7,575 87.900 87.900 S7.900 55278 Software $0 $825 $825 $825 ~__~ ~ ~__~ ~~_~ 55290 Protective Clothing $2,664 $4,000 $4,000 $3,800 53.900 50 2.900 2. 900 55410 Subscriptions $25 $200 $200 $150 5200 50 5200 S20 55411 Dues & Registrations $403 $800 $800 $400 5500 SO 5500 S500 55420 Operational Books $280 $300 $300 $300 5300 SO 5300 200 55430 Employee Development $3,080 $3,500 $3,500 $2,100 2500 SO 2500 52.500 Total Operating $196,704 $228,400 $244,863 $228,813 ~__~ 850 SO __3.850 ~_2 20 58115 Transfer toStormwaterCityEngineer $21,307 $25,267 $25,267 $18,496 29.27 29.27 519.837 Total Transfers $21,307 $25,267 $25,267 $18,496 S19,27 50 S19,27 519.837 64000 Equipment-General $1,618 $0 $0 $0 SO SO 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,145 $0 $0 $0 SO SO Total Capital $2,763 $0 $0 $0 50 SO 50 SO TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS -SUMMARY BUDGET $1,061,029 $1,291,307 $1,291,307 $1,253,689 SL25,_ 216 53.116 SL21332 2261332 37 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ADMINISTRATION -4410 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $100,929 $105,508 $105,508 $105,508 5100.308 5100.305 5100.300 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $1,708 $708 $200 _;., ~ ~ _-., ~ ~ _-.. ~ ~~ 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $7,320 $8,202 $8,239 $8,239 5-~731 S 0 ~~ ~~1 S ,~ 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $11,190 $11,704 $11,704 $11,704 513278 SO S13 2; 8 S13 ,- ~' 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $3,862 $2,831 $2,831 $2,831 _~~~ ,.899 <~ 52330 Pension Expense $12,910 $14,475 $14,475 $14,475 515.151 SO S15 151 515.151 Total Payroll $136,211 $144,428 $143,465 $142,957 5139.635 SO S139 r35 S139 r35 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $158 $200 $200 $200 ._ SO 5200 __ 53160 Consulting Services $6,770 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 S3~000 5~ 000 53.000 54010 Travel& Per Diem $0 $200 $200 $200 S200 SO S200 S200 54110 Telephone $471 $600 $563 $563 S600 50 Sr00 S600 54210 Postage $447 $400 $400 $400 5400 5400 5400 54310 Utility Services $45,981 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 52000 ~ 5~ 000 SZ~ 000 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equipment $248 $300 $300 $300 5300 SO 5300 S300 54633 Maintenance Agreements $1,473 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 S' 000 SO S2000 S2 000 54640 Repair &Maintenance -Communication $0 $200 $200 $200 _~ 50 5200 ~ _ 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $0 $300 $300 $300 5300 5300 5300 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $5,672 $6,000 $6,300 $6,300 S5,000 SO S5 000 S5 000 54720 Fax and Copy Machine Supplies $55 $200 $200 $200 S200 SO S200 S200 54730 Printing Expense $110 $200 $200 $200 _ 500 ,_ 55110 Office Supplies $386 $400 $400 $400 S400 50 5400 5400 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax $465 $500 $500 $500 S800 SO S800 S800 55210 Fuel & Oil $1,019 $1,250 $2,250 $2,250 S' 500 SO S2500 S2 500 55220 Tires & Filters $0 $200 $200 $200 _~ 50 5200 ~ _ 55230 Operating Supplies $136 $1,000 $1,000 $700 - 5. 00 5700 55240 Uniforms $0 $200 $200 $200 S-00 SO S200 S200 55260 Janitorial Supplies $133 $200 $200 $200 ._ ~ ._ 5200 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $96 $775 $775 $775 S800 SO S800 S800 55278 Software $0 $825 $825 $825 ~~_~ SO S825 S825 55290 Protective Clothing $0 $200 $200 $200 5200 SO S200 S200 55410 Subscriptions $25 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 55411 Dues & Registrations $403 $800 $800 $400 .~ 50 5500 5500 55420 Operational Books $280 $300 $300 $300 S300 SO S300 S300 55430 Employee Development $399 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 S' 000 SO S2000 S2 000 Total Operating $64,727 $47,850 $49,113 $47,913 544.325 50 S44i5 S44325 58115 Transfer to Stormwater -Engineer (10%) $21,307 $25,267 $25,267 $18,496 519.837 SO ,1.+ 83i S1 3 Total Transfers $21,307 $25,267 $25,267 $18,496 519,83% SO 51 X837 S1 X37 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,145 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Capital $1,145 $0 $0 $0 SO 9:J S~:J 50 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET $223,390 $217,545 $217,845 $209,366 S X379; SO - - S2( % 38 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ROADS & ROW - 4412 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $318,618 $395,826 $380,326 $380,326 ~3 044 - .:..331 538 ,.331 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $648 $674 $674 $674 S701 5701 5;01 51213 Salary Reimbursement ($2,819) $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $12,613 $19,671 $19,671 $14,000 a1~ 092 S114 ~1d206 S1 ~~ 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $24,783 $31,837 $31,837 $30,256 53081; 5184 531.001 531.001 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $42,457 $66,288 $66,288 $66,288 5.835 514 ;.853 ,~ ,.;53 52320 Workers'Comp.Insurance $21,351 $27,163 $27,163 $25,814 ~'6~52 S157 X26445 S2S445 52330 Pension Expense $36,490 $56,183 $56,183 $53,392 50426 ,s60 , ;>;r 86 Total Payroll $454,141 $597,642 $582,142 $570,750 ~9 X11 53.116 S ' ~_ 52, 3-; 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $1,013 $1,500 $1,500 $800 S1000 SO S1000 St 000 54110 Telephone $152 $500 $500 $300 S400 SO S400 S400 54410 Equipment Rental $276 $750 $750 $500 5600 5600 5600 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equipment $16,703 $18,000 $18,000 $15,000 518.000 SO 518.000 518.000 54640 Repair&Maintenance-Communication $675 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 S1000 SO S1000 S1000 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $3,930 $7,500 $6,500 $6,000 S; .500 SO S7 500 S7 500 54682 Repair&Maintenance-Grounds $14,385 $25,000 $22,600 $22,000 X20.000 SO ~ .2:_OJO 55210 Fuel & Oil $33,781 $43,600 $58,600 $58,600 550.000 S~0 000 550.000 55220 Tires & Filters $5,861 $5,000 $6,000 $6,500 S; .000 SO S7 000 S7 000 55230 Operating Supplies $495 $500 $500 $500 S500 SO S500 S~00 55240 Uniforms $3,141 $4,200 $4,200 $4,000 54.000 S4000 54.000 55250 Street Signs (2007 Upgrade Partnership) $11,118 $15,000 $15,000 $14,000 513.000 SO S13 000 S13 000 55260 Janitorial Supplies $599 $800 $1,300 $1,300 St200 SO S1?00 S1 200 55262 Holiday Decorations $13,425 $16,000 $16,000 $15,000 S14 000 SO S14 000 S14 000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $5,240 $6,500 $6,500 $5,000 55.000 SO ~ 55.000 55290 Protective Clothing $2,440 $3,100 $3,100 $3,100 53.100 au S3100 53.100 Total Operating $113,234 $148,950 $162,050 $153,600 S146,300 SO S146300 S146300 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 ~., ,., ~., ~., 64000 Equipment-General $1,618 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO Total Capital $1,618 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO TOTAL ROADS AND ROW MAINTENANCE BUDGET $568,993 $746,592 $744,192 $724,350 °25.511 :3.116 39 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -FLEET MAINTENANCE - 4413 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $91,853 $111,753 $111,753 $111,753 5109.140 5109.140 5109.140 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $844 $878 $878 $874 5909 5909 .~ 51214 Overtime Salaries $1,905 $5,588 $5,588 $3,000 S5,4~7 SO 5~ 45r S5 45r 51230 Compensated Absences $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $6,892 $9,043 $9,043 $9,043 58.830 So 836 53.536 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $12,957 $17,986 $17,986 $17,986 S15A23 515.423 515.423 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $3,250 $3,606 $3,606 $3,606 53.523 ~~ S3,~23 S3,523 52330 Pension Expense $11,880 $15,959 $15,959 $15,959 S17 326 SO S17 326 S1 ~ 326 Total Payroll $129,581 $164,813 $164,813 $162,221 5100.614 50 5160.614 5160.614 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $95 $200 $200 $100 S200 SO S200 S200 54110 Telephone $3 $100 $100 $30 S100 ~~ S100 5100 54310 Utility Services $0 $12,000 $12,000 $10,000 512.000 . ~ 512000 512.000 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $200 $200 $100 ._.,., _..., _..., 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $830 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 St000 SO S1~000 S1~000 54633 Maintenance Agreements $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S2000 SO S2 000 S2 000 54640 Repair & Maintenance -Communication $0 $200 $200 $100 S150 5150 5150 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $396 $500 $500 $500 5800 ~ 5800 S800 54660 Repair & Maintenance -Building $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 S2000 SO S~ 000 S2 000 55210 Fuel & Oil $2,025 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 S3 000 SO S3 000 S3 000 55220 Tires & Filters $316 $600 $600 $500 5500 5500 Sb00 55230 Operating Supplies $601 $300 $400 $400 ._..,., S5(i0 _..., ~~~o 55240 Uniforms $569 $800 $800 $800 Sb~5 SO So25 55260 Janitorial Supplies $364 $300 $300 $300 S400 SO S400 S400 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $987 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 51.000 51.000 S1 000 55290 Protective Clothing $189 $400 $400 $400 5400 u 5400 S400 Total Operating $7,875 $21,600 $23,700 $21,230 0-5.015 ;0 r50;~ S .-~ Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 50 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 SO SO TOTAL FLEET MAINTENANCE BUDGET $137,456 $186,413 $188,513 $183,451 a1o51.89 SO ~1 ~ S1 609 40 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 4414 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budyet Budget Budyet Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $34,393 $38,934 $38,934 $38,934 59510 S~9510 S3~516 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $1,624 $1,947 $1,947 $1,500 S19i6 SO S19~5 S1975 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $2,751 $3,127 $3,127 $3,127 S~ 1%4 SD S~ 1%4 S31%4 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,584 $4,737 $4,737 $4,737 ~_ ~ _ SD 56.362 ~_ 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $1,557 $1,552 $1,552 $1,552 51.5%5 SO 51.5%5 S1 5%5 52330 Pension Expense $4,615 $5,519 $5,519 $5,519 SO S622 Total Payroll $49,524 $55,816 $55,816 $55,369 .3 ~59 SO -59 X56 %5 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $105 $200 $200 $100 S200 SO 5200 5300 54110 Telephone $78 $100 $100 $100 S100 SO 5100 S100 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $200 $200 $75 S156 S150 5150 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $206 $400 $400 $300 S406 ~ S400 5400 54640 Repair & Maintenance -Communication $30 $200 $200 $50 SL50 SO S150 S150 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $2,207 $500 $500 $500 S500 SO S500 S600 55210 Fuel & Oil $1,245 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 52560 SO ,2500 ;2500 55220 Tires & Filters $97 $400 $900 $900 5400 SO 5400 S406 55230 Operating Supplies $143 $200 $200 $150 5150 SO 5150 SL50 55240 Uniforms $45 $200 $200 $45 5100 SO 5100 S100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $3,589 $2,500 $2,000 $750 51.000 51.000 S1.060 55290 Protective Clothing $35 $200 $200 $50 S106 S100 5100 TotalOperating $7,780 $7,100 $7,100 $5,020 S5,i50 50 S5%50 ~~~J50 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO ~ SO Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 50 SO 50 TOTAL FACILITY MAINTENANCE BUDGET $57,304 $62,916 $62,916 $60,389 564.50 ± SO 564.50 + S64 509 41 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -CAPITAL PROJECTS -4415 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $57,317 $60,426 $60,426 $60,426 ~~ ~~ SO S ~~ S6~1 ~0~~~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,009 $960 $960 $1,102 S~60 SO S960 S~60 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $4,462 $4,696 $4,696 $4,696 54.; 25 54.75 54.; 25 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $346 $398 $398 $398 .~-~ SO 5376 .~-~ 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $200 $174 $174 $174 51-~ 51 ; 6 51 ~ 52330 Pension Expense $7,464 $8,287 $8,287 $8,287 ~~ SO 0.~~5 ~~ Total Payroll $70,798 $74,941 $74,941 $75,083 310 SO ,6.310 ,- 10 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $0 $100 $100 $50 5100 5100 5100 54010 Travel & Per Diem $0 $200 $200 $50 . _.,., SO _:.., _.,:, 54110 Telephone $18 $100 $100 $50 5100 5100 5100 54210 Postage $0 $100 $100 $50 S100 50 5100 S100 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $100 $100 $50 5100 5100 5100 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $0 $300 $300 $100 .~ 50 5300 55210 Fuel& Oil $382 $500 $500 $300 5500 5500 5500 55220 Tires & Filters $0 $100 $100 $100 S100 50 5100 S100 55230 Operating Supplies $7 $100 $100 $50 5100 5100 5100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $100 $100 $50 S100 50 5100 S100 55290 Protective Clothing $0 $100 $100 $50 5100 5100 5100 55410 Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $50 S100 50 5100 S100 55430 Employee Development $2,681 $1,000 $1,000 $100 5500 5500 5500 Total Operating $3,088 $2,900 $2,900 $1,050 S~A00 50 5~ 400 52400 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 S~~ 50 SJ 50 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 S~~ 50 50 50 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET $73,886 $77,841 $77,841 $76,133 ~ X710 SO 3 710 5; 3.710 42 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW Manages EXPENDITURES Personal Services Operating Expenses Transfers Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES Rec. Original Revised Projected Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget $513,986 $549,160 $549,782 $544,433 $629,603 $559,444 $977,888 $1,140,600 $1,218,590 $1,098,972 $1,205,760 $1,205,760 $23,268 $24,431 $24,431 $24,431 $25,653 $25,653 $3,760 $37,300 $47,250 $47,250 $2,600 $2,600 $1,518,902 $1,751,491 $1,840,053 $1,715,086 $1,863,616 $1,793,457 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) Administration &Plannina - 1510 Com Dev Director 1 Administrative Assistant 1 Total 2 Lonp Ranpe Plannina -1515 Senior Planner 1 Planner - Total 1 Development Review -1520 Senior Planner 1 Urban Beautification -1525 Urban Beautification Coordinator 1 City Forester 1 Maintenance Worker 1 Total 3 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 8 7 44 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $384,437 $403,166 $403,751 $398,565 all ~~~ S5 000 -i 0.;,95 540E ,~~~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $3,459 $6,644 $6,644 $7,395 59.105 SO 59.105 59.105 51214 Overtime Salaries $3,594 $4,854 $4,854 $4,854 S3 ~ 19 53.719 S3 ~ 19 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $29,140 $31,723 $31,760 $31,434 3~ 179 5-1 "J6 so7 S3~ 1 ~~ 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $35,312 $38,125 $38,125 $38,125 , ]39 5.070 4, 05 531 X39 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $9,121 $8,667 $8,667 $8,654 ~ 840 X156 ~ F;,40 52330 Pension Expense $48,923 $55,981 $55,981 $55,406 ~ ~~~~- 5-1.125 19- S6~ 267 Total Payroll $513,986 $549,160 $549,782 $544,433 '559.444 5; 0.159 X03 ~~9 444 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $163 $300 $300 $0 5300 SO 5300 .~ 53179 Consulting-Town Center $20,744 $20,000 $20,000 $8,000 X00 0:00 521.100 53180 Consulting Services $9,591 $55,000 $55,000 $35,000 5~0 000 55.000 S45 000 545.000 53181 Consulting -Technical Services $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 SO ... 53410 Contractual Service Costs $0 $0 $55,222 $55,222 50 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,492 $2,100 $2,600 $2,200 52.900 ~_~ 52.900 54110 Telephone $1,696 $3,850 $3,813 $2,300 _~ 50 5~ 900 54210 Postage $658 $1,050 $1,050 $900 S1 050 51.050 S1 050 54310 Utility Services $369 $2,500 $5,200 $4,000 4 ?00 S t00 ,00 _ 54310 60003 Utility Services $23,512 $41,000 $41,000 $41,000 S-1,.000 S-1.: 00 ,-1; .100 S4 0:~0 54312 Utility Services-Streetlighting $337,275 $345,000 $345,000 $345,000 ~ J00 ,_ 41200 S405000 54312 60003 Utility Services - Streetlightinl $34,727 $45,000 $45,000 $35,000 S-i" U00 S ~ : ~ ,-l; ,100 S4 .1100 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $100 $100 $0 5100 5100 5100 54501 Collection Service Fees $1,331 $1,300 $1,300 $500 51.000 51.000 51.000 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equip $99 $900 $900 $350 ~ 5750 ~-~ 54640 Repair &Maintenance -Comm $0 $250 $250 $100 S100 5100 5100 54644 60003 Repair&Maint-TownCtr $114,436 $135,000 $135,000 $135,000 ~1 J00 S1~,:UO ,1 ~~ S152J00 54650 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicle $432 $1,950 $1,950 $550 5500 .~ 5900 54682 Repair &Maintenance -Grounds $388,461 $370,000 $380,800 $380,800 U00 Sr :~00 , J00 ,~-. . 54682 60006 Repair&Maint-Grounds $0 $0 $7,501 $3,000 S1,000 50 S1,000 S1,000 54685 Arbor Improvements &Maintenance $0 $55,000 $55,000 $0 S10 000 5,5.000 535.000 535.000 54730 Printing Expense $381 $1,050 $1,050 $550 5600 5600 5800 54733 Scanning/Records Mgmt. $0 $100 $100 $0 50 54740 Computer Services $0 $400 $400 $0 ~ 50 54750 Map Printing $456 $1,550 $1,550 $750 51.050 51.050 51.050 54920 Legal Advertising $295 $6,200 $6,200 $6,000 54.500 54.500 54.500 54930 Classified Advertising $7,934 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 54.000 S4 000 54.000 54950 Recording Fees $0 $300 $2,054 $1,500 ~ ~ ,~ 5300 55110 Office Supplies $3,170 $4,300 $4,300 $4,100 S3600 53600 53.600 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax $1,424 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 51.000 51.600 51.600 55210 Fuel & Oil $6,169 $7,900 $7,900 $7,000 58.000 S6~ 000 58.000 55220 Tires & Filters $143 $900 $900 $350 ~ ~ ,~ 5900 55230 Operating Supplies $432 $1,900 $1,900 $1,300 53400 51400 51.400 55240 Uniforms $806 $1,150 $1,150 $950 ~ ~ ,~ 5900 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $1,646 $1,900 $1,900 $1,450 53900 52~~0 53160 52.100 55275 Comm/Cable Svc & Support $0 $250 $250 $250 S100 5100 5100 55278 Software $1,085 $1,700 $1,750 $1,750 51 X50 5300 S1 850 51.850 55290 Protective Clothing $0 $300 $300 $250 ~ ~ ,~ 5300 55410 Subscriptions $438 $600 $600 $550 5600 5600 5600 55411 Dues & Registrations $3,894 $7,100 $6,900 $5,400 56.400 56.400 56.400 55420 Operational Books $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 55430 Employee Development $5,161 $5,500 $5,200 $4,700 55.700 ~ - 55.700 58000 30077 Grants and Aids $9,468 $10,000 $10,000 $7,000 S10 000 S5 000 S15 000 515.000 Total Operating $977,888 $1,140,600 $1,218,590 $1,098,972 51 11 ~~ S11 160 51 ~i ~~ 5120 'z~ 58175 Tffer to Dev Services Fund $23,268 $24,431 $24,431 $24,431 S25 653 SO S25 653 S25 653 Total Transfers $23,268 $24,431 $24,431 $24,431 ~~ 50 ,53 5~~ 653 63100 Infrastructure $0 $0 $8,000 $8,000 50 64000 Equipment-General $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 50 .~ 64100 Vehicles $0 $29,000 $31,000 $31,000 50 64200 Data Processing Equipment $3,760 $1,800 $1,750 $1,750 50 5~ 600 52 B00 52.600 64300 Furniture /Equipment $0 $6,500 $4,500 $4,500 50 o.. Total Capital $3,760 $37,300 $47,250 $47,250 SO 5~ 600 S~ 600 S2600 TOTAL COM DEV -SUMMARY BUDGET $1,518,902 $1,751,491 $1,840,053 $1,715,086 51 6 - S16 919 51 ~1 ~ 616 S1 %'7i9 45r 45 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -ADMIN & PLANNING - 1510 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $114,140 $123,173 $123,173 $119,000 S1210;0 SO S121,070 S12t0?J 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $1,750 $1,750 $1,668 S1,734 SO St;34 S1,734 51214 Overtime Salaries $10 $1,509 $1,509 $1,509 5309 ,~ ~ 5309 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $8,291 $9,672 $9,672 $9,346 59.491 50 59.491 59.491 52310 Health/Lifelnsurance/Dislns $11,214 $11,823 $11,823 $11,823 511.427 511.47 S11 42~ 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $382 $360 $360 $347 5353 50 5353 5353 52330 Pension Expense $14,647 $17,069 $17,069 $16,494 518.597 518.597 S18 597 Total Payroll $148,684 $165,356 $165,356 $160,187 1 ~ 981 50 1 981 ~16~ 981 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $11 $100 $100 $0 S100 50 5100 S100 53179 Consulting -Town Center $20,744 $20,000 $20,000 $8,000 520.000 50.000 S20 000 53180 Consulting Services $4,895 $25,000 $25,000 $5,000 515.000 50 S15 000 515.000 53181 Consulting -Technical Services $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 50 53410 Contractual Service Costs $0 $0 $55,222 $55,222 SO 54010 Travel & Per Diem $85 $0 $500 $500 51.000 51.000 51.000 54110 Telephone $713 $1,800 $1,800 $1,200 51.400 50 51.400 51.400 54210 Postage $658 $1,000 $1,000 $850 S1000 51.000 51.000 54310 Utility Services $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 ~ 50 54501 Collection Service Fees $1,331 $1,300 $1,300 $500 S1 000 51.000 51.000 54630 Repair&Maintenance-Equip $99 $300 $300 100 .~ 50 5300 .~ 54640 Repair &Maintenance -Comm $0 $250 $250 $100 5100 5100 5100 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicle $311 $750 $750 $350 S400 50 5400 S400 54730 Printing Expense $70 $500 $500 $250 5300 5300 5300 54750 Map Printing $456 $1,000 $1,000 $500 .~ 50 5500 .~ 54920 Legal Advertising $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 51000 51.000 SL000 54930 Classified Advertising $1,915 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 51.000 50 51.000 51.000 54950 Recording Fees $0 $300 $2,054 $1,500 5300 5300 5300 55110 Office Supplies $2,880 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 S3 nOn B0 S3 Ono B3 Onn 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax $872 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1500 51.500 51.500 55210 Fuel & Oil $1,037 $1,400 $1,400 $500 .~ 50 5500 .~ 55220 Tires & Filters $0 $500 $500 $150 5500 5500 5500 55230 Operating Supplies $224 $800 $800 $500 .~ 50 5500 .~ 55240 Uniforms $393 $250 $250 $250 5-00 500 5-00 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $465 $750 $750 $450 . ~ 50 5600 55275 Comm/Cable Svc & Support $0 $250 $250 $250 5100 5100 5100 55278 Software $585 $700 $700 $700 .~~ 50 5350 ~~~ 55410 Subscriptions $288 $300 $300 $300 5300 5300 5300 55411 Dues & Registrations $1,442 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 _~ 50 5~ 500 ~_~ 55430 Employee Development $2,888 $2,500 $1,750 $1,750 52.000 S2.000 52.000 Total Operating $42,362 $72,250 $128,976 $88,422 555.450 50 555.450 555.450 58175 Transfer to Dev Services $23,268 $24,431 $24,431 $24,431 ,~ 663 50 5'5.653 525.653 Total Transfers $23,268 $24,431 $24,431 $24,431 525.653 SS 55.653 S25 653 64200 Data Processing Equipment $3,760 $0 $0 $0 50 64300 Furniture /Equipment $0 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 50 Total Capital $3,760 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 50 SS 50 50 TOTAL ADMIN & PLAN BUDGET $218,074 $266,537 $323,263 $277,540 ~-14.084 50 ~-}4O~S4 5~44.Oo4 46 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -LONG RANGE PLANNING -1515 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Department request includes additional Planner Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $72,936 $74,969 $74,969 $74,969 $73,894 $55,000 $128,894 $73,894 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,347 $1,401 $1,401 $1,401 $1,421 $0 $1,421 $1,421 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $5,287 $5,843 $5,843 $5,843 $5,762 $4,208 $9,970 $5,762 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $6,414 $7,024 $7,024 $7,024 $6,519 $6,670 $13,189 $6,519 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $256 $217 $217 $217 $214 $156 $370 $214 52330 Pension Expense $9,501 $10,310 $10,310 $10,310 $11,297 $4,125 $15,422 $11,297 Total Payroll $95,741 $99,764 $99,764 $99,764 $99,107 $70,159 $169,266 $99,107 53180 Consulting Services $4,696 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $5,000 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000 54010 Travel&PerDiem $938 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $1,000 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equip $0 $100 $100 $50 $100 $0 $100 $100 54730 Printing Expense $264 $300 $300 $150 $300 $0 $300 $300 54740 Computer Services $0 $400 $400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54750 Map Printing $0 $400 $400 $200 $400 $0 $400 $400 54920 Legal Advertising $0 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $3,000 54930 Classified Advertising $6,019 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $3,000 55110 Office Supplies $197 $300 $300 $300 $300 $0 $300 $300 55230 Operating Supplies $125 $400 $400 $200 $200 $0 $200 $200 55240 Uniforms $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $112 $250 $250 $100 $200 $130 $330 $330 55278 Software $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $300 $800 $800 55410 Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $50 $100 $0 $100 $100 55411 Dues&Registrations $976 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 $1,800 $0 $1,800 $1,800 55430 Employee Development $384 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $1,500 $1,500 Total Operating $14,211 $44,850 $44,850 $43,150 $17,500 $25,430 $42,930 $42,930 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64200 Data Processing Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 TOTAL LONG RANGE PLAN BUDGET Consulting Services: EAR-based amendments Small Tools & Equipment: UPS battery back-up $109,952 $144,614 $144,614 $142,914 $116,607 $96,889 $213,496 $143,337 Software: $25,000 Microsoft Professional $300 $130 Data Processing Equipment: Personal computer (1) $1,300 47 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -DEVELOPMENT REVIEW - 1520 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $67,168 $69,819 $69,819 $69,819 ~ 394 SO ~ ;94 57 ~ 394 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,287 $1,338 $1,338 $1,338 , X42 ,, 342 S~ 342 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $5,232 $5,444 $5,444 $5,444 ~ _- SO ,~ ~- 55.370 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,705 $4,945 $4,945 $4,945 S4 807 54.807 S4 807 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $234 $203 $203 $203 S218 SO 5218 S218 52330 Pension Expense $8,758 $9,606 $9,606 $9,606 511.510 511.510 S11 510 Total Payroll $87,384 $91,355 $91,355 $91,355 599.141 50 S99141 599.141 54010 Travel & Per Diem $454 $750 $750 $600 . _ ~ 50 _-~ .-~ 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equip $0 $100 $100 $0 5100 5100 5100 54730 Printing Expense $27 $150 $150 $50 S100 50 5100 S100 54733 Scanning/Records Mgmt. $0 $100 $100 $0 ... SO ... 54750 Map Printing $0 $150 $150 $50 S150 50 5150 S150 55110 Office Supplies $10 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $200 $200 $100 ._.,., SO _..., _.,:, 55240 Uniforms $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $100 $100 $100 5300 5130 5430 S430 55278 Software $0 $0 $0 $0 5300 5300 5300 55410 Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $100 S100 50 5100 S100 55411 Dues & Registrations $926 $1,500 $1,300 $1,300 51.500 51.500 51.500 55430 Employee Development $1,270 $500 $950 $950 51.500 50 51.500 51.500 Total Operating $2,687 $3,850 $4,100 $3,450 54.900 S430 55.330 55.330 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 50 SJ 50 SJ 64200 Data Processing Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 51.300 51.300 51.300 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 50 S1 300 51.300 51.300 TOTAL DEV REVIEW BUDGET $90,071 $95,205 $95,455 $94,805 S104 041 S1 7 30 5105771 5105.7; 1 Small Tools & Equipment: Data Processing Equipment: UPS battery back-up $130 Personal computer (1) $1,300 Software: Microsoft Professional $300 48 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -URBAN BEAUTIFICATION -1525 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budyet Budget Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $130,193 $135,205 $135,790 $134,777 5137.037 5137.037 S13Z03% 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $825 $2,155 $2,155 $2,988 53.100 ~ 53108 S3108 51214 Overtime Salaries $3,584 $3,345 $3,345 $3,345 S3 410 SO 53.410 S3A10 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $10,330 $10,764 $10,801 $10,801 S11 056 SO 511.056 S11 056 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $12,979 $14,333 $14,333 $14,333 S13 886 S13 888 513806 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $8,249 $7,887 $7,887 $7,887 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 58.055 52330 Pension Expense $16,017 $18,996 $18,996 $18,996 531.663 SO 531.663 521.663 Total Payroll $182,177 $192,685 $193,307 $193,127 5198.215 SO 5198.215 S1 ±8.215 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $152 $200 $200 $0 S200 ~ S200 S200 54010 Travel & Per Diem $15 $350 $350 $100 SL50 SO SL50 S150 54110 Telephone $983 $2,050 $2,013 $1,100 S1,500 SO 51,500 S1500 54210 Postage $0 $50 $50 $50 ~ SO ~ S50 54310 Utility Services $369 $1,500 $4,200 $4,000 54200 2.300 55500 56.500 54310 60003 Utility Services -Town Ctr $23,512 $41,000 $41,000 $41,000 S4^.000 S4 000 S4%.000 S4Z000 54312 Utility Svc -Streetlights (see #1526) $337,275 $0 $0 $0 SO SO 50 SO 54312 60003 Util Svc-Streetlights-TC (#1526) $34,727 $0 $0 $0 SD SD 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $100 $100 $0 S100 ~ S100 5100 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equip $0 $400 $400 $200 5250 50 _~ 5250 54644 60003 Repair&Maint-TownCtr $114,436 $135,000 $135,000 $135,000 S1^5.000 S1%.000 SL52000 5152000 54650 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicle $121 $1,200 $1,200 $200 5500 SO 5500 S500 54682 Repair &Maintenance -Grounds $388,461 $370,000 $380,800 $380,800 ~~-_ S5 000 ~~-%.000 S3 %%.000 54682 60006 Repair & Maint -Traffic Accidents $0 $0 $7,501 $3,000 51.000 SO 51.000 S1 000 54685 Arbor Improvements &Maintenance $0 $55,000 $55,000 $0 S10 000 S25,000 535.000 S35,000 54730 Printing Expense $20 $100 $100 $100 S100 S100 5100 54920 Legal Advertising $295 $700 $700 $500 S500 ~ S500 5500 55110 Office Supplies $83 $400 $400 $200 5200 50 5200 5200 55120 ComputedPrinter/Fax $552 $100 $100 $100 S100 50 S100 5100 55210 Fuel&Oil $5,132 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 -~ S%.500 5-.500 55220 Tires & Filters $143 $400 $400 $200 5400 SO 5400 S400 55230 Operating Supplies $83 $500 $500 $500 5500 SO 5500 S500 55240 Uniforms $413 $700 $700 $500 S500 S500 5500 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $1,069 $800 $800 $800 S800 ~ S800 5800 55278 Software $0 $500 $550 $550 S400 SO S400 5400 55290 Protective Clothing $0 $300 $300 $250 S300 SO S300 5300 55410 Subscriptions $150 $100 $100 $100 5100 SD 5100 S100 55411 Dues & Registrations $550 $600 $600 $600 8600 SD 8600 S600 55420 Operational Books $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 SO 5100 S100 55430 Employee Development $619 $1,000 $1,000 $500 5700 SO 5700 S700 58000 30077 Grants and Aids $9,468 $10,000 $10,000 $7,000 510.000 55.000 515.000 S15 000 Total Operating $918,628 $629,650 $650,664 $583,950 > X90750 ~ ".300 -1~~ 050 564 ~50 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO SO SO 63100 Infrastructure $0 $0 $8,000 $8,000 ~ SO ~ SO 64000 Equipment-General $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 50 SO 50 SO 64100 Vehicles $0 $29,000 $31,000 $31,000 50 SO 50 SO 64200 Data Processing Equipment $0 $1,800 $1,750 $1,750 SO SO 64300 Furniture /Equipment $0 $2,000 $0 $0 SO SO Total Capital $0 $32,800 $42,750 $42,750 ~ SO SO SO TOTAL URBAN BEAUTIFICATION BUDGET $1,100,805 $855,135 $886,721 $819,827 ".4.965 ~ 300 -1~ 265 S84%.265 Utility Services: Vistawilla median and other new projects $2,300 Utility Services: Veteran's Memorial $4,000 60003 Repair & Maint -Town Ctr: Cross Seminole Trail $3,000 Palm replacement-Building 1 $14,000 $17, 000 Repair &Maintenance -Grounds: SR 434 Landscaping $5,000 Arborlmprovements &Maintenance: ROW Tree Maintenance $25,000 30077 Grants and Aids: Add'I grant partnerships $5,000 49 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -STREETLIGHTING - 1526 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budyet Budget Budget Total Payroll $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ SD , SO 54312 Utility Services -Streetlighting $0 $345,000 $345,000 $345,000 S380 000 S25 000 5405.000 S405 000 54312 60003 Util Svc-Streetlight-Town Gtr $0 $45,000 $45,000 $35,000 S40 000 SZ000 S4%.000 54i 900 54682 Repair & Maintenance -Grounds $0 $0 $0 $0 SD 51.000 S1 000 51.000 Total Operating $0 $390,000 $390,000 $380,000 S420.000 333.000 S453.000 5453 000 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO ~ SO Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ SD TOTAL STREETLIGHTING BUDGET $0 $390,000 $390,000 $380,000 S420 000 3'.000 5453.000 S45^.000 Utility Services -Streetlighting: Jessup's Reserve $5,500 TLBD (Seneca - 61 lights, Shetland & Dyson - 47 lights) $19,500 60003 Grandeville $7,000 $32,000 Repair & Maintenance -Grounds: Relocation costs $1,000 50 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Personal Services $5,508,970 $5,675,167 $5,688,176 $5,689,937 ~_ _ Operating Expenses $592,272 $687,091 $723,471 $787,179 So5~ ; 40 So5~ ; 40 Capital Lease $121,487 $121,514 $121,514 $121,502 S1~1.514 S1~1.514 Capital Outlay $539,134 $115,575 $183,701 $165,079 S101100 S101100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $6,761,863 $6,599,347 $6,716,862 $6,763,697 $6,898,161 $6,898,161 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL(in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) Office of the Chief - 2110 Police Chief 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Total 2 2 2 2 Criminal Investigations - 2113 Captain 1 1 1 1 Lieutenant 1 1 1 1 Sworn Officer 7 7 Total 9 9 9 9 Community Services - 2114 Captain 1 1 1 1 Sworn Officer 5 5 Total 6 6 6 6 Operations - 2115 Captain 1 1 1 1 Lieutenant 6 6 Sworn Officer 31 31 Total 38 38 37 37 Information Services - 2116 Captain 1 1 1 1 Lieutenant 1 1 _ _ Senior Records Clerk (civilian) 1 1 1 1 Records Clerk (civilian) 2.75 2.75 _ -_. _ -_. Communications Operator I (civilian) 3 4 5 5 Communications Operator II (civilian) 9 8 Total 17.75 17.75 18.75 18.75 Technical Services - 2117 Captain 1 1 1 1 Sworn Officer 1 1 1 1 Tech Service Specialist 1 1 1 1 Custodian 1 1 1 1 Total 4 4 4 4 Code Enforcement - 2118 Captain 1 1 1 1 Sworn Officer 2 2 _ _ Code Inspector 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Total 5 5 5 5 Motorcycle - 2119 Lieutenant 2 2 1 1 Sworn Officer 2 2 Total 4 4 4 4 Canine - 2120 Sworn Officer 2 2 2 2 Professional Standards - 2121 Lieutenant 1 1 1 1 Sworn Officer 2 2 Total 3 3 3 3 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 90.75 90.75 90.75 90.75 Sworn 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 Non-sworn 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 51 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $3,946,899 $4,008,855 $4,008,855 $4,008,855 4 : ,5.134 5-~ -1,0 S-l ~l ~ 584 -l J7i 584 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $66,609 $75,190 $75,190 $73,175 "~ 57~ ~-_ X86 ~~72 51213 Salary Reimbursement ($29,822) $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $166,258 $138,991 $151,441 $152,462 ,1 1 "'~~ S1 122 o1 -h 190 S14o 190 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $308,413 $321,847 $322,406 $323,190 532535 S1803 .3~Z155 .37155 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $419,618 $461,643 $461,643 $461,643 -l ~ ~= S142 -1 ~< 3432 539 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $122,859 $101,632 $101,632 $101,832 ,1 ~~ 5323 1 4~0 5106.400 52330 Pension Expense $508,136 $567,009 $567,009 $568,780 ~ -l ~ S ,36 ,r 4-l ~ S644339 Total Payroll $5,508,970 $5,675,167 $5,688,176 $5,689,937 x3.131 ,__ ~; 6 5 - __ 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $18,550 $20,499 $20,499 $20,507 S21,600 SO S21,600 S2t600 53410 Billing Services Cost $0 $800 $800 $0 ~ SO SO 50 54010 Travel & Per Diem $12,724 $19,852 $22,752 $21,752 516.400 516.400 516.400 54110 Telephone $78,874 $82,267 $81,708 $82,418 :~ ~~ 0 51.;.00 ~ _070 b5 070 54210 Postage $5,760 $6,750 $6,750 $6,600 S6 600 SO S6 600 S6 600 54310 Utility Services $48,079 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 , 4.000 S 00 ~ .300 :,57.600 54382 Lot Cleaning $0 $500 $500 $500 .~ 54.500 5~ 000 55.000 54410 Equipment Rental $2,136 $4,500 $4,500 $1,200 S3~500 5~ 500 53.500 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equip $22,641 $36,618 $33,618 $32,700 ~ ~ SO ~ ~ S33 "'~~ 54632 Software Maint/Licenses $6,206 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 S7 300 SO S7 300 S; 300 54633 MaintAgreement/Contracts $6,665 $21,334 $21,408 $21,199 521.125 51125 51125 54640 Repair &Maintenance -Comm $2,415 $16,058 $16,058 $12,500 512500 SO S1~ b00 51 ~ 500 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $39,500 $42,960 $45,742 $42,260 S41 600 SO S41 680 S41 600 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $12,040 $13,900 $55,645 $54,645 ,1 -~00 S31,100 ~-la J00 S44 J00 54686 Repair &Maintenance -Landscape ($5) $500 $0 $0 _ SO 50 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $15,011 $12,300 $12,300 $12,300 T ,;10 1~ 300 512 t00 54730 Printing Expense $3,696 $8,000 $8,400 $4,700 Sa "00 SO -} X00 S4o00 54800 Promotional Activities $8,169 $7,700 $7,700 $7,700 ~ -~~ SO ~ 200 S; C~ 54810 Employee Relations $654 $4,050 $3,850 $3,550 .__ ., _ _ .., _ _ .., 54891 Community Youth Organization $0 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 S4,000 SO S4000 S4000 54950 Recording Fee $172 $600 $600 $600 S650 SO S650 S650 55110 Office Supplies $9,196 $12,600 $11,100 $11,100 512.600 SO S12600 S12600 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax $822 $5,010 $5,010 $5,010 53.500 SO S3 X00 53.500 55210 Fuel & Oil $144,682 $119,510 $119,510 $203,750 5~602b0 ."60 X50 S260 X50 55220 Tires & Filters $9,879 $12,700 $12,700 $12,700 S13,325 SO S13 325 S13 325 55230 Operating Supplies $16,488 $34,457 $31,157 $30,700 S34 650 SO S34 650 S34 650 55240 Uniforms $32,789 $35,218 $32,063 $32,063 535.950 53b 950 535.950 55260 Janitorial Supplies $4,029 $4,410 $4,410 $4,410 54.400 SO 54.400 54.400 55262 Holiday Decorations $452 $650 $650 $600 SO SO SO SO 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $36,236 $21,387 $24,797 $24,147 , 1 ~~ S2 J20 ~ ~ --~ S23 770 55275 Communications Support $153 $3,143 $3,143 $2,565 _~~~ SO 52.065 52.565 55278 Software Systems $10,575 $16,533 $14,004 $13,702 513.675 ~~ 514 X75 514 ~7b 55290 Protective Clothing $16,980 $21,520 $25,232 $25,686 ~ 1 X80 a0 ~ 1 X80 S21 X00 55410 Subscriptions $1,926 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 52.000 50 S2000 S2000 55411 Dues & Registrations $2,833 $6,900 $5,900 $4,900 S5 400 55.400 55.400 55420 Operational Books $544 $3,050 $3,050 $2,950 _~~ SO S~ b50 5~ 550 55430 Employee Development $14,964 $19,515 $16,615 $15,865 S13200 SO S13?00 S13 200 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $600 S6700 SO S6 700 S6 ; 00 55441 Accreditation $6,437 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 SO S~ 000 59.000 Total Operating $592,272 $687,091 $723,471 $787,179 X1'20 S4" G20 ,2.740 ,52;40 57160 Lease Purchase Vehicle $108,367 $121,514 $121,514 $121,502 S121 514 SO S121 514 S121 X14 57250 Lease Purchase Interest $13,120 $0 $0 $0 a. , Total Capital Lease $121,487 $121,514 $121,514 $121,502 S1°_1.514 SO S1^1.514 S1^1.514 64000 Equipment-General $98,834 $86,500 $144,500 $126,000 SO S9~ -00 ~ X00 ~~~,300 64100 Vehicles $414,577 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO 50 64200 Data Processing Equipment $22,752 $14,700 $26,893 $26,771 55 X00 Sb X00 55 X00 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $2,971 $14,375 $12,308 $12,308 SO SO SO SO Total Capital $539,134 $115,575 $183,701 $165,079 50 S10t100 S10t100 S101 100 TOTAL POLICE -SUMMARY BUDGET $6,761,863 $6,599,347 $6,716,862 $6,763,697 ~ S1; 4 = Sr 'io 161 S -~0 161 52 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -OFFICE OF THE CHIEF - 2110 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $150,334 $153,180 $153,180 $153,180 ~ h ,_'~ SO o1 ~69 ,166."'~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $5,564 $5,688 $5,688 $6,173 S6381 SO S6381 S6381 51214 Overtime Salaries $8,379 $2,013 $5,679 $6,700 56.463 56.463 56.463 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $11,502 $11,092 $11,142 $11,574 S10502 510.502 S1050~ 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $9,419 $9,973 $9,973 $9,973 ; _, _ _- < -_- 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $3,894 $3,399 $3,399 $3,465 _ _. a,6 _ _. 52330 Pension Expense $21,083 $21,719 $21,719 $22,482 X46 i 046 5-7.046 Total Payroll $210,175 $207,064 $210,780 $213,547 ,1.814 SS ,0814 30814 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $285 $287 $287 $287 5300 ~ 5300 5300 53410 Billing Services Cost $0 $800 $800 $0 SO 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,603 $2,525 $2,525 $2,525 51.500 S1 500 51.500 54110 Telephone $21,734 $21,528 $21,478 $21,478 51.500 51500 51.500 54210 Postage $2,001 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 S3 000 ~ 53000 53.000 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equip $597 $600 $600 $400 . ~ ~ ~ 5600 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $559 $775 $775 $775 -_. 5, 5 ,-_ 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 50 54686 Repair &Maintenance - Landscapr ($5) $500 $0 $0 SO SO 50 50 54800 Promotional Activities $859 $0 $0 $0 50 54810 Employee Relations $0 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 51.500 S1 500 51.500 55110 Office Supplies $3,220 $3,500 $2,300 $2,300 53.500 53.500 53.500 55210 Fuel & Oil $3,490 $1,900 $1,900 $2,200 5~ 400 S2400 5~ 400 55220 Tires&Filters $226 $250 $250 $250 ._~ __~ 5250 55230 Operating Supplies $2,297 $4,500 $3,200 $3,200 54.500 ~ S4500 54.500 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $587 $590 $590 $590 . ~ ~ ~ 5600 55290 Protective Clothing $0 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 SL850 St 850 51.850 55410 Subscriptions $1,926 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 ~_ 5~ 000 52.000 55411 Dues & Registrations $2,518 $4,300 $3,300 $3,000 S3500 SO S3.500 S3500 55430 Employee Development $6,139 $4,400 $3,400 $3,400 5~ 000 50 S~ 000 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 S~50 550 Total Operating $48,036 $56,805 $51,755 $49,755 550.0,5 50 550025 550.025 Total Capital Lease $0 $0 $0 $0 SS 50 50 50 64000 Equipment-General $6,640 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 53.600 53.600 53.600 64200 Data Processing Equipment $0 $0 $1,300 $1,178 J.. 50 Total Capital $6,640 $3,600 $4,900 $4,778 ~ S3 20 S3 10 TOTAL OFFICE OF THE CHIEF BUDGET $264,851 $267,469 $267,435 $268,080 39 53.('00 4.439 584 439 Equipment-General: Portable radio (1) $3,600 53 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION BUREAU - 2113 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $451,525 $443,320 $443,320 $443,320 ~ ~ X39 SO ~ 539 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $12,958 $13,219 $13,219 $11,476 S1?,743 SO 51743 S1 ,743 51213 Salary Reimbursement ($14,111) $0 $0 $0 SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $21,365 $15,307 $18,301 $18,301 S15 738 SO S15 738 515.738 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $35,643 $36,096 $36,146 $36,192 7:~, 712 ~~ 712 .~, 712 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $53,169 $53,524 $53,524 $53,524 544.315 50 S44315 544.315 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $16,421 $13,190 $13,190 $13,228 511.954 511.954 S11 954 52330 Pension Expense $62,940 $63,699 $63,699 $64,168 564.133 50 S64133 564.133 Total Payroll $639,910 $638,355 $641,399 $640,209 ~0 234 50 '34 58J 234 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $3,420 $2,583 $2,583 $2,315 52.400 52.400 5~ 400 54010 Travel & Per Diem $0 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 _~ 50 5~ 500 __~ 54110 Telephone $110 $710 $660 $660 5700 5700 5;00 54210 Postage $0 $250 $250 $100 S100 50 5100 S100 54410 Equipment Rental $2,136 $4,500 $4,500 $1,200 53.500 53.500 53.500 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $6,265 $6,897 $9,679 $6,247 ~ ~ 50 56.500 56.500 55110 Office Supplies $604 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1 500 51.500 51.500 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax $477 $2,010 $2,010 $2,010 51.500 50 51.500 51.500 55210 Fuel & Oil $6,564 $6,450 $6,450 $8,500 510 X00 510 X00 S10 X00 55220 Tires&Filters $459 $500 $500 $500 .~ 50 5500 .~ 55230 Operating Supplies $998 $3,000 $3,000 $4,000 S4800 54.800 54.800 55240 Uniforms $7,369 $7,650 $7,650 $7,650 ~~ 50 5~ 650 _- ~~ 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $2,737 $800 $1,450 $800 5800 5130 5930 5930 55278 Software Systems $1,731 $2,208 $2,208 $2,208 _ 5300 5~ 300 ~_~ 55290 Protective Clothing $499 $520 $520 $520 ~_ 550 ~_ 55430 Employee Development $353 $1,200 $1,200 $600 .~ 50 5500 .~ 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $600 5700 5700 5; 00 Total Operating $33,722 $43,278 $46,660 $41,910 4 _ i= 0 :430 4 ',~~ 54x :,00 57160 Lease Purchase Vehicle $4,256 $4,682 $4,682 $4,682 54 68~ 50 54 68~ 54.68 57250 Lease Purchase Interest $414 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Capital Lease $4,670 $4,682 $4,682 $4,682 S4 68~ SO S4 ~-" S4.68 64000 Equipment-General $9,528 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 53.600 53.600 53.600 64200 Data Processing Equipment $6,448 $0 $0 $0 51.300 51.300 51.300 Total Capital $15,976 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 50 S4900 54.900 54.900 TOTAL CRI M. INVEST. BUDGET $694,278 $689,915 $696,341 $690,401 > )1.286 5 :.330 a 16 S63 616 Small Tools & Equipment: Equip ment-General: UPS battery back-up $130 Por table radio (1) $3,600 Software: Data Processing Equipment: Microsoft Professional $300 Personal Computer (1) $1,300 55 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -COMMUNITY SERVICES BUREAU - 2114 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $232,767 $287,680 $287,680 $287,680 S308150 SO ..308,150 5308.150 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $5,965 $4,971 $4,971 $4,971 S10,033 SO S10 033 S10,033 51214 Overtime Salaries $4,405 $10,615 $11,640 $11,640 511.073 511.073 S11 073 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $18,323 $23,200 $23,200 $23,200 _-~ 50 __-~ 5~5 275 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $18,840 $21,819 $21,819 $21,819 308 5.:08 .2 :.308 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $8,115 $8,478 $8,478 $8,478 _~, 50 ~~237 ~ _~, 52330 Pension Expense $31,149 $40,941 $40,941 $40,941 549.543 549.543 S49 543 Total Payroll $319,564 $397,704 $398,729 $398,729 -1 :8.619 50 a, ~ 617 S43~t 615 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $570 $1,785 $1,785 $1,785 51.500 50 51.800 51.500 54010 Travel & Per Diem $2,592 $2,500 $3,400 $3,400 52500 5-.500 5~ 500 54110 Telephone $0 $0 $0 $0 S1800 51.800 51.800 54310 Utility Services $0 $0 $0 $0 50 53.600 53.000 53.600 54633 Maint Agreement /Contracts $0 $209 $283 $74 SO 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $2,076 $2,580 $2,580 $2,580 ~ X80 54800 Promotional Activities $7,310 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 50 5~ 000 _- 54810 Employee Relations $166 $950 $750 $750 5750 SJ 5750 5; 50 54891 'Community Youth Organization $0 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 S4 000 SO S4,000 S4 000 55110 Office Supplies $300 $1,100 $800 $800 51.100 50 51.100 51.100 55210 Fuel & Oil $6,826 $4,940 $4,940 $13,400 516.750 516]50 S16 ; 50 55220 Tires&Filters $451 $500 $500 $500 .~ 50 5500 .~ 55230 Operating Supplies $795 $3,000 $850 $850 52500 5-.500 5~~500 55240 Uniforms $787 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 51.650 50 51.650 51.650 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $1,134 $800 $800 $800 5800 5800 5800 55290 Protective Clothing $1,498 $1,500 $2,400 $2,400 51.500 50 51.500 51.500 55430 Employee Development $597 $750 $1,600 $1,600 5750 S750 5; 50 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 ~u 50 S~ 000 a iu Total Operating $25,102 $33,314 $33,388 $41,639 S-1h 1~0 S~ aJO ~ 1 ~oC S51 :~0 Total Capital Lease $0 $0 $0 $0 50 SS 50 50 64000 Equipment-General $3,518 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 515.200 515.300 S15 X00 64100 Vehicles $23,065 $0 $0 $0 50 64200 Data Processing Equipment $0 $0 $10,893 $10,893 a SO a. Total Capital $26,583 $3,600 $14,493 $14,493 SO 515200 S15 °_00 S15200 TOTAL COMM. SERVICES BUDGET $371,249 $434,618 $446,610 $454,861 4 4]99 _ X00 399 550 Telephone: Equipment-General: New Community Service Office (Vistawilla) $1,800 Portable radio (2) $7,200 Mobile radio (2) $8,000 Utility Services: $15,200 New Community Service Office (Vistawilla) $3,600 56 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -OPERATIONS -2115 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $1,699,084 $1,664,789 $1,664,789 $1,664,789 1 -i6 14~ 521 88 1 ~1; .234 51 61~ 234 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $23,166 $28,648 $28,648 $26,276 ,°.946 X46 52- -46 51213 Salary Reimbursement ($15,711) $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $76,165 $61,605 $61,605 $61,605 ~ 9.243 S1 054 ~b0 297 S6L 297 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $132,123 $134,260 $134,471 $134,290 1 , _~- 51.654 : 1 ,8.551 513( X51 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $189,037 $208,038 $208,038 $208,038 1 ,0.310 5133 '140.443 5180.443 52320 Workers'Comp. Insurance $59,247 $46,743 $46,743 $46,672 34 08~~+ x619 ~4 i08 S4 ~~ 52330 Pension Expense $210,053 $236,930 $236,930 $236,610 ~ 2.646 53.321 ~ ~ 96~ a~5~ ag~- Total Payroll $2,373,164 $2,381,013 $2,381,224 $2,378,280 2.237 ~~ 909 20.14E 2 3-0.146 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $11,070 $10,965 $10,965 $10,965 S11700 SO S11,700 S11,700 54010 Travel & Per Diem $2,707 $2,500 $4,500 $4,500 S2500 ~ 52.500 S2 500 54110 Telephone $520 $2,971 $2,760 $2,760 53.600 53.600 .~ ~~ 54650 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles $21,979 $19,903 $19,903 $19,903 519.000 519.000 519.000 55110 Office Supplies $1,206 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1 500 SO S1 500 S1 500 55210 Fuel & Oil $99,415 $73,025 $73,025 $140,000 a1 '~1 000 SO ,1 't000 S181 :00 55220 Tires & Filters $6,518 $8,700 $8,700 $8,700 58 ~ 00 ~ - 53.700 55230 Operating Supplies $7,634 $8,550 $8,550 $8,000 58.000 ~ S8 000 55240 Uniforms $18,075 $18,368 $15,213 $15,213 S18A00 SO 518,400 S18,400 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $17,522 $10,473 $10,473 $10,473 a1: ~ 500 51 '<~ ~1 .390 S12 X90 55278 Software Systems $5,437 $6,500 $3,971 $3,971 56.500 5300 55290 Protective Clothing $8,963 $9,000 $12,155 $12,155 59.000 ~ 55.000 55430 Employee Development $1,194 $7,150 $5,150 $5,150 S5150 SO S5150 S5150 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 S2000 SO S2000 S2000 Total Operating $202,240 $179,605 $176,865 $243,290 - ~~ `-1~0 t74C '289.740 57160 Lease Purchase Vehicle $91,343 $102,800 $102,800 $102,788 ~1 2.800 SO X10 ' ~~ S102 ~ ,00 57250 Lease Purchaselnterest $11,465 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Capital Lease $102,808 $102,800 $102,800 $102,788 1: ~ ~ 50 Iii ';00 510" ,0~~~ 64000 Equipment-General $46,702 $32,300 $90,300 $90,300 ~ S48,300 S48300 S48300 64100 Vehicles $357,412 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 64200 Data Processing Equipment $4,178 $0 $0 $0 53.900 53.900 53.900 Total Capital $408,292 $32,300 $90,300 $90,300 50 552.200 552200 552200 TOTAL OPERATIONS BUDGET $3,086,504 $2,695,718 $2,751,189 $2,814,658 ~ ~ ~ _ - ?99 ~ 4:'&° 5~ 76a ,06 Small Tools & Equipment: Equipment-General: Reflective traffic cones for city events $1,500 Portable radio (9) $32,400 UPS battery back-up (3) $390 Radar units (6) $15,900 $1,890 $48,300 Software: Data Processing Equipment: Microsoft Professional $300 Personal Computers (3) $3,900 57 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -INFORMATION SERVICES - 2116 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $576,920 $603,292 $603,292 $603,292 ~ 1,2?J 51,362 16,,32 5;1 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $3,710 $6,242 $6,242 $6,242 S J_~ SO , iJ26 S :_~ 51214 Overtime Salaries $37,747 $23,072 $24,317 $24,317 Soo ~~ ,5.448 S2~ 448 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $46,330 $48,394 $48,431 $48,526 7391 .1~9 1500 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $72,939 $87,582 $87,582 $87,582 304 59 ,0.393 ,~ ; s~3 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $6,993 $4,844 $4,844 $4,856 ~8 054 54 58 Obo ~~ ~~ 52330 Pension Expense $72,692 $82,301 $82,301 $82,469 1~l-i 043 X215 1 S10~~258 Total Payroll $817,331 $855,727 $857,009 $857,284 51 014.548 51.76; 51.018.318 51.016.315 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $355 $574 $574 $850 5900 50 5900 5900 54010 Travel & Per Diem $2,232 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 51.000 51.000 51.000 54110 Telephone $56,095 $54,087 $54,050 $54,050 554.050 50 554.050 554.050 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equip $1,300 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 54.000 54.000 54.000 54632 Software Maint/Licenses $6,206 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 ~ 50 51.300 ~- 54633 MaintAgreement/Contracts $6,665 $21,125 $21,125 $21,125 5?1125 5~1.1~5 521.125 54640 Repair &Maintenance -Comm $2,415 $16,058 $16,058 $12,500 51 ~ b00 50 S1 ~ 500 512.500 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $803 $500 $500 $500 5500 5500 5500 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $3,587 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 54.500 50 54.500 54.500 54810 Employee Relations $488 $600 $600 $300 ... SO ... 55110 Office Supplies $1,859 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 _~ 50 5~ 500 __~ 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax $345 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 52.000 52.000 S~ 000 55210 Fuel & Oil $2,004 $5,765 $5,765 $3,800 54.500 50 54.500 54.500 55220 Tires & Filters $301 $500 $500 $500 5500 5500 5500 55230 Operating Supplies $238 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 _~ 50 5~ 500 ~_~ 55240 Uniforms $1,223 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 51.500 51.500 51.500 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $2,648 $3,273 $3,273 $3,273 53.250 50 ~ _~ 53250 55275 Communications Support $153 $2,565 $2,565 $2,565 52.565 52.565 52.565 55278 Software Systems $852 $3,975 $3,975 $3,975 ~ .575 SO ~ ~+`5 S ~+ 5 55290 Protective Clothing $0 $1,300 $1,300 $1,200 51.300 51.300 51.300 55430 Employee Development $4,394 $1,615 $1,615 $1,615 51.600 51.600 51.600 Total Operating $94,163 $139,737 $139,700 $134,053 5132065 50 S13~ 065 5132.065 Total Capital Lease $0 $0 $0 $0 50 S~~ 50 50 64000 Equipment-General $3,472 $0 $0 $0 510.800 510.800 510.800 64200 Data Processing Equipment $7,420 $14,700 $14,700 $14,700 SO 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $2,971 $11,375 $11,375 $11,375 SO Total Capital $13,863 $26,075 $26,075 $26,075 SO 510 ~20 1..300 51 TOTAL INFO. SERVICES BUDGET $925,357 $1,021,539 $1,022,784 $1,017,412 51.146.613 51~ 56~ 51.159.180 51.159.100 Equipment-General: Portable radio (3) $10,800 58 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -TECHNICAL SERVICES - 2117 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $166,528 $183,356 $183,356 $183,356 ,1 ~ _-_ SO ~ _6,272 510' 2; 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $3,845 $3,740 $3,740 $4,494 S4,642 SO S464' S4,642 51214 Overtime Salaries $1,782 $5,282 $5,837 $5,837 55.334 55.334 55.334 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $12,805 $14,717 $14,758 $14,858 515.104 SO S15 104 515.104 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $15,569 $14,651 $14,651 $14,651 514.190 514.190 S14 190 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $5,097 $5,636 $5,636 $5,676 ~;-, 50 ,~--- 55.77; 52330 Pension Expense $22,151 $25,971 $25,971 $26,147 ~?~~ Total Payroll $227,777 $253,353 $253,949 $255,019 918 50 ~ ;i18 _S X18 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $285 $861 $861 $861 S900 50 5900 S900 54010 Travel & Per Diem $558 $1,463 $1,463 $1,463 51.500 51.500 51.500 54110 Telephone $135 $581 $540 $1,250 51200 50 51.200 51200 54310 Utility Services $48,079 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 554.000 554.000 554.000 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equip $19,418 $28,500 $25,500 $25,000 ,_~ 50 525.000 55.000 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $1,031 $1,080 $1,080 $1,080 51.100 51.100 51.100 54660 Repair & Maintenance -Building $12,040 $12,900 $54,645 $54,645 51 ~ 900 531.100 S44 000 544.000 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $11,424 $7,800 $7,800 $7,800 SZ800 5-.800 S7 800 54730 Printing Expense $3,217 $6,500 $6,500 $3,500 54.000 50 54.000 54.000 55110 Office Supplies $1,107 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 51.500 51.500 51.500 55210 Fuel & Oil $4,760 $6,390 $6,390 $6,100 ~ 50 5~ 600 _- 55220 Tires & Filters $301 $375 $375 $375 5900 5900 5900 55230 Operating Supplies $2,003 $7,750 $7,750 $7,750 ; ~ 50 --~ _--~ 55240 Uniforms $586 $600 $600 $600 5850 5850 ~~ 55260 Janitorial Supplies $4,029 $4,410 $4,410 $4,410 54.400 50 54A00 54.400 55262 Holiday Decorations $452 $650 $650 $600 50 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $4,022 $1,448 $3,515 $3,515 51.450 50 51.450 51.450 55278 Software Systems $678 $1,002 $1,002 $700 5700 5700 5; 00 55290 Protective Clothing $3,463 $3,480 $3,480 $3,480 S3 400 SO S3 400 S3 480 55411 Dues & Registrations $0 $1,000 $1,000 $500 5500 .~ 5500 55420 Operational Books $428 $2,250 $2,250 $2,250 ,__~ 52~-50 __~ 55430 Employee Development $490 $750 $750 $750 5750 .-~ 5750 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 - 5750 Total Operating $118,506 $140,290 $181,061 $177,129 141 "'80 531.1 U0 1 ° .~ 51; 80 57160 Lease Purchase Vehicle $8,512 $9,350 $9,350 $9,350 55.350 59.350 59.350 57250 Lease Purchase Interest $827 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Capital Lease $9,339 $9,350 $9,350 $9,350 59.350 50 55.350 SJ 350 64000 Equipment-General $12,400 $12,700 $12,700 $12,700 50 64100 Vehicles $34,100 $0 $0 $0 50 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,138 $0 $0 $0 50 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $0 $3,000 $933 $933 50 Total Capital $47,638 $15,700 $13,633 $13,633 50 50 50 50 TOTAL TECH. SERVICES BUDGET $403,260 $418,693 $457,993 $455,131 5411.548 531.100 44 548 S44~ 648 Repair & Maintenance -Building: Paint/seal building $20,000 Interior paint $11,100 $31,100 59 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -CODE - 2118 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $232,451 $241,550 $241,550 $241,550 S256564 SO a~56,564 5256.564 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $3,847 $3,999 $3,999 $3,990 S5,180 SO S5180 S5,180 51214 Overtime Salaries $10,024 $8,022 $9,885 $9,885 ._ ~_~ 58.65 ,~ ~_~ 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $18,116 $19,398 $19,527 $19,669 S-O F11 SO S?0 811 S-QF11 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $20,619 $21,550 $21,550 $21,550 _~- ~5 ,37 ._ ~- 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $8,054 $6,666 $6,666 $6,721 SZ167 SO 5~ 16i 57.16; 52330 Pension Expense $31,565 $34,232 $34,232 $34,482 4 %~ ail ~ S4 Total Payroll $324,676 $335,417 $337,409 $337,847 S3~34 416 ,., 5364 413 5364.416 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $855 $861 $861 $861 S900 SO 5900 S900 54010 Travel & Per Diem $598 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 51.000 51.000 51.000 54110 Telephone $190 $1,809 $1,680 $1,680 51.680 SO 51.680 51.680 54210 Postage $3,759 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 53.500 ~0 53.500 53.500 54382 Lot Cleaning ' $0 $500 $500 $500 S500 S4 500 S5, 000 S5 000 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equip $25 $400 $400 $350 ,~~ 5350 5350 54650 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles $60 $1,000 $1,000 $950 51000 51.000 S1000 54730 Printing Expense $479 $800 $1,200 $1,200 ~~ 5800 ~~ 54800 Promotional Activities $0 $200 $200 $200 500 ._ 5200 54950 Recording Fee $172 $600 $600 $600 5650 5650 5650 55110 Office Supplies $900 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 51.000 51.000 S1 000 55210 Fuel & Oil $7,488 $6,710 $6,710 $10,000 S1~ 500 512.500 51~ 500 55220 Tires & Filters $485 $500 $500 $500 5500 .~ 5500 55230 Operating Supplies $24 $1,000 $1,000 $950 51.000 St000 51.000 55240 Uniforms $604 $850 $850 $850 5850 ._~ 5850 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $942 $1,384 $984 $984 51.350 St350 51.350 55275 Communications Support $0 $578 $578 $0 50 50 55278 Software Systems $1,877 $2,848 $2,848 $2,848 5500 5500 5500 55290 Protective Clothing $1,019 $460 $460 $1,014 590 .~_ 590 55411 Dues & Registrations $315 $1,600 $1,600 $1,400 51.400 St400 51.400 55420 Operational Books $116 $800 $800 $700 5300 .~ 5300 55430 Employee Development $1,110 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 51.100 St100 51.100 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 Total Operating $21,018 $30,300 $30,171 $32,487 000 54 .i0 00 53_.500 57160 Lease Purchase Vehicle $4,256 $4,682 $4,682 $4,682 54 68~ S4 682 54 68~ 57250 Lease Purchase Interest $414 $0 $0 $0 50 50 Total Capital Lease $4,670 $4,682 $4,682 $4,682 -168 -i ,,_ Sa 68~ 64000 Equipment-General $3,518 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 53.600 53.600 53.600 64200 Data Processing Equipment $3,568 $0 $0 $0 50 a. 50 Total Capital $7,086 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 SO S3.600 S3600 53.600 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BUDGET $357,450 $373,999 $375,862 $378,616 ,4 1.090 5.'.100 ~4(~~t198 S40 ~ 1J8 * Lot Cleaning Note: Public nuisance lien assessments may offset expenditures Equipment-General: Portable radio (1) $3,600 60 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -MOTORCYCLE - 2119 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $208,790 $205,158 $205,158 $205,158 ,1 ~~ SO ~ ~ GS a1~3 C~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $4,933 $5,089 $5,089 $5,089 S ~~ SO , ~~ S5 05 51214 Overtime Salaries $2,322 $4,448 $4,448 $4,448 56.360 56.360 56.360 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $15,645 $16,425 $16,425 $16,425 515.664 SO S15 664 515.664 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $22,133 $23,068 $23,068 $23,068 __. _ , .__ __. 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $7,170 $6,002 $6,002 $6,002 5574 SO 55724 S5.7~4 52330 Pension Expense $27,647 $28,984 $28,984 $28,984 530713 530.713 S30 7 13 Total Payroll $288,640 $289,174 $289,174 $289,174 183 SO ~~ X03 9 183 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $285 $1,148 $1,148 $1,148 51200 SO 51200 51.200 54010 Travel & Per Diem $770 $1,402 $1,402 $1,402 51.400 51.400 51.400 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equip $307 $700 $700 $700 . ; .,., SO -..., . ; .,., 54650 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles $5,440 $7,450 $7,450 $7,450 SZ450 57450 SZ450 54730 Printing Expense $0 $700 $700 $0 SO 55210 Fuel & Oil $4,775 $5,030 $5,030 $3,500 55.000 55.000 55.000 55220 Tires&Filters $386 $500 $500 $500 .~~ 50 5550 .~~ 55230 Operating Supplies $409 $657 $657 $600 5600 5600 5600 55240 Uniforms $2,741 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 53.500 50 53.500 53.500 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $715 $992 $992 $992 51.000 51.000 51.000 55290 Protective Clothing $1,039 $1,040 $1,040 $1,040 51.040 50 51.040 51.040 55430 Employee Development $0 $750 $750 $600 5600 5600 5600 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 SO Total Operating $16,867 $23,869 $23,869 $21,432 50 ,;~0 ,_~ _ Total Capital Lease $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 S~~ 64000 Equipment-General $9,538 $23,500 $23,500 $5,000 -.300 S7 X00 Total Capital $9,538 $23,500 $23,500 $5,000 SO 57 UO ~ 5; X00 TOTAL MOTORCYCLE BUDGET $315,045 $336,543 $336,543 $315,606 S - S7200 , 373 X309 3%3 Equipment-General: Portable radio (2) $7,200 61 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -CANINE - 2120 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $85,237 $83,266 $83,266 $83,266 S86 035 SO S86 035 Sob 035 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $773 $803 $803 $808 So40 SO S840 So40 51214 Overtime Salaries $2,477 $4,152 $4,152 $4,152 54 X66 54 X66 54 X66 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $6,749 $6,749 $6,749 $6,749 ~-_ SO "-_ Sr 97~ 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $4,771 $5,033 $5,033 $5,033 S9 X19 59 -19 59 X19 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $2,988 $2,466 $2,466 $2,466 52.548 SO 5~ 540 52544 52330 Pension Expense $9,987 $11,910 $11,910 $11,910 513.6; 1 513.671 S13 671 Total Payroll $112,982 $114,379 $114,379 $114,384 5123.551 50 5123.551 S1~3551 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $570 $574 $574 $574 . ~ 50 5600 54010 Travel & Per Diem $249 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 51000 51.000 SL000 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equip $897 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 _ 50 S~ 000 __ 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $1,085 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 52.000 52.000 S~ 000 55210 Fuel & Oil $7,064 $7,400 $7,400 $8,250 510.300 50 S10 300 510.300 55220 Tires & Filters $451 $500 $500 $500 5550 5550 5550 55230 Operating Supplies $1,380 $1,500 $1,650 $1,650 51.500 50 51.500 51.500 55240 Uniforms $463 $600 $600 $600 5600 5600 5600 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $3,856 $1,200 $2,293 $2,293 51.500 50 51.500 51.500 55290 Protective Clothing $499 $520 $177 $177 ~_ 550 ~_ 55430 Employee Development $0 $750 $0 $0 SO 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 5250 5250 Total Operating $16,514 $18,544 $18,694 $19,044 _., ,., _.. ~_ _.. Total Capital Lease $0 $0 $0 $0 SS 50 SJ 50 64000 Equipment-General $3,518 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 ;3.600 S3 600 53.600 Total Capital $3,518 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 50 S3 600 53.600 53.600 TOTAL CANINE BUDGET $133,014 $136,523 $136,673 $137,028 S144371 53.300 51-1 9; 1 S14' 971 Equipment-General: Portable radio (1) $3,600 62 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE -PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS - 2121 New department -Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $143,263 $143,264 $143,264 $143,264 ,14 ~~~ SO 14 X80 514 ~~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,848 $2,791 $2,791 $3,656 S4,696 SO S4696 S4,696 51214 Overtime Salaries $1,592 $4,475 $5,577 $5,577 54.586 54.586 54.586 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $11,177 $11,516 $11,557 $11,707 51~ 064 SO S1~ 064 512064 52310 Health/Life Insurance/ Dis Ins $13,122 $16,405 $16,405 $16,405 511.129 511.19 S11 129 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $4,880 $4,208 $4,208 $4,268 54.409 50 54A09 54.409 52330 Pension Expense $18,869 $20,322 $20,322 $20,587 S-3.647 53.647 5'3.647 Total Payroll $194,751 $202,981 $204,124 $205,464 ,J8A11 50 .205.411 5208 411 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $855 $861 $861 $861 S900 50 5900 S900 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,415 $1,462 $1,462 $1,462 51.500 51.500 51.500 54110 Telephone $90 $581 $540 $540 Sb40 50 5540 Sb40 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equip $97 $418 $418 $250 5400 5400 5400 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $202 $775 $775 $775 . _ -~ 50 ~--~ --~ 55210 Fuel & Oil $2,296 $1,900 $1,900 $8,000 510.000 510.000 S19000 55220 Tires&Filters $301 $375 $375 $375 .~-~ 50 5375 .~-~ 55230 Operating Supplies $710 $2,000 $2,000 $1,200 St~00 51.500 SL900 55240 Uniforms $941 $950 $950 $950 .~~ 50 ~~~ ~~~ 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $2,073 $427 $427 $427 5500 5500 5500 55290 Protective Clothing $0 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 51.550 50 51.850 51.550 55430 Employee Development $687 $750 $750 $750 5750 5750 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 .~ 50 5500 .~ 55441 Accreditation $6,437 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 59.000 55.000 59000 Total Operating $16,104 $21,349 $21,308 $26,440 5"9.540 50 S29540 5~9b40 Total Capital Lease $0 $0 $0 $0 SS 50 50 50 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SS 50 SJ 50 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL STDS BUDGET $210,855 $224,330 $225,432 $231,904 ~ %.951 SO a ~~1 S23 951 63 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FIRE -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET On October 2, 2008, the Fire Department will be consolidated with Seminole County. Manages Rec. Original Revised Projected Total Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Personal Services $3,492,188 $3,912,263 $3,915,298 $3,730,687 $13,375 $13,375 Operating Expenses $247,689 $411,530 $413,300 $391,420 $0 $0 Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay $31,605 $394,220 $396,170 $7,050 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,771,482 $4,718,013 $4,724,768 $4,129,157 $13,375 $13,375 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) Budgeted personnel count remains the same but only one day of employment is indicated Administration -2110 Fire Chief 1 Administrative Assistant 1 Data Entry Clerk 1 Total 3 Prevention -2230 Fire Marshall 1 Fire Inspector 1 Total 2 Operations - 2240 Deputy Chief 1 Battalion Chief 3 Lieutenant 9 Firefighter 33 Total 46 Training -2250 Training Division Chief 1 EMS (see Medical Transport Fund #170) TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 52 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 9 33 46 1 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FIRE -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $2,371,331 $2,630,015 $2,630,015 $2,505,000 _ ~-_ ,~ 911 5 ~, 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $16,500 $30,883 $30,883 $15,871 SO 51213 Salary Reimbursement ($800) $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $208,089 $245,956 $248,706 $244,201 So71 SO So77 So17 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $189,110 $222,375 $222,660 $211,813 5763 _-~~ ~~ 52310 Health/Life Insurance $268,980 $287,959 $287,959 $282,593 5912 591 S91? 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $110,011 $102,651 $102,651 $97,925 ~~~_ ~ S353 S353 52330 Pension Expense $328,967 $392,424 $392,424 $373,284 St494 SO 51.494 S1 494 Total Payroll $3,492,188 $3,912,263 $3,915,298 $3,730,687 513.3;5 50 513.375 513.315 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $22,177 $24,830 $24,830 $24,450 SO SO SO SO 53211 Administration Fees $0 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 SO ~ ~ SO 53410 Billing Services Cost $0 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 SO 54010 Travel & Per Diem $2,127 $6,000 $6,000 $3,050 SO 54110 Telephone $6,587 $7,450 $7,165 $8,120 SO SO SO SO 54210 Postage $184 $400 $400 $200 SO SO SO SO 54310 Utility Services $24,958 $27,500 $27,500 $26,000 SO 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $600 $600 $400 SO 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equipment $12,489 $14,000 $14,000 $11,600 SO SO SO SO 54633 Maintenance Agreements $3,458 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 SO SO SO SO 54640 Repair&Maintenance-Communications $1,272 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 SO 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $24,328 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 ... ... SO 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $7,248 $14,500 $14,500 $13,700 SO SO SO SO 54682 Repair&Maintenance-Grounds $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $500 SO SO SO SO 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $3,341 $5,500 $5,500 $5,000 SO 54730 Printing Expense $250 $19,000 $19,000 $17,600 SO 54800 Promotional Activities $5,191 $6,000 $6,000 $4,900 SO SO SO SO 54920 Legal Advertising $0 $0 $0 $2,100 SO SO SO SO 55110 Office Supplies $1,946 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 SO 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax Supplies $1,590 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 SO 55210 Fuel & Oil $23,130 $25,000 $25,000 $35,000 SO ~ SO SO 55220 Tires&Filters $3,778 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 SO SO SO SO 55230 Operating Supplies $7,548 $8,200 $9,598 $8,300 ... ... SO 55240 Uniforms $14,728 $22,000 $22,000 $16,600 SO 55260 Janitorial Supplies $3,802 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 SO SO SO SO 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $23,824 $22,300 $22,300 $20,200 SO ~ ~ SO 55278 Software Systems $1,170 $6,500 $6,500 $0 SO 55290 Protective Clothing $14,395 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 SO 55410 Subscriptions $898 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 SO SO SO SO 55411 Dues&Registrations $1,696 $4,300 $4,300 $2,000 SO SO SO SO 55420 Operational Books $2,519 $3,850 $3,850 $3,400 SO 55430 Employee Development $32,055 $26,300 $26,957 $24,000 SO JU JU JU Total Operating $247,689 $411,530 $413,300 $391,420 SO SO SO SO Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 ~:, ,:, ,., ,., 62000 Buildings $0 $0 $1,950 $1,950 SO SO SO SO 64000 Equipment-General $27,025 $21,100 $21,100 $5,100 SO SO SO SO 64100 Vehicles $0 $370,000 $370,000 $0 SO 64200 Data Processing Equipment $4,580 $0 $0 $0 SO 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $0 $3,120 $3,120 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Capital $31,605 $394,220 $396,170 $7,050 SO SO SO SO TOTAL FIRE-SUMMARY BUDGET $3,771,482 $4,718,013 $4,724,768 $4,129,157 513.315 513.315 S13315 65 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FIRE -ADMINISTRATION -2210 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $159,175 $169,661 $169,661 $60,000 5615 SO 5615 5615 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $3,649 $3,795 $3,795 $0 ~ ... ~' ... ~' 51214 Overtime Salaries $320 $3,333 $3,333 $1,000 S1 ~ 00 oI S1 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $11,930 $13,525 $13,603 $4,745 Soo SO Soo Soo 52310 Health/Life Insurance $9,592 $11,847 $11,847 $7,245 S44 544 S44 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $5,125 $4,017 $4,017 $252 S14 50 S14 S14 52330 Pension Expense $19,283 $23,866 $23,866 $8,235 5~4 SO S94 S94 Total Payroll $209,074 $230,044 $230,122 $81,477 Sot; SO So~7 So~7 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $82 $480 $480 $100 ... ... 53211 Administration Fees $0 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 SO SO SO SO 53410 Billing Services Cost $0 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 SO SO 50 SO 54010 Travel& Per Diem $1,332 $2,000 $2,000 $1,750 ... ... 54110 Telephone $6,512 $4,543 $4,465 $5,500 50 50 54210 Postage $184 $400 $400 $200 SO SO SO SO 54310 Utility Services $24,958 $27,500 $27,500 $26,000 SO SO SO SO 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equipment $960 $1,000 $1,000 $100 50 50 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $425 $1,500 $1,500 $700 ... ... 54720 Copy Machine Supplies & Lease $3,341 $5,500 $5,500 $5,000 SO SO SO SO 54730 Printing Expense $0 $18,000 $18,000 $17,000 SO SO SO SO 54800 Promotional Activities $312 $500 $500 $100 ... ... 54920 Legal Advertising $0 $0 $0 $2,100 50 50 55110 Office Supplies $1,946 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 SO SO SO SO 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax Supplies $1,590 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 SO SO 9:J 9:J 55230 Operating Supplies $923 $1,000 $1,000 $200 50 50 55240 Uniforms $225 $500 $500 $100 ... ... 55411 Dues&Registrations $482 $1,300 $1,300 $500 SO SO SO SO 55430 Employee Development $881 $2,300 $2,300 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Operating $44,153 $170,023 $169,945 $160,850 S~~ SO SO 50 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO 50 50 62000 Buildings $0 $0 $1,950 $1,950 50 50 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,145 $0 $0 $0 aU aU aU aU Total Capital $1,145 $0 $1,950 $1,950 SO SO SO SO TOTAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET $254,372 $400,067 $402,017 $244,277 Sot; 50 S8~% S8~~ 66 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FIRE -PREVENTION - 2230 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $110,155 $116,847 $116,847 $135,000 S441 SO 5441 5441 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $2,280 $0 $0 $0 .., ... 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $2,672 $2,672 $500 S25 SO S-5 S-5 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $8,106 $9,143 $9,226 $10,448 Sir SO S36 S36 52310 Health/Life Insurance $11,270 $11,781 $11,781 $12,000 S51 551 S51 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $4,999 $4,318 $4,318 $4,909 S1 ~ 50 S17 S1 52330 Pension Expense $14,367 $16,135 $16,135 $18,292 a,u - SO S; 0 S; 0 Total Payroll $151,177 $160,896 $160,979 $181,149 564D SO S640 S640 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $760 $900 $900 $900 SO SO SO SO 54010 Travel& Per Diem $0 $1,500 $1,500 $500 SO SO SO SO 54110 Telephone $75 $1,163 $1,080 $1,080 SO SO SO ~~ 54630 Repair&Maintenance-Equipment $975 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 .:. 54730 Printing Expense $125 $200 $200 $200 ~ 50 SO 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $200 $200 $100 SO SO SO SO 55240 Uniforms $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 SO SO SO SO 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $300 $300 $200 50 SO 55278 Software Systems $0 $6,500 $6,500 $0 55411 Dues & Registrations $110 $1,000 $1,000 $500 SO SO SO SO Total Operating $2,045 $13,763 $13,680 $5,480 SO SO SO SO Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 SO 50 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $0 $3,120 $3,120 $0 SO SO SO SO Total Capital $0 $3,120 $3,120 $0 50 50 SO 50 TOTAL PREVENTION BUDGET $153,222 $177,779 $177,779 $186,629 S640 50 5040 5640 67 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FIRE -OPERATIONS -2240 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $2,035,500 $2,274,620 $2,274,620 $2,250,000 57.716 57.716 57.716 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $10,571 $27,088 $27,088 $15,871 50 50 51213 Salary Reimbursement ($800) $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO 50 51214 Overtime Salaries $207,769 $239,951 $242,701 $242,701 So3; SO So3~ So3~ 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $164,378 $194,437 $194,520 $191,989 5663 5663 ~~~ 52310 Health/Lifelnsurance $241,458 $257,348 $257,348 $257,348 5799 ,-~~ .-~~ 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $97,011 $91,827 $91,827 $90,603 5313 SO S313 S313 52330 Pension Expense $286,819 $343,124 $343,124 $338,657 S1299 SO S1 299 S1 299 Total Payroll $3,042,706 $3,428,395 $3,431,228 $3,387,169 511.6?; 50 511.627 511.627 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $20,955 $23,000 $23,000 $23,000 SO SO SO SO 54010 Travel& Per Diem $223 $1,000 $1,000 $300 SO SO SO SO 54110 Telephone $0 $1,163 $1,080 $1,000 50 50 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $600 $600 $400 .., ... 54630 Repair&Maintenance-Equipment $9,956 $11,000 $11,000 $10,000 SO SO SO SO 54633 Maintenance Agreements $3,458 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 SO SO SO SO 54640 Repair&Maintenance-Comm $1,272 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 .., ... 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $24,328 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 50 50 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $6,823 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 SO SO SO SO 54682 Repair&Maintenance-Grounds $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $500 SO SO SO SO 54730 Printing Expense $47 $300 $300 $200 50 50 54800 Promotional Activities $312 $500 $500 $300 .., ... 55210 Fuel& Oil $23,130 $25,000 $25,000 $35,000 SO SO SO SO 55220 Tires & Filters $3,778 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 SO SO SO SO 55230 Operating Supplies $6,246 $6,000 $7,398 $7,000 .., ... 55240 Uniforms $14,066 $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 50 50 55260 Janitorial Supplies $3,802 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 SO SO 50 50 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $21,454 $20,000 $20,000 $19,000 SO SO SO SO 55278 Software Systems $1,170 $0 $0 $0 50 50 55290 Protective Clothing $14,395 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 SO SO SO SO 55411 Dues & Registrations $364 $1,000 $1,000 $500 SO SO SO SO Total Operating $156,779 $185,263 $186,578 $186,900 SO SO 50 SO Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 S~~ 64000 Equipment-General $27,025 $21,100 $21,100 $5,100 SO SO SO SO 64100 Vehicles $0 $370,000 $370,000 $0 50 50 64200 Data Processing Equipment $3,435 $0 $0 $0 aU aU aU aU Total Capital $30,460 $391,100 $391,100 $5,100 SO SO SO SO TOTAL OPERATIONS BUDGET $3,229,945 $4,004,758 $4,008,906 $3,579,169 S11627 SO S1162; S1t627 69 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FIRE -TRAINING - 2250 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $66,501 $68,887 $68,887 $60,000 520 SO S205 S20 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 ._. 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $4,696 $5,270 $5,311 $4,631 516 516 516 52310 Health/Life Insurance $6,660 $6,983 $6,983 $6,000 S18 518 S18 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $2,876 $2,489 $2,489 $2,161 .:. 52330 Pension Expense $8,498 $9,299 $9,299 $8,100 S31 531 531 Total Payroll $89,231 $92,928 $92,969 $80,892 581 50 S281 581 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $380 $450 $450 $450 50 ~ ~ 50 54010 Travel & Per Diem $572 $1,500 $1,500 $500 ... 54110 Telephone $0 $581 $540 $540 50 50 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $598 $1,000 $1,000 $500 ... 54730 Printing Expense $78 $500 $500 $200 50 .~ 50 54800 Promotional Activities $4,567 $5,000 $5,000 $4,500 ... 55230 Operating Supplies $379 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 50 50 55240 Uniforms $437 $500 $500 $500 ... 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $2,370 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 50 ~ ~ 50 55278 Software Systems $0 $0 $0 $0 ... 55410 Subscriptions $898 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 50 50 55411 Dues & Registrations $740 $1,000 $1,000 $500 ... 55420 Operational Books $2,519 $3,850 $3,850 $3,400 50 50 55430 Employee Development $31,174 $24,000 $24,657 $24,000 Total Operating $44,712 $42,481 $43,097 $38,190 50 50 50 50 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 50 SS 50 50 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SCi S~=i SO SO TOTAL TRAINING BUDGET $133,943 $135,409 $136,066 $119,082 S_o1 SO S2o1 S2o1 70 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Manager Department Rec. Original Revised Projected Request Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY D8/D9 FY D8/D9 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Personal Services $1,212,134 $1,365,928 $1,401,354 $1,328,141 $1,385,079 $1,385,079 Operating Expenses $969,168 $1,016,186 $1,026,925 $931,240 $867,697 $867,697 Transfers $444,888 $0 $60,000 $60,000 $200,000 $200,000 Capital Outlay $18,388 $140,350 $190,350 $28,262 $101,700 $101,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,644,578 $2,522,464 $2,678,629 $2,347,643 $2,554,476 $2,554,476 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs; part-timers in italics) Administration - 7200 Parks & Recreation Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Athletics - 7210 Sports Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sports Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Ranger (part-time) 3.56 3.47 4.16 4.16 Park Ranger (part-time) -NEW PROPOSAL - 0.69 Total 5.56 6.16 6.16 6.16 Athletic Partnerships - 7212 Sports Monitor (part-time) 0.37 0.37 - - Concessions - 7220 Concession Manager (part-time in FY2008) 1.00 0.74 0.74 0.74 Concession Attendants (part-time) 0.58 0.99 0.99 0.99 Total 1.58 1.73 1.73 1.73 Parks and Grounds - 7230 Parks Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Crew Chief 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Irrigation Worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker 10.00 8.70 8.70 8.70 Mechanic 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Spray Technician - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance Worker (part-time) 4.50 3.75 3.75 3.75 Office Assistant (deleted in 2008) 0.75 - - - Total 20.25 18.45 18.45 18.45 Proarams /Specials - 7240 Programs Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant (part-time) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Programs Monitor (part-time) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Seniors - 7250 Senior Center Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant (part-time) 0.84 0.84 0.85 0.85 Maintenance Worker (part-time) 0.84 0.84 0.85 0.85 Total 2.68 2.68 2.70 2.70 Senior Center Pool - 7251 Therapy-Pool Attendant (full-time 5/30/08) 0.84 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hound Ground - 7270 Maintenance Worker - 0.30 0.30 0.30 Splash Plavarounds - 7280 Park Rangers (part-time) - 1.44 1.39 1.39 Park Rangers (part-time) -NEW PROPOSAL - - 1.38 1.38 0.00 1.44 2.77 2.77 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 35.78 36.63 37.61 37.61 71 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -ALL DIVISIONS -SUMMARY Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $910,870 $999,914 $1,030,985 $983,738 I00°346 ~-0.3e'-. 31.0 I.^1^ I I^12 51210 Regular Salaries-Add'I PT for Ptnershps $5,120 $5,700 $5,700 $0 50 SO ~.., ._., 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $4,239 $7,217 $7,217 $6,663 _, 50 _~- _:.- 51214 Overtime Salaries $21,230 $26,472 $26,472 $28,160 469 30 ~ x.459 x.459 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $70,775 $79,506 $82,361 $78,403 _' S1.' U '331.181 31.181 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $83,279 $101,907 $101,907 $99,290 894.904 50 594.904 594.904 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $32,176 $30,717 $32,217 $30,553 531.130 5721 531,251 5,1.351 52330 Pension Expense $84,445 $114,495 $114,495 $101,334 II --= 30 511 35°~ II ~-- TotalPayroll $1,212,134 $1,365,928 $1,401,354 $1,328,141 I ~I _ -3.1 51.3 x.079 I -~ 53140 Pre-EmploymenUPhysicals $2,572 $4,700 $4,790 $4,790 2.790 50 ~_., ~., 2.790 53160 Consulting Services $3,100 $11,000 $11,000 $5,000 SJ.000 SO 56.000 x36.000 53186 Outside Serv-Temp Serv $20,505 $39,400 $25,174 $27,929 538.900 50 '32.900 '32.900 54010 Travel & Per Diem $3,489 $4,300 $3,915 $2,800 5390 50 55.900 33 9~0 54020 Automobile Allowance $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 S4.^_00 50 54 ^00 54.. ^_00 54110 Telephone $5,860 $9,186 $8,956 $8,269 _.;- .__.__ _~ .__ 54210 Postage $1,214 $1,550 $1,550 $1,550 51.850 SO 51.550 51.580 54310 Utility Services $88,948 $105,350 $117,350 $142,700 1-^.700 36 ^00 51 i.. X00 I ",.900 54410 Equipment Rental $10,253 $18,300 $18,330 $18,330 519.000 50 519.000 519.000 54630 Repair&Maintenance-Equipment $30,749 $43,200 $43,200 $43,110 547.210 SO 54%. ^_10 54%. ^_10 54633 Maintenance Agreements/Contracts $138 $200 $200 $200 5^_00 50 5200 <~'"200 54650 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles $10,901 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 512.000 50 512000 512.000 54660 Repair&Maintenance-Building $29,767 $28,500 $77,024 $76,449 S^9.500 SO ~"-,- ., _5.500 54682 Repair&Maintenance-Grounds $183,213 $195,800 $194,300 $191,900 I .'..500 30 51 :..,, ,, Ia: ~.-~00 54687 Repair&Maintenance-Irrigation $3,565 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 54.000 SO 54.000 54.000 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $2,209 $3,300 $3,300 $2,000 3-.700 SO ^.?00 ~^. ~ 00 54730 Printing Expense $19,197 $21,550 $21,550 $21,550 521.550 50 521.550 521.550 54750 Map Printing $59 $200 $200 $200 5200 SO 5^_00 3^_00 54800 Promotional Activities-Programs $15,011 $16,200 $15,602 $15,202 516.100 50 516.100 516.100 54800 90100 Promotional-July 4th $89,787 $95,000 $95,000 $1,200 ~.. 50 50 ~., 54800 90200 Promotional-Tree Lighting $14,076 $12,000 $13,757 $13,700 ~.. 50 SO ~., 54800 90300 Promotional- Concerts $46,736 $42,000 $45,000 $44,200 ~.. 50 50 ..., 54800 90400 Promotional-Parade $6,644 $7,000 $4,440 $4,300 E;,O 30 ,_„ ,_„ 54800 90500 Promotional -Fall Event $29,653 $50,000 $47,000 $31,000 ~.. SO 50 ~., 54800 90600 Promotional-Dancing Under Sta rs $21,779 $16,000 $19,197 $19,197 ~.. 50 50 ~., 54850 Scholarship Expense $0 $1,000 $1,000 $500 51.000 SO 51.000 51.000 54880 Summer Camp Program $108,430 $66,000 $28,975 $28,975 56?.000 50 ~Ji.000 561.000 54885 Program Fee Expense $12,456 $0 $0 $0 ~.. 50 ~., ~., 54890 League and Field Rental Expense $53,768 $48,000 $50,400 $55,000 '55.000 50 65,000 ~G6,000 54891 Community Youth Organization $2,013 $0 $0 $0 50 50 ..., ~., 54920 Legal Advertising $182 $200 $200 $200 <;200 SO 5^_00 S^_00 54950 Recording Fees $0 $300 $300 $300 5300 SO 5300 5300 55110 Office Supplies $3,517 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 54,200 50 54.200 54.200 55120 Computer /Fax /Printer Expense $1,584 $2,400 $2,400 $2,200 52400 SO 5^.400 52.400 55210 Fuel& Oil $24,690 $28,000 $28,000 $28,000 531.000 50 531.000 531.000 55220 Tires & Filters $3,925 $3,300 $3,300 $3,000 53.000 50 55.000 55.000 55230 Operating Supplies $12,330 $19,450 $14,200 $17,850 514.360 51.000 515.350 515.350 55236 Operating Supplies-Food $19,475 $19,000 $19,000 $17,000 S1?.000 50 511.000 511.000 55237 Operating Supplies-Drink $14,638 $17,000 $17,000 $15,000 315.000 SO 515.000 515.000 55240 Uniforms $3,369 $4,700 $4,700 $4,700 54.300 SO 54.300 54.300 55260 Janitorial Supplies $16,132 $17,850 $17,560 $17,860 51?.550 50 512550 512550 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $36,496 $22,675 $23,445 $23,445 "'3.000 =_ ... ~ ~.. -.'JO 55278 Software $1,756 $1,275 $1,275 $525 ~' 3900 ~I..-_ I._,^5 55285 Pool/Splash Playground Chemicals $0 $0 $3,650 $3,300 54.000 51.000 SG.000 SG.000 55290 Protective Clothing $2,399 $2,850 $2,850 $2,850 ~-.250 SO -. -., _250 55410 Subscriptions ($5) $300 $300 $300 5300 50 5'00 5300 55411 Dues & Registrations $3,030 $8,150 $7,881 $6,005 _-_ 5100 _.--_ --_ 55420 Operational Books $371 $0 $0 $0 50 50 ~., ~., 55430 Employee Development $4,609 $2,300 $2,954 $2,954 52,6^_4 50 526-'4 52.624 55440 Cert Exp-Coaches for Ptn rshps $450 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 51.500 SO 51.500 31.500 Total Operating $969,168 $1,016,186 $1,026,925 $931,240 _~- 510.14 .,_ .697 ~ _~- 58125 Operating Transferto Other Funds (#315) $50,000 $0 $0 $0 50 5140.000 5140.000 5140.000 58125 70105 Transferto Other(#316) $394,888 $0 $0 $0 50 50 ..., ~., 58160 70105 Transferto LOC Debt Svc Fund $0 $0 $60,000 $60,000 560.000 - ~u 560.000 '300.000 Total Transfers $444,888 $0 $60,000 $60,000 560.000 5140.000 5^00,000 S^00.000 64000 Equipment-General $1,700 $13,500 $13,500 $11,800 50 _7.200 ~ _..., .. x.000 64200 Data Processing Equipment $11,192 $1,850 $1,850 $16,462 50 53.900 53.900 82.900 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $5,496 $0 $0 $0 ~.. 50 ~., ~., 65000 70013 CIP (Hound Ground) $0 $125,000 $125,000 $0 ~.. ~.. 50 50 65000 70012 CIP (Bear Creek) $0 $0 $50,000 $0 50 £`0.000 550.000 550.000 65000 70XXX CIP (Torcaso Master Plan) $0 $0 $0 $0 510.000 510.000 510.000 Total Capital $18,388 $140,350 $190,350 $28,262 ~.. 5101.700 5101.-00 5101700 TOTAL P&R -SUMMARY BUDGET $2,644,578 $2,522,464 $2,678,629 $2,347,643 ,3441=. 15.0 -.'~ 4A-6 4476 72 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PARKS & RECREATION -ADMINISTRATION - 7200 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $119,781 $122,296 $120,367 $117,000 $120,662 $0 $120,662 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,644 $3,419 $3,419 $3,419 $3,555 $0 $3,555 51214 Overtime Salaries $132 $1,626 $1,626 $1,626 $1,351 $0 $1,351 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $9,230 $9,741 $9,814 $9,557 $9,679 $0 $9,679 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $10,839 $11,817 $11,817 $8,000 $7,076 $0 $7,076 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $425 $362 $362 $362 $360 $0 $360 52330 Pension Expense $16,097 $17,191 $17,191 $16,737 $18,965 $0 $18,965 Total Payroll $158,148 $166,452 $164,596 $156,701 $161,648 $0 $161,648 53160 Consulting Services $2,350 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 $0 $3,000 53186 Outside Serv-Temp Serv $0 $0 $1,929 $1,929 $0 $0 $0 54010 Travel & PerDiem $1,228 $1,200 $1,200 $1,100 $1,200 $0 $1,200 54020 Automobile Allowance $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $0 $4,200 54110 Telephone $1,227 $2,956 $2,883 $2,400 $2,500 $0 $2,500 54210 Postage $10 $50 $50 $50 $50 $0 $50 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $3,850 $0 $3,850 54630 Repair&Maintenance-Equipment $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $826 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $2,009 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 $2,000 $0 $2,000 54750 Map Printing $59 $200 $200 $200 $200 $0 $200 54800 Promotional Activities -Programs $304 $400 $400 $400 $400 $0 $400 54920 Legal Advertising $182 $200 $200 $200 $200 $0 $200 54950 Recording Fees $0 $300 $300 $300 $300 $0 $300 55110 Office Supplies $900 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $0 $1,200 55120 Computer/Fax/Printer Expense $944 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $1,500 55230 Operating Supplies $1,483 $1,000 $1,000 $600 $1,000 $0 $1,000 55260 Janitorial Supplies $270 $250 $250 $250 $250 $0 $250 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $602 $500 $500 $500 $500 $130 $630 55278 Software $293 $0 $0 $0 $0 $300 $300 55290 Protective Clothing $30 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 55410 Subscriptions $93 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 55411 Dues & Registrations $620 $750 $605 $605 $750 $0 $750 55430 Employee Development $2,582 $600 $745 $745 $600 $0 $600 Total Operating $20,212 $29,856 $31,712 $29,729 $26,900 $430 $27,330 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,250 $1,850 $1,850 $1,462 $0 $1,300 $1,300 Total Capital $1,250 $1,850 $1,850 $1,462 $0 $1,300 $1,300 TOTAL P&R-ADMIN BUDGET $179,610 $198,158 $198,158 $187,892 $188,548 $1,730 $190,278 Small Tools & Equipment: UPS battery back-up $130 Software: Microsoft Professional $300 Data Processing Equipment: Personal computer (1) $1,300 73 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -ATHLETICS -GENERAL - 7210 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $138,507 $155,150 $155,150 $145,000 5150.039 SO 5159.630 5159.630 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $917 $953 $953 $953 S1 ~ 8 51.63E 51.63E 51214 Overtime Salaries $261 $1,687 $1,687 $500 51 S82 SO 51 6~2 S1 602 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $10,316 $12,071 $12,144 $11,277 S12540 SO S12540 S12540 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $6,528 $6,805 $6,805 $6,805 . ~ ~~ 56.590 56.590 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $5,598 $5,458 $5,458 $5,062 55.6; 1 SO S5 6~ 1 S5 671 52330 Pension Expense $10,633 $11,867 $11,867 $10,337 S13 506 SO S13 586 S13 586 Total Payroll $172,760 $193,991 $194,064 $179,934 X201 346 50 ;1.346 3201 346 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $11 $100 $100 $100 S100 SO S100 S100 54010 Travel& Per Diem $123 $600 $600 $600 S400 SO Sd00 S400 54110 Telephone $977 $1,650 $1,577 $1,500 S1 600 SO S1 600 S1 600 55110 Office Supplies $1,360 $800 $800 $800 ~ 5800 .~ 55240 Uniforms $557 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 S800 SO _~ 55260 Janitorial Supplies $98 $100 $100 $100 S100 SO S100 S100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $1,340 $1,375 $1,375 $1,375 S1 200 SO St 200 St200 55278 Software $293 $325 $325 $325 .~_~ SO 5335 5325 55290 Protective Clothing $280 $250 $250 $250 _~ 550 ._~~ 55410 Subscriptions ($116) $100 $100 $100 5100 SO S100 S100 55411 Dues&Registrations $537 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 S~00 SO S700 S700 55430 Employee Development $692 $700 $700 $700 5300 5300 Total Operating $6,152 $8,300 $8,227 $8,150 S6"-5 50 ,_ _.-_, S~',675 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 64000 Equipment-General $0 $13,500 $13,500 $11,800 .:. 64200 Data Processing Equipment $2,614 $0 $0 $15,000 SO SO SO SO Total Capital $2,614 $13,500 $13,500 $26,800 SO SO SO SO TOTAL P&R-ATHLETICS BUDGET $181,526 $215,791 $215,791 $214,884 5.021 50 ~ ~ 021 X08 021 74 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -ATHLETICS LEAGUE - 7211 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $973 $0 $0 $0 ~ SD SD 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $74 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $38 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO Total Payroll $1,085 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO ~ SO 54880 Summer Camp (Sport Camps) $71,797 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 X2000 SO ,2000 52000 54890 * XXXXX League/Field Expense (see project #s) $39,776 $34,000 $34,000 $36,000 536.000 SO 536.000 ,36 000 54891 Community Youth Organization «~ $2,013 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO ~ SO 55411 Dues & Registrations $0 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 S1 000 SO S1 000 51.000 Total Operating $113,586 $38,000 $38,000 $38,000 539.000 SO S39 000 S39,000 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO ~ SO Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ 50 SO 50 TOTAL P&R-ATHLETICS LEAGUE BUDGET * Associated Revenues: 001-347205 Sport Camps prev #349500 001-347201 League Fees prev #349100 $114,671 $38,000 $38,000 $38,000 839.000 SO 839.000 S39 000 $78,759 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 S11 200 S11 200 51 L200 $59,360 $54,000 $54,000 $54,000 S54 000 ~ S54 000 SJ4.999 1 - In fiscal year 2008-2009 there will no longer be expenditures in this category; except for Gym Rental for Hogan Basketball Contractual Sport Camp Revenues: i9 -Flag Football $5,200 Hogan Basketball $3,000 Misc. Sports Camps $3,000 $11,200 2- As of FY 2008, the Community Youth Organization will be accounted for in the Police Department- Community Services division (2114) LeaguelField Expense: 70200 Softball $16,000 70201 Football $7,000 General $13,000 $36,000 Associated League Revenues: 70200 Softball $26,000 70201 Football $10,000 General $18,000 $54,000 75 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -ATHLETICS PARTNERSHIP - 7212 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budyet Budget 51210 Regular Salaries-Add'IPT $5,120 $5,700 $5,700 $0 ~ SO ~ SO 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $392 $436 $436 $0 SO SO 50 SO 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $201 $197 $197 $0 SO 50 SO Total Payroll $5,713 $6,333 $6,333 $0 ~ ~ SO 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $1,870 $3,700 $3,700 $3,700 S1 i00 S1 X00 S1J00 54210 Postage $1,204 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1,500 ~ 51.500 S1 500 54410 Equipment Rental $2,386 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 S1.000 SO S1 000 51.000 54730 Printing Expense $1,458 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 X2000 SO X2000 52000 54890 League and Field Rental Expense $13,992 $14,000 $16,400 $19,000 S19 000 SO S19 000 S19 000 55230 Operating Supplies $6,985 $8,000 $5,600 $8,000 S5 000 SO S5 000 S5,000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $3,029 $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 _700 _ -00 2 -00 55440 Cert Exp- CertsforCoaches $450 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 51.500 51.500 SL500 TotalOperating $31,374 $35,400 $35,400 $39,400 S54,400 50 S54,400 S34A00 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO ~ SO Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 50 ~ 50 SO TOTAL P&R-ATHLETICS PARTNERSHIP BUDGET $37,087 $41,733 $41,733 $39,400 S34A00 S34A00 S54A00 Associated Revenue: 001-347204 Partnership League Feesprev#349400 $59,210 $50,000 $50,000 $58,500 558.500 SO 558.500 SE8500 Partnership League Fee revenues: CFU Soccer Club $16,000 Florida Soccer Alliance $7,500 WSBL $15,000 WS Babe Ruth $8,000 WS Grizzlies $6,000 Seminole Lacrosse Club $6,000 $58,500 76 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -CONCESSIONS - 7220 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $23,645 $30,268 $30,268 $20,000 530.5- 506 X31633 531.633 51214 Overtime Salaries $1,191 $0 $0 $0 _ _, _ _. 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $1,900 $2,316 $2,353 $1,571 S2366 564 S2 4-0 S2 4-0 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $1,005 $1,047 $1,047 $689 S1 070 524 51.094 51.054 52330 Pension Expense $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 ~ ~ ~ Total Payroll $27,741 $33,631 $33,668 $22,260 S343~`?3 5-~4 ,__ 1 , ,~_ -1, 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $128 $300 $300 $300 S300 50 5300 5300 54110 Telephone $461 $514 $477 $477 5471 5477 S477 54310 Utility Services $7,293 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 S7,500 SO S7,500 S7 500 54502 Cash Over/Short ($72) $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO SO 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $291 $300 $300 $300 5300 _ 5300 0~ 54660 Repair&Maintenance-Building $2,442 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1,500 SO St 500 St500 55110 Office Supplies $43 $100 $100 $100 S100 SO S100 S100 55230 Operating Supplies $996 $1,600 $800 $1,600 _ 5800 _~ 55236 Operating Supplies -Food $19,475 $19,000 $19,000 $17,000 S1 ;000 50 517.000 512000 55237 Operating Supplies -Drink $14,638 $17,000 $17,000 $15,000 S15 000 50 S15 000 S15,000 55260 Janitorial Supplies $0 $100 $100 $100 S100 SO S100 S100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $777 $500 $1,300 $1,300 51.000 50 51.000 S1 000 55411 Dues & Registrations $485 $800 $676 $800 _ _ _ _, - _. _ _ _. 55430 Employee Development $0 $0 $124 $124 S124 SO S1-4 S1-4 Total Operating $46,957 $49,214 $49,177 $46,101 544877 SO S11~;i S44~7i Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 50 64000 Equipment-General $0 $0 $0 $0 50 S4 000 S4800 S4 800 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 50 54.800 54.800 54.800 TOTAL P&R -CONCESSIONS BUDGET $74,698 $82,845 $82,845 $68,361 5240 ~ 584 4 024 Soo 024 Associated Revenue: 001-347210 Concession Revenue $87,949 $85,000 $85,000 $52,000 560.000 50 560.000 560.000 Equipment-General: Commercial Ice Machine $4,800 77 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -PARKS & GROUNDS - 7230 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $470,207 $499,976 $493,676 $473,000 4 -~ S~5 50 4 ~ ;C5 5485 a2~ 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $976 $1,190 $1,190 $1,561 S1 623 51.5-3 51.63 51214 Overtime Salaries $17,928 $22,125 $22,125 $25,000 S~1,501 SO S~t501 S2t501 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $36,640 $40,032 $39,605 $38,290 5,~2~5 SO , ~~ S3~~"~ 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $56,758 $72,335 $72,335 $72,335 566.115 566.115 566.115 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $19,096 $17,714 $17,514 $16,884 1 ~ 76o SO 1 ~~ 51 ~ ~~ 52330 Pension Expense $46,688 $70,382 $70,382 $60,178 S6i 653 SO 56;.653 S6; 653 Total Payroll $648,293 $723,754 $716,827 $687,248 0 504 S~~ ~So4 CG no4 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $528 $500 $500 $500 S500 SO S500 S500 53160 Consulting Services $750 $6,000 $6,000 $0 S3,000 SO S3 000 S3 000 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,369 $1,200 $1,200 $600 S1200 SO S1 X00 S1 X00 54110 Telephone $2,053 $2,400 $2,327 $2,200 S2300 52300 _~ 54310 Utility Services $67,638 $62,800 $62,800 $68,000 i 0.000 50 5~ 0 000 570.000 54410 Equipment Rental $7,717 $11,000 $9,350 $9,350 S10 000 SO S10 000 S10,000 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equipment $29,131 $37,000 $37,000 $37,000 S40 000 SO S40 000 S40 000 54633 Maintenance Agreements/Contracts $138 $200 $200 $200 S200 SO ~_ 54650 Repair &Maintenance -Vehicles $10,901 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 1 ~ J00 1 - X00 512 ..JO 54660 Repair&Maintenance-Building $12,425 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 ~1-1.000 SO ~14J00 S14"'JL 54682 Repair &Maintenance -Grounds $183,010 $190,000 $188,500 $188,500 S190 000 SO S190 000 S190 000 54687 Repair &Maintenance -Irrigation $3,565 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 S4 000 54.000 54.000 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $0 $200 $200 $200 S200 50 55110 Office Supplies $440 $500 $500 $500 S500 SO S500 S500 55210 Fuel&Oil $24,690 $28,000 $28,000 $28,000 S31000 SO ~~t000 S3t000 55220 Tires & Filters $3,665 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 53.000 50 53.000 S3 000 55230 Operating Supplies $2,732 $6,000 $5,000 $5,000 55.000 55.000 55.000 55240 Uniforms $2,812 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 S3,500 SO 53.500 S3 500 55260 Janitorial Supplies $12,931 $10,000 $12,500 $12,500 S1~ 000 SO S12000 S12000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $17,231 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 510.000 5130 516.130 S16.130 55278 Software $585 $0 $0 $0 SO 5300 S300 5300 55290 Protective Clothing $2,089 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 5~ 500 SO S2500 _ ~~ 55411 Dues&Registrations $867 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 S1,400 SO St 400 St400 55420 Operational Books $371 $0 $0 $0 50 50 55430 Employee Development $808 $700 $700 $700 ~u w 5.00 ~ u Total Operating $388,446 $412,900 $411,177 $409,650 ,4 3,000 a4~0 51,430 S4~'Sa O 58125 70109 T/fer to Other (Trotwood Improv) $50,000 $0 $0 $0 S140 000 S140 000 5140.000 Total Transfers $50,000 $0 $0 $0 SU S140,000 S140,000 S140 000 64000 Equipment-General $0 $0 $0 $0 533.000 533.000 533.000 64200 Data Processing Equipment $4,828 $0 $0 $0 50 51.300 51.300 S1 300 65000 70012 CIP (Bear Creek) $0 $0 $50,000 $0 550.000 550.000 550.000 65000 70007 CIP (Torcaso Master Plan) $0 $0 $0 $0 SO S10 000 S10 000 S10 000 Total Capital $4,828 $0 $50,000 $0 50 55-1. ;00 4 ,JO &~4 s00 TOTALP&R-PARKS&GROUNDSBUDGET $1,091,567 $1,136,654 $1,178,004 $1,096,898 11 .084 5~;-l~i~:i X1361614 ;1.361.614 Small Tools & Equipment: Equipment -General: UPS battery back-up $130 Reel mower $25,000 Rotary mower $8,000 Software: $33, 000 Microsoft Professional $300 Data Processing Equipment: Personal Computer (1) $1,300 Payroll costs include vacation/sick-leave pay-out for retiring Maintenance Worker. 78 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -PROGRAMS - 7240 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budyet Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $90,326 $62,866 $95,866 $95,866 565.168 565.168 565.160 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $702 $730 $730 $730 __~~ -~~ 5;55 51214 Overtime Salaries $1,718 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO 52110 F. LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $7,063 $4,865 $7,427 $7,427 S5 Oo0 SO S5 Oo0 S5 Oo0 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,544 $4,731 $4,731 $4,731 S4590 SO S4590 S4590 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $3,313 $1,801 $3,301 $3,301 51 07~ ,1 8; 2 51 ,~ 2 52330 Pension Expense $4,903 $5,253 $5,253 $5,253 56.100 u S6 100 S6 100 Total Payroll $112,569 $80,246 $117,308 $117,308 5;3569 00 '3,569 S~ ~~ 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $35 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 53186 Outside Serv-Temp Serv (Janitorial) $278 $2,000 $1,425 $1,000 51.500 51.500 51.500 54010 Travel& Per Diem $640 $500 $115 $100 S500 ~ S500 S500 54110 Telephone $731 $800 $763 $763 S800 SO So00 So00 54310 Utility Services ~ $5,253 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 S13 000 SO S13 000 S13 000 54410 Equipment Rental $150 $200 $230 $230 S250 SO S350 S350 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equipment $540 $900 $900 $900 S500 SO S900 S900 54660 Repair&Maintenance-Building $10,852 $4,500 $5,075 $4,500 54.500 S4500 S4500 54682 Repair &Maintenance -Grounds $150 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 5~ 000 53.000 53.000 54730 Printing Expense $17,665 $19,000 $19,000 $19,000 519.000 SO S19 000 S19 000 54800 Promotional Activities -Programs $14,674 $15,000 $14,402 $14,402 S15 000 SO 515.000 S15 000 54850 Scholarship Expense $0 $1,000 $1,000 $500 51.000 50 51.000 51.000 54880 Summer Camp Program ~ $36,633 $65,000 $27,975 $27,975 565.000 50 565.000 565.000 54885 ~ Program Expense $12,456 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 55110 Office Supplies $647 $800 $800 $800 So00 SO 5000 5000 55120 Computer /Fax /Printer Expense $123 $300 $300 $200 5300 SO S300 S300 55220 Tires & Filters $260 $300 $300 $0 SO SO SO SO 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $300 $300 $300 .~ 50 X300 5300 55260 Janitorial Supplies $495 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 St000 SO S1 000 S1 000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $2,072 $700 $670 $670 Sr 00 S130 5030 5830 55278 Software $293 $300 $300 $0 ~ S300 X300 5300 55410 Subscriptions $18 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 5100 55411 Dues & Registrations $496 $300 $300 $300 S300 SO 5300 S300 55420 Operational Books $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO 50 55430 Employee Development $527 $100 $485 $485 5500 5500 5500 Total Operating $104,988 $125,200 $87,540 $83,325 18.550 4~0 1 8.9oJ ST_ 700 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 64000 Equipment-General $1,700 $0 $0 $0 .:. 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,250 $0 $0 $0 SO S1 300 51.300 51.300 Total Capital $2,950 $0 $0 $0 SO S1 300 S1 300 S1 300 TOTAL P&R-PROGRAM BUDGET $220,507 $205,446 $204,848 $200,633 S213 119 S1 X30 ~ 1J 849 S31~ 049 " Associated Revenue: 001-347202 Summer Camp Programprev#349200 $77,186 $65,600 $65,600 $65,600 565.600 50 .65600 535.600 001-347203 Program Fees prev #349300 $16,172 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 S1 500 50 51.500 51.500 1 Note: tach year, a portion of this line cotle is movetl into the appropriate payroll accounts to account for the camp counselors' payroll. This is the reason for the seemingly large Small Tools & Equipment: variance between the previous year actuals and the current and prospective year budgets. UPS battery back-up $130 See the offsetting variance in the payroll accounts. Software: 2 The increased utility service cost is due to the outdoor lighting at the Civic Center that had Microsoft Professional $300 previously been charged to the Senior Center during the initial year. Data Processing Equipment: Personal Computer (1) $1,300 79 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -SENIORS - 7250 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $67,431 $79,413 $79,413 $79,413 5;5.315 Si5.315 55.315 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $925 $925 $0 _ <_._ __._ 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO 50 52110 F. L C.A. Taxes-City Portion $5,160 $6,146 $6,183 $6,113 S5 0%2 SO S5 o i 2 S5 o i 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,610 $4,810 $4,810 $4,810 54.056 S4 656 S4656 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $2,500 $2,374 $2,374 $2,374 X39 '39 ~ ?39 52330 Pension Expense $6,124 $6,871 $6,871 $6,746 S7i12 SO 5771? 5i 713 Total Payroll $85,825 $100,539 $100,576 $99,456 _-~~ 50 ~ 5756 53186 Outside Serv-Temp Serv (bus) $20,227 $37,400 $21,820 $25,000 S37 400 SO S37 400 S37 400 54010 Travel& Per Diem $129 $400 $400 $200 S400 SO S400 S400 54110 Telephone $411 $866 $829 $829 S500 SO ~~~ S900 54310 Utility Services $8,764 $12,750 $24,750 $38,000 .50.000 550000 550.000 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equipment $787 $1,500 $1,990 $1,900 5~ 000 53.000 53.000 54660 Repair &Maintenance -Building $3,222 $3,500 $51,449 $51,449 S4 000 SO S4 000 S4 000 54682 Repair &Maintenance -Grounds $53 $800 $800 $400 S500 SO S500 S500 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $200 $400 $400 $200 5300 .~ S300 54730 Printing Expense $74 $400 $400 $400 5400 5400 5400 54800 Promotional Activities -Programs $33 $400 $400 $200 5300 SO S300 S300 55110 Office Supplies $127 $300 $300 $300 5300 SO 5300 S300 55120 Computer /Fax /Printer Expense $517 $400 $400 $400 5400 5400 5400 55230 Operating Supplies $134 $200 $200 $100 500 ._ S200 55260 Janitorial Supplies $2,338 $3,000 $3,000 $3,300 S3 500 SO S3~500 S3 500 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $11,445 $400 $400 $400 S400 SO S400 S400 55278 Software $292 $325 $325 $0 ~ 50 55411 Dues & Registrations $25 $350 $350 $350 X350 5350 5350 55430 Employee Development $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 SO S100 S100 Total Operating $48,778 $63,491 $108,313 $123,528 S103,450 SO S103 450 S103 450 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 64200 Data Processing Equipment $1,250 $0 $0 $0 50 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $5,496 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Capital $6,746 $0 $0 $0 SO 9:J S:J SO TOTAL P&R -SENIORS BUDGET * Associated Revenue: 347505 Senior Center Annual Registrations $141,349 $164,030 $208,889 $222,984 51 9.306 SO ,1 -~~Jr=~ S15~~ $0 $0 $0 $6,320 5..000 50 5- C 5-.000 80 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -SENIOR CENTER POOL - 7251 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $0 $17,400 $23,700 $23,700 c27.040 ~., SZ040 .27.040 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 51.3,2 50 51.352 51.352 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $0 $1,331 $1,831 $1,813 52.204 .., 52200 S220P 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $0 $0 $0 $1,200 54.511 ~., 54.511 54.511 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $0 $602 $802 $802 599 SO 5449 5999 52330 Pension Expense $0 $0 $0 $0 54.324 50 54.324 54.324 Total Payroll $0 $19,333 $26,333 $27,515 540.4.°,5 .,., 540.45 540.45 53140 Pre-EmploymenUPhysicals $0 $0 $90 $90 50 SO 590 590 54010 Travel& PerDiem $0 $400 $400 $200 5200 50 5200 ~_.,., 54110 Telephone $0 $0 $100 $100 5100 5555 5655 ..,'. 54310 Utility Services $0 $9,100 $9,100 $16,000 526.000 ~., 526.000 520.000 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $2,500 $2,010 $2,010 52.010 SO 5.010 52.010 54660 Repair & Maintenance -Building $0 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 53.500 50 .3.500 .~~..'.,., 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $0 $200 $200 $100 5200 .., 5200 500 54730 Printing Expense $0 $150 $150 $150 5150 ~., 5150 5150 54800 Promotional Activities -Programs $0 $400 $400 $200 5400 SO 5400 5400 55110 Office Supplies $0 $300 $300 $300 5500 50 5500 .~.'.,., 55120 Computer /Fax /Printer Expense $0 $200 $200 $100 5200 .., 500 500 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $200 $100 $100 5100 ~., 5100 5100 55260 Janitorial Supplies $0 $3,000 $210 $210 500 SO 550 5200 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $500 $500 $500 5500 50 5500 ~.'.,., 55278 Software $0 $325 $325 $200 500 .., 5300 5300 55285 Pool/Splash Playground Chemicals $0 $0 $2,700 $2,500 53.000 ~., 53.000 53.000 55411 Dues & Registrations $0 $350 $350 $350 5400 SO 5400 5400 55430 Employee Development $0 $100 $100 $100 5300 50 5300 - - ,.~uu TotalOperating $0 $20,725 $20,235 $26,210 56.150 5555 38.705 52.7Q5 58125 70105 Transfer to Other(#316) 58160 70105 Transfer to LOC Debt S1~c Fund z Total Transfers Total Capital TOTAL PB.R -SENIORS BUDGET $394,888 $0 $0 $0 50 50 SO SO $0 $0 $60,000 $60,000 5!30.000 580.000 560.000 $394,888 $0 $60,000 $60,000 560.000 ~., 562,000 560.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 ~., $394,888 $40,058 $106,568 $113,725 518.585 - -" 5139.140 5134.140 " Associated Revenue: 347510 Senior Center Pool Memberships $0 $0 $0 $6,650 5,400 50 57.400 57.400 ~ In fiscal year 2007 ashort-term loan was extended from the General Fund to the Senior Telephone: Center Expansion Fund. This transfer was returned to the General Fund in fiscal year 2008 as loan proceeds were secured from the City's Line of Credit with SunTrust. Cell phone for Pool Attendant $555 2 In fiscal year 2008, $750,000 was drawn down from a line of credit for the Senior Center Expansion. These funds will be transferred to the 2004 Line of Credit Debt Service Fund (#230) for interest and principal reduction. 81 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -COMMUNITY EVENTS - 7260 Manager Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Budget Total Payroll $0 $0 $0 $0 .~.. ~.. ~.. ~.. 54800 90100 Promotional -July 4th $89,787 $95,000 $95,000 $1,200 SO SO SO 50 54800 90200 Promotional -Tree Lighting $14,076 $12,000 $13,757 $13,700 SO SO .., SO 54800 90300 Promotional- Concerts $46,736 $42,000 $45,000 $44,200 ~.. ~.. ~.. ~.. 54800 90400 Promotional -Parade $6,644 $7,000 $4,440 $4,300 SO SO SO SO 54800 90500 Promotional -Fall Event $29,653 $50,000 $47,000 $31,000 SO SO 50 .~., 54800 90600 Promo- Dancing Under Stars $21,779 $16,000 $19,197 $19,197 SO SO Total Operating $208,675 $222,000 $224,394 $113,597 ~.. ~.. ~.. SO Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO 50 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 .~.. ~.. ~.. ~.. TOTAL P&R - COMM EVENTS BUDGET $208,675 $222,000 $224,394 $113,597 SO SO Associated Potential Revenues: 001-347400 90100 Misc Revenue (Booth Rentals) $3,550 $5,000 $5,000 $0 SO SO SO SO 001-366000 Donations (prev #361200, 366200): 90200-Tree Lighting $1,900 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO ~., 90300-Concert $4,500 $0 $0 $0 ~.. ~.. ~.. SO 90600 -Dancing Under the Stars $5,000 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 82 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -HOUND GROUND - 7270 New department -Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Previously accounted for in division 7230 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budget Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $0 $9,759 $9,759 $9,759 S10 066 ~ S10 066 510.066 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $488 $488 $488 S503 50 S503 550^ 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $0 $783 $783 $783 580 SO 580 So0.9 52310 Health/Lifelnsurance/Dislns $0 $1,409 $1,409 $1,409 S1.366 SO S1.56~5 51.366 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $0 $355 $355 $355 ~__ 5366 5366 52330 Pension Expense $0 $1,383 $1,383 $1,383 St585 S1 585 51.585 Total Payroll $0 $14,177 $14,177 $14,177 S14BG5 ~ S14BG5 514.6 ~5 54410 Equipment Rental $0 $2,250 $3,900 $3,900 S3 G00 50 S3 G00 S3 ±00 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $950 $950 $950 ~~_u 55260 Janitorial Supplies $0 $400 $400 $400 5400 SO 5400 S400 Total Operating $0 $3,600 $5,250 $5,250 ~~ _~ SO ~~ _~ 05.250 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 50 SO 50 SO 65000 70013 CIP(Hound Ground) $0 $125,000 $125,000 $0 SO SO Total Capital $0 $125,000 $125,000 $0 SO 50 SO SO TOTAL P&R -DOG PARK BUDGET $0 $142,777 $144,427 $19,427 S19 945 50 S19 945 519.945 Salary based on twelve dedicated hours per week (624 hrslyr) 83 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION -SPLASH PLAYGROUNDS - 7280 New department -Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Previously accounted for in division 7230 Manayer Rec. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budget Budyet 51210 Regular Salaries $0 $22,786 $22,786 $20,000 S21600 820.160 S41760 541.%60 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO SO 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $546 $546 $546 S1,080 50 51,080 S1080 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $0 $1,785 $1,785 $1,572 S1 -35 ,1.542 ,~ _-- ~ _-- 52310 Health/Lifelnsurance/Dislns $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO ~ SO 52320 Workers'Comp.lnsurance $0 $807 $807 $724 -_.~ S69i S1A82 51,482 52330 Pension Expense $0 $1,548 $1,548 $700 50 50 SO Total Payroll $0 $27,472 $27,472 $23,542 ~- d99 S47 59 ~ 51 599 54310 Utility Services $0 $6,200 $6,200 $6,200 S6 200 S6200 S12400 512400 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $1,200 $250 $1,200 S1,000 S1000 52.000 S2000 55285 Pool/Splash Playground Chemicals $0 $0 $950 $800 S1.000 51.000 S2000 52000 55411 Dues & Registrations $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 S100 5200 S200 TotalOperating $0 $7,500 $7,500 $8,300 ~~300 58,300 516500 S16,600 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO ~ SO Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO SO TOTALP&R-SPLASH PAD BUDGET $0 $34,972 $34,972 $31,842 x13,500 530.69± S64,199 564.19± 001-347515 Splash Playground Revenue $0 $0 $0 $3,000 530.000 SO 530.000 S30,000 Salary based on four part-time employees ($5,760 hours in total) who monitor Splash Playgrounds at Torcaso and Trotwood park; 7 days/week during the Splash Playground season. The amounts in the new column are due to the advent of Trotwood splash playground in FY 2009. 84 v v e e O U U! U! 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SPRINGS COMPARATIVE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE RECAP FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Percentage 2008-2009 2007-2008 Increase Budget Revised Budget (Decrease) Payrol I 51110 Mayor's Expense $14,400 $14,400 0.00% 51111 Commission Expense $60,000 $60,000 0.00% 51210 Regular Salaries $7,904,289 $10,373,573 -23.80% 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $130,416 $138,410 -5.78% 51214 Overtime Salaries $238,131 $502,586 -52.62% 51330 Planning and Zoning Board $1,500 $1,500 0.00% 51340 Board of Adjustments $775 $775 0.00% 51360 Code Enforcement Board $2,000 $2,000 0.00% 51370 B.O.W.S. Board $2,000 $2,000 0.00% 51380 Pension Board of Trustees $750 $750 0.00% 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $627,624 $846,480 -25.85% 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $822,087 $1,171,733 -29.84% 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $187,925 $286,277 -34.36% 52330 Pension Expense $1,198,917 $1,465,765 -18.21% 52335 Deferred Comp. -City Cont ICMA 457 $20,500 $20,500 0.00% 52336 Deferred Comp. - 401 (a) $19,562 $18,846 3.80% $11,230,876 $14,905,595 -24.65% Operating 52510 Unemployment Compensation $12,000 $10,000 20.00% 53111 Legal Services -General $300,000 $250,000 20.00% 53117 Legal Services -Labor $1,000 $10,000 -90.00% 53119 Special Legal Services $10,000 $10,000 0.00% 53120 Codification $6,000 $6,000 0.00% 53121 Court Services $0 $20,000 -100.00% 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $26,390 $53,505 -50.68% 53160 Consulting $9,000 $14,000 -35.71% 53179 Consulting Services -Town Center $20,000 $20,000 0.00% 53180 Consultant Services $86,500 $168,383 -48.63% 53181 Consulting Services -MAP Services $0 $1,000 -100.00% 53186 Outside Temp Services $89,400 $78,141 14.41 53188 Contract Services $170,940 $158,995 7.51% 53199 Legislative Services $5,000 $5,000 0.00% 53210 Audit Services $32,100 $37,500 -14.40% 53211 Administrative Fees $0 $81,000 -100.00% 53410 Contractual Service Costs $1,000 $19,800 -94.95% 53411 Service Charges $12,500 $62,222 -79.91 54010 Travel & Per Diem $44,285 $61,996 -28.57% 54020 Automobile Allowance $9,000 $9,000 0.00% 54110 Telephone $135,473 $150,691 -10.10% 54210 Postage $81,925 $80,149 2.22% 54310 Utility Services $324,000 $277,050 16.95% 54311 Utility Services -City Hall $68,000 $70,000 -2.86% 54312 Utility Services - Streetlighting $452,000 $390,000 15.90% 54382 Lot Cleaning $5,000 $500 900.00% 54410 Equipment Rental $23,550 $24,830 -5.16% 54451 Trail Lease Costs $300 $300 0.00% 54501 Collection Services $1,000 $1,300 -23.08% 54510 Generallnsurance $566,000 $576,136 -1.76% 54511 General Insurance Settlements $75,000 $100,000 -25.00% 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $106,935 $118,573 -9.82% 54632 Software Maintenance & Licenses Fees $8,225 $9,800 -16.07% 54633 Maint. Agree & Contracts $305,454 $309,119 -1.19% 54634 Web Site Maintenance & Development $14,200 $7,660 85.38% 54638 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $500 -100.00% 54639 Network Development $10,000 $10,000 0.00% 54640 Repair & Maintenance -Communications $14,100 $19,408 -27.35% 54644 Repair & Maintenance -Town Center $172,000 $157,600 9.14% 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $55,080 $87,692 -37.19% 54660 Repair & Maintenance -Building $75,400 $148,769 -49.32% 54661 Repair & Maintenance -City Hall $32,500 $51,712 -37.15% 54682 Repair & Maintenance -Grounds $591,000 $604,551 -2.24% 54685 Arbor Maintenance $35,000 $55,000 -36.36% 54687 Repair & Maintenance -Irrigation $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 54710 Election Printing $300 $300 0.00% 54720 Fax & Copy Machine Supplies & Lease $27,200 $35,600 -23.60% 54730 Printing Expense $39,400 $68,050 -42.10% 54731 Publications-Newsletter (prev 58200) $37,000 $36,920 0.22% 54733 Scanning /Records Management $0 $100 -100.00% 54740 Computer Services $0 $400 -100.00% 54750 Map Printing $1,250 $1,750 -28.57% 89-90 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPARATIVE GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE RECAP FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Percentage 2008-2009 2007-2008 Increase Budget Revised Budget (Decrease) 54800 Promotional Activities $32,050 $263,046 -87.82% 54810 Employee Relations $17,750 $19,350 -8.27% 54850 Scholarship Expense $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 54880 Summer Youth Program $67,000 $28,975 131.23% 54890 League and Field Rental Expense $55,000 $50,400 9.13% 54891 Community Youth Organization $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 54907 Disposal Costs $50 $50 0.00% 54920 Legal Advertising $7,400 $9,100 -18.68% 54930 Classified Advertising $9,000 $9,800 -8.16% 54950 Recording Fees $1,800 $4,554 -60.47% 55110 Office Supplies $34,750 $34,270 1.40% 55120 Computer Supplies $20,510 $25,585 -19.84% 55201 US 17-92 Tax Payment $87,655 $140,035 -37.40% 55210 Fuel & Oil $359,250 $247,960 44.88% 55220 Tires & Filters $25,525 $28,800 -11.37% 55230 Operating Supplies $60,050 $65,890 -8.86% 55230 Operating Supplies -BOWS Board $845 $3,000 -71.83% 55236 Operating Supplies -Food $17,000 $19,000 -10.53% 55237 Operating Supplies -Drink $15,000 $17,000 -11.76% 55240 Uniforms $46,575 $65,913 -29.34% 55250 Street Signs $13,000 $15,000 -13.33% 55260 Janitorial Supplies $27,750 $31,970 -13.20% 55262 Holiday Decorations $14,000 $16,650 -15.92% 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $64,425 $100,125 -35.66% 55271 K-9 Unit $0 $1,200 -100.00% 55275 Communications Support $3,165 $4,593 -31.09% 55278 Communications Support $21,525 $37,239 -42.20% 55285 Pool/Splash Playground Chemicals $5,000 $3,650 36.99% 55290 Protective Clothing $29,130 $52,382 -44.39% 55410 Subscriptions $6,925 $8,500 -18.53% 55411 Dues & Registrations $44,636 $54,221 -17.68% 55420 Operational Books $2,950 $7,300 -59.59% 55430 Employee Development $50,524 $80,926 -37.57% 55431 Employee Education Incentive $7,450 $0 100.00% 55440 Certification Expense $1,500 $2,500 -40.00% 55441 Accreditation Expense $9,000 $16,615 -45.83% 55470 Reference Library Expense $500 $1,000 -50.00% 56910 Contingencies $26,500 $27,888 -4.98% 58000 Grants and Aids $32,000 $27,000 18.52% 58300 Grants and Aids -Economic Development $5,850 $214,200 -97.27% Total $5,324,447 $6,225,654 -14.48% 57160 Lease Purchase-Vehicles $121,514 $121,514 0.00% 591XX Total Intertund Transfers $245,490 $109,698 123.79% Capital 62000 Buildings $0 $6,050 -100.00% 63000 Improvements $20,000 $40,000 -50.00% 63100 Infrastructure $0 $8,000 -100.00% 64000 Equipment-General $133,700 $181,100 -26.17% 64100 Vehicles $0 $401,000 -100.00% 64200 Data Processing Equipment $13,000 $130,447 -90.03% 64300 Furniture /Office Equipment $0 $28,262 -100.00% 65000 Construction in Progress $60,000 $175,000 -65.71% Total $226,700 $969,859 -76.63% Total $17,149,027 $22,332,320 -23.21% 89-90 ~i a 0 E 0 U ~I Ul O C Ul C G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C > __ _ _ w ~ w w w w w w w w w w w w ~ w w w w w w w 5 - - - «. «. «. - - - - - «. «. «. «. w ~ o n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y o ~ `o ~ a` Ul ~ ~ ? o rc $ a w o rc o w ~ r ~ z G w u } O Q ~ N U u m ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ U w m y m o m F ~_ _T ~ ~ U L ~ N 26 E~° E U ~- W W I ~' v a 0 X ~ O n O n~ma - _~ w~O fn > ~~'°¢ °mm cFwU W U i. °,o m `map ~~~? mY> ~w m a~ U K in ~ O a m U ai a o ii I> d O F U U ~ E~ v~E U w a=~_ v `v ..• w 'n ~ v v T v N m U ~9 E '~°~~ a v v~ N v U N v o U~ '..° U v ~ c w U v ~, N m N~ ~ ~ ~f7 v~ N N N N N ~ W~ v v v v v v v v C - E f7 f7 ~~~ ~ m m rn 0¢ v v v K m U W~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ o~atn m ~ E ~__ v m mtn~ v`? 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"' «. ~mc ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ Y o ~ `o ~ a` m v w w - n ~ N Y t' i D m c m ~ ~ r _ ~ = E E ° n v N i ~ v v ~n rn~~ O m ° E °n ~ w ' 9 ~ P ^i ~ i y 3 '- '~ m N ~, vww 'mY~ a' a t v n T rn o ~n o v ~ o ~ -~w ~fnr Y-n' i m ~ d '~ow`v~ m w~ `v a` ~m u5w °n °n°n°n ~ v ~ m<-~ LL>r¢LL o ~F n o o ~i ? v mmpw ~ j¢ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~in0C7o C7 v0 vt t t . a~ °. m v~ LL~ ~ a° - '° ` ~~ U o p o ~~ ~ o w o- ~ .a o 0 0 0 ~ ~~ o U ;=,~ o_T ~ -so ~5°'Ommmm U o. ~~~m~ u`~mo~ d ~'n'n'n'n- ~nu ~'r q`, o ~ o m o rn m o ~- v v v v ~ ` ' `w ` ' O w v -~- 0 3 o n v v f g w m~ ` w ' ~ `m `m `m `m m ~ 5~9 r °° :°• a a ~a f na ~U~U~ U~iiF000 ~in~=~nUZa f no O U¢~C7F SFFFFF Uw>oii~UF ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS (exclusive of the General Fund) CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS REVENUE RECAP FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EXCLUSIVE OF GENERAL FUND Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budget Special Revenue Funds 102 Police Education Fund $20,713 $20,700 $20,700 $17,420 S20 100 SO S20 100 103 Special Law Enf.TrustFund-Local $24,666 $0 $1,350 $21,841 5500 SO S500 104 Transportation Improvement Fund $600,636 $577,873 $552,751 $557,191 5556.420 SD 5556A20 107 Solid Waste/Recycling Fund $2,678,088 $2,705,908 $2,705,908 $2,684,500 S2672000 SO '2000 108 Special Law Enf. Trust Fund -Federal $36,031 $0 $0 $6,950 5400 S400 109 Emergency & Disaster Relief Fund $46,130 $16,800 $16,800 $30,000 511.000 S11 000 110 Arbor Fund $153,689 $171,700 $171,700 $21,200 S161 450 S10 000 S171 450 112 HOA Projects - Streetlighting & Signage Fund $1,508 $0 $0 $400 - SD S50 114 Storm Reserve Fund $140,111 $149,396 $149,396 $143,519 5144200 S144 200 115 Road Improvements Fund $2,111,416 $4,120,000 $2,595,000 $2,595,000 S3 60- %00 3.60%700 140 Transportation Impact Fee Fund $537,989 $1,062,000 $1,062,000 $310,000 5662450 5662.450 145 Public Buildings Impact Fee Fund $110,231 $187,000 $187,000 $63,000 S133 100 SO 51 33.100 150 Police Impact Fee Fund $71,244 $113,000 $125,900 $56,400 S92100 SD 592100 155 Parks Impact Fee Fund $157,873 $363,600 $365,307 $191,249 5188 500 SD S108.500 160 FirelmpactFeeFund $187,900 $251,000 $251,168 $125,168 S21Z500 SO 531%.500 170 Medical Transport Services Fund $390,285 $416,200 $416,200 $390,600 510200 S10200 172 Public and Comm Service Tax Fund $3,908,511 $3,991,485 $3,956,485 $3,981,485 54.128.500 SO S4 128 500 174 Electric Franchise Fee Fund $1,758,521 $1,790,000 $1,790,000 $1,736,440 51.720.000 SO S1 720 000 $12,935,542 $15,936,662 $14,367,665 $12,932,363 $14,326,170 $10,000 $14,336,170 Special Assessment Fund 175 Fire Assessment Fee Fund $0 $2,375,000 $1,040,000 $1,040,000 $410,000 $0 $410,000 Special Assessment Funds -TLBD 182 TLBD Debt Service Fund $165,115 $172,700 $172,700 $172,050 5168825 SO S168 825 213 TLBD Phase II Debt Service Fund $42,431 $41,150 $41,150 $41,275 540.750 S40 %50 184 TLBD Maintenance Fund $241,831 $643,685 $696,036 $699,636 526.450 526.450 185 TLBD Phase II Maintenance Fund $202,575 $0 $1,430 $1,430 50 SO 313 TLBD Phase II Improvements C.P. Fund $17,681 $2,500 $2,500 $6,500 -ou SD S280 $669,633 $860,035 $913,816 $920,891 $736,305 $D $736,305 Special Assessment Funds -Oak Forest 191 Oak Forest Maintenance Fund $42,379 $53,270 $55,770 $56,550 ~~3290 553.290 192 Oak Forest Debt Service Fund $59,049 $58,610 $58,610 $58,840 ~, _~_ SO S76232 309 Oak Forest Capital Projects Fund $2,027 $375 $375 $2,200 5130 SO S130 $103,455 $112,255 $114,755 $117,590 $129,652 $D $129,652 Debt Service Funds 206 2003 Debt Service Fund $663,732 $895,000 $895,000 $888,000 5,588 000 5868.000 215 1999 Debt Service Fund $381,854 $136,400 $136,400 $136,400 S14%.500 5147.500 225 Central Winds G.O. Debt Service Fund $219,726 $219,986 $219,986 $218,750 5215.750 SO 5215.%50 230 2004 C.P. Debt Service Fund $603 $60,500 $60,500 $60,300 S60230 SD 230 $1,265,915 $1,311,886 $1,311,886 $1,303,450 $1,291,480 $0 $1,291,480 Capital Project Funds 305 1999 Construction C.P. Fund $587,957 $19,000 $19,000 $80,000 ~~ -.700 5307. %00 306 Revolving Rehab C.P. Fund $52,555 $46,900 $46,900 $37,000 SL5500 SO S15500 311 Utility/Public Works Facility C.P. Fund $982,108 $563,000 $563,000 $580,000 S20o' 000 SD 5208.000 312 City Hall Expansion C.P. Fund $585 $0 $0 $0 ~ SO 314 HMGP C.P. Fund $11,923 $188,013 $97,292 $98,292 550 SO S50 315 Trotwood Improvements C.P. Fund $71,914 $432,700 $432,700 $485,000 S140 000 5140.000 316 Senior Center Expansion C.P. Fund $1,504,003 $8,091 $758,091 $759,326 S50 SO S50 $3,211,045 $1,257,704 $1,916,983 $2,039,618 $671,300 $0 $671,300 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUND REVENUES $18,185,590 $21,853,542 $19,665,105 $18,353,912 517.564.907 S10 000 S1Z574907 93 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS EXPENDITURE RECAP FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EXCLUSIVE OF GENERAL FUND Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budget Special Revenue Funds 102 Police Education Fund $46,237 $45,000 $45,000 $40,490 S20 000 50 S2 000 103 Special Law Enf. Trust Fund -Local $999 $15,000 $5,956 $5,956 2-.500 50 _3500 104 TransportationlmprovementFund $483,361 $642,100 $757,369 $724,100 S5 ±2100 520.700 5613800 107 Solid Waste/Recycling Fund $2,449,342 $2,521,816 $2,522,175 $2,494,207 52.544.588 50 52544.588 108 Special Law Enf. Trust Fund -Federal $30,977 $24,000 $18,700 $18,700 514.500 50 S14,500 109 Emergency & Disaster Relief Fund ($32) $563,000 $563,000 $233 50 50 SO 110 Arbor Fund $172,427 $162,490 $162,490 $157,100 51 ;AGO 520.000 ^7.490 112 HOAProjects-Streetlighting&SignageFund $19,129 $0 $7,969 $4,943 S572 50 55,792 114 Storm Reserve Fund $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 50 50 SO 115 Road Improvements Fund $1,885,078 $4,427,459 $3,428,459 $3,051,549 S4 286A65 50 54.286.465 140 Transportation Impact Fee Fund $1,592,022 $615,000 $835,453 $395,500 S315 000 50 5315.000 145 Public Buildings Impact Fee Fund ($14) $0 $0 $0 50 50 SO 150 Police Impact Fee Fund ($6) $57,770 $43,500 $45,937 50 SZ000 SZ000 155 Parks Impact Fee Fund $420,341 $232,700 $232,700 $285,000 50 550.000 S50,000 160 Fire Impact Fee Fund $12,184 $30,000 $30,000 $0 50 50 SO 170 Medical Transport Service Fund $290,537 $382,377 $383,177 $216,545 5 350 50 - _ 172 Public and Comm Service Tax Fund $3,934,608 $3,991,485 $3,956,485 $3,981,485 54.128.500 50 54.128.500 174 Electric Franchise Fee Fund $1,758,521 $1,790,000 $1,790,000 $1,736,440 51.720.000 50 51.720.000 $13,095,711 $15,500,197 $14,802,433 $13,178,185 $13,672,285 $97,700 $13,769,985 Special Assessment Fund 175 Fire Assessment Fee Fund $0 $2,375,000 $1,040,000 $1,040,000 $410,000 $0 $410,000 Special Assessment Funds -TLBD 182 TLBD Debt Service Fund $155,483 $159,947 $159,947 $157,359 S160 066 55..500 5165.566 213 TLBD Phase II Debt Service Fund $42,290 $32,492 $32,492 $42,072 _ - ~ 50 c = -. 184 TLBD Maintenance Fund $317,615 $537,022 $533,413 $502,201 So 2 -175 SO ~.~- 175 185 TLBD Phase II Maintenance Fund $37,169 $114,485 $166,836 $166,836 SO SO SO 313 TLBD Phase II Improvements C.P. Fund $153,521 $258,000 $258,000 $232,079 - - - 50 - - $706,078 $1,101,946 $1,150,688 $1,100,547 $802,422 $5,500 $807,922 Special Assessment Funds -Oak Forest 191 Oak Forest Maintenance Fund $50,885 $52,256 $53,759 $51,309 S54 188 50 554.188 192 Oak Forest Debt Service Fund $59,781 $57,819 $57,819 $56,874 S57272 520.000 - _-_ 309 Oak Forest C. P. Fund $1,738 $34,500 $34,500 $23,348 S17547 50 S17547 $112,404 $144,575 $146,078 $131,531 $129,007 $20,000 $149,007 Debt Service Funds 206 2003 Debt Service Fund $420,522 $645,800 $645,800 $644,800 -8.250 50 7-8.250 215 1999 Debt Service Fund $580,980 $364,800 $364,800 $364,800 S142300 50 5142.300 225 Central Winds G.O. Debt Service Fund $223,897 $221,600 $221,600 $221,600 5224.000 50 524.000 230 2004 C.P. Debt Service Fund $0 $62,000 $60,000 $35,532 S80 000 50 S80 000 $1,225,399 $1,294,200 $1,292,200 $1,266,732 $1,324,550 $0 $1,324,550 Capital Project Funds 305 1999 Construction C. P. Fund $1,455,771 $1,187,146 $1,263,278 $325,753 S1,814550 50 51.314.550 306 Revolving Rehab C.P. Fund $33,771 $12,500 $12,500 $8,987 S3 000 50 S3 000 311 Utility/Public Works Facility C.P. Fund $2,176,527 $1,113,137 $1,113,137 $375,000 SO S1,371,718 51.371.718 312 City Hall Expansion C.P. Fund $2,399 $0 $2,023 $10,025 50 50 SO 314 HMGP C.P. Fund $58,456 $202,302 $97,752 $97,194 50 50 SO 315 Trotwood Improvements C.P. Fund $57,874 $432,700 $432,700 $498,132 50 S140 000 5140.000 316 Senior Center Expansion C. P. Fund $1,566,979 $25,000 $711,857 $758,874 50 50 SO $5,351,777 $2,972,785 $3,633,247 $2,073,965 $1,317,550 $1,511,718 $2,829,268 TOTAL OTHER GOV'TAL FUND EXPENDITURES $20,491,369 $23,388,703 $22,064,646 $18,790,960 1 -7.814 1 ~> ,4 G18 S1 G 270. 732 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE - OTHER GOV'TAL FUNDS FUND BALANCE-October1 $13,657,540 $9,670,760 $11,351,761 $11,351,761 51014713 , S10914.713 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($2,305,779) ($1,535,161) ($2,399,541) ($437,048) lS.9C 7071 l 1 ~~~4 G18 .51.71 - FUND BALANCE -September 30 $11 351 761 $8 135 599 $8 952 220 $10 914 713 S10 82 806 8G 1 G8.82 94 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE EDUCATION FUND - 102 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 351300 Fines and Forfeitures $18,855 $20,000 $20,000 $16,500 $20,000 $0 $20,000 369100 Misc Revenue $0 $0 $0 $220 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest Earned $1,858 $700 $700 $700 $100 $0 $100 TOTAL REVENUES $20,713 $20,700 $20,700 $17,420 $20,100 $0 $20,100 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($2) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55430 Employee Development $46,239 $45,000 $45,000 $40,490 $20,000 $0 $20,000 Total Operating $46,237 $45,000 $45,000 $40,490 $20,000 $0 $20,000 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $46,237 $45,000 $45,000 $40,490 $20,000 $0 $20,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $55,076 $30,576 $29,552 $29,552 $6,482 $6,482 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($25,524) ($24,300) ($24,300) ($23,070) $100 $0 $100 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $29,552 $6,276 $5,252 $6,482 $6,582 $6,582 95 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET SPECIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LOCAL) - 103 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 351200 Confiscated Property-Local $23,971 $0 $1,350 $21,041 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest Earned $695 $0 $0 $800 $500 $0 $500 TOTAL REVENUES $24,666 $0 $1,350 $21,841 $500 $0 $500 EXPENDITURES 53111 Other Legal Services $0 $0 $203 $203 $0 $0 $0 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($1) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55270 Small Tools and Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,500 $0 $6,500 55290 Protective Clothing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55431 Employee Education Incentive $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $15,000 55440 Certification Expense $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58000 Grants & Aids (Project Graduation) $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 Total Operating $999 $1,000 $1,203 $1,203 $22,500 $0 $22,500 58125 51001 Transfer out to Other Funds $0 $14,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $14,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64200 Data Processing $0 $0 $4,753 $4,753 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $4,753 $4,753 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $999 $15,000 $5,956 $5,956 $22,500 $0 $22,500 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $6,035 $24,685 $29,702 $29,702 $45,587 $45,587 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $23,667 ($15,000) ($4,606) $15,885 ($22,000) $0 ($22,000) FUND BALANCE -September 30 $29,702 $9,685 $25,096 $45,587 $23,587 $23,587 96 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND -104 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Descriotion Actual Budaet Budaet Actual/Est Budaet Budaet Budaet REVENUES 312410 Local Option Gas Tax (prev 312400) $559,704 $558,273 $533,151 $533,151 5540.000 00 SO40,000 344900 FDOT Reimbursement $12,460 $10,200 $10,200 $14,040 512.020 SO 512020 361100 Interest Earned $28,472 $9,400 $9,400 $10,000 54 700 SO 54.400 TOTAL REVENUES $600,636 $577,873 $552,751 $557,191 $556,420 $0 $556,420 EXPENDITURES 53180 Consultant Services $3,960 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 510.000 ~~ 510.000 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($25) $0 $0 $0 50 SO 54010 Travel & Per Diem $0 $300 $300 $300 5300 ~~ ~ ~~ 54310 Utility Services (Traffic Control Devices) $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 513.000 ~ 513.000 54620 Repair &Maintenance -Traffic Control Devices $47,467 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 S4%.000 50 S4T 000 54621 Repair &Maintenance -Roads $26,270 $33,000 $33,000 $30,000 533.000 ~ 533,000 54622 Repair &Maintenance -Bridges $1,922 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 55.000 50 ~~ ~~~ 54624 Repair &Maintenance -Sidewalks $26,553 $22,000 $22,000 $28,000 X30,000 SO 530.000 54625 Repair &Maintenance -Asphalt $0 $0 $11,000 $11,000 51.000 ~~ 51.000 54630 Repair &Maintenance -Equipment $2,375 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 0_ ~ 5? 500 54635 Striping $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 5`.000 ~~ 55.000 54682 Repair &Maintenance -Grounds $11,801 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000 X30 000 ~ 530.000 54920 Legal Advertising $0 $300 $300 $300 ~_~~ ~~ 5300 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $6,217 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 53.000 S!-~ 000 Total Operating $126,540 $165,600 $181,600 $176,600 S~32~00 50 5132100 58161 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (#311) $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 5100.000 ~ S100.000 Total Transfers $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 5100.000 ~ 5100.000 64000 Equipment-General $56,210 $33,500 $28,500 $28,500 0 56,100 0_- 64100 Vehicles $21,647 $38,000 $153,269 $150,000 ,~ ,~ 50 64200 Data Processing $1,145 $0 $0 $0 50 50 50 64400 Machinery $0 $0 $0 $0 ~~ S 14000 S 14 000 65000 30014 CIP -Sidewalks $0 $30,000 $30,000 $25,000 530.000 50 530.000 65000 30073 CIP - Underdrains $0 $50,000 $50,000 $30,000 530,000 50 530.000 65000 30075 CIP -Resurfacing $227,819 $225,000 $214,000 $214,000 CiCiO Total Capital $306,821 $376,500 $475,769 $447,500 I ~ C30 " 0 ; l0 _ -00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $483,361 $642,100 $757,369 $724,100 $592,100 $20,700 $612,800 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $373,312 $269,212 $490,587 $490,587 c. __._-_. $117,275 ($64,227) ($204,618) ($166,9091 r~~31 !^ O 10) S6 jo01 $490,587 $204,985 $285,969 $323,678 - 2G X93 Equipment -General: Machinery: Vibratory Compactor $2,500 Asphalt Roller $14,000 Refrigerant Recycler 4 200 $6, 700 97 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SOLID WASTE /RECYCLING - 107 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET New contract Monthly charge for service $13.68 / $18.10 $18.10 $18.10 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budyet Budyet REVENUES 323700 Franchise Fees -Commercial (prev #313700) $88,768 $80,000 $80,000 $65,000 S65 000 SO S65 000 323701 Franchise Fees -Residential (prev #313701) $35,046 $48,229 $48,229 $40,000 S40 000 SO 540.000 331390 Other (Recycle Bins) $2,746 $0 $0 $2,000 52.000 50 S~ 000 338001 Recycling Revenue $105,871 $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 S100 000 SO S100 000 338002 Environmental Revenue Share $50,212 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 550.000 SO S50 000 343410 Billed Services -Residential $2,370,619 $2,445,879 $2,445,879 $2,400,000 52400.000 S2400.000 361100 Interest $24,826 $31,800 $31,800 $27,500 515.000 S15 000 TOTAL REVENUES $2,678,088 $2,705,908 $2,705,908 $2,684,500 $2,672,000 $0 $2,672,000 EXPENDITURES 53111 Other Legal $1,717 $0 $0 $0 50 53180 Consulting Services $2,247 $0 $2,277 $2,277 S3 000 SO 53.000 53410 Performance Bonus $11,377 $12,500 $12,500 $12,500 S1~ 500 SO S1~ 500 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($23) $0 $0 $0 50 54314 Utility Services-Solid Waste (prev#59220) $1,614,362 $1,697,220 $1,697,220 $1,660,000 51700.000 51 X00.000 54907 Seminole County (Landfill Disposal) $549,792 $533,271 $533,271 $545,000 Sc50 000 ~ S550 000 54920 Legal Advertising $118 $200 $200 $0 SO SO SO Total Operating $2,179,590 $2,243,191 $2,245,468 $2,219,777 52?65~~00 50 5?~65.500 58114 Transfer to Storm Reserve Fund $133,288 $137,796 $137,796 $135,519 5130.000 50 S136 000 58130 Transfer to General Fund- Admin/Franchise $133,288 $137,796 $135,519 $135,519 S13o 000 SO S138 000 58130 21342 Transfer to General Fund -Records Mgmt $3,176 $3,033 $3,392 $3,392 50 53.088 Total Transfers $269,752 $278,625 $276,707 $274,430 ~_ ~., ,_- Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 ~:. ,:, ,., TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,449,342 $2,521,816 $2,522,175 $2,494,207 $2,544,588 $0 $2,544,588 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $518,229 $703,957 $746,975 $746,975 S93; X68 S93i X68 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $228,746 $184,092 $183,733 $190,293 512 412 50 S1~; 41~ FUND BALANCE -September 30 $746,975 $888,049 $930,708 $937,268 51.064.080 S1 064 680 Transfer to Gen Fund- IS Records Mgmt. Allocation Breakdown: General Fund $76,756 Water & Sewer $45,293 Development Services $22,645 Stormwater $5,147 Solid Waste $3,088 $152,929 98 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET SPECIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (FEDERAL) - 108 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 351203 Confiscated Property -Federal $33,574 $0 $0 $5,350 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest Earned $2,457 $0 $0 $1,600 $400 $0 $400 TOTAL REVENUES $36,031 $0 $0 $6,950 $400 $0 $400 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($2) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55270 Small Tools and Equipment $11,994 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55430 Employee Development $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,500 $0 $14,500 Total Operating $11,992 $0 $0 $0 $14,500 $0 $14,500 58125 51001 Transfer to Other Funds (#314) $0 $24,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58130 Transfer to General Fund $5,920 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58130 81002 Transfer to General Fund $13,065 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $18,985 $24,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64200 Data Processing $0 $0 $18,700 $18,700 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $18,700 $18,700 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $30,977 $24,000 $18,700 $18,700 $14,500 $0 $14,500 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $41,902 $43,489 $46,956 $46,956 $35,206 $35,206 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $5,054 ($24,000) ($18,700) ($11,750} ($14,100) $0 ($14,100) FUND BALANCE -September 30 $46,956 $19,489 $28,256 $35,206 $21,106 $21,106 99 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EMERGENCY & DISASTER RELIEF FUND -109 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 334990 State Reimbursement $525 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 334991 FEMA Reimbursement $9,503 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest Earned $36,102 $16,800 $16,800 $30,000 $11,000 $0 $11,000 TOTAL REVENUES $46,130 $16,800 $16,800 $30,000 $11,000 $0 $11,000 EXPENDITURES 53111 Legal $0 $0 $0 $233 $0 $0 $0 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($32) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54990 30082 Storm-related Expenditures $0 $563,000 $563,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating ($32) $563,000 $563,000 $233 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ($32) $563,000 $563,000 $233 $0 $0 $0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $663,465 $693,493 $709,627 $709,627 $739,394 $739,394 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $46,162 ($546,200) ($546,200) $29,767 $11,000 $0 $11,000 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $709,627 $147,293 $163,427 $739,394 $750,394 $750,394 Amounts potentially owed to FEMA/Federal and State Government or Grubbs Private gated debris Private gated mulch Unsigned tickets/no tickets Truck certification corrections Unsigned SCSW disposal tickets SCS Engineers invoice corrections $174,533 $21,569 $110,793 $4,467 $221,587 $29,460 $562,409 100 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET ARBOR FUND -110 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 329000 Other Licenses 329400 Arbor Permits 334990 30111 Other State Grants (FDOT) 334990 30117 Other State Grants (U&CF pt I) 334990 30118 Other State Grants (U&CF pt III) 334990 30XXX Other State Grants (U&CF) 351400 Tree Bank Revenues 361100 Interest Earned 366000 Donations (prev 361200) TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss 54685 Arbor Improvements & Maint 54685 30072 Arbor Improvements & Maint (Centex) 54685 30111 Arbor Improvements & Maint (FDOT) 54685 30117 Arbor Improvements & Maint (U&CF pt I) 54685 30118 Arbor Improvements & Maint (U&CF pt III) 54685 30XXX Arbor Improvements & Maint (U&CF) 54800 Promotional Total Operating Total Transfers 64000 30XXX Equipment -General (U&CF) Total Capital TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $4,522 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $0 $2,200 $17,285 $18,000 $18,000 $10,000 $14,000 $0 $14,000 $0 $142,000 $142,000 $0 $142,000 $0 $142,000 $75,058 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $25,250 $500 $500 $1,000 $750 $0 $750 $12,824 $8,500 $8,500 $8,000 $2,500 $0 $2,500 $0 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $153,689 $171,700 $171,700 $21,200 $161,450 $10,000 $171,450 ($12) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,592 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $10,000 $30,250 $7,990 $7,990 $3,000 $4,990 $0 $4,990 $0 $142,000 $142,000 $142,000 $0 $0 $0 $104,683 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,000 $18,000 $2,914 $2,500 $2,500 $2,100 $2,500 $0 $2,500 $172,427 $162,490 $162,490 $157,100 $17,490 $18,000 $35,490 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $172,427 $162,490 $162,490 $157,100 $17,490 $2D,DD0 $37,490 $257,313 $213,511 $238,575 $238,575 $102,675 $102,675 ($18,738) $9,210 $9,210 ($135,900) $143,960 ($10,000) $133,960 $238,575 $222,721 $247,785 $102,675 $246,635 $236,635 30XXX Arbor Improvements & Maint: Equipment-General: Arbor Code Ordinance Revision; trees $18,000 Watering tank and pump $2,000 Grant approval pending 101 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET HOA PROJECTS - STREETLIGHTING & SIGNAGE FUND -112 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $1,508 $0 $0 $400 $50 $0 $50 TOTAL REVENUES $1,508 $0 $0 $400 $50 $0 $50 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($2) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54903 Refund for HOA Projects $0 $0 $1,973 $1,973 $267 $0 $267 54695 Repairs & Maint -Signs & Walls $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,525 $0 $5,525 Total Operating ($2) $0 $1,973 $1,973 $5,792 $0 $5,792 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 65000 40001 CIP (Glenn Eagle) $19,131 $0 $5,996 $2,970 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $19,131 $0 $5,996 $2,970 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $19,129 $0 $7,969 $4,943 $5,792 $0 $5,792 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $27,871 $2,071 $10,250 $10,250 $5,707 $5,707 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($17,621) $0 ($7,969) ($4,543) ($5,742) $0 ($5,742) FUND BALANCE -September 30 $10,250 $2,071 $2,281 $5,707 ($35) ($35) In June of 2008, this fund returned to Glen Eagle that portion of their 2006 deposit exceeding 25% ($5,525) of the total Glen Eagle Street Sign project ($22,101). Subsequent interest revenue will serve to increase the fund and subsequent expenditures for the repair and maintenance of the street signs will decrease the fund. The fund will be analyzed on an annual basis and the requisite steps taken to bring the Glen Eagle 'deposit' to its target level of $5,525. At this time, Glen Eagle is the only Home Owners' Association (HOA) with a financial interest in this fund. 102 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET STORM RESERVE FUND -114 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $6,817 $11,600 $11,600 $8,000 $6,200 $0 $6,200 381008 Transfer from Solid Waste (#107) $133,288 $137,796 $137,796 $135,519 $138,000 $0 $138,000 TOTAL REVENUES $140,111 $149,396 $149,396 $143,519 $144,200 $0 $144,200 EXPENDITURES 53180 Consulting $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $77,959 $217,955 $218,070 $218,070 $341,589 $341,589 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $140,111 $149,396 $129,396 $123,519 $144,200 $0 $144,200 FUND BALANCE-September 30 $218,070 $367,351 $347,466 $341,589 $485,789 $485,789 103 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND - 115 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 312600 One Cent Sales Tax Reimb (2002-2011) prev 335186 $1,582,103 $4,100,000 $2,575,000 $2,575,000 ;,3200.000 5,,200.000 337390 30074 Local Grants (Dyson) $506,355 $0 $0 $0 ~~ 50 ~~ 337390 30130 Local Grants (Northern/Shetland) $0 $0 $0 $0 5400.000 ~~ 5400.000 361100 Interest Earned $22,958 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 -- - i00 TOTAL REVENUES $2,111,416 $4,120,000 $2,595,000 $2,595,000 $3,607,700 $0 $3,607,700 EXPENDITURES 53111 Other Legal Services $8,478 $0 $50,000 $5,000 510,000 ~ 510.000 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($20) $0 $0 $0 Total Operating $8,458 $0 $50,000 $5,000 510.000 ,~ S10 000 58125 30045 T/ferto Other Funds(#305) $450,000 $0 $0 $0 5300,000 50 5300.000 58130 24415 T/ferto General Fund (Prof Adm) $48,240 $52,459 $52,459 $52,549 554.465 554.465 Total Transfers $498,240 $52,459 $52,459 $52,549 5354.465 50 5354.465 65000 30010 CIP - TC Roads Tuskawilla/Blumberg $0 $50,000 $0 $5,000 510.000 510.000 65000 30012 CIP -Traffic Calming $0 $100,000 $60,000 $0 ~~ 50 ~~ 65000 30013 CIP - SR 434/ SR 419 Signal Upgrades $20,313 $150,000 $190,000 $200,000 , . ~~ 50 65000 30020 CIP - WS Blvd Reconstruction $720,853 $1,500,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 50 50 65000 30044 CIP - 434 Village Walk $73,303 $0 $0 $0 0 50 , 65000 30055 CIP -Michael Blake Blvd. (Spine Road) $0 $1,900,000 $0 $0 S1 900 000 ~~ 51.900.000 65000 30074 CIP -Sidewalks (Dyson Drive) $497,175 $0 $0 $0 ~~ 50 ~~ 65000 30109 CIP - 434 Median $0 $150,000 $0 $0 5150.000 50 5160.000 65000 3011A CIP -Town Center Streetscape Building 4 $66,736 $75,000 $76,000 $76,000 50 50 65000 30120 CIP -Town Center Streetscape (Phase II) $0 $250,000 $0 $0 ~~ 50 ~~ 65000 30121 CIP -Doran Drive $0 $200,000 $187,000 $0 5200.000 ~~ 5200.000 65000 30130 CIP-Northern/Shetland $0 $0 $13,000 $13,000 534;.000 ~ 5387.000 65000 30132 CIP -Residential Road Construction $0 $0 $1,200,000 $1,100,000 512,000 50 5125.000 65000 30133 CIP - 419/Wade $0 $0 $0 $0 5450.000 ~~ 5450.000 65000 30134 CIP -Ranchland, Paving $0 $0 $0 $0 5-00.000 50 5-00.000 Total Capital $1,378,380 $4,375,000 $3,326,000 $2,994,000 53.922,000 50 53.922.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,885,078 $4,427,459 $3,428,459 $3,051,549 $4,286,465 $0 $4,286,465 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE-October1 $1,082,392 $628,112 $1,308,730 $1,308,730 :,62.181 ~~52181 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $226,338 ($307,459) ($833,459) ($456,549' i. bib ,51 50 ~6TE FUND BALANCE-September 30 $1,308,730 $320,653 $475,271 $852,181 51%3.416 S1T3416 104 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FUND - 140 Account Number Account Description FY 06107 Actual Original FY 07108 Budget Revised FY 07108 Budget Projected FY 07108 ActuallEst Baseline FY 08109 Budget New FY 08109 Budget Total FY 08109 Budget 361100 Interest Earned $87,319 $22,000 $22,000 $20,000 ~. 750 SO SZ750 363240 Residential Impact Fees $165,752 $840,000 $840,000 $140,000 5325200 53-5.200 363241 Commercial Impact Fees $254,386 $200,000 $200,000 $150,000 X325 500 ~ S32 500 381100 Transfer from General Fund $30,532 $0 $0 $0 50 SO SO TOTAL REVENUES $537,989 $1,062,000 $1,062,000 $310,000 $662,450 $D $662,450 EXPENDITURES 53111 Other Legal $0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 ~5 000 SD 55.000 53180 Consulting Services $10,945 $10,000 $10,000 $3,000 525.000 SO S25,000 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($79) $0 $0 $0 SG Total Operating $10,866 $15,000 $15,000 $3,000 S30 000 SO 530.000 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SD 65000 30018 CIP- Central Winds Parkway $175,016 $400,000 $615,838 $387,000 SO 65000 30085 CIP -Hayes Road Decel/Turn Lanes $1,758 $125,000 $125,000 $500 5125.000 ~ 5125.000 65000 30097 CIP- David McLeod Way $189,354 $0 $0 $0 50 SO SO 65000 30098 CIP- Orange Avenue $1,194,322 $0 $0 $0 SD SD 65000 30099 CIP -Roberts Family Road $4,213 $60,000 $60,000 $0 535.000 SO S35,000 65000 30112 CIP - Vistawilla Drive Turn Lane $16,493 $15,000 $19,615 $5,000 5125.000 S125 000 Total Capital $1,581,156 $600,000 $820,453 $392,500 ~2%5.000 , ~_~5 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,592,022 $615,000 $835,453 $395,500 $315,000 $0 $315,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $1,484,595 $432,732 $430,562 $430,562 S345 062 5345.062 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($1,054,033) $447,000 $226,547 ($85,500) S347 450 SO 5342450 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $430,562 $879,732 $657,109 $345,062 S6 12512 S6~2512 Note -- CIP projects #30097 and #30098 were capita 1 lized in fiscal year 2007 at the full value of the respective asset. It should be noted, however, th at the cash expenditure was mitigated by impact fee credits in the form of deferred revenue as set forth in the following balance sheet. Balance Sheet @ 9130107 Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $900,933 Liabilities: Accounts Payable ($77,043) Retainage Payable ($13,247) Deferred Revenue - 11 credits @ Jesup's Reserve ($21,331) Deferred Revenue - 185 credits @ Jesup's Landing ($358, 750) Fund Balance: Unreserved $430,562 105 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC BUILDINGS IMPACT FEE FUND - 145 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $15,646 $17,000 $17,000 $12,000 $7,100 $0 $7,100 363290 Residential Impact Fees $33,200 $120,000 $120,000 $25,000 $62,000 $0 $62,000 363291 Commercial Impact Fees $61,385 $50,000 $50,000 $26,000 $64,000 $0 $64,000 TOTAL REVENUES $110,231 $187,000 $187,000 $63,000 $133,100 $0 $133,100 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($14) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating ($14) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ($14) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $234,195 $335,395 $344,440 $344,440 $407,440 $407,440 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $110,245 $187,000 $187,000 $63,000 $133,100 $0 $133,100 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $344,440 $522,395 $531,440 $407,440 $540,540 $540,540 106 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET POLICE/PUBLIC SAFETY IMPACT FEE FUND - 150 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $6,703 $7,000 $7,000 $5,500 $3,100 $0 $3,100 363220 Residential Impact Fees $60,240 $106,000 $106,000 $23,000 $55,000 $0 $55,000 363221 Commercial Impact Fees $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $34,000 $0 $34,000 364100 Auction Proceeds $4,301 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 381600 51001 Transfer from Other (HMGP) $0 $0 $12,900 $12,900 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $71,244 $113,000 $125,900 $56,400 $92,100 $0 $92,100 EXPENDITURES 53180 Consulting $0 $0 $0 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 55230 Operating Supplies (DARE new program) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $0 $1,798 $1,797 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating ($6) $0 $1,798 $4,297 $0 $7,000 $7,000 58125 51001 T/fer to Other Funds (HMGP #314) $0 $14,270 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $14,270 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64000 Equipment-General $0 $15,900 $14,102 $14,040 $0 $0 $0 64200 Data Processing $0 $27,600 $27,600 $27,600 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $43,500 $41,702 $41,640 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ($6) $57,770 $43,500 $45,937 $0 $7,000 $7,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $85,755 $148,155 $157,005 $157,005 $167,468 $167,468 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $71,250 $55,230 $82,400 $10,463 $92,100 ($7,000j $85,100 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $157,005 $203,385 $239,405 $167,468 $259,568 $252,568 107 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PARK IMPACT FEE FUND -155 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $8,894 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 $1,300 $0 $1,300 363270 Culture & Recreation Impact Fees -Residential $148,979 $360,000 $360,000 $78,000 $187,200 $0 $187,200 381600 70105 Transfer from Other (#316) $0 $0 $0 $108,500 $0 $0 $0 381600 70106 Transfer from Other Funds (#314) $0 $0 $1,707 $1,149 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $157,873 $363,600 $365,307 $191,249 $188,500 $0 $188,500 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($8) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating ($8) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58125 70105 Transfer to Other Funds (Senior Ctr #316) $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58125 70109 Transfer to Other Funds (Trotwood #315) $17,300 $232,700 $232,700 $285,000 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $267,300 $232,700 $232,700 $285,000 $0 $0 $0 64000 Equipment-General $119,726 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64400 Machinery $31,250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 65000 70014 CIP (CWP Phase II Expansion) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 65000 70107 CIP (Splash Pad Pavillion) $2,073 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $153,049 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $420,341 $232,700 $232,700 $285,000 $0 $50,000 $50,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 Discussion Stage -- $373,519 $27,117 $111,051 $111,051 $17,300 $17,300 ($262,468) $130,900 $132,607 ($93,751) $188,500 ($50,000) $138,500 $111,051 $158,017 $243,658 $17,300 $205,800 $155,800 CWP Phase II Expansion: Restroom/Storage Building, Walkway $500,000 (Water, Sewer and Elect Lines) Less FRDAP grant (applied for and approved) ($200,000) Additional Fundin Need $300,000 108 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FIRE/PUBLIC SAFETY IMPACT FEE FUND - 160 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $45,407 $41,000 $41,000 $41,000 $17,500 $0 $17,500 381600 Transfer from Other Funds (#314) $0 $0 $168 $168 $0 $0 $0 363220 Residential Impact (prev all-inclusive 363290) $142,493 $0 $0 $46,000 $110,000 $0 $110,000 363221 Commercial Impact Fees $0 $210,000 $210,000 $38,000 $90,000 $0 $90,000 TOTAL REVENUES $187,900 $251,000 $251,168 $125,168 $217,500 $0 $217,500 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($41) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating ($41) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58125 50002 T/fer to Other Funds (HMGP #314) $9,723 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $9,723 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 65000 50001 CIP -New Fire Station (Design) $2,502 $30,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $2,502 $30,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $12,184 $30,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $756,558 $917,184 $932,274 $932,274 $1,057,442 $1,057,442 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $175,716 $221,000 $221,168 $125,168 $217,500 $0 $217,500 FUND BALANCE-September 30 $932,274 $1,138,184 $1,153,442 $1,057,442 $1,274,942 $1,274,942 109 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET MEDICAL TRANSPORT SERVICES FUND - 170 On October 2, 2008, the Fire Department will be consolidated with Seminole County. Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 347261 Billed Services-Medical Transport (Net) $465,711 $500,000 $500,000 $475,000 $0 $0 $0 54505 Bad Debt Expense ($93,045) ($100,000) ($100,000) ($100,000) $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest Earned $16,119 $16,200 $16,200 $15,600 $10,200 $0 $10,200 369300 Settlements/Collections $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $390,285 $416,200 $416,200 $390,600 $10,200 $0 $10,200 EXPENDITURES 2600 Medical Transport -Operating $200,758 $285,432 $285,432 $121,700 $5,000 $0 $5,000 2610 Medical Transport -EMS Administration $89,779 $96,945 $97,745 $94,845 $350 $0 $350 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $290,537 $382,377 $383,177 $216,545 $5,350 $0 $5,350 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $402,549 $402,424 $502,297 $502,297 $676,352 $676,352 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $99,748 $33,823 $33,023 $174,055 $4,850 $0 $4,850 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $502,297 $436,247 $535,320 $676,352 $681,202 $681,202 110 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET MEDICAL TRANSPORT SERVICES FUND -OPERATING - 2600 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Total Payroll $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO 53410 Billing Services Costs $27,302 $30,000 $30,000 $27,000 ,' ~ .. , . ,' ~ . 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($14) $0 $0 $0 ~0 ~0 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts $250 $5,500 $5,500 $6,000 SO 50 SO 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles $21,316 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 SO SO SO 55210 Fuel & Oil $10,777 $13,000 $13,000 $15,000 >. ~. "" 55220 Tires & Filters $1,797 $3,000 $3,000 $2,200 ,~ ~~ ,~ 55230 Operating Supplies $49,110 $50,432 $50,432 $50,000 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $5,571 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 SO SO Total Operating $116,109 $123,432 $123,432 $121,700 55.000 SO S5 000 58130 Transfer to General Fund (Fire Truck) $0 $162,000 $162,000 $0 Total Transfers $0 $162,000 $162,000 $0 ~0 ~0 ~0 64000 Equipment-General $61,139 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO 64100 Vehicles $23,510 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO Total Capital $84,649 $0 $0 $0 , . ,~ , . TOTAL EXPENDITURES $200,758 $285,432 $285,432 $121,700 $5,000 $0 $5,000 111 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MEDICAL TRANSPORT SERVICES FUND -EMS ADMINISTRATION - 2610 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET One Full-Time Equivalent Unit in this Medical Transport division for each fiscal year represented in this budget document Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $60,977 $63,086 $63,086 $63,086 $248 $0 $248 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $1,156 $1,197 $1,197 $1,197 $5 $0 $5 51214 Overtime Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 $4 $0 $4 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $4,347 $4,917 $4,958 $4,958 $20 $0 $20 52310 Health/Life Insurance $6,484 $6,664 $6,664 $6,664 $26 $0 $26 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $2,693 $2,322 $2,322 $2,322 $9 $0 $9 52330 Pension Expense $7,961 $8,678 $8,678 $8,678 $38 $0 $38 Total Payroll $83,618 $86,864 $86,905 $86,905 $350 $0 $350 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $300 $450 $450 $450 $0 $0 $0 54010 Travel & Per Diem $946 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 54110 Telephone $90 $581 $890 $890 $0 $0 $0 54630 Repair & Maint. -Equipment $1,950 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 54730 Printing Expense $523 $450 $1,250 $1,250 $0 $0 $0 55230 Operating Supplies $297 $400 $400 $200 $0 $0 $0 55240 Uniforms $495 $500 $500 $450 $0 $0 $0 55411 Dues& Registrations $1,560 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $0 $0 $0 55440 Certification Expense - HRS $0 $2,000 $1,650 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating $6,161 $10,081 $10,840 $7,940 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $89,779 $96,945 $97,745 $94,845 $350 $0 $350 112 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PUBLIC AND COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TAX FUND -172 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Descriotion Actual Budaet Budaet Actual/Est Budaet Budaet Budaet REVENUES 314100 Electric Utility Tax $1,916,949 $1,900,000 $1,900,000 $1,958,000 S 1 900 000 SO S 1 960,000 314300 Water Utility Tax $300,974 $338,000 $338,000 $305,000 X3'10 000 o S310 000 314400 Gas Utility Tax $33,466 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 S35 000 30 S35.000 314800 Propane Gas Utility Tax $25,246 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 2`.000 ~~ S25 000 315000 Comm Service Tax (previously#314600) $1,642,968 $1,693,485 $1,658,485 $1,658,485 S9 79G 500 ,~ ~1 X90 X00 361100 Interest Earned ($11,082) $0 $0 $0 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($10) $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO TOTAL REVENUES $3,908,511 $3,991,485 $3,956,485 $3,981,485 $4,128,500 $0 $4,128,500 EXPENDITURES Total Operating $0 $0 $0 $0 58130 Transfers to General Fund $3,424,813 $3,486,285 $3,451,285 $3,476,285 S3 X026 000 0 0_ r326,500 58140 Transfer to #206 -Debt Service $324,645 $440,000 $440,000 $440,000 X429 000 ,~ S429 000 58140 Transfer to #215 -Debt Service $185,150 $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 S%3.000 S 3.000 Total Transfers $3,934,608 $3,991,485 $3,956,485 $3,981,485 Sd 128 500 ~~ S4 ~ 20 500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,934,608 $3,991,485 $3,956,485 $3,981,485 $4,128,500 $0 $4,128,500 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $26,097 $0 $0 $0 SO ~~ Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($26,097) $0 $0 $0 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO 113 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE FUND - 174 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES Progress Energy Franchise Fee 323100 (prev#313100) $1,759,245 $1,790,000 $1,790,000 $1,736,440 $1,720,000 $0 $1,720,000 361100 Interest Earned ($724) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $1,758,521 $1,790,000 $1,790,000 $1,736,440 $1,720,000 $0 $1,720,000 EXPENDITURES Total Operating 58130 Transfer to General Fund 58140 Transfer to #206 -Debt Service 58140 Transfer to #215 -Debt Service Total Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,248,726 $1,284,800 $1,284,800 $1,231,240 $1,218,000 $0 $1,218,000 $324,645 $440,000 $440,000 $440,000 $429,000 $0 $429,000 $185,150 $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 $73,000 $0 $73,000 $1,758,521 $1,790,000 $1,790,000 $1,736,440 $1,720,000 $0 $1,720,000 $1,758,521 $1,790,000 $1,790,000 $1,736,440 $1,720,000 $0 $1,720,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 114 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET FIRE ASSESSMENT FUND -175 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 363120 Assessment Collections $0 $2,375,000 $1,040,000 $1,040,000 5410.000 5410.000 TOTAL REVENUES $0 $2,375,000 $1,040,000 $1,040,000 $410,000 $0 $410,000 EXPENDITURES 53211 Assessment Services $0 $0 $0 $0 X30.000 Total Operating $0 $0 $0 $0 S30 (iCiO SO S30 iJCiii 58130 Transfer to General Fund -Fire Operations $0 $1,973,000 $1,040,000 $1,040,000 5380.000 SO 5380.000 58130 Transfer to General Fund -Fire Truck $0 $208,000 $0 $0 ... SO 58130 Transfer to General Fund -Assess Collections $0 $194,000 $0 $0 SCE a~ Total Transfers $0 $2,375,000 $1,040,000 $1,040,000 S3oi ,.,~ SC ~~e"',000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $2,375,000 $1,040,000 $1,040,000 $410,000 $0 $410,000 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO FUND BALANCE-September 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 ~., ~., ,., 115 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Annual Capital Assessment - $43.00 per ERU through fiscal year 2011-2012 (legal maximum -43.00 per ERU) TLBD DEBT SERVICE - 182 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 08/09 FY 08109 Number Account Description Actual Budaet Budaet Actual/Est Budaet Budaet Budaet REVENUES 361000 Interest and Other Earnings (incr prin/receivable: $103,174 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest Earned $8,964 $6,900 $6,900 $6,000 $2,800 $0 $2,800 361101 Interest Earned -County $239 $0 $0 $250 $225 $0 $225 363110 Assessment Collections (prev 315100) $50,000 $165,800 $165,800 $165,800 $165,800 $0 $165,800 369101 Misc. Revenue $2,738 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $165,115 $172,700 $172,700 $172,050 $168,825 $0 $168,825 EXPENDITURES 53130 Trustee Fees 53211 Administration Fees 53410 Contractual Services Cost 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss Tota I Operating 57110 Debt Service -Principal 57210 Debt Service -Interest Total Debt Service Total Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $431 $450 $450 $450 $450 $0 $450 $0 $3,947 $3,947 $3,947 $3,966 $0 $3,966 $773 $3,450 $3,450 $900 $900 $5,500 $6,400 ($8) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,196 $7,847 $7,847 $5,297 $5,316 $5,500 $10,816 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $55,000 $0 $55,000 $104,287 $102,100 $102,100 $102,062 $99,750 $0 $99,750 $154,287 $152,100 $152,100 $152,062 $154,750 $0 $154,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $155,483 $159,947 $159,947 $157,359 $160,066 $5,500 $165,566 $162,084 $167,594 $171,716 $171,716 $186,407 $186,407 $9,632 $12,753 $12,753 $14,691 $8,759 ($5,500) $3,259 $171,716 $180,347 $184,469 $186,407 $195,166 $189,666 116 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TLBD PHASE II DEBT SERVICE - 213 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Annual Phase II Capital Assessment - $17.00 per ERU through fiscal year 2011-2012 (legal maximum - $17.00 per ERU) Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361000 Interest and Other Earnings" (prin/receivables) $16,049 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest Earned $1,034 $500 $500 $500 $75 $0 $75 361101 County Interest Earned $61 $50 $50 $50 $75 $0 $75 363110 Assessment Collections " (prev 315100) $14,670 $40,600 $40,600 $40,600 $40,600 $0 $40,600 369101 Misc Revenue" (principal/interest) $10,485 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 363300 Prepaid Assessments $132 $0 $0 $125 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $42,431 $41,150 $41,150 $41,275 $40,750 $0 $40,750 EXPENDITURES 53211 Administration Fees $0 $642 $642 $642 $756 $0 $756 53410 Billing Services Cost $203 $850 $850 $30 $500 $0 $500 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($1) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating $202 $1,492 $1,492 $672 $1,256 $0 $1,256 57110 Debt Service -Principal $22,700 $17,500 $17,500 $28,200 $18,550 $0 $18,550 57210 Debt Service -Interest $19,388 $13,500 $13,500 $13,200 $12,550 $0 $12,550 Total Debt Service $42,088 $31,000 $31,000 $41,400 $31,100 $0 $31,100 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $42,290 $32,492 $32,492 $42,072 $32,356 $0 $32,356 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE-October1 $1,264 $559 $1,405 $1,405 $608 $608 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $141 $8,658 $8,658 ($797) $8,394 $0 $8,394 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $1,405 $9,217 $10,063 $608 $9,002 $9,002 * Due to the structure of this debt service instrument, the 2007 special assessment revenues of $41,204 are required by GASB to have the distinctive accounting treatment represented herein. 117 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND -184 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Annual Maintenance Assessment Phase I - $126.00 per ERU through fiscal year 2011-2012 (legal maximum - $128.00 per ERU) In FY 2007-2008 the maintenance assessments for Phases I (#184) and II (#185) were streamlined into one fund (#184) Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 334990 30096 Other State Grants (Dep't of Forestry) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest $21,057 $8,700 $8,700 $12,000 $5,650 $0 $5,650 361101 Interest -County $342 $500 $500 $800 $800 $0 $800 363120 Assessment Collections (Phase I) $220,432 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 363120 Assessment Collections (Phase I and II) $0 $520,000 $520,000 $520,000 $520,000 $0 $520,000 381305 T/fer from TLBD (TLBD Ph II Maint - #185) $0 $114,485 $166,836 $166,836 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $241,831 $643,685 $696,036 $699,636 $526,450 $0 $526,450 EXPENDITURES 53111 Other Legal $113 $0 $0 $120 $0 $0 $0 53211 Administrative Fees $21,686 $9,316 $9,316 $9,316 $9,588 $0 $9,588 53410 Billing Services Cost $2,141 $10,838 $10,838 $5,000 $7,600 $0 $7,600 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($19) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54310 Utility Services $43,203 $45,000 $45,000 $44,000 $50,000 $0 $50,000 54330 Street Lighting $37,266 $207,000 $207,000 $205,000 $235,000 $0 $235,000 54686 Repairs & Maint -Landscape $122,208 $135,000 $135,000 $135,000 $135,000 $0 $135,000 54693 Repairs & Maint -Fountains $14,303 $20,000 $20,000 $17,000 $15,000 $0 $15,000 54695 Repairs & Maint -Signs & Walls $15,566 $35,000 $35,000 $30,000 $35,000 $0 $35,000 54730 Printing Expense $5,637 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54920 Legal Advertising $316 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55230 Clerk Supplies $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 59310 Statutory Reserve $0 $14,494 $14,494 $0 $22,187 $0 $22,187 Total Operating $262,420 $476,748 $476,748 $445,536 $509,475 $0 $509,475 58130 Transfer to General -Insurance $10,395 $12,474 $8,865 $8,865 $9,000 $0 $9,000 58130 Transfer to General -Clerk Fees * $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 $3,600 $0 $3,600 58130 Transfer to General -Beautification $41,000 $44,000 $44,000 $44,000 $50,400 $0 $50,400 Total Transfers $55,195 $60,274 $56,665 $56,665 $63,000 $0 $63,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $317,615 $537,022 $533,413 $502,201 $572,475 $0 $572,475 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $278,052 $164,320 $202,268 $202,268 $399,703 $399,703 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($75,784) $106,663 $162,623 $197,435 ($46,025) $0 ($46,025) FUND BALANCE -September 30 $202,268 $270,983 $364,891 $399,703 $353,678 $353,678 * =Clerk time 10 hours per month at overtime rate inclusive of benefits ($250/meeting) 118 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TLBD PHASE II MAINTENANCE FUND -185 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET In FY 2007-2008 the maintenance assessments for Phases I (#184) and II (#185) were streamlined into one fund -TLBD Maintenance Fund #184 Account Number Account Description FY 06/07 Actual Original FY 07/08 Budget Revised FY 07/08 Budget Projected FY 07/08 Actual/Est Baseline FY 08/09 Budget New FY 08/09 Budget Total FY 08/09 Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest $3,136 $0 $1,430 $1,430 $0 $0 $0 361101 Interest -County $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 363120 Assessment Collections (Phase II) $199,139 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $202,575 $0 $1,430 $1,430 $0 $0 $0 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($3) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54330 Street Lighting $37,172 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating $37,169 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58125 Residual Equity T/fer to Other (TLBD Maint #184) $0 $114,485 $166,836 $166,836 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $114,485 $166,836 $166,836 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $37,169 $114,485 $166,836 $166,836 $0 $0 $0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $0 $114,485 $165,406 $165,406 $0 $0 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $165,406 ($114,485) ($165,406) ($165,406) $0 $0 $0 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $165,406 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 119 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET TLBD PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS FUND - 313 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $17,681 $1,500 $1,500 $6,500 0_ o X280 369101 30115 Misc Revenue (Lighting Relocation) $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $17,681 $2,500 $2,500 $6,500 $280 $0 $280 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss Total Operating Total Transfers 65000 30105 CIP - Signage 65000 30106 CIP -Lighting 65000 30115 CIP -Lighting Relocation Total Capital TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 ($16) $0 $0 $0 SO - ($16) $0 $0 $0 ~~ ~~ SO $0 $0 $0 $0 SO o ~~ $0 $224,000 $224,000 $200,000 S3i 5_'S SO S3 525 $153,537 $33,000 $33,000 $32,079 SO ~0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $153,537 $258,000 $258,000 $232,079 S3 5%5 SO o_- ~_~ $153,521 $258,000 $258,000 $232,079 $37,525 $0 $37,525 $398,694 $256,844 $262,854 $262,854 ~ - _-~ o- _-~ ($135,840) ($255,500) ($255,500) ($225,579) ~3T ?451 ~ ,3i 2451 $262,854 $1,344 $7,354 $37,275 S30 120 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS OAK FOREST MAINTENANCE FUND -191 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Annual Maintenance Assessment - $57 per ERU through fiscal year 2011-2012 (legal maximum - $63.00 per ERU) Account Number Account Description FY 06/07 Actual Original FY 07/08 Budget Revised FY 07/08 Budget Projected FY 07/08 Actual/Est Baseline FY 08/09 Budget New FY 08/09 Budget Total FY 08/09 Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest $1,970 $400 $400 $1,100 $320 $0 $320 361101 Interest -County $56 $0 $0 $80 $100 $0 $100 363120 Assessment Collections $38,053 $52,870 $52,870 $52,870 $52,870 $0 $52,870 364200 Insurance Proceeds $2,300 $0 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $42,379 $53,270 $55,770 $56,550 $53,290 $0 $53,290 EXPENDITURES 53111 Legal $113 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 53211 Administration Fees $15,950 $9,316 $9,316 $9,316 $9,588 $0 $9,588 53410 Billing Services Cost $198 $1,100 $1,100 $500 $850 $0 $850 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($2) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54310 Utility Services $2,409 $2,800 $2,800 $3,200 $3,800 $0 $3,800 54682 Repairs & Maint -Grounds $16,194 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,500 $0 $20,500 54695 Repairs & Maint -Sign/Walls $3,480 $4,500 $7,000 $7,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000 54730 Printing Expense $1,169 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54920 Legal Advertising $315 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55230 Clerk Supplies $0 $50 $50 $0 $50 $0 $50 59310 Statutory Reserve $0 $2,200 $2,200 $0 $2,200 $0 $2,200 Total Operating $39,826 $39,966 $42,466 $40,016 $40,988 $0 $40,988 58130 Transfer to General Fund -Insurance $2,409 $2,890 $1,893 $1,893 $2,000 $0 $2,000 58130 Transfer to General Fund-Clerk Fees' $1,900 $1,900 $1,900 $1,900 $1,000 $0 $1,000 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund - Beaut. Mgr. $6,750 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $10,200 $0 $10,200 Total Transfers $11,059 $12,290 $11,293 $11,293 $13,200 $0 $13,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $50,885 $52,256 $53,759 $51,309 $54,188 $0 $54,188 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE-October1 $24,893 $9,664 $16,387 $16,387 $21,628 $21,628 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($8,506) $1,014 $2,011 $5,241 ($898) $0 ($898) FUND BALANCE -September 30 $16,387 $10,678 $18,398 $21,628 $20,730 $20,730 = Clerk time 8 hours per month at overtime rate inclusive of benefits ($250 per quarterly meeting) 121 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS OAK FOREST DEBT SERVICE FUND - 192 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Annual Capital Assessment - $72 per ERU through fiscal year 2011-2012 (legal maximum - $72.00 per ERU) Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361000 Interest and Other Earnings " (prin/receivables) $23,218 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest $897 $50 $50 $200 $50 $0 $50 361101 Interest -County $88 $0 $0 $80 $75 $0 $75 363110 Assessment Collections "(prev 315100) $13,685 $58,560 $58,560 $58,560 $58,560 $0 $58,560 369101 MiscRevenue"(principal/interest) $21,161 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 381302 Transfer from Oak Forest Capital (residual equity) $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,547 $0 $17,547 TOTAL REVENUES $59,049 $58,610 $58,610 $58,840 $76,232 $0 $76,232 EXPENDITURES 53211 Administration Fees $0 $4,589 $4,589 $4,589 $4,722 $0 $4,722 53410 Billing Services Cost $287 $1,220 $1,220 $275 $500 $0 $500 Total Operating $287 $5,809 $5,809 $4,864 $5,222 $0 $5,222 57110 Debt Service -Principal $39,650 $33,510 $33,510 $33,810 $35,300 $20,000 $55,300 57210 Debt Service -Interest $19,844 $18,500 $18,500 $18,200 $16,750 $0 $16,750 Total Debt Service $59,494 $52,010 $52,010 $52,010 $52,050 $20,000 $72,050 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $59,781 $57,819 $57,819 $56,874 $57,272 $20,000 $77,272 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE-October1 $2,442 $1,217 $1,710 $1,710 $3,676 $3,676 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($732) $791 $791 $1,966 $18,960 ($20,000) ($1,040) FUND BALANCE -September 30 $1,710 $2,008 $2,501 $3,676 $22,636 $2,636 * Due to the structure of this debt service instrument, the 2007 special assessment revenues of $58,064 are required by GASB to have the distinctive accounting treatment represented herein. 122 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET OAK FOREST CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - 309 Account Number Account Description FY 06/07 Actual Original FY 07/08 Budget Revised FY 07/08 Budget Projected FY 07/08 Actual/Est Baseline FY 08/09 Budget New Total FY 08109 FY 08/09 Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest $2,027 $375 $375 $2,200 $130 $0 $130 TOTAL REVENUES $2,027 $375 $375 $2,200 $130 $0 $130 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($2) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating ($2) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58125 Transfer to Other Funds (Oak Forest Debt Svc) $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,547 $0 $17,547 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,547 $0 $17,547 65000 30052 Construction in Progress $1,740 $34,500 $34,500 $23,348 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $1,740 $34,500 $34,500 $23,348 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,738 $34,500 $34,500 $23,348 $17,547 $0 $17,547 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $38,206 $35,556 $38,495 $38,495 $17,347 $17,347 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $289 ($34,125) ($34,125) ($21,148) ($17,417) $0 ($17,417) FUND BALANCE-September 30 $38,495 $1,431 $4,370 $17,347 ($70) ($70) 123 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET The series 2003 bond refunded the series 1993 bond during fiscal year 2002-2003 2003 DEBT SERVICE FUND -206 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 08/09 FY 08109 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $14,442 $15,000 $15,000 $8,000 $10,000 $0 $10,000 381001 Transfer from Public Service Tax Fund $324,645 $440,000 $440,000 $440,000 $429,000 $0 $429,000 381002 Transfer from Electric Franchise Fee Fund $324,645 $440,000 $440,000 $440,000 $429,000 $0 $429,000 TOTAL REVENUES $663,732 $895,000 $895,000 $888,000 $868,000 $0 $868,000 EXPENDITURES 53130 Trustee Fees 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss Total Operating 57110 Debt Service -Principal 57210 Debt Service -Interest 57310 Bond Issuance Costs Total Debt Service Total Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 $1,000 ($13) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($13) $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $150,000 $380,000 $380,000 $380,000 $625,000 $0 $625,000 $270,535 $264,300 $264,300 $264,300 $251,750 $0 $251,750 $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $420,535 $644,800 $644,800 $644,800 $877,250 $0 $877,250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $420,522 $645,800 $645,800 $644,800 $878,250 $0 $878,250 $295,833 $533,073 $539,043 $539,043 $782,243 $782,243 $243,210 $249,200 $249,200 $243,200 ($10,250) $0 ($10,250) $539,043 $782,273 $788,243 $782,243 $771,993 $771,993 124 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET 1999 DEBT SERVICE FUND -215 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $11,554 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $1,500 $0 $1,500 381001 Transfer from Public Service Tax Fund $185,150 $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 $73,000 $0 $73,000 381002 Transfer from Electric Franchise Fee Fund $185,150 $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 $73,000 $0 $73,000 TOTAL REVENUES $381,854 $136,400 $136,400 $136,400 $147,500 $0 $147,500 EXPENDITURES 53130 Trustee Fees 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss Total Operating 57110 Debt Service -Principal 57210 Debt Service -Interest Total Debt Service Total Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $500 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $0 $1,200 ($10) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $490 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $0 $1,200 $470,000 $270,000 $270,000 $270,000 $55,000 $0 $55,000 $110,490 $93,600 $93,600 $93,600 $86,100 $0 $86,100 $580,490 $363,600 $363,600 $363,600 $141,100 $0 $141,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $580,980 $364,800 $364,800 $364,800 $142,300 $0 $142,300 $544,576 $342,176 $345,450 $345,450 $117,050 $117,050 ($199,126) ($228,400) ($228,400) ($228,400) $5,200 $0 $5,200 $345,450 $113,776 $117,050 $117,050 $122,250 $122,250 125 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET CENTRAL WINDS G.O. DEBT SERVICE FUND - 225 Millage Rate per Fiscal Year 0.1100 0.1022 0.1100 (based on declining property valuations from the Property Appraiser DR 4201 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 311000 Voted Ad Valorem Taxes $212,077 $217,936 $217,936 $215,000 S213 450 SJ S213 450 361100 Interest $7,323 $1,700 $1,700 $3,500 52.000 0 52 000 361101 Interest -County $326 $350 $350 $250 TOTAL REVENUES $219,726 $219,986 $219,986 $218,750 $215,750 $0 $215,750 EXPENDITURES 53130 Trustee Fees 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss Total Operating 57110 Debt Service -Principal 57210 Debt Service -Interest Total Debt Service Total Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $431 $500 $500 $500 0~ 50 ,_ ($7) $0 $0 $0 50 SO $424 $500 $500 $500 5~~00 SO 5500 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 ~-~ 50 575.000 $153,473 $151,100 $151,100 $151,100 S~4b 500 - S~4o 500 $223,473 $221,100 $221,100 $221,100 5223,500 0 5223,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 , $223,897 $221,600 $221,600 $221,600 $224,000 $0 $224,000 $51,743 $44,986 $47,572 $47,572 Sdd 722 57=7.722 ($4,171) ($1,614) ($1,614) ($2,8501 i5o2501 (SF -501 $47,572 $43,372 $45,958 $44,722 Sir 472 S36.472 126 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET 2004 CAPITAL PROJECTS DEBT SERVICE FUND - 230 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest $603 $500 $500 $300 530 530 381100 70105 Transfer in from General Fund (Sr Ctr Pool) $0 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 S60 000 SO Sr0 000 TOTAL REVENUES $603 $60,500 $60,500 $60,300 $60,230 $0 $60,230 EXPENDITURES Total Operating 57110 70105 Debt Service -Principal (Sr Ctr Pool) 57210 70105 Debt Service -Interest (Sr Ctr Pool) Total Debt Service Total Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO $0 $40,000 $40,000 $30,082 S40 000 SO S40,000 $0 $22,000 $20,000 $5,450 S40 000 SO S40 000 $0 $62,000 $60,000 $35,532 080.000 SO 580.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO $0 $62,000 $60,000 $35,532 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $42 $30,042 $645 $645 S~5,413 S25,418 $603 ($1,500) $500 $24,768 ,1~ -i01 SJ fS1 -- $645 $28,542 $1,145 $25,413 S5 643 S0 648 127 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET 1999 CONSTRUCTION C.P. FUND - 305 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budyet Budget Budyet REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $123,729 $19,000 $19,000 $60,000 SZ700 SO S7 700 366000 30107 Donation (Rotary -Vet Mem) prev #361200 $14,228 $0 $0 $20,000 ... ... 381600 Transfer from Other Funds (#115 Road Improve) $450,000 $0 $0 $0 S~00 000 SO S300 000 TOTAL REVENUES $587,957 $19,000 $19,000 $80,000 $307,700 $0 $307,700 EXPENDITURES 53410 Contractual Services $5,000 $0 $0 $0 ... 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($112) $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO Total Operating $4,888 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO 58130 24415 Tfferto General Fund (Prof Adm) $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 S12 000 SO S12000 Total Transfers $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 S12000 SO S12 000 63100 30044 Infrastructure - 434 Village Walk $4,964 $0 $0 $0 ... 65000 30045 CIP -Town Center Trail & Infrastructure $1,444,860 $110,000 $164,904 $133,753 SO SO SO 65000 30107 CIP-Veterans'Memorial $0 $105,146 $126,374 $135,000 SO 9:J 9:J 65000 70008 CIP -Magnolia Park $1,059 $960,000 $960,000 $45,000 51.302.550 51.302550 Total Capital $1,450,883 $1,175,146 $1,251,278 $313,753 S1 30~ 550 SO 51.302.550 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,455,771 $1,187,146 $1,263,278 $325,753 $1,314,550 $0 $1,314,550 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE-October1 $2,133,117 $1,170,402 $1,265,303 $1,265,303 51019550 51.019.550 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($867,814) ($1,168,146) ($1,244,278) ($245,753) S1 i ~1 00 501 FUND BALANCE-September 30 $1,265,303 $2,256 $21,025 $1,019,550 S12;00 S12700 128 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET REVOLVING REHABILITATION C.P. FUND - 306 Account Number Account Description FY 06/07 Actual Original FY 07/08 Budget Revised FY 07/08 Budget Projected FY 07/08 Actual/Est Baseline FY 08/09 Budget New FY 08/09 Budget Total FY 08/09 Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest $52,555 $40,900 $40,900 $37,000 $15,500 $0 $15,500 362100 Rents $0 $6,000 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $52,555 $46,900 $46,900 $37,000 $15,500 $0 $15,500 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss 54310 Utility Service 54310 30108 Utility Service (154 Lori Ann) 54660 30090 R&M -Buildings (123 Kristi Ann) 54660 30108 R&M -Buildings (154 Lori Ann) 54905 30108 Property Tax Expense (154 Lori Ann) Total Operating Total Capital TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 ($48) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $662 $0 $0 $87 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $0 $1,500 $2,336 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,691 $12,000 $12,000 $7,900 $1,500 $0 $1,500 $130 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,771 $12,500 $12,500 $8,987 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,771 $12,500 $12,500 $8,987 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $982,205 $996,369 $1,000,989 $1,000,989 $1,029,002 $1,029,002 $18,784 $34,400 $34,400 $28,013 $12,500 $0 $12,500 $1,000,989 $1,030,769 $1,035,389 $1,029,002 $1,041,502 $1,041,502 129 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET UTILITY/PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY C.P. FUND - 311 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Descriotion Actual Budaet Budaet Actual/Est Budaet Budaet Budaet REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $82,108 $13,000 $13,000 $30,000 53.000 58.000 381004 Transfer from Stormwater $100,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 5100.000 5100.000 381600 Transfer from Transportation Improvement Fund $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 5100.000 5100.000 381602 Transfer from Water & Sewer (3600) $750,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 TOTAL REVENUES $982,108 $563,000 $563,000 $580,000 $208,000 $0 $208,000 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($74) $0 $0 $0 SO 50 SO 55270 Small Tools and Equipment $10,027 $0 $0 $0 50 Total Operating $9,953 $0 $0 $0 ~., o.. ,., Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 S~~ 50 50 65000 30037 CIP-Utility/PW Facility $2,166,574 $1,113,137 $1,113,137 $375,000 SO S13;171o S1371710 Total Capital $2,166,574 $1,113,137 $1,113,137 $375,000 50 51.371.718 51.371.;15 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,176,527 $1,113,137 $1,113,137 $375,000 $0 $1,371,718 $1,371,718 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE-October1 $2,153,137 $608,137 $958,718 $958,718 S1,1r371o St 163.710 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($1,194,419) ($550,137) ($550,137) $205,000 x'08 X00 fS1 ~ 1 101 ~t1637181 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $958,718 $58,000 $408,581 $1,163,718 S1 371718 SO 30037 CIP -Utility/PW Facility: Admin Building $1,378,718 130 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PUBLIC FACILITIES C.P. FUND - 312 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $585 $0 $0 $0 SO SO TOTAL REVENUES $585 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($1) $0 $0 $0 SO SO Total Operating ($1) $0 $0 $0 .~ SO SO 65000 30061 CIP -City Hall Expansion $2,400 $0 $2,023 $10,025 Total Capital $2,400 $0 $2,023 $10,025 ~0 ~0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,399 $0 $2,023 $10,025 $0 $0 $0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE-October1 $11,839 $7,914 $10,025 $10,025 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($1,814) $0 ($2,023) ($10,025) FUND BALANCE -September 30 $10,025 $7,914 $8,002 $0 SO Potential capital projects from this fund: Parks and Trails Improvements City Hall Expansion Fire Station 28 131 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM C.P. FUND - 314 Account Number Account Description FY 06/07 Actual Original FY 07/08 Budget Revised FY 07/08 Budget Projected FY 07/08 Actual/Est Baseline New Total FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned $2,200 $0 $0 $1,000 0~ ~~ ~~~ 331000 50002 Federal Grant (Fire-HMGP) $0 $76,509 $78,729 $78,729 SO o , 331000 51001 Federal Grant (Police-HMGP) $0 $42,120 $0 $0 SO SO , 331000 70106 Federal Grant (Parks-HMGP) $0 $17,114 $18,563 $18,563 SO o , 381600 50002 Transfer from Other Funds (Fire Impact) $9,723 $0 $0 $0 SO , 381600 51001 Transfer from Other Funds (Police Impact) $0 $14,270 $0 $0 SO SO , 381600 51001 Transfer from Other Funds (Spec Law -Local) $0 $14,000 $0 $0 SO SO , 381600 51001 Transfer from Other Funds (Spec Law -Federal) $0 $24,000 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $11,923 $188,013 $97,292 $98,292 $50 $0 $50 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss Total Operating 58125 50002 Transfer to Other (Fire Impact) 58125 51001 Transfer to Other (Police Impact) 58125 70106 Transfer to Other (Park Impact) 58130 Transfer to General Fund Total Transfers 62000 50002 Buildings (Fire Station-HMGP) 65000 51001 CIP (Police Station-HMGP) 65000 70106 CIP (Civic Center-HMGP) Total Capital TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE -September 30 ($2) $0 $0 $0 ($2) $0 $0 $0 SO , $0 $0 $168 $168 SO SO , $0 $0 $12,900 $12,900 SO SO , $0 $0 $1,707 $1,149 SO SO , $0 $93,623 $0 $0 $0 $93,623 $14,775 $14,217 SO o $58,458 $0 $58,226 $58,226 SO o $0 $108,679 $0 $0 SO SO , $0 $0 $24,751 $24,751 SO SO $58,458 $108,679 $82,977 $82,977 SO o , $58,456 $202,302 $97,752 $97,194 $0 $0 $0 $49,606 $15,868 $3,073 $3,073 Sd, I ~ ~ S4 1 1 ($46,533) ($14,289) ($460) $1,098 S50 $3,073 $1,579 $2,613 $4,171 S422'I S422I 132 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 361100 Interest Earned $4,614 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 334709 70109 State Grants (FRDAP 8) $0 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 381100 70109 Transfer from General Fund $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $140,000 $0 $140,000 381145 70109 Transfer from Parks Impact $17,300 $232,700 $232,700 $285,000 $0 $0 $0 384100 Loan Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $71,914 $432,700 $432,700 $485,000 $140,000 $0 $140,000 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($4) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating ($4) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64300 Furniture/Equipment $0 $0 $0 $37,000 $0 $0 $0 65000 70109 CIP (Trotwood Improvements) $57,878 $432,700 $432,700 $461,132 $0 $140,000 $140,000 Total Capital $57,878 $432,700 $432,700 $498,132 $0 $140,000 $140,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $57,874 $432,700 $432,700 $498,132 $0 $140,000 $140,000 TROTWOOD IMPROVEMENTS C.P. FUND - 315 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $0 $2,500 $14,040 $14,040 $908 $908 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $14,040 $0 $0 ($13,132) $140,000 ($140,000) $0 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $14,040 $2,500 $14,040 $908 $140,908 $908 133 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION C.P. FUND - 316 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 337902 70105 Other Local Grants - CDBG $849,709 $5,291 $5,291 $5,291 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest Earned $9,406 $2,800 $2,800 $4,035 $50 $0 $50 381100 70105 Transfer from General Fund * $394,888 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 381145 70105 Transfer from Park Impact $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 384100 Loan Proceeds $0 $0 $750,000 $750,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $1,504,003 $8,091 $758,091 $759,326 $50 $0 $50 EXPENDITURES 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($8) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $0 $20,000 $14,495 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating ($8) $0 $20,000 $14,495 $0 $0 $0 58125 Transfer to Other (#155 Park Impact) $0 $0 $0 $108,500 $0 $0 $0 58130 Transfer to General Fund $0 $0 $394,888 $394,888 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $0 $394,888 $503,388 $0 $0 $0 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $0 $25,000 $5,000 $3,391 $0 $0 $0 65000 70105 CIP (Senior Ctr Exp/Pool) $1,566,987 $0 $291,969 $237,600 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $1,566,987 $25,000 $296,969 $240,991 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL FU ND EXPENDITURES $1,566,979 $25,000 $711,857 $758,874 $D $0 $0 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -October 1 $62,985 $78,986 $9 $9 $461 $461 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($62,976) ($16,909) $46,234 $452 $50 $0 $50 FUND BALANCE -September 30 $9 $62,077 $46,243 $461 $511 $511 * This transfer was paid back in fiscal year 2008 when loan proceeds were secured from SunTrust. 134 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ENTERPRISE FUNDS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUNDS RECAP Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FUND DIVISIO FUND NAME Actual Budaet Budaet Budaet Budaet Budaet Budaet REVENUES 401 3600 W&S-Operating $8,171,836 $8,675,500 $8,682,224 $7,971,717 ._.0;2150 SO .~~Oi~1b0 401 3610 W&S -Renewal & Replacement $347,100 $387,500 $387,500 $387,500 S?00 000 500 000 401 3620 W&S -Revenue Generation $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO 401 3640 W&S - 2000 Utility Construction $42,474 $8,000 $8,000 $10,000 S3 100 S3.100 420 Development Services $1,036,176 $1,604,431 $1,604,431 $1,042,696 S1123353 SO S11~3353 430 Stormwater $1,173,494 $1,182,401 $1,482,401 $1,415,489 51.11;.800 S1117860 TOTAL REVENUES $10,771,080 $11,857,832 $12,164,556 $10,827,402 $10,516,463 $0 $10,516,463 EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 401 3600 W&S-Operating $6,924,736 $9,468,780 $9,595,571 $8,728,144 j79" S47644~ 15J~34 401 3610 W&S -Renewal & Replacement $207,842 $372,500 $372,500 $265,000 550 000 SO S?50 000 401 3620 W&S-Revenue Generation $110,235 $92,207 $115,166 $69,000 S46106 540.166 401 3640 W&S - 2000 Utility Construction Fund $4,505 $410,000 $410,000 $30,000 542.000 542 000 420 Development Services $1,556,895 $1,811,235 $1,815,623 $1,391,353 1 ~~ _~ 1 =~7 810 430 Stormwater $959,302 $1,344,247 $1,683,902 $1,643,225 1 10„ 472 5~4 i50 1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $9,763,515 $13,498,969 $13,992,762 $12,126,722 $12,045,199 $773,241 $12,818,440 CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FUND EQUITY -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND EQUITY -September 30 $23,930,066 $10,354,558 $11,520,242 $11,520,242 51 192 SO 51 ~__ $1,007,565 ($1,641,137) ($1,828,206) ($1,299,320) fat ='~r~6~ Sr75 X411 , ~(~1 9ir1 $24,937,631 $8,713,421 $9,692,036 $10,220,922 a ~~ 186 SO S 18,945 Non-cash Adjustments: Bad Debt ($25,631) Compensated Absences ($18,563) Contributed Capital $1,052,005 Depreciation ($1,813,434) Fixed Asset Transfer $3,022 Loss on Asset Disposition $425 Misc $43 Total Adjustments ($802,133) $24,135,498 135 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WATER & SEWER UTILITY -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Personal Services $2,019,303 $2,359,506 $2,359,653 $2,343,911 $2,374,173 Operating Expenses $1,899,879 $2,099,180 $2,220,186 $2,057,950 $2,201,080 Transfers $2,341,540 $2,103,694 $2,118,245 $2,073,896 $1,671,256 Capital Outlay $1,669,771 $1,935,507 $1,949,553 $770,787 $1,780,366 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7,930,493 $8,497,887 $8,647,637 $7,246,544 $8,026,875 Less Capitalized Expenditures ($2,584,771) ($2,890,507) ($2,904,553) ($1,725,787) ($2,770,366) Total Non-Capital Expenditures $5,345,722 $5,607,380 $5,743,084 $5,520,757 $5,256,509 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) Water & Sewer Operations - 3600 Utility/Public Works Director 1 1 1 Utility Superintendent 2 2 2 Office Supervisor 1 1 1 Admin Secretary 1 1 1 Maintenance Worker I 9 5 7 Maintenance Worker II - 1 1 Maintenance Mechanic I 10 13 12 Maintenance Mechanic II 1 1 1 Team Leader 4 4 4 Lead Waste Water Treatment Oper 2 2 2 Waste Water Treatment Operator 4 3 4 Waste Water Treatment Oper Trainee 1 3 3 Waste Water Treatment Operator/Lab Coordinator 1 1 0 Lead Water Plant Operator 1 1 1 Water Plant Operator 1 2 1 Water Treatment Oper Trainee - - 1 Service Technician 3 3 2 Electronics / Instr Technician 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 43 45 45 136 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET WATER & SEWER UTILITY FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - 401 Division Fund FY 06/07 Actual Original FY 07/08 Budget Revised FY 07/08 Budget Projected FY 07/08 Actual/Est Baseline FY 08/09 Budget New FY 08/09 Budget Total FY 08/09 Budyet REVENUES 3600 Water & Sewer Operating Department $8,171,836 $8,675,500 $8,682,224 $7,971,717 S8 072150 SO So 0; 2.150 3610 Renewal & Replacement Department $347,100 $387,500 $387,500 $387,500 5200 000 500 000 3620 Revenue Generation Department $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO 3640 2000 Utility Construction Department $42,474 $8,000 $8,000 $10,000 S3 100 SO S3 100 TOTAL REVENUES $8,561,410 $9,071,000 $9,077,724 $8,369,217 $8,275,250 $0 $8,275,250 EXPENDITURES 3600 Water& Sewer Operating Department $6,924,736 $9,468,780 $9,595,571 $8,728,144 -~ -~_ 4 2.442 9 1E" 234 3610 Renewal & Replacement Department $207,842 $372,500 $372,500 $265,000 S-5Q 000 SO S250 000 3620 Revenue Generation Department $110,235 $92,207 $115,166 $69,000 SO S46 166 S4r 1 rr 3640 2000 Utility Construction Department $4,505 $410,000 $410,000 $30,000 5422.000 SO S422 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7,247,318 $10,343,487 $10,493,237 $9,092,144 $9,345,792 $522,608 $9,868,400 CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FUND EQUITY-October1 $17,495,263 So,533,711 5277.345 S5 ~~7.345 5~,,554,41o SO 5;,554,410 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND EQUITY -September 30 Non-cash Adjustments: Bad Debt ($25,631) Compensated Absences ($22,594) Contributed Capital $895,868 Depreciation ($1,568,554) Fixed Asset Transfer $3,022 Asset Disposition $1,203 Misc $43 Total Adjustments ($716,643) i Total Net Assets per CAFR S1 355 I X7261224 X7.861.832 X8.554.418 SZ4d3.8; 6 1431 1_ 137 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET WATER & SEWER UTILITY -OPERATING -REVENUES - 3600 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 343310 Water Revenues $2,909,697 $2,850,000 $2,850,000 $2,925,000 $2,950,000 $0 $2,950,000 343320 Water Connection Fees $22,759 $160,000 $160,000 $25,000 $50,000 $0 $50,000 343510 Sewer Revenues $4,206,502 $4,200,000 $4,200,000 $4,225,000 $4,250,000 $0 $4,250,000 343520 Sewer Connection Fees $101,517 $610,000 $610,000 $100,000 $200,000 $0 $200,000 343610 Reuse Water Fees $168,903 $175,000 $175,000 $175,000 $180,000 $0 $180,000 343902 Turn Off/On Fees $78,705 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 343903 Meter Charges $13,437 $75,000 $75,000 $10,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 343904 Application Fees $26,162 $35,000 $35,000 $25,000 $30,000 $0 $30,000 343905 Tampering Fees $2,175 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $1,500 343906 Inspection Fees $310 $6,000 $6,000 $500 $1,000 $0 $1,000 343907 NSF Check Fees $6,627 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $0 $7,000 343908 Reservation Charges $0 $20,000 $20,000 $17,500 $20,000 $0 $20,000 343910 Penalty Fees $152,795 $140,000 $140,000 $150,000 $150,000 $0 $150,000 361100 Interest Earned $452,463 $280,000 $280,000 $200,000 $102,650 $0 $102,650 364100 Auction Proceeds $3,428 $0 $0 $6,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000 369101 Misc Revenues (previously 361111) $8,367 $20,000 $20,000 $5,000 $10,000 $0 $10,000 369300 Settlements/Collections (and 369305) $11,989 $10,000 $16,724 $13,217 $10,000 $0 $10,000 381004 Transfer from Stormwater $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 $6,000 TOTAL REVENUES $8,171,836 $8,675,500 $8,682,224 $7,971,717 $8,072,150 $0 $8,072,150 138 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET WATER & SEWER UTILITY -OPERATING -EXPENDITURES - 3600 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08109 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 51210 Salaries $1,440,863 $1,647,029 $1,647,029 $1,647,029 $1,653,196 $6,963 $1,660,159 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $15,889 $18,164 $18,164 $13,210 $17,643 $0 $17,643 51214 Overtime Salaries $56,427 $68,038 $68,038 $60,000 $66,567 $348 $66,915 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes $111,471 $131,343 $131,490 $130,495 $130,515 $559 $131,074 52310 Health Insurance/Life Insurance $167,264 $214,147 $214,147 $214,147 $189,420 $44 $189,464 52320 Workmen's Comp.lns. $41,155 $46,799 $46,799 $46,799 $46,719 $231 $46,950 52330 Pension Expense $186,234 $233,986 $233,986 $232,231 $260,871 $1,097 $261,968 Total Payroll $2,019,303 $2,359,506 $2,359,653 $2,343,911 $2,364,931 $9,242 $2,374,173 53111 Other Legal Services $78,003 $30,000 $30,000 $15,000 $30,000 $0 $30,000 53130 Bond Trustee Fees $1,785 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $2,620 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $2,500 53160 Consulting Engineer $73,262 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $0 $70,000 53180 Consultant Services $7,666 $25,000 $61,400 $61,400 $30,000 $0 $30,000 53411 Bank Service Charges $27,031 $29,600 $29,600 $29,600 $29,600 $0 $29,600 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($448) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 53690 Deposit Interest Expense $27,829 $40,000 $40,000 $32,000 $35,000 $0 $35,000 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,693 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $0 $3,500 54110 Telephone $7,979 $9,000 $8,853 $8,853 $9,500 $0 $9,500 54210 Postage $135 $300 $300 $100 $300 $0 $300 54310 Utility Services ('08-incr for new bldg) $641,439 $704,000 $704,000 $720,000 $740,000 $0 $740,000 54320 Sludge Disposal $214,410 $175,000 $175,000 $215,000 $230,000 $0 $230,000 54410 Equipment Rental $441 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 54501 Collection Service Fee $1,149 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $0 $1,300 54511 General Insurance Settlements $30,029 $0 $30,029 $0 $0 $0 $0 54630 Repair & Maint. -Equipment $36,146 $31,500 $37,000 $40,000 $45,000 $0 $45,000 54633 Maintenance Agreements $1,837 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $0 $2,200 54640 Repair & Maint. -Communications $1,249 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $3,000 54650 Repair & Maint. -Vehicles $10,979 $16,000 $17,217 $17,217 $16,000 $0 $16,000 54660 Repair & Maint. -Buildings ('08-incr for new bld $6,413 $17,000 $22,507 $17,000 $17,000 $0 $17,000 54670 Repair & Maint. -Fire Hydrants $8,769 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $0 $9,000 54671 Repair & Maint. -Water Plants (paint WTP#2) $55,855 $68,300 $105,300 $68,300 $75,000 $0 $75,000 54680 Repair & Maint. -Sewer Plants $86,866 $87,000 $87,000 $87,000 $87,000 $0 $87,000 54681 Repair & Maint. -Reclaimed Water $30,239 $27,000 $27,000 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 54682 Repair & Maint. -Grounds $5,014 $24,700 $24,700 $24,700 $24,700 $0 $24,700 54690 Repair & Maint. -Water Lines $16,005 $28,000 $28,000 $25,000 $25,000 $0 $25,000 54691 Repair & Maint. -Sewer Lines $14,721 $54,000 $52,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0 $50,000 54692 Repair & Maint. -Water Meters $1,281 $16,000 $16,000 $6,000 $12,000 $0 $12,000 54694 Repair & Maint. -Lift Stations $68,658 $85,000 $85,000 $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 54720 Copy Machine Supplies $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 54730 Printing Expenses $6,180 $6,300 $6,300 $6,300 $6,300 $0 $6,300 54800 Promotional ('09 Water Conservation) $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $5,000 $5,500 54930 Classified Advertising $1,433 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 55110 Office Supplies $1,506 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 $0 $2,000 55120 Computer Expenses $1,297 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $2,000 $0 $2,000 55210 Fuel & Oil $92,409 $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 $115,000 $0 $115,000 55220 Tires & Filters $9,910 $10,000 $12,000 $12,000 $13,000 $0 $13,000 55229 Meter Replacement (water & reclaimed) $18,591 $44,000 $44,000 $20,000 $40,000 $0 $40,000 55230 Operating Supplies $1,769 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $4,000 55231 Testing & Samples $24,787 $30,000 $38,000 $30,000 $40,300 $0 $40,300 55232 Water Meters $44,766 $60,000 $60,000 $10,000 $40,000 $0 $40,000 55233 Chlorine $118,579 $119,000 $119,000 $119,000 $125,000 $0 $125,000 55234 Backflow Devices $2,405 $5,000 $5,000 $2,500 $4,000 $0 $4,000 55240 Uniforms $7,957 $10,300 $10,300 $10,300 $10,300 $0 $10,300 55260 Janitorial Supplies $1,745 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 $2,200 $0 $2,200 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $20,848 $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 $0 $15,000 55278 New Software $3,406 $15,000 $7,000 $3,000 $5,000 $0 $5,000 55282 Chemicals -Water Plants $20,700 $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 $0 $26,000 55283 Chemicals -Sewer Plants $14,268 $19,000 $24,500 $19,000 $25,000 $0 $25,000 55284 Lab Supplies $10,274 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $22,000 $0 $22,000 55290 Protective Clothing $5,186 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $7,100 $0 $7,100 55410 Subscriptions $29 $250 $250 $250 $250 $0 $250 55411 Dues &Registrations-Employees $2,323 $4,200 $4,200 $2,500 $4,500 $0 $4,500 55412 Dues &Registrations-Facilities $2,050 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 $3,000 $0 $3,000 55430 Employee Development $7,877 $10,300 $10,300 $9,500 $9,500 $0 $9,500 56970 Amortization $20,529 $20,530 $20,530 $20,530 $20,530 $0 $20,530 Total Operating $1,899,879 $2,099,180 $2,220,186 $2,052,950 $2,196,080 $5,000 $2,201,080 Sub-Total -Payroll & Operating Expenditures $3,919,182 $4,458,686 $4,579,839 $4,396,861 $4,561,011 $14,242 $4,575,253 139 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET WATER & SEWER UTILITY -OPERATING -EXPENDITURES - 3600 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 57110 Debt Service -Principal 57210 Debt Service -Interest Total Debt Service 58110 Transfer to Renewal & Replacement Fund 58115 23810 Transfer to Stormwater(20% Eng) 58130 21341 Transfer to Gen Fund - IS Spec Proj 58130 21342 Transfer to Gen Fund -Records Mgmt 58130 21343 Transfer to Gen Fund - Kiva 58130 21360 Transfer to General-Utility Billing 58130 21915 Transfer to Gen Fund -Operator (16 % ) 58130 24415 Transfer to General Fund (Proj Adm) 58130 Transfer to General - AudiUAdmin Services 58161 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund #311 Total Transfers 62100 Plants and Main 62100 30129 CIP - NO 1ST Addition Water Main 64000 Equipment-General 64100 Vehicles 64200 Data Processing Equipment 64400 Machinery 65000 30028 CIP -Elect imp to WTP #2 65000 30051 CIP -Town Center Sewer 65000 30064 CIP -Elect imp to WTP #3 65000 30123 CIP -West Force Main Reroute Total Capital Transfer to Balance Sheet - 3600 Transfer to Balance Sheet - 3610 Transfer to Balance Sheet - 3620 Transfer to Balance Sheet - 3640 To Balance Sheet TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FUND EQUITY -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND EQUITY -September 30 Non-cash Adjustments: Compensated Absences ($22,594) Depreciation ($1,568,554) Plants & Main Contribution $895,868 Fixed Asset Transfer $3,022 Bad Debt ($25,631) Asset Disposition $1,203 Misc $43 Total Adjustments ($716,643) Total Net Assets per CAFR $915,000 $955,000 $955,000 $955,000 5990.000 ~., 5990.000 $986,596 $890,600 $890,600 $890,600 :;451.5 - 651.525 ~~ $1,901,596 $1,845,600 $1,845,600 $1,845,600 51.441,525 ~., St641.525 $347,100 $387,500 $387,500 $387,500 5200.000 SO 5200.000 $42,614 $50,534 $50,534 $36,993 530.673 ~., S39.d73 $23,527 $9,684 $16,788 $16,788 510.735 ~., 510.'35 $10,588 $10,271 $11,468 $11,468 545293 ~., 545.233 $14,176 $19,727 $19,727 $19,727 519.835 50 519.435 $515,081 $643,363 $649,613 $618,853 5639.839 50 5630.839 $5,619 $6,138 $6,138 $6,090 56.180 50 55.160 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 512.000 50 512.000 $632,835 $664,477 $664,477 $664,477 Sb9Z.701 ~., 5697.701 $750,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 ,a - ,u - 50 $2,341,540 $2,103,694 $2,118,245 $2,073,896 51.671.256 SO 51.671.256 $973,280 $505,000 $111,500 $50,000 ~.. 5343.000 5343.000 $0 $0 $250,000 $50,000 J250.000 ~., 5250.000 $36,553 $12,600 $47,600 $67,600 ~.. 561.100 Sb1.100 $37,695 $191,000 $106,000 $114,000 50 548.000 544.000 $64,067 $3,200 $6,700 $6,700 50 56.100 Sb.100 $13,274 $29,000 $31,000 $31,000 50 54.000 54.000 $15,591 $270,000 $280,712 $25,000 5300.000 50 5300.000 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $0 550.000 ~., 550.000 $195,139 $0 $0 $30,000 50 50 50 $11,590 $0 $168,375 $37,487 50 50 50 $1,347,189 $1,060,800 $1,051,887 $411,787 5600.000 54b2200 51.062200 ($2, 262,189) ($207,842) ($110, 235) ($4,505) ($2, 584, 771) 50 $6,924,736 $9,468,780 $9,595,571 $8,728,144 $8,673,792 $476,442 $9,150,234 $16,452,576 7.609.91' 54.1 b?.666 1b?.666 57.411,239 57.411,239 $1,247,100 ($793,280) ($913,347) ($756,427 '~b01.B42) 4 8.442) (51.0'i044i $17.699.676 $6.816.638 $7.254.319 $7.411.2393609.597 56.333.155 Transfer to Gen Fund -IS Special Projects 1341 Allocation Breakdown: General Fund $115,982 Water & Sewer $10,735 Stormwater $2,040 Development Services $4,601 $133, 358 Transfer to Gen Fund - IS Records Mgmt 1342 Allocation Breakdown: General Fund $76,756 Water & Sewer $45,293 Development Services $22,645 Stormwater $5,147 Solid Waste $3,088 $152, 929 Transfer to Gen Fund - IS KIVA 1343 Allocation Breakdown: General Fund $53,553 Water & Sewer $19,835 Development Services $119,007 Stormwater $5,950 $198, 345 Equipment -General: Fluke Power Quality Analyzer $2,600 Utility Bed $12,300 Mobile Radios (3) $8,200 Generator60kw $38,000 $61,100 Vehicles: Ford Escape Hybrid (repl. #15) $25,000 F-250 (replace #5) $23,000 $48,000 Machinery: 6' Bushhog $4,000 Plants & Main: Sample taps for bact.&auto flushing devices (25) $25,000 CL17 for WTP#1 Non-repairable $4,000 LS Pressure Transducer $15,000 Storage Tank Repair WTP #1 (T2) $115,000 Replace ortho skid @WTP#1 $9,000 East Force Main Redesign $50,000 Corrision - Hydrotanks (2) $50,000 SR 46 Alt Water Study $75,000 $343,000 Data Processing: Personal Computer (2) $3,600 Laptop(InstTech) $2,500 $6,100 140 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET WATER & SEWER UTILITY -RENEWAL & REPLACEMENT - 3610 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES Transfer from Operating 3600 381602 (prev #380100) $347,100 $387,500 $387,500 $387,500 $200,000 $0 $200,000 TOTAL REVENUES $347,100 $387,500 $387,500 $387,500 $200,000 $0 $200,000 EXPENDITURES 62000 Buildings $3,737 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 62100 Plants and Main $0 $157,500 $157,500 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 64000 Equipment-General $6,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 65000 30030 CIP -Sewer Relining $198,105 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Total Capital $207,842 $372,500 $372,500 $265,000 $250,000 $0 $250,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $207,842 $372,500 $372,500 $265,000 $250,000 $0 $250,000 CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FUND EQUITY -October 1 $416,217 $429,317 $555,475 $555,475 $677,975 $677,975 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $139,258 $15,000 $15,000 $122,500 ($50,OOOj $0 ($50,000) FUND EQUITY -September 30 $555,475 $444,317 $570,475 $677,975 $627,975 $627,975 141 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 EXPENDITURES 62100 Plants and Main $13,746 $92,207 $0 $0 $0 $42,166 $42,166 64000 Equipment-General $3,859 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 65000 30113 Construction in Progress $92,630 $0 $115,166 $69,000 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $110,235 $92,207 $115,166 $69,000 $0 $46,166 $46,166 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $110,235 $92,207 $115,166 $69,000 $0 $46,166 $46,166 WATER & SEWER UTILITY -REVENUE GENERATION - 3620 CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FUND EQUITY -October 1 $225,401 $92,207 $115,166 $115,166 $46,166 $46,166 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND EQUITY -September 30 ($110,235) ($92,207) ($115,166) ($69,000) $0 ($46,166) ($46,166) $115,166 $0 $0 $46,166 $46,166 $0 Plants and Mains: SCADA Antenna Relocation $42,166 Equipment -General: Polymer Mixer- East WWTP $4,000 142 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Account Number Account Description REVENUES 361100 Interest Earned TOTAL REVENUES WATER & SEWER UTILITY - 2000 CONSTRUCTION - 3640 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget $42,474 $8,000 $8,000 $10,000 $3,100 $0 $3,100 $42,474 $8,000 $8,000 $10,000 $3,100 $0 $3,100 EXPENDITURES 53410 Contractual Services $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 65000 30039 CIP -Well #4 $4,505 $0 $0 $0 $207,000 $0 $207,000 65000 30043 CIP - Lk Jessup Water Study $0 $195,000 $195,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 65000 30053 CIP -Spine Rd Water Main $0 $215,000 $215,000 $0 $215,000 $0 $215,000 Total Capital $4,505 $410,000 $410,000 $25,000 $422,000 $0 $422,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,505 $410,000 $410,000 $30,000 $422,000 $0 $422,000 CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FUND EQUITY -October 1 $401,069 $402,269 $439,038 $439,038 $419,038 $419,038 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $37,969 ($402,000) ($402,000) ($20,000) ($418,900) $0 ($418,900) FUND EQUITY -September 30 $439,038 $269 $37,038 $419,038 $138 $138 143 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Personal Services $434,055 $606,685 $606,905 $410,914 $545,479 Operating Expenses $410,041 $558,759 $558,589 $335,115 $432,565 Transfers $712,799 $638,591 $642,979 $642,808 $615,874 Capital Outlay $2,290 $7,200 $7,150 $2,516 $3,900 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,559,185 $1,811,235 $1,815,623 $1,391,353 $1,597,818 Less Capitalized Expenditures ($2,290) ($7,200) ($7,150) ($2,516) ($3,900) Total Non-Capital Expenditures $1,556,895 $1,804,035 $1,808,473 $1,388,837 $1,593,918 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equi valent Units - FTEs) Building Plans and Inspections - 2410 Building Official 1 1 1 Building Inspector 1 1 1 Plans Examiner 2 2 1 4 4 3 Customer Service - 2411 Cust Service Mgr 1 1 1 Permit Specialist 3 3 3 Zoning & Permit Coordinator 1 1 1 Total 5 5 5 Delinquent Permits - 2412 Permit Specialist 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 10 10 9 144 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FUND -REV & EXP - 420 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES 322050 Permits- Plan Review $200,780 $450,000 $450,000 $250,000 S250 000 ~~ 550 000 322100 Building Permits $589,212 $950,000 $950,000 $600,000 ~-00.000 ~~ ~-00.000 322102 Reinspection Fees $520 $0 $0 $65 5300 ~~ 5300 329000 Other Licenses, Fees, & Permits $950 $1,000 $1,000 $900 51.100 ~~ 51.100 329100 Electrical Permits $28,384 $30,000 $30,000 $20,000 5~5 000 SJ S?5 000 329200 Plumbing Permits $45,358 $50,500 $50,500 $50,000 S65 000 ~~ 565.000 329300 Mechanical Permits $57,355 $60,000 $60,000 $45,150 545.000 ~~ 545.000 361100 Interest Earned $90,244 $38,500 $38,500 $52,000 511.300 ~~ 511.300 364100 Auction Proceeds $24 $0 $0 $150 SO SJ SJ 381100 Transfer from the Gen Fund - CD Admin $23,268 $24,431 $24,431 $24,431 5~5 653 ~~ o_~ ~~ 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $81 $0 $0 $0 SO TOTAL REVENUES $1,036,176 $1,604,431 $1,604,431 $1,042,696 $1,123,353 $0 $1,123,353 EXPENDITURES Division 2410 Plans and Inspections $970,764 $1,214,762 $1,214,522 $874,781 -'133 _ ~ S1 ~4-3I 2411 Customer Service $521,598 $517,544 $522,172 $439,393 S513 302 51.300 55'1460 2412 Delinquent Permits $64,533 $78,929 $78,929 $77,179 5%0.435 - Sio435 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,556,895 $1,811,235 $1,815,623 $1,391,353 $1,589,935 $7,883 $1,597,818 CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FUND EQUITY-October1 $1,911,612 S~ Oil 0~4 51 0+-00 51.33+-00 ~-,-+I J5I ~-+-+'I J5I Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($520,719) ($206,804) ($211,192) ($348,6571 7r~r~ X02 ,- o~ ~i i" 1 a a%51 FUND EQUITY -September 30 $1,390,893 $865,010 $1,128,516 $991,051 S524469 S5~6 506 Non-cash Adjustments: Depreciation (18,650) Compensated Absences $2,531 Total Adjustments ($16.119) Total Net Assets per CAFR 51 3i 4 % %4 145 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FUND EXPENDITURES -ALL DIVISIONS Account Number Account Description FY 06/07 Actual Original FY 07/08 Budget Revised FY 07/08 Budget Projected FY 07/08 Actual/Est Baseline FY 08/09 Budget New FY 08/09 Budget Total FY 08/09 Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $321,781 $434,375 $434,375 $293,438 $387,040 $2,340 $389,380 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 $889 $0 $889 51214 Overtime Salaries $5,384 $14,963 $14,963 $8,790 $6,579 $117 $6,696 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $23,351 $34,375 $34,595 $23,341 $30,254 $188 $30,442 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $38,498 $55,064 $55,064 $41,432 $53,008 $15 $53,023 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $5,962 $7,247 $7,247 $3,112 $5,280 $94 $5,374 52330 Pension Expense $39,079 $60,661 $60,661 $40,801 $59,306 $369 $59,675 Total Payroll $434,055 $606,685 $606,905 $410,914 $542,356 $3,123 $545,479 53111 Other Legal $210 $20,100 $20,100 $5,100 $10,100 $0 $10,100 53140 Pre-employment & Physical $115 $400 $400 $100 $400 $0 $400 53180 Consulting Services $0 $5,000 $5,000 $500 $5,000 $0 $5,000 53181 Consulting Services -Technical $380,865 $460,000 $460,000 $305,000 $310,000 $0 $310,000 53186 Outside Temp Services $1,417 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $2,000 $0 $2,000 53188 Contract Services $4,390 $6,000 $6,000 $0 $60,750 $0 $60,750 54010 Travel & Per Diem $528 $2,100 $2,100 $1,250 $2,100 $0 $2,100 54110 Telephones $2,167 $4,384 $4,164 $1,740 $4,680 $0 $4,680 54210 Postage $1,184 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,700 $0 $1,700 54501 Collection Service Fees $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $950 $950 $100 $950 $0 $950 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts $0 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $700 $0 $700 54650 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicle $187 $1,500 $1,500 $200 $1,000 $0 $1,000 54730 Printing Expense $604 $2,000 $2,000 $1,500 $2,000 $0 $2,000 54733 Scanning /Records Management $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $0 $500 54930 Classified Advertising $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $0 $100 55110 Office Supplies $1,481 $2,950 $2,950 $1,100 $2,050 $0 $2,050 55120 Computer/ Printer/ Fax Supplies $1,029 $3,700 $3,700 $2,200 $3,700 $0 $3,700 55210 Fuel & Oil $708 $8,000 $8,000 $1,500 $2,000 $0 $2,000 55220 Tires & Filters $0 $500 $500 $300 $500 $0 $500 55230 Operating Supplies $1,299 $4,450 $4,450 $2,000 $3,600 $0 $3,600 55240 Uniforms $1,097 $1,850 $1,850 $800 $1,200 $0 $1,200 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $1,244 $2,500 $2,500 $1,300 $2,500 $260 $2,760 55278 New Software $585 $1,000 $1,050 $1,025 $950 $600 $1,550 55410 Subscriptions $98 $775 $775 $100 $525 $0 $525 55411 Dues & Registrations $1,179 $2,700 $2,700 $1,500 $2,100 $0 $2,100 55430 Employee Development $9,654 $17,000 $17,000 $6,000 $10,500 $0 $10,500 Total Operating $410,041 $558,759 $558,589 $335,115 $431,705 $860 $432,565 58130 21341 Transfer to Gen Fund- IS Sp Proj $15,809 $4,842 $6,597 $6,597 $4,601 $0 $4,601 58130 21342 Transfer to Gen Fund- Rec Mgmt $51,827 $8,405 $11,038 $11,038 $22,645 $0 $22,645 58130 21343 Transfer to Gen Fund- KIVA/GIS $169,493 $125,040 $125,040 $125,040 $119,007 $0 $119,007 58130 21910 Transfer to Gen Fund-Operator $20,016 $21,867 $21,867 $21,696 $22,015 $0 $22,015 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Indirect Costs $164,962 $173,210 $173,210 $173,210 $181,870 $0 $181,870 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Com Dev Admin $213,467 $224,141 $224,141 $224,141 $235,348 $0 $235,348 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Fire Prevention $49,662 $52,145 $52,145 $52,145 $0 $0 $0 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Crossover Costs $27,563 $28,941 $28,941 $28,941 $30,388 $0 $30,388 Total Transfers $712,799 $638,591 $642,979 $642,808 $615,874 $0 $615,874 64100 Vehicles $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 64200 Data Processing Equipment $2,290 $4,200 $4,150 $2,516 $0 $3,900 $3,900 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $0 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Assets Transferred to Balance Sheet ($2,290) Total Capital $0 $7,200 $7,150 $2,516 $0 $3,900 $3,900 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,556,895 $1,811,235 $1,815,623 $1,391,353 $1,589,935 $7,883 $1,597,818 146 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget DEV SERV FUND -PLANS & INSPECTIONS - 2410 51210 Regular Salaries $175,029 $236,569 $236,569 $135,000 ~-9.029 .,2340 5191 1 ~9 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 ,. ~. 51214 Overtime Salaries $5,192 $7,469 $7,469 $3,000 ~~ ~~~ S~~T ~~ _~~ 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $12,875 $18,669 $18,889 $10,777 S 14 8T2 5l o0 5 I L Oro 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $13,600 $21,030 $21,030 $14,147 ~_~ ~~~ 515 S20 0%0 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $5,455 $6,663 $6,663 $2,634 54 T09 594 54.303 52330 Pension Expense $23,027 $32,945 $32,945 $18,630 529.153 S369 S29 522 Total Payroll $235,178 $323,345 $323,565 $184,188 ~~2T06 ~ 123 __ _~ 53111 Other Legal $210 $20,000 $20,000 $5,000 S 10 000 0 510.000 53140 Pre-employment & Physical $11 $200 $200 $100 ~_~~ ~ . _. . 53180 Consulting Services $0 $5,000 $5,000 $500 ~~ ~~~ ,~ 55.000 53181 Consulting Services -Technical $380,865 $460,000 $460,000 $305,000 5310 000 ~~ 5310.000 53188 Contract Services (Plans Review -County) $0 $0 $0 $0 S54 T50 o SL4 i 50 54010 Travel & Per Diem $107 $1,400 $1,400 $1,000 S I A00 0 51.400 54110 Telephones/Communications $2,167 $4,384 $3,924 $1,500 54.200 0 54200 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $500 $500 $100 ~'~~ ~ . 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts (soft, hard, phone) $0 $500 $500 $0 ~_~~ 0 5200 54650 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicle $187 $1,500 $1,500 $200 S 1000 0 51.000 54730 Printing Expense $161 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 51.000 0 51.000 54733 Scanning /Records Management $0 $500 $500 $500 ~'~~ ~ . 54930 Classified Advertising $0 $100 $100 $0 S 100 ~~ S 100 55110 Office Supplies $549 $1,500 $1,500 $500 51.000 0 51.000 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax Supplies $0 $2,500 $2,500 $1,600 ~_ '~ . ~ . _ _. . 55210 Fuel & Oil $708 $8,000 $8,000 $1,500 ~_ ~~~ 0 52.000 55220 Tires&Filters $0 $500 $500 $300 ~~~~ ~~ 5500 55230 Operating Supplies $453 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 _ '~:. , . _,_ _. . 55240 Uniforms $864 $1,200 $1,200 $500 ~~~~ ~~ 5300 55270 Small Tools &Equipment $965 $1,500 $1,500 $600 51.500 5260 5I ~ 00 55278 New Software $0 $600 $600 $600 ~~~~ S600 51.100 55410 Subscriptions $98 $500 $500 $100 ~_'~ ,. __. 55411 Dues & Registrations $897 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 S I a00 0 51.500 55430 Employee Development $2,360 $8,000 $8,000 $4,000 53.000 Total Operating $390,602 $523,384 $522,924 $327,100 5409.900 S860 54'10 ~ 00 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Indirect Costs $131,622 $138,203 $138,203 $138,203 S 145 113 0 5145.113 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Com Dev Admin $136,137 $142,944 $142,944 $142,944 S150.091 0 51 L0 09 I 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Fire Prevention $49,662 $52,145 $52,145 $52,145 ~ . ~ . ~. 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Crossover Costs $27,563 $28,941 $28,941 $28,941 530.300 530.388 Total Transfers $344,984 $362,233 $362,233 $362,233 ' '~ _ , . _ _ "_ 64200 Data Processing Equipment $2,290 $2,800 $2,800 $1,260 ,~ S2600 ~_ ~~~ 64300 Furniture/Office Equipment $0 $3,000 $3,000 $0 ~ . ~ . ~. Assets Transferred to Balance Sheet ($2,290) Total Capital $0 $5,800 $5,800 $1,260 ,~ 52.800 ~2 X00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $970,764 $1,214,762 $1,214,522 $874,781 $998,198 $6,583 $1,004,781 $260 Data Processing Equipment: Personal Computer (2) $2,600 Small Tools &Equipment: UPS battery back-up (2) Software: Microsoft Professional (2) $600 147 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET DEV SERV FUND -CUSTOMER SERVICE - 2411 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $125,276 $171,590 $171,590 $132,222 51 ~ 271 ~ 51 ~ 2 ~ 1 51214 Overtime Salaries $139 $6,183 $6,183 $4,479 51 X36 51 X36 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $9,132 $13,600 $13,600 $10,458 513A1~ 513.41 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $20,109 $27,338 $27,338 $20,589 56.469 526.469 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $434 $506 $506 $400 5498 S498 52330 Pension Expense $14,912 $24,000 $24,000 $18,455 5~6 X91 ~ X91 Total Payroll $170,002 $243,217 $243,217 $186,603 5241.512 50 5"41.512 53111 Other Legal $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 S100 53140 Pre-employment & Physical $104 $200 $200 $0 500 500 53186 Outside Serv-Temp Serv $1,417 $5,000 $5,000 $0 52.000 ~_ 53188 Contract Services $4,390 $6,000 $6,000 $0 56.000 56.000 54010 Travel & Per Diem $348 $500 $500 $250 5500 .~ 54110 Telephones/Communications $0 $0 $240 $240 5480 5400 54210 Postage $1,184 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 51.700 51.700 54501 Collection Service Fees $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 5100 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $300 $300 $0 5300 .~ 54633 Maint Agree & Contracts (soft, hard, phone) $0 $3,500 $3,500 $0 5500 500 54730 Printing Expense $443 $1,000 $1,000 $500 51.000 51.000 55110 Office Supplies $851 $1,000 $1,000 $500 5750 5; 50 55120 Computer /Printer /Fax Supplies $1,029 $1,200 $1,200 $600 51200 51200 55230 Operating Supplies $839 $1,800 $1,800 $500 51.000 51.000 55240 Uniforms $233 $500 $500 $250 5300 .~ 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $279 $1,000 $1,000 $700 51.000 SL000 55278 New Software $585 $300 $350 $350 5350 .~~ 55410 Subscriptions $0 $200 $200 $0 500 5-00 55411 Dues & Registrations $282 $1,000 $1,000 $500 5500 .~ 55430 Employee Development $6,874 $8,500 $8,500 $2,000 S2.000 S2~000 Total Operating $18,858 $33,400 $33,690 $7,790 520.180 50 50.180 58130 21341 Transfer to Gen Fund - IS Sp Proj $15,809 $4,842 $6,597 $6,597 54.601 54.601 58130 21342 Transfer to Gen Fund -Records Mgmt $51,827 $8,405 $11,038 $11,038 52645 ~ 645 58130 21343 Transfer to Gen Fund -KIVA/GIS $169,493 $125,040 $125,040 $125,040 5119.007 5119.00; 58130 21915 Transfer to Gen Fund -Operator (57%) $20,016 $21,867 $21,867 $21,696 5,2015 .2~ 01b 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund -Indirect Costs $22,342 $23,459 $23,459 $23,459 524 63~ 5~4.63~ 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund - Com Dev Admin $53,251 $55,914 $55,914 $55,914 558.710 558. ; 10 Total Transfers $332,738 $239,527 $243,915 $243,744 S2b1 610 50 5251.610 64200 Data Processing Equipment $0 $1,400 $1,350 $1,256 51.300 51.300 Total Capital $0 $1,400 $1,350 $1,256 50 51.300 S1 300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $521,598 $517,544 $522,172 $439,393 $513,302 $1,300 $514,602 T/fer to Gen Fund - IS Sp Proj 1341 ~ Allocation Breakdown: General Fund $115,982 Water & Sewer $10,735 Stormwater $2,040 Development Services $4,601 $133, 358 T/fer to Gen Fund - IS Records Mgmt 1 342 Transfer to Gen Fund - IS KI VA 1343 Allocation Breakdown: Allocation Breakdown: General Fund $76,756 General Fund $53,553 Water & Sewer $45,293 Water & Sewer $19,835 Development Services $22,645 Development Services $119,007 Stormwater $5,147 Stormwater $5,950 Solid Waste $3,088 $198,345 $152,929 rata Processing Equipment: Personal Computer (1) $1,300 148 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET DEV SERV FUND -DELINQUENT PERMIT FEES - 2412 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $21,476 $26,216 $26,216 $26,216 $25,494 $0 $25,494 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 51214 Overtime Salaries $53 $1,311 $1,311 $1,311 $255 $0 $255 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $1,344 $2,106 $2,106 $2,106 $1,970 $0 $1,970 52310 Health/Life Insurance/Dis Ins $4,789 $6,696 $6,696 $6,696 $6,484 $0 $6,484 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $73 $78 $78 $78 $73 $0 $73 52330 Pension Expense $1,140 $3,716 $3,716 $3,716 $3,862 $0 $3,862 Total Payroll $28,875 $40,123 $40,123 $40,123 $38,138 $0 $38,138 54010 Travel & Per Diem $73 $200 $200 $0 $200 $0 $200 54630 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment $0 $150 $150 $0 $150 $0 $150 55110 Office Supplies $81 $450 $450 $100 $300 $0 $300 55230 Operating Supplies $7 $150 $150 $0 $100 $0 $100 55240 Uniforms $0 $150 $150 $50 $100 $0 $100 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $0 $100 $100 $75 $100 $0 $100 55410 Subscriptions $0 $75 $75 $0 $75 $0 $75 55411 Dues & Registrations $0 $200 $200 $0 $100 $0 $100 55430 Employee Development $420 $500 $500 $0 $500 $0 $500 Total Operating $581 $1,975 $1,975 $225 $1,625 $0 $1,625 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund-Indirect Costs $10,998 $11,548 $11,548 $11,548 $12,125 $0 $12,125 58130 Transfer to Gen Fund- Com Dev Admin $24,079 $25,283 $25,283 $25,283 $26,547 $0 $26,547 Total Transfers $35,077 $36,831 $36,831 $36,831 $38,672 $0 $38,672 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $64,533 $78,929 $78,929 $77,179 $78,435 $0 $78,435 149 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET EXPENDITURES Personal Services Operating Expenses Transfers Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES Less Capitalized Expenditures Total Non-Capital Expenditures STORMWATER UTILITY -ALL DIVISIONS -OVERVIEW Original Revised Projected Total FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget $451,746 $512,869 $511,442 $479,992 $511,180 $305,468 $371,900 $405,927 $382,200 $387,750 $202, 088 $269, 478 $271, 033 $271, 033 $210, 542 $206,513 $190,000 $495,500 $510,000 $242,750 $1,165,815 $1,344,247 $1,683,902 $1,643,225 $1,352,222 ($206,513) ($190,000) ($495,500) ($510,000) ($242,750) $959,302 $1,154,247 $1,188,402 $1,133,225 $1,109,472 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL (in Full-Time Equivalent Units - FTEs) Operations - 3800 Team Leader 1 1 1 Maintanance Mechanic I 2 2 2 Maintenance Worker 3 2 2 Stormwater Technician - 1 1 Stormwater Utility Manager 1 1 1 7 7 7 Engineering - 3810 City Engineer 1 1 1 Eng Tech/Construction Inspector 1 1 1 2 2 2 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 9 9 9 150 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET STORMWATER FUND RECAP -430 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07108 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08109 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget REVENUES Operating: 343900 Fees Collected $1,027,403 $1,050,000 $1,050,000 $1,030,000 $1,035,000 $0 $1,035,000 361100 Interest Earned $39,581 $26,600 $26,000 $25,000 $8,350 $0 $8,350 364100 Auction $24 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering: 322700 Engineering Inspection Fee $42,505 $30,000 $30,000 $5,000 $15,000 $0 $15,000 381090 23810 Transfer from W&S - (Eng-20%) $42,614 $50,534 $50,534 $36,993 $39,073 $0 $39,673 381100 23810 Transfer from Gen Fund - (Eng-10%) $21,307 $25,267 $25,267 $18,496 $19,837 $0 $19,837 Special Projects: 331390 30131 NRCS Grant -Creek Clearing $0 $0 $270,000 $270,000 $0 $0 $0 369101 30131 Misc - HOA Contribution -Hacienda $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $1,173,494 $1,182,401 $1,482,401 $1,415,489 $1,117,860 $0 $1,117,860 EXPENDITURES Division 3800 Stormwater -Operating 3810 Stormwater -Engineering 3820 Stormwater -Special Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FUND EQUITY -October 1 Appropriation TO (FROIVQ Fund Balance FUND EQUITY -September 30 Non-cash Adjustments: Compensated Absences $1,500 Contributed Capital $150,137 Depreciation ($226,230) Asset Disposition ($778) Total Net Assets per CAFR $740,230 $1,091,577 $1,098,632 $1,000,002 $840,407 $238,450 $1,078, $213,072 $252,070 $285,270 $282,563 $269,005 $4,300 $273, 109.472 $242.750 Net Ases consist of: Cash - $1,018,893 Odh e r C urren t As sets - 54 ,30 Current Liabilities - /$12G004} Capi[a1 Assets net of related debt- $3.764.823 151 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS STORMWATER FUND EXPENDITURES -ALL DIVISIONS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $323,103 $348,046 $346,546 $327,987 5344.624 ~~ 5344.624 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $703 $4,123 $4,123 $3,391 ~ ~_- ~~ S3 52~ 51214 Overtime Salaries $6,561 $17,350 $17,350 $9,800 5'16Ji ~ ~~ S 16 T~'I 52110 F.LC.A. Taxes-City Portion $24,781 $28,269 $28,342 $26,217 S?~ 99I ~~ ~_'-99'I 52310 Health/Life Insurance $39,620 $44,658 $44,658 $44,658 543222 ~~ S43222 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $19,045 $20,538 $20,538 $20,538 520 I i % ~~ X20 1 ~ ~ 52330 Pension Expense $37,933 $49,885 $49,885 $47,401 554.068 S54 360 Total Payroll $451,746 $512,869 $511,442 $479,992 55~~ X00 ~~ 55~~ X00 53111 Other Legal $21,209 $40,000 $40,000 $30,000 540.000 ~~ S40 000 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $396 $500 $500 $400 5500 ~~ o~ 53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 ~~ 5100 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($36) $0 $0 $0 ~. 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,109 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 52.000 ~~ S2000 54110 Telephone/Communications $1,089 $1,700 $1,627 $1,400 51.400 ~~ S1 400 54210 Postage $125 $200 $700 $700 5500 ~~ o~ 54410 Equipment Rental $593 $1,000 $1,500 $1,500 51.500 ~~ S1500 54623 Repair & Maint. -Stormwater $81,374 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 540.000 ~~ S40 000 54630 Repair & Maint. -Equipment $9,139 $15,150 $15,150 $15,150 S~ 0 300 ~~ S 18 300 54640 Repair & Maint. -Communications $300 $300 $300 $300 5500 ~~ o~ 54650 Repair & Maint. -Vehicles $2,102 $3,500 $3,500 $3,300 54.500 ~~ S4 500 54682 Repair & Maint. -Grounds $32,398 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 536.000 ~~ S3r, 000 54693 Repair & Maint. -Stormwater Ponds $65,825 $93,000 $92,500 $85,000 590.000 ~~ ~~~ ~~~ 54920 Legal Advertising $0 $300 $1,300 $1,000 51.000 ~~ S 1000 55110 Office Supplies $284 $450 $450 $450 5450 ~~ 5450 55120 Computer/Printer/Fax $49 $100 $100 $100 5100 ~~ 5100 55210 Fuel & Oil $11,004 $13,500 $13,500 $12,700 51 ~ 200 ~~ S IT200 55220 Tires & Filters $1,641 $2,700 $2,700 $2,500 53.000 ~~ S3 000 55230 Operating Supplies $208 $600 $600 $600 5600 ~~ 5600 55240 Uniforms $1,733 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 52.600 ~~ S2600 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $10,520 $11,400 $11,400 $9,200 510.400 ~~ S 10 400 55280 Mosquito Chemicals $20,626 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 530.000 ~~ ~_~ ~~~ 55281 Herbicides $47 $1,300 $1,300 $1,000 51.300 ~~ S1300 55290 Protective Clothing $940 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 51.100 ~~ SI 100 55410 Subscriptions $15 $200 $200 $200 5200 ~~ 5200 55411 Dues & Registration $3,386 $4,000 $4,000 $3,500 54.000 ~~ S4 000 55430 Employee Development $1,508 $4,700 $4,700 $4,300 54.500 S4500 Total Operating $305,468 $371,900 $405,927 $382,200 53oi i50 ~~ ~_~--~~ Total Debt Service $0 $0 $0 $0 ~. ~. 58105 Transfer to W&S Fund -Admin Fees $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 56.000 ~~ S6 000 58130 Transfer to General -Admin Fee $82,907 $87,052 $87,052 $87,052 591.405 ~~ S91 405 58130 21341 Transfer to General -Special Projects $3,162 $1,614 $2,571 $2,571 52.040 ~ 52040 58130 21342 Transfer to General - IS Records Mgmt $5,294 $18,896 $19,494 $19,494 55.14% ~~ S5 14~ 58130 21343 Transfer to General - Kiva $4,725 $5,916 $5,916 $5,916 55.950 ~ 55.950 58161 Transfer to Capital Proj (Util/PW Facility) $100,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 5100.000 - 5100.000 Total Transfers $202,088 $269,478 $271,033 $271,033 5210.542 ~ 5210.542 63200 Stormwater System $156,137 $0 $0 $0 ~. 64000 Equipment-General $40,572 $0 $0 $0 ~~ X30 450 :;38.450 64200 Data Processing Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 ~~ 54.300 S4 300 64400 Machinery $0 $0 $0 $0 ~~ X60000 ~~~~~~ 65000 30046 CIP -Canal Piping (Flamingo to Moss) $6,000 $75,000 $80,500 $95,000 65000 30068 CIP -Curb Inlet Replacements $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 ~ ~-,000 55.000 65000 30073 CIP - Underdrains $0 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 ~ 515.000 515.000 65000 30122 CIP - Mt. Laurel $3,804 $0 $0 $30,000 65000 CIP - (See list below) $0 $95,000 $395,000 $365,000 50 51'=0.000 5~ 20.000 Transfer to Balance Sheet ($206,513) Total Capital $0 $190,000 $495,500 $510,000 ~~ 5242.%50 S242 ~ 50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $959,302 $1,344,247 $1,683,902 $1,643,225 $1,109,472 $242,750 $1,352,222 152 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET STORMWATER -OPERATING - 3800 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06107 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 07108 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08109 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget ActuallEst Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $197,170 $220,059 $218,559 $200,000 S213275 SO 5213.276 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $703 $1,694 $1,694 $962 S1 001 SO 51.001 51214 Overtime Salaries $5,156 $15,170 $15,170 $8,000 S14505 SO S14506 52110 F.LC.A.Taxes-City Portion $15,454 $18,125 $18,125 $16,000 517.502 SO S1Z502 52310 Health/Life Insurance $28,318 $32,803 $32,803 $32,803 S31 %31 SO S31 731 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $12,193 $15,464 $15,464 $15,464 514. 932 SO S14 932 52330 Pension Expense $21,622 $31,984 $31,984 $29,500 534317 SO S34317 Total Payroll $280,616 $335,299 $333,799 $302,729 ~~_-__~ ~ ~,_-.265 53111 Other Legal $21,209 $40,000 $40,000 $30,000 540.000 540.000 53140 Pre-Employment/Physicals $396 $500 $500 $400 5500 S500 53411 Bank Service Charges $0 $100 $100 $100 5100 S100 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss ($3ii) $0 $0 $0 50 54010 Travel & Per Diem $1,047 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 51.000 S1 000 54110 Telephone/Communications $117 $200 $200 $200 5200 S200 54210 Postage $41 $100 $600 $600 5400 S400 54410 Equipment Rental $593 $1,000 $1,500 $1,500 51.500 S1 500 54623 Repair & Maint. -Stormwater $81,374 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 540.000 540.000 54630 Repair & Maint. -Equipment $9,128 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 518.000 518.000 54640 Repair & Maint. -Communications $300 $300 $300 $300 5500 S500 54650 Repair& Maint. -Vehicles $1,795 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 S4 000 SO S4 000 54682 Repair & Maint. -Grounds $32,398 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 536.000 536.000 54693 Repair & Maint. -Stormwater Ponds $65,825 $93,000 $92,500 $85,000 S90 000 5 ±0.000 54920 Legal Advertising $0 $300 $1,300 $1,000 51.000 S1 000 55110 Office Supplies $220 $300 $300 $300 5300 S300 55120 Computer/PrintedFax $49 $100 $100 $100 5100 SO S100 55210 Fuel & Oil $9,365 $12,000 $12,000 $11,000 SL5 000 SO S15 000 55220 Tires & Filters $1,641 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 S2500 SO 53.500 55230 Operating Supplies $208 $500 $500 $500 S500 SO 5500 55240 Uniforms $1,617 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 52.200 SO 3200 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $10,508 $11,000 $11,000 $9,000 510.000 SO 510.000 55280 Mosquito Chemicals $20,626 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 530.000 SO 530.000 55281 Herbicides $47 $1,300 $1,300 $1,000 S1300 SO S1300 55290 Protective Clothing $844 $900 $900 $900 S900 SO S900 55410 Subscriptions $15 $100 $100 $100 S100 SO S100 55411 Dues & Registration $2,931 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 S3 000 SO S8 000 55430 Employee Development $1,268 $3,700 $3,700 $3,500 S3500 SO 53..500 TotalOperating $263,526 $296,800 $298,300 $276,900 S302600 SO S302600 Total DebtService $0 $0 $0 $0 50 SO SO 58105 Transfer to W & S Fund -Admin Fees (prev #59205) $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 S6 000 SO 55.000 58130 Transfer to General Fund -Admin Fee $82,907 $87,052 $87,052 $87,052 S91 A05 SO S91 405 58130 21341 Transfer to General Fund -Special Projects $3,162 $1,614 $2,571 $2,571 S2040 SO 52.040 58130 21342 Transfer to General Fund - IS Records Mgmt $5,294 $18,896 $19,494 $19,494 S5 147 SO S5 147 58130 21343 Transfer to General Fund - Kiva $4,725 $5,916 $5,916 $5,916 S5 950 SO 55.950 58161 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (Utility/PW Facility) $100,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 S100 000 5100.000 Total Transfers $202,088 $269,478 $271,033 $271,033 S210 542 ~ 5210.542 63200 Stormwater System $156,137 $0 $0 $0 50 64000 Equipment-General $40,572 $0 $0 $0 38.450 538.450 64400 Machinery $0 $0 $0 $0 S60,000 560.000 65000 30046 CIP -Canal Piping (Flamingo to Moss) $6,000 $75,000 $80,500 $95,000 50 SO SO 65000 30068 CIP -Curb Inlet Replacements $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 50 55.000 55.000 65000 30073 CIP - Underdrains $0 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 50 SL5 000 S15 000 65000 30122 CIP - Mt. Laurel $3,804 $0 $0 $30,000 50 SO SO 65000 CIP - (See list below) $0 $95,000 $95,000 $65,000 50 SY20,OOu 5120 OOu Transfer to Balance Sheet ($206,513) Total Capital $0 $190,000 $195,500 $210,000 50 5238.450 ~_38A50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $746,230 $1,091,577 $1,098,632 $1,060,662 $840,407 $238,450 $1,078,857 Tlfer to Gen Fund - IS Records Mgmt 1342 Equipment -General: Machinery: Allocation Breakdown: Backhoe Knuckle $18,000 Skid Steer Loader $60,000 General Fund $76,756 Vacuum Trailer $14,000 Water&Sewer $45,293 Trash Pump $3,000 CIP: Development Services $22,645 Bush Hog $2,200 Cr eek Dredging $35,000 Stormwater $5,147 Truck Crane 1 250 WR Replacement $30,000 Solid Waste $3,088 $38,450 TMDL Water Quality 55 000 $152,929 $120,000 Tlfer to Gen Fund - IS Sp Proj 1341 Transfer to Gen Fund - IS KIVA 1343 Allocation Breakdown: Allocation Breakdown: General Fund $115,982 General Fund $53,553 Water&Sewer $10,735 Water&Sewer $19,835 Stormwater $2,040 Development Services $119,007 Development Services $4,601 Stormwater $5,950 $133,358 $198,345 153 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET STORMWATER -ENGINEERING - 3810 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget 51210 Regular Salaries $125,933 $127,987 $127,987 $127,987 $131,348 $0 $131,348 51210 Sick Leave Purchase $0 $2,429 $2,429 $2,429 $2,526 $0 $2,526 51214 Overtime Salaries $1,405 $2,180 $2,180 $1,800 $2,265 $0 $2,265 52110 F.I.C.A. Taxes-City Portion $9,327 $10,144 $10,217 $10,217 $10,489 $0 $10,489 52310 Health/Life Insurance $11,302 $11,855 $11,855 $11,855 $11,491 $0 $11,491 52320 Workers' Comp. Insurance $6,852 $5,074 $5,074 $5,074 $5,245 $0 $5,245 52330 Pension Expense $16,311 $17,901 $17,901 $17,901 $20,551 $0 $20,551 Total Payroll $171,130 $177,570 $177,643 $177,263 $183,915 $0 $183,915 53180 Consulting (from #3800 in'07) $37,837 $65,000 $97,600 $97,600 $75,000 $0 $75,000 54010 Travel & Per Diem $62 $1,500 $1,500 $500 $1,000 $0 $1,000 54110 Telephone/Communications $972 $1,500 $1,427 $1,200 $1,200 $0 $1,200 54210 Postage $84 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 54630 Repair & Maint. -Equipment $11 $150 $150 $150 $300 $0 $300 54650 Repair & Maint. -Vehicles $307 $500 $500 $300 $500 $0 $500 54730 Printing Expense $47 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 55110 Office Supplies $64 $150 $150 $150 $150 $0 $150 55210 Fuel & Oil $1,639 $1,500 $1,500 $1,700 $2,200 $0 $2,200 55220 Tires & Filters $0 $500 $500 $300 $500 $0 $500 55230 Operating Supplies $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 55240 Uniforms $116 $400 $400 $400 $400 $0 $400 55270 Small Tools & Equipment $12 $400 $400 $200 $400 $0 $400 55278 New Software - (System) $0 $800 $800 $800 $800 $0 $800 55290 Protective Clothing $96 $200 $200 $200 $200 $0 $200 55410 Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 55411 Dues & Registration $455 $1,000 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $0 $1,000 55420 Operational Books $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 $100 55430 Employee Development $240 $1,000 $1,000 $800 $1,000 $0 $1,000 Total Operating $41,942 $75,100 $107,627 $105,300 $85,150 $0 $85,150 Total Debt Service $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers 64200 Data Processing Equipment Total Capital TOTAL EXPENDITURES Data Processing: Personal Computer (1) Laptop $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,300 $4,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,300 $4,300 $213,072 $252,670 $285,270 $282,563 $269,065 $4,300 $273,365 Less consulting ($75,000) $1,800 Allocation basis 2 500 $4,300 Stormwater Water & Sewer $198,365 70°k $138,856 20°k $39,673 154 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET STORM WATER -SPECIAL PROJECTS - 3820 Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY 08109 FY 08/09 Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est Budget Budget Budget Total Payroll $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Operating $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Debt Service $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 65000 30131 CIP -Gee Creek Bank Stabilization NRCS $0 $0 $300,000 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $300,000 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $300,000 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 155