HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 06 09 Consent 206 Pegasus EngineeringCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 206
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June 9, 2008 MGR ~/ /DEPT ,~
Meeting Authorization
REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting authorization to enter into a
contractual agreement with Pegasus Engineering to provide professional
engineering services for roadway improvements to Wade Street and S.R. 419,
piggybacking off a contract with the City of Winter Garden
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request authorization to enter into a
contractual agreement with Pegasus Engineering of Winter Springs to provide
professional engineering services for roadway improvements to Wade Street and
S.R. 419 at a cost of $88,934, piggybacking off a contract with the City of Winter
• The project consists of roadway improvements to S.R. 419 and Wade Street in
partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). This project is part
of the City's three-year master pavement plan, with design scheduled for this year and
construction scheduled for FY 08-09.
• The planned improvements are as follows:
o Wade Street reconstruction from S.R. 419 to Old Sanford-Oviedo Road
o Addition of a southbound left-turn lane from Wade Street onto S.R. 419
o Addition of an eastbound and westbound left-turn deceleration lanes from S.R.
419 onto Wade Street
o Addition of a right-turn deceleration lane on S.R. 419 westbound onto Wade
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Agenda Item #206
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• The existing pavement on Wade Street is in poor condition and will be reconstructed with
a pavement section designed to withstand the heavy truck traffic from the surrounding
industrial properties.
• FDOT recently completed a study of the Wade Street / S.R. 419 intersection which
recommended the construction of left-turn deceleration lanes on S.R. 419 at Wade Street.
The left-turn lanes will help improve traffic flow and reduce rear-end collision potential
caused by vehicles stopping in the through lanes to make left turns onto Wade Street.
• FDOT has agreed to partner with the City for this project under a Joint Project
Agreement. FDOT has agreed to fund construction of the left turn lanes on S.R. 419 at an
estimated construction cost of up to $375,000. The City would be responsible for funding
the Wade street improvements, the right-turn deceleration lane on westbound S.R. 419,
and the design costs. The City's construction portion of the project is estimated to cost
$250,000, for a total estimated project construction cost of $625,000. Depending on the
terms of the Joint Project Agreement, FDOT may contribute the portion of the design
costs necessary for the FDOT-funded improvements on S.R. 419.
For the Wade Street / S.R. 419 project, the City of Winter Springs intends to piggyback off
Pegasus Engineering's Continuing Consulting Contract for Professional Engineering Services
with the City of Winter Garden. Pegasus Engineering was ranked first by the City of Winter
Garden in the category of Roadway and Drainage design services.
Pegasus Engineering's main office is in the City of Winter Springs and both of the firm's
principals are Winter Springs residents. Pegasus recently completed design services for the City
on the Northern Way /Shetland Avenue Sidewalk Project, and the firm's principals have worked
on several major transportation projects in the City. Pegasus has been actively involved in the
preliminary planning for the Wade Street / S.R. 419 Project, and they have assisted the City with
obtaining acost-sharing commitment from FDOT for the project.
The $88,934 for roadway design services is requested to be funded by the Road
Improvement Fund, #115 through a line code transfer from line item #115-65000-30055 -
Michael Blake Boulevard. This line item has a budget of $1,900,000 and was budgeted based on
a required reimbursement after construction of Michael Blake Boulevard as a part of the Town
Center Phase IIA and Sonesta Pointe developments. A total of $1,013,424.70 from the Michael
Blake Boulevard line item has already been re-allocated to fund the City's road reconstruction
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Agenda Item #206
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project. Michael Blake Boulevard will be re-budgeted for FY 08-09 based on ongoing
discussions with the developers.
Staff recommends that authorization be granted to enter into a contractual agreement with
Pegasus Engineering provide professional engineering services for roadway improvements to
Wade Street and S.R. 419 at a cost of $88,934.
1. Exhibit A -Wade Street / S.R. 419 Improvements Map
2. Exhibit B -Proposal from Pegasus Engineering dated May 20, 2008
060908_COMM_Consent_206_Wade Street Engineering Services
Exhibit A -~-~
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~{ . Pec,~asus
May 20, 2008
Mr. Brian Fields, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
RE: Wade Street and State Road 419 Roadway Improvements
Proposal for Professional Engineering Services
Dear Mr. Fields:
Pegasus Engineering, LLC (PE) is pleased to present this proposal for professional engineering design,
and permitting services for the Wade Street and State Road 419 roadway improvements project. The
proposed improvements include roadway improvements to Wade Street from State Road 419 to Old
Sanford Oviedo Road including the addition of a southbound right-turn lane onto State Road 419, and the
addition of an eastbound left-turn deceleration lane and a westbound right-turn deceleration lane on State
Road 419.
PE staff has a great deal of experience in similar projects throughout Central Florida. This experience
includes the permitting process through the Florida Department of Transportation -District 5. Similar
projects include the intersection improvements at SR419 at Moss Road, Edgemon Avenue, Layer
Elementary Entrance, and SR434.
Design, Construction Plans Preparation and Permitting
1. Establish the location of the apparent right-of--way line.
2. Locate all the improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features or as marked by
the designated utility company representative.
3. Obtain spot elevations on natural ground and existing monumentation suitable for interpolation of
one foot contours.
4. Establish a minimum of two (2) site benchmarks.
5. Review readily available published geologic and topographic information. This published
information will be obtained from the appropriate quadrangle map published by the United States
Geological Survey (USGS) and the "Soil Survey of Seminole County, Florida" published by the
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS).
"Practical Engineering Solutions"
301 West State Road 434, Suite 309, Winter Springs, FL 32708 •407-992-9160 • Fax 407-358-5155
Mr. Brian Fields, P.E.
May 20, 2008
Page 2
6. Execute a program of subsurface sampling and field testing. We will perform ten (10) auger
borings within the proposed improvements areas to depths of seven (7) feet to determine the
estimated seasonal high groundwater table. We will also perform six (6) pavement cores
throughout the existing Wade Street pavement.
7. Visually classify and stratify representative soil samples in the laboratory using the AASHTO
classification system. Conduct a limited laboratory testing program to aid in classification of
soils. Identify soil conditions at each boring location and form an opinion of the site soil
8. Collect groundwater level measurements and estimate normal wet seasonal high groundwater
9. Prepare complete construction plans in accordance with the latest design standards, design
manuals and policies adopted by FDOT as applicable, and in accordance with the City of Winter
Springs criteria and preferences.
10. This proposal is based on a SJRWMD exemption.
11. Perform utility coordination. The cost for relocation design of water mains, force mains or
gravity sanitary sewer is not included in this proposal.
12. Submit the construction plans to FDOT for permitting review and approval.
A one hundred and twenty (120) day project schedule is anticipated to complete the construction
drawings. This time is exclusive of any review time by FDOT. Close coordination will be required in
order to minimize the review time by the various agencies.
Design, Construction Plans Preparation and Permitting ....................................................$88,934.00
The attached sheet provides a breakdown of the manhours and fees.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you. If you have
any questions, please contact me.
Very truly yours,
Fursa S. Munjed, P.
Project Manager/Principal
Mr. Brian Fields, P.E.
May 20, 2008
Page 3
City of Winter Springs
W ade Street and State Road 419 Improvements
PE Manhour and Fee Estimate
Desictn, Construction Plans Preparation and Permitting
Project Project CADD W.P/ Total Total
ITEM Manager Engineer Tech. Secretary Hours Cost
RATES $100.00 $80.00 $60.00 $40.00
Roadway Design 86 260 176 28 550 $41,080.00
Drainage Design 28 64 43 7 142 $10,780.00
Maintenance of Traffic 16 16 24 0 56 $4,320.00
Signing & Pavement 24 36 48 8 116 $8,480.00
8 12 16 8 44 $3,040.00
Utility Coordination
Coordination With 22 32 43 7 104 $7,620.00
Quality Control 16 16 0 0 32 $2,880.00
/Constructability Review
200 436 350 58 1,044 $78,200.00
Direct Reimbursables
James M. Dunn, II, P.S.M.
Brian R. Garvey, P.E.
Gary B. Krick, P.S.M.
Myron F. Lucas, P.S.M.
Thomas K. Mead, P.S.M.
Timothy Mosby, P.S.M.
James L. Petersen, P.S.M.
Larry W. Prescott, P.S.M.
William C. Rowe, P.S.M.
George E. Snyder, P.S.M.
Tony G. Syfrett, P.S.M.
T. Wayne Yongu, P.S.M.
Roger Lonsway, P.S.M. (Retired)
Steven L. Anderson, Jr., S.I.T.
Brad J. Lashley, S.I.T.
Abraham I. Remchuk, S.I.T.
Donna L. Canney, C.S.T. IV
Frank B. Henry, C.S.T. IV
David M. Rentfrow, C.S.T., IV
Margarita Slavkove, C.S.T. IV
Dean C. Sprague, C.S.T. IV
Celeste B. van Gelder, C.S.T., IV
Land Surveying & Mapping Services • SulrSurface Utility Designation & Location Services • GPS Asset Inventories • Geographic Information Systems
May 12, 2008
Via E-mail: fursanna,pe asusengineering.net
Mr. Fursan. S. Munjed, P.E.
Pegasus Engineering, LLC
301 West State Road 434, Suite 309
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
RE: Wade Street/SR 419
Section 34 & 35, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, City of Winter Springs,
Seminole County, Florida
Dear Mr. Munjed,
We are pleased to submit our revised proposal for Surveying Services on the above referenced
Provide a Design Topographic Survey and establish the apparent right-of--way line in
accordance with Chapter 61G17-6 F.A.C. to include the following:
1. Establish the location of the apparent right-of--way line.
2. Locate all improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features or as
marked by the designated utility company representative.
3. Obtain spot elevations on natural ground and existing improvements suitable for
interpolation of one foot contours to be shown on the fmal drawing.
4. Establish a minimum of two (2) site bench marks.
5. Topographic coverage will be as described in that email received and marked on that
plan provided by Pegasus Engineering, LLC via e-mail on 05/12/08.
The final product will be certified prints and an electronic file of same on disk for your use.
Our fee for the above referenced work will be Six Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Dollars &
00/100 ($6,970.00).
OFFICE 6500 All American Boulevard, Odando, Florida 32810407/ 292-8580 Fax 407/ 292-0141 a-mail: infoCa2southeastemsurveving.com
LOCATIONS 1130 Highway 90, Chipley, Florida 32428 850/ 638-0790 Fax 850/ 638-8069 a-mail: info(a~southeastemsurveving.com
Page 2
Mr. Fursan Munjed, P.E.
Wade Street/SR 419
May 12, 2008
If a Waiver of Subrogation is requested in a Professional Services Agreement, there will be a fee of
$150.00 added to this project agreement.
We anticipate completion of the above described work within four (4) weeks after receipt of a
written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty (30) days from date of invoice.
We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project.
Gary B. Krick, P.S.M.
President/Project Manager
If your fum requires a contract to be in place, a PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT will
need to be furnished to Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation in lieu of your signature
of approval. No work will be commenced prior to the acceptance of said agreement in writing by
If the above scope, period of service and method of compensation meets with your approval, please
execute below and fax to Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corp. as notice to proceed along with
the notice of commencement.
Authorized Signature Printed Name Date
The person signing this Acceptance Statement has the legal authority to bind this firm to the
terms of this proposal and has read and agrees to the terms of this proposal, and additionally
has the legal authority to guarantee payment for the tasks completed under this agreement.
G:\DATA\Proposall53255 Wade St-SR 419_REV.wpd
~` Infofmation
/~'~ .To Build On
January 29, 2008
Revised May 13, 2008
Pegasus Engineering, LLC
301 West S.R. 434
Suite 309
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Attention: Mr. Fursan Munjed, P.E.
RE: Proposal
Geotechnical Engineering Services
Proposed Roadway Improvements
Wade Street from S.R. 419 to
Old Sanford Oviedo Road
Seminole County, Florida
PSI Proposal No. 757-8-033
Dear Mr. Munjed:
Pursuant to your request for proposal, Professional. Service Industries, Inc. (PS17 is pleased to
submit the following fee proposal for performance of a preliminary subsurface exploration program
at the site of the referenced project. This proposal is based on the scope of services provided to us,
and our conversations with Pegasus Engineering, LLC, and has been revised to address the
widening of S.R. 419.
Proiect Information
The subject site is located in Seminole County, Florida. More. specifically, the project is the
proposed improvements of Wade Street from S.R. 419 to Old Sanford Oviedo Road (approximately
670 feet). The improvements will consist of Wade Street pavement reconstruction and widening
approximately 1,500 feet of S.R. 419 to accommodate the addition of turn lanes onto Wade Street.
In addition, a turn lane will be added from southbound Wade Street to westbound S.R. 419.
Scone of Geatechnical Services
The purpose of this study is to obtain preliminary information on the general subsurface soil .and
groundwater conditions at the proposed project site. The subsurface materials encountered will then
be evaluated with respect to the available project characteristics. In this regazd, preliminary
geotechnical engineering recommendations related to the proposed roadway construction will be
Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 1748 33rd Street • Orlando, FL 32839 • Phone 407/304-5560 • Fax 407/304-5561
Engineering Certificate of Authorization 3664
Pegasus Engineering, LLC May 13, 2008
PS1 Proposal No. 757-8-033 Page 2 of 4
The following services will be provided in order to achieve the preceding objectives:
Review readily available published geologic and topographic information. This
published information will be obtained from the appropriate quadrangle map
published by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the "Soil Survey of
Seminole County, Florida" published by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS).
2. As requested, PSI will execute a program of subsurface sampling and field testing.
We will perform ten (10) auger borings within the proposed improvement areas to
depths of 7 feet. We will also perform six. (6) pavement cores throughout the
existing Wade Street pavement.
Visually classify and stratify representative soil samples in the laboratory using the
AASHTO classification system. Conduct a limited laboratory testing program to aid
in classification of soils.ldenrify soil conditions at each boring location and form an
opinion of the site soil stratigraphy.
4. Collect groundwater level measurements and estimate normal wet seasonal high
groundwater levels.
The results of the field exploration and laboratory tests will be used in the
engineering analysis and in the formulation of our preliminary geotechnical
recommendations. The results of the subsurface exploration, including the
preliminary recommendations and the data on which they are based, will be
presented in a written report.
We are in a position to start work on the assignment immediately upon receipt of authorization to
proceed. The first task will be to complete a utility clearance of the site through Call Sunshine. The
fieldwork, laboratory services and report preparation will take on the order of 2 to 3 weeks to
complete. PSI can provide verbal results of our findings and analyses performed as it is completed
prior to the issuance of our reports.
Service Fee
It is proposed the fee for performance of the above-outlined servces be determined on a unit price
basis, in accordance with our attached Schedule of Services and Fees, and the work be performed
pursuant to our General Conditions. Copies of our Schedule of Services and Fees and General
Conditions are enclosed herewith and incorporated by reference into this proposal. On the basis of
the estimated quantities and the Schedule of Services and Fees, it is estimated the fees will be
Pegasus Engineering, LLC May 13, 24Q8
PSI Proposal No. 757-8-033 Page 3 of 4
We appreciate the opportunity to offer our services to your project and look forward to working
with you. If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below as notice to proceed and return one (I)
copy of this proposal intact to our office. Should you have any questions in regard to this proposal,
please do not hesitate to contact this office.
,,~. -~ ~em ~ , Mustap a A. Abboud, P.E.
Project Engineer Senio roject Engineer
JS1757-$-033 Rev(Wade St - SR 414 to Oviedo Rd).pm
• Schedule of Services and Fees
• General Conditions
BY (Please Print):_
_____ _.
Pegasus Engineering, LLC May 13, 2008
PSI Proposal No. 757-8-033 Page 4 of 4
Geotechnica! Engineering Services
Proposed Roadway Improvements
Wade Street from S.R 419 to
Old Sanford Oviedo Road
Seminole County, Florida
Unit Total
Description uantit Unit Rate Cost
Roadway Auger Borings (10 to 7
' feet) 70 L.F. $ 8.50 $ 595.00
B. Pavement Cores 6 Per 100.00 600.00
B. Utility GoordinationBoring Layout 2 Hours 45.00 90.00
Subtotal Field Investigation $ 1,285.00
A. Allowance for Visual Classification 1 Lump $ 150.00 $ 150.00
and Select Laboratory Testing Sum
Subtotal Laboratory Testing $ 150.00
A. Senior Project Engineer I Hours $ 115.00 $ 115.00
B. Project Engineer 6 Hours 85.00 510.00
G CAD Drafting 2 Hours 50.00 100.00
D. Clerical 1 Hours 40.00 40.00
Subtotal Engineering Services $ 765.00