HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2006 09 13 City Commission Workshop Minutes
The Workshop of Wednesday, September 13,2006 of the City Commission was called to
Order by Mayor John F. Bush at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake, absent
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Discussion ensued on Attorney Garganese's daughter, Deputy Chief Dave O'Brien and
Chief Timothy J. Lallathin.
Discussion ensued on a written letter of request from 'MEALS ON WHEELS ETC.'
related to funding to assist in deliveries to Winter Springs senior citizens.
Mayor Bush said, "1 would like to recommend we shelve this until we have gone..."
Commissioner Sally McGinnis said, "...1 think so. Yes..." Mayor Bush continued,
"...Through the Budget process - there is lots of places to spend the money here in the
City. " Commissioner McGinnis added, "We can also encourage our residents to
become Volunteers." Commissioner McGinnis further suggested this might be done
through our Website.
Continuing, Commissioner McGinnis said, "I would like to hear from Sherry Fincher
(Executive Director, MEALS ON WHEELS ETC.)." Mayor Bush said, "Ron
(McLemore), do you want to invite her to the next Meeting, then? Is that okay
Commissioners?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Good." Commissioner Joanne M.
Krebs also agreed. No objections were noted.
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500. Office Of The City Manager
Budget Review.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore introduced this discussion.
Mayor Bush said, "I'm looking on page A-13 in the Budget book. And there's some
things that say 'budgeted', but there are no numbers, 'City Hall Expansion'."
Manager McLemore distributed related documents.
Mayor Bush continued, "Again, if you look at 'City Hall Expansion', it just says
'Budgeted' and there is no number. What is the number? And for City Hall to Town
Center, Cody Study is another one. Pension Plan increase, I guess is 120k ($120,000.00),
I wrote that in here." Manager McLemore said, "Well, a lot of stuff you've already done.
And on this list, we've taken it out. The City Hall should still be on here." Mayor Bush
said, "Health Insurance budgeted." Manager McLemore said, "It's all done. It's all been
taken care of." Mayor Bush asked, "I know it's been budgeted, but I mean, how much is
it? How much was it that we've already - because it's not in here, we don't know how
much money it is. When you say budgeted, what do you mean?"
Ms. Kelly Balagia, Budget Analyst, Finance Department stated, "At the time that
Preliminary Budget went to print, we had budgeted something for Health Insurance, we
didn't know what the final premiums would be. We actually gained in that step." Mayor
Bush asked, "So what is that number?" Manager McLemore said, "We had budgeted a
twenty percent (20%) increase. And I think the final rate came in at seventeen (17)."
Ms. Balagia said, "City-wide we gained about thirty eight thousand [dollars]
($38,000.00); General Fund gained about almost thirty [thousand dollars] ($30,000.00)."
Mayor Bush asked, "And that thirty thousand [dollars] ($30,000.00) is in this?" Manager
McLemore said, "Oh yes. Everything's been brought up to date." Ms. Balagia added,
Mayor Bush then inquired, "How much is 'City Hall Expansion'?" Ms. Balagia said,
"'City Hall Expansion' - we're reflecting Bond proceeds of 2.1. This would be in a
Capital Project Fund." Mayor Bush asked, "2.1 million ($2,1 OO,OOO.OO)?" Ms. Balagia
said, "Yes. And a million nine ($1,900,000.00) for the actual facility and a couple
hundred thousand [dollars] for furniture and equipment. No effect on the General Fund
other than the Debt Service." Mayor Bush asked, "And how much is that?" Ms. Balagia
said, "We have one [hundred] fifty [thousand dollars] ($150,000.00) for the Debt Service
Interest for Bond Debt." Mayor Bush said, "So that Budget item is a hundred fifty
thousand [thousand dollars] ($150,000.00) out of the General Fund." Ms. Balagia
replied, "Right."
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Continuing, Mayor Bush said, "I don't know what City Hall to Town Center means.
What does that mean?" Ms. Balagia asked, "Which line is that?" Mayor Bush said, "It is
right under 'City Hall Expansion'." Ms. Balagia said, "I think there was some talk about
having a Senior Center here and not doing the..." Commissioner McGinnis said, "... I
didn't hear that." Mayor Bush also stated, "I don't remember that." Commissioner
Robert S. Miller mentioned, "Could it be the concrete endings on the islands that we were
going to put in?" Ron (McLemore), you remember, we were - going to put caps on the
ends of the islands?" Manager McLemore said, "Commissioner Robert S. Miller brought
up the issue of building another City Hall in the Town Center. Now the fact, the budget
part of it is wrong. It is not budgeted." Commissioner Miller added, "There goes another
one of my projects."
Discussion ensued on how much the Cody Study was. Mayor Bush stated, "It says
budgeted also." Mayor Bush said, "So it's really not the Cody Study, it's the adjustment
to the salary schedule, I guess, or whatever you want to call it." Mayor Bush added,
"Well, I thought 'Cody Study' was what we paid 'Cody' [& Associates]. That is what we
paid them to do it, that is what I thought." Commissioner McGinnis said, "It is
misleading." Commissioner Krebs said, "That is what I thought too." Manager
McLemore said, "No." Commissioner McGinnis suggested, "Cody Study
Implementation it should say; or recommendation." Manager McLemore said, "Yes -
implementation. The Cody Study itself, as I recall, was maybe five thousand [dollars]
Next discussed was parking. Manager McLemore said, "What I'm saying is that some
time in the future, we're going to have to deal probably with this issue of additional
parking. Now there are a couple of ideas, and one of those is if the Library site - comes
about, then we can double up or use parking, additional parking, as part of the parking
scheme for the Library, that's one (1) alternative. Or, you know, build a parking garage
ourselves, or do nothing. And my point is that these extra 200 spaces are not minimum
required spaces of the Developer, these are there for the convenience of the public. Now
if we put a Library though, there's going to be a new parking demand. And that new
parking demand at that point in time would be a good opportunity to do this."
Regarding whether a Workshop on this issue should be held, Manager McLemore said,
"You actually passed a Resolution giving me the authority to do this without even telling
you anything because it just has to happen that way." Manager McLemore added, "I
need to talk to you individually, let you know what's going on, and what to anticipate so
when this thing finally gets to you, you're not really surprised by what's out there."
Further discussion.
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Mayor Bush said, "It says Fall- Entertainment, fifty thousand [dollars] ($50,000.00). We
reduced that to twenty five [thousand dollars] ($25,000.00), so that is twenty five
thousand [dollars] ($25,000.00) right there that needs to be..." Commissioner Krebs
noted, "... We reduced it this year." Mayor Bush said, "We haven't spent this money
back here, it hasn't been spent. It is budgeted, but it hasn't been spent. If it hasn't been
spent..." Manager McLemore asked, ".. . Are you talking about this year or next year?"
Mayor Bush said, "I'm talking on page A-13, what is underneath 'Current Budget'. We
surely haven't spent sixty thousand [dollars] ($60,000.00) on 'WI-FI' because we don't
have it, so how could we have possibly spent it?" Mayor Bush then remarked, "We
haven't appropriated sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) from..." Manager McLemore
stated, "...Not yet." Mayor Bush continued, "And the Commission could decide not to
do that and then that money would be carried forward." Manager McLemore said, "It
would. "
Mayor Bush said, "As a matter of fact, you need to add the twenty five thousand [dollars]
($25,000.00) in immediately because the Commission reduced the Fall deal from fifty
[thousand dollars] ($50,000.00) to twenty five [thousand dollars] ($25,000.00). So that
needs to be added back in." Commissioner Krebs noted, "Yes."
Ms. Balagia explained, "That would have rolled over into the beginning Fund Balance for
[20]'07." Ms. Balagia continued, "I don't even know if that's in Munis yet." Mayor Bush
added, "Where is the money? Where is the twenty five thousand [dollars] ($25,000.00)?"
Ms. Balagia said, "Let me check and see if it's been reduced in this."
Mayor Bush said, "So these are things the Commission could decide not to spend out of
last year's Budget which would be carried forward, if! am correct in my interpretation."
Manager McLemore said, "It is going to be carried forward. If it's not spent in this year,
it'll be carried forward in your next year's Budget; either as a budgeted item or as Fund
Regarding the proposed City Hall Expansion, Manager McLemore remarked, "And we
need to talk about that - that project has been going up thirty percent (30%) a year. How
long are we going to wait? The cost is going up thirty percent (30%) a year. How long
are we going to wait? That's what I need to ask you to think about."
Commissioner McGinnis said, "The Urinals is still in here too." Mayor Bush said, "Well
that should be taken out." Commissioner McGinnis said, "That is five thousand [dollars]
($5,000.00)." Mayor Bush said, "Of course - that may have been spent because they did
fix them." Mayor Bush added, "I don't know."
Mayor Bush asked, "How much money didn't we spend in 2006 that was budgeted? You
know, we collected taxes, but we didn't spend it." Manager McLemore said, "We don't
know that yet."
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Manager McLemore said, "Last year, I think, was about five hundred thousand [dollars]
($500,000.00). That is after you applied Revenues and Expenses." Commissioner Krebs
asked, "What happens with that money - and then what do you do with it?" Manager
McLemore said, "It accrues to your Fund Balance; and then you decide what you want to
do with it."
Regarding the planning list that was distributed, Mayor Bush said, "Let's just start at
the top. 'Boat (Docks,) Ramps, (Parking)', five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)."
Commissioner McGinnis said, "Don't move forward." No objections were voiced.
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore suggested funds could come from the State, and
added, "And I think you've already planned it into the pump station down there. He's got
a thing drawn out and it will fit in there. It's not a big deal. You are building a concrete
ramp; you are going to have some parking spots, and you are going to build a pier out
into the water and that is about it." Commissioner Gilmore continued, "It doesn't have to
be done this year, but it needs to be in a plan and I think it's already shown on some
drawings; so it can go there, if we want to do it."
Mayor Bush asked, "Does that mean the five thousand dollars ($5,000) can go away?"
Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." Commissioner Krebs commented, "But maybe to
Commissioner Gilmore's point, that if it was something that was done to include all,
anybody, we could get a Grant and then we could bring it back." Commissioner
McGinnis said, "That's why we delay it."
Manager McLemore said, "But again, to apply for the Grant though, you've got to spend
some money doing some planning." Commissioner McGinnis said, "That would be the
five thousand [dollars] ($5,000.00)." Commissioner Krebs said, "Yes." Mayor Bush
asked, "Is it in or is it out?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Out." No objections were
Next, Mayor Bush said, "'Convert Old Public Works to Park', ten thousand dollars
($10,000.00)." Commissioner Krebs said, "Take it out, we will do it next year."
Commissioner McGinnis said, "So I would say do it next year." Commissioner Miller
said, "I don't agree." Commissioner Miller continued, "There are already enough
problems in that area so a couple of empty buildings, I think, would be just ideal for
that area just to kind of add to the run down appearance of the area. "
Tape I/Side B
Commissioner Miller continued, "And I want this to come out of the General Fund. If
we can't figure out at the end 0/ tonight, I want it to come out 0/ the General Fund. I
want that ten (10) grand ($10,000.00) drawn up and I'll make the Motion when the
time comes to take it out 0/ the General Fund. It's that important to me."
Commissioner McGinnis said, "I would support that."
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Furthermore, Commissioner Miller said, "If the City government, the City Staff wants
to tell me right now that they have no intention of moving out of the current Public
Works site until - actually 30 September next year, I will leave this alone. "
Manager McLemore suggested, "What I would suggest to you is this, let us get through
with the construction project. By the time we get there, two (2) things will have
happened. One (1) you'll have your Audit back and you'll know what you're ending
picture is. And secondly, you'll know what the project finally costs." Manager
McLemore said, "I'm talking about the Public Works project. So our first priority is to
get the Public Works projectfinished."
Additionally, Manager McLemore said, "But my understanding is that construction
will be finished around March/April there. And by that time, we'll know what the
project costs, we'll know if we have to divvy up any more money to finish the project
and we'll know where our year-end position is. So you may again - see that you have
two (2), three (3),four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00) to play with."
Commissioner Miller noted, ''And then we do a Master Plan - and that takes four (4),
five (5), six (6) months; and then we find a guy to build it and that's another four (4),
or five (5), six (6) months. Meanwhile, it just sits there as an abandoned site until the
middle of [20r 08." Mayor Bush said, "Just don't abandon it. Keep something there."
Commissioner Miller said, "That is my suggestion. "
With discussion, Mayor Bush said, "Okay. Ten thousand [dollars) ($10,000.00) is still
in. "
"Bear Creek Boardwalk" - Commissioner Gilmore commented, "I am bothered that
that is even in here. And I am bothered that it is here because that was a maintenance
item. The bridge is out, is that not - it's a dangerous situation, is that not true Chuck
(Pula, Director, Parks and Recreation Department) or what? It should have been fIXed
a year ago, not coming in to be budgeted this year. It should have been a maintenance
item. And in my opinion, there is no way that that should not be in this budget. It has
to be here. And it should have been fIXed a year ago." Commissioner Gilmore noted,
"Because if somebody gets hurt over there, we are all going to sit here and look and say
why didn't we fIX it." Commissioner Krebs said, "I agree." Commissioner McGinnis
said, "Well, there is a liability issue that we need to be aware of."
Commissioner Gilmore said, "Now, in that is sign age. I am quite certain, Chuck
(Pula), that if you could generate the signage list that you want and provide the quote
information, I think the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association would buy the signage
and install it - I am almost certain that they would do that. That was one of the things
that the THOA (Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association) had come forth and
volunteered to do. So you fIX the bridge and I think we can get the [Tuscawilla
Homeowner's Association} board to go with the signage."
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Mr. Pula stated, "We estimated the signage to be about three to four thousand dollars
($3-4,000.00) depending on the extent of whether we're doing some interpretive
signage out there, which identifies some of the plant material in addition to the signage
of showing where the Trail ends and the mapping of the Trail through there, because
there's three (3) different locations that you could exit from that particular trail. "
Furthermore, Mr. Pula said, "Again, and the forty seven [thousand dollars}
($47,000.00) replaces everything that's out there. I mean, we haveflXed it and it's safe.
I want to clarify that. But it's old and, I mean, it was put in, I believe, thirteen (13) to
fifteen (15) years ago, I think. I think some of the Public Works/Park people at the
time put it together and built it out there. It's deteriorated, it's been under water
during the hurricanes - the wood has been rotting. We've replaced some of the wood.
And I want to assure you - it's not a safety hazard, but it's not a very pleasant looking
boardwalk. "
Mayor Bush asked, ''Alright. Leave it in, forty seven [thousand dollars} ($47,000.00)?"
Commissioner Gilmore stated, "Yes." Commissioner Gilmore asked, "Have the
abutments been all fIXed? They had washed out. "
Mr. Pula said, "I mean, we have replaced lumbers, we have put nails in it. We've
secured it so that it's safe to walk on itfor the public. But, like I say, you know, it's the
only wooden elevated trail we have in our whole system and I can tell you it's in poor
shape. I mean, it's not something we're real proud of and that's my main point on
this. It's not a real nice facility out there at all. It's a deteriorated old facility that's -
safe to go on. And until the next time we get some heavy rain or some nails pulled out
or another piece of wood that - rots, we need to replace it. "
Mayor Bush stated, "So it is safe." Mr. Pula remarked, "Safe." Mayor Bush asked,
"In or out, Commissioners?" Commissioner Miller replied, "Out." Commissioner
McGinnis said, "Out." Commissioner Krebs commented, "Out right now."
Next discussed was "Entranceway Signs - Red Bug 436/Casselberry", eighty thousand
dollars ($80,000.00)." Commissioner Gilmore said, "Out." Commissioner Miller
stated, "Out." Commissioner Krebs remarked, "Out." Commissioner McGinnis
replied, "Out."
Mayor Bush said, "'Dog Park'." Commissioner McGinnis replied, "No." Mayor Bush
said, "Out." No objections were noted.
Regarding the "Newsletter" category, Mayor Bush said, "Out?" Commissioner
McGinnis said, "Out." No objections were noted here.
As to the "Scottish Highlands Event - Rental Fencing", Commissioner McGinnis
commented, "Out." Mayor Bush said, "Out." With discussion, Mayor Bush said, "So
it is out at this point." No objections were noted.
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Nothing was budgeted regarding the "Sister City - Scotland" category.
Regarding the "419 Parcels Nature Walk, [Acquire House)", Commissioner Krebs
said, "Out." Commissioner Gilmore said, "Out." No objections were noted. "
Mayor Bush said, "So the only thing that stayed in was the Torcaso Park Master Plan
at ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) of it and the top half of the sheet."
Manager McLemore said, "That means, well, if you, you could commit funds from a
lot of different places. For example, but they're of such large numbers that they are
impossible to do without a Bond issue. And - that's what we need to talk about tonight.
I need to know which one of these projects that you're really willing and desiring to
seriously undertake. Because my recommendation to you on these big projects, that
really need to be folded into a Bond issue, which really needs to go to the public by
Referendum, is to follow through on discussions we originally had. And we have
several months. And that is appointing a Citizens Committee, reviewing these projects
in detail and come back to you and tell you which ones they are willing to go out in the
community and support; or a Bond Referendum. "
Mayor Bush asked, "When will it be the earliest it could go onto a ballot?" Manager
McLemore said, "You can put it on a Ballot anytime you want to." Mayor Bush said,
"I mean, how much lead time do you have to have? Ninety (90) days, sixty (60) days?"
Manager McLemore said, "Something like that. Probably ninety (90) days..."
Manager McLemore continued, "...You probably are wanting to give it a little more
time than that so you have time to advertise it and have community meetings, things
like that. "
Manager McLemore said, "The first thing you'd want to do, you would not do it on
your own; and not try to develop a community support for this, a base for it. Then, I
would tell you to set aside 'x' number of thousands of dollars, go do preliminary
studies on these things that would give you a good indication of what's it is going to
look like, how big it's going to be, and how much it's going to cost." Mayor Bush
stated, "It would be good to also find out also what the citizens of the town think as
well. " Commissioner Krebs said, "Yes, I have got to know that." Commissioner
McGinnis said, "Yes."
Continuing, Manager McLemore said, "I need to get started, if you agree that we need
to develop a community basis support for this, then I need to get started with the
Committee that you've already authorized, but with an expanded scope which would
include..." Commissioner Gilmore asked, "...Do you need funding for that
Committee?" Manager McLemore said, "No."
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Commissioner Krebs noted, "For this I need, I personally need, community support."
Mayor Bush said, "Commissioners, do you have any objection to Mr. McLemore
proceeding with this?" Manager McLemore asked, "On which items? All of them?"
Mayor Bush commented, {'All of them, maybe there's other things that aren't even on
there. "
Discussion ensued on Workforce Housing or Redevelopment.
Mayor Bush asked, "Everybody in agreement then?" Commissioner Miller said,
"Well, there seems to be a Consensus." No objections were voiced.
With further discussion, Manager McLemore added, "The only thing that 1 would ask
you to authorize if you want to go forward with this, is let's expand the scope of that
group." Manager McLemore then said, "I would recommend that you take it to the
Voters. "
Commissioner Krebs mentioned that regarding expanding the scope of the proposed
Committee, "One of the things that comes to mind - and we probably have a list of
Homeowner's Associations - being able to set up some type of meeting with the
Homeowner's Associations, 1 think would really be a good tool to take advantage of in
spreading the word and maybe getting some Workshops created from those - they could
almost be an outreach themselves and do something like that because 1 really would like
to reach as many people as possible. 1 believe that is really crucial and getting the kind of
response that 1 think we would get if we were up front and personable."
Manager McLemore said, "What is typically phase one (1) of that process is decide what
you want to do. That's what you would use basically this Blue Ribbon Committee is to
look at it and say these are things that we as a community think we should move forward
with. Here's what we think the cost is going be, parameters, and if you agree then we go
to step two (2) which is let's take it to the public, Homeowner's Association by
Homeowner's Association, and then have them look at it and say, 'you know we could
support this if you had this in it;' or 'we could support this if you had that' - and then you
get that kind of feedback. And then you amend the plan based on what you learned from
all that."
Mayor Bush asked, "I have a question concerning - Ron's (McLemore) memo here, this
on September lih. The eight hundred forty four thousand [dollars] ($844,000.00) for the
employee's salaries that was approved the other day'; part of that Motion, as 1 understand
it, was that the compression would be addressed on an individual basis. Is that included
in the eight hundred forty four thousand dollars ($844,000.00)?" Manager McLemore
said, "No. The Commission's voted direction was to come back to you with
recommendations by March of next year, I believe it was, that was your direction."
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Manager McLemore continued, "It's eight hundred forty four thousand dollars
($844,000.00) which includes all those things you approved. Two percent (2%) across
the board, the four percent (4%) Merit, the one percent (1 %) Internal Equity, those things.
It includes all of that."
Manager McLemore spoke for the Record on the budgeting process.
Tape 2/Side A
Ms. Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk stated, "You all have a Budget Workshop
planned on Monday, the Itfh. Do you still wish to hold that date?" Mayor Bush said,
"I don't see any reason to have it. Commissioners?" No objections were noted.
Manager McLemore then spoke of staffing and said, "With the Community Development
Planner, I'm advising - that we not move forward with that. We're going to look at the
situation based on the last person he's hired and if we feel like down the road we're not
getting it done, we'll come back to you. But right now, we feel like we're in pretty good
shape." Commissioner McGinnis suggested, "Came back after the Audit." Manager
McLemore said, "Right." Continuing, Commissioner Gilmore stated, "Five (5) years
from now are we going to be surviving on two (2) people?" Manager McLemore said,
"Oh yes."
Mayor Bush said, "You know, one thing Commissioner, on this issue, and I have gotten
those complaints too. And what happens when I go in and talk to the building people, I
find normally it is the Applicant who has failed to do their part. And they just don't want
to admit it. It's easy to blame the City. And I have yet to find, in my experience with it, I
have yet to find the City at fault." Mayor Bush added, "I think the Staff does a pretty
good job."
Continuing on staffing concerns by Commissioner Gilmore, Commissioner Miller asked,
"So do we need to hire another person, then?" Commissioner Gilmore, "That's what I
think you need." Discussion ensued with Mr. Randy Stevenson, AS LA, Director,
Community Development Department.
Commissioner Gilmore said, '''Streetlights (Elk [Court) & Oscelot [Trail]' has
appeared a couple times. Where did this come from and what's it all about?"
Manager McLemore replied, ''An individual, I believe for a Homeowner's Association,
came in and asked for these lights because they wanted a higher level of lighting. And
the Commission took position that until we were ready to proceed on a city-wide plan
upgrading lights that we weren't going to start cherry picking this neighborhood and
not be able to do the same thing for all neighborhoods. So that's the position that
you've taken - but it was put on the list because it was asked for.
So the question is, are you to change your Policy or not? Do you want us to go out and
start developing a city-wide Street Light Improvement Plan?" Commissioner McGinnis
said, "Off." Commissioner Gilmore commented, "I would say remove it." Mayor Bush
asked, "Commissioner Miller, off?" Commissioner Miller replied, "Yes, that isfine."
Regarding another item on the "Commission Planning List', "Fire Truck", Manager
McLemore said that based on research, "Ranges from twelve (12) to twenty (20) years
with twenty (20) years being the most one that has been stated around the country is
the standard for fire trucks. Now if there is extenuating circumstances with any vehicle
where it takes an accident or it has dramatic failures that are not normal, those are the
kinds of things that would indicate - that you would need to do something earlier."
Manager McLemore continued, "Fifteen (15) is certainly within that range, but it's on
the lower end of the range, if you look at what's being done across the country."
Manager McLemore continued, "I'm not convinced that the maintenance records on
that vehicle really warrant it. Tim's (Lallathin, Fire Chief) a little concerned about it
because it has a little higher. Normally, I think, he budgets about three thousand
[dollars] ($3,000.00) a year for maintenance and I think this past year or this year he's
had about eight thousand [dollars] ($8,000.00). I don't know if you would conclude
that you're going to continue to see that maintenance go up every year or not. "
Discussion ensued with Chief Lallathin on safety features.
Chief Lallathin stated, "I want to try to see if we can set a policy where we keep front
line apparatus, front line. That means going - out the door on every call at fifteen (15)
years and then the additional five (5) years is being actually a reserve apparatus. And
that's about the time frame, this truck is fifteen (15) years old right now; so that's why
my request has come forward. "
Commissioner McGinnis said, "Well, I supported this thefirst go around; and I believe
there was also the issue of what's going to cost a hundred and fifty thousand dollars
($150,000.00) today or three hundred and forty thousand [dollars] ($340,000.00) - in
two (2) years, that's going to be significantly more. "
Chief Lallathin said, "Of course, the truck we had actually, when we did our Budget,
was three hundredforty thousand [dollars] ($340,000.00) and we believe we can get a
trade-in value of approximately forty thousand [dollars] ($40,000.00) for the current
piece and then a hundred andfifty thousand [dollars] ($150,000.00) of that was going
to come out of Medical Transport Services and the other out of the General Fund. "
Discussion followed on maintenance of fire service vehicles.
Commissioner Krebs said, "I support what Sally (McGinnis) said." Further
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Regarding other City Budget concerns, Commissioner Miller said, "I would like - certain
things show up year after year after year after year. And I have never really had any
feedback from Staff - on how it turns out at the end of the year; and what I am referring
to is reprogramming. I know there's some reprogramming that goes on, we move money
around usually like March, April and May. Some of the areas I would be curious about
that just show up year, and they go all the way through every Department too. Like the
copy machine supplies, office supplies - operating supplies, janitorial supplies, small
tools and equipment, software, dues and registrations.
I would be curious to see a summary for last year, well this year, as of September the 30th
on how much was programmed for those items for all Departments in the City and how
much was actually spent for those line items. And it was reprogramming that was done
because - we either didn't spend it all - I am not necessarily interested in where it went;
just interested in - like small tools and equipment as an example.
If the total from all Departments in the City was - two hundred thousand dollars
($200,000.00), did we actually spend two hundred thousand ($200,000.00) or was it a
hundred and fifty ($150,000.00)." Manager McLemore replied, "That will all show up in
your CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) at the end of the year. We do a
mid-year adjustment that we bring to you and show you all the changes." Commissioner
Miller said, "Yes, I know - you should be able to produce that right now for, as of like
maybe the first of - the 30th of last month because we are not through September yet. I
know it is going to come out in the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report)
Discussion ensued again on the Fire Truck issue, Manager McLemore said,
"Obviously you can vote to buy it tonight - based on the data we have today, it would be
a hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) into Reserves. It won't kill you. Or
again, you could do what we said earlier, and wait until your Audit comes out and we'll
see really what we've got to play with and that could be number one (1) on your list, or
you can reject it. "
Commissioner Krebs said, "1 would go forward with that Fire Truck." Commissioner
McGinnis said, "Yes, I'm ready to go forward with that one." Commissioner Gilmore
commented, "I say, make the repairs." Commissioner Miller said, "I would make the
repairs, as needed. If we have the data we need in March then we can go and buy one
(1) then. I think we can agree tonight that that would be a priority..." Mayor Bush
said, "...1 would say go ahead and buy the truck." As to the Consensus just taken,
Mayor Bush added, "The Consensus is we put it in the Budget and then the
Commission would have to approve it. "
Mayor Bush called a Recess at 8:26 p.m.
Mayor Bush called the Workshop back to Order at 8: 3 7 p. m.
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Manager McLemore said, "We did talk with Kip (Lockcuff, Director, Public
WorkslUtility Department). His point was that he's probably going to need one (1)
those buildings, possibly another year or two (2). Because of the Budget, he took the
administrative building out of his project for future project; which means he'll have to
use the house there for a while as an administrative building. But the actual yard
where he has the trucks and the ground and the sand and all that, maintenance bar
where they do the work on the cars and vehicles, that stuff he basically said, which I
had said, he wants to see what his final project cost is and then we'll then come back
and say, 'It's going to cost us this much to tear down - the building and we have it left
in the project or we don't have it left in the project' and then we'll do it."
With further discussion, Mayor Bush asked, "Commissioners, based on what Ron
(McLemore) said, does the ten thousand [dollars) ($10,000.00)..." Commissioner
Miller said, "...No, we leave it in there." Mayor Bush continued, "I think we leave it
in for Commissioner Miller." Commissioner Krebs remarked, "I think we do too."
Mayor Bush continued, "It is still in." No objections were noted.
Chief of Police Daniel J. Kerr addressed the Commission on recent events in the area.
Mayor Bush said, "I want to just compliment Brian Fields (City Engineer) and Kip
(Lockcuff), who are not here tonight, on the excellent meeting last night with the Oak
Forest - the people that live around Oak Forest Lake. Commissioner Krebs and I were
here. It was very well done. I think the citizens really - appreciated the information that
was given and they had a say on how it's going to be taken - spatterdoc. Anyway, it was
a very, very excellent program." Commissioner Krebs noted, "And Brian (Fields) did a
great job." Mayor Bush added, "He did a fantastic job."
Chief Lallathin said, "I would like to thank the Mayor and Commission and the Manager
for all the efforts that you've tried to do in the Pension improvements as well as the pay
improvements." Chief Lallathin added, "And I really thank you from the bottom of my
heart for doing that, so thank you."
Ms. V alarie Mendelson, Investigator, Police Department, and President of the Police
Association also thanked the Mayor and City Commission for the improvements they
have made.
Furthermore, Ms. Mendelson remarked about the 'MEALS ON WHEELS ETC.'
program, and stated, "You do have residents in this City that are on a waiting list - I go to
the Senior Center on a monthly basis, just so that they are familiar with the Police
because when you're a senior citizen, you don't want to say you've been a victim of a
crime. You're a little embarrassed. So I make it more comfortable, it's me and two (2)
other people from the Police Department, we make it more comfortable.
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We sit one on one with them. They're more apt to tell us what their problems are and we
can get them the help that they need through the County. So if this City can give it
anything at all, please give it because you do have some citizens on a waiting list."
Mayor Bush said to Ms. Mendelson, "If you can't be here with that Commission Meeting
when the lady is here..." Ms. Mendelson, responded, "...I will try."
Mayor Bush adjourned the Workshop at 8:48 p.m.
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