HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2002 04 15 City Commission Workshop Minutes
APRIL 15,2002
The Workshop of Monday, April 15, 2002 of the City Commission was called to order by
Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:32 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal
Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
A-I. Parks And Recreation Department
Proposed Central Winds Park Expansion Concept Plan In Power Point By Forrest
Michael Of Michael Design Associates.
Mr. Forrest Michael, Michael Design Associates, 130 North Center Street, Suite 1,
Winter Park, Florida: introduced his plans for the Central Winds Park expansion and
stated, "Since the last plan was finalized we have modified that - we're looking at sliding
the ball fields south a little bit so that we can extend this access and create a larger - this
blue area is actually the area where the public can gather in fairly large scale events. This
plan as we drew it last, we have since changed it, but as we drew it, it took over the entire
gathering spot up above the amphitheater. And so this blue area in this plan is about
double the size as you currently have for your public events."
Mr. Michael further spoke on the organization of the site ,md stated, "We're looking at
circulation - we don't want to impact your current facility but we want to blend it into the
new Parker tract."
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In regards to vehicular circulation and the proposed addition of a west entrance, Mr.
Michael stated, "In the potential for the Wincey tract we are looking at the opportunities
for a new entrance over there; so we need cohesive circulation. That's the big key to get
people in and out. That's the most important thing - all these fields, a lot of new traffic."
Mr. Michael also elaborated on service walks; grade changes; viewpoints; and the
potential development of the Wincey property if acquisition takes place.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake asked the City Manager, "Do we have an inventory that
would be a temporary inventory that would show us - since you've been here - six (6)
years when we've added how many acres of park land? And whether it's developed or
undeveloped, or what we've done with it?" City Manager Ronald W. McLemore
answered, "I think we can develop that." Commissioner Blake then inquired, "And have
we looked at, are there some standards that exist out there - a range of recommended
standards for how much park land and how many' facilities you need for a given
population? And obviously we need to look towards build-out, whatever build-out might
be defined as."
Further, Commissioner Blake said, "I think it would be a good exercise to take a look at
what we've done over the past - six (6) or ten (10) years, and what we've spent and what
we're still on the hook for. And to begin thinking as well, as we go through these
exercises, how we might pay for this or each of these individual types of amenities as we
go on."
Manager McLemore said in regards to satisfying future needs, "I think - we basically
agree that to build-out this puts us in very good shape relative to the basics and ball
fields. The question, once you start adding on to that and you start adding pools and
community centers and then you, where is the end of the list. To answer that question, I
think we're in pretty good shape relative to our basics, ball fields and those kind of
things. What was intriguing to me about looking out at the second step was if you had
the Wincey property, and to be able to create this circulation pattern around it - would
dramatically improve the park. So in terms of looking at thresholds we can see there that
at least that next acquisition offers a lot in terms of the management of that facility. Even
if you didn't build that community building, if you are able to get a complete circulation
pattern in there with the volume of people that we put in there would be a tremendous
asset - even if we never looked at the Leerdam property. That's an important thing to
keep in mind there, that's a real benefit for us. And obviously as far as I'm concerned, if
we had to choose between, the next ladder - would be to try and acquire the Wincey
property to put that circulation pattern in place." Manager McLemore added, "That's one
of the things I wanted to see was if we could in fact improve our pedestrian traffic and
vehicle traffic if we got some more land."
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Commissioner Robert S. Miller questioned where parking would be located and said, "I
think we're probably going to need three (3) to four (4) times the parking space that we
have right now. So as long as you factor that in there some place, I don't have any
critique. "
Commissioner Blake asked, "Can you park on the large multi-purpose soccer fields for
special events?" Mr. Michael answered, "Yes. That was a priority."
Commissioner David W. McLeod spoke of an attachment document at a previous
Meeting and advised, "Ifthere is a copy of this Ron [Manager McLemore] I'd definitely
like to be able to get one." Manager McLemore responded, "Sure."
Tape I/Side B
As discussion ensued regarding the future of the park expansion area, Commissioner
McLeod stated, "It almost seems to me it needs to have some layering going on to show -
what's a five (5) year window, a ten (10) year window, a fifteen (15), and a twenty (20)
because I think when you present this as a whole package the problem is all of a sudden,
it's just a dollar sign." Commissioner McLeod also stated, "I'd like to try to get some
numbers and what's the - color shade - from a standpoint that things in yellow, or red, or
pink - is the first five (5) year plan, and for your first five (5) year plan is an 'x' number
of dollar target. The next five (5) year plan is something else entirely. I mean that would
Ron [McLemore] make some more sense to me than what I'm looking at. I think the plan
looks great." .
Commissioner McLeod asked Mr. Michael, "Are you telling me on this particular plan
here you really could not get circulation on this particular plan?" Mr. Michael responded,
"Actually no, not without loosing ball fields." Manager McLemore added, "Clearly
Phase I is set. And that's for us to go in and clear - the property, layout the ball fields
and plant the grass, and probably improve the surfaces for parking a little bit, so that that
park is ready for use next year. And that's minimum dollar end kind of stuff. Now
beyond that is whatever people want to do. But I think the first thing we have to do is do
what we said we were going to do and that's get this property laid out for practice areas
and parking. Ideally, if we had that circulation pattern it would be a tremendous help to
the use of the property. And to me it becomes probably priority number two (2) if we
were going to do anything else - would be to try and acquire that property and build that
roadway all around, even before any buildings are built."
Regarding the acquisition of the Wincey property for more cohesive traffic circulation,
Commissioner McLeod spoke of altering the boulevard and stated, "I wonder what the
price of that pipe would be for the distance to get out past where your track is, from the
track to the road, versus what it's going to be to buy the adjoining property."
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Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell said, "I agree with the Commissioners that I would like to
see one of those, like clear overlay pages of where you have the base plan that we went to
the Referendum with - the assumption of practice fields - and then you layover the stages
assuming these additional properties. We can work that out here whether we want to
make that assumption or not. But if you want to make the assumption of assuming one
(1) or both properties, that the clear overlays add, each page you put down adds another
time frame, another element to it with or without a time [Tame, because at some point I
think the citizens, the reason that Central Winds was bought to start with was because of
a swell of public demand for those facilities,"
Next, Deputy Mayor Gennell inquired, "What's on the eight (8) acres right now Ron
[McLemore]." Manager McLemore stated, "Nothing - it has not been put up for sale but
I am sure that he's willing to sell for the right number." Deputy Mayor Gennell added,
"Well I like it. I think the public would like it. In a staged format I think the public
would find it very acceptable and I would support it. Beginning with where we went
with the Referendum and being that as you say, if that eight (8) acres became feasible in
the near future, your plan as you have it for the circulation would really be very
advantageous. "
Discussion ensued regarding the trail system and Deputy Mayor Gennell asked, "I
suppose that the park itself the way you have it envisioned would accommodate different
trail uses all through it?" Mr. Michael answered, "Yes, yes it would."
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. spoke of skateboard parks and stated, "I would like
to see something along the lines of a skateboard park here - I'd don't think we should be
lying to kids - if we have a possibility of placing one there, we should. It's a growing
sport, it is very well liked by young people. Every young person doesn't play ball,
football, baseball, softball, basketball, they engage in other activities. This is a very
growing activity throughout our community but they have to go elsewhere, we don't have
a facility. So I would like to see something like that in there, somewhere in your next
presentation. "
Commissioner McLeod asked, "Where was the ranking of a skateboard park in the
overall look? That would be how I think some of this stuff should be perceived as the
ranking levels and I don't remember that all of the Commissioners up here said we're
going to put a skateboard park in. I think we said we'd look into that." Discussion
followed on recent suggestions made by the Central Winds Park Expansion Ad Hoc
Advisory Committee. Mr. Michael stated, "Well, they didn't actually rank all the
different recreational activities that they listed, but they did list them. They stated that
the skateboard park should be looked at for another site versus Central Winds Park and
that Staff could look for other sites because it wasn't conducive to this portion of the
site." Discussion.
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Manager McLemore recommended to "Go to the next step just like we said. Put some
numbers to these things, lay them out in some logical sequence, and move to that next
level of intelligence, and then there is going to be a point out there, right away in my
opinion, where you're going to be faced with a Referendum. And that Referendum issue
is going to be just in trying to preserve the land. You're going to have to go to some next
level of getting the community involved in this overall plan."
Commissioner Miller said, "I don't have any objection personally, I think it's a fantastic
plan." Further, Commissioner Miller stated, "I think tonight our requirement is to agree
whether we want to go forward with the area on the Parker Property the way it is
currently depicted. My response is I don't have any problem at all with it. I don't have
any recommendations - could be approved. I would like to congratulate you and
everyone who worked on this. I think it's a very nice plan. I think you make very useful
use of all the land that's there, so that's my input. I think we need to move on with
whether this is what we want to go ahead with as far as development."
Commissioner McLeod questioned the proposal for a fifty (50) meter pool and discussion
followed on the merits and proposed design of a swimming pool.
Commissioner McLeod stated, "I would still urge our Director of the facilities and our
City Manager to work closely with the School Board because a couple of members I
spoke to on the School Board gave an indication that they would be interested in a joint
pool effort in Winter Springs - and that would seem to me to make a whole lot of sense
rather than this City spending all this money. And, at that time the School Board even
talked about possibly the County - the School Board, and the City to jointly work toward
a pool. That would seem to me something that would come to this City much quicker
than us trying to do it on our own."
Manager McLemore said, "Well that's certainly possible. They've made it very clear
they want a fifty (50) meter pool for the schools. That's where a lot of this has come
from. There's a big interest group out there who became very involved in the process
with the pool and a lot of it was built upon the desire for a program in the schools. So the
fifty (50) meters just didn't fall out of the air, there was a reason for it." Commissioner
McLeod added, "I would only say it should be a fifty (50) meter competition pool based
on if it was a joint effort by the School Board and the City. Other than that, it's not joint
Commissioner Blake added, "I don't think this process should hold up what we've
already set out to do."
Manager McLemore stated, "Level one decision is - do you agree with the basic layout of
the twenty-seven (27) acres. That's the first question. And the second question is what
do you want to do about the future planning?"
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Next, Commissioner Blake questioned the need and financing for a "Walk of Fame",
acquisition of the Wincey property; a boulevard through the park; and stated, "If the
question is the $250,000.00 dollars then yes I think we need to go forward and put in the
fields that we have money available to do that job - in that mix, that's fine. But I don't
wish to be placed on the record as saying 'Yes, I'm approving that plan from my seat' -
because I am not taking that position." Discussion.
In summary, Mayor Partyka stated, "All I am canvassing right now is what people want
to do. Four (4) Commissioners basically said let's go on, spend the $250,000.00 and let's
go on, and then 1'11 say what the step two (2) is as soon as I get Commissioner Gennell's
comments here."
Deputy Mayor Gennell spoke of Lake Brantley High School's swimming pool and that it
was funded by three (3) different entities - and added, "That's not a bad deal if we can get
a three (3) way split."
Tape 2/Side A
Deputy Mayor Gennell suggested "To go forward with what we already did with the
Referendum and do what has to be done, and bring us back the information regarding
these other things."
Mayor Partyka summarized, "The consensus has been number one, finish what the
Referendum has started and that is let's go on with these fields, this layout of this initial
concept and do that kind of thing. I think the second part of this Workshop now is to
listen to the report from the Committee in terms of potential future kinds of issues and
what we saw here was the future. Now, one suggestion was made by Commissioner
McLeod which makes a whole lot of practical sense is - what does this all cost us. And
now what Commissioner Blake was also saying, if you want a pool, is that going to cost
five (5) million dollars, three (3) million, one (1) million - and you can't make those kind
of comments until you get the analysis done. Let's hear how we got to that point from
our Chairperson and then we'll take it from there. But at least Phase I is done."
Ms. Paula Davoli, 1644 Eagle Nest . Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: as a member of the
Central Winds Park Expansion Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, Ms. Davoli spoke on her
personal concerns and preferences regarding the City's park expansion efforts.
With discussion, Commissioner Martinez stated, "This is very futuristic and you have to
come back sometime down the road telling us how much everything here, or if you want
to choose one (1) item at a time, is going to cost the City of Winter Springs and the
taxpayers." Commissioner Martinez further stated, "I think we ought to think this
through and actually get you to come back, if you need engineering - whatever you said
before you needed, get people to give you facts and figures as to how much this project
will cost the City of Winter Springs. To see how much money we have or as said, if the
people are willing to foot the bill to go ahead."
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Commissioner Miller said, "I would like to see this depiction changed and not appear
again the way it does unless it's shown as the Parker property, which is what we're
working on." Mr. Michael said, "That's what this sheet is, that's what we started...."
Commissioner Miller then stated, "...I understand."
Furthermore, Commissioner Miller stated, "On the issue of Phase II and Phase III, or
however many phases you want to look at, that I would definitely encourage the City
Manager to bring this issue back to us either as an Agenda Item or even as a Workshop.
I'd be perfectly willing to sit down and discuss what if anything the City should do once
he's got some of this information available on potential costs and the total because
you've just eluded to it here. And as I've said right at the beginning of this commentary
here, I would like to see it very clear in any future depictions that come out that this is
what we're talking about. But if the citizens of Winter Springs are interested, the City
Commission may be looking at some dream sheet type of arrangement where additional
land acquisitions may be made at such a time." Commissioner Miller also said, "I would
encourage City Manager, Staff, if you want to bring it back I would support a Workshop
on this. Not that we're going to go out and buy property tomorrow but I think it's
something we may want to start talking to people in the City about and see what they
Commissioner McLeod explained, "What I would like to see is Staff come back - and
say, Commission, field one (1) here out of the four (4) baseball fields, we're going to put
in one (1) of the fields, two (2) of the fields, three (3) ofthe fields by next fall, or four (4)
of the fields ofthe baseball and one (1) soccer field. That kind of information is what we
are immediately going to be able to drop on this property once we have leveled it, once
we have seeded it, once we have got the irrigation in place - what fields are we going to
immediately be able to put there. I don't believe you plan to put them all there, and that
is what I would be interested in seeing on an upcoming Agenda Item. I don't think it has
to be a Workshop, I think it can be an Informational Item. And it may be something that
needs to go back at least one more round perhaps with the Committee and with your Staff
and say here is what we see is the immediate number one (1), and two (2), and three (3),
listings of priorities on this thing."
Manager McLemore advised the Commission that, "The fields will get laid out. The next
level will be to try to get the basic movement of people in cars, make sure that's okay.
And that's probably about as far as we want to go right now."
Mayor Partyka summarized, "It seems like we've handled Phase I, that's to get these
fields ready the way Ron [McLemore] has been talking, follow the plan that's already
been voted on. Phase II, and I've taken kind of an ongoing vote from everybody, and that
is the suggestion has been made to come back at some point in time in the future with
some kind of cost basis on various pieces and time schedules, etceteras and then this
Commission can make a better decision. More in depth information, so some good
educated decisions can be made in terms of what the future could potentially hold for us.
And that is something that the City Manager can take the lead on and come back."
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A-2. Parks And Recreation Department
Analysis Of Three (3) Concept Plans Regarding Addlitional Properties With Site
Design Diagrams By Forrest Michael.
B. Community Development Department
Requests The City Commission Consider Naming Streets Within The Town Center.
Commissioner Martinez departed the Meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Commissioner Miller made the suggestion to "Allow Staff to come up with a list of
names from all these themes here, which have been approved by the County, and then
bring it to us at our next Commission Meeting or the one after that. And then we can
select the ones that we want." Discussion.
Commissioner Blake said, "Personally I think if we named the four (4) or five (5) or six
(6) key streets, it's pretty easy to figure out which ones those are. Whether or not we are
going to rename Tuskawilla Road again as it goes north through Main Street; whether or
not we're going to decide the name for Hickory Grove Park, Street, Boulevard, Lane.
And the couple of major thoroughfares that go through the Town Center, I think we
might want to have some hand in that, and then determine a theme and just a theme for
the rest of the streets - and then allow the developers to work that out on their own. That
would be my recommendation." In terms of themes, Commissioner Blake spoke in favor
of "Poets, Authors, or Universities."
The Commission next noted their concern with duplicated street names in this City and
throughout the County.
Commissioner Blake stated, "Point of Order" and commented further on duplicated
street names within the County.
Commissioner McLeod suggested, "'Native birds' is another one, I didn't see that. You
have 'Plants,' you have 'Trees,' and those kind of things." Commissioner McLeod then
suggested "Flowers" as another theme.
Tape 2/Side B
Commissioner McLeod further stated, "...If you were going to go into 'Plants' and that
kind of thing, or 'Trees' - I don't know that 'Hickory Grove' is bad. It kind of identifies
what's there, it's the Hickory trees themselves and it is the thoroughfare to get to that. I
think personally that's one of the good names to keep. 'Magnolia Park' - that's not all
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bad either so maybe you do a combination of the two (2) themes." Deputy Mayor
Gennell stated her agreement with Commissioner McLeod's recommendations.
Mayor Partyka then suggested, "Give it to the Staff to figure out."
Deputy Mayor Gennell agreed with Commissioner McLeod's recommendations and
stated, "I think Commissioner McLeod came up with a good suggestion and you
augmented - in other words, 'Flowers,' 'Birds,' 'Trees,' natural things - and I think we
should go ahead and do it ourselves."
Commissioner McLeod said, "I do agree that I think Tuskawilla Road at the intersection
at 434 [State Road] going north probably at least in the curve of Orange Avenue should
be called Main Street." Commissioner Blake stated, "I agree." Mr. Charles Carrington,
AICP, Community Development Department Director added, "I did ask that question to
the County and the answer I got was 'No, that it will remain Tuskawilla. ",
With further discussion, Commissioner McLeod said, "I would agree to the Main Street.
I would agree to the Oaks and the Magnolia. I would not agree to Spine. I do not believe
Spine should stay there, or Edge. I don't see those two (2) staying with the theme that
you're talking about, basically 'Trees,' and 'Birds,' and 'Flowers."
Commissioner Blake asked for clarification and said, "From Magnolia Park, you are
talking about the road that goes around - the back side..." Commissioner McLeod
stated, "... Yes - Magnolia Circle." Furthermore, Commissioner McLeod added,
"Basically you're talking three (3) different groupings of 'Trees,' maybe the whole Town
Center, the new one as we know it being developed right now could be 'Trees.' Maybe
the next group over in the Schrimsher - the front part, that goes into 'Birds;' and the back
section - goes into the 'Flower' area." Mayor Partyka stated these could be set by
"Quadrants." Commissioner Blake added, "I think the idea of different subject matter in
different areas - I like that."
The Commission was then polled regarding whether this was acceptable to them.
Commissioner Blake stated, "I agree with what he said, Mayor. I think different subjects,
clustered in different areas." Commissioner Miller stated, "Yes." Deputy Mayor Gennell
stated, "I agree with the quadrants. I agree with 'Birds,' 'Flowers,' and 'Trees,' etc. I
also agree to name the main roads tonight." After discussion, the Commission agreed
with the street name of "Hickory Grove Park Boulevard" - the "East/West connector."
Commissioner Blake then stated, "This is the new street, the land that we bought from the
- Blumberg's, it goes behind the Publix store, it's one block - I think it would be a great
thing to name that one 'Doran Drive.''' Mayor Partyka summarized, "It's Doran."
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Mr. Carrington then stated that the next road to name, "This is the one that has a cul-de-
sac on it, right in here, and that's under construction now and this connector here is under
construction - not on this side, but on that side - it will eventually go all the way
across..." Commissioner Miller stated, ". ..I'd recommend we name it Azalea." Mayor
Partyka said, "How about Azalea? It seems like everybody likes Azaleas. Commissioner
McLeod stated, "Fine." The Commission was in agreement.
Mr. Carrington summarized, "I've- got Azalea Drive; I've got Doran Drive; and Hickory
Grove Park Boulevard; and moving on to..." Commissioner Blake said, ".. .Main Street,
don't forget Main Street..." Mr. Carrington then stated, ".. .Well, do you want to call it
Main Street instead of Tuskawilla?" Commissioner Blake added, "We're going to call it
Main Street regardless..." Deputy Mayor Gennell said, ".. .Okay."
Mr. Carrington pointed out Spine Road to -the Commission. Commissioner McLeod
explained, "It was two (2) different roads." Mr. Carrington added, "It would be more - I
think useful to name this road, all the way around - right now, this has been called Spine
Road, because the City in the agreement with Schrimsher agreed to build it, and they
didn't have a name for it, so one of the attorneys said, 'Let's call it Spine Road... ",
Commissioner Blake added, ".. .But that three (3) different names from what I see..."
Mr. Carrington stated, ".. .That's three (3) different streets, I agree." Commissioner
Blake then said, "Okay, well let's name them three (3) different names - these should be
'Birds' in this area." Mr. Carrington suggested, "This one here..." Commissioner Blake
said, ".. . Eagle.. ." Mayor Partyka agreed and reiterated, ".. . Eagle, that's it - Eagle
Boulevard or Eagle Drive." Commissioner Blake added, "Bald Eagle Boulevard..." Mr.
Carrington stated, ".. . Okay, 1'11 find out what's available..." Commissioner Blake also
suggested, ".. .Protected Eagle Way..." Mayor Partyka asked the Commission for their
opinion by stating, ".. .Bald Eagle Boulevard? Bald Eagle Drive? Bald Eagle Drive?
Bald Eagle Drive or Eagle Drive? Anybody..." Commissioner Blake pointed out,
". . . There is already Eagle too many places, so that won't work..." Mayor Partyka then
suggested, ". ..Bald Eagle Drive..." Commissioner Blake agreed and said, ".. .But, Bald
Eagle Drive..." Deputy Mayor suggested, ".. .Bald Eagle Drive..." Mayor Partyka
again suggested, ".. .Bald Eagle Drive..." Commissioner Blake said, "... Or Bald Eagle
Way - Bald Eagle Parkway."
With further discussion, Deputy Mayor Gennell said, "Bald Eagle Boulevard or whatever
- Parkway - whatever you want to call it." Commissioner Blake pointed out, "That one
goes all along the wetland area, Wetland Park..." Mayor Partyka then suggested,
".. .Bald Eagle Drive?" Deputy Mayor Gennell said, "Yes." Commissioner Blake added,
".. .No, Parkway..." Deputy Mayor Gennell agreed and said, ".. .Parkway, right."
Mayor Partyka clarified, "Bald Eagle Parkway." Deputy Mayor Gennell added, "It will
be a Parkway."
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Next, Mr. Carrington pointed to the map and stated, "This is Edge Drive here, it comes
down, it's on both sides of that - comes all the way down to here, this was what was
called Edge Drive - it's been a duplicate - it was called Spine and Edge." Mayor Partyka
suggested, "Heron." Mr. Carrington asked, "For which one?" Commissioner McLeod
explained it would be "On the inner - side." Commissioner Blake suggested, "Great
Heron Way." Deputy Mayor Gennell commented, "That's good!" Then for the next
street, Deputy Mayor Gennell said, "Now you've got one coming across." Mayor
Partyka suggested, "Falcon." Deputy Mayor Gennell asked, "Falcon Drive?" Mayor
Partyka then stated, "How's that - Falcon - Charles? Everybody likes Falcon." Mr.
Carrington then inquired, "Which do you want to apply that too?" Commissioner Blake
suggested, "That short stub that goes east/west - that the bike trail will eventually go
along - now that road there - to the right Charles - go one street towards the lake - that
street right there." Commissioner McLeod added, "That's the one he said before was
Spine." Commissioner Blake then said, "Well, that portion of it was, yes - that street -
now is that going to change names, or is that going to go all the way around with the
same name?" Mr. Carrington responded, "You need to name that..." Mayor Partyka said,
".. .Falcon."
Regarding the street being discussed, Deputy Mayor Gennell said, "I realize that the City
is building - these, but they are going at right angles to each other in a more continuous -
route that people will eventually take when it is built out - looks to be from [State Road]
434 going up and around on both sides. In other words, two (2) parallel roads actually is
what I thought we were just naming..." Commissioner Blake stated, "...I agree..."
Deputy Mayor Gennell continued, ". ..And then the one short one connecting them - you
just said Falcon. .." Deputy Mayor Gennell then said, "... That short connector one is -
Falcon?" Commissioner Blake said, "... That would be Falcon..." Deputy Mayor
Gennell added, "...That's what - a two (2) block one, the way I am looking at it..."
Commissioner Blake added, "...I agree."
Commissioner McLeod then said, "I think you still have one (1) main road over in the
presently being built out area..." Commissioner Blake asked, ".. .Is that going to go all
the way across and all the way through?" Mr. Carrington responded, "It will eventually,
but right now they are only building - this portion." With discussion, Commissioner
McLeod suggested, "Cypress." Mayor Partyka suggested, "Big Cypress." Deputy
Mayor Gennell then suggested, "Big Cypress Way." Mayor Partyka clarified, "Big
Cypress Way."
In regards to giving each quadrant a theme, the Commission agreed to name the northeast
quadrant "Birds," the northwest quadrant, "Trees," and the southeast, "Flowers." The
southwest quadrant would be "Animals."
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Brief discussion.
Mayor Partyka adjourned the Workshop at 9:22 p.m.