HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 07 14 Awards and Presentations 300 Red Light CamerasDate: July 14, 2008
The attached document was distributed during
Awards and Presentations Agenda Item "300" at
the July 14, 2008 City Commission Regular
./""~ American Traffic Solutions
..~--../"" I 480.368.0900' Fax: 480.607.0901 . www.atsol.com . 14861 North Scottsdale Road' Suite 109' Scottsdale, AZ 85254
October 31, 2007
Captain Glenn Tolleson
Law Enforcement Coordinator
City of Winter Springs
c/o Purchasing Department
1126 East SR 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Invitation to Bid for Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System - ITB# 001/0B/ITB/GT
Dear Captain Tolleson and Members of the Selection Committee:
American Traffic Solutions, Inc. (A TS) is pleased to present our response to the City of Winter
Springs' Invitation to Bid for the Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System. We are
excited about the opportunity to present our proposal, which includes an unmatched end-to-end
solution, leveraging a combination of experienced people, cutting edge technology and proven
skills required to exceed your requirements for a successful program in Winter Springs. Our
proposal is fully compliant with the City's specifications.
We fully understand your requirements and your vision and share the mutual goal to reduce
traffic collisions and improve public safety for your residents, commuters and visitors through
the successful implementation of public awareness and advanced photo-traffic enforcement
technology. We offer a strong team, leading edge technology and a track record of success.
Since introducing our next-generation red light and speed camera solution in 2004, we have
been selected by over 65% of cities that have issued competitive procurements and have
compared our technology to earlier designs offered by other companies. These wins include
the majority of the U.S. and Canadian major cities, including: New York City; St. Louis;
Philadelphia; Washington, D.C.; Houston; Mesa, AZ.; Seattle; Calgary; San Diego; Tucson, AZ.;
New Orleans; Baton Rouge and Phoenix.
Below is a summary of the key aspects of our proposed solution and quality services:
Experience, Proven Delivery Capability and Current References
. Orange County, Miami Gardens, Pembroke Pines, Palm Coast and Apopka, FL
selected A TS to provide violation detection technology and red light camera services
after comprehensive vendor selection and red light camera technology assessment
. A TS has extensive experience delivering and operating large and complex speed and
red light camera programs including Phoenix, AZ.; Tucson, AZ.; San Diego, CA; New
York City, NY (all five boroughs); Philadelphia, PA; Houston, TX; Seattle, WA; St. Louis,
MO; Scottsdale, AZ. and Calgary, AB.
~ Letter to City of Winter Springs
..~ I October 31, 2007
~ --_ ....;-!-----: Page 2
. We have the track record as well as the financial and technical resources immediately
available to successfully deploy the proposed Red Light Running Camera Enforcement
. A TS is confident that our current references will give the City of Winter Springs positive
responses regarding our services and red light camera system.
Service, Support and Training
· The City will have our full system support for the red light camera system.
. A TS will provide training to City personnel. Our courses include camera technology,
violation processing and training for court staff.
CostNalue of Offer
· A TS offers a competitive, high-value pricing package.
Financial Strength
· A TS' financial experience includes a consistent trend of positive and increasing
revenues and profitability.
System Features
· The industry's highest resolution digital camera imager at 12.4 mega pixels per camera.
The super-high resolution cameras capture crystal clear, crisp images even during
periods of inclement weather. The cameras are mounted in a single enclosure and on a
single pole.
· ATS' ultra-high resolution cameras eliminate the need for additional, separate "lane"
cameras or "multi-camera" configurations that are otherwise required to capture and
resolve close-up license plate images.
· The A TS RLC-300 is the smallest, most unobtrusive red light camera system in the
industry. The entire system can fit into a single small enclosure 20" wide x 18" deep and
20" high.
· Optimal performance in all weather conditions.
· A TS was the first photo enforcement solution provider in the country to be approved by
National Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (NLETS) as a recognized
"Strategic Partner." We have developed an automated, online and real-time interface
with NLETS for registered owner and vehicle information for all 50 states and Canadian
· Robust and totally secure back-office application designed with the highest levels of
system security to distribute workflow to your entire processing organization efficiently
without compromising data integrity.
· A TS offers a modern, full-featured violation processing system which manages all
associated processes including citation mailing, collections and accounting process.
· The A TS system enables police personnel to efficiently review violation images to
approve citations and Notices of Violation in less than 30 seconds for each set of
images, through a secure Internet application.
~ Letter to City of Winter Springs
"~I October 31, 2007
~ --~ "r----: Page 3
. A TS is the only provider able to offer the integrated Two-Factor SecurlD@ Authentication
System for ultra secure access, which is the "gold" standard used by over 15 million
people at 18,000 of the largest companies and banks worldwide.
. A TS is a 100% American-owned company and offers American-made and American-
supported systems.
. The ATS system includes Axsis™ LIVE, a 24/7/365 live, online color digital (30 FPS)
video surveillance and recording system with online accessibility for real-time traffic
surveillance, "instant recall" and full data retrieval of recorded video for up to two
Installation Time Frame
. A TS has the resources and the capability to allow the program to become operational for
by January 7, 2008.
Receipt of Addenda
There have been no addenda issued.
Contact Person during Proposal Evaluation
The authorized representative for this project is Mr. Greg Parks, Senior Business Development
Manager. He can be reached at:
Address: 14861 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 109, Scottsdale AZ 85254
Email: qreq.parks@atsol.com
Phone: (913) 575-2912 Fax: (480) 607-0901
We thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. We are confident in our business, our
people, our technology and our proven program management disciplines. We offer an
impressive, best-of-breed professional team who brings relevant and fresh ideas and proven
solutions based on successfully serving clients throughout the United States and the World.
We are enthusiastic about the opportunity to deliver a solution that will Focus on Safety in the
City of Winter Springs!
American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
James D. Tuton
Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
Response to:
ITB# 001/08/ITB/GT
October 31,2007
. American
MIS Traffic Solutions
, -------------------
@ American Traffic Solutions
14861 N. Scottsdale Road
Suite 109
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
a 480.443.7000
~ 480.607.0901
~ www.atsol.com
~ www.redliqhtcamera.com
Proprietary and Confidentia/lnformation
The information contained in this document is Confidential Information of American Traffic Solutions, Inc., and is disclosed in
response to the City's Invitation to Bid for Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System.
Red Light Runni1]g_ Camera Enforcement System
Vendor Qualifications and Experience ..........................................................................1
1 .1 Experience Performing Similar Work...... ......... ....................................... ............ .............. .........1
1.2 Demonstrated Competence .......................................................................................................1
1.3 Firm Strength and Stability.........................................................................................................2
1.4 Workload and Staffing Capability...............................................................................................3
1.5 Ability to Meet Schedules on Similar Projects ...........................................................................3
Fi nancial Statement................................................................................................. ....... 6
Technical Specifications Responses........................................................................ ..... 7
4.1 Red Light Camera System ......................................................................................................... 7
4.1.1 Best Solution for the City ........................................................................................... 7
4.1.2 Equipment List ...........................................................................................................8
4.1.3 Driver Images ............................................................................................................9
4.1.4 High Quality Digital Camera System .......................................................................10
4.1.5 Statistical Data .........................................................................................................10
4.1.6 Capability to Operate in Wide Range of Conditions ................................................10
4.1.7 Non-Intrusive, Non-Physical Connection to Red Phase ..................................... .....11
4.1.8 Three Digital Color Still Images ...............................................................................11
4.1.9 Violation Data Captured ..........................................................................................12
4.1.10 Data Bar Requirements ...........................................................................................12
4.1.11 Secure Data Transmission ......................................................................................13
4.1.12 Covers and Reflective Materials on License Plates ................................................13
4.1 .1 3 Video System........................................................................................................... 14
4.1.14 Imaging Unit's Operation .........................................................................................15
4.1.15 On-Site or Remote Activation ..................................................................................15
4.1.16 Self-Test....................................................................................................................2
4.1.17 System Malfunctions .................................................................................................2
4.1.18 Multiple, Simultaneous and/or Concurrent Violations................................................2
4.1.19 "Live" Intersection Monitoring ..................................................................................15
4.1.20 Synchronized Operations ........................................................................................16
4.1.21 Vehicle Detection Methods ........... ........... ............................................. ................ ...16 Video Detection.................................................................................16 Wireless Vehicle Detectors ...............................................................17
4.1.22 Camera Enclosures .................................................................................................17
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~ Red Light Runnmg. Camera Enforcement System _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4.1 .23 Infrastructure.......................................................................................................... ..17
4.1.24 Small Enclosures .....................................................................................................18
4.1.25 Simple and Quick Maintenance.......... .................................. ........... ....................... .18
4.1.26 Installation and Construction Time Frame...............................................................19
4.1.27 Monitor Multiple Lanes ............................................................................................19
4.1.28 Left and Right-Turn Enforcement ............................................................................20
4.2 Violation Processing.............................................................................................................. ..20
4.2.1 Best Violation Processing System ...........................................................................20
4.2.2 Vendor Processing Software ...................................................................................21
4.2.3 Detailed View of Information....................................................................................21
4.2.4 Internet-Enabled System........................................................................................ .21
4.2.5 System Functions................................................................................................... .21
4.2.6 Preparation and Mailing of Notices.. ................ ................... ..................................... 22
4.2.7 Notice Issuance Time Frame...................................................................................22
4.3 Statistical Analysis and Reporting Systems................ ......... ........................................ ............22
4.3.1 Statistical Analysis................................................................................................. ..22
4.3.2 Operations Reports 24/7 .........................................................................................23
4.3.3 Reports................................................................................................................... .23
4.3.4 Violation and Traffic Statistics........ ........... ................................................. .............23
4.3.5 Prosecutable Image Rate and Traffic Count ...........................................................23
4.3.6 Online Reporting and Monthly Reports ...................................................................23
4.3.7 Monthly Report Details ............................................................................................23
4.4 Image Transmission Security and Data Storage .....................................................................24
4.4.1 Image and Data Security .........................................................................................24
4.4.1 .1 Data Security Option................. ....................................................... .24
4.4.2 Enforceable Image Storage.....................................................................................25
4.4.3 Evidence Package.................................................................................................. .25
4.4.4 Chain of Evidence................................................................................................... .25
4.4.5 Expert Witness Testimony...................................................................................... .25
4.5 Maintenance, Support and Training.........................................................................................26
4.5.1 Maintenance .................................................................................... ........... ........... ..26 Proactive Maintenance .....................................................................26 Image Quality Review.......................................................................26
72-Hour Time Frame ...............................................................................................26
Maintenance and Inspection Visits ..........................................................................27
Ongoing Training Support .......................................................................................27
4&1 @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red Light Runni,!g_C~l1J.era Enforcement System __ __ __ Camera Technology Course.............................................................27 Violation Processing Course.............................................................28 Court Training Course......................... ......... ................................ ....29 Axsis ™ Release Training............. ....... ................. ........... ............... ..29 Ongoing Local Training.....................................................................30
4.5.5 Hands-On Training.................................................................................................. 30
4.5.6 Training Materials .................................................................................................... 30
4.6 Operations and Public Awareness........................................................................................... 30
4.6.1 Project Management Approach.. ....... .............. ......... ....................... ...................... ..30
4.6.2 A TS Team............................................................................................................... .31
4.6.3 Proposed Timeline................................................................................................... 31
4.6.4 City Staff Involvement.............................................................................................. 32
4.6.5 Public Education Program .......................................................................................33
4.6.6 Training for Presentations....................................................................................... 35
4.7 Fees and Scope of Work for Pricing ........... ......... ................ ......... ............................. ...... ........35
4.7.1 Price Proposal......................................................................................................... 35
4.7.2 Project Manager as Single Contact......... .................... ............................... ......... ....36
4.7.3 Intersection Design and Installation Plans ..............................................................36
4.7.4 Installation and Maintenance...................................................................................37
4.7.5 Violation Processing................................................................................................ 37
4.7.6 Notice Preparation and Mailing.. ......... .................... ................................. .......... ..... 37
4.7.7 Subsequent Notices................................................................................................ 37
4.7.8 Issuance Time Frame.............................................................................................. 37
4.7.9 Notice Processing Supplies .....................................................................................37
4.7.10 Information on Notices.............................................................................................38
4.7.11 Payments................................................................................................................ .38
4.7.12 Third Party Collection Service .................................................................................38
4.8 Alternative-City of Winter Springs Ownership...... ....... ....... ..... ............ ............ ..... ....... ............. 38
4.8.1 Cost Alternative .......................................................................................................38
4.9 Financial Return....................................................................................................................... 39
Add itional Information... .............................. ..................................... ....................... .....40
5.1 Com pany Qualifications...................................................................... ................................... ..40
Appendix A -Images of Active Installations...............................................................41
Appendix B - Sample Violation Images.......................................................................48
Appendix C - Sample Reports .....................................................................................53
Appendix D - Violation Processing System................................................................59
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~ Red Light Runmng Camera Enforcement System_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9.1 Violation Loading and Image Cropping...... ...... ......... ................... ................ ................. .... .... ...60
9.2 Plate Entry......................................... ..................................................................................... .61
9.3 Motor Vehicle Registration Data Acquisition / NLETS Certified ..............................................61
9.4 Type Selection..................................................................................................................... ....62
9.5 Final Review........................................................................................................................... .62
9.6 Police Review......................................................................................................................... .63
10. Appendix E - Resumes ................................................................................................. 70
10.1 Resume for Mr. Charles A. Turner, Project Manager ..............................................................70
10.2 Resume for Mr. Adam E. Tuton, Project Executive .................................................................71
10.3 Resume for Mr. Phil Simone, Construction Manager ..............................................................71
10.4 Resume for Mr. Joe Peters, VP-Field Operations ................................................................... 71
10.5 Resume for Ms. Korey Hinz, Director of Operations ............................................................... 72
10.6 Resume for Ms. Cindy Bigelow, Account Representative ....................................................... 73
10.7 Resume for Ms. Diana Phillips, Director of Client Services.....................................................73
10.8 Resume for Ms. Sherri Teille, Director of Marketing................................................................ 73
10.9 Resume for Ms. Ellen Pence, PR and Communications .........................................................74
10.10 Traffic Control Devices, Inc., Subcontractor......... .... ..... .......... ................... .... ....................... 74
11. Appendix F - Sample Notice ........................................................................................ 75
12. Appendix G - Violator Web Review............................................................................. 77
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~ Red Light Runnmg Camera Enforcement System
Vendor Qualifications and Experience
This section of the proposal should establish the ability of the Vendor to satisfactorily
perform the required work based on its experience in performing work of a similar nature;
demonstrated competence in the services to be provided; strength and stability of the
firm; staffing capability; work load, and record of meeting schedules on similar projects.
1.1 Experience Performing Similar Work
For the past 18 years, the founders of American Traffic Solutions have focused on photo
traffic enforcement and violation processing as its core business. Our extensive
development, delivery and operational experience include many of the largest and most
complex automated traffic enforcement and violation processing systems in the United
A TS has been a pioneer in the development of advanced traffic camera and violation
processing technology and the delivery and operation of turnkey automated digital traffic
camera enforcement programs. Our track record includes the implementation and
operation of successful red light camera programs for the nation's largest cities, including
the City of Philadelphia and the New York City Red Light Camera Programs. We offer
dozens of resources with more than a decade of relevant experience with photo traffic
enforcement in addition to hundreds of dedicated staff. We invest heavily in research
and development of leading-edge vehicle detection, photo electronic imaging and
information technologies.
Demonstrated Competence
ATS has been selected by more "big cities" than any other vendor. Our firm has
experience delivering and operating large and complex red light camera programs in the
nation's largest cities and municipalities including: New York City, NY; Philadelphia, PA;
San Diego, CA; Seattle, WA; Mesa, AZ; Phoenix, AZ; Fort Worth, TX; Houston, TX;
New Orleans, LA; Baton Rouge, LA; St. Louis, MO; Washington, D.C.; Orange
County, FL; Palm Coast, FL; Pembroke Pines, FL and Apopka, FL. This experience
will translate directly into a smooth implementation and quality program in the City of
Winter Springs. The following page contains a summary of some of the programs that
A TS has been contracted as well as selected to provide services.
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc. _ _ ___
~------ Proprietary and Confidential
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October 31,2007
~ Red Light Runni'!.9 Camera Enforcement ~ystem
Midwest South West
· San Diego, CA"
· Houston, TX
· Fort Worth, TX
· Phoenix, AZ
· Seattle, WA
· Mesa, AZ
· Scottsdale, AZ
· Tucson,AZ
· Arizona Department of
Public Safety
· Avondale, AZ.
· Glendale, AZ.
· Cathedral City, CA
· Capitola, CA
· Covina, CA
· Millbrae, CA
· South San Francisco, CA
· Cherry Hills Village, CO
· Greenwood Village, CO
· E-470 Public Highway, CO
· Lone Tree, CO
· Northglenn, CO'
· Everett, WN
· Lacey, WA
· Lynnwood, WA
· Puyallup, WA
· Renton, WA
· Sammamish, WA'
Firm Strength and Stability
ATS is a privately held company founded in 1992 with a
successful track record for on-time delivery, high levels of
customer satisfaction, financial strength and profitability. A TS
has been profitable since its inception and has sustained annual
growth in revenue and profit, which is an important factor in terms
of long term viability. For more than a decade, American Traffic
Solutions has focused on photo traffic enforcement and violation
processing as its core business. Our extensive development,
delivery and operational experience include many of the largest
and most complex automated traffic enforcement and violation processing systems in the
United States.
. St. Louis, MO · Baton Rouge, LA
. Arnold, MO · New Orleans, LA
. Bel-Nor, MO · Apopka, FL
. Bellerive Acres, · Miami Gardens, FL'
MO · Orange County, FL
. Beverly Hills,
MO · Palm Coast, FL'
. Brentwood, MO · Pembroke Pines, FL *
. Clayton, MO · Florida Department of Trans-
. Creve Coeur, portation
MO · Florida's Turnpike Enterprise
. Country Club · Southaven, MS
Hills,MO · Tupelo, MS
. Dellwood, MO · Gallatin, TN
. Florissant, MO · Jackson, TN
. Hazelwood, MO · Red Bank, TN
. Oak Grove, MO · Ridgetop, TN
. Richmond
Heights, MO East
. Sl. Ann, MO · New York City, NY
. SI. John, MO · Philadelphia, PA
. Sugar Creek, · Washington, DC
MO · Dartmouth, MN
. Washington,
MO · Anne Arundel County, MD
. Webster · Brentwood, MD
Groves, MO · Colmar Manor, MD
. Cahokia, IL · Edmonston, MD
. Granite City, IL · Laurel, MD
. Northbrook, I L' · Mt. Ranier, MD
· New Carrolijon, MD
· University Park, MD
* Recommended by Staff and pending Council Award
Cities with populations greater than 300,000
A'I5I @200: American Traffic S.oIUtions, Inc.
~'"'"----- Propnetary and Confidential
· Amarillo, TX
· Arlington, TX
· Balcones Heights,
· Bay town, TX
· Beaumont, TX
· Burleson. TX
· Cedar Hill, TX
· College Station, TX*
· Harris County Toll
Rd.. TX
· Humble, TX
· Hutto, TX
· Irving, TX
· Jersey Village, TX
· Lubbock, TX
· Nederland, TX
· Progreso, TX
· Sugar Land, TX
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October 31, 2007
_~ Red j,ig_hLRunning Camera Enforcement S}'stem
The key ATS principals pioneered the photo enforcement industry in the U.S. and have
been providing these solutions to governments longer than other vendors like Redflex,
ACS, Nestor or Traffipax. ATS' key principals have the industry's longest and most
extensive U.S. and worldwide experience with implementation and operation of photo
enforcement programs.
American Traffic Solutions' sole professional focus is the provision of automated vehicle
detection, imaging and photo traffic enforcement management, revenue collection
systems and operational services. As such, the solution requested by the City precisely
matches our customized offering.
A TS' products and offerings focus on electronic toll and traffic management technology
and services. During the past 18 months, A TS products and services have been
selected by more U.S. cities that competitively bid their procurements than all of its
competitors combined, including Apopka, Orange County, Miami Gardens, Palm
Coast and Pembroke Pines, Florida.
A TS also provides an image-based, electronic toll collection service called PlatePass@
Toll Payment Services. PlatePass@ is a national interoperable network that makes the
convenience of electronic toll collection available to vehicle fleet owners and rental car
customers without additional electronics in the vehicle. PlatePass@ is currently available
in Orlando and on all Florida toll roads. PlatePass@ is exclusively offered by Avis, Budget
and Hertz, three of the nation's largest rental car companies.
Workload and Staffing Capability
ATS is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, with regional facilities in New York City, NY;
Philadelphia, PA; Mesa, AZ; St. Louis, MO and Washington, D.C. ATS maintains a state-
of-the-art Software Development Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, as well as high-tech
research and development facilities for development and manufacturing. The Scottsdale
facility also serves as the company's Global Network Operations Center which is linked to
all active cameras and data collection devices worldwide.
Our technical and operational staff is able to effectively and efficiently manage the
workload that will be a result of your City's red light camera deployment. A TS has the
staff, the capacity and the ability to implement and deploy Winter Springs' red light
running camera enforcement system.
Ability to Meet Schedules on Similar Projects
ATS has a proven track record of meeting or exceeding contracted schedules with our
clients. The following is a summary of other programs schedules and our ability to meet
A15I @200: American Traffic S.olutions, Inc.
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October 31,2007
~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement Sl'stem
City Number of Contracted Installation Period
Mesa, AZ 34 First 18 approaches completed 120 days
ahead of schedule. All approaches installed
within 180 days from Notice to Proceed.
Scottsdale, AZ 24 60 days
Philadelphia, PA 16 16 in 60 days - all operational
Houston, TX 72 First 10 approaches live within 45 days from
Notice to Proceed. 10 approaches installed
every 45 days. Last 20 approaches were
installed in 45 days.
Arnold, MO 11 90 days, First system operational 60 days
ahead of schedule.
415! @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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October 31,2007
@ Red Lig!!~ Ru~'!.iEg~ Camera Enforcement System
The Vendors must provide three references from cities in which it is currently doing
business and with which it has at least a three-year history. The references must be of
Red Light Photo Enforcement Programs.
References with Three-Year Historv
New York City Red LiQht Camera ProQram Philadelphia Red LiQht Camera Proaram
Steven Galgano Sergeant Chris Bee
Executive Director - Engineering Special Operations Bureau Philadelphia Police
City of New York Department of Dep1.
Transportation 4000 N. American Street
34-02 Queens Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140
Long Island City, New York 11101 Phone: (215)686-3320
Phone: (718) 786-3550 Mobile: (215) 651-8904
Email: sgalgano@do1.nyc.gov Email: cmb128@cavtel.net
CalQarv Red LiQht Camera ProQram
Sg1. Clive Marsh
Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit
Calgary Police Service
316 ih Ave. S.E.
Calgary Alberta Canada T2P 4N6
Phone: (403) 295-7903
Email: cmarsh@calgarypolice.ca
Other References
Apopka Red LiQht Camera ProQram Seattle Red LiQht Camera ProQram
Sg1. Stephan Brick Ofc. Dean Shirey
Apopka Police Department Seattle Police Department
112 East Sixth Street 610 5th Avenue, P.O. Box 34986
Apopka, FL 32703 Seattle, WA 98124-4986
Phone: (407) 782-5632 Phone: (206) 233-7266
Email: SWBrick@Apopka.net Email: dean.shirey@seattle.gov
Houston Red LiQht Camera ProQram
Sg1. E. Bryan Robinson
Traffic Division - Red Light Program
Houston Police Department
61 Riesner Street, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (713) 247-5919
Email: bryan.robinson@cityofhouston.net
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc. __
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
Financial Statement
Vendors must provide a general description of the firm's financial condition and identify
any conditions (e.g., bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned office closures, impending
merger) that may impede Vendor's ability to complete the project. Recognizing the
substantial capital required to support this type of program, only Vendors with a history of
profitability will be considered. (A minimum of 4 consecutive quarters of demonstrated
profitability as referenced by audited financial statements).
ATS has been profitable since inception. Our financial experience includes a consistent
trend of increasing revenue and profitability. In particular to the ITS requirements, we
have had over 12 consecutive quarters of demonstrated profitability. The attached
audited financial statement shows strong profitability for the year 2006, which
incorporates profitability in all quarters. Our audit is performed on an annual basis;
however, our auditors can verbally confirm profitable quarterly performance if needed.
Highlights include:
. Consistent, increasing profitability over the history of the company
. Strong gross and net profit margins
. High return on sales, assets and equity
. No material legal proceedings against the company
. Unencumbered intellectual property that is wholly controlled by ATS
. Long-term, profitable contracts supporting ATS' revenue base
. Large lines of credit with major financial institution for funding long-term capital
programs like the City of Winter Springs'
. Multiple photo enforcement and revenue collection-based lines of business (safety
and toll) provide diversity in mix of revenues earned by ATS to further bolster
financial stability.
If the City has any questions regarding the financial statement, please contact Adam
Draizin, Chief Financial Officer, at (480) 443-7003.
American Traffic Solutions, Inc. is a private company, and does not publish its
Confidential Financial Information. Nevertheless, we are willing to disclose our financial
statements to the City of Winter Springs as requested by the RFP. The financial data is
exempt from Florida Sunshine laws and must not be released without ATS' written
consent. As a measure to ensure strict confidentiality, we have enclosed the requested
Financial Statements in a separate envelope attached hereto, entitled:
American Traffic Solutions Financial Statements - Confidential Information
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~ Red Light Running. Camera Enforcement System
Technical Specifications Responses
4.1 Red Light Camera System
4.1.1 Best Solution for the City
Explain why the Vendor's red light camera technology is the best solution for the City. 1.
Does it detect more actual violations? 2. Does it capture clearer images? 3. Does it
convert more actual violations into usable/enforceable images? 4. Does it provide still
and streaming video images?
The Axsis ™ RLC-300 is the most advanced camera system on
6AXslS RLC-300'" the market today and has been selected as the preferred system
over other red light camera vendors in recent competitive RFPs.
Over 850 of these systems are being installed currently from Maryland to California. Our
systems deliver the highest yield in the industry and result in a more equal
application of the law, improved safety results and stronger program revenues to
offset the cost of the program.
Our detection and imaging technology provides the best possible prima facie
evidence because the system has been designed to use only one high resolution
camera to capture a single set of high resolution digital violation images captured from
the rear of the red light running vehicle and a video clip of the violation event. A detailed
description of our video system is in section 4.1.13.
Our unique single camera
architecture is a significant
differentiator and is not
offered by any other system.
The single camera technology is able to capture multiple lanes of
traffic, including a combination of left-turn, straight through and left-
hand motions without image degradation. This technology is
successfully deployed in major U.S. and Canadian cities including
Seattle, New York, Houston, Calgary, St. Louis, Mesa and Phoenix,
Strona leaal Foundation Hiah Capture Rates Hiah Efficiencv
. Prima facie evidence . Simultaneous · Smallest
violations footprint
. Fewer court . Greater visual · Fast Police
challenges coverage approval times
. Correct plate · Clearest images · lowest down
identification time
The single camera format was the standard in the industry for decades before the advent
of digital cameras when "wet film" cameras were predominant. Properly exposed film
negatives provided sufficient resolution to capture an "A" image and a "B" image from a
single 35mm camera. License plate information and violation event details were
AISI @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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€!) Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
extracted from the one image set, without the use of a secondary camera to capture the
license plate image.
Early digital cameras did not offer equivalent resolution to traditional film cameras at the
time, so the solution was to bundle a low resolution digital "scene" camera with
secondary "lane" camera[s] focused on the license plate area to produce a second,
higher resolution image of the license plate.
The Axsis ™ RLC-300 uses an ultra-high resolution, industrial-grade Nikon digital camera
as the imaging solution. ATS has worked closely with Nikon to develop proprietary
technology that enables our systems to operate core camera functions specific to the red
light and speed camera requirements. In addition to camera performance, the proprietary
operating system software enables "plug-and-play" camera upgrades as they become
available. This approach leverages Nikon's massive ongoing R&D investment and
protects against dead-end technology in a critical area. ATS camera systems have been
proven to be reliable in all heat, humidity and cold weather extremes. The cameras have
been aggressively tested for humidity in Houston and Southeast Asia, for searing heat in
the Arizona desert, and in sub-zero temperatures in Calgary, Alberta Canada.
4.1.2 Equipment List
Provide a list, with photos and dimensions of all major equipment (cameras, flash or
lighting units, cabinets [including generally what the cabinets contain], what will be
installed at a "two approach, up to five lane intersection" that may require both left and
right turn monitoring. Strong preference will be given to systems that do not require
additional cabinetry aside from that which houses the cameras. All systems must be
non-intrusive to roadway or trans/Jortation sianal cabinetry.
The ATS Axsis™ RLC-300 is the most compact and least visible solution on the market
today. This is an extremely important issue where physical appearance and difficult
technical requirements are combined. The entire solution is mountable to a single
standard (S-1A, S14 and M2 poles) 15-20-foot fixed aluminum or galvanized steel pole.
There are three visible components including a small 24-inch camera enclosure, a 15-
inch strobe unit, and a 20-inch square controller cabinet.
Because of our high powered, high quality single digital camera, the Axsis ™ RLC-300
system can be set farther back from the intersection. This provides configuration
flexibility to accommodate intersection design requirements. The flexibility in the
placement of poles and distance from the intersection enables the camera and flash to be
mounted higher on the pole. The camera placement, farther back and higher, provides a
better field of view, which results in fewer blocked plates, obstructed views and produces
a higher percentage of enforceable images.
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~ Red Ught Running Camera Enforcement System
Images of some of our active installations are in Appendix A - Images of Active
RLC Equipment
Camera Housing
24" x 9" x 8"
Axsis ™ RLC-300 Camera
8" x 8" x 8"
Axsis ™ RLC-300 Controller
12" x 11" x 19"
Axsis ™ RLC-300 System Controller
20" x 19" x 22"
~ ,,-. ";:J
14" x 9" x 9"
4.1.3 Driver Images
Does the system at any time photograph or image the driver of the vehicle?
The system does not capture images of the driver of the vehicle; however, the camera
system can be configured to add an additional front facing camera to capture the image
of the driver if required by the City of Winter Springs at some point in the future.
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~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
4.1.4 High Quality Digital Camera System
Use of a high quality digital camera system with an output in excess of 3000 x 2000
pixels per image is required. Vendor must detail the image quality specifications and
provide real sets of violation image examples captured in daytime, nighttime, during
inclement weather, and during times where sunlight is pointing in the direction of the
ATS offers the industry's highest resolution cameras with 12.4 megapixels per camera
(4,266 x 2,688 pixels per image). The super-high resolution cameras capture crystal
clear, crisp images even during periods of inclement weather. Sets of violation image
examples are in Appendix B - Sample Violation Images.
4.1.5 Statistical Data
The equipment should be capable of gathering traffic data for statistical analysis. Copies
of sample reports shall be attached.
The Axsis ™ VPS System provides comprehensive resources for statistical data for long-
term analysis of violations and violation trends. The reports are grouped by Statistical,
Financial, and Operational data types. The client can receive reports by email or directly
through the web interface. ATS is able to produce any reports required by the City. We
will confirm any reporting requirements during the initial Business Planning sessions.
The Axsis™ VPS System contains an extensive selection of sample reports to assist the
City in monitoring and measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the system. These
reports include summary reports, issuance rate reports, performance reports by location,
user reports, statistical graphs and payment reports.
Copies of sample reports are in Appendix C - Sample Reports.
4.1.6 Capability to Operate in Wide Range of Conditions
The equipment shall be capable of deployment in a wide range of operating conditions;
e.g., heavy traffic volumes, adverse weather conditions, road surface configurations, etc.,
and across five moving lanes of traffic.
The Axsis ™ RLC-300 operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in a wide
range of conditions, whether it be heavy traffic volumes, adverse weather conditions,
varied road surface configurations and across five moving lanes of traffic. The Axsis TM
RLC-300 camera accommodates a range of high quality lens options and therefore, can
be adapted to even the most demanding and challenging intersection configurations,
increasing flexibility to monitor all intersections and approaches that the City wants to
enforce. The system can be configured to detect and capture violations across five (5)
moving lanes of traffic.
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~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
4.1.7 Non-Intrusive, Non-Physical Connection to Red Phase
The equipment shall provide a reliable non-intrusive, non-physical connection to the red
phase signal.
The Axsis ™ RLC-300 has been designed to enable reliable non-intrusive, non-physical
connection to the red phase signal. The system senses the signal phase through the use
of a toroid device or an intelligent remote video image-based red signal detector, which is
in operation today at our Apopka red light camera installations. Neither technology
options actually touch the signal controllers and thus, will not present any liability to the
4.1.8 Three Digital Color Still Images
The system must provide at least three digital color still images of each violating event.
The images must be taken so that the rear of the vehicle and license plate are captured.
The first image shall capture the vehicle before the front wheels strike the legal violation
limit line. The second image shall capture the vehicle after the rear axle has crossed the
crosswalk or legal limit line. The third one shall depict a close up of the license plate.
Preference will be given for the ability to capture a short duration video of the violation.
The ATS system produces three images per your requirement. The system utilizes a
single 12.4-megapixel camera to capture a series of high resolution images that contain
all of the information needed to prosecute a violation.
eonfIdeIdIaI & proprtetarJ
First rear image: The "A" shot is captured from the rear approach showing: the
scene of the violation including the back of the violating vehicle in front of the stop line (or
crossing if desired); one or more visible red light signals; and a clear image of the license
plate of the offending vehicle, all from the simIle. base imaae.
Second rear image: The "8" shot is also captured from the rear approach showing:
the scene of the violation including the back of the violating vehicle after the rear axle has
crossed the stop line and the vehicle has illegally entered the intersection; one or more
visible red light signals; and a clear image of the license plate of the offending vehicle, all
from the sinale. base imaae.
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~ Red ugh.t f!unning Camera Enforcement System
License plate crop: The Axsis ™ Violation Processing System will create a magnified
"crop" of the license plate from one of the images for easy viewing. However. the
cronned license nlate close-un is not a senarate imaae. but rather a close-un view
of the oriainal violation imaae. This image can be taken either of the two images
captured. However, if the City requires, the system can be set to capture three separate
In addition to the still images, our system will record a 12-second full motion clip of the
violation. The video system capabilities are detailed further in section 4.1.13.
4.1.9 Violation Data Captured
The camera system shall record data pertinent to each violation at the time of capture.
Each camera records the date and time of day for each image that is captured. In
addition to the date and time data, the system can also record:
. the speed of vehicle,
. posted speed,
. lane number,
· time the light has been red,
· location identifier, and
· amber phase time
4.1.10 Data Bar Requirements
Data shall be recorded in a flexibly configured data bar that is embedded with each
scene, license plate and stop bar detection images that may be used to prove the
violation. The data bar shall include, but is not limited to, the following information for
each violation: a) Unique violation identifier incorporating the City; b) Location of violation;
c) Date (MM/DD/YYYY); d) Time of the violation in 24 hour clock including hours, minutes
and seconds; e) Elapsed time between images; f) Direction of travel; g) Traffic signal
phase; h) Time into the red phase displayed in thousandths of a second; g) Duration of
the prior amber phase; h) Vehicle lane of travel; i) Camera ID; and j) Frame sequence
The A TS data bar is
clear and legible even
on the violation notice.
The competitors' data
bar is not legible and
cannot be read either
on the notice or
The following contains sample images and data bars. Please note that
additional available information required by the City of Winter Springs can be
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~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
----- .
I A.sholl
4.1.11 Secure Data Transmission
Explain how the image and violation data is secured and transmitted to the processing
Securing the violation data from its point of capture until final disposition is the foundation
of the legal process. A TS has a defined and accepted Chain of Custody process that
insures the data is secure, original and unaltered. The data is transferred using the Triple
DES Encryption standard over a VPN Tunnel between the camera site and the A TS
secure data center in Scottsdale, AZ. A TS has developed rigorous system and data
security measures and is willing to prove our security through a third party audit.
Images will be collected using a dedicated high speed
telecommunications line to each red light camera. Images are
transmitted from the RLC-300 Digital Camera to the Axsis ™
collection point through a 3DES encrypted VPN tunnel
secured by Cisco firewall, switching and routing gear. In the
event of a network communication failure, the Axsis ™ RLC-300 Camera units have the
ability to store violation images and data locally. In the event of an extended network
outage, the data can be physically collected daily by our field technicians if necessary.
4.1.12 Covers and Reflective Materials on License Plates
Explain how the proposed system can compensate for the effects of license plate covers.
Explain how the proposed system can compensate for the effects of reflective material on
license plates.
A1S! @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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October 31, 2007
~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement S)'stem
The proliferation of plate covers or
"anti-red light camera products" have
begun to impact many automated
enforcement programs. However, in
response to the increasing use of
these illegal devices, A TS has
developed a proprietary technique to
reduce the effects of license plate
covers and blockers. Tested and
substantiated by the popular television
configuration eliminates loss of camera
ATS tests all available "Plate Blockers"
No common product effectively blocks the plate
-,,_I3C1.,a _
show, MythBusters, our proprietary camera
violations due to these devices.
4.1.13 Video System
The system must provide an ancillary video system as supporting information to the
violation provided by the still images. The video must be full motion at the rate of thirty
(30) frames per second or greater and allow aperture adjustment.
In addition to the high resolution still images, the Axsis™ LIVE Ai"sf~lIVE~
-=s..- __!:.__________
system also captures and stores separate full motion video II v E V IDE 0 5 y 5 T E M
"clips" of the violation event, showing the scene and key violation data. This video clip is
securely transmitted to the ATS data center along with the still violation images. The
video is captured at a rate of 30 frames per second.
Police are able to confirm whether a right-on-red violation was committed
where the violator did not make a full and complete stop before turning the
Features of the LIVE system include:
· Monitors all four directions simultaneously (extra fee for non-enforced
approach monitoring)
· Records sound of passing traffic and collisions
· Proves right turn violations
· Real-time viewing over the Internet
· Adjustable recording speed
· Saves digital video data for months
· Traffic flow and pattern evaluation for DOT
AI5! @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
~-~---- Proprietary and Confidential
ATS' full motion video
system is unique
among competing
offerings because the
LIVE system can also
search days and
weeks in the past to
review events of
interest to police such
as stolen vehicle
pursuits, collisions, or
shootings that may
have occurred at the
No other vendor offers
this option.
Page 14
October 31, 2007
~Be(LLj9_h! RJ!nning Camera Enforcement System
· Records the action of any violating vehicle and
all relevant circumstances
· Easy Internet access by court and police for
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A TS was the innovator of all of these features and
most vendors are now attempting to follow the ATS
lead by offering some or all of these features.
~ 00 Tunobw. r-.b4 irI Wftlbto'f""""'" ".) p__ the Mo:t o.v, <<UIl"diooto a.nno-
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4.1.14 Imaging Unit's Operation
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Each imaging unit's operation shall be microprocessor controlled and fully automatic.
The Axsis ™ RLC-300 is microprocessor controlled and fully automatic. The controller is
a modular system that includes a series of "Hot Swappable" industrial grade components.
The RLC-300 controller has an Ethernet interface for remote access and data
transmission to the Axsis™ VPS servers. Data is also temporarily stored locally on high
capacity Axsis™ Compact Flash Cards capable of storing thousands of images if network
connectivity is lost temporarily.
4.1.15 On-Site or Remote Activation
The Camera System shall be capable of on-site or remote activation and maintenance
The Axsis ™ RLC-300 system has automated electronic watchdog programs running that
send camera status to the Axsis ™ VPS Processing Center and maintenance staff. When
connected to the Internet, the RLC-300 camera will send regular status messages to an
Axsis ™ monitoring server. The Axsis ™ monitoring server will record camera status for
reporting and will send alerts to technicians should the status indicate that service is
required. We have technicians monitoring the cameras seven days a week.
The following is a list of conditions that will be monitored.
1. Internet Connection 5. Violation Transfer Queue
Status 6. Camera Status
2. RLC-300 Controller 7. Camera Controller Status
8. Camera Exposure
3. Violation Count Settings
4. RLC-300 Storage 9. Camera Storage
. Remaining Remaining
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc. Page 15
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~ Red Light Runnmg Camera Enforcement System
10. Lane Sensor Status
4.1.16 Self-Test
The Camera System that shall perform a self-test on set-up; simulate a violation being
recorded for testing; communicate error messages; record date and time of system
shutdown in the event of a malfunction.
During the start-up sequence, the RLC-300 performs a comprehensive self-test. The red
light camera checks all vital functions of the system including the camera, aperture, light
meter, data storage, internal clocks, etc. A test photo sequence is also available during
pre and post deployment procedures; if either the comprehensive self-test, or the internal
calibration tests fail, operation of the system will be automatically suspended.
4.1.17 System Malfunctions
The Camera System shall allow a malfunction to be easily identified and debugged on-
All critical functions of the Axsis™ RLC-300 can be remotely accessed and controlled.
Remote diagnostics, system parameter changes, camera adjustments and other
functions are all routine activities.
4.1.18 Multiple, Simultaneous and/or Concurrent Violations
The Camera System shall record event-specific evidence to substantiate multiple,
simultaneous and/or concurrent violations occurring during any red signal phase (Sample
violation images to demonstrate this capability shall be included as part of the proposal.)
The camera can capture up to five images per second, which means that the system is
rated to capture multiple violations per second. The system is designed to capture
multiple, simultaneous and/or concurrent violations occurring during any red signal
phase. The following example shows how the Axsis ™ RLC-300 captures three violations
in separate lanes within 1.5 seconds.
4ISI @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
~= Proprietary and Confidential
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October 31, 2007
~ Red Light Runnmg Camera Enforcement System
<;=J Fl1Imo I46A ..pturod 01 0.50
seconds into red in lane 2
Fl1Imo 146 B ..ptured ot 1.40
..oonds into rod in lono 2 c::)
<:=::J FI1Imol47A ..pturod otO.90
...onds into lid in Ian. 1
Fl1Imo 147 B captured ot 1.70 c::)
seconds into red in lanc.1 ~
C -. r & ~.....-"
Fl1Imo I48A capturod at 1.05
...onds into lid in lano 3
I. ~ltl
Fl1Imo 148A .aptured at 2.0
s...nds Into r.d in Ian. 3 c::)
I~I~X Images Captured In 1.5 Seconds with a Sj~gle Camera!
Additional sample violation images demonstrating this capability can be viewed in
Appendix B.
4.1.19 "Live" Intersection Monitoring
System shall provide 24 hours a day/? days a week "live" intersection monitoring and
viewing capabilities.
Additionally, the Axsis ™ LIVE
system can be configured to
capture continuous video,
24x7x365. Recorded video
(~ ~i 2) r~;) ;
~TC" ..tTP O....h
0"l()"; O~ll;l
( .....~;o"01o):
will be stored locally, at the
camera site for approximately
30 days, and can be
configured to retain longer
periods. This feature is
significant because all video, regardless of a violation event, will be available to the City.
This becomes useful for collision reconstruction. homeland security. and other
investiaations. Live video images and recorded video segments can be accessed and
downloaded by any authorized user via a secure Internet connection. (We receive
dozens of requests per month from cities requesting video coverage of incidents that did
not involve a red light violation).
AISI @200: American Traffic S.olutions, Inc.
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~ Red Light Runnmg Camera Enforcement System
4.1.20 Synchronized Operations
All camera system component operations must be synchronized to a single, standard,
independent, external and verifiable time and date source.
All ATS systems use Network Time Protocol (a national standard) to synchronize to
public time clocks.
4.1.21 Vehicle Detection Methods
The selected Vendor must propose more than one (1) vehicle detection method (in-
ground loops will not be considered). Explain the vehicle detection methods which can be
used by the proposed system including the benefits and limitations of each if more than
one is offered.
To meet the City's requirements and to avoid cutting into the street surface to install
embedded detection systems, ATS offers triggering based on non-invasive, above-
ground "video" detection and our new wireless sensor technology.
Video Detection
A TS operates more non-invasive video detection systems than
any other vendor. The video detection interface accepts standard
cards built on the common TS2 standard. As such, unlike the
proprietary video detection offered by other vendors, A TS
leverages proven, commercially available detection technologies.
This approach ensures that our systems are constantly updated
and leverage the specific research and development investment
by other specialists in the detection field. There are more than
35,000 lteris Vantage video detector systems currently operating
in North America.
The combination of our technologies and our refined quality processes produce the
highest violation capture rates in the industry. Statistics show that our systems detect
more vehicles and capture more (20 to 50 percent) violations than any other system.
Unlike many other vendor systems, our system can be set to detect and capture
violations at slow speeds, below 10 mph. Additionally, the ATS Iteris detection
technology has proven capable of accurate detection at high speeds and in all types of
Whereas these act like embedded loops, they can be somewhat affected by occlusions
and headlights at night. The speed accuracy is less than embedded loops, but they offer
the same vehicle counting benefits as loops and also, unlike loops, they are remotely
configurable through visual display. This is very valuable for maintainability and fine
tuning without requiring site visits.
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System Wireless Vehicle Detectors
We have recently developed and implemented an optional new non-invasive vehicle
detection technology, which provides the benefits of non-invasive solutions and the
performance of embedded sensors. This wireless "sensor unit" fits in the palm of your
hand. It is installed in a small 3-inch round hole in the pavement without any wires to or
from the camera controller unit. No trenching, boring or conduit runs are required. The
unit communicates wirelessly to the Axsis ™ controller. Pictures of the sensor, the
wireless access point and the installation profile are shown below.
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Wireless Access Point
4.1.22 Camera Enclosures
Red light camera enclosures must be tamper proof and vandal proof.
The Axsis ™ RLC-300 weather and vandal proof camera enclosure prevents dust, salt
and sanded slush. This provides an easy-to-install and maintain housing unit.
4.1.23 Infrastructure
Preference will be given to systems that require the least infrastructure at the
AJ5I @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red Li.ght Running Camera Enforcement System
Our red light camera system installs on a single pole and is the least intrusive in the
industry. The video detector installs on a single pole perpendicular to the violation line.
4.1.24 Small Enclosures
Red light camera enclosures must be as small as possible and use as little power as
possible. State the size of the red light camera system enclosure and the normal power
draw of the system, including the power usage during the flash phase.
The Axsis ™ enclosures are the smallest offered in the industry. The dimensions of the
camera enclosure are 24" x 9" x 8".
The Axsis™ RLC-300 camera system uses less power than any other system. As shown
below it uses less than one amp per day.
Axsis RLC-300 Unit and Camera
Cisco Router and DSL Modem
Axsis LIVE DVR and camera
Axsis FR-200 Flash -100 flashes per day
Daily Power Draw
200 milliamps
200 milliamps
300 milliamps
200 milliamps
900 milliamps/day
4.1.25 Simple and Quick Maintenance
Red light camera enclosures must be designed in such a fashion that maintenance, and
other operations can be accomplished easily and quickly without creating a public safety
hazard. Explain typical maintenance procedures.
A TS controllers are mounted at five feet off
the ground for easy technician access. For
camera and strobe access, A TS uses its
fleet of bucket trucks. A TS is the only
vendor with a national fleet of maintenance
bucket trucks.
A TS standard operating procedure includes a detailed maintenance and repair tracking
system. All work performed on each system are detailed on this log. The log identifies
the date, site and status of the system and type of work performed. Work orders
received by our Field Operations department are logged into three primary groups:
1. Installations
2. System upgrade I preventive maintenance activities
3. System outages I trouble tickets
Installations: Via coordination with the Project Manager and the maintenance teams,
field equipment is scheduled to be installed. As construction nears completion, an
installation request ticket is submitted, outlining the specific details of the site. This
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
process feeds our dispatch / scheduling system, and all the required resources (people,
equipment, parts, tools, subcontractors) are scheduled for the job.
System Upgrades / Preventive Maintenance: As new releases of software, firmware,
or hardware become available, or as general maintenance activities need to be
performed (Le. camera adjustments, lens cleaning, flash bulb replacements, etc.), a
dispatch ticket is queued to be scheduled in conjunction with either a "grouping" of
upgrades, or with a repair call, to allow us to make these improvements with the least
amount of disruption to the sites. There may be some upgrades which are deemed
critical, in which case these requests would be placed in our standard dispatch queue
with a high priority, to be scheduled as a trouble ticket would typically be handled.
System Outages / Trouble Tickets: A TS "touches" every site each day in a variety of
ways. We regularly "ping" the networked components of each site to assure we have
connectivity to be able to receive images and video. If connectivity is dropped, an alert is
made, and we start the process of remote diagnosis, and if possible, remote repair. We
also have our customer service and operations team review the data from each site and
identify if we have problems with the images and/or video (Le. dark image, license
unreadable). Once a problem is detected, a trouble ticket is logged and submitted to our
dispatch system for scheduling. Each dispatch event is assigned a priority, problem ID,
and recommended remedy. We then assign a technician and schedule a repair call.
Each of the above categories also has specific escalation "triggers," examples include:
specific response times, schedule conflicts with resource requirements (Le. equipment
and labor), and remedy issues. In any of these situations, the dispatch team and
appropriate management levels are notified, and corrective action is taken to successfully
complete and close the ticket in a timely and responsive manner. Throughout the entire
process, updates are made to the ticket logs, to be able to view the current status of any
event in the process.
4.1.26 Installation and Construction Time Frame
Vendor shall state installation and construction times for a generic intersection.
After receipt of a permit, construction and installation can be completed in 5 to 10 days of
elapsed time.
Section 4.6.3 of this proposal provides an installation schedule.
4.1.27 Monitor Multiple Lanes
The Vendor's system shall be able to simultaneously monitor traffic in up to five lanes.
.AIS' @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
The standard Axsis ™ RLC-300 control unit can independently monitor up to four moving
lanes and two different signal phases, simultaneously with a single camera. Another four
moving lanes can be monitored by mounting another camera control unit in the cabinet
on the same camera pole to monitor a five-lane approach. The independent lane control
logic enables precise detection and enforcement of different signal phases from a single
camera. For example, the Axsis ™ RLC-300 enables a single or dual left turn controlled
by a left turn arrow and straight throughlright turn lanes on a solid green signal ball
enforced at the same time with a single system. The camera can capture up to five
images per second, which means that the system is rated to capture multiple violations
per second.
The majority of red light violations occur within the first second of the red phase. As a
result, red light runners often "platoon," or run the light side-by-side (see the New York
City image set on page 15). The ATS camera and detection technology has been
designed to detect and image all vehicles, even those traveling side-by-side. No other
system offered is capable of this level of performance. In fact, all other systems must
complete the sequence ("A" shot and "B" shot) of the first detected violation before
resetting to capture another violation. In this case, only the first detected vehicle in a
platoon would be captured. This leads to hundreds of missed violations per camera per
4.1.28 Left and Right-Turn Enforcement
In addition to monitoring straight-through violations, the system shall be capable of
detecting and recording evidence of left and right turn violations, regardless of vehicle
speed (please reference program). The proposer must explain how the system captures
illegal right-turn-on-red movements.
The detectors are configured on a lane-by-Iane basis to be sensitive to any number of
events, including illegal right turns on red. The camera captures two images of the event,
just like other violations. The downloaded video clip is used to confirm that the vehicle
did not stop during the violation event captured by the camera. Our red light camera
systems in Apopka detect and record left and right-turn violations. Sample left and right-
turn violation images can be found in Appendix B.
4.2 Violation Processing
4.2.1 Best Violation Processing System
Explain why the Vendor's violation processing system is the best choice for the City.
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The Axsis™ VPS (Violation Processing System) is a full-
_~.!i'I~LV!~=-___ featured and web-enabled violation processing solution,
managed and maintained at our Scottsdale Data Center.
The system has been designed to enable image review and full processing of traffic
violations for enforcement programs worldwide. This application will enable authorized
Winter Springs and police personnel to perform the processing functions from any
location with Internet access. Additionally, our Police Review function requires less
than 30 seconds to process each violation.
4.2.2 Vendor Processing Software
There shall be no requirement to install Vendor processing software on City owned/
maintained IT systems.
A TS' violation processing system is web-enabled and only requires an Internet
connection to access. No software install is required.
4.2.3 Detailed View of Information
Vendor's violation processing system shall allow the City a detailed view into all of the
information related to the program.
All transactions in our Axsis ™ system are recorded by user and date. A complete audit
trail of unusable images and reasons is maintained and available to the City. Unlike most
other systems, all A TS reports are accessible to the City.
4.2.4 Internet-Enabled System
All access to the violation processing system for the purpose of preprocessing evidence,
police authorization, notice printing, payments tracking, and generation of court evidence
packages shall be Internet enabled and shall be available 24/7 for authorized users.
Our Axsis ™ VPS system is fully web-enabled. Authorized users will have access at all
times to the system through a secure Internet connection.
4.2.5 System Functions
The violation processing system shall provide the following functions: a) Web-enabled
access and operation; b) Secure user log-in and access; c) Automatic presentation of
images and data captured by the camera system onto review PCs; d) Easy review of
violation evidence against regulations; e) Ability to both "play" full motion video and view
multiple scene and plate images; f) Ability to view each image as a full screen
enlargement with a single click; g) Ability to view all original images; h) Ability to "crop" a
license plate image area from the optimal license plate image in the multiple-image
license plate set to establish vehicle 10, and subsequently print the cropped plate area
image to the notice; i) Ability to "accept" or "reject" violation sets and record rejection
reasons; j) Ability to generate printed warning letters (during the first 30 days of the
program at the City's discretion); k) Ability to automatically generate printed violation
notices; I) Ability to store and archive all processed violation evidence into a secured
database; m) 24/7 ability to access any stored violation image from the system's
database subject to agreed archive rules; n) 24/7 ability to request and immediately view
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Court Evidence Package image sequences displayed as video or as individual high
resolution still shots, or send images to print locally; 0) 24/7 ability to immediately
request, view and print both standard and user-defined reports; p) Secured Access
Control and automatically generated electronic audit trails; and q) Encryption and
decryption management.
Axsis ™ VPS delivers a full range of features and required functionality meeting or
exceeding items a.) through q.) above. A detailed description of the system is in
Appendix D - Violation Processing System.
4.2.6 Preparation and Mailing of Notices
Vendor system shall be capable of: a) Preparing and mailing one notice letter for all
chargeable violations to vehicle owners. b) Issuing and mailing a second notice for any
violations that remain unpaid as of their due date.
Our Axsis ™ VPS system can be programmed to generate as many notices as required
by the City, based on criteria (e.g., non-payment and no scheduled hearings within a
specified Time Frame). In the event that there is no response to the original notice letter
which was mailed to the violator or violation remains unpaid as of its due date, A TS will
automatically reissue notices.
4.2.7 Notice Issuance Time Frame
Violations for which registered owner data is available shall normally be issued within 7
business days after police review of the incident.
Once the violations are approved by the Police Department and the City has advised
A TS to send the initial notice, Notices of Violation are generated by the Axsis ™ Violation
Processing System and mailed to the Owners' addresses by first class mail. Flags within
the system will be set to ensure that notices are mailed within the seven business days
Time Frame defined by the City.
4.3 Statistical Analysis and Reporting Systems
4.3.1 Statistical Analysis
Systems with the capacity to produce statistical analysis of camera location and
operations will be preferred; including, at minimum: a) Hours of use per camera by
operational site; b) Results achieved by each camera by site; c) Offenses recorded by
site; and d) Traffic counts by lane, date and hour.
The Axsis ™ VPS System provides comprehensive resources for statistical data for long-
term analysis of violations and violation trends. The reports are grouped by Statistical,
Financial, and Operational data types. The client can receive reports by email or directly
through the web interface. ATS is able to produce any reports required by the City. We
will confirm any reporting requirements during the initial Business Planning sessions.
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4.3.2 Operations Reports 24/7
The Vendor's Processing system shall be capable of immediately generating operations
reports 24/7 including: a) Number of violations recorded; b) Count of violations where
notices not prepared; c) Notices prepared and mailed; and d) Status of notices issued
(outstanding, canceled, reissued and so forth).
All reports are available online and are real-time. During the initial planning and business
rule development sessions with the City, A TS will define all reporting requirements and
design reports that will be available to authorized personnel in the City.
4.3.3 Reports
The Vendor's system shall also supply reports of: a) Camera equipment hours of service
and hours lost; and b) Number and description of camera or other equipment
ATS will provide these reports to the City.
4.3.4 Violation and Traffic Statistics
The Vendor's system shall be capable of providing Violation and Traffic Statistics as
follows: a) Real-time traffic volume and vehicle counts; and b) Real-time violation graphs
and chart by: i) individual lane; ii) time of day; and iii) day of week.
Our system can provide these reports and statistics to the City.
4.3.5 Prosecutable Image Rate and Traffic Count
Preference will be given to systems, that can analyze results obtained from each camera
location to show the prosecutable image rate (e.g., the number of notices issued
compared to the number of violations captured) and the traffic count statistical
The A TS reports provide the ability to analyze results obtained from each camera
location to show the prosecutable image rate (e.g. the number of notices issued
compared to the number of violations captured) and the traffic count statistical
information. Sample reports can be found in Appendix C.
4.3.6 Online Reporting and Monthly Reports
Preference will be given to systems that have online reporting capability in real time; and
allow the Vendor to provide the City with a monthly activity report within ten (10) days
following the end of the month.
Our system will allow the City to access reports online as needed, including by the 10th as
specified in the RFP requirements. The reports are refreshed and kept current daily.
4.3.7 Monthly Report Details
The monthly report shall indicate the following: a) The number of events detected,
notices/violations issued and prosecutable image rate by location and in total; b) The total
number of violations that occurred and percentage of total vehicle traffic by lane; and c)
The total number and percentage of rejected images by reason.
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ATS' monthly reports will include the details required by the RFP.
4.4 Image Transmission Security and Data Storage
4.4.1 Image and Data Security
Vendor must provide for image and data security that shall prevent unauthorized persons
from accessing the camera images and databases and tampering with images (explain
The Axsis ™ RLC-300 Camera automatically "pushes" data from each camera site to the
ATS Data Center Computer System by means of a 3DES encrypted secure Virtual
Private Network ("VPN") connection. The Axsis ™ System then automatically decrypts
and loads the data to a File System in the server at the A TS Violation Processing Center.
. Data Security Option
This is an optional program for
~ /" ~J cities wanting additional data
security. Security built on
static, reusable passwords can be easy for hackers
to beat. A recommendation by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) makes this very
clear; two-factor authentication is recommended to
minimize identity theft. An additional fee is
ATS is the only company offering true security to this sensitive data. We offer, as an
option, Two-Factor Authentication using the industry-standard for two-factor
authentication called SecurlD@ by RSA.
RSA SecurlD@ two-factor authentication is based on something you know (a password or
PIN) and something you have (an authenticator)-providing a much more reliable level of
user authentication than reusable passwords. SecurlD@ is used by over 15 million people
at more than 18,000 companies worldwide.
ATS' SecurlD@ Authenticator functions like an ATM card. Network and desktop users
must identify themselves with two unique factors, something they know, and something
they have, before they are granted access. The ATS SecurlD@ Authenticator:
· Authenticates users at network, system and application and desktop levels
· Secures internal and remote network access
· Is compatible with leading remote access servers, wireless access points, web
servers, firewalls and VPNs
. Is easy-to-use, industry-proven technology
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. Is designed with industry-standard technology
If the City chooses the SecurlO@ option, ATS will provide each authorized user with its
own ATS SecurlO@ token for use to gain access to the Axsis™ VPS Violation Processing
System application. This feature will give the City the ultimate sense of security knowing
that onlv authorized users will be able to access the Axsis ™ VPS Violation Processing
4.4.2 Enforceable Image Storage
The Vendor must store all enforceable images produced by cameras for no less than 180
days after final disposition.
All enforceable images will be stored in compliance with State retention laws, be
transferable to a CO format or equivalent, and shall be accessible, upon request by the
City's authorized representative.
Violation data and image retention is a customer-defined requirement. Violation images
will be stored for 180 days after final disposition. Once this time period has expired (per
violation), the individual images are archived or destroyed and removed from the live
4.4.3 Evidence Package
Vendor shall provide an evidence package for any contested violations. The package
shall consist of: a) All issued and disputed notices to the party; b) A violation history
report; c) A correspondence file; and d) A payment history.
The Axsis ™ system will be configured to produce an electronic Evidence Package which
includes the violation images and data, violator history, document history, and any other
relevant documents (such as letters from the defendant) that may be included in the file
one week prior to each scheduled hearing. The Evidence Package is an Adobe POF file
that can be passed to the Court for reference by the hearing officer or judge during the
4.4.4 Chain of Evidence
Vendor will maintain a proper chain of evidence that meets the needs of City and court
A TS understands that a secure chain of evidence is an essential element of any red light
camera operation. Our chain of evidence process is described in Section 4.1.11.
4.4.5 Expert Witness Testimony
Vendor will provide a qualified expert witness who is knowledgeable on the theory,
operation and functional capabilities of the red light camera unit.
Expert witnesses will be provided as needed to establish judicial notice of the program.
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4.5 Maintenance, Support and Training
4.5.1 Maintenance
All maintenance of camera, video, sensors, computer and related equipment shall be the
responsibility of the Vendor.
A TS will maintain, repair and replace any system
component throughout the duration of the contract,
regardless of cause. A TS supports a Help Desk
organization that responds to calls 24 x 7 x 365.
During training, authorized users will be provided with
a step-by-step guide to System Support. The guide
will also include detailed instructions on how to obtain service and technical support.
The City will always have an A TS contact for use during normal operation and for
emergency use (on weekends and holidays) as well.
. Proactive Maintenance
ATS proactively provides quality control procedures to verify and optimize camera
programs by deploying specially trained quality control technicians to the site. We stock
spare equipment locally to ensure that each camera system operates well within the
contract parameters. Image Quality Review
On a daily basis, ATS staff located in one of our U.S. Field Operations Facilities (St.
Louis; Washington, D.C.; Mesa; Scottsdale; New York or Philadelphia) will perform a
series of image quality audits for every deployed camera. These maintenance personnel
discover any camera faults including focus or setup problems immediately. The staff is
trained to act immediately to correct deficiencies that would compromise contracted
service levels or internal quality control standards.
Additionally, the ongoing image review process generates reject reports identifying
camera-based rejects. The field office manager receives these reports on a daily basis,
identifies the issue and rapidly resolves the issue at the camera level.
4.5.2 72-Hour Time Frame
Vendor shall guarantee to repair or replace any inoperable equipment within 72 hours of
detection by the Vendor or notification by the City.
Our internal service levels mandate that our systems are repaired or replaced within a
standard 72-hour time frame.
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4.5.3 Maintenance and Inspection Visits
Describe the proposed standard process for how often the cameras systems will be
visited for maintenance and inspection. Explain what occurs during a maintenance and
inspection visit.
TCD will provide maintenance and field operation services for the photo enforcement
program. ATS and TCD have an established working relationship. Each camera will be
visited at least once per month for preventive maintenance services.
ATS systems are self-monitoring and communicate regularly with the network monitoring
center. Additionally, if field units do not "phone home" as expected, trained staff is
alerted by the network monitoring center system so that technical investigation can be
4.5.4 Ongoing Training Support
Vendor must provide ongoing training support for their product.
A TS provides a range of training courses and will ensure that all users are properly
trained in all relevant aspects of the systems and program. ATS is able to provide
comprehensive training to any number of City employees deemed necessary by the City
of Winter Springs.
Our training course will cover, among other elements:
1. Equipment Orientation
2. Centralized and in-field training
3. Familiarization with the software programs used for violation processing
4. Familiarization with the ATS customer service and payment operations
5. Handling of payment processing
Typically our class size is small and limited to 5 to 10 people to maximize each
participant's learning experience and interaction with our instructor. Camera Technology Course
ATS will provide City personnel with a basic understanding of how the camera system
operates from a certified technician and trained camera instructor. Our Camera
Technology Course certified technicians and trained camera instructors take users
through a complete classroom course conducted in a half-day session. There is also an
additional field inspection where students are instructed on the entire Iifecycle of
installation, maintenance and camera field tuning. Participants will attain a basic
knowledge of the system components:
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System Detection - Invasive or Non-Invasive Technology
System Component - Camera installation, Strobe, Camera and Equipment Center Violation Processing Course
A TS will train designated officers and selected others on the use of the Axsis ™ VPS
System. Courses include a complete overview of the violation process in the City's
context as well as hands-on training with the application in all areas of processing
will be provided by A TS.
including those areas that R"'L1.hIC.~,.Ento'cem.nt-Vlol"lonPm"..Flow Ad'I.l'vps.
Our program is a
comprehensive violations
processing course that
will attune trainees to the
major issues in violations
processing that have a
direct impact on their daily
job tasks. We also
provide training on the
payment processing
AI5! @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red Ught Running Camera Enforcement System
function. This included approach provides City staff with the complete picture of how
violations are processed so that they can understand how their specific duties relate to
the entire process.
Life of a Violation - How the process works from installation to payment. This module
will take the participant on a journey from the installation of the equipment to the many
options a violator has. It provides the basic frame work for understanding how each step
in the life cycle impacts their work.
Image Processing - How does an image become a violation package? This module
provides a more in-depth look into the Violation Processing System. The module is
custom-built to the City's need to focus on the functions performed by the participants.
From Police Review to Payment Entry, each participant will receive the hands-on training
required to provide them the skills to be successful on their job.
This is a half- to full-day course.
. Court Training Course
The Court Training Course provides a similar type of training as the Violation Processing
Course with a focus on the court processing aspects of the system as well as a review of
how the field camera technology works.
In addition, the Court Training Course provides an historical and legal framework review
of photo enforcement, the common reasons for dispute, the tactics of defendants, and the
typical counter measures used by the prosecution. This course is applicable to court
clerks, attorneys, police witnesses, and even judges. Taken in two parts, this is a half-
day course. Axsis ™ Release Training
ATS is proactive in maintaining the Violation Processing System and actively solicits
feedback to insure our system meets our client's needs. This feedback is incorporated
into our quarterly update to the VPS system. ATS consults with our clients to determine
the most effective way of delivering this training. Based on the depth of the release and
client requirements, Release Training can be handled in a classroom, virtual classroom
or tutorial type setting.
. Classroom Release Training
Provides an in-depth look at the pre-release Axsis ™ side by side with the enhancements
to VPS. Participants will receive hands-on training on the enhancements to the system,
face-to-face instruction and a workshop to cement the skills receive from the day's
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~ Red Light Run1J!.'!g Camera Enforcement System Virtual Classroom Training
ATS is actively developing their virtual classroom system. Virtual classroom training
allows participants to learn from their desks but still allows them access to an instructor to
address questions or comments they may have. Virtual classroom sessions allow the
same in-depth look at the material but limit the hands-on ability. Requirements for
attending: Internet access and conference capability. Tutorial Training
ATS is currently developing tutorial-based training for our clients for all release and
refresher training. This will allow our clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to access
training programs to increase their knowledge base in the system, catch up on current
releases and provide new employees with a self-study program. Ongoing Local Training
ATS will also provide local training support for City staff who use the Axsis™ application
throughout the contract period.
4.5.5 Hands-On Training
Provision of hands-on training as necessary to personnel as required by the City.
A TS will provide hands-on training as necessary to City personnel.
4.5.6 Training Materials
Vendor shall furnish training materials.
A TS will furnish all necessary training materials.
4.6 Operations and Public Awareness
4.6.1 Project Management Approach
Describe the Project Management Approach and how it will ensure a successful project
for the City.
Our Project Approach for delivery and operation of
successful red light photo enforcement programs has
been designed to leverage the resources to ensure rapid
and efficient delivery within your time frame and with the
highest possible level of quality. The ATS solution is
particularly well suited for this approach. Our seasoned
team of professionals has successfully deployed this
Project Approach for the implementation of similar programs of equal or greater size and
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We subcontracted with a Florida electrical contractor, Traffic Control Devices (TCD) who
is highly respected and familiar with the City's traffic controls and processes to help
complete the construction and installation of our systems. Our team of experienced staff
and contractors will focus on activities requiring personal interaction with various
departments (Police, Traffic, Courts, Communications, etc.) including: enforcement
location selection; deployment strategies; business rule development; process modeling;
system integration; and acceptance testing. The team enables us to leverage key
resources, control costs and enable high levels of interaction with and direction from the
ATS offers an additional, powerful advantage which will benefit the City: we are flexible
and agile and are willing to adapt to the City's needs, style and culture. This means that
Winter Springs is going to enjoy a level of flexibility, creativity and problem solving
and open-mindedness that can be hard to extract from larger, more traditional
4.6.2 ATS Team
Present the skills and qualifications of the Project manager candidate and the team
surrounding that candidate.
We have put together a comprehensive team to ensure the successful completion and
operation of your Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System. This team will be
coordinated and managed by the assigned Project Manager, Charles Turner. Mr. Turner
has extensive experience managing implementations of photo enforcement programs.
He will work closely with the City, A TS personnel and our subcontractor Traffic Control
Devices to ensure a successful and timely project deployment. The resumes for the A TS
team are in Appendix E.
4.6.3 Proposed Timeline
Present the proposed time-line that will allow the program to become operational on or
before January 7,2008.
Below is a proposed timeline to meet the project goal of being operational on or before
January 7, 2008. This assumes that the City will be able to provide as-built plans
immediately upon award and approve plans and issue necessary permits within one day
of receipt from ATS. Additionally, this also assumes that power and communications
services can be brought to the site by local providers within 30 days of award and that
ATS is under contract no later than November 30,2007.
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
(Business Start Finish
Milestone Days) Date Date Tasks
Notice to Proceed - 0 11/12/07 11/12/07
Contract Execution
Program Initiation 7 days 11/12/07 11/20/07 Police workshop, court
Workshops workshop, traffic
engineering workshop,
public awareness
campaign workshop,
and program business
rules document
delivered and
Site Selection 7 days 11/13/07 11121/07 Camera site selection
review conference,
intersection analysis
(VIMS), City/ATS to
agree to final list of
Red Light Camera 29 days 11/26/07 1/7/08 Modify as-built
Deployment-1st 4 (includes drawings as needed
Sites holidays) for sites 1 to 4 and
City review and
approval, installation
and camera testing
Go Live 1 day 1/7/08 1/7/08
Software 35 days 11127/07 1116108 Scoping, development
Development (includes and testing
Warning Period 30 calendar 1/7/08 2/5/08 Issue warning notices,
days public awareness
cam paign
Enforcement 0 2/6/08 Issue violation notices,
Period continue public
awareness activities
4.6.4 City Staff Involvement
Describe the extent of the City staff's involvement in the project. Provide a list of City
Our project workflow requires City involvement at key points in our project plan. We
prefer to work and coordinate efforts through the City-appointed program manager.
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Court Resources
During the implementation phase, we would appreciate an IT resource to be appointed to
the program. This assistance will assure a smooth and expedited design and
implementation of the court interface needed for this automated program.
1 - IT Resource during implementation
1/8 to y.. time - Hearing Admin Clerk - Conduct Hearings.
Police Review Staff
We estimate that the police will be required to provide up to one half-time project
manager and one full-time equivalent resource for web-based final violation approval.
y.. to Y2 - Program Manager
y.. to Y2 - Police Officer or Reserve to approve violations in Axsis ™
Engineering Coordination
We recommend that the City appoint a City traffic engineer to manage the City's portion
of infrastructure installation and to interface with ATS engineers and installers. During
project implementation, we recommend a dedicated traffic engineering resource during
the construction phase.
Y2 - Engineering Resource during implementation
4.6.5 Public Education Program
Vendor will provide assistance with the content and design of a public education program
and associated materials to be funded by the City.
ATS understands that community awareness and acceptance of the traffic safety camera
program is essential in getting drivers to behave more safely.
Our team of media and public relations experts will partner with the City of Winter Springs
to generate campaigns to win trust and confidence in the Red Light Running Camera
Enforcement program. We will also partner with the City to sustain these objectives
throughout the life of the contract.
A TS has a proven track record in developing imaginative, effective Community Outreach
and Education campaigns in Florida, including Apopka. We will soon work with
Pembroke Pines and Palm Coast on their campaigns. Red Light Running Camera
Enforcement programs require continuous, proactive outreach to stakeholders and the
community-at-Iarge. The ATS role in that outreach begins even before cameras are
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Key objectives of the public awareness program include:
· Position the City as committed to improving safety in the community;
· Educate the public about the serious dangers of red light running and the
consequences: Death and injury, property damage, insurance costs, as well as the
damage to a community's quality of life and its sense of safety and well-being;
· Develop a timeline with specific strategies and tactics for pre-deployment, post-
deployment, and the ongoing phases of maintenance and reporting;
· Distribute information to the public using a variety of communications resources;
· Create public understanding and acceptance of the automated red light
enforcement program; and
· Report the effectiveness of the program, including reducing red light violations and
All public awareness activities will be coordinated directly with the appropriate City staff,
and prior approval by the City of content in all media and public education materials will
be strictly adhered to by our team.
Our team will produce the following deliverables included in the price proposal:
· Engaging and educational website content to be provided to the City's webmaster.
Examples of our cooperative input in other successful cities can be seen here:
http://www . citvofm esa. orq/pol ice/traffic/photo enforce/aspx
http://www.citvofirvino.orq/public-works/red-Iiqht-camera.htm I
· Design and content of one graphically appealing and informative public education
pamphlet in English, Spanish, and other languages (8Y2 x 11 ") (materials to be
printed and distributed by the City).
· PowerPoint slide show for use by the Mayor, City Council Members, the Police
Chief, and other City personnel for presentations and speaking engagements.
· Ongoing media relations material
Press Releases
Media Advisories
Media Kits, including high-quality still photos and video
· Backgrounder on City's photo enforcement program
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. Project "fact" sheet
. Research summary confirming effectiveness of program in other markets
. Graphics (How a Red Light Camera Works, Sample Traffic Citation)
. Assistance with media kick-off event, press conference and media briefing
. Warning Notices
4.6.6 Training for Presentations
Vendor will support the City by training staff on how to present the Vendor's systems at
public seminars or presentations. The Proposer will provide staff for public forums as
Our proposed Project Manager, Mr. Charles Turner, will be available, as well as other
ATS personnel as needed to speak at public forums and for media interactions.
Additionally, we will work closely with the City to provide training and support on
understanding and presenting our Axsis ™ system at various public functions and to the
4.7 Fees and Scope of Work for Pricing
4.7.1 Price Proposal
The price proposal shall be based on the implementation of 6 intersection approaches for
a term of 2 years with the option to extend the contract for 2 one year terms. For
comparative purposes, it shall be based on the Scope of Services indicated.
A TS proposes to furnish a turnkey red light camera program based on the following
confidential and proprietary proposal. We offer a number of pricing alternatives including:
1. Fixed fee per month
2. Fee per paid citation
3. Tiered fee per paid citation
The pricing covers fixed and variable costs of the system installation, maintenance and
ATS has no hidden fees.
Enforcement Period Pricing Options
Option A - Flat Fee per Month Per Approach (one camera / rear
Includes red light camera equipment, installation, maintenance,
violation processing services, Florida DMV records access, mailing
of 1 sl notice in color with return envelope, web-payments access,
call center support for general program questions and public
awareness program support.
Red Light Camera Fee Per Approach (one camera / rear imaging)
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Option B - Fee Per Paid Citation
Includes red light camera equipment, installation, maintenance,
violation processing services, Florida DMV records access, mailing
of 1 sl notice in color with return envelope, mailing of reminder
notice-text only, web-payments access, call center support for
general program questions and public awareness program support.
Option C - Tiered Fee per Paid Citation (one camera / rear
This fee schedule reduces the incremental cost to the city as the
number of paid notices increases.
1 sl Tier Fee (First 2 paid notices per day per camera (Le. first 89
paid per month)
2nd Tier Fee (Next 2 paid notices per day per camera) (from 90-149
per month)
3rd Tier Fee (All other paid notices per day per camera) (150+ per
Includes red light camera equipment, installation, maintenance,
violation processing services, in state and out of state DMV records
access, mailing of 1 sl notice in color with return envelope, mailing of
reminder notice-text only, lockbox payment processing, web-
payments access, call center support for general program
questions and public awareness program support.
If fewer than 2 notices are paid per camera per day, vendor is
compensated with all revenue collected.
Pricing excludes collections fees, which are 30% of revenue recovered net of fees above.
Collections net of recovery fees will be deposited from the blocked account into a city
account in the same manner as the normal red light camera fine payments.
4.7.2 Project Manager as Single Contact
Vendor shall provide a project manager for the project as the single point of contact of the
The assigned project manager, Charles Turner, will be the City's single point of contact
throughout the project.
4.7.3 Intersection Design and Installation Plans
Vendor shall provide intersection design and installation plans for review and approval by
the City Engineer and Permitting Department.
A TS has in-house professional civil engineers who will modify the "as-built" drawings to
include A TS-added infrastructure to be reviewed and approved by the City.
ATS will acquire all of the appropriate permits associated with the Red Light Running
Camera Enforcement System for the City of Winter Springs. A TS has extensive
experience working with various agencies throughout the United States, including in
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~ .-Bed LIght Runnmg Camera Enforcement System _ __ _ __ _ __
Florida, to obtain the necessary permits and approvals. These include various
Departments of Transportation, as well as a variety of utility companies and
telecommunications organizations. This vast and extensive experience will enable to
work effectively with local entities to ensure a timely receipt of permits and approvals.
4.7.4 Installation and Maintenance
Vendor shall install and maintain installed cameras.
ATS will maintain the red light camera system and will provide support and maintenance
for the installed cameras throughout the project.
4.7.5 Violation Processing
Vendor shall be responsible for loading, optimizing, and license plate data entry
processing of images for review (final review to be processed by authorized City
ATS staff performs all pre-review and case preparation functions.
Appendix D contains a detailed description of our Violation Processing workflow.
4.7.6 Notice Preparation and Mailing
Vendor will prepare one notice letter for all chargeable violations and will mail notice
letters to vehicle owners. The Vendor shall include a return envelope for payments.
Once the violations are approved by the City/Police Department, Notices (also called
Notices of Violation) are generated by the Axsis ™ Violation Processing System and
mailed to the owners' addresses by first class mail, including a return envelope for
4.7.7 Subsequent Notices
Vendor will prepare a second and a final notice will be issued for any violations that
remain unpaid after their due date. The Vendor shall include a return envelope for
A TS will prepare and mail a second and final notice if any violations are unpaid after their
due date. Return envelopes will be mailed with the notices.
4.7.8 Issuance Time Frame
Violations for which registered owner data is available shall be issued within the legally
required number of days of the violation event date.
The system will be set to ensure that notices are mailed within the time frame defined by
the City.
4.7.9 Notice Processing Supplies
Vendor may be asked to provide all required notice processing supplies including, paper,
envelopes, postage, toner, and any and all notice printing supplies.
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~Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
ATS can provide all notice processing supplies.
4.7.10 Information on Notices
Notices shall include one set of images and a license plate image.
All notices contain color images of the violation and instructions on how to view the
alleged violation through the Internet.
A sample notice is in Appendix F. A full description of the website that violators can use
to view the violations is in Appendix G.
4.7.11 Payments
Vendor shall provide a means for the fines to be paid on-line by credit or debit card.
Vendor shall provide a means for the fines to be paid by phone using a credit or debit
ATS has partnered with U.S. Bank as the payment processor for online and phone
payments. When a Notice is issued, the payer may choose from the following range of
payment channels:
Pay online, using the web, check or debiUcredit card (a convenience fee to the
violator is applied)
Pay by phone with credit or debit card
Receipts for e-check and crediUdebit cards are provided. These can be printed or
emailed to the payer if the payer provides an email address.
4.7.12 Third Party Collection Service
Vendor shall provide for a third party collection service for the collection of delinquent
A TS will manage all collections processing for the City of Winter Springs. We will
contract with a third party collection service for delinquent account collections.
4.8 Alternative-City of Winter Springs Ownership
4.8.1 Cost Alternative
Please provide a price proposal for the cost alternative to allow the City of Winter Springs
ownership and maintenance of the entire system. Cost proposals should also include
training and implementation.
The City can purchase each system for $110,000 installed. ATS can arrange for a third
party municipal lease to cover the capital cost. To process the notices, ATS can
establish a monthly processing system access fee based on processing volume.
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~ Red Light Running Carner. Enforcement System
Financial Return
Vendors must provide a clear and concise breakout of anticipated revenues and project
costs to include installation, maintenance, training, support as well as the actual
Red Light Photo Enforcement Program
Projected Revenue and Citation Volume
5 Year Forecast
4 Red Light Cameras
$125 Average Fine to City
24 violations per day per camera (starting rate)
Projected City Revenue
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
$ 1,329,000 $ 949,000 $ 911,000 $ 911,000 $ 911,000 $ 5,011,000
Red Light Citations Issued
22,836 16,311 15,659 15,659 15,659 86,123
Average Violation Reduction
13% 38% 40% 40% 40% 34%
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~ Red Light R,!!,nI'!.g Camera Enforcement System
Additional Information
Proposers are invited to provide any additional information, including promotional
material, that highlights experience or expertise, which is relevant and directly applicable
to this ITS.
Company Qualifications
Key ATS staff members have 15 to 20 years of direct experience in automated photo
traffic enforcement. Our principals were pioneers in the photo traffic enforcement
industry and were involved with the implementation and operation of the first traffic
camera programs in the United States, including the first New York City Pilot Project in
1983, the Paradise Valley Photo Radar Program in 1987, and the Los Angeles MTA Rail
Crossing Camera system in 1993. ATS continues to operate the New York City program,
which has been operated continuously for more than 10 years, first with "wet film"
technology and now with second generation, all digital camera systems. ATS is also a
recognized leader in the electronic toll violation and enforcement management industry.
Our experience with the large volumes of transactions generated by toll violations has
enabled us to develop and refine our technologies in the most demanding environment.
Our experience has taught us what works and produces results, and what does not. We
have refined our technologies and offerings to include only those elements that produce
successful outcomes and best serve our customer's needs.
We are industry innovators in high-efficiency, high-yield technologies and best business
practices. Following is a list of accomplishments which include a number of "industry
firsts," including:
. First American-made film traffic camera system.
. First all-digital traffic camera system used in an active enforcement program.
. First photo traffic enforcement program for criminal prosecution.
. First team to support a fully outsourced traffic camera program.
. First patented technology to defeat "plate blocker" covers.
We offer groundbreaking technologies. Our video loop detection system utilizes the Iteris
VantageTM sensors, which is a U.S. Department of Transportation standard for traffic
management systems.
ATS is a privately held company with a successful track record of on-time delivery,
customer satisfaction and profitability. A TS has been profitable since its inception and
has sustained annual growth in revenue and profit, an important factor in terms of long
term viability.
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
Appendix A - Images of Active Installations
· Low Profile
· Use of Existing
· Small Enclosures
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
llt~ !~~~(~- LtLL~,'e~~'~~r=Llt.
Stand-Alone Structure
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~ Red Light Runn;~g c;amera Enforcement Sl'stem
An example of a typical A TS system.
ATS Standard Installation Using Vendor-Provided Stand-Alone Pole
AI5I @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red Light Runni~g_C.me'. Enforcement System
ATS customized the system in Greenwood Village, Colorado so that it blends into the
streetscape. We painted the poles to match the City's paint scheme. The following
is a picture of the Greenwood Village system.
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~ _ R~d Light Rynni,!g ~amera Enforcement System
The A TS camera
systems can be
mounted to existing
poles and structures
as shown below. In
this case, the
appearance of the
system is even further
A TS Standard Installation Using City-Provided Pole
New York City, NY
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
AI5! @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
-- -----
The following images illustrate how the appearance of the City of Scottsdale's
streetscape was improved by the new ATS red light camera systems that were recently
installed to replace the Redflex system on one of the City's major intersections. Earlier
this year, the City of Scottsdale selected A TS to replace Redflex as the photo
enforcement technology and service provider.
Before and After Site Images
Redflex's Multiple Camera and Strobe
system installed in Scottsdale, Arizona
AIS' @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc. _ _ __
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ATS Axsis™ RLC-300 Single
Camera/Strobe which replaced the
Redflex system at the Same Location
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October 31, 2007
~ Red Light F!..unnmg Camera Enforcement System
The followinQ are contrastinQ imaaes of older technoloQV and infrastructure
offered bv other vendors:
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~ Red Light Runmng Camera Enforcement System
Appendix B - Sample Violation Images
Clear Images-Day
eonftdIIItIaI & PfOPIIetarJ
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
ConfIdential & p,oprtttarJ
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Clear Images- Day
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~ Red yght Running Camera Enforcement System
Clear Images- Right Turn
. eonftdentfal & rroprtetarJ
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~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
Clear Night Images
. eonftdentfaJ & proprletatJ
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~ Red Light Runnmg Camera Enforcement System
Clear Night Images-Rain
eonfkIentJaI & p,oprtetarY
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@ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement Sl'stem
Appendix C - Sample Reports
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City pOI.partment
Photo Enforcement Division
City, State
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Issuance Rate Detail Report
Program Statistics Year: 2006
Violation Type: ALL
Document Type: ALL
Most Recent Violation Date Loaded: 2/16/2007
ear To Program 0
Citations By Issuance Date
Total Violation Events 2,415 2,433 2,957 2,574 2,564 2,365 2,465 2,534 2,614 2,311 2,453 2,368 30,053 33,659
Less Exceptions Outside Vendors Control
Non-Controllable Exceptions 56 81 64 174 59 100 47 58 58 74 54 58 883 989
Police Review Exceptions 45 58 57 82 37 50 29 36 32 30 30 28 514 576
Violations in Queue
Adjusted Total Violation Events 2,314 2,294 2,836 2,318 2,468 2,215 2,389 2,440 2,524 2,207 2,369 2,282 28,656 32,095
Controllable Exceptions (Camera/System) 50 65 89 98 42 56 34 38 38 36 47 72 665 745
Citations Issued 2,264 2,229 2,747 2,220 2,426 2,159 2,355 2,402 2,486 2,171 2,322 2,210 27,991 31,350
Citation Issuance Rate 98% 97% 97% 96% 98% 97% 99% 98% 98% 98% 98% 97% 98% 98%
-AicsIS VPS'
. City pOIi.partment .
Photo Enforcement Division ~fYl,~
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Issuance Rate Detail Report
::iubmlsslon Gntena
Program Statistics Year: 2006 Document Type: ALL Most Recent Violation Date Loaded: 2/16/2007
Violation Type: ALL
Year To Program To
Vendor Exception Event Detail
Non-Controllable Exceptions
Bad Weather 1 5 3 7 3 1 1 21 24
Funeral Procession 26 31 10 12 33 31 12 17 21 23 19 235 263
No DMV Matches / Record 1 3 2 5 3 7 8 3 7 4 4 1 48 54
No Red Light in Picture A 2 5 4 67 4 8 4 6 4 6 3 6 119 133
No Red Light in Picture B 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 16 18
Out of State Unavailable 12 13 18 21 5 31 2 17 19 31 32 25 226 253
Plate Glare 1 7 4 8 3 5 7 4 2 7 5 3 56 63
Slow Roll- Right Turn 12 15 22 54 7 16 9 10 5 2 8 2 162 181
Controllable Exceptions
Camera Focus - Front 5 7 32 16 5 6 5 2 6 6 17 44 151 169
Front Image Vehicl Position - Too Far 15 21 17 31 22 23 20 18 16 15 14 5 217 243
Front Image Veh Position - Too Near 5 1 2 7 9 10 2 3 7 4 2 10 62 69
No Flash - Front 10 20 21 31 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 6 129 144
Trigger Error 15 16 17 13 2 15 2 9 2 3 5 7 106 119
Sub-Total Vendor Exceptions 106 146 153 272 101 156 81 96 96 110 101 130 1,548 1,734
City Police Department
Photo Enforcement Division
City, State
Issuance Rate Detail Report
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Program Statistics Year: 2006
Violation Type: ALL
Document Type: ALL
Most Recent Violation Date Loaded: 2/16/2007
Police Exception Detail
Slow RolI- Right Turn
Face Obstructed
EMT / Police / Gov / Diplomat
Too Close to Cite
Sub.Total Police Exceptions
.. --=--~...!~_v~~~___
City Police Department
Photo Enforcement Division
City, State
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Location Performance Summary Report
Submission Criteria
From Violation Date:
To Violation Date:
Total Violation Non- Camera Violations Total Total Related
Violation Event Camera Related Still In Citations Rejection Rejection
Location Events Rejections Related Rejections Workflow Issued Percentage Percentage
1-1 MISSION BLVD.@GREENWAYST. 7,000 535 370 165 0 6,700 4.29% 2.36%
1-2 ATLANTIC AVE (E) @ 52ND ST. 5,000 330 230 100 0 4,600 8.00% 2.00%
1-3 NORTHERN PKWY (N) @ HARTFORD AVE. 5,550 417 297 120 0 5,100 8.11% 2.16%
1-4 92ND ST. (S) @ HOllYWOOD 4,500 250 150 100 0 4,200 6.67% 2.22%
1-5 JOHN CABBOT (W) @ BlUEFIElD AVE. 5,500 390 270 120 0 5,091 7.44% 2.18%
1-6 NORTHERN (N) @ 16TH ST. 2,500 140 80 60 0 2,300 8.00% 2.40%
Totals: 30,050 2,062 1,397 665 0 27,991 6.85% 2.21%
Page 1 of 1
Payment Statistics Report
City Police Department
Photo Enforcement Division
City, State
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Payment Statistics Year: 2006
Violation Type: ALL
First Notices
% Paid on First Notice
Second Notices
% Paid on 2nd Notice
Hearing or Appeal
Paid after Hearing or Appeal
% Paid after Hearing or Appeal
Admin Dismissal or Hearing Dismissal
% Dismissed
Not Paid
No Hearing - Not Paid
Hearing Held - Not Paid
Total Not Paid
% Not Paid
Total Paid
Total Paid
% Paid ofTotal
Year Program
to Date to Date
- --------------
Page 1 of 1
~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
Violation Processing System
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i Final Review
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Plate Entry
Police Review Citation Gen..rnUon
CoDfIdIIdIII & ~
Type Selection
Axsis ™ VPS SUpports the following system and service capabilities:
. Field service image quality audits
· Chain of Custody support
· Digital image loading, image cropping and image enhancement
· Initial image review and license plate entry
· Extensive U.S. and Canadian DMV accessibility
· Multiple Plate Types and Multiple Owners Selection Screens
· Routing of violations to the Contract Administrator to review those with fictitious plates, altered
plates, suspended plates or those reported stolen
· Quality control image review by a second operational staff member
· Citation printing and mailing
· Web, Lockbox or IVR payment processing and tracking
· Document Escalation I Process Serving for over-due unpaid citations I notices
· Postal returned mail processing
· Transfers of liability based on identification of the driver
· Customer call handling and support
· Hearing and Adjudication Support including automated evidence package generation
· Inbound and outbound customer correspondence management
· Statistical, Financial and Operational report generation
· Archiving, data management and security
A15I @200:r American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red Light Runmng_ Camera Enforcement System _ _ _ _ _ __
The following sections provide a summary level description of the violation process as well as the
extended capabilities of the Axsis ™ Violation Processing solution.
9.1 Violation Loading and Image Cropping
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Image Cropping Plate Entry 1
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Rnal Review
Police Review
Citation Generation
Type Selection
The first step in the process after automatic data retrieval is image cropping and tuning. Unlike other
vendors which use a separate plate camera, the plate image is extracted from the original full
scene image, ensuring the integrity of the image set and chain of evidence. The image cropping
step also enables the image review technician to make contrast or color adjustments to optimize
enforceability and reduce disputes in court.
Quality Assurance Note: Unlike many other solutions, Axsis™ VPS will not allow
violations to be loaded that do not meet minimum data quality standards. These
can include violations where the amber phase timing is below the client-
established threshold and violations that are older than the client established
"process by date." These types of safeguards will maintain the credibility of your
program and keep the news organizations focused on the positive benefits of your
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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October 31, 2007
~ Red Lig~t Running Camera Enforcement_System
Plate Entry
t.i~ -:--
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Final Review
Police Review
Citation Genemtion
I mage Cropping
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Type Selection
The next step in the total quality process is the image review process called Plate Entry. The violation
data and images are automatically forwarded to the Violation Data Entry Specialist by the Axsis ™ system
based on the violation date; the oldest violation is always provided to the reviewer next.
Quality Assurance Note: The Axsis ™ Plate Entry Screen includes an integrated
database of license plate sample images for every state in the U.S. and Canadian
Provinces. As such, Image Review Specialist can compare the official sample
plate colors and letters to the violation image to provide better quality assurance
for the City and reduce mistakes that lead to wrongly issued notices.
9.3 Motor Vehicle Registration Data Acquisition I NLETS Certified
Plato Entry
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Image Cropping
Fin-ill Review
Police RtlView
Citation Generation
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Type Selection
This step in the process of owner registration data is obtained automatically and without manual
intervention by A TS staff or City officials utilizing an automated online and real-time interface established
with NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunication System).
In addition to the NLETS portal, ATS also maintains direct connections with DMVs across the country.
We also have relationships with third party data providers and data mining service providers for skip
..st @200: American Traffic S.olutions, Inc.
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~ Red Light Runmng_Cal1!era Enforcement System _ _ _ _ ____
tracing services, We process thousands of violations every day for our customers in WA, CA, CO, AZ,
TX, TN, MO, MD, PA and NY, each of which also generate scores of out-of-state violations and record
requests daily. Our hit rate is entirely dependent upon the quality of the data provided by each individual
DMV. The current rate is in excess of 95%.
9.4 Type Selection
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DMV Regi ration Data ~- _ ...:..81 ~
Image Cropping
Plate Entry
Final Review
Police Review
Citation Generation
~. PfOPII8tIrY
- -=...
Type Selection
If multiple registration data is returned by the DMV, then the violation image is moved to the Type
Selection process. Here, our Quality Assurance Specialists have access to decision support tools to
show every plate and the front and rear images of every vehicle brand and make. Because the Axsis ™
RLC-300 camera captures data with such high resolution and color, day or night, the make and model
information is more easily apparent on the captured photos.
Sometimes, state DMVs will return multiple registrations for a single plate and the Axsis™ VPS system
allows the Quality Assurance Specialist to select the appropriate registration or to revise and resubmit
incorrect license plate information.
9.5 Final Review
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Image Cropping
Plate Entry
Final Review
Police Review
Citation Generation
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Type Selection
In the Final Review step, a second A TS Quality Assurance Specialist performs a final review of the
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System _ ~ _ _
violation images and verifies that the vehicle license plate, registration information and vehicle information
matches the vehicle shown in the images.
9.6 Police Review
.... .
Rnal Review
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Image Cropping Plate Entry
DMV Regi ration Data
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Citation Generation
Type Selection
Authorized City of Winter Springs personnel shall have the final review of all violations and their images.
Using any computer connected to the Internet over a VPN connection that will be implemented between
A TS and the City of Winter Springs, assigned Police personnel can view, approve or discard any images
of violations. This process takes only 30 seconds per violation. The system security is enabled
through a VPN 3DES encryption, so the City can be confident that no unauthorized tampering or usage is
. possible.
The following pages show the Axsis ™ VPS Police Review Screens.
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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October 31,2007
~ Red Light Running ~amera Enforcement System
rods ~
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Eie I;dt 'i.tew F~ontes
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~ ipdtce Review
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Overview 1
Overview 2
Plate ROI
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Vehicle Type:cwii:iAi\
Plate Tvpe:3~_ _ _ _ ~ _.tt(lIi~
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Violator Information
o Conlnl."d.l
lull ~~ -J First: ~ == - ~ Middle, I
Add.... " /123 MAIN STREET J
SUt"lt'.1~-~- ~.....~
Zip: 163303
Add...... 2: I
Vehicle Information
Hod.h I
Style IUlIL
Color: I
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Image/Video Controls
<;amm. 0 All
Violation Information ~
Oat_/Tim.,07KJ612007 11:28:03.5 AM
DirectionrL~IG~ v,
Notes ::::
Police Review Screen - Rear Image "A"
The number of violations remaining to be processed at the Police Review screen is shown above the
selected image.
A1S! @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
~-"----- Proprietary and Confidential
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October 31, 2007
~ Red Light Runni,!g Camera Enforcement System
Efe ~dt 'i.- Fllvontes
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_it'" J~ Polce Review
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Police Review
Overview 1
Overview 2
Plate ROI
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Violator Information
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Add.... I. 1113.MAI.N.SJBEETJ
Addreu 211
Vehicle Infornultion
Hoke. jeHEY!lOLET
Firstl ~OHN_
Zip, 163303
Stille: ~lO:;..
V..n 11999
Style IUT I L
eonndeIItfaI & ProprtetarY
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Police Review Screen - Rear Image "8"
AI5! @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
~- --- Proprietary and Confidential
Image/Video Controls
C.mn,. 0 AU
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Violation Information ~
Dole/TImo.07106/2007 11:28:03.6 AM
Direction: I RIGHT TURN ~ y~
Notes 2:
Page 65
October 31, 2007
~ Red Light Run'!.i'!.g.s;amera Enforcement Sl'stem _ _ _ __ _ _ ~ ~__
The Police Review screen also provides a cursor-over pop-up which effortlessly pops-up a larger image
of the selected image. When the cursor glides over the magnifying glass, the selected image immediately
pops up and overlays the screen. No clicking is necessary. A sample is shown below.
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....- .":;. Missouri
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Violator Information
o Commercial
In'' SMITH _' '1 fi~l, POHN
Add",.." 1123 MAIN'STREET J Co'v' ISAINT C~A"E5
State: L"~
Add,.... 211
Vehicle Information
lip: 163303
v..." 11999
Hod.1: I
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Police Review Screen - License Plate Zoom - with cursor-over pop-up
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
.....::=-= Proprietary and Confidential
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October 31, 2007
~ Red Light Runm'!g Camera Enforcement System
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tti, Missouri
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Overview 1
Overview 2
Plate RQI
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Violator Infomlallan
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AddN"" 11~ t,jAIN_SiR@T]
First: ~OH~ ~ .- ~ 'ihddl.,1 I
Cityl !SAINi CMAf\LES Stat.' f'j;2,.O - .-. ::---..... 'I
Zips 163303
AddNU 11 I
Vehicle Information
YEN ffllKM
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Hodell I
Styie lUTIL
Colors I
Auls VPS
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Police Review Screen - Plate Zoom
Image/Video Controls
C."'m_ 0 AU
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Violation Information ~
O.'e/TimeI071<<H201J1 11:28:03.e NIl
Oi...c:tionll R.!GI-f,! TU~ v~
Notes *
NOTE ADDEO ev: LU.OOI-IE.AO ON: 29.Juf\.01
The Police Officer can also view the number of violations yet to be processed, highlighted above the
selected image.
~ @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
~----- Proprietary and Confidential
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~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System _ ~ ____ _
All of these steps are completed in a matter of seconds for each violation to be reviewed, faster
and more accurate than any competing system.
Plate Type:1 Reg;;lar
r:.nSe~c;RejectRea~;;;.:::- - --- - ~ ---rfe""3ECT...............
. . ^ ~
Violator Informatk CAMERA - DIRTY LENS ~
Last: I!/.zu~ DMV - NO MATCHES OR RECORDS Middle: IL I
Address 1: lu///./.a.l FLAGMAN / WAVETHRU State: rIL .=-:-=-=- v~
VIOlATION pp.ocr:SSIr<G SYSTf s I r.< A I RIghts" ..ser ed
Police Review Reject Reasons Screen
The Police Officer can select a reason for rejection from a pull-up menu.
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I - -
~ _Red b.,g!!t R'!...n'!'n.g Camera Enforcement System
Plate Type: .. Select Plate Type.'
eonftdeIdIII & PreIJIIIW'
Rll9ular Passenger
Rll9ular Truck
Ham Radio
Rec/Off Road
Special Interest
International Rll9 Plan
Light Trailer
(Livery) Omnibus
(Special) Omnibus (Rentals)
(Taxi) Omnibus
Personalized Regular Designer
Political Subdivision (municipal/th~~) ..,
Police Review Screen - Plate Type Selection
The Police Officer can choose via a pull-down menu the type of license plate in the violation photo.
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~ Red Light ,!unning Camera Enforcement System
. 10. Appendix E - Resumes
10.1 Resume for Mr. Charles A. Turner, Project Manager
Charles Turner has over 20 years of global experience in public safety,
telecommunications and social services administration.
. For five years he managed the full life cycle of the nation's largest statewide
Red Light Camera program for the state of Maryland including site-surveying
and selection, construction management, citation processing, public relations
and permitting through the Maryland State Highway Administration.
. This resulted in the largest photo enforcement red-light program in the U.S.-
Baltimore County with 47 cameras; Montgomery County, 22 cameras; Anne
Arundel County, 5 cameras; Annapolis, 2 cameras; Bowie and College Park,
1 camera each.
. His A TS experience includes managing the following photo enforcement
. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
. Washington, D.C.
. Anne Arundel County, Maryland
. University Park, Maryland
. New Carrollton, Maryland
. Edmonston, Maryland
. Colmar Manor, Maryland
. Laurel, Maryland
. Apopka, Florida
. Pembroke Pines, Florida
. Palm Coast, Florida
. Red Bank, Tennessee
. Gallatin, Tennessee
Mr. Turner will oversee the day-to-day operations of the City's program.
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@ Red Ligl!! ~nn!~g_qamera Enforcement System _ _ _
. 10.2 Resume for Mr. Adam E. Tuton, Project Executive
Adam Tuton has worked in the photo enforcement industry since 1993. He
has a successful track record and has implemented programs in 20 states
and in several foreign countries. Mr. Tuton is responsible for all software
development, manufacturing research and development, program delivery,
client services, and back-office operations.
Mr. Tuton's responsibilities include ensuring that the delivery of the red light
camera program meets or exceeds the City's expectations and timelines.
10.3 Resume for Mr. Phil Simone, Construction Manager
eoafIcI8I6II & Phil Simone has been in the photo enforcement industry since 1993. He
served as Project Manager of Red Light Camera Programs in New York,
NY; Howard County, MD; Culver City, CA; and San Juan Capistrano, CA.
He also served as Technical Consultant to Red Light Camera Programs in
San Francisco, CA; Boca Raton, FL; Argentina and Brazil. Highlights of Mr.
Simone's career with A TS includes:
Management of the implementation and construction of
over 300 approaches
Mr. Simone will be the liaison between all subcontractors, sub-consultants,
personnel, the State and the City. He will oversee the engineering, design,
construction, equipment installation, back-office management, front-end
management, and overall implementation of the City's red light camera
Resume for Mr. Joe Peters, VP-Field Operations
Joe Peters has over 20 years experience in services management in the
high tech I IT industry. He has experience supporting business critical
applications, supporting "five 9's" uptime requirements, and an extensive
variety of end user clients and applications. He has a great deal of
experience in continual improvement processes, services process
development, field service support and operations, and project management.
He also has a strong track record in business management, which allows
him to apply technology and processes to meet business goals and
objectives. With this blend of project management and tactical field
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~ R~.d l,!ght R!,nning 2.mer. Enforcement Sy~ ___ _ __
operations, Joe brings a set of experiences that enables A TS to provide a
high level of support to our client base, providing maximum uptime of our
systems, and minimal disruption when problems do arise.
Mr. Peters has overseen the maintenance and support for over 300
Mr. Peters will manage the maintenance staff, including the maintenance
performed by the subcontractor. He will make sure that service issues are
handled correctly and in a timely manner for the City's project.
10.5 Resume for Ms. Korey Hinz, Director of Operations
eonftcIIIdIII & PnJPIIiIifJ Korey Hinz has over 20 years of operational management experience. Her
background includes the management of high-volume call centers.
As Director of Operations, Korey has direct responsibility for managing
performance on all client contracts to meet and exceed all client and
company expectations. Korey's responsibilities include:
· Managing the day-to-day operations of the violation and transaction
processing operation and call center.
· Developing of organizational strategy, hiring and deployment of staff
resources, training, and client help desk, etc.
· Developing and manages budget and supports revenue goals by
assuring Customer satisfaction, revenue maximization and client
· Working closely with Project Management, Software Development and IT
staff to ensure that client service levels are met.
Ms. Hinz manages the violation processing staff. Her team will process all of
the violations for the City of Winter Springs' red light camera program. Her
team also serves as the customer service center for citation recipients.
.415' @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ _ R~d LIght Runm'!g Camera Enforcement S}'stem
10.6 Resume for Ms. Cindy Bigelow, Account Representative
Cindy Bigelow serves as the client liaison. She interacts with Police
Departments and Courts to ensure that our clients' programs are running
smoothly. Cindy has been in the photo enforcement industry since 1997.
Ms. Bigelow will assist the A TS project manager with managing any daily issues
that arise during our contract with the City of Winter Springs.
10.7 Resume for Ms. Diana Phillips, Director of Client Services
~ & rroprI8WY
r '~~.I
· ?'~J
Diana has extensive and deep experience in the area of software development
and functional design for the violation/ticket processing industry. She has been
a key resource in the development of many key enterprise level ticket
processing systems and has been a key driver in the design direction and
functional efficiency of business processes. Diana is a thorough and detailed
analyst and professional who has the ability to see and understand the global
system requirement as well as the minute details required to make the entire
system work. She works well with clients and internal teams to deliver quality.
Ms. Phillips will oversee the citation payment processing aspect of the back-
office operations for the City's red light camera program.
10.8 Resume for Ms. Sherri Teille, Director of Marketing
_ -........... & ~bIIY
~_ Sherri brings over 15 years of marketing, public relations and community
outreach experience to the team. She is responsible for implementing and
managing public awareness and education campaigns and media relations for
the cities of Seattle, Houston, Mesa, Washington, DC as well as providing
public relations support for all our other clients. Sherri maintains a cross-
functional and diverse marketing department to support the needs of our
As the Director of Marketing, she will work with Ms. Ellen Pence on all
aspects of the Public Awareness campaign.
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~ Red Light Running Camera Enforcement System
10.9 Resume for Ms. Ellen Pence, PR and Communications
Ellen brings over 20 years of experience in municipal marketing and
communications. Ellen is experienced at managing multiple projects and
tasks and her knowledge, understanding and experience will ensure a
successful public awareness effort.
She will oversee all aspects of the Public Awareness campaign working
closely with Public Information Officer for the City and Police Department.
10.10 Traffic Control Devices, Inc., Subcontractor
ATS has contracted with Traffic Control Devices, Inc. to provide installation and maintenance services for
this project. This company brings valuable experience. ATS and TCD have an established working
relationship. TCD provides installation and maintenance services for our programs in Apopka, Florida
and Irving, Texas.
TCD's main facilities in Altamonte Springs, FL and Houston, TX have
been on the leading edge in assembly, testing, installing, and
maintaining transportation systems for more than 20 years. Traffic
Control Devices, Inc. offers technical and non-technical maintenance
for traffic control equipment, network hardware, and system software found in yesterday's analog systems
and today's digital Intelligent Transportation Systems. Development and implementation of Preventive
and Routine Maintenance plans are available for all ITS, along with 24 / 7 / 365 Emergency Service.
Frequent technical training seminars, giving by manufacturers, engineers, and specialists have allowed
TCD's staff to maintain the lead in assembly, installation, and maintenance practices. TCD's staff is
qualified in installing and maintaining copper backbones systems as well as fiber optic Gigabit Ethernets.
..415] @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red Lig!Jt R..!'nning Camera Enforcement System
. 11. Appendix F - Sample Notice
A'l5I @200: American Traffic S,olutions, Inc.
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October 31,2007
City of Apopka
Traffic Light Safety Program
112 East Sixth Street
Apopka,FL 32703
APOPKA, FL 32703
ONl (Dale)
12/13/2005 11:56 AM
John A Doe
123 Main Street
4-door Silver
TX 2005
Red Zone Infraction Failure to Sto
Ordinance 1813
Section 78-84
25 MPH
Apopka Police Department
Scanned Signature
Badge 123
NOTICE #: 0510700012345
PIN #: 1234
Amount Due: $125.00
Due Date: Issue date + 30 days
Pay with your Visa or MasterCard at www.Violationlnfo.com or mail your check or money order with this coupon to the address below
1 VISA '
NAME: JOHN A DOE DUE: Issue date + 30 days
NOTICE #: 0510500012345 VERSION: 1 ISSUED: 12/15/2005
City of Apopka Florida
Traffic Light Safety Program
PO Box 742503
Cincinnati,OH 45274-2503
0/ Make your check or money order payable to
the City of Apopka
0/ Write the Notice # on the front of your payment
0/ Insert this tear-off coupon in the enclosed enve-
lope with the address (at the right) showing
through the window
You must respond with either a payment or a
hearing request before the Due Date
AMOUNT DUE: $125.00
1 0510700012345 000000014841 125006
Pursuant to Ordinance 1813 section 78-84 approved by Apopka's City Council, the owner of a motor vehicle is liable for payment of a mini-
mum civil penalty of $125.00 if the owner's vehicle proceeds into an intersection equipped with a photographic traffic control monitoring system
when the traffic control signal for that vehicle's direction of travel is emitting a steady red signal. It has been determined that your vehicle has
proceeded into an intersection by entering the crosswalk on the near side of an intersection when the traffic control signal, for the direction in
which your vehicle was traveling, was emitting a steady red signal. If you were making a right hand turn, you failed to come to a complete sto
at the clearly marked stop line or if none was present, at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where you had a view of approaching tr
fie on the intersection.
Failure to pay the civil penalty or contest liability by the Due Date is an admission of liability in the full amount of the civil penalty assessed in
the Notice of Violation of City Ordinance and constitutes a waiver of the right to contest under Ordinance 1813 section 78-84. No points will
be assessed against you for the civil penalty, nevertheless your failure to respond will cause this matter to be submitted to a collections agency
and reported to the credit bureau. If you do not pay by the due date a late fee of $25.00 will be added to your fine amount. You have the right
to contest the imposition of the civil penalty by signing and mailing the coupon below; the coupon must be received by the Due Date.
ONLINE PAYMENT: The fastest and easiest way to pay your Notice is to pay online. Go to www.Violationlnfo.com and logon with your No-
tice # and Pin # shown in the red box on the front of this notice. Click the Pay button.
PAYMENT BY PHONE: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern time Toll Free aI:1-866-790-4111.
PAYMENT BY MAil: Mail your check or money order (payable to the City of Apopka) in the enclosed envelope with the coupon printed at the
bottom of the reverse side of this notice. DO NOT MAIL CASH. Be sure to put the Notice # (see reverse) on the face of your payment. If you
have any questions, please call Customer Service Toll Free at 1-866-790-4111.
PAYMENT IN PERSON: You may pay in person with your check or money order at the Apopka Police Department, 112 E. 6th Street, Apopka,
FL 32703.
VIEW YOUR IMAGES AND VIDEO: The recorded images and video of your violation will be submitted as evidence in the Police Department
proceeding for disposition of the violation. You may view your images and video online at www.Violationlnfo.com. You will need your No-
tice # and Pin # printed on the front of this notice inside the red box. If you do not have internet access, you may view your video and images
at the Apopka Police Department by asking for one of the traffic officers (112 E 6th Street, Apopka, FL).
REQUEST AN ADJUDICATION HEARING: You may contest the imposition of the civil penalty by requesting, in writing, an Adjudication Code
Enforcement Hearing. Sign and mail the coupon below; your request must be received by the Due Date stated on the front of this Notice.
Upon receipt, you will be notified of the date, time and location of your Adjudication Code Enforcement Hearing. Your request must be received
before the due date. If after the hearing you are found liable you must pay $65.00 court costs.
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service Toll Free at 1-866-790-4111.
It is presumed that the registered owner of the vehicle for which a civil red light Notice of Violation is issued is the person who com-
mitted the civil red light violation. However, if your vehicle was stolen or was otherwise not in your care, custody or control without the con-
sent of you, the registered owner, at the time of the violation, you may submit an Affidavit of Non-Responsibility at your Code Enforcement
Hearing to rebut the presumption that you were driving the vehicle at the time of the violation.
1. You may print the form from the website: www.Violationlnfo.com. You will need your Notice # and Pin # printed on the front of this no-
tice to login to the website.
2. You must set forth the circumstances demonstrating that the vehicle was not in your care, custody or control or that of a person with your
3. The Affidavit of Non-Responsibility must be executed in the presence of a notary
4. You must request an Adjudication Code Enforcement Hearing by signing and mailing the coupon below
5. You must present, in person, the Affidavit of Non-Responsibility at your Adjudication Code Enforcement Hearing
Detach here and retum the bottom portion as a request to contest this Notice of Violation
I submit this form as a request to contest this Notice of Violation and acknowledge that it must be received by the Due Date of this notice to be a valid request. I
understand that I must attend this hearing in-person. I also understand that I will be notified of the date, time and location of the hearing. Please sign and print
name using blue or black ink.
Print Name:
~ Red Light RUl}nmg Camera Enforcement Syste"! _ ___ _ __
Appendix G - Violator Web Review
ATS offers the best Internet site for citation recipients. It offers more information and better image and
video access compared to Traffipax, ACS, Nestor and Redflex web services. For example, the ATS
system provides the copies of all the violation images and the related video clip. Other systems only
provide the rear and the plate image and sometimes provide video clips. Again, ATS was the leader and
innovator in the design of easy-to-use customer friendly photo enforcement public websites.
People who receive citations may log onto www.Violationlnfo.com to view their violation images,
associated video clips and balance due. The violation data will be available for review by citation
recipients for 30 days following final disposition. The site enables the defendant to pay the fine online by
eCheck or credit/debit card.
The violator is provided instructions to log into the website using their Notice number and PIN which
login. Microsoft InterneiExplorer i ~"".,
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L~gf:' .l) . . .;o.Gj' f:\r~ .';':;:;;"'ojiiMTit<< 'fj "". f" G'l 'Jif iii
! Adj~s!lltt1p;I/<<.w~ootlrrlO'o:l'l1l__ .. .._...'
Arnold Police Oeplrtmenl
Photo Enro~em.nt 01",1,1011
2101 Jeffw Blvd
0??oo12)45 )
NC~": 1
PItI,: I
;.~.,...;~ 'c. -<J.r~
VERSlOH , BSUED: 11ae~5
~SHH STUI' ~o TY1'(, R
; ....."""rdle<kOf~CI'..Pll~.IQ....
. Wn._NobooI.cnlt>elrcnld~~
, DoI'lOl"'.~Gl'~~.~"'"
y P..,.,..,.Il\".*"lu1ont:1laJlltor.abI"",
Amold Municipal Court
PhOl:o Enforoemenl Divl$ion
2101 Jeftco Blvd
Arnold. MO 63010
appears inside the red box on the front of the citation.
On the Login screen, the Help link provided instructions for the violator to log into the site and the Privacy
Policy explains the A TS privacy policy for the site.
AI.S! @2007 American Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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~ Red LJght Runnmg Camera Enforcement System
Once logged into the site, it is customized with the logo and banner of the City. The top three most
frequently asked questions are presented first.
The following illustrates a typical screen view for violators that login to the website. A TS will work with the
City to determine what elements and information the City wants available for the public to view.
City of Houston
Customer Service Inf2 .. Logout
Most Asked Questions
Q: What is a red light running violation?
A: A red light running violation occurs when a motorist enters an intersection after the traffic siQnal h
already in the intersection when the signal changes to red, when waitinQ to turn for example, are not
Q: Why did I receive this Notice of Violation?
A: Based upon imaQes captured by the automated system, your vehide was determined to have co
As the owner of the vehide the Notice of Violation is mailed to you.
Q: What is the fine? Are there any fees for late payments?
A: The fine is $75.00 for each of the first two offenses, if you have three or more offenses in a 12 mont
$150.00 per offense. After the due date a late fee of $25 will be added to your fine.
Review Evidence
Customer Service
1-800 number and hours of
operation of the Customer
Service Center
Click on an icon below to view an imaQe or video associated with your violation:
Top Three FAQs
Top Three Frequently Asked
Questions at the Customer
Service Center
Overview A
Overview B
Video Clip
License Plate
Balance Information
Balance :$75.00
V~~'J . Pay Your Red L111111 VlOlallon Onhne
Convenience fee will be added
Imaaes and Video
1 The Violator can click on
~ Balance and Payment each icon to view each
Information image and the video
The Balance Due is shown,
and a green pay button is Privacv Policv Axsas VPS
available to make an online ~ ~~------
Website Security
ATS' Internet security certification is provided by Thawte.
<D tha,~:':m
Thawte's roots have been inserted in the major browser vendors'
products since 1996. This gives A TS industry leading browser ubiquity.
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~ Red Light Runnmg Camera Enforcement System _ _ _
With our Thawte SSL Web Server Certificate, we are subject to the highest standard of verification and
authentication procedure.
In fact, a stringent checklist of activities is undertaken to ensure that you really are who you claim to be.
An overview of the validation process is as follows:
1. Authentication:
. Company registration details confirmed
. Confirmation that domain is owned by requesting party.
2. Verification:
. Third party telephone listing used to confirm that the authorized person requesting certificate
is employed by requesting party.
The value of this process cannot be underestimated; it is the foundation of Thawte's enviable reputation
as a rock-solid independent Certification Authority (CA). The Thawte CA guarantees information privacy
and protects information in transmission between our web server and your web browsers using 256, 128,
56 or 40-bit encryption, depending on the City's browser capability.
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