HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2002 07 15 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JULY 15,2002
The Workshop of Monday, July 15,2002 of the City Commission was called to order by
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, arrived at 6:50 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, absent
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, arrived at 6:06 p.m.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, arrived at 6:07 p.m.
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
A. Budget Review
Fire Department:
Fire Chief Timothy J. Lallathin addressed the Commission. Discussion began with
staffing and training issues.
Commissioner David W McLeod arrived at 6:06 p.m.
City Manager Ronald W McLemore arrived at 6:07 p.m.
Manager McLemore left the Commission Chambers at 6:08 p.m.
Manager McLemore returned to the Commission Chambers at 6:08 p.m.
Commissioner McLeod said, "I am still - and I appreciate what you are saying to us Ron
[McLemore] but I want to make sure that number one here is the safety and welfare of
the citizens and if the Chief truly feels again that he is needing these people and yet we
have put them off before now and there is some point we are going to play catch up - I
would rather step up to the plate and start that process now than in a year to two (2) years
from now." Further, Commissioner McLeod said, "I think the facts are in front of us -
are we presently at a point that it may become questionable about safety and welfare at
the present time" Chief Lallathin explained that "The third person just adds an extra,
additional element of safety." Commissioner McLeod then stated, "I think I would like
to see a little less Traffic Calming and - more firefighters."
Manager McLemore said, "If we charge more to operating costs then maybe we could
pick up some people there. That is a possibility. It is just how you define what is
medical - you can go from one side of the extreme to the other because they are all so
interrelated that it is hard to pull them out."
Discussion ensued on Fire Department response times. Manager McLemore stated, "My
strategy in talking with the Chief [Lallathin] was why not make a commitment, short
term, to a mini unit, a two (2) man unit, a mini truck. When you could initially respond
just out of here [City Hall] that we get to the point to where - we are ready to go full-
blown with a new station. We probably have room to venue it down here. One small
truck - it's a rescue vehicle we can do a quick knock down on fire, cars, and quick
medical responses. Not a transport, not a full size engine because what we need here is
that - triple use vehicle - we have a fifty foot (50') ladder and a full size pump truck and -
that would address the manpower. But even at that, you are still talking about seven (7)
people. You have two (2) people on it - per day plus you have to have the other person in
there to help." Furthermore, Manager McLemore suggested, "It is a costly proposition
whichever way you go at it. In my opinion, it is the real issue, that response time in this
part of the City and I think we just have to make the commitment to either do it or not do
it and in my mind it keeps coming back down to consolidation. Are we going to
consolidation or not? If we are not going to do it then we need to start getting ready for
that next Station and those twelve (12) firemen. In fact, it is not twelve (12) it is really
fifteen (15),"
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., inquired as to whether the City could qualify for
Federal Grants and said "I think we ought to start approaching some Congressmen that
work for us and see if they can do something in that direction."
Tape I/Side B
Commissioner Martinez stated, "What I am suggesting is that the Manager reviews his
Budget and finds a way to give you those three (3) men. I am with you."
WORKSHOP - JULY 15, 2002
Mayor Paul P. Partyka arrived at 6:50 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Gennell turned the Workshop over to Mayor Partyka.
Discussion ensued regarding whether the City should invest in an addition to the sally
port and Commissioner McLeod commented, "I think you do. I don't think it is a
question." Commissioner McLeod further stated, "Make sure that you have the response
time for the safety and welfare right now of the citizens. And what happens in the future
is the future and - that is where I would go with it. I know it doesn't help with what you
are wanting for your Budget but I sure believe it gives you a way to respond in the center
of the city right now - in order to do that." Additionally, Commissioner McLeod said
"Ideally we should have enough money that we would build a two (2) story - but it is a
workable idea and I think that is what I would like to see, some numbers come back to us
as what that may be."
Deputy Mayor Gennell asked Commissioner McLeod and Commissioner Michael S.
Blake if they were in agreement to the three (3) added personnel in additional to the sally
port unit. Commissioner McLeod replied, "Basically the Chief would come back to us
here, gives us the size of the vehicle - the sally port, what it is going to cost, basically a
rough estimate to close it in for their needs." Commissioner McLeod then asked, "Is that
administrative person an absolute must today? Without doing anything else with
firefighters? Well then, - that is a must do."
With further discussion, Commissioner McLeod said, "I would like the Manager to come
back with some offers to us. I think that is the answer here. I don't think we can agree to
approve what is in front of us." Commissioner Blake agreed. Mayor Partyka
summarized, "The consensus here is to come back with something in terms of numbers,
right, by the City Manager."
Commissioner Blake inquired as to "When was the last time we looked at this Impact Fee
Fund, the calculation, the way the Impact Fees are calculated?" Manager McLemore
replied, "Actually it is going on right now and will have back in front of you in the next
two (2) or (3) weeks - four (4) weeks at the most." It was suggested by Commissioner
Blake that if a new Fire Station was going to be built using the Impact Fee Fund, then
more monies would be needed in the Fund. Commissioner Blake stated, "I fully support
the expenditure this year."
Medical Transport was next discussed. Commissioner Blake asked how much time was
left on the note for Vehicle 2 and the Lease Purchase Agreement. Manager McLemore
and Ms. Louise Frangoul, Finance Department Director agreed to check on this. Chief
Lallathin stated, "I don't believe we are finished with it yet. I believe both of these were
for five (5) years and one was just one (1) year difference than the other. And I believe
we are only in - we are probably in the third year for Vehic1e 1 and the second year for
WORKSHOP - JULY 15, 2002
Vehicle 2." Manager McLemore said, "We will verify it." Then Commissioner Blake
asked about penalties ifthe note were paid off early and said that he "Would be interested
to know what the balances are that are outstanding on each of them and what the rates
are. There is no reason for us to sit on half a million dollars."
Commissioner Blake suggested that if this fund would be used to purchase the vehicle for
the sally port, "It might make more sense to payoff the existing notes and to roll one on
this because rates are probably more favorable now than they were back when we did
these two (2)." Manager McLemore responded, "We will look at them."
Deputy Mayor Gennell discussed with Chief Lallathin the future purchase of the
defibrillators and said "I would just encourage you to look around and see if there isn't a
better market for - with the internet - some of these South American countries, a lot of
places buy stuff and they are happy to get five (5) year old technology. We might just be
able to get more for them." Chief Lallathin stated, "Absolutely correct and we will do
that. "
Police Department:
Police Chief Daniel J. Kerr introduced the Police Department's Budget.
Commissioner McLeod questioned Chief Kerr regarding the status and amount of the
Federal Grant submitted for the police vehicle laptop computers and said, "So, we should
know in thirty (30) days? Ron, that is something very important as far as I am
concerned." In addition Commissioner McLeod remarked, "I think it is very, very
important with today's market - with everything going on in our world today - is for
those officers to immediately have responses back inside those automobiles."
Commissioner McLeod added, "That is just so important for the safety and welfare of our
police officers. I definitely want to make sure that in thirty (30) days Ron [McLemore],
that if we don't hear on this Grant or that we don't happen to be fortunate enough to be
awarded that Grant, that that comes back to us, without a doubt."
Brief discussion.
Information Services Department:
Ms. Joanne Dalka, Information Sevices Department Manager briefly addressed the
Commission regarding the Budget for the Information Services Department. Ms. Dalka
explained that her current Budget is for "Maintaining and to build some infrastructure."
Mayor Partyka inquired, "You have seen the total program that Mr. Hagy [Frank Hagy,
CPM, Chief Information Officer, Florida League of Cities] has put together already -
what would your recommendation be on that?" Ms. Dalka said, "My recommendation is
to follow that first three (3) year plan. It is hard to project past the three (3) years because
technology changes every eighteen (18) months." Brief discussion.
Tape 2/Side A
Deputy Mayor Gennell recommended "Less than a year from now before we go into next
year's Budget - before we have to do the Budget process - it might be a good time to
schedule a 'Strategic planning' session for the Department Heads and the Commission,
an all day thing, maybe two (2) all day - spaced a month or so apart, and let us get a
handle on that - because no one has looked at that. You look at a five (5) year Capital
Plan and the Police look at this and the Parks that, but as an overall for whole City."
Deputy Mayor Gennell further suggested, "I think it is very important that we look at
doing something next maybe March or April, somewhere in there."
Referring to the Information Services Departmental Budget, Deputy Mayor Gennell said,
"I just like the job that has been done."
Mayor Partyka recessed the Workshop at 7:36 p.m.
Mayor Partyka called the Workshop back to order at 7:42 p.m.
City CommissionlVarious Boards/City Manager/City Clerk:
Manger McLemore introduced the Budgets for the City Commission, the City Manager,
and the City Clerk.
Mayor Partyka suggested that the City, Developers, and Landowners need someone "To
coordinate the concept of the Town Center in Winter Springs on an ongoing basis to kind
of be the unifying force." Manager McLemore spoke of marketing the area and said,
"One way of - I think to gauge more information on that would - at least sit down with
the Landowners and say do you want to come together and try to increase your leasing."
Deputy Mayor Gennell added, "I think there is merit to having a meeting with them, if
they even come, but it would be interesting to hear their perspective on it before we start
putting money into it."
Commissioner Martinez suggested, "Bring it back as an Informational piece or an
Agenda Item and we will discuss it further." Manager McLemore inquired, "My
direction is to sit down with those property owners and see if they have interest in doing
anything?" Commissioner Martinez suggested, "As you said, this will develop. It might
take longer but if they want it to develop faster, let them show an interest."
Legal Services:
Legal Services was the next category discussed. Manager McLemore said, "What I have
asked Anthony [Garganese] to do is break down what we call his normal account of cost
and let's compare that." Commissioner Blake asked Manager McLemore, "Of the cases
we have handled in the last year or our current year, which of those cases would you have
recommended outside Counsel on if we had an 'In house' Legal Department?" Manager
McLemore replied, "I don't know how to answer without the Attorney telling me."
Commissioner Blake said, "From a policy making decision we are the ones who - would
determine are we going to outside Counselor not, that is the type of question I would like
to address."
Deputy Mayor Gennell suggested utilizing an Assistant to the City Manager for research
instead of the Attorney's Office and suggested that we "Determine that there is more than
what we are willing to spend there and allocate it to that other position. That would help
you fund that other position - and we could certainly use the extra help here."
Tape 2/Side B
Additionally, Deputy Mayor Gennell said, "I just think that we can probably eliminate
some of the expense here and put it over in another place where we could get more
mileage out of it." Commissioner McLeod spoke of not needing an "In house" Attorney
but "You [Manager McLemore] do need an assistant and I think the number one thing
here with the City is the number two person and I don't see it on your Staff right now.
That's been developed so maybe we ought to go back to the Manager's Budget and talk-
about that."
Commissioner Blake commented on being "Very happy" with the City Attorney's work
and said, "I look forward to that information that you are talking about to see what a
Department might cost. And I would be interested in a breakdown from you as to what
type of talent you would look for in a Staff Attorney and what type of thing you wouldn't
be too concerned about because you would look to use outside Counsel. I don't think
right now or today, this Budget is the time to make the changes necessarily, but I do think
the costs are getting up to the point where we have to take a look at them." Mayor
Partyka spoke of the City Attorney's "Turn around time being good."
The Commission was polled for their feelings on whether some information should be
researched by Staff regarding Legal Services, and Mayor Partyka said to the
Commission, "Do you think we should do a full blown analysis on whether we need it -
or not in terms of the analysis of the Legal Department?" Manager McLemore
responded, "...1 think what we are trying to get down to is a representative cost of what
this would cost us if it were in-house and if we used special Counsel versus - and the
other thing is the total bill, what are other people paying for it." Commissioner Blake
stated, "Yes." Commissioner Martinez responded by saying, "No." Deputy Mayor
Gennell stated, "No." Commissioner McLeod said, ''No.'' The consensus of the
Commission was to not do the analysis. Furthermore, pertaining to Legal Services,
Mayor Partyka requested, "I want to know what the Attorney is billing this City in
billable hours."
Deputy Mayor Gennell spoke of her concern with the Code Enforcement Board not
having access to Legal Counsel and Manager McLemore explained that he was
"Developing an alternative" that is "Totally defensible in court and based on recent
decisions of the Florida Supreme Court - we are going there anyhow." Discussion
followed regarding the role of Staff with a Hearing Officer; when that Hearing Officer
could be implemented; and whether the upcoming Budget should include the change.
Deputy Mayor Gennell said, "I would propose us not to wait any longer on the Supreme
Court - if we already have the ability to go there - then I really don't know what we are
waiting for. If it costs more, then should it not be in this year's proposed Budget?"
Manager McLemore replied, "I am working on it right now." Mayor Partyka suggested,
"Why don't we just bring that up in an Agenda Item and handle it, at that appropriate
time. "
Regarding the U.S. Highway 17/92 Tax Payment, Ms. Frangoul spoke of receiving the
evaluation. Ms. Frangoul stated, "It ends up being $63,900.00 and I have gotten a letter
back from the - U.S. 17/92 CRA coordinator regarding the boundaries. He says the
boundaries have not changed with the exception of - small changes in the Fern Creek area
and that will be coming back as an Agenda Item Tuesday night. The City of Longwood
does not participate in this, they elected not to. That is basically the information that he
has given us. I gather you all were concerned that some of the boundaries were mixed up
between Longwood and the City." Commissioner Blake asked, "Do we actually write
them a check for this. I thought that was withheld and we never received the money?"
Ms. Frangoul responded, "Yes. I actually do write them a check." Commissioner Blake
then inquired, "Is that right?" Commissioner Blake said, "I thought that was held out of
the distribution that was made to us." Ms. Frangoul responded, "I don't think so, I think I
remember writing a check." Mayor Partyka said, "We will check that out."
Commissioner Blake added, "Just make sure the numbers work out right. I don't want to
pay them twice." Ms. Frangoul replied, "I will check that out."
Finance Department:
Ms. Frangoul explained that she may have "Over allocated software maintenance and
license and will be checking that out - that Munis came out - $34,500.00 - Account
54632. It should really be split between the Utility Billing Department and - the Utility
in turn reimburses us. I think I captured the entire thing here so 1 think I've got about
$l5,000.00 there too much."
Discussion continued and Mayor Partyka asked if the Preliminary Budget was available
on the City's Website. Ms. Frangoul replied, "I haven't had it put on there yet."
Tape 3/Side A
Regarding Solid Waste Services, Commissioner Blake said, "If that is one of those areas
that we could actually cut a fee or cut a cost as I think it is incumbent of us to take a look
at it and do it."
Brief discussion.
Referring to Bonds, Commissioner Blake asked, "Don't we pledge for instance, not
Public Service Tax Revenues but the Electric Utility Tax?" After a brief discussion, Ms.
Frangoul said that she would "Double check those Bond Indentures to make sure of that."
Manager McLemore inquired if Commissioner Blake would want "It spelled out by Bond
Indenture or what the distribution is?" Commissioner Blake responded, "I just want to
make sure that if Louise [Frangoul] checks it, it's probably the cap or two (2) - I think on
the back of the notes - that if you look, and just to make sure that we are not in technical -
violation or anything."
The Commission discussed whether upgrading the wattage in the streetlighting would
cause higher bills for the City. Manager McLemore said that he would ask Florida Power
that question "Just to make sure." Also, it was agreed that the Streetlighting Assessment
Fund's (Page E-17) name would be changed to the Country Club Village Streetlighting
Assessment Fund.
Under "Revolving Rehab Funds Revenues & Expenditures," Commissioner Blake asked,
"What is our projected actual budgeted amount that we still have outstanding on the
revolving line that we have invested over there?" Ms. Frangoul replied, "The now
outstanding - is a receivable on a balance sheet and it is not going to be on your Budget."
With discussion, Manager McLemore said, "For budget purposes we need to make it
Whether the Budget should be placed on the City's Website was discussed again and
Commissioner McLeod suggested that the Budget should not go on the City's Website
until it has been approved."
Commissioner McLeod said, "My thoughts are - we need to have Ron [McLemore] redo
his sheet, bring up the issues that we're still outstanding." Commissioner McLeod added,
"We still have got the Fire Department to back through."
The Commission agreed to hold another Workshop on August 5, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. to
further address the remaining Budget issues.
REVISED MINUTES (07/31102) .
Mayor Partyka adjourned the Workshop at 9:43 p.m.
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