HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 05 27 Regular 601 Gee Creek Bank Stabilization Project PermitCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 601
May 27, 2008
Special Meeting
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REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting the City Commission consider a
request from Hacienda Village to fund the St. Johns River Water
Management District Permit for the Gee Creek Bank Stabilization Project in
the amount of $500.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the City Commission to consider a request
from Hacienda Village to fund the St. Johns River Water Management District
Permit for the Gee Creek Bank Stabilization Project in the amount of $500.
• At the January 28, 2008 City Commission meeting, the Commission provided authorization
to enter into a Project Agreement with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
for the Gee Creek Bank Stabilization Project at Hacienda Village. Under the terms of the
Project Agreement, 100% of the design costs and 90% of the construction costs are funded
by NRCS, with the remaining 10% of the construction costs funded by Hacienda Village.
Construction costs do not include permitting costs under the terms of the Project
• Hacienda Village has already provided the City their 10% construction cost share in the
amount of $30,000.
• The project requires an Environmental Resource Permit from St. Johns River Water
Management District (SJRWMD), which has a fee of $500. This permit fee is not eligible
for reimbursement by NRCS and must be paid at the local level. Hacienda Village has
requested the City fund the $500 permit fee.
052708_COMM_Regular 601_Gee Creek Permit Fee
May 27, 2008
Agenda Item #601
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• Staff recently met with SJRWMD representatives onsite to review the scope of the project
and determine if the project could obtain a permit exemption. SJRWMD determined that a
permit was required, although the fee was reduced to $500 from its initial estimate of
$1,000 based on the total land area impacted by the project.
• The Gee Creek project is located entirely on private property owned by Hacienda Village.
On similar NRCS-funded projects located on private property, the City has not funded any
direct expenses, including permitting fees. All direct expenses have been funded by NRCS
and the property owner.
• It is somewhat difficult to understand the rationale for the City to have to pay a permit cost
for construction on private property. If the City agrees to pay the permit fee, the
Commission would need to declare that a public purpose exists in assisting Hacienda
Village in improving the drainage at the mobile home park.
• Services provided by City Staff on the Gee Creek project include project management,
construction inspection, design review, coordination with NRCS, and other services as
required by the Project Agreement.
• In order to keep the project on schedule, the City has submitted the SJRWMD permit and
paid the $500 fee based on Hacienda Village's commitment to reimburse the City the $500
fee if this request is denied by the City Commission. In addition, the City is currently
holding the $30,000 construction payment submitted by Hacienda Village.
If Hacienda Village's request is approved by the City Commission, the funding of the
$500 permit fee would be from the Stormwater Fund Balance, which has a projected FY 08
balance of $554,587. If the request is denied, Hacienda Village has agreed to pay the $500
permit fee.
Staff recommends that the City Commission consider Hacienda Village's request to fund
the St. Johns River Water Management District permit fee in the amount of $500.
052708_COMM_Regular_601_Gee Creek Permit Fee