HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2003 06 16 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JUNE 16, 2003
The Workshop of Monday, June 16,2003 of the City Commission was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 6:00 p.m. in ~he Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FIOlida 32708).
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Robert S. Miller, absent
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, anived at 6:02 p.m.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner Sally McGilmis, present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, arrived at 6:03 p.m.
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
1. A. Office Of The City Manager
Budget Review For FY 04.
Information Services Department:
Commissioner Michael S. Blake arrived at 6:02 p.m.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore arrived at 6:03 p.m.
Ms. Joanne Dalka, Information Services Department Director presented her Department
Discussion began on the "Imaging" aspect of the City's Records Management Program,
and the need to possibly hire an additional Staff Member for "Imaging". Members of the
City Commission also noted their desire that the City improve technologically.
Commissioner Sally McGinnis asked Ms. Dalka, "If you could have presented your ideal
Budget to us - what would you have asked for that you did not." Ms. Dalka responded,
"Another person."
With further discussion, Commissioner Blake asked Ms. Dalka, "So what do you need?"
Ms. Dalka stated, "I need another person." Commissioner Blake asked, "Is that it?" Ms.
Dalka stated, "Yes, that is sufficient."
Commissioner Blake then inquired, "What does it take for us to get an electronic system
where we are not developing ten (10) inches of paper per person, per week?" Ms. Dalka
responded, "Getting terminals at the dais - that was never included, you never brought
that forth in your IT [Infonnation Technology] Plan - I asked you what you wanted and
that was never part of the Plan. So quite honestly right now, I could supply you with the
Agenda on a CD-ROM and I could email it to you, that is not a problem. But as far as
you wanting a terminal up there, that was not part of the Plan on your wish list."
Commissioner Blake said, "Well, before this process is over I would like - to see some
sort ofa quick analysis of what it would take for us to be more effective in what we do."
Discussion developed regarding the three (3) year Information Technology Plan.
Commissioner Blake said to Ms. Dalka, "The $70,000.00 for Imaging is..." Ms. Dalka
responded, ".. .Hardware - we are going to have to have a decent Imaging server and the
appropriate back-up system to keep - back-ups of that information. And then there is
another piece that connects to that - we want to be able to put things out on the Web
without touching our internal server, which is a firewall - so if you want to make it
available on the Web site, we have got to secure it." Commissioner Blake then said,
"That is what I would like to see."
With further discussion, Ms. Dalka informed the City Commission, "I can update the
Commission periodically on where we are at with each area of the Plan." Commissioner
Edward Martinez, Jr. said, "That would be nice." Ms. Dalka added, "We are currently on
schedule right now."
In regards to possibly hiring an additional Inforn1ation Services Staff Member,
Commissioner David W. McLeod asked, "What is the cost of this - and what is the added
Millage that we are talking about?" Manager McLemore stated, "We will develop that
for you on your list. I am assuming that it is probably - between $40,000.00 and
$50,000.00 dollars including benefits and the whole package."
Furthermore, Manager McLemore stated, "Now, the other issue you have got to think
about is - we are just running out of physical room. And you'll recall we had that Plan
done for expanding the back here and most of that was IT [Information Technology] area.
So we need to move on with that very quickly and our plan to pay for that was through
the Impact Fees that you all have authorized." Commissioner Blake suggested, "Take the
Commission office. We do not need that. We can borrow this area back here."
Commissioner McGinnis added, "I agree. I have always said that is wasted space."
Mayor Bush then said, "I would certainly support the additional Staff Member. To get to
where Commissioner Blake is talking about, it would have to be done. It would be nice
to have the Agenda on a CD [Compact Disc] or better yet, just make it available on the
Web so we can just come in on the Web and look at it and not need a CD."
Commissioner Blake added, "That system on the Web to get to documents - is very
cumbersome." Ms. Dalka stated, "I understand that and that is why we are doing a
Website redesign."
Next, Commissioner Blake asked, "Mayor, I am wondering if anybody has any thoughts
about terminals being available up here?" Mayor Bush stated, "Well, I would like that."
Ms. Dalka then inquired, "Are you looking at laptops or..." Commissioner Blake stated,
"... Whatever is most effective." Ms. Dalka suggested, "Let us put that in for FY 04 - if
you want me to get the information and put that in next years Budget I will do that."
Commissioner Martinez stated, "I think, in my opinion, it would be best because we
would not want this to get in the way of some other projects that are hard pressed for
monies." Ms. Dalka added, "We are on schedule with our IT [Information Technology]
Plan so far."
Mayor Bush asked the City Commission, "Do we have any consensus regarding adding a
position to Joanne's [Dalka] staff?" Commissioner Martinez stated, "Yes."
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I will support that." Commissioner McLeod said, "I
want to know what it is going to cost." Mayor Bush then stated, "Ron [McLemore] said
he would get that for us." Commissioner McLeod then said, "Other than that, no I do not
have a problem." Mayor Bush then stated, "Put it on as a possibility."
Commissioner McLeod remarked, "I just think we need to keep track, and I am sure Ron
[McLemore] is keeping up with all these things so that when we get done here - we all
get the list." Furthell11Ore, Ms. Dalka said, "I can update you once a month or however
you would like." Mayor Bush stated, ..Email it. Do not put it on paper for me."
Public Works Department:
Community Development Department:
Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E., Public WorksfUtility Department Director commented on
his portion of the Budget for the General Services Department.
Brief discussion.
Ms. Louise Frangoul, Finance Department Director then addressed the City Commission.
Tape l/Side B
With further discussion, Commissioner Blake stated, "I noticed certain entries in here
such as the Mechanical, Plumbing, Electric - those kind of Permit Fees are multiples of
what we had originally budgeted. Other Pennit Fees are up forty, fifty percent (40, 50%)
perhaps - Plan Review maybe almost even 100%, but these mechanical type Permits are
up 500%, 600%. Why is that? Why are they so off the mark? I would expect that they
would all be off by, not exactly the same, but by similar amounts if we are having full
development which I think is what is going on here."
Ms. Frangoul responded, "Looking at the year to date actual for instance, the Electrical
Permits are already at $28,500.00 that we have collected and we still have a quarter to go.
Plumbing, $60,500.00 - a quarter to go. Mechanical, $39,750.00 - so we have...."
Commissioner Blake said, "...I understand it. I am not saying the numbers are wrong, it
is just a curious thing going on here where we have some of these permits up five (5)
times, six (6) times, from what we looked at and what we budgeted." Ms. Frangoul
stated, "They are probably consistent with what they have been in the past, but yes there
is something that has happened this year that has made them much larger than they have
been in the past." Manager McLemore added, "It is worth looking into."
Next, discussion developed regarding Enterprise Funds in relation to the Building
Department, and the front counter area of the Building Department. Regarding the
overall aesthetics of the Lobby area, Mayor Bush stated, "I do not know where this would
fit in but when people walk into City Hall they do not know where to go and they usually
go to the wrong place." Mayor Bush added, "If we talk about customer service, I think
that is one of the places we could start with - helping people when they walk in the door."
Mayor Bush said, "Well, there is no proposal in there to address that in this Budget is
there?" Manager McLemore said, "No." Commissioner McGinnis added, "I think the
whole lobby is really shabby and unattractive, the trophies...." Commissioner Martinez
suggested, "... Upgrading..." Furthel1110re, Mayor Bush stated, "I still would like at
some point, some time - that we have some customer service" when people enter the
Lobby area of City Hall.
Commissioner Blake suggested, "Actually those signs could probably come under the
Development Enterprise Fund because that helps us to operate a lot more efficiently."
Manager McLemore said, "That sounds like a good idea to me."
On the subject of Inspections, Commissioner Blake said, "If we can get - say the last
eight (8) weeks or so, commit to spending a little more money on much faster inspections
to help people get C.O.'s [Certificates of Occupancy] faster, that helps us to get a years
worth of Ad Valorem revenue." Manager McLemore responded, "I agree with you, I just
do not know if more Inspectors can necessarily speed up the Contractor." Furthermore,
Commissioner Blake stated, "All I would suggest is that in the last eight (8) weeks or so
that if we could find a way to have a much faster turn-around on inspections, when
requested - within twenty-four (24) hours."
Further discussion.
Commissioner McLeod stated, "The other evening we asked Ron [McLemore] to look
into - the Building Department to see what we can do to streamline it, to make it simpler
and possibly more user-friendly. But in that process Ron [McLemore], if it comes out -
that additional people are needed, would we be able to come to this particular Fund to do
that?" Manager McLemore responded, "Absolutely." Commissioner McLeod asked
further, "So shouldn't that also be pm1 of that study here that we are getting ready to do?"
Manager McLemore said, "I think that it should be." Further, Commissioner McLeod
commented that "If the study - shows that that Department needs the help to get this
streamlined, then I would want to come back to this Fund immediately and assist them."
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I agree." Commissioner Martinez said also, "I agree
with the Commissioner."
Furthermore, Commissioner McLeod said, "I hope we move very quickly with this
Consulting group, and I hope we would within ninety (90) days, have some results back
here in front of this Commission to be able to move forward with that."
Regarding the hiring of Consultants, Commissioner McLeod stated, "On this particular
one - what I would like to see is an outsider that can step in because there seems to be a
difference between our Building Official and our City Manager, from what I have heard
at different times, of what those needs are - what I would like to see here, is somebody
that has been in several Building DepaI1ments throughout the State of Florida and has
worked in helping to streamline those things." Discussion.
Mr. Lockcuff next advised the Commission that on page G-l 0, Fuel & Oil - that instead
ofthe $1,200.00 noted on the page, "It really needs to be $2,000.00."
Mr. Lockcuff then addressed the Transpo11ation Improvement Fund.
Regarding the constmction of the proposed new Public Works compound, Commissioner
Blake inquired, "What kind of capital is tied up in those three (3) parcels, that could be
used to develop the garage?" Mr. Lockcuff said, "Good question." Additionally,
Commissioner Blake said, "Those two (2) parcels - being the empty lot and the house,
may be a step in the right direction to get this garage built." Manager McLemore said,
"We need some direction from you - you would probably want to include it in that whole
park area, an additional park area particularly for parking which is vastly needed over
there." Commissioner Blake said, "I think if we need to increase the parking that we
ought to try and find a way to do it given the real estate we already have there. The other
thing is we have that piece of prope11y still out on [State Road] 419. I thought two (2)
years ago, we talked about looking at the value of that and seeing what we might be able
to do with it." Commissioner Blake further stated, "I think we were looking at it as
utilizing it for a cost offset, and I think, if you check the Minutes, that is what the
Commission agreed to."
Note: There were technical difficulties with Tape 2.
Tape 2/Side A
The Road Improvements Fund was addressed next. Mr. Lockcuff said to the City
Commission, "I need to revise this based on project schedules - so I need to update all
that." Then, Mr. Lockcuff said in regards to the Transportation Impact Fee Fund, "I still
do not think we will have an expenditure for Fisher Road - so I may need to reduce this
year's actual proj ection."
Commissioner Blake asked about the Bank of America Agreement and inquired, "Are we
still under that Agreement?" Manager McLemore stated, "We will probably have to
check into it." Commissioner Blake said, "We might want to revisit that because we
have got a new Bank in town."
Problems with the Utility Billing software was discussed next and the question arose as to
why the software company is not absorbing any related costs. Mayor Bush suggested,
"Maybe the City Attomey should put that in the contract."
Next, Enterprise Fund reserves related to "Highs or lows" was commented on with
Manager McLemore stating, "We will get you some industry standards."
Mayor Bush called a recess at 8: 10 p.m.
Mayor Bush reconvened the Workshop at 8: 16 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Department:
Mr. Chuck Pula, Parks and Recreation Department Director presented this Budget.
Commissioner McLeod returned to the dais at 8:18 p.m.
Discussion developed regarding the "Splash Pad" at Torcaso Park.
Tape 2/Side B
Further discussion.
In regards to the July 4th Line Code, Commissioner Blake asked, "Why do we have a
$2,000.00 dollar reduction - for the 4th of July?" Manager McLemore said, "I would
have to check into that - we wi11100k into that."
Mayor Bush then asked about the monies being budgeted for purchasing desktop
computers and stated, "You should not be paying $2,000.00 dollars a piece for them."
Manager McLemore responded, "We will have to get with Joanne [Dalka] on that."
Furthermore, regarding the issue of purchasing computers through either a "State
Contract" or "Non- State Contract," Manager McLemore stated, "We will bring back
discussions on that."
As noted on page E-4, Commissioner Blake inquired about the "$3,000.00 dollars in
donations" for the Paw Park. Ms. Frangoul explained that she had "Put that in the
General Fund". After brief discussion, Ms. Frangoul stated, "I will separate it for the
Tentative Budget.
Mayor Bush then asked why more trees are not being planted in the Parks.
Finance Department:
Ms. Frangoul presented the Finance Department Budget.
Mayor Bush questioned whether the City has a list of employee's salaries. Ms. Frangoul
stated, "I could come up with one." Mayor Bush then requested just the "Salaried
employees" information.
Commissioner Martinez departed the Workshop at 8:55 p.m.
With discussion on the Legal Services Budget, Commissioner Blake asked, "Why are we
not allocating a large portion of the legal fees to the - Fund?" Ms. Frangoul answered,
"We can -let me review it."
General Services Department:
Ms. Frangoul introduced the General Services Depmiment Budget.
Tape 3/Side A
Regarding the Solidwaste/Recycling Fund, Commissioner Blake said to Manager
McLemore, "Have we had any conversations with the County about any sort of special
consideration for entering into a long term agreement to use the County Landfill?"
Manager McLemore responded, "I do not think so. I am not sure we would want to do
that, would we?" Commissioner Blake stated, "I know that with this other company that
is attempting to take landfill business away from the County, that suddenly they find
themselves in a competitive stance which means if we can shore up, maybe even just for
three (3) years some sort of an agreement with either entity, we could better define our
costs and we might then be able to look at this Fund Balance and know where another
half a million dollars is that might be available for other projects." Manager McLemore
said, "I do not know what is going to happen in three (3) more years when we are out
bidding again." Manager McLemore said, "I understand but the policy decision is do you
lower your rates, stabilize your rates, or put your money somewhere else - that would be
a poIicy decision for you to look at. I haven't checked rates recently to see how they
have changed - but I can do that."
Next, Commissioner Blake asked, "Who is monitoring the agreement that we have, to
make sure that if there are some lower rates existing elsewhere, that we get those -
because we have the Favored Nations clause in that Agreement. Is that something we
monitor on an annual basis?" Ms. Frangoul said, "Not on an annual basis. We did have a
Solid Waste audit a couple of years ago and we are taking advantage of the Favored
Nations clause." Manager McLemore stated, "I will - see what recent rates are like."
In discussion about Debt Service Funds, Ms. Frangoul stated that in regards to the 1993
Debt Service Fund, "This Fund on [Page] E-21 is getting refunded and I have already
reflected the $60,000.00 dollar decrease." Commissioner Blake asked, "Will the Fund be
called the same thing or do you close out the '93 and call it the '03..." Ms. Frangoul
stated, "...1 will have to give that some thought because this is the first one I have had
that is like this." Commissioner Blake said, "You want to create some history but you
want to make sure that if somebody sees an '03 issue out there, that they can figure out
which Fund it goes to..." Ms. Frangoul said, "... That it was there for ten (10) years
before - let me think about that."
The Workshop was adjoumed at 9:32 p.m.
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