HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2006 06 26 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JUNE 26, 2006
The Workshop Meeting of Monday, June 26, 2006 of the City Commission was called to
order by Mayor John F. Bush at 9:46 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal
Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
300. Office Of The City Manager
Requesting The City Commission To Receive The Fiscal Year 2007 Preliminary
Budget And Budget Message And To Establish Budget Workshop Dates.
City Manager Ronald L. McLemore presented this Agenda Item and read the Letter of
Transmittal into the Record.
Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake stated, "Ron [McLemore], there's a typo on the bottom
of A-2 there."
In a discussion on Salaries, Manager McLemore remarked, "We provided for in the
Budget, four percent (4%) Merit, sufficient funds to bring all people up to the new
recommended ranges, plus a one percent (1 %) Internal Equity, this is one of the words
that was messed up. That's 'Internal Equity', not 'Initiative'." This was noted as the
"Compression" issue.
WORKSHOP - JUNE 26, 2006
Manager McLemore continued, "We need to talk about Pension for a moment. I did
authorize a study with our Actuary a couple of months ago, to do a health checkup on our
plan to see how we were proceeding based on our prior year plan."
Continuing, Manager McLemore pointed out, "I don't have the results yet. I do have the
indications we're going to have to do something. I put a one percent (1 %) increase into
our Pension Plan subject to our final information which should be in a week or two (2).
And you'll have it in plenty oftime to make decisions. Issues as I understand them, are -
the payroll has been a little bit higher than they had used in their projecting their
requirements for funding. And, to be quite frank - our investments have not performed as
good as we hoped. So, we need to look at that and have further discussions about that.
And, again, our dilemma is we're always up against this information issue, but as far as
budget making, you're way ahead of most cities at this point and time. So, that's the
discussion that we're going to have to have in the very, very near future."
With further comments, Manager McLemore stated, "Even if the final plans suggest that
we did not need to make that one percent (1 %) change, I'm going to try to get you to
make that one percent (1 %) change anyhow; to reduce our thirty (30) year calculation
down to about twenty (20)."
Deputy Mayor Blake said, "Fifteen (15)." Manager McLemore replied, "Well, fifteen
(15) is certainly the goal. Zero's (0) the goal. We want to be totally funded, that's the
goal." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "If you will recall, two (2) years ago, we were at
fifteen (15). You came before this Commission to move it - to allow up to thirty (30),
and I spoke very strongly against it because it took away all of our buffer and here we
are." Manager McLemore noted, "I have never forgotten that discussion. My goal is that
we'd be one hundred percent (100%) funded somewhere out there in the not too distant
Manager McLemore continued, "Health Insurance, essentially we started dealing with
that issue tonight. Again, this information you have in front of you - we budgeted twenty
percent (20%) based on earlier projecti~ns of thirty-five (35) and forty percent (40%).
We have some options to look at and we'll bring that back to you at the next Commission
Meeting or Workshop date; whichever comes first."
Manager McLemore stated, "General Services Department - there was an early
recommendation, really before Kevin [Smith, General Services Director] - add a Human
Resource Tech[nician]. Kevin [Smith] and I have agreed that person may not be needed.
He would like some time to spend with that to see if he really thinks it's a needed
position with him now on board. If it is, we'll come back to you at some point in time in
the near future."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 26, 2006
With discussion on Fire Department vehicles, Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "I don't think
we want to get into the Chiefs reasons tonight as to why he requested the truck - we're
going to do that later on?" Manager McLemore replied, "Yes." Deputy Mayor Blake
added, "Under the Workshops?" Manager McLemore then said, "Yes, absolutely."
Discussing the Budget further, Manager McLemore stated, "Your Budget is balanced
giving you some real latitude to make some decisions and what we need to do is go
forward with establishing some Workshop dates."
Commissioner Robert S. Miller asked, "The Cody Study is in here?" Manager
McLemore replied, "The cost of those increases are in here. Yes." Manager McLemore
responded, "I would suggest - I'd like to do that at the first Workshop - cover that in
detail. "
Commissioner Miller asked, "Is this in rough order of magnitude, Ron [McLemore]?
What is the impact of that going to be? You show here - a lower Mil rate and you say
you factored in the Cody Study. What is that? What would that increase represent
approximately - in Mil or in dollars?" Manager McLemore replied, "Four hundred and
forty-one thousand dollars ($441,000.00)." Manager McLemore added, "Includes the
Merit Pay and Cody Study, all salaries." Discussion.
Commissioner Miller asked, "It would help if you could translate some of these into Mil -
Not tonight, but in the next week or so?" Commissioner Miller continued, "So, when we
come to our next Budget Meeting, we will have some kind of idea." Commissioner
Miller added, "So, just put a Mil number next to it." Manager McLemore replied,
"Understanding though that the Millage is paying for about thirty percent (30%) of the
Budget. So, you can't make a straight line connection there to fund something."
Furthermore, Commissioner Miller suggested, "I think it would help if some of these
things could be quantified in terms of Mils so that we can..." Manager McLemore asked,
".. .On A-13?" Commissioner Miller noted, "Yes, just on A-13."
With discussion, Deputy Mayor Blake asked, "Are we scheduling a Workshop that's
going to focus on the Cody Study and exactly how it operates; what information was
looked at?" Manager McLemore replied, "I would like to do that at the first Workshop."
Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "I would like to do it as early as possible as well."
Deputy Mayor Blake then inquired, "Looking through the Cody Study, there is some
discussion about - and this also goes to the item we Tabled tonight as well - the idea of
total compensation. What it really is costing us for a given position? What kind of work
have we done to actually look at where we fit in with our competitor's out there, in terms
of how we are paying our people? Not how much, but how we break it out, what portion
goes to benefits, what portion goes to the Pension, what portion goes to Health Insurance;
educational assistance?"
WORKSHOP - JUNE 26, 2006
Manager McLemore remarked, "We have not done that in detail. We did it on a cursory
basis." Furthermore, Manager McLemore noted, "The thing that we're doing, that most
don't do, is supplementing the dependent coverage on Health Insurance. That's the
biggest one that is out there." Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "And that is the one that I am
not sure I agree with - that we are the only ones doing it or that we're doing more than
most. I don't know if that is true or not." Manager McLemore then said, "We can do
some work on that." Deputy Mayor Blake commented, "I would like to see that."
Manager McLemore stated, "You want - the seven (7) cities in Seminole County and the
County?" Deputy Mayor Blake replied, "Yes, and then pick one (1)."
Mayor Bush asked Manager McLemore, "How early would you have the information that
has been requested? How early could you have it on the salaries, some of the things
Commissioner Blake brought up?" Manager McLemore responded, "I would like to have
a couple of weeks to do a Survey and stuff."
Tape 1/Side B
With discussion on possible dates for a Budget Workshop, Deputy Manager Blake asked,
"How about Monday the 17th?" Commissioner Miller asked, "July?" Commissioner
Sally McGinnis stated, "Like it." Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore stated, "That's good
for me." Mayor Bush added, "So the 1 ih [of July] is when we deal with the employees
salaries." Deputy Mayor Blake noted, "Personnel costs..." Manager McLemore stated,
". . . Yes, I want to get the Insurance out next Meeting, next Commission Meeting, out of
the way."
Mayor Bush asked, "What time on the 1 ih?" Commissioner McGinnis suggested, "6:00
[p.m.]." Mayor Bush stated, "6:00 [p.m.] on the lih [of July]."
With discussion on Saturday, July 22, 2006 as a Budget Workshop date, Commissioner
Joanne M. Krebs stated, "I can do the 22nd." Commissioner McGinnis said, "Saturday
morning." Mayor Bush then remarked, "[July] 22nd, on Saturday. We talked about that.
Nine o'clock." Deputy Mayor Blake said, "I won't be here." With further discussion,
Mayor Bush said, "The 22nd [of July], it is a Saturday, nine o'clock - a.m."
Commissioner Miller noted, "Good."
With further discussion, Mayor Bush asked, "Ron [McLemore], we can set the Millage
rate on the 24th at the Regular Commission Meeting - that's what we desire."
With discussion on a possible third Budget Workshop, Mayor Bush suggested, "Why
don't we wait and see how far we get along with this and then we can set the others, on
the 24th [of July], on the Regular Meeting. Does that sound okay Ron [McLemore]?"
Manager McLemore replied, "Yes."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 26, 2006
Mayor Bush stated, "Commissioners, you just need to contact Ron [McLemore]."
Brief discussion followed on the camera for the Commission Chambers.
Mayor Bush Adjourned the Workshop at 10:38 p.m.