HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2002 03 04 City Commission Workshop Minutes
MARCH 4, 2002
The Workshop of March 4, 2002 of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor
Paul P. Partyka at 6:02 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, arrived at 6:25 p.m.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, arrived at 6:15 p.m.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
A. Office Of The City Manager
Presentation Of City Video.
Mr. Lon Winter, Avid Neo Geo, 439A 35th Street, Orlando, Florida: presented the draft
video to the City Commission for review.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake arrived at 6:15 p.m.
After viewing the video, Mayor Partyka said, "Nice job. That was good. Ron [Ronald
W. McLemore, City Manager], Gene [Gene DeMarie, General Services Department
Director]." Manager McLemore responded, "Well again, Staff has made a number of
comments and I think we just need to hear from you - overall what you think and then
any - things that you might want to offer that you might think would improve it a little
bi t."
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Mr. DeMarie said, "There are some factual errors. The 'Oviedo to' - that's going to be
fixed. The factual things we've already recognized - will be corrected."
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell said, "The one thing I saw factual was the - 'Village of
Winter Springs.' Did you catch that already? It was incorporated as the 'Village of
North Orlando.' Other than that I liked it. I would like to hear what some of the Staffs
comments were on it."
Commissioner Blake who had previously seen the video stated, "Actually, Staff already
has my comments on it. Most of them are factual in nature. A couple of things - the
Orlando issue on the Trail, I had mentioned that. And the shot of the Winn Dixie, is that
still in there Ron?" Manager McLemore said, "Yes, we haven't changed anything yet."
Commissioner Blake advised, "Where they have the shot of the Winn Dixie which is not
in the City, I thought it might be appropriate to have a different place where there'd be a
Publix or a Kash N'Karry or something like that. Otherwise, I thought it was a pretty
good job."
Commissioner David W. McLeod stated, "I think the overall video is pretty decent.
You're trying to get a lot of information out very quickly. It's almost like - almost like
it's too fast - it's almost like a fast slide presentation in a video." Commissioner McLeod
further said, "Some of it just looked too quick, too jerky maybe in some areas, but again I
understand what you're trying to get out."
Commissioner Robert S. Miller arrived at 6:25 p.m.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. said, "I feel the overall presentation is very good. I
do believe that maybe you should put a little more emphasis on nature. After all, the
people coming here are looking for a change from where they come from, and I think a
litt~e more emphasis on nature would go a long way to make it look even more
interesting. "
Mayor Partyka said, "From my standpoint I thought it was pretty well done. I thought it
was a little bit different style - kind of the low key, kind of almost Middle America - you
know, small hometown feeling. That's the way I kind of felt. You know it's interesting,
if anything I would have said you needed to jazz it up, speed it up some more; just give it
a different perspective. But I thought that was good and if I had to do one thing -
somewhere in there - say we are creating this new downtown." Further, Mayor Partyka
suggested, "It's important that it needs to be revised every six (6) months or every year.
That for the most part, it's generic but you could add blips as new things come on board -
and that's really the most important thing, it's a base."
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Depu1y Mayor Gennell then said, "As Commissioner McLeod said, some things were
rather speedy." Deputy Mayor Gennell suggested that where the City of Winter Springs
is located would be of interest - "As fast as it goes, I don't think a map would work but I
would say something along the lines of what they do with hotels or other places - they say
eight (8) minutes from Disney or four (4) minutes from downtown Orlando, or whatever
to give people some landmark to key in on."
Further, Deputy Mayor Gennell asked, "What were some of the Staff comments?"
Manager McLemore spoke about the Winn Dixie that was previously mentioned and
added, "I thought we needed more shots of homes. We're a residential community and
we didn't have but one (1) or two (2) shots of homes. The Tuskawilla Road landscape we
used, the shots with the boards - we need to clean that up and get another shot of that so
you don't see the boards in the landscape. I thought we needed a shot of the front of the
High School. We talked about the High School but we didn't have the shot of it and
that's a pretty impressive building." Manager McLemore then suggested, "The field
awards, those are National awards and I think we ought to say they're National awards -
the Trail - we will work that out - also there was mention of having an aerial view of
Central Winds Park. It wouldn't be but just a split second but something just to show
how really large it is and how green it is." Additionally, Manager McLemore suggested
other items that should be included: Winter Springs Boulevard; the water fountains; and
articles from the Wall Street Journal - "That the City has been talked about in the Wall
Street Journal. You could just show a picture of the Wall Street Journal and however
artistically you want to do it."
Commissioner Blake added, "The ending with the logo and the web address, in theory I
liked the content, I didn't like the look." Manager McLemore advised the Commission
that, "I think the intent there was just to put something on the end for today."
Commissioner Blake added, "The City's seal with the web address - the content was fine,
it was the delivery that I didn't like." Further, Commissioner Blake said, "It's not the
cOlltent, it's the color or something. And this isn't the issue of, is the logo right or not,
it's just a matter of delivery." Mr. Winters stated, "Okay, we'll take a look at that."
Deputy Mayor Gennell stated, "Okay the - Senior Center - isn't mentioned in there. I
think something like that would be appropriate. And also I saw one shot of the back of
Tuscawilla County Club - I think that was the back of Tuscawilla..." Manager
McLemore said, "...I noted that on my list too. We just need a quick shot I think of the
Country Club." Deputy Mayor Gennell then suggested including community clubhouses
such as Hacienda Village, and the Highlands.
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Mayor Partyka inquired, "When are we actually going to have a finished product?" Mr.
Winters responded, "Presuming we can make these changes easily, it all depends on -
we're going to need to go out and re-shoot another day or two (2) and a couple of days of
editing, and scheduling that in. So, I can get back to Gene [DeMarie] and give him a
better idea of how long it will take."
Mayor Partyka suggested that the Commission receive the updated video "By end of
March?" Mr. DeMarie stated, "I was going to schedule it for the first Agenda in April to
give them the amount of time so that you can adopt it formally." Mayor Partyka then
said, "Can you get it done in a week where we can do it - second Meeting in March?"
Mr. Winters said, "I don't know that I could commit to that. There's a couple of
elements, people and things that we need to get together..." Mayor Partyka said, "...I
think this Commission wants to see something out there so we can start."
Next, a cake was presented to Commissioner McLeod in honor of his birthday.
B. Office Of The City Manager
Discussion Of Capital Improvements Program.
Parks and Recreation Department:
Mr. Chuck Pula, Parks and Recreation Department Director addressed the Commission
regarding his departmental Line Items.
Deputy Mayor Gennell asked, "Is there any reason that the Neighborhood Center couldn't
be moved back in a year earlier?" Mr. Pula stated, "That depends on when Public Works
moves out and the site is vacated."
Regarding an aquatic pool in the Capital Improvements Program, Commissioner Blake
stated, "In fact, I think this should be listed on a separate Line, not just the same as we've
listed Central Winds Park half basketball court and playground resurfacing. I think this
should be on a separate Line in the plan. And I think also that there may be some
designation in here for the purpose of having it in here - just to make sure that we
understand that we're going to have this discussion, but not necessarily approving
something like this at this point in time. What I am concerned about is a year from now,
or two (2) years from now, people coming back saying we have to build a pool, it's in the
plan, you've already said you would; and I don't think that we have said that yet."
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Manager McLemore asked, "Since this is going to be coming up in front of you real
shurtly, do we just leave this alone until after you have your Meeting on this with the
Advisory Committee? Or do we just want to put an asterisk by it and put 'Still under
study?'" Commissioner Blake said, "That's fine, and I understand that we're going to be
talking about it here shortly, and I think that's great also. But I'd like to see it on it's own
Line." Manager McLemore advised, "That's not a problem at all."
Commissioner Miller stated, "I think we ought to leave it in there as an item. Florida is
that kind of a place where everybody's in the water all the time. I think it would be a
mistake to take it out as a Line Item." Commissioner Miller stated further, "1'd leave it
Deputy Mayor Gennell stated, "Relative to the pool, I think we should leave it in there,
put it on a separate Line and leave it in there." Deputy Mayor Gennell added, "So if we
leave it in now and we wait for the presentation and if the pool is turned down
completely, we still have time to amend this and get it out to make it concur with
whatever the Commission decides. But as long as we are anticipating that the suggestion
is going to come forward, I think prudent planning requires us to leave it in there on a
separate Line Item that can be deleted as necessary."
Mayor Partyka summarized, "Looks like at least we'll leave it in here for right now with
maybe some kind of notation or separate Line mention."
Tape I/Side B
Police Department:
Chief of Police, Daniel 1. Kerr introduced his two (2) Line Items.
With discussion on future expansion plans and funds, Commissioner Blake said to
M2nager McLemore, "Ron, I would suggest we take a look at that just to see if it's going
to increase our operating expenses, and if we can get by with it without doing it for a
year, then that's fine. But if we're not going to have a real increase in operating expenses
by doing that and we get that room available for the public also, then I would suggest
moving it up." Manager McLemore stated, "I think the step we could take - we could go
ahead and do the architectural on it and prepare a cost estimate schedule, preliminary plan
on it and bring it back to you. If you want to move it, we can move it at that time - so I
would suggest then we would just go ahead and do the architectural work, preliminary
planning and then bring you back an Agenda Item once that's done."
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Deputy Mayor Gennell asked Manager McLemore, "How does our Impact Fee for Police
compare with surrounding cities and the County?" Manager McLemore stated, "I
thought ours might be a little bit under as I recall. If you want to see that we'll certainly
get that for you." Deputy Mayor Gennell added, "I would like to look at it."
Commissioner McLeod stated, "We probably should definitely go back to the original
architect and talk to him, he's probably got CAD [Computer Aided Design] drawings and
everything else on that building and probably again would save us some costs by trying to
go back to them and use them to further expand it. So I think you're in pretty good
shape, and a fairly quick remodel to the building should happen. I don't think it's
anything that should get dragged out probably more than one hundred and twenty (120)
days from the time; and it should really be a lot less than that from the time that we give
them the go ahead to do it, to be able to complete that thing. So I definitely would say
that we should move forward with the design elements of what you need over there and
get that brought back to us."
Fire Department:
Fire Chief Timothy J. Lallathin introduced his departmental Line Items and commented
on the need for a new Fire Station within the Town Center in the near future. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake said to Manager McLemore, "Have we had any discussions or any
thought process about what we can do with that other property?" Manager McLemore
stated, "No." Commissioner Blake asked, "Is there any possibility at all that we can
change the use restrictions on that property?" Manager McLemore responded, "It's a
good question. It's been about two (2) years since I read that and it's something we can
put in front of the Attorney and see."
Commissioner Blake asked City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, "On property that
we've received, and I understand you probably haven't seen or haven't recently seen the
Agreement by which that property came to us, are you familiar with any eminent domain
type cases that we can utilize to change the use of that property? And what I'm really
lookirlg at here is if that property that we have, it's about two (2) to three (3) miles from
here - the possibility of removing that restriction somehow and being able to swap that
land, or do something so that we can have the Fire Station located in it's correct place."
Attorney Garganese responded, "I haven't even looked at that Deed. I would have to pull
a copy of the Deed and talk to Ron [McLemore] about circumstances by which the City
acquired the property. I would be happy to look at it."
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Commissioner Blake asked Manager McLemore, "Do you know if it is possible to
borrow and replace Fire Impact Fees? In other words build something before you have
enough money there and then refund your General Fund or whatever method you use?"
Manager McLemore stated, "That's a good question." Commissioner Blake said, "I think
we had talked about doing that with some Transportation Impact Fees or using and
replacing at one point but I don't recall." Manager McLemore responded, "Yes, I think
you can do that. I think you can as long as you can relate it to the demand of growth - I
think you can do that. But I want to check that." Commissioner Blake said, "In our
discussion of this as we go on, I think we should include that as an area to look at also."
Manager McLemore said, "We may need to take another quick look at that Impact Fee
and what assumptions it was built on."
Commissioner Blake then said, "As far as the Rescue Unit goes, Rescue Three (3), I don't
see any reason for that to be in 2006. There's plenty of money available in the fund to
actually do it in 2003."
Commissioner McLeod asked, "Do we have enough property here at City Hall to add a
Fire Station here, or are we talking about acquiring property to do that?" Manager
McLemore stated, "We could take a look at it. I don't know if we have enough area out
front because they have to have a lot of space around the building to back trucks out the
rear and that kind of thing. I don't think so. We can look at it and once we get our sewer
system in, and I think that property up front becomes usable, we close down those septic
tank units." Commissioner McLeod suggested, "I think that's definitely something the
Commission ought to direct you the City Manager, and the Fire Chief to take a closer
look at through this year. So at least by next year, we have an idea where we are really
heading with this thing."
With discussion, Commissioner Martinez stated, "I would suggest that maybe you can
make some inquiries as to the effect of consolidation. I've seen some of it take place and
many times it results in greater cost expenses, and - show it to this Commission." Chief
Lallathin said, "As soon as the study from Altamonte [Springs] is completed, 1'd like to
get a copy of that. Hopefully, I'll be able to share it with you."
Public Works/Utility Department:
Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, Public WorkslUtility Department Director stated in regards to
his Line Item on Transportation, "A couple of minor changes, Hickory and Main Street
out ofthe One Cent Sales Tax are actually 2002 projects. They are listed as 2002 and the
project number but - in the wrong column there."
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Regarding the One Cent Sales Tax, Commissioner Blake asked, "So these numbers are
for the old One Cent Tax?" Mr. Lockcuff said, "The 2.431 million that we have left."
Commissioner Blake said, "I understand. Where in here is the new penny, all those
prC'jects we kept in our list?" Mr. Lockcuff said, "We didn't have it in there because this
started early on and we thought it would be presumptuous to put projects that were still
up for Referendum. I did bring a rough draft I did on the ten (10) year if you'd like to
look at it just based on the cash flow projects that the County provided. Commissioner
Blake stated, "Yes, and I think that should be part of this as well."
Commissioner Miller departed the Meeting at 7:34 p.m.
Tape 2/Side A
Regarding the State Road 434 intersection improvements, Commissioner Blake stated, "I
thought we already earmarked through a Bond Issue a million dollars for Village Walk."
Manager McLemore stated, "I think there is some money there for Village Walk in that
Construction Fund." Commissioner Blake then asked, "Is that the 1999 Construction
Fund?" "Yes," stated Manager McLemore. Commissioner Blake then said, "How much
do we have in there?" Ms. Louise Frangoul, Finance Department Director answered,
"For the Village Walk - about $951,000.00" Commissioner Blake asked, "So
$964,000.00 is what the current budget amount is? And is this amount here, because you
have a million and a half dollars in this Line Item, it is over several years - is that in
addition to that $964,000.00? Or is that in replacement of?" Mr. Lockcuff stated, "In
addition to." Commissioner Blake said, "So how much are we spending there?" Mr.
Lockcuff said, "You have a lot of funds available." Commissioner Blake advised, "I
think that's something we need to look at - we just need to better define it. In this plan
we don't necessarily, but for future consideration."
Commissioner Blake advised, "I'd like to have all these things we've talked about in this
section, five (5) year plan - I'd like to have that added into the plan as well and create that
second designation." Mayor Partyka said to the City Commission, "Any problems from
the Commission on that?"
Next, Deputy Mayor Gennell asked, "Is there any money in here for a northbound turn
lane on [State Road] 419 at Moss Road?" Commissioner Blake asked, "Don't we have
some opportunities because of the safety issue?" Mr. Lockcuffresponded, "We did Moss
Road reconstruction - a third from the bottom. We did programs - for that intersection,
whether it includes a turn lane we'll determine when at that time if it meets warrants. So
- when we build that intersection at [State Road] 419 - and [State Road] 434, we could do
it at that time." Deputy Mayor Gennell added, "I definitely would like it if it were
possible to get that improvement done sooner. Is 2007 when you plan to do the Moss
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Road itself?" Mr. Lockcuff stated, "Correct." Deputy Mayor Gennell stated, "I know it's
dangerous there and I think it deserves to be looked at a little bit harder and to do it a
little bit sooner." Commissioner Martinez stated, "Second." Deputy Mayor Gennell
stated, "I would appreciate if you would poll the Commission on that." With discussion,
Deputy Mayor Gennell said, "I just think we need to raise the priority of that intersection.
Whatever it takes and if the money isn't there until 2007 fine; but if we start pushing for
it earlier who knows whether we might get lucky." Commissioner McLeod stated, "I
would be in favor of moving it up if Staff would agree to' that."
Mayor Partyka spoke of naming the new City streets inside the Town Center.
Mr. Lockcuff spoke on the Storm water Master Plan and rate increases.
Mayor Partyka left the dais at 7: 5 6 p. m.
Discussion developed on improving potable water quality.
Mayor Partyka returned to the dais at 7:57p.m.
Discussion developed on reclaimed water improvements.
Discussion developed on the expansion of City Hall. Commissioner McLeod said, "Have
you considered - perhaps putting a small Atrium between this and another wing - having
your addition go east and west?" Manager McLemore responded, "Yes - in the original
plan of the building as I recall - it's an "H" shaped building. You actually can take it out
and bring it back like you're talking about - we'd have an interior Atrium and pick up
another fair amount of space." Commissioner McLeod stated further, "I would be
interested in seeing what the original drawings look like from that standpoint."
Commissioner McLeod suggested that regarding the cost of real estate - "I would
definitely give some consideration to having the architect look at it as being able to two
(2) story it for future growth. You don't have to do it now but you sure could put the
foundation in for it. And that way it may keep us from having to move City Hall. As far
as I'm concerned City Hall is part of Town Center."
Tape 2/Side B
Mayor Partyka read into the record a Proclamation proclaiming the Month of March 2002
as "American Red Cross Month."
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Mayor Partyka adjourned the Meeting at 8:23 p.m.
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