HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2003 06 10 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JUNE 10, 2003
The Workshop of Tuesday, June 10,2003 of the City Commission was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 6:31 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., absent
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
1. A. Office Of The City Manager
Budget Review For FY 04.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore offered to put the "Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year
2003-2004" in binders for the City Commission and "Deliver them to you tomorrow."
Manager McLemore stated, "I am recommending a small Millage increase. That Millage
increase is .1462. That is for the purpose of the second installment on the eight (8)
Firemen. We funded it a half-year this year. This coming year of course we have to fund
it for the entire year." Manager McLemore added, "We can discuss that at our next
Meeting. "
Commissioner Michael S. Blake stated, "This is the big issue we fought over last year. I
am just shocked that we have not been able to implement it yet. The general discussion
was towards doing it right away and then we budgeted it out to the half-year point, which
was a couple months ago. Now you are coming before us to say you are ignoring the
direction from last year and now we may not even have to do it this year when the need
was clearly there the year before when we did not do it. I have got a real problem with
that. If the Budget process is the way that we are using to tell you what to do and you are
not doing the job, I have a problem with that. And if something changed, it should have
been one of those big, bold, bright Agenda Items that come before us, in a discussion
fashion where you make your case if things have changed or not."
Manager McLemore stated, "We can talk about that whole issue at the next Meeting.
The question is one of how do you want to move ahead. I will remind you again that
when I was employed you taxed me with bringing you alternatives every year. I have
brought you alternatives for a no tax-increase Budget."
Commissioner Blake then said, "The point is you do bring us alternatives and we do
make decisions. And when those decisions are ignored or not implemented for whatever
reason, we ought to be kept abreast of why it is not being implemented ifnot."
In regards to the Fire Consolidation Study, Manager McLemore stated, "We hope to have
it to you - quickly."
Further discussion.
In regards to Health Insurance, Commissioner Blake stated, "At a couple of Meetings ago
I asked about looking at either doing an RFP [Request For Proposal] on our Broker
Agreement or Broker arrangement, I am not sure what the agreement is, I have never
seen one - at a minimum, at least a discussion of restructuring the way we handle that.
We are one of the few cities that actually uses this method. Typically most of them - you
can go direct or they use a consulting basis. I understand we are paying about six percent
(6%) - that is what the carrier says she is getting paid - six percent (6%). It may be as
low as four (4%), I know that is what has been represented, but the carrier says she is
getting paid six percent (6%). And I tend to believe the carrier on this and that is an
awful lot of money. Most cities have either gone direct or they have used a consulting
arrangement which is a fixed fee, fixed dollar amount. It is very well defined and you
know what you are paying for. I think there are significant dollars there."
Manager McLemore advised, "I had planned to have that discussion with you. The Bids
have been out on the street now for several weeks. You will have that information in
front of you and it is our intent to have that whole discussion at a Workshop."
Commissioner Blake added, "I think this piece of it is something that ought to be
addressed sooner than later and they ought to be put on notification as to what direction
we may be looking at. But if we are in the position to say fifty to one hundred thousand
dollars, which is what it is, then I think that it a Line item that we ought to look very
carefully at it."
Deputy Mayor Robert S. Miller stated, "Under Capital Outlays - I sent the Manager a
memo a couple of weeks back requesting you look into - or bring to the Commission's
attention, the issue of [Police] motorcycles. A lot of people in the City have been raising
this issue - I thought it might be time for us to take a look at this. It was not on the last
one or two Agendas. The question I would have at this point is when we looked at it last
time a couple of years back, it seems that it was mostly a manpower and training issue. I
would like to get some input on this early on for our Meetings - how it might have
changed. I think Harley Davidson used to give Police Departments the motorcycles for
one dollar ($1.00) and you gave them back after a year. And the City had to pay all the
operating expenses for uniforms, safety equipment, insurance, and those things. So I am
not sure if that comes under Personnel or under Capital Outlay. But I would like to see it
included." Manager McLemore said, "We will develop it as a point for the next three (3)
discussions. "
Mayor Bush added, "One of the things that I would like to see, maybe it is already in
there in the IT [Information Technology] Budget, I would like to see that we have a
permanent person that is a Web Master and that is their only job. That is something I
would like to see. I think that through the Web we can do a better job with keeping the
citizens informed with what is going on. I know we post a lot of things now but a lot of
things - for instance the recognition last night of Dr. Ajayi. That would be something that
I think would be interesting to be on the Web. So that is my recommendation is that we
look at that." Manager McLemore said, "Okay, we will develop a discussion point on
that. "
Commissioner David W. McLeod said, "I would like to see us bring in a Consultant this
year to look at our Building Department in means of streamlining what we do. I would
definitely like an outside Consultant to come in and have a free hand to go through and
analyze this thing as an outside objective and come back and tell us what we need to do,
what paperwork we need to get rid of, and how to streamline that thing. There are areas
that one can go online and get Building Permits." Commissioner McLeod added, "So, I
would like to find a way we can get some outside Consultant in there and just get rid of
that bottleneck that we have."
Commissioner Blake added, "I absolutely agree and that includes once the permit is
issued, the inspection process. I receive complaint after complaint - and - it seems as
though the job of inspecting, because of the way the compensation agreements are in
place, that they take several more visits than are required."
Concerns with the Utility Billing System software and the SIze of Utility bills m
proportion to the provided envelopes were discussed next.
Tape I/Side B
Discussion followed on if and when Direct Billing could be implemented.
Fire Department:
Regarding the status of the Fire Department and the Consolidation inquiry,
Commissioner McLeod said, "I do have a lot of the same feelings that Commissioner
Blake has regarding the Fire Department and our situation here and moving forward with
that - I hope you come back with a strong argument to convince us that that is not where
we are going." Manager McLemore stated, "I think the main issue is we need to get that
consolidation stuff in front of you and have you make a decision on that."
Next, Fire Department response times and related issues were discussed. Regarding the
number of Fire Stations that the City needs, Commissioner Blake said, "If we go through
the Consolidation process and we decide to consolidate and we only have those two (2)
stations, what are the chances that then a third one would show up?" Manager
McLemore answered, "Because you write it into your agreement."
Fire Chief Timothy J. Lallathin, Fire Department added, "Actually, the response time to
this area is critical regardless if night or day. It is even compounded in the middle of the
day or when the traffic is congested in this area."
Manager McLemore further stated, "Those remaining issues are the same issues you have
already turned down - the one percent (1 %) backwards on retirement, all this other - so
we did that because we needed to move on with filling these positions with qualified
people. So if their rank and file accepts it, my intention will be to bring it to you
probably at the next Meeting and schedule an Impasse Session."
Chief Lallathin presented the Fire Department Budget.
Discussion ensued on the funding of a Fire truck, and whether Impact Fees are collected
for the new Elementary School.
Further discussion.
Tape 2/Side A
Next, discussion commenced regarding the Medical Transport Services Fund.
Commissioner Blake said, "At some point I would just like as an Informational Item,
perhaps if we could pull the numbers together to see where this fund, from a revenue
basis, really stands." Manager McLemore responded, "Okay." Commissioner Blake
added, "It does not have to be next week."
Commissioner Blake added, "We are sitting on - $475,000.00 dollars here at year end,
with a budgeted expenditure of $116,000.00 dollars, which leaves us with about
$360,000.00 dollars. What are our current balances outstanding on the second Rescue
Unit? I think we have three (3) years on it, or is it two (2) now that we are down to
remaining?" Chief Lallathin stated, "We have a half year with..." Commissioner Blake
added, "00.1 would like to really take another look - to just pay it off." Furthermore,
Commissioner Blake said, "Seems to me we can make some money here." Ms. Louise
Frangoul, Finance Department Director stated, "I think we would have to pay the entire
amount off, not just part of Medical Transport portion." Commissioner Blake said, "We
cannot prepay any portion of the note without prepaying the entire note." Ms. Frangoul
said, "And then just show the additional interest expense on the remaining portion just as
part of the General Fund." Commissioner Blake stated, "Exactly." Ms. Frangoul stated,
"We can do that."
Police Department:
Chief of Police Daniel J. Kerr, Police Department addressed the City Commission.
Discussion ensued on video cameras and laptops for Police vehicles.
Chief Kerr advised the City Commission that, "One of the dilemmas that we have faced
here recently, and actually it happened this morning, is the radios in the whole County
went down. And our only communications with our Officers in their vehicles were on
their cell phones, the ones that actually have their own cell phones. All the other
jurisdictions do have the computers in their cars. That is a separate network so they were
able to continue operations. That is the one thing we really do need to look at."
Commissioner McLeod stated, "Chief - I really want to make sure that our fellows are
safe out there. And anything that we need to do, I think that is one of our number one
priorities here. So that is something that you need to bring in front of us. I would
definitely like to see you up here." Chief Kerr said, "Yes sir."
Chief Kerr then addressed the need for hiring an additional four (4) Police.
Commissioner Sally McGinnis stated, "Do you think four (4) is enough? What is the
ideal?" Chief Kerr responded, "Obviously the ideal would be double that. But I really do
not think we need the ideal right now. I have never come to you and asked you for more
than what I think we really need. I think we can do the job with those four (4)."
Deputy Mayor Miller said to Manager McLemore, "Take a serious look at this. We have
discussed this several times in the past, the issue of condemnation. It seems to me like if
it is ever going to be seriously looked at, now might be the time to do that. So I would
like to see a serious effort made on the part of the City Manager, or Legal Counsel, or
Chief Kerr, to look at that issue of condemnation."
Deputy Mayor Miller stressed further, "We need to send a message. We have talked
about it - I think if there is a particular couple of areas where it might work, I think we
should send a very strong message to all of the people that are investment owners in this
area that if you are going to have a rental income house you have got to take care of it. I
am thinking of that one down on Moss Road that the City went in and took a look at it. I
guess it was an accident waiting to happen - referring to the one behind the Church - you
all might want to go back there and take a look at that. Lori Anne [Lane] has got a lot of
the same problems. I think we need to send a message and if it can be done legally, I
think we ought to look at doing it."
Commissioner McLeod stated, "I have to agree with the Commissioner. That is a cancer
that we can not afford to have spread in this City. Ron [McLemore], I direct you as
Manager, whatever your resources that we have to find, to resolve it, to fight it, to stop it
at this point, we need to do it. It needs to be stopped!"
Furthermore, Commissioner McLeod pointed out, "You cannot put everything under a
blanket and say we have to have all these things in place first. I would tell you to put
people on the street, start addressing the issues, and meanwhile bring Ordinances up in
front of us that have some teeth in them, that gives the men something to work with.
Then start bringing in your capital funding projects for us to look at. But meanwhile start
with something rather than try and start with a financial aspect to begin with."
Mayor Bush suggested, "I would recommend that maybe Commissioner Miller submit an
item to be placed on the Agenda at the upcoming Meeting to address this issue in more
detail. "
Commissioner McLeod added, "I would much rather see our monies being spent on those
type issues than some of the issues we have in front of us. There are other things that
sometimes we have that I really think these are the issues of safety, health, and welfare."
Commissioner McLeod added, "It is a real touchy subject and it needs to be addressed."
Commissioner McGinnis said, "I agree with you. I believe Police is one piece of the pie,
but right now it is a real big piece of the pie. I am hearing that there is a growth spurt -
that also eventually will affect your Department in other adverse ways. If you lose
control of this you could lose some Officers." Additionally, Commissioner McGinnis
said, "Anyway, I would like to see more attention given to this."
Chief Kerr invited the City Commission to "Come out and ride with the Officers" and
stated, "I have to agree with Ron [McLemore] that it takes these Ordinances, it is going to
take in addition to doing this, to follow up with some of those renovation projects,
particularly on Cory [Lane]. I think it is going to be a different answer in Deer Song and
we are probably going to have to go after some individual owners of some of these
residences, to seize the property and get the word out."
Mayor Bush spoke of taxes and stated, "As long as you can encourage the vote to raise
the taxes, we can do a lot of things. The Manager has tried to put together a Budget that
is keeping taxes under control because I think he feels that has been the direction, but if it
has changed - he [Manager McLemore] needs to know that."
With discussion, Deputy Mayor Miller spoke of holding Landlords accountable for their
Tape 2/Side B
Commissioner Blake said, "Raising taxes is not necessarily the only way to fund
something like this. There are an awful lot of Line items in every Department Budget.
And while I understand that we do not run a fluffy budget here, it has always been pretty
tight, I would challenge the Manager and Staff to find another $100,000.00, $150,000.00
in some of these Line items - and help to fund something as important as this."
Commissioner McLeod suggested, "I would like to start finding some funds in our
present Budget or in our General Funds to help get this thing under way, to start resolving
it by getting the Attorney to start doing some Ordinances and getting Police Officers on
the streets." Manager McLemore stated, "We are already working on the Ordinances and
I do not know - but one (I) of those Ordinances needs to be the Open Container Law."
Commissioner McLeod stated, "I am willing to look at all those things with you - but I
really would like you to come back before us with a way to start getting some Police
Officers on those streets. That is a safety problem."
Manager McLemore suggested to the City Commission, "You could probably fund the
four (4) Police Officers out of the operating costs for those laptops for the cars. Law
Enforcement has been existing for a long time without laptops." Commissioner McLeod
asked, "Why can't we do both?" Manager McLemore stated, "We may be able to and -
the fact that you may wait a year or two (2) and get all that paid for, it may be a better
solution to use that money - for buying Officers. Those kind of options exist."
Commissioner McLeod stated, "I will agree that those options exist but I sure would like
to find a way that we can bring some kind of Agenda package back to this Commission,
to move forward with Officers in those areas. And if we get a high crime area that starts
to exist, just step on it and get rid of it!"
Mayor Bush stated, "I think everybody is in agreement with that Commissioner and
maybe yourself or Commissioner Miller would want to put something on the next
Agenda, and also give the Manager time to come up with some recommendations, and
the Chief [Kerr]."
Discussion ensued on Redevelopment, and Deputy Mayor Miller stated, "That is
probably what we are looking at, this area over here, along with all these other things we
are talking about. Which brings me to my last comment that maybe a certain amount of a
Millage would be warranted rather than to try and cut corners."
Manager McLemore clarified, "Let me understand what your recommendation is - you
want us to come back with you with a proposal to hire four (4) Police Officers for the
balance of the year? Is that what you are asking me?" Commissioner McLeod stated,
"We have got a problem I definitely want to address, whatever it takes." Commissioner
Blake added, "It is a simple question, I want a simple answer." Manager McLemore
stated, "We will be back to you real soon."
Mayor Bush suggested, "I think that maybe Commissioners McLeod and Miller at some
point should have a one on one with the Manager. He can bring back to the Commission
exactly what you have got in mind. Give the Manager time to put one (1) package
together so it comes back to the Commission and we can discuss it."
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I think we need to use the experience of Chief Kerr,
you have done this before, you know a model, you have worked with it. I am sure there
are so many instances and stories, cities where there have been very good models utilized
that did exactly that, zapped in on an issue and gave it a lot of attention and
concentration. You have access to that. 1 would like to see you involved in every piece
of that planning."
Mayor Bush adjourned the Workshop at 9:04 p.m.
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