HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2001 11 26 City Commission Workshop Minutes
NOVEMBER 26, 2001
The Workshop of Monday, November 26, 2001 of the City Commission was called to
order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 5:05 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor David W. McLeod, absent
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, arrived at 5:10 p.m.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, arrived at 5 :07 p.m.
City Attomey Anthony A. Garganese, absent
A. Finance Department
Workshop To Continue Reviewing The Water, Wastewater And Stormwater Rate
And Charge Study Prepared By Public Resources Management Group, Inc.
Mr. Rob Ori, Public Resources Management Group, Inc., 225 South Swoope Avenue,
Maitland, Florida: addressed the City Commission on rate adjustments.
City Manager Ronald W McLemore arrived at 5:07 p.m.
Mr. Jack Burgiel, Public Resources Management Group, Inc., 225 South Swoope Avenue,
Maitland, Florida: distributed a document, and addressed proposed Capital
Improvements. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake arrived at 5:10 p.m.
Commissioner Cindy Gennell asked, "This is your five (5) year Capital Improvement
Plan. This is something that's already built into,the current rate structure? Or this is
what you are trying to build into and increase?" Mr. BurgieI responded, "It's kind of
both." Commissioner Gennell then stated, "Then what I am looking for here then would
be 'Nhat of this necessitates a rate increase, what of these expenditures? Where are the
increased water bill payments going to benefit us?" Mr. BurgieI responded, "Well I
would have to take a look at that. That is a good question. I would have to look that up."
Commis~ioner Gennell said, "Could you bring that one thing back to us maybe -
somehow highlight it - what areas are going to benefit directly from the proposed
increase." Mr. BurgieI answered, "Sure, absolutely."
Manager McLemore stated, "Obviously their job is not to construct a Capital
Improvements Plan. They can't advise you as to the priority or needs of these projects.
We develop a Capital Improvements Plan, then they develop a rate structure that funds
that Plan." Manager McLemore then said, "So if you're saying I need to get comfortable
with the Capital Improvements Plan before I can approve this, which is totally okay and
would make some sense, that's another meeting or two (2) before you would finally
address this."
Commissioner Gennell asked, "Can't those figures be distilled down to paper? I'm kind
of asking the City Manager because he's basically saying you can't give me the answer
because they prioritize the things. Isn't that what you are saying Ron [McLemore]?"
Manager McLemore responded, "Yes, all they can do is reflect what we've given to
them. That process of prioritizing would have to go on between the Commission and the
Staff and then they would. . .." Commissioner Gennell interjected, ".. .But you have given
them a list that you and the Staff have already prioritized." Manager McLemore stated,
"Correct." Commissioner Gennell said, "But I would like the benefit of knowing what all
that is - before we go forward with the rate increase." Manager McLemore said, "Sure.
Well, I would think so and that's what I was saying - that's another Meeting that
probably needs to take place before you would finalize a rate." Commissioner Gennell
stated, "So if that information is forth coming, I am not going to belabor the point now."
Discussion followed on purchasing vehicles and equipment. Manager McLemore stated
in regards to this matter, "That's something that is subject to another Meeting."
Commissioner Robert S. Miller stated, "I just wasn't aware that we had that much of a
vehicle requirement to be replaced in the next five (5) years. So this rate that we're
approving - this is going to be connected to the realization of these facility improvements,
correct? Mr. BurgieI said, "Yes, and basically it's just current spending projected
forward." Commissioner Miller stated, "So I think Commissioner Gennell is probably
right; we probably are going to need another meeting on this."
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. suggested, "I want to suggest so these folks don't
have to come back here again for another Workshop, that we address the presentation that
they're going to make to us. There are issues here that need answers. But we can tackle
them at another time under a different Agenda Item, which can be put on an Agenda for a
future meeting." Members of the Commission were in agreement with going forward.
Discussion followed on rates; and the price differential of potable and reclaimed water.
Conmlis&ioner Blake asked, "Can you come up - or report back to us, what portion of that
capital cost do you think should be a burden of the water and sewer system overall? Is
there any sort of rule of thumb on that - would it be twenty percent (20%), fifty percent
(50%)?" Mr. Ori stated, "The rule of thumb I have seen is lack of anything better, to be
honest with you Commissioner is fifty/fifty (50/50). Everything I've seen on this is no
one really knows unless you've written a detailed analysis about effluent disposal,
avoided costs." Discussion.
Commissioner Blake advised Ron [McLemore] that "I would like to see a number
somewhere between the meter installation and the - fully loaded number. And if the
number is fifty/fifty (50/50) that's fine; if it's sixty/forty (60/40), that's fine too. I just
think there ought to be some contribution in the capital account from the users of
reclaimed and some offset so that the people who are paying the most expensive rates
aren't subsidizing those who are paying the lowest rates."
Commissloner Gennell asked, "At what place in all this paperwork did you factor in the
increase income when the golf courses go on a paying basis?" Commissioner Gennell
then stated, "I think I'd like to see those figures - what they do to the overall picture from
my part." Mr. Ori stated, "We'll try to tell you what an estimate with the revenues may
Tape I1Side B
Commissioner Martinez stated, "We as a Commission should get back from the City
Manager an Agenda Item - to present at least three (3) options under each category for us
to look at - and then come up with a decision as to which is the better option for the
citizens of Winter Springs." Mr. Ori said, "It will be done."
With further discussion, Commissioner Blake clarified his previous remarks by stating,
"for the record, I didn't say fifty percent (50%). I said I don't have a problem with that
but it might be sixty/forty (60/40) or forty/sixty (40/60). Get with them and come up -
with a reasonable - our Consultants gave us an answer and I think stated where the
answer came from, and I think I held the door wide open that there may be some different
numbers." Manager McLemore asked for a consensus from the Commission. Mayor
Partyka stated, "I think what everybody is saying here is come up with something that
makes some sense from a business standpoint - which includes some of the things that
Commissioner Blake stated."
Manager McLemore again asked whether there was a consensus. Commissioner Miller
stated, "I think Commissioner Blake's observation was a good one. I'd like to see some
alternatives too, like forty/sixty (40/60), sixty/forty (60/40), fifty percent (50%). It's
probably an equitable approach. I think it works. It sounds good to me. I think that's
what this is all about, so I think that yes, I would like to see some data along those lines."
Commissioner Gennell asked Manager McLemore, "And you are wanting to know if I
want to see his alternative in conjunction with the rest?" Manager McLemore answered,
"Right, develop some..." Commissioner Gennell stated, ". .Develop it along the lines of
the outline? Sure, I'll look at that as well as what we already have before us."
Discussion followed on golf courses; wells; and stormwater rates.
As the Workshop winded down, Mayor Partyka asked Mr. Ori, "Which is your
recommendation?" Mr. Ori responded, "'Option 1,' $3.25. I personally think $3.00 a
month for stormwater is a very low rate for the average in Florida is in excess of $3.00."
Manager McLemore then asked, "Did we have a consensus on developing the golf course
option?" Mayor Partyka stated, "From my position, I don't think it's all that necessary at
this point, because the worst case scenario is you can't count on them." Mayor Partyka
summarized that based on the comments from the Commission, the consensus was, "I
guess not to do it."
Manager McLemore asked, "Do you want me to - come back to you with an Agenda
Item or schedule another Workshop on the Capital Improvements list relative to these
rates?" Mayor Partyka then asked Members of the Commission "Do we need to have a
Workshop?" Commissioner Miller said yes. Commissioner Blake stated, "Because of
the nature of the item, I would suggest that maybe we have a Workshop on both, the
Utility and the city-wide Capital Improvement Plan to hopefully try and understand
exactly what the different components are." Manager McLemore stated, "I think that's a
good idea." Commissioner Gennell agreed with Commissioner Blake's comments.
Mayor Partyka summarized the poll as "That's a consensus - and the Workshop date is to
be determined." Commissioner Gennell added, "Let the City Manager bring it back to us
when it's ready."
Mayor Partyka adjourned the Workshop at 6:11 p.m.
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