HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2004 02 02 City Commission Workshop Minutes
The Workshop of Monday, February 2,2004 of the City Commission was called to order
by Deputy Mayor Edward Martinez, Jr. at 6:31 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Mayor John F. Bush, absent
Deputy Mayor Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, absent
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, arrived at 6:41 p.m.
Following a moment of silence in memory of Mr. Richard Baker, Deputy Mayor
Martinez led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Community Development Department - Planning Division And The Planning
And Zoning Board
Requests The City Commission Consider Recommendations Of The Board
Resulting From Several Visioning Workshops Related To The City's Commercial
And Industrial Zoning Districts And Permitted Uses Within Each.
Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development
Department gave a presentation related to the Planning and Zoning BoardILocal Planning
Agency's Visioning discussions.
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese arrived at 6:41 p.m.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake stated, "I am a little concerned that we are still talking
about now upzoning that portion of the 'C-2' to '1-1' while really adjacent to that
property we have both C-l and 'Residential' right across the street there." Ms. Sahlstrom
stated, "So you're concerned about this being 'I -1' rather than 'Commercial'... "
Commissioner Blake stated, ".. . Yes - it is currently 'C-2'." It is for the most part
developed already..." Ms. Sahlstrom then said, "...It is..." Commissioner Blake added,
"Is it not developed under 'C-2' standards?" Ms. Sahlstrom responded, "Yes."
Commissioner Blake then said, "Is there anything going on there currently that would not
fit under 'C-2' as you are proposing to amend it?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "Yes."
Deputy Mayor Martinez said to Ms. Sahlstrom, "I think that the point that he brings up -
has to be given more attention because, I do not know if the other Commissioners agree,
but if we have all of that 'Industrial' there, 'Industrial' fits Adult Entertainment, and I
think it would not go very well so close to residential areas." Ms. Sahlstrom agreed and
said, "Yes, that is a large consideration."
Further discussion.
Commissioner Blake asked Ms. Sahlstrom to read a statement about noxious odors. Ms.
Sahlstrom read the following statement: "The purpose of this district is to encourage and
develop industry of an exceptionally clean, nonobiectionable type and to protect it from
encroachment of smoke, fumes, vibration, noise or odors." Furthermore, Ms. Sahlstrom
stated, "I guess that is not exactly what we want here. We want to protect adjacent uses
from - encroachment, from the district..." Commissioner Blake said, "...I would
agree..." Ms. Sahlstrom added, "...Is really the direction we were trying to go. Thanks
for pointing that out."
Further discussion.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore departed the Workshop at 7: 13 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Martinez stated, "On the 'Light Industrial District' page, at the bottom, on
the (2), it says 'Kennels, pet and animal rescue operations, animal boarding houses', and
so on and so forth. Should we include a 'Conditional Use' clause because the Planning
and Zoning Board [ILocal Planning Agency] recommended 'Conditional Use' for this
type of operation?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "In the '1-1', we didn't make that a -
'Conditional Use'. We can put it there if the Commission prefers it to be a 'Conditional
Use'." Commissioner Sally McGinnis said, "I do." Ms. Sahlstrom then said, "Okay."
Tape I/Side B
Commissioner McGinnis inquired about a "Noise Curfew" and stated, "I think this -
definitely warrants a section." Ms. Sahlstrom suggested, "Maybe a table relating to the
different Districts, what is acceptable." Commissioner McGinnis added, "Proximity to
neighborhoods." Ms. Sahlstrom agreed and said, "Exactly."
Ms. Sahlstrom then pointed out, "At some point we will need to come back and complete
the Rezoning of properties - in the area along Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, from 'C-2' to
'1-1'. It makes sense to do that after the Code is revised if it is in fact going to be
revised. "
While referring to Attachment 'D' - 'C-l', Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "We have added under
'C-l', 'Animal hospitals and veterinary clinics (with no outside kennels)'. That is a new
'Permitted Use'. But then, under 'Conditional Use', we have added, 'Animal hospitals
and veterinary clinics' and it is supposed to say, '(with outside kennels)'."
Ms. Sahlstrom then stated, "Item (39), 'Health and exercise clubs and athletic training
facilities' - that is redundant. We have item (59) - it says 'Physical fitness and health
clubs'. I think we could simply add 'athletic training facilities' to that."
Deputy Mayor Martinez pointed out that, '''Artists' - it is too ambiguous, and I think we
should clarify it a little bit." Attorney Garganese said, "That is not a problem."
Next, under Attachment 'E,' Commissioner Blake said, "In this preamble here it
discusses where a suitable area would be in terms of the transportation corridor, that it
would be adjacent to. Anthony [Garganese], do we open ourselves up to a challenge to
rezone, upzone certain areas because they happen to be adjacent to say [State Road] 434
which might be six (6) lanes at that point?" Attorney Garganese stated, "You could put
some language in here excluding State Road 434." Commissioner Blake added,
"Tuskawilla Road - I'would want to protect also."
With further discussion, Commissioner Blake stated, "I would be concerned about
somebody bringing this preamble in to us and saying, 'Well, you have to give me this
type of Zoning here because I meet all of the qualifications;' and I don't think we can
unreasonably withhold that, if we don't write it correctly. I just think it needs some
work. "
Ms. Sahlstrom then said, "I would need clarification on this, but I think that the only true
major arterial would be [US Highway] 17-92, unless it would be the GreeneWay. The
others I believe would be considered Collectors."
Commissioner Blake further inquired, "How do you define that?" Ms. Sahlstrom
responded, "We will just note your concern." Attorney Garganese suggested, "Limit this
District to lands adjacent to US Highway 17-92 or in close proximity thereto, instead of
opening up all of Tuskawilla Road or State Road 434, Northern Way." Attorney
Garganese then suggested that Ms. Sahlstrom include "An exclusion in here - just
excluding [State Road] 434 and Tuskawilla Road from this District." Commissioner
McGinnis stated, "I think so."
Ms. Sahlstrom inquired, "Is it your preference to say 'Limited to lands along Highway
17-92 up a block' or to say 'Excluding [State Road] 434 and Tuskawilla Road'?" Deputy
Mayor Martinez said, "I think 'Excluding' is better." Commissioner McGinnis agreed
and stated, "Yes." Commissioner Blake said, "I think it would be better not to 'Exclude',
but to - not say where it does not happen, but say where it does happen."
Attorney Garganese suggested, "This District is intended to be limited to US Highway
17-92 and maybe that intersection when you study the map." Furthermore, Attorney
Garganese offered, "You may want to even change the name of it - of the Zoning
District. Instead of calling it 'Highway Commercial,' maybe it is the' 17 -92 Commercial
District'." Ms. Sahlstrom added, "That's fine."
With discussion, Deputy Mayor Martinez said to Ms. Sahlstrom, "You and the City
Attorney got the jist of what the Commission suggested - whenever you bring it back,
that should be in there."
With further discussion, Commissioner McGinnis stated, "When you look under the' [US
Highway] 17-92 Commercial District', all those uses, and in there are 'Cultural
institutions (such as museums and art galleries)'." Ms. Sahlstrom suggested, "I think we
should add that under 'C-l '." Commissioner McGinnis then said, "I would agree."
Deputy Mayor Martinez added, "No objection - so go ahead."
Mf. John Baker, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department addressed
the City Commission and said, "There might be a possible conflict between the 'Big box
retail' and the 'Retail commercial', not to exceed 50,000 square feet - Items (3) and
(25)." With further discussion, Ms. Sahlstrom inquired, "Would you want bigger than
50,000 [square feet]?" Commissioner McGinnis said, ''No.'' Commissioner Blake stated,
"It depends on where."
Deputy Mayor Martinez then asked Commissioner Blake, "So you are in favor of (3) and
(25) staying?" Commissioner Blake responded, "I don't have a problem with (3) being
there. (25) is potentially a conflict. I do not know why we need to limit it to 50,000
square feet there." Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I prefer limitations - 50,000
[square] feet." Commissioner David W. McLeod added, "I don't think you should limit
yourself." Deputy Mayor Martinez summarized that, "The majority opinion is over
50,000 [square feet]."
Ms. Sahlstrom said, "Would you want to have something under the 'Conditional Use',
that if it was over 50,000 [square feet], they would need a 'Conditional Use'?" Deputy
Mayor Martinez said, "That would be a way out." Commissioner McGinnis stated, "That
is good." Commissioner Blake responded, "I don't have a problem with that."
Commissioner McLeod said, "I don't think you ought to limit yourself."
Next, Ms. Sahlstrom spoke on the "Conditional Uses" and said, '''Light manufacturing,
processing, assembly and/or distribution (not to exceed 3,500 SF' [square feet] - that was
Tenants; not to exceed, not the building itself." Commissioner McGinnis pointed out,
"That is not clear though." Ms. Sahlstrom suggested, "We need to add that language."
Next, Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "The 'C-2' that you have in your packets - there were no
changes or recommendations to that." I have looked through it. We probably will want
to make some changes." Ms. Sahlstrom added, "P and Z [Planning and Zoning
Board/Local Planning Agency] hasn't made those recommendations. It's probably some
we could bring back at another time." Deputy Mayor Martinez stated, "What I would
like to suggest is the Commissioners look over the list here and if they have any
suggestions to bring them up."
Attorney Garganese said to Ms. Sahlstrom, "Are you going to be working on the
GreeneWay Interchange District Update, any time soon?" Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "I
haven't had any direction relating to that - if the Commission or if you felt we needed to
do that. . ." Attorney Garganese said, "...I think that should be on the starting blocks."
Commissioner McGinnis said to Ms. Sahlstrom, "You did a wonderful job. I think the
Committee deserves a big round of applause for all the work they did."
Ms. Sahlstrom then inquired, "How would the Commission like us to proceed at this
point?" Commissioner Blake said, "Make the changes and put them all together and
bring them back, but I would like to have them all come back at the same time."
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I agree." Commissioner McLeod added, "Works for
Deputy Mayor Martinez adjourned the Meeting at 8:00 p.m.