HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2006 07 22 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JULY 22, 2006
The Workshop of Saturday, July 22, 2006 of the City Commission was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 9:02 a.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake, absent
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
500. Office Of The City Manager
Budget Review.
Information Services Department:
Ms. Joanne Dalka, Director, Information Services Department addressed the City
Commission on Budget related issues to her Department.
Regarding software programs, Mayor Bush said, "Which one does Utility billing?" Ms.
Dalka stated, "Munis." Mayor Bush stated, "Is that the one that is very poorly
documented?" Ms. Dalka stated, "Yes, and we're working on that. We will probably
have a Report on that within the next month." Ms. Dalka added, "We are working
together on that with Finance to try to resolve all of those issues."
Discussion ensued on back-ups.
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Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs asked, "Do we have a connection into Permitting that
would allow a Police Officer if they get called - somebody is cutting down a tree; or
somebody is building something in their back yard and they are just doing it at night, that
a Police Officer could go out, punch in an address and see that they have pulled a permit
on something? Do we have that capability? Or, can we have that capability?" Ms.
Dalka stated, "Yes. We can give that capability right now. I believe, I would have to
check with their connectivity into our Kiva application. But, yes, we can give them
connectivity into Kiva to see if they've pulled a permit."
Commissioner Donald A Gilmore asked, "What you just showed us, is that in here?" Ms.
Dalka stated, "No. The overview is not in here. That's just my PowerPoint slide."
Commissioner Gilmore asked, "Can we get a copy of that?" Ms. Dalka stated, "Yes."
Further discussion.
Commissioner Robert S. Miller said to City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, "How many
positions do we have unfilled right now city-wide?" Manager McLemore said, "I am
going to guess probably ten to twelve (10-12) at most." Commissioner Miller said, "Are
there positions that have been vacant for six (6) months or longer?" Manager McLemore
stated, "I don't know. I doubt it." Commissioner Miller added, "Which would include
the Police." Manager McLemore noted, "I am guessing eight (8) to twelve (12) at most.
1 mean, I'd have to check to see again." Commissioner Miller added, "You can make it
an Informational item at some point in the next month or two (2)." Discussion.
With discussion regarding WiFi, Mayor Bush asked, "Is that on the 'Wish list'?"
Commissioner Gilmore asked, "Why aren't we just budgeting it and then later on we can
say, 'AYE' or 'NAY' on it." Manager McLemore said, "It will all be done before you
adopt your Budget." Commissioner Gilmore added, "I think it should have been in the
Budget." Ms. Dalka added, "We did an RFP (Request for Proposal) so that by August 16
[2006], we will have a number. We will have an idea of what this is going to cost."
Manager McLemore added, "But, yes, it is on the 'Wish list'."
Regarding the Records Management program, Ms. Dalka stated, "There is going to be an
ongoing maintenance of this system. You put a system in place, there's going to be an
ongoing maintenance of that system. That's my part of the Record." Mayor Bush asked,
"With Consultants?" Ms. Dalka stated, "No, not with Consultants."
In terms of the format of the Budget, Commissioner Krebs said, "I would like this
electronically; and 1 don't mean 'PDF' format. 1 mean electronically, whether this comes
through an Access™ file or an Excel™ file." Ms. Dalka stated, "It's available in an
Excel™ file." Commissioner Krebs said, "I would like an Excel™ file."
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Next, Mayor Bush asked, "How much do we spend on travel in the City? What is the
total travel budget in the City? What's the total amount of money we spend for
Consulting? 1 don't care if it comes from an Enterprise Fund or General Fund, it's all tax
dollars." Mayor Bush added, "What are we really spending in each one .of these areas?"
Commissioner Krebs said, "I agree. 1 would like to know the total summary - of the
categories." Mayor Bush said, "I think it is something the Commission would want to
see." Mayor Bush added, "And, then do it for previous years, too and see how it has
changed. "
Manager McLemore said, "What are you basically interested in? Which items are you
interested in?" Mayor Bush stated, "I think the only question - for Joanne (Dalka) was
really the WiFi."
With further discussion, Commissioner Krebs said, "Give me the ExceFM spreadsheet, 1
can do it myself, that's not a problem." Mayor Bush said, "I think that if you just do the
Excel spreadsheet, people can do it themselves, rather than trying to find out what
everybody wants to see."
Ms. Kelly Balagia, Budget Analyst, Finance Department then said, "I have the number
for 'Travel & Per Diem'. It's eighty thousand one hundred and sixteen [dollars]
($80,116.00), city-wide."
Commissioner Krebs added, "There might be something that says Consulting - where are
we spending the Consulting dollars?"
Manager McLemore remarked, "I think what you're asking for is, 'How can 1 access to it
and get it regardless of what it is' . . ." Commissioner Krebs said, "...1 will just take the
Excel ™ spreadsheet..." Manager McLemore added, "... Or, you tell me the ones you
want and we'll go run them for you." Commissioner Krebs said, "No."
Tape l/Side B
Further discussion ensued on the Line Codes and getting access to the information.
Mayor Bush noted, "I think Commissioners, if you do deal with these spreadsheets, you
need to make sure that you check with Kelly [Balagia], that you are interpreting them
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Community Development Department:
Discussion ensued with Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, Director, Community
Development Department on staffing.
Commissioner Gilmore said to Mr. Stevenson, "I can't help but think that you need more
people." Commissioner Gilmore added, "We have to do the work. That is not going to
go away." Manager McLemore said, "It actually is going to go away..." Commissioner
Gilmore stated, "... When. .." Manager McLemore stated, "... Probably by the end of this
year. "
With discussion, Mayor Bush said, "I think the Manager made the statement that the
options are that, 'Possibly talk to the ones who are doing the extra work about additional
compensation for that, until the work load is over; or hire another person." Manager
McLemore stated, "There's another - that's to outsource it - for a year or so."
Furthermore, Manager McLemore said, "Maybe we should talk to Staff and see if
compensating them additionally for a period - some point of overtime. Maybe we need to
talk about that and get back with you on that." Mr. Stevenson stated, "I would agree with
Ron [McLemore] we need to go ahead and - discuss this more in detail and come back to
you with a definitive answer."
Commissioner Gilmore said, "I would like to see you come back and say, 'Yes, we have
a problem, and this is what it is going to cost to correct the problem."
With further discussion, Commissioner Krebs said, "I really think - we need to look at
what it is going to take, just specifically to - Commissioner Gilmore's request, 'What is it
going to take to fix it? How long do we anticipate that? And can we find somebody? I
think you need to look at that. It is just not fair to people to do that. It is not fair. It is
not healthy. It is not fair. That's one of our considerations, the health of our employees."
Regarding the Town Center, Commissioner Krebs asked, "...Who's the Consultant for
Altamonte Springs? Is that one fantastic looking place?.." Mr. Stevenson stated, ".. .I'm
not sure who it is..." Commissioner Krebs stated, "...1 think they are doing a fantastic
job over there."
Commissioner Krebs then said, "I am getting complaints or concerns from citizens that
are trying to get permits and they are taking - that long. And - it is only because of what
we have to go through to make sure that it is right. Because we don't want any more
Further discussion.
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Commissioner Sally McGinnis asked Mr. Stevenson, "Why didn't you ask for an
additional person, this cycle?" Mr. Stevenson said, "What we - were trying to do - to get
us initiated over the hump of the Aesthetic Review and some of the other things and in
terms of getting us started into the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report), we were
looking for an Intern. We were unable to hire one." Mr. Stevenson added, "Plus - there
are two (2) vacancies, they're not long term vacancies, but we're in the process of filling
those in our customer service area which will help us, again with the permitting issues -
as well as some other internal issues that we're trying to get to - things we're trying to
get taken care of on a timely basis."
Commissioner Miller said, "Let's just put ninety thousand dollars ($90,000.00) on this
'Wish list' for an additional person; then you come up with the details to support it at
some point in the next couple of weeks."
Mayor Bush said that regarding the Community Development Department, "We all know
the people who work there. Even if you hired a Senior Planner, getting to know how
Winter Springs works and what the Commission expects is not a one (1) day job, with
one (1) day learning it - and the whole Department is judged by whatever happens and I
think they, I put myself in their shoes, they said, 'I'd rather put in the extra work and do -
it right and do what the Commission's going to be satisfied with' than try to bring another
person in and spend six (6) months trying to train them. I really think that is probably
part of the issue. Because - we all know Eloise [Salhstrom] and John [Baker] and - we
know they are good people. They work hard and they are usually always well prepared."
Regarding "Outsourcing", Commissioner McGinnis said, "I like that too. I think we
should investigate that."
Commissioner McGinnis added, "Randy [Stevenson], when you came, I was stunned at
how quickly you picked up on the culture of this City." Also, Commissioner McGinnis
said, "You were that kind of person who really did get it quickly." Manager McLemore
said, "It's really difficult to find people like that in the marketplace."
Next discussed was the Urban Beautification Services Division Budget.
Commissioner McGinnis said to Mr. Steve Richart, Urban Beautification Services
Division Manager, Community Development Department, "Do you have a job
description?" Mr. Richart stated, "I do." Commissioner McGinnis stated, "It would help
me - could you get me that?"
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Manager McLemore said, "Actually I sent you a very long report on all those we did
when we created that Department. I will send that back to yOU..." Commissioner
McGinnis stated, "Thanks..." Manager McLemore added, "... We will give you both."
Regarding the work that Mr. Richart does, Commissioner Gilmore stated, "This man's
got a big job to do and he does a great job. I want to recognize that."
Discussion ensued regarding the Town Center along with repairs and maintenance in the
Town Center.
Mr. Richart noted, "I also have, if you'd like to have a copy, a proposed seven (7) year
conceptual Budget - based upon when these new projects come online; if you'd like me
to pass that out?" Commissioner McGinnis stated, "Good."
Additional discussion continued.
Tape 2/Side A
Discussion continued on the Urban Beautification Services Division Budget.
Mr. Stevenson noted, "Under 'Employee Development', reference to eighteen thousand
dollars ($18,000.00), what we have tried to do this year, I took a first step in getting two
percent (2%) of the Operating Budget - we can pick up a few points on our ISO
(Insurance Service Organization) rating, and we may be able to qualify to allow lower
Homeowner's Insurance rates." Mr. Stevenson added, "It is split - you are going to see
ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) on the next fund for a total of eighteen thousand dollars
($18,000.00), that is two percent (2%) of the Building's Department's Operating Budget,
and the Insurance Service Organization (ISO), that's one of the criteria to pick up
additional points."
Commissioner Krebs asked, "So isn't this something we should let people know?"
Manager McLemore said, "When we get it." Commissioner Krebs said, "When we get it.
I mean, I think that would be really something that people could see tax dollars working.
Yes, please, let's not forget that."
Commissioner Miller then said, "Just a general comment, when you do all of this again
next time, make the numbers up on the top a lot larger. The 2411 and also, you know
what it is, like Customer Service." Ms. Balagia said, "Just a bigger font?"
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Next, discussion ensued on Permit Fees; to which Commissioner Krebs said, "Would this
pertain, to let's just say, someone wanted a Permit to cut down a tree and they were
granted this Permit - but there was specifications they had to meet. And maybe - they
were planting additional trees or whatever. Do we go back and check that out?" Mr.
Stevenson said, "Yes." Commissioner Krebs asked, "Every single one?" Mr. Stevenson
said, "I can't say every single one." Commissioner Krebs said, "I am looking for missing
revenue out there. If in fact they don't follow through with what they are supposed to do,
then there is a tree bank, or something to put money into, and it may not just be this -
maybe there's other things than Code Enforcement that they have to do."
Furthermore, Commissioner Krebs said, "I am just wondering what kind of dollars are
lost because - we haven't been able to get back to some of that."
Mayor Bush called a Recess at 1 0: 51 a. m.
Mayor Bush called the Workshop back to Order at 11:08 a.m.
Parks and Recreation Department:
Discussion ensued with Mr. Chuck Pula, Director, Parks and Recreation Department
Commissioner McGinnis said, "I just want to make a statement about the fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000.00) for an additional Fall promotional event. That fifty thousand dollars
($50,000.00) that could go towards a Staff person, as far as I'm concerned."
Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes. I think that's excessive. We have several events."
Next, Mr. Pula noted his need for a certified Spray Technician to keep the fields in top
shape. Much discussion.
Manager McLemore said, "I need to get with Chuck (Pula), I need to get with Urban
Beautification [Services Division] and we need to sit down and say, 'How do we address
this issue of getting the right certification'?"
Tape 2/Side B
Discussion continued on this issue.
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Commissioner Krebs said, "SO my question then is, on this Budget, are we looking for
someone to fill a position of someone who would do this work, whether or not they carry
the license or not? Is that in here..." Manager McLemore said, "... That's the issue,
that's the discussion I want to have with Chuck (Pula), with our Beautification people
and say, 'Look at our coordinated resources. How best do we address this issue?' I'm
not sure on that issue, maybe he just needs additional maintenance people."
Continuing, Commissioner Krebs said, "I guess where I'm going is if the decision is that
we need this function, or something like this done, in our Parks or in our City, - if this is
what we need, then we need to look at the dollars that it is going to take to get this
function completed."
Manager McLemore explained, "I want to come back to you with a recommendation that
makes sense, after I have had time to really look at it further." Manager McLemore
added, "I acknowledge there's a need, now the question is how do we fill that need in a
way that it's most efficient for the City?"
Commissioner Miller said in terms of the City Manager's recommendation, "I think we
ought to try and certify somebody in the City. At the same time, I think we should put
another line item on this 'Wish list' that we have, let's just say seventy thousand dollars
($70,000.00) for a new person. That would be a Technician that would take care of this
problem." Manager McLemore added, "We'll bring you an answer."
Further discussion.
Regarding page B-70, Mayor Bush asked Mr. Pula, "Is this the page in which the Fall
event that Commissioner McGinnis was talking about?" Mr. Pula said, "Not yet."
Mayor Bush asked, "It is not a Special Event?" Mr. Pula said, "'Special Event' needs to
come off of there. Recreation programs, well, we'll just leave it at that."
Further discussion.
Continuing, Mr. Pula explained, "Weare preparing an Agenda Item to bring to you not
Monday night, but at the following Meeting, which would show what would be involved
in this Fall event. And also showing you an option of instead of doing a Fall event, of
doing either three to four (3-4) smaller events in the Town Center with musical
entertainment, dancing in the streets type thing. So that you have an option of either way
to go or to totally do away with the Fall event Budget."
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Mayor Bush said, "Chuck [Pula], my only comment on the July 4th - the sound system
is inadequate. You know, we all, Commissioners and myself, all got complaints from
people who couldn't hear. They didn't know when we played the Star Spangled
Banner. The sound system only takes care of the people who were sitting almost
directly in front of it. And yet there were a lot of other people - who just didn't know
what was going on. Can we do anything about that?" Mr. Pula said, "We've been
given a cost estimate of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to put speakers into the back
portion of the amphitheater to give you more of a surround sound effect." Mayor
Bush asked, "So you've put that in your budget then?" Mr. Pula said, "No, that is not
in here. But again, that may be there based on Monday night's discussion. "
Next, Mayor Bush said, "Okay, so then - 54800 there, promotional Fall event we are
putting on hold until we see this Agenda Item? Is that what I am hearing...?" Mr.
Pula said, "... Well, that will - give you some options, whether - showing you what Staff
has said what we can do in terms of one (1) event or in several events. "
Mayor Bush said, "Well, I like the idea of doing some things at the Town Center
personally. "
Furthermore, Mayor Bush said, "I think you need - you need to add the sound
improvement cost into your Budget." Commissioner Krebs remarked, "Yes." Mayor
Bush added, "I mean, I think we have Consensus on that Commissioners?"
Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." Commissioner Gilmore said, "Yes."
Mayor Bush then noted, "Getting back to my question, is the ninety thousand dollars
($90,000.00), the improvement of the sound system? Is it in that number or not?" Mr.
Pula said, "It is not." Mayor Bush stated, "It is not. So it needs to be how much
more?" Mr. Pula said, "Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)." Mayor Bush said, "It
needs to be ninety-five [thousand dollars] ($95,000.00)." Mayor Bush added,
"Everybody would agree to that?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes."
Commissioner Krebs stated, "Yes." No objections were voiced.
Referencing page C-44, Mayor Bush said, "Chuck (Pula), on the 'CDBG' (Community
Development Block [Grant]) Grant business, did you have a chance to talk to [Don]
Fisher [Seminole County] yesterday to see if..." Manager McLemore said, "... No, did
not get back to him yesterday in time."
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Mayor Bush then remarked, "The Park Impact Fees, how much is in that Fund?" Mayor
Bush said, "You've got two hundred and fifty-thousand [dollars] ($250,000.00) in here,
you say you are transferring from the Park Impact Fees. So how much is still in there?"
Ms. Balagia asked, "At the end of (FY'20)07 or the end of...?" Mayor Bush said,
"...Right now." Ms. Balagia said, "I'd have to look in Munis, but we're projected to
have sixty-four thousand dollars ($64,000.00) at the end of the year."
Commissioner Krebs said, "I just have a request that next time we get our Budget books,
that we either have color-coded pages or tabbed pages so that we can associate..."
Commissioner Miller stated, "... Color-coded, I like that." Mayor Bush stated, "Kelly
(Balagia) will work on how to make it more efficient."
Next, Commissioner Miller said, "I just had one question for Ron (McLemore), we are
going to do the Mill Rate - on Monday. We just discussed two (2) new different items, I
believe here today - somebody for chemical and the other, there was a second..."
Commissioner Krebs mentioned, "...A Planner..." Commissioner Miller continued,
"Are you going to hand out a list like this so we can have a brief discussion on that
Manager McLemore said, "Do you want me to tell you, if you add all these things back
in the Budget, what it means to you?" Commissioner Miller said, "Well, I think it
would be incumbent on you to give us a summary so that on Monday, we know that if
we approve it at 4.7 - how much money we have to work with." Furthermore,
Commissioner Miller noted, "For two (2) extra people, so that is an additional one
hundred and twenty, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($120-$130,000.00) right
there. Which - so now you are talking about maybe no Traffic Calming. We are
talking about maybe not doing ih of July, all these type things as trade-offs. So I
think that needs to be put before us on Monday night." Discussion.
Ms. Balagia said, "Agenda Item '303' includes the Commissioner Planning List as
well as the Department requests. So if you all want to, we can begin the discussion of
that today." Mayor Bush remarked, "Why don't we do that last."
Mayor Bush said, "I think - what Commissioner Miller is recommending is that the
Manager has put together a recommended tentative built Millage for the Commission
to consider rather than letting one of the Commissioners set it." Mayor Bush said,
"Alright, well everybody agrees with Commissioner Miller's recommendation."
General Services Department
Brief discussion ensued with Mr. Kevin Smith, Director, General Services Department.
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Finance Department:
Ms. Michelle Greco, Director, Finance Department addressed the City Commission on
her Budget.
Mayor Bush said, "The postage increase brings up something that I think we've talked
about before. - I don't get a bill from Brighthouse, I get an email. I don't get a bill from
Bellsouth, I get an email. I pay it without having to pay postage. They bill me without
paying postage. Why can't we do that?"
Ms. Greco said, "As you know, we're currently going through a Utility Billing/Customer
Service review. That's one of the issues. Unfortunately, at this time the software is not
set up for that particular function... Mayor Bush commented, ".. .But just so we're
moving in that direction." Ms. Greco continued, "And two (2) versions from now - in
about two (2) years that option should be readily available for Utility Billing."
Commissioner Krebs remarked, "In regards to the Social Security numbers and the
Florida Statute says, but - part of the reason, if a request came through and they met all
of whatever was needed, the fact that we use Social Security numbers is why they would
get that information. And I think we've had this conversation before of why we use the
Social Security numbers. Are we looking at other alternatives and how other cities might
be doing this without the use of Social Security numbers?" Commissioner Miller added,
"Good point." Ms. Greco said, "No ma'am, not at this time. At this time, we're looking
at a variety of other things, but that's not one of them."
Tape 3/Side A
Commissioner Miller said, "This is such an ongoing problem, and it is becoming so
serious nationwide that I think it would be a good thing for us to just put the word out, to
everybody in the City, that if you want to re-do your Application, you can come in any
time at your leisure and just fill out the new form and just delete the Social Security
number; everything else stays the same."
Ms. Greco stated, "You can't. I already went down that road with the City Attorney.
The Public Record is the record that we have on file. If the Record has your Social
Security number on it, that is the Public Record. I cannot delete it offthe Public Record."
Commissioner Krebs stated, "Let's bring that up with Anthony [Garganese] again."
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Commissioner Krebs brought up a contribution for Leadership Seminole.
Commissioner Miller noted, "On the Code Enforcement Board, we talked several years
ago and we have had conversations - in between, on having a - Judge." Manager
McLemore remarked, "It is in this Budget." Commissioner McGinnis mentioned,
"Hearing Officer." Commissioner Miller noted, "I would very much like to see it go
forward too." Mayor Bush said, "Commissioners, are you all in agreement with
Commissioner Miller?" Commissioner McGinnis stated, "Absolutely." Commissioner
Krebs remarked, "Yes." Commissioner Miller stated, "1 October. 15th of October at
the latest." Manager McLemore said, ''Anthony fGarganeseJ was supposed to have
worked up the legal documents on doing it. "
Further discussion.
Office Of The City Manager:
Mayor Bush said, "I think in light of the mailing that went out to everybody, that the
Commission should seriously think about setting the Record straight on the Manager's
Compensation - on their allegations about former Commissioner Martinez - that was
done publicly. It was done with the Attorney here. I don't know what else could have
been done. But, I think we need to think about getting something out on that to the
people so that they understand what's going on." Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes.
Since everybody got a mailing now. "
Continuing, Mayor Bush said, "So, I would ask for the Commission's Consensus - the
Manager - would work up a response - everybody in agreement?" Commissioner
McGinnis stated, ''A.S.A.P. " Mayor Bush added, "The sooner, the better."
Commissioner Krebs asked, "How much will that cost?" Manager McLemore stated,
"It's going to be probably about three,four thousand dollars ($3,000.00-$4,000.00)."
Office Of The City Clerk:
Brief discussion ensued with City Clerk, Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces.
Commissioner Gilmore said, "You have a new person." City Clerk Lorenzo- Luaces
stated, "The temporary person? Yes."
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In other City business, Manager McLemore commented, "The issue about your Pay Plan.
I have never in my entire career with any City I've ever been in, lost one penny to an
Affirmative Action challenge on our Pay Plan. Not the first one, where other cities have
lost millions. There's a lot of things you need to understand about how you do this. We
have to - for governmental employees, the equal pay doctrine, and it has been a favorite
attack zone of Attorneys who deal with civil rights issues. Particularly, with minority
The reason that we use an outside Consultant on these compensation issues, and we don't
let Department Heads go and pick out and do little surveys like we're talking about there;
we have to be able to justify in these challenges when they come, that we have an
independent review of all these issues; what their salaries are; how they are assigned; and
we have to show fully, that we are totally above board and not playing games within our
Pay Plan to discriminate against anyone. It's very, very important that we have to
maintain that independent relationship. That's how I have always survived these
challenges. They come in the door, they see what we do, they leave.
So, I want you to know there is a rationale to what we do and why we do it. We have to
be very, very, very careful here. Very careful here. So - anytime we change a job
description; every time we add a new job; it goes to our Consultant, he analyzes the job
Here's what game is played is on that job content issue, to get the appropriate assignment
to a range. We need to continue doing that. If we're challenged in a discrimination case,
on equal pay doctrine and we go into that Court, you bring your own staff in, or
whatever, you biased to start with. You bring in your Consultant, he stands there and
represents you, and says, 'Here's the analysis I did. Here's how it works onjob content'.
Job content is the only argument you can use of how it got there.
And, it is normal, normal for the City Manager, for the various Department Heads, for the
Union, to demonize whoever that person is because everybody wants to come in and try
to get the most they can for every position they have. That's okay, that's what they do.
That's fine. But - including me, but we have to show that we are in a fair position on the
assignment of salary grades; salary job by content to each salary grade. And, that's the
reason we do that. It shows a degree of independence; it shows you have professional
analysis going on; and we're very careful of how those job deeds are defined. So, I'm
just giving that to you as information and understanding, it's not about personal opinion.
It just doesn't matter. We have to show professional rationale upon which each one of
these is done in order to protect ourselves from huge potential losses."
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Commissioner Krebs stated, "For the sake of Commissioner [Michael S.] Blake's request
who asked not for any discussion under Cody without him here, I would like the Manager
to put that statement in writing and send it to US, so that - Commissioner Blake
understands what was the context. What you wanted everybody here to understand.
Could you do that please?" Manager McLemore stated, "More than happy to."
Mayor Bush adjourned the Workshop at 12:45 p.m.