HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 05 27 Regular 600 Conceptual Development Plan for Retail and Office DevelopmentCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 600
May 27, 2008
Special Meeting
Public Hearin
Re ular X
MGR. /De t.
The Community Development Department requests the Commission consider a conceptual
development plan fora 60,104 SF retail and office development on 7.29 acres, located on the north side
of SR 434, at the northwest corner of its intersection with Fountaintree Drive, immediately adjacent to
and west of Harbor Winds.
The purpose of this Agenda Item is for the Commission to consider a conceptual development plan for
a retail and office development.
Zoning: C-1 with SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District
FLU Designation: Commercial w. partial Conservation Overlay
Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 5, City Code
Chapter 9, City Code.
SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District
The7.29 acre site, located at the northwest corner of SR 434 and Fountaintree Drive, contains a portion
of Lake Talmo. The site is within the C-1 zoning district, has a Commercial Future Land Use
designation, and lies within the SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District. The site contains a
portion of the Fountaintree Drive roadway into The Park at Laurel Oaks (formerly Golf Terrace
Apartments). The applicant proposes to build three (3) buildings (4,760 SF single story retail; 8,924 SF
single story retail; and 46,420 SF 2-story building with 23,210 SF of office over 1St floor retail - 23,210
SF "footprint"), a LYNX transit stop, and 200 parking spaces. The applicant would like to include the
May 27, 2008
Regular Item 600
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possibility of a restaurant, although no daytime "sit-down" restaurant would be allowed -due to parking
No wetland encroachment is proposed. An existing structure (dumpster) located within the 50' lakefront
buffer will be removed.
Additional considerations are as follows:
• Staff received a letter dated May 9, 2008 from VHB, Inc., a local engineering and
planning firm representing The Park at Laurel Oaks Apartments. VHB identified several
site development related issues between Lakeside Plaza and The Park at Laurel Oaks.
Staff has reviewed these issues and believes that they can be worked out through the final
engineering and permitting process.
• A portion of the parking area encroaches into the 100-year floodplain. The final grading
plan will need to be designed such that there is no net loss of floodplain storage. If any
fill below the 100-year flood elevation is proposed, compensating storage must be
provided onsite within the same drainage sub-basin.
• Stormwater runoff from the existing undeveloped site drains into Lake Talmo. When the
site develops, stormwater runoff will be collected and treated onsite in accordance with
the applicable regulations prior to discharge into Lake Talmo. The post-development
stormwater discharge rate cannot exceed the pre-development discharge rate for the 25-
year, 24-hour design storm per City Code. A stormwater report is required as a part of the
final engineering plans, including a tailwater analysis that evaluates the ability of offsite
downstream facilities to handle stormwater discharges from the project.
• The intersection configuration at the site entrance driveway connection to Fountaintree
Drive is shown in conceptual form and will need to be analyzed in further detail as a part
of the final engineering process. One factor that will need to be considered in this
intersection design is the potential cross-access connection to Harbor Winds to the east.
Lakeside Plaza is required to provide across-access easement to Harbor Winds, and a
cross-access easement exists on the Harbor Winds property at this location. However, it
is unclear at this time whether Harbor Winds, a gated townhome community, desires to
construct their portion of the improvements necessary to complete across-access
connection. Having across-access connection between Harbor Winds and Fountaintree
Drive is beneficial because it would provide Harbor Winds residents access to a
permanent signalized intersection at S.R. 434. The existing traffic signal at the Harbor
Winds main entrance is temporary and is scheduled to be removed upon completion of
the Winter Park Drive project by the City of Casselberry.
• A traffic study is required with the final engineering submittal. The traffic study will
need to address the traffic impacts from the proposed project plus the impacts of a
potential cross-access connection with Harbor Winds to the east.
May 27, 2008
Regular Item 600
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Inconsistencies with Re ulations:
This is not an exhaustive list. Other issues are likely to arise when the en~ineerin~ plans are
submitted and reviewed.
1. Section 20-483 (d) allows up to 25 percent of the parking spaces to be 9' wide, instead of 10'. The
applicant proposes 65 of the 200 spaces to be 9' wide (33%). Staff supports this increase in 9' wide
2. Future Land Use Element Policy 1.2.11 requires a 50' upland buffer around the lake. The plan
depicts an elevated cantilevered sidewalk extending over a small portion of this buffer. Staff s
interpretation of the upland buffer policy is that this minimal encroachment is acceptable because this is
a cantilevered deck area and there is no ground level construction or disturbance of the buffer area. The
buffer area would need to be placed in a conservation easement that limits the encroachment to that
shown on the concept plan.
1. The proposed development is located within the C-1 zoning district, has a Commercial FLU
designation, and lies within the SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District.
2. The attached development concept plan appears consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, with
the one lakefront buffer issue, but requires at least one deviation from the City Code.
3. Any deviations from the Code must be addressed through a development agreement, special
exception, or some other mechanism deemed appropriate by the City Attorney.
Staff recommends the City Commission approve the attached concept plan.
A -May 9, 20081etter from VHB
B -Concept plan
Land Development
Environmental •
imagmstion I ~nnovatron I energy Creating results roi out diems and benefits for out communities
May 9, 2008 _Yanasse HangPn Br7~ctl~n I. n~,`._'',
Ref: 61326
Randy Stevenson
Planning Director
City of Winter Springs
City Hall
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, F132708
Re: Lakeside Plaza
Dear Mr Stevenson,
We represent the Park at Laurel Oaks apartment community in regards to the proposed commercial
center on the adjacent parcel at the comer of SR 4.34 and Fountainhead Boulevard. After reviewing
the application and interviewing the applicant, we have serious reservations about specific aspects of
the application These concerns are listed below:
I. There is a signed agreement between Laurel Oaks apartments and the former owner of the
commercial parcel.. It specifically sets out the rights for the apartment community to retain
sign rights on the west side of the common access drive, The sign is not shown on the
application .
2, The applicant has been required to install a le$ hun lane at the median opening on the
common entry road.. According to the application, this turn lane will eliminate the existing
electrozzic equipment used by guests to the apartment community to enter the gates to the
community There are no details to replace this existing security feature,
3, the common entry drive is well landscaped with very mature trees and shrubs.. The
application documents the landscaping on the west side of the entry drive will be removed
with no details as to replacement.
4 A wall is proposed on the south property line of our• parcel and the north line of the
applicant's parcel.. There are no details as to the specifics of the wall design or if'ther•e is any
landscaping proposed to buffer the wall .
5.. The applicant is requited to connect to a driveway stub out on the east side of'the entry drive.
Ihis existing drive way stub is not aligned with the existing driveway median opening the
misalignment cz•eates an unsafe situation for drivers entering the driveway from the east
desiring to travel south to the signalized intersection with SR 434 Ihis movement will
require a significant weave movement and U turn all within a very short distance. Ihis is an
unsafe situation for both drivers and pedestrians.. This especially true in the peak hour with
Landmark Center Two
225 E Robinson Street, Suite 300
Orlando, Florida 32801
407:839.4006 ^ FAX 407.839.4008
P:\61326.00\Correspondence\citycow~dl letterdoc email• infoC4vhb.com
www vhb com
Randy Stevenson
Project No.: 61326
May 9, 2008
Page 2
the substantial number of existing residences now being increased by patrons to the
commercial center, the proposed office workers leaving for home and the residents of the
Morison Homes project to the east. We would request a review of the applicant's traffic
study to determine if' the stacking and twining movements on the entry drive are within
acceptable standards.
6., the applicant is proposing to drain storm water into Lake Talmo. Ihis lake is directly
connected to the Laurel Oaks storm water system.. the Laurel Oaks storm water system
experiences peak volumes multiple times during the year even with our constant monitoring
and improving of the storm water system.. Any additional loading of storm water volumes
into the Laurel Oaks storm water management system will, undoubtedly, lead to mote peak
volume occurrences and/or occurrences of the system failing leading to flooding in the Park
at Laurel Oaks apartment community, the golf couzse and the adjacent community,
7. The applicant is proposing underground storm watez management storage. This is a concern
in the long sun due to the maintenance of'this type of'system, It is common for these systems
to fill with silt and sediment oven the years. In the long team, more and move volume of storm
water will be dischaa~ged down stream without the proper retention rime Ihis exacerbates an
aheady delicate storm water balance on the Pazk at Laurel Oaks site We would request a
review of'the storm water calculations for the application to bettez undezstand the storm water
Foz these reasons, we believe the applicant has not provided sufficient details to allow a positive
consideration of their application.. the safety concezns, development tight infringements and
aesthetic considerations significantly affect the lives of the approximately 1,500 people who live in
the Laurel Oaks apartment community, We would appreciate youz careful consideration of these facts
before allowing the applicant to proceed in the development approval process
.Jim H ll
Director of Planning
P:\616.00\Correeponden~e\ctty coundl letter.doc
Lakeside Plaza
Retail Plaza
Metro Group
Lakeside Plaza
Retail Plaza
Lakeside Plaza
Retail Plaza
Date: May 27, 2008.
The following document was distributed during
Regular Agenda Item "600" during the May 27,
2008 City Commission Special Meeting.
May 21, 2
Randy Stevenson, Planning Director
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
RE : Lakeside Plaza
Dear Mr. Stevenson,
t~QY 2 3 ~e;38
C~enw-unity ~V.lopn::nt
In behalf of my client, MTH Development, LLC we are in receipt of the letter written by
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. dated May 9, 2008 in regard to the above project and we
offer the following response numbered same as in the letter
1. The sign is located on my client property without any easement or ageement. We
have discussed this in our meeting with them on April 30, 2008.
2. There aze no existing gates to their community that are visible.
3. Details of any replaced trees and shrubs will be shown on final engineering plans
for my client's property.
4. Details of any walls will be shown on final engineering plans as required by City
of Winter Springs.
The proposed curb-cut to the east will align with the existing recorded access of
Morrison Homes project.
6. Our stormwater design is based on a pre/post design, which means no post-
development rate of dischazge will exceed the pre-development rate of dischazge
and hence no additional dischazge into Lake Talmo.
7. The proposed underground stormwater management system will be properly
maintained and checked periodically to meet all governmental requirements.
Please note that our current application is for conceptual approval and is not meant for
construction or final approvals. If you have any questions in regard to this response,
ylease do not hesitate to contact me or Michael Hilal of MTH Development, LLC.
. ~,:~
Farid J. awill, P.E
Tawill Engineering, Inc.
8606 BAY SHORE COVE • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32836 • TELEPHONE 407-903-9219 • FAX 407-903-9279
May 21, 2008
Mark Lippmann, Director
The Praedium Group, LLC
825 Third Ave., 36th Floor
New York, N.Y.
RE: Golf Terrace Ltd. /Park at Laurel Oaks
Changes to the cross-access easement Seminole County O.R. B 6781, P 1497-1506
Winter Springs, Florida
Dear Mr. Lippmann,
In behalf of my client, MTH Development, LLC ,this letter serves as the required notification set forth in
the amended easement agreement in Seminole County Official Records Book 6781, P 1497-1506in order
to make alterations with respect to ingress/egress within the cross access easement. On April 30`h, we
supplied to you and to your planner Mr. Jim Hall of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. with electronic copies
of our intended changes to the center aisle.
We intend to reshape the northern end of the center aisle so as to include a left turn lane to provide
access to our property as mandated by the City of Winter Springs.
Farid J. ~awill, P.E.
Tawill Engineering, Inc.
CC :Michael Hilal /MTH Development, LLC
,/Randy Stevenson /City of Winter Springs
Jim Hall / VHB, Inc.
8606 BAY SHORE COVE • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32836 • TELEPHONE 407-903-9219 • FAX 407-903-9279