HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2003 06 30 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JUNE 30, 2003
The Workshop of Monday, June 30, 2003 of the City Commission was called to order by
Deputy Mayor Robert S. Miller at 6:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Mayor John F. Bush, present via teleconference call
Deputy Mayor Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, arrived at 6:06 p.m.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
After a moment of silence, Deputy Mayor Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. A. Office Of The City Manager
Budget Review For FY 04.
Human Resources:
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore presented this Budget.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake arrived at 6:06 p.m.
Concession Stand Operations:
Manager McLemore began this discussion. Mr. Chuck Pula, Parks and Recreation
Department also addressed the City Commission on this issue.
Commissioner David W. McLeod inquired, "What happened to the idea of the Little
League running the Concession Stand?" Manager McLemore responded, "We never got
complete bids on that." Mr. Pula added, "The Little League proposal didn't include the
soccer complex, and the Commission really wanted to have both of them covered.
Because Soccer wasn't willing to put in a proposal on the soccer aspect - we submitted
them the same bid package that Mr. Franks bid on and they did not respond at all. They
have got some other issues that they are working through at the present time regarding
the Little League organization and they don't feel they are ready to address this issue at
all right now." Commissioner McLeod said, "I will check that because the information I
had was that they were very interested in doing it."
With further discussion, Commissioner Blake stated, "In my opinion, I feel comfortable
going forward with it, one last time - and implementing some of these changes. I would
like to see the cost engineered more than the prices that we are charging, and do it from
that side." Commissioner Edward Martinez Jr. stated, "What I have heard is - to allow
the City to go on." Deputy Mayor Miller added, "I think that is the consensus."
Fire Department:
Discussion ensued on the proposed Consolidation issue.
Manager McLemore said to the City Commission, "Based on what we have looked at,
our recommendation is that you should sincerely consider this as an option, but only on a
cost of service basis, where we maintain the powers; we are simply contracting with
another entity - to do a job at a Level of Service that we define and it is purely on a
business basis. On that basis, we have a potential for three and one-half (3Y2) to four
percent (4%), depending on what scenario we choose, of savings. On the qualitative side
rather than the quantitative side, there are some things to be considered."
Mr. Robert Frank, Deputy County Manager, Seminole County, 1101East First Street,
Sanford, Florida: addressed the City Commission.
Commissioner Martinez inquired, "How would this change affect the Tenure, Rank, and
pay status of our Firefighters?" Manager McLemore stated, "That is the kind of thing
you work out in the details of a contract. I am sure the pay wouldn't be going down, and
we would certainly put that in the contract. They wouldn't lose any money."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 30, 2003
Commissioner Martinez then said, "Well, during the transition period, there will not be
any reductions in Rank?" Commissioner Martinez then said, "As far as Rank is
concerned, and Tenure in office, would those be affected during a transition period?"
Mr. Frank stated, "If you are speaking of Seniority, Commissioner, what we have done in
the past, and what we would propose to do this time, would be that Seniority - they
would be plugged in exactly where they are right now. If they have ten (10) years, they
would be assumed to have ten (10) years service with the County. Now, as far as Rank,
we have touched on that slightly, however, until we get to the point where we have a
contract and we actually insert particular positions in, we anticipate there would be some
reductions in Rank."
Further discussion.
Commissioner Sally McGinnis stated, "I would be interested to see what the Fire Chief
has to say." Fire Chief Timothy 1. Lallathin stated, "My personal feeling is that I would
like to remain here as the Fire Chief of the City of Winter Springs, however, if the
Elected Officials desire that this Fire Department be consolidated with Seminole County,
obviously I want to make sure that all the Personnel's needs are taken care of, as well as
the future needs of the citizens." Manager McLemore then advised the City Commission
that "The County is making an offer to Tim [Lallathin] to come over, instead of
remaining here, if he so desires." Commissioner Martinez stated, "He is a winner!"
Commissioner Blake added, "But we wouldn't be."
Discussion ensued on fire vehicles and equipment costs and revenues. Commissioner
Blake remarked, "If we have invested City tax-payer dollars into equipment that has a
future use for life, that is a cost to our citizens. If we are not accounting for that cost - if
we are not selling that useful life which is remaining as part of this - bringing revenue in
or at least receiving back some revenue that would offset the taxpayer's costs of that
capital equipment going forward, then what we really have is an understatement of costs.
I just want to make sure that we have fair numbers here..." Manager McLemore stated,
"...It can be done several different ways - and we need to analyze that, whichever way
we do it." Commissioner Blake added, "I hope there is nothing in here that says we will
turn over any Fund Balance." Manager McLemore said, "No."
Commissioner Blake then said, "If we have heavy equipment, if we have property -
equipment then we have an investment that has some future useful life - if we spend time
paying for it, and it still has some useful life left, and then we give it up, and we are being
charged contract services rates past then, I want to make sure that those numbers properly
calculate the contribution of capital as brought into the arrangement - and if they aren't,
then I think we are understating the cost." Manager McLemore stated, "We agree."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 30, 2003
With further discussion, Commissioner Blake stated, "You understand that I have some
concerns in this capital area, and I would like to see those addressed as we go forward -
hopefully before we make any final decision on this." Manager McLemore stated, "Yes."
Manager McLemore then said, "The only direction that we would ask for is - do you
want to go to that next level of study, and get down to those details - the way I would
propose it is if you want to go to the next level, we would bring back a - draft contract to
address all those issues."
Discussion ensued on Levels of Service and Employee Benefits. Commissioner Blake
next inquired about Employer's contributions. Mr. Frank stated, "The Employer's
contributions - get put into your account and those are your funds." Commissioner Blake
said, "In effect, it is immediate Vesting." Mr. Frank then said, "I understand that it is,
and I could double check on that." Next, Commissioner Blake asked, "What percentage
does the County put in, per employee?" Mr. Frank responded, "I believe it is
significantly greater than the ten percent (10%), eighteen to twenty (18-20), but I could
double check that."
Commissioner Blake then stated, "If the Employer makes his contributions, are you
telling me that if they make those contributions into the 457, then they are at the same
level, and they are immediately Vested, as opposed to putting it into the Defined Benefit
Plan..." Mr. Frank stated, ".. .As I understand it, and I will double check on that."
Mayor Bush ended his conference call at 7:30 p.m.
Tape 2/Side A
Commissioner Blake stated, "I would like to see the answers to the questions that we
posed, whatever format you think is most effective to get that to us." Regarding a
possible draft Contract, Commissioner Martinez suggested, "You need to come back with
something that we can look at."
Commissioner McGinnis inquired, "What is a reasonable timeframe to expect for - the
draft, prior to this contract?" Manager McLemore stated, "I think we are talking about
thirty (30) days or so." Deputy Mayor Miller stated, "I get the distinct impression that we
want more information and we want to take the next step." Deputy Mayor Miller added,
"I think that we have the consensus here to move forward with whatever you want to call
the next step, whether that is a draft of a procedural process that might lead to a contract."
Deputy Mayor Miller inquired, "So we could anticipate another Workshop in sixty (60)
days?" Deputy Mayor Miller then said to Manager McLemore, "So, you will bring it up
at some future Commission Meeting, so we can put it on the Agenda."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 30, 2003
Health Insurance:
Manager McLemore and Ms. Frangoul briefly addressed the City Commission on this
portion of the Workshop.
Ms. FluffY Bellus, Bellus Insurance Services, 1251 Miller Street, Winter Park, Florida:
presented information to the City Commission.
Deputy Mayor Miller called a Recess at 8:08 p.m.
The Workshop reconvened at 8:16 p.m.
Ms. Bellus stated, "The United[Healthcare] Plan 399 and 499 is the one that I am
recommending - the UnitedHealthcare is the recommended carrier because it is a flat
renewal; it is Open-access which means no referral, no gate-keeper. It is a larger
Provider Network. The EAP which is the Employee Assistance program - that is
included in the premium with UnitedHealthcare." Ms. Bellus added, "I also am
recommending that you add some cost sharing for the employee's premium - and the
reason that I am recommending that is, we have had many discussions in meetings where
employees would like to opt out." Furthermore, Ms. Bellus stated, "So with
UnitedHealthcare, and with Humana, you could do ninety-nine percent (99%) or anything
less than that as an option."
Commissioner Blake asked Ms. Bellus about her compensation. Furthermore,
Commissioner Blake said to Ms. Bellus, "In terms of dollars, what has been your total
compensation over the eight (8) years?" Ms. Bellus responded, "I would have to get that
to you, I don't know." Commissioner Blake added, "What about this most recent year?"
Ms. Bellus responded, "I don't know. I could get it for you."
Tape 2/Side B
Next, Commissioner Blake further inquired about Ms. Bellus' compensation. With
discussion, Ms. Bellus stated, "I would have to get that to you." Deputy Mayor Miller
added, "Let's have her give us the information." Commissioner Blake said, "I would
appreciate that - Ron [McLemore], I think we need to make sure to get a full accounting
and full report on that. And also, an issue that I think needs to be addressed is why over
eight (8) years, when this is a very competitive marketplace, we haven't shopped out
these types of services."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 30, 2003
Manager McLemore stated, "When Fluffy [Bellus] came on, we did bid everything
several years ago, I don't remember exactly what year it was when the League came on -
and we had a four percent (4%) agreement, and the Commission was comfortable with
that, and it stayed at four percent (4%) all this time. So, if it is an issue that we need to
look at it, we will look at it and we will do some negotiating and see what we can come
up with."
Deputy Mayor Miller stated, "I look forward to recelvmg your input on your
remuneration." Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Miller spoke about Ms. Bellus' offer to
provide information, and stated "You said you would do it, and I will hold you at your
word for that."
Members of the Commission complimented Ms. Bellus on her services to the City.
Commissioner Martinez departed the Workshop at 8:46 p.m.
The Workshop was adjourned at approximately 8:47 p.m.
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