HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2004 06 03 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JUNE 3, 2004
The Workshop of Thursday, June 3, 2004 of the City Commission was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 6:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, arrived at 6:03 p.m.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, arrived at 6:03 p.m.
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, arrived at 6:04 p.m.
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Prior to the Budget discussions, discussion ensued on possible dates for the Advisory
Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner. Mayor Bush stated, "We want to make sure
that we are all there this time, we had some people out last time." Mayor Bush added,
"We need to pick a date that we all can be there for."
Commissioner David W McLeod arrived at 6:03 p.m.
City Manager Ronald W McLemore arrived at 6:03 p.m.
With discussion, it was determined that a Saturday evening would be best; and Mayor
Bush suggested to City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, "Why don't you get some
September dates." A tentative date was set for August 28th, 2004. City Clerk Lorenzo-
Luaces added, "If that is not available, then I will come back to you with dates in
September. Is that acceptable?" Mayor Bush stated, "Yes."
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese arrived at 6:04 p.m.
1. Office Of The City Manager
Budget Review.
Discussion ensued on allowing Public Input during Budget Workshops.
Manager McLemore introduced the Budget discussions.
Fire Department:
Fire Chief Tim J. Lallathin addressed the City Commission.
Tape I/Side B
Commissioner Michael S. Blake said, "If you look back Ron [McLemore] - when we
decided and I think it was '97 - when we actually went from a test operation to the
determination that we were going to stay in the [Medical] Transport business, and we had
certain policies that we put in place when we made that decision. I think maybe we need
to revisit those." Furthermore, Commissioner Blake stated, "When it comes down to
Medical Transport, I don't think that is one of the areas we ought to be raising revenue."
With discussion, Commissioner McLeod said to Chief Lallathin, "You have done an
outstanding job with this." Mayor Bush then said, "If the Commission wants more
information on this - the Chief and the Manager need plenty of time to put it together."
Community Development Department:
Manager McLemore introduced this Budget. With discussion, Manager McLemore
stated, "There are some increases in here related to our Agreement when she [Ms. Eloise
Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department] came
on board - that we would make sure she kept up her educational requirements for
Certification of Landscape Architect, once she got certified in Florida - and she is now
pursuing her Certificate in Urban Planning."
Manager McLemore added, "I really have to commend John [Baker, AICP, Senior
Planner, Community Development Department] and Eloise [Sahlstrom] because they
have really put some hours in these last couple of years trying to keep the Town Center
moving forward and the other things they have to do."
With further discussion on Staffing, Mayor Bush stated, "In going back to these
comments about Eloise [Sahlstrom], and it is commendable that she is taking these steps
to further her education, but at some point, she is going to have enough credentials - she
is not going to work for what we are paying her - are we considering building that in, so
that when people do complete Certifications that increase their value to the City, that they
would be compensated accordingly - so that instead of saying - go look and find another
job, we are not going to pay any more, even though you have done all this work?"
Manager McLemore responded, "We will evaluate that when it occurs."
Mayor Bush added, "Why would we want to educate somebody, just to lose them, if we
are not building into the fact that if they are going to do this, we need to be able to -
compensate them accordingly." Manager McLemore stated, "We will." Mayor Bush
then said, "Pay them what they are worth." Furthermore, Manager McLemore said, "By
the time she gets her Urban Certification, we are definitely going to have to consider
that." Mayor Bush added, "Good, I think we should."
Commissioner McLeod said to Mr. Baker, "I do want to thank Mr. Baker - you folks
have done an outstanding job in the last couple of years. Thank you." Commissioner
Blake added, "You really have." Additionally, Commissioner Blake then said to Mr.
Baker, "You are the first guy to actually read and understand the six (6) criteria."
Commissioner Sally McGinnis added, "Yes."
Commissioner Blake then stated, "Do we have an employee that enjoys his job anymore
than Mike Mingea?" Mayor Bush added, "Mike [Mingea] does a good job!"
Commissioner Blake added, "He does!" Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "I have a
few people - every time that there is a Tree Cutting Service out, I get a call - a lot of
them; and do you know that Michael Mingea calls all those people." Commissioner
McGinnis added, "They are so pleased - he is a good employee! I think he is underpaid."
Information Services Department:
Ms. Joanne Dalka, Director, Information Services Department gave a brief presentation.
Tape 2/Side A
Ms. Dalka continued with her presentation and stated, "I wanted to upgrade the
[Commission] Chambers projectors." Commissioner Blake said, "Is it the projector or
the camera - the camera is not the issue - why we can't - get clear pictures?" Ms. Dalka
said, "So, if that is a request, I can surely look into that." Commissioner Blake added, "I
just know that during Commission Meetings, when people put stuff down on the table to
be seen - at the County it is much clearer; at the School Board it is much clearer."
Furthermore, Commissioner Blake said, "Whatever it is, I think we need a higher level of
functionality." Commissioner Robert S. Miller said, "Definitely, maximum functionality.
I compliment you [Ms. Dalka] by the way - and your presentation."
Mayor Bush then said, "Going back to what Commissioner Blake said, I agree that the
quality - of this needs to be approved, because it is what the people sitting out there -
they cannot see it any better than we can." Mayor Bush then said, "Whatever it is, it
needs to be fixed." Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I am happy with it."
Next, Mayor Bush said, "What about the City becoming an Internet Provider?"
Discussion ensued on it being a source of revenue; along with the issue of Wireless
Access. Commissioner Blake inquired, "At a minimum, can we just get either wired or
Wireless Access to the Internet?" With discussion on access and upcoming projects,
Mayor Bush said, "I think the Commission having access to data is just as important."
Ms. Dalka asked, "Would you like for me to amend the Plan?" Commissioner McGinnis
answered, "No." Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore said, "No." Mayor Bush then
summarized that "We are not going to rewrite your Plan or anything right now. I think
the concerns though are valid." Additionally, Commissioner Blake said to Ms. Dalka,
"Excellent presentation."
Police Department:
Discussion ensued with Chief of Police Daniel J. Kerr.
Commissioner McLeod stated, "Thanks Chief - keep doing a good job!"
Finance Department:
Commissioner Blake inquired, "How do we handle our FA [Financial Advisor] now? Is
it under Consulting Services as opposed to on a Retainer schedule." Manager McLemore
stated, "I am going to have to check that out."
Discussion ensued with Ms. Michelle Greco, Director, Finance Department and Ms.
Kelly Balagia, Budget Analyst, Finance Department.
Next, Commissioner Blake asked, "Where are we on Electronic Payment and Electronic
Billing?" With brief discussion, Commissioner Blake commented that regarding
technology, "Isn't the real answer that we need to revisit our Technology Budget and
Plan again." Manager McLemore said, "I'd be more than happy to discuss that at the
next Meeting." Commissioner Blake said, "Okay."
Tape 2/Side B
Commissioner Gilmore spoke of Finance Department Line Codes such as "Repair &
Maintenance - Equip."; "Maint. Agree & Contracts"; and "Small Tools & Equipment".
Manager McLemore said to Commissioner Gilmore, "I think we can - do that - sit down
with you and go over those, item by item." With further discussion on equipment and
contracts, Manager McLemore said to Commissioner Gilmore, "If you will come in, we
will spend some time with you and go over all of these Contracts with you."
Commissioner Gilmore said, "Sometime, I will do that."
Mayor Bush called a recess at 8:32 p.m.
Mayor Bush called the Meeting back at 8:53 p.m.
Legal Services:
The next topic of discussion involved Legal Services. With discussion, Commissioner
Blake stated, "What Anthony [Garganese, City Attorney] has done for us over his - five
(5) year tenure here, I think is nothing short of topnotch Legal Services." Commissioner
Blake added, "I think we will all agree that what Anthony [Garganese] and his Firm have
done for us over those five (5) years, at a very favorable rate, is exactly what we needed
to have done - so I appreciate that service."
Commissioner Miller stated, "We can probably agree at one hundred and fifty dollars
($150.00)." With discussion, Mayor Bush said, "The Manager is recommending one
hundred and fifty ($150.00). I think everybody has concurred with that. Is that true?"
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "Yes." Commissioner McLeod responded, "I have to
agree with what the Commissioner said - and sitting here before, and the service Anthony
[Garganese] that you have given; and the fact that you come back and - give us the
answers on things - I do appreciate that, and I am glad to have you aboard."
Commissioner Blake stated, "It is just really difficult to get the word out when - there is
good news. So what I am asking the Commission is - I just think - somehow we need to
address this. We do not have a Publications person on staff, do we?"
With discussion, Commissioner McGinnis suggested, "We could consider a more
regularly scheduled publication to the people that would tell what is going on."
Attorney Garganese departed the Workshop at 9:05 p.m.
Further discussion.
Commissioner Miller stated, "I happen to agree with the Mayor - but it is really a matter
to me of presentation. I think some of our Newsletters have been the most - boring."
Commissioner Miller added, "It is just not interesting. It is presentation!" Commissioner
Blake added, "I agree with that." Furthermore, Commissioner Miller noted, "I think we
need a major overhaul on the presentation."
Mayor Bush said, "What I would want to do is number one, with the Commission's
consent, to move ahead - get some bids from some people - and let some people that are
in the business tell us what they think we should do, and then the Commission would
make the decision."
Commissioner McGinnis spoke about the Orlando Sentinel and said to Manager
McLemore, "Have you ever met with the Editorial Board of the Seminole County Desk?"
With discussion, Commissioner McGinnis suggested that Manager McLemore sit down
with them and ask for their support.
Mayor Bush then stated, "I agree with Ron [McLemore] on this - and I have talked
informally with some of these people and I have told them what we are spending."
Mayor Bush suggested, "I really think that we could say to them right now, you have got
forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) - we want to do a better job. This is how much
money we have got, and they will come up with a plan." Furthermore, I would like to try
it, but - the Commission is going to have to say we need to change the way we are doing
Regarding the present Newsletter, Mayor Bush said, "It reads like a Commission Agenda
- and that is boring, extremely boring. You need more pictures in it." Commissioner
McLeod suggested, "Maybe the next one, you announce what you are going to do in the
future, and still send out one more."
Furthermore, Mayor Bush stated, "I don't think we need more money." Commissioner
McLeod suggested, "Why don't we make an Agenda Item out of this." Mayor Bush
added, "It is changing the way we spend the money." Commissioner McGinnis agreed
and said, "Yes." Mayor Bush stated, "Ron [McLemore] and I will work on that and
come back with something here in a future Meeting on how - that might be spent
Commissioner Gilmore stated, "I support what you are doing. I think sometimes pushing
these types of things off on to the staff is - it is not appropriate. They are not news
people, they don't have the contacts in the community." Commissioner Gilmore added,
"The Commission should give you enough money to allow you to do the job and do it
right. With this Town Center coming up here, I think we need to tell the community
more about it and - the message is not necessarily getting there; so I support more than
forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00)."
Next, Commissioner Miller said, "If you can come back with something in a couple of
weeks, we could probably allocate whatever it takes; but I think until we know what the
number is - Commissioner Gilmore says, he is not going to do it for forty thousand
dollars ($40,000.00) - I don't know what the number is. So, I think you need to let us
know pretty quick." Manager McLemore added, "You have got until September."
Commissioner Miller then said, "If you have a better way to do it Ron [McLemore] - I
would be interested in hearing it." Commissioner Blake added, "I agree with the Mayor
that I think it is really important that we get as much information about the great things
that are happening in Winter Springs out to the public." Furthermore, Commissioner
Blake suggested that in regards to the City's Newsletter, "To move this along is - I don't
know that we really need any more money in the Line Item at this point in time. I think
that the quarterly Newsletter - we could chop that down to one (1) page - perhaps one (1)
page, front and back, and do it monthly - just one (1) page." Commissioner Blake added,
"I don't like to see Gambling Cruises on it, by the way. I think that causes a problem."
In addition, Commissioner Blake recommended that "We could use the Water Bill to put
that out, every month, and save all the postage. We have got the folder and stuff that is
supposed to handle the extra page. I don't know why we can't do something like that,
and then have additional money for some other efforts."
Moreover, Commissioner Blake said, "We need to be more proactive with Press Releases
to the newspaper, whether it be the [Orlando] Sentinel or the Herald or whatever. We
need to be more proactive in our Press Releases to all the other news media, whether it be
radio, TV, for Special Events that are going on."
Tape 3/Side A
Manager McLemore added, "I am meeting with the Editor next week in fact." With
further discussion, Commissioner McGinnis suggested, "It could be to the advantage of
what we are trying to accomplish - I also think you can generate as many Press Releases
and then you follow up with a phone call, and say, did you get my Press Release? I think
we can start getting some Press Releases out." Mayor Bush summarized that, "I feel that
we have the consensus here to look at solving this problem in a different way. We will
bring it back to the Commission with some options and then you all will decide what is
going to happen." Commissioner Miller added, "Make it so." Commissioner McLeod
pointed out, "You have got July and August to have the Manager come back to us."
Office Of The City Manager:
Brief discussion.
Office Of The City Clerk:
General Services Department:
With discussion on "Reference Library Expense," Commissioner Blake said, "All those
things are available on the Internet aren't they, so can't we subscribe to a service there,
and that way all the employees can use it from wherever they happen to be?" Manager
McLemore responded, "That's possible." Commissioner Blake then suggested, "Why
don't we look into that." Manager McLemore added, "I can look and see what is
available on disc."
Next, Commissioner Blake inquired, "Can't we put a Lighting District in the Town
Center District?" Manager McLemore explained, "Yes we can. In fact, we have put into
our Agreements that we reserve the right to put in Assessment Districts around the Town
Center." With further discussion, Commissioner Blake said, "Everywhere else in the
City we have a standard, and when we developed that standard, did we leave space in
there to treat different places in the City differently? In the language where we set the
standard about how much money we were going to payor contribute to Streetlighting -
you have got concrete poles, cobra heads, and we just in fact adjusted it recently to
wherever it was, eleven dollars ($11.00) or so, but in that Policy, in fact I think it is a
Resolution that we put out, are we treating like situations differently?" With discussion,
Commissioner Blake stated, "I think we need to look at it."
Commissioner Blake added, "I do have a concern about our Policy that is in place. I
think we leave ourselves open for some other neighborhood to come in and say, here is
your Policy, and you are not following it."
Next, discussion ensued on Holiday decorations. Commissioner McGinnis said, "I think
we have very tacky decorations - I would sure like to see something uniform and
attractive." Furthermore, Commissioner McGinnis said, "I would like to see that go to -
not just the BOWS [Beautification of Winter Springs Board] - because I don't think that
is the relevant place for it, but maybe a Committee chosen just for that." Mayor Bush
said, "I had never really thought about it, but I agree with you."
Commissioner Blake said, "I like the old time feel of what we have done so far. I think it
is what a lot of people grew up with seeing in their communities and it kind of brings
back that bit of nostalgia. But, in terms of spending money on new stuff, updating
everything else - I would be in favor of not spending any money at all this year, and
putting that towards two (2) years or three (3) years out when the Town Center gets more
developed to having a bigger - war chest; to go out there and do something really special
for the Town Center and really focus on dressing up the Town Center for the Holidays."
Furthermore, Commissioner Blake suggested, "I think the flags or the banners that go on
the - decorative light poles that we are paying more money for, and having some - real
well thought out, cohesive theme." Commissioner McGinnis added, "Yes." Mayor Bush
said, "I think Commissioner Blake has - another good idea."
Next, Commissioner Blake suggested that regarding funding for this suggestion, "Put it in
a special Fund." Commissioner Blake clarified that "What I was saying was not to stop
putting up the lights every year. I am saying do not buy anything new - do not repair, do
not replace now." Commissioner McGinnis added, "I like Commissioner Blake's idea -
put the money in an account; let it sit, and we not replace." Manager McLemore
suggested, "Let us get you some more information." Commissioner Blake said, "Put it
on as an Agenda Item. Mayor Bush then stated, "Let's leave it like it is for right now."
Commissioner Gilmore remarked, "I think that we should consider another person in
there, because if you don't have somebody in there - if you don't have somebody looking
at all this plant material that is out there, it is going to cost us more money to replace it,
than the person that is looking at it." Mayor Bush asked, "Is the rest of the Commission
in agreement with Commissioner Gilmore on this - that the Manager is to put it back in
the Budget?" Commissioner Blake said, "I think the Manager's recommendation makes
sense that we have got some time on this - this is a July question."
Discussion ensued on holding another Budget Workshop. With discussion, Mayor Bush
said, "June the 10th_ at 6 o'clock - 6:30 [p.m.]?" Commissioner McGinnis stated,
"Okay." Commissioner Gilmore said, "I won't be here, but if you want, I can do it by
phone." Mayor Bush said to Commissioner Miller, "You are here on the 10th?"
Commissioner Miller responded, "Yes, I will be here." Mayor Bush summarized, "Let's
do the 10th [of June] - we will do it by telephone for those that can't be here." Mayor
Bush said to Commissioner Gilmore, "Andrea [Lorenzo-Luaces] will call you." Then,
Manager McLemore suggested to Commissioner Gilmore, "If you will come in, I would
like for you to sit down with the two (2) Department Heads and let's walk through it with
you." Commissioner Gilmore remarked, "Alright, I will do that." In conclusion, Mayor
Bush noted, "10th [ of June] at 6:30 p.m."
_., Mayor Bush adjourned the Workshop at approximately 10:00 p.m.
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