HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 07 14 Informational 101 Status Report On EAR and Compliance with Statutory MandatesCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 101
July 14, 2008
Regular Meeting
Informational X
Public Hearing
Mgr. / ept.
REQUEST: The Community Development Department, Planning Division wishes to provide
the City Commission with a Status Report on the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) and
with the City's Compliance with other Statutory Mandates.
PURPOSE: The Planning Division wishes to provide the City Commission with a Status
Report on the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) and with the City's Compliance with other
Statutory Mandates.
The recent 2008 Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Legislative Update included a
presentation by Charles Gauthier, Director of the Division of Community Planning, Florida
Department of Community Affairs on the Status of Comprehensive Plan Amendments and
Statutory Planning Responsibilities.
We are pleased to report that Winter Springs is one of the few local governments to be found in
Compliance as highlighted below.
/ 10-Year Water Supply Work Plan
Winter Springs transmitted its Potable Water Supply Sub-Element including the 10-Year Water
Supply Work Plan to the DCA on April 25, 2007. Subsequently, the City received the DCA's
Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report on July 2, 2008, which included NO
OBJECTIONS. The Plan was then Adopted by the City Commission on July 23, 2007, satisfying
the statutory deadline of August 7, 2007.
/ Winter Springs is one of only sixteen (16 local governments who have had their 10-Year
Water Supply Work Plan to be found "In Compliance" with the statutory requirements
Additionally, the DCA has posted and recommended the City's 10-Year Water Supply
Work Plan and transmittal as a Prototype for other communities to follow
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10-Year Water Supply Work Plans
®Number of Water
Supply Plans Due
^Number of Water
Supply Plans
^ In Compliance
Not in
/ Public Education (Schools) Facilities Element
Winter Springs transmitted its Public Education (Schools) Facilities Element to the DCA on
September 13, 2007. Subsequently, the City received the DCA's Objections, Recommendations
and Comments (ORC) Report on November 19, 2007. It included only minor objections. The
largest obstacle was that the DCA ORC Report on the Inter-Local Agreement transmitted by
Seminole County, would not occur until late December, which meant that all of the local
governments within Seminole County would not be able to Adopt their Public Education
(Schools) Facilities Element prior to the deadline of January 1, 2008.
As a result of the ORC Report on the Inter-Local Agreement, the Agreement also had to be
Amended by every local government within Seminole County. Despite these obstacles, the
Element and Amended Inter-Local Agreement was Adopted at the earliest possible date (January
14, 2008), just a few days past the statutory mandated deadline.
/ Winter Springs is one of only forty-one 41 local governments who have had their Public
Education (Schools) Facilities Element to be found "In Compliance" with the statutory
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Public Education Facilities Elements
Number of
PEFE's Due
^ N umber of
PEFE's Submitted
^ In Compliance
Not in
/ Timely Adoption of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)
Winter Springs submitted its Adopted EAR to the DCA on April 17, 2008, well in advance of the
statutory deadline of May 1, 2008. Subsequently, the City received notice from the DCA on June
23, 2008, that the DCA has determined the EAR to be Sufficient pursuant to Section
163.3191(2). The DCA also commended the City's efforts in preparation of the EAR and
indicated support for many of the recommendations made in the EAR.
/ Winter Springs is once again in compliance with the statutory re uirements, having
secured timely adoption of our EAR
EAR-Based Comprehensive Plan Amendments
The City now begins the preparation of the EAR-Based Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The
statutory deadline for this Adoption of the EAR-Based Comprehensive Plan Amendments is 18
months after the determination of Sufficiency for the EAR or no later than December 14, 2009.
Capital Improvement Element Update
The Capital Improvement Element is required to be updated and submitted to the DCA by
December 1, 2008 with supporting data and analysis on the status of each Level of Service as
defined and mandated by the Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, it is required to include a
financially feasible Five-Year Capital Improvements Schedule with the first three years with
secured funded. Staff is currently working on the Capital Improvement Element Update.
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New Legislation
New legislation passed by the 2008 legislature and recently signed by Governor Crist requires
each local government to add Goals. Objectives and Policies to their Comprehensive Plan
requiring the reduction of Energy Consumption and the lowering of Carbon emissions. Further
discussion will be included on this in our upcoming LEED workshop scheduled for July 21, 2008.
Penalties by the DCA for those Local Governments not in Compliance
Sanctions are imposed by the DCA upon those local governments that do not comply with the
statutory deadlines. These sanctions include prohibiting the local government from Transmitting
and Adopting any Comprehensive Plan Amendments, until the local government is found in
Local Governments Prohibited from.
Comprehensive Plan .~-mendments
^ Failure to Adopt Public
Education Facilities
® Failure to Comply with
School Siting
^ Failure to Adopt 2nd
^ 2nd EAR Found
^ Failure io Adopt 2nd
^ Failure to Adopt 1st
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