HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2001 07 16 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JULY 16,2001
The Workshop of Monday, July 16,2001 of the City Commission was called to order by
Commissioner Cindy Gennell at 5: 16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal
Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, arrived at 5:22 p.m.
Deputy Mayor David W. McLeod, absent
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
A. Budget Review
Public W orks/Utility Department:
Mayor Paul P. Partyka arrived at 5:22 p.m.
Further discussion ensued on page C-6, "Transportation Improvement Fund Revenues &
Expenditures." Commissioner Michael S. Blake and Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E.,
Public Works/Utility Department Director discussed Saranac Drive and Cayuga Drive.
In terms of Cayuga Drive, Mr. Lockcuff stated that "On Cayuga, we still want to resolve
the issue on the underdrain problem out there." Commissioner Blake asked, "So what are
we doing now?" Commissioner Blake further stated, "When are the people there, going
to stop asking me when it's going to be done?" Mr. Lockcuff responded, "I'm not sure
where we're at on the repair? I don't know if we've gone back out there and
recompacted the underdrain or not?" Commissioner Blake stated, "On Cayuga, I don't
think so. There's one spot on the downhill side of Saranac..." Mr. Lockcuff said, "Closer
to Seneca? I would say, Cayuga, we ought to plan on repairing it next year, and then
paving it the following?" Commissioner Blake then said, "It's in a lot worse shape than
Northern Way." Commissioner Blake further stated, "I can tell you that Cayuga - and I
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understand that it doesn't get the traffic that Northern Way does, but we need to revisit
that one."
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager stated, "Let's visit it now." Mayor :Partyka
added that he agreed with Commissioner Blake. Commissioner Blake then said, "What
we need to do is take care of the entire problem correctly. It's been this way for a
number of years." Mr. Lockcuff then stated, "In this list that I gave you, it adds up to
around $111,000.00. We've got $125,000.00 budgeted. Certainly, it's possible we could
do Cayuga within that contingency; assuming - prices don't go crazy... But I'm really
not prepared to tell what the status is today, on Cayuga." Commissioner Blake stated,
"When we come back next - Tuesday on this, I'd like to have a discussion on Cayuga
and find out where we are on the underdrain situation." As Mr. Lockcuff could not be
present on Tuesday, he stated, "I certainly could do a memo in the interim and give you
an update." Commissioner Blake then said, "On Monday night, let us know..."
Regarding page C-12, "Town Center Road Improvements Fund Revenue &
Expenditures," Commissioner Robert S. Miller stated, "There was some talk earlier on
about doing some 'Traffic Calming' on Fisher" Road? Mr. Lockcuff said, "I just got the
preliminaries on - Fisher, and they've shown a couple that we didn't like, location wise.
That will be paid - out of impact fees... part of the construction, yes. And the intent is to
meet with the residents of the Ranchlands, with that whenever we get a nice design - get
that input, and bring it to the Commission." Further discussion.
Discussion ensued on creeks; trees in creeks; $25,000.00 in funding; and stormwater fees.
Commissioner Miller added that things should be taken care of before the rains, and said,
"There will be problems in Gee Creek." Manager McLemore said, "We'll go take: a look
at it, then we'll report back to you next week."
Commissioner Blake asked, "Do we normally run fund balances down this low? Vve had
some discussions a few years back, about two (2) years back I think, about revisiting this
rate. Is this one of the ones - we would take a good hard look at it?" Manager
McLemore stated, "Yes," Commissioner Blake then asked, "And who's doing that study,
or making that determination; or is that Staff or is that outside?" Manager McLemore
explained that it would not be Staff, and no items in the budget were dependent on this.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the Tuskawilla Road signals could be included in the
Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District? Mr. Lockcuff responded, "That's your
call. Certainly, I wouldn't probably charge the TLBD solely - if you want to split it
between Oak Forest and TLBD, it would probably be more fair."
Further discussion,
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Commissioner Blake asked about the "Line Item, $60,000 for Signal Control and Lens
Upgrade, and said "This sounds as the County is making this expenditure for us, or
making the decision on the expenditure for us?" Mr. Lockcuff agreed that this was the
case. Manager McLemore stated, "You'd probably want to amend your Interlocal
Agreement." Commissioner Blake then stated, "That is a Line Item I would like to
Mayor Partyka then asked for the status on the proposed signalization at "'Parkstone' and
'Vistawilla.'" Commissioner Miller suggested, "If they could activate the light in front
of the Bus Barn, at certain times of the day, in the morning, and cars would be forced to
stop, and that would give people out of Winding Hollow an opportunity to get out."
Mayor Partyka agreed that this was a good idea. Commissioner Blake then asked,
"Where are we on the 'Vistawilla' light?" and "Where is our sheet on the annual
expenditures on that 1.3 million?" Discussion followed on funding sources.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. asked Manager McLemore, "Is there anyway you
can have those tall weeds on the corner of 434 and Tuskawilla, by the convenience store
cut down, so you can have a clear view as you make the turn?" Mr. Lockcuff said "Yes."
Tape I/Side B
Further discussion ensued on Line Codes.
Commissioner Gennell said to Manager McLemore, "Ron, I would appreciate it if at our
Monday meeting - if you could give us an update on what the billing situation is with the
Water Department, and bring it back to us."
While reviewing the Operating Costs, Commissioner Blake stated that "When we print
these things out, some of the hash marks and - the background shading, like on this
particular page is coarser, and it's harder to see the numbers..." Ms. Louise Fnmgoul,
Finance Department Director commented on the printing.
Mr, Lockcuffwas complimented for the good job that he did.
Finance Department (Including Meter Services):
Discussion ensued on the line code "Employee Development." Commissioner Blake then
stated, "I just want to make sure that we are having opportunities available for employees
to improve themselves, and become even better employees; and I think that's an
important investment that we should be making." Commissioner Gennell agreed with
Commissioner Blake's comments.
Commissioner Miller commented on the use of electric golf carts.
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Further discussion ensued on the Line Codes.
Fire Department:
Discussion began with employment issues and staffing.
Fire Chief, Timothy J. Lallathin suggested to the Commission that based on response
times, a new Fire Station may be needed. Discussion ensued on staffing, costs, location,
and related agreements.
Tape 2/Side A
Commissioner Gennell said, "I think it would behoove you Ron, to make some kind of
exploratory action about seeing what it would take to rework that agreement, if that's
what it has to be." Commissioner Gennell clarified that it was her suggestion that the
Agreement be amended. Commissioner Gennell further said, "Or better yet, let us sell it,
and then we could fund the fire station," Commissioner Martinez added, "Do you think
that six (6) months would be appropriate for us to sit down and discuss this?" Manager
McLemore said, "Sure. Mid year, or next year would be good."
Regarding page C-18, "FirelPublic Safety Impact Fee Fund Revenues & Expenditures,"
Commissioner Blake asked, "How long do we have to spend that money?" Manager
McLemore responded, "It depends what your Ordinance says. Seven (7) years has been
the..." Commissioner Blake then said, "We may want to check into that."
Further discussion.
Chief Lallathin stated that $3,000.00 had been requested for a laptop computer, and was
in the "Recap." Manager McLemore stated, "We'll put it back in."
Discussion followed on fund balances and lease purchases. Commissioner Blake asked,
"My question when we bought the rescue vehicles is why we're holding peoples money.
My question is still, 'Why are we holding peoples money?'" Commissioner Martinez
commented on this matter also. Discussion. Commissioner Blake further inquired,
"Why are we holding $350,000.00? My recommendation is to payoff the leases."
Mayor Partyka asked, "Is there a valid reason for this?" Manager McLemore said, "We
can certainly look at different alternatives, and come back with some recommendations."
Manager McLemore further stated, "There are two (2) items. One is, what is this stuff
going to cost you in the future, and do you want to try to provide for that down the road
in cash. ..the other policy is, there may be down the road another unit you've got to deal
wi tho "
Furthermore, Commissioner Blake asked, "Do you have any idea what we have
outstanding on each of those?" Discussion. Chief Lallathin stated, "We did five (5)
years on both. On one it should be the second year, and the other one, we're just in the
first year." Manager McLemore stated, "We should do at least a five (5), another ten (to)
year cash flow, and look at it and see what it looks like."
Mayor Partyka stated, "Good job!"
Community Development Department:
Discussion ensued on Line Codes. Commissioner Blake asked about the updating of the
maps, and suggested, "The Comprehensive Plan cycle is twice a year, and I think the
right number on that is probably not any more frequently than twice a year."
Commissioner Blake further added, "I think twice a year is probably in the range of
where we ought to be." Commissioner Martinez agreed with this.
Mayor Partyka brought up the issue of annexation, and mentioned the area of Red Bug
Lake Road and Tuskawilla Road. Commissioner Blake brought up the area near the
Wellness Center. Commissioner Miller suggested we should "Come up with some
estimate of what all that stuff is worth down there, and what that might contributl;~ to the
City's tax base, if we were to get there." Much discussion followed on annexatiion and
"Point of Order" by Commissioner Martinez. "This is an issue that maybe we need a
special Workshop on. "
Manager McLemore suggested, "If you want to put ten (10) grand somewhere for next
year, for marketing, we'll put it in there." Commissioner Gennell suggested using
general fund dollars - "When they come back to us with the suggestions, then we have a
fund there for those things." Mayor Partyka stated, "We need to start thinking
conceptually that we need to promote and market our City to the world." Commissioner
Blake suggested, "I think we ought to be putting our money in infrastructure, because
that's what will pull in the best development here. Now, if we are going to throw some
money into some kind of a marketing thing, this is the budgeting process, we ought to do
it now, not halfway through the year. We ought to figure out what we are going to do
and make that commitment, and quite frankly, I would be in favor of taking $20,,000.00
and putting it into the Mayor's Promotional Budget, which is where it ought to be."
Mayor Partyka agreed with Commissioner Blake.
Discussion ensued on the City's Building Department; problems that Deputy Mayor
David W, McLeod has run into; and staffing. Mayor Partyka spoke on these problems
and asked "What is the goal?"
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Commissioner Martinez stated, "Point of Order." We said we were going to be here
until ten 0 'clock, working on the budget. At ten 0 'clock, I'm leaving. "
With further discussion, Mayor Partyka then stated, "Do we need we need more people -
to get the job done?" Manager McLemore said, "You have to define the job to be done.
And that's where we're at. What level of service do you want?" Commissioner Blake
added, "Mayor, I'd really appreciate an answer to my question which was, 'What are the
problems? What are the hold-ups, from what you've heard, from what you've seen?'"
Mayor Partyka stated, "People are just telling me it takes too long, that's all. It's a time
issue... From beginning to end, and either that's a true statement, or it's not a true
statement." Mayor Partyka then spoke on a comment that Deputy Mayor McLeod had
made to someone about the permitting process.
Tape 2/Side B
Commissioner Blake stated, "I would respectfully request that we take this issue, table it
for now, and revisit it next Tuesday when we meet again, because I would like to hear
some of Commissioner McLeod's responses." Commissioner Gennell agreed and added,
"I think it should be - part of a strategic planning meeting, not just a - building,
permitting oriented budget hearing. I think a strategic plan encompassing all the other
things that are happening in the City, would be a lot more valuable to everybody."
Mayor Partyka further inquired, "Do we have enough resources to handle our needs?"
Further discussion.
On page B-33, "Building," Mr. Carrington stated, "I did notice down under net operating
costs, there's a $2,000.00 - Louise, that's moved in there, but it's not added in the total. I
think that's a mistake, so you might want to correct that." Also under this Line Code,
Mr. Dennis Franklin, Building Official advised the Commission of his personal request
for a Plans Examiner (who would be paid $46,000.00) and a Permit Specialist (who
would be paid $22,000.00) to assist the Department with new projects; and a proble:m that
has recently been detected involving 1,054 "Delinquent permits." Discussion.
Commissioner Blake then said, "I would like to hold this for a week until Commissioner
McLeod" is with us. Mayor Partyka agreed.
Mayor Partyka stated, "Nice job Charles."
General Services Department:
Discussion ensued on staffing. Mr. Gene DeMarie, General Services Department
Director discussed his request for a new position for the Human Resources Department.
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Mayor Partyka asked Manager McLemore, "Forget the budget for a second, do we need a
person to get a job done, like this?" Manager McLemore stated, "In a City this small,
Department Heads have to carry more weight. They may have to step up to do a lot of
the upper level kind of things." Discussion ensued on advertising. Mayor Partyka asked
the Commission, "Do you want to drop it here, do you want to discuss for later reflection,
and call it next Tuesday?" Commissioner Blake stated, "I would not be interested in
discussing another position here at this time." Commissioner Martinez said, "I would
wait for the Manager to come back - Tuesday with something." Commissioner Miller
said, "I would put it on for Tuesday." Commissioner Gennell said, "I am willing to listen
on Tuesday, but I'm probably not in support of it right now." Mayor Partyka said, "I am
willing to listen on Tuesday also."
Discussion followed on the proposed Purchasing Card Program and the problem with tax-
exempt forms not being accepted at many hotels. Commissioner Miller said, "I would
like to ask the City Manager to look into this - for the Commission, so when we travel,
we can stay in a hotel on City business; we charge it on that card, and we don't pay the
tax." Discussion followed on a policy statement, and Commissioner Martinez suggested,
"Ron, you can get the federal government to give you their guidelines. They issue them
to their employees."
On page B-21, "City Hall," the $700.00 amount at the bottom ofthe page was pointed out
as an error. Ms. Frangoul made note of this. Discussion ensued on "Historical records."
Commissioner Blake suggested, "But in the future, it maybe could be footnoted. That
would be a tool."
Tape 3/Side A
Discussion followed on putting this Draft, and other documents on the City's W'ebsite.
Commissioner Miller asked, "I would like to see some information on 'Hits,'" and other
related items. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake mentioned that he had asked Ms. Frangoul last week to email him
the budget, which was done very promptly, Commissioner Blake thanked Ms. Prangoul
for doing this. Further discussion.
Regarding the issue of health insurance, Commissioner Blake stated, "I have a real
concern over what has occurred over the last year and a half and what may occur going
forward, specifically as it affects not just us, but our ability to retain employees."
Manager McLemore added, "I think it deserves a special discussion." Commissioner
Blake then said, "I think we need to have a discussion, and frankly I think we need to
have a discussion prior to the adoption of the budget." Manager McLemore stated,
"We're working some numbers now, and I think we ought to have that discussion with
you." Commissioner Blake asked "When?" Manager McLemore replied, "Next Tuesday
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Information Services:
Ms. Joanne Dalka, Information Services Manger discussed plans for "Oracle" training for
herself and her assistant, Mr. Bill Thompson. Commissioner Blake asked Manager
McLemore, "Is there some step that we should take in terms of an employment
agreement?" Manager McLemore said, "We could try." Commissioner Blake then said,
"If we're going to spend that kind of money on some highly specialized training that is
very portable, I would like to have some assurance that next year, we're not going to have
to spend it again." Further discussion.
Discussion ensued on what Line Code cell phones were included in. Ms. Frangoul and
Ms. Dalka clarified that they were part of the "City Hall" budget. Manager McLemore
stated, "We'll confirm that." Commissioner Martinez asked, "Are we going to be
assigned cell phones?" Manager McLemore responded by saying, "I hadn't planned on
it. "
Ms. Dalka then advised the Commission about her request for a part-time individual, in
lieu of the consultant that is currently working for her. Maintenance contracts we:re also
discussed. The next subject that the Commission and Ms. Dalka covered was the
potential need for funds for a Microsoft software upgrade, and how only $2,900.00 went
into the Manager's recommendation. It was agreed that this matter would be brought
back on Tuesday. Ms. Dalka then advised the Commission about other upgrades and new
Tape 3/Side B
Further discussion. Mayor Partyka summarized that the final word on the projects would
be that they stay with the Manager's recommendation.
Various Boards:
Brief discussion.
City Commission:
Travel and Per Diem and improving the City's Newsletter were first discussed.
Regarding the costs of the Newsletter, Commissioner Gennell asked Manager McLemore
if there were enough monies for this effort, and added, "I'd rather give it to you now, than
have you come back later." Manager McLemore stated, "I think so, and I'll check it
again. If we need to talk about it at your next meeting, we will." Commissioner Blake
suggested, "I think we should move it to twenty five" ($25,000.00).
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Under the 1100-54800 Line Code, Commissioner Blake said, "That's the Line that I
would suggest adding another $20,000.00 for the discussion that we had earlier this
evening - marketing, annexation, and growth." Commissioner Gennell suggested, "I
wouldn't. I would rather see it when we get the results back from the marketing people
that give us some advice, and then put in whatever Line or Department it belongs in."
Commissioner Gennell added, "I would rather wait and put it in a dedicated place so we
can identify to the people, where the money is going and what it is going for." While
Commissioner Blake suggested this was the place for the suggested fimding,
Commissioner Gennell said, "I am opposed to doing it this way." Commissioner
Martinez concurred with Commissioner Gennell. Commissioner Miller said, "I think
what we ought to do is leave it with Ron, and let him come back. I think we ought to put
it in there" Commissioner Miller was in agreement with the funding of $20,000.00 or
$25,000.00. Commissioner Martinez suggested adding it to the Community
Development Department. Manager McLemore said, "We can put in under General
Government, General Services..." Mayor Partyka summarized the conversation by
saying, "Community Development or someplace promotional, but about $20,000.00 at
least from a starting point."
Commissioner Gennell asked, "How much does the City pay for cell phones for
Department Heads?" Manager McLemore said, "I'd have to get it for you, but it's very
minimal." Commissioner Gennell suggested getting cell phones for the Commission and
said, "Why don't you bring it back to us Ron and let us know what the City pays for it
and what it would cost."
General Government:
Discussion followed on page B-9, "Legal Services."
City Clerk:
Discussion ensued on the salary ofthe City Clerk.
Tape 4/Side A
Further discussion ensued on salary issues.
Commissioner Martinez departed at 10:18 p.m.
Commissioner Gennell stated, "Mr. Mayor, if the small amount of the Commission that's
still here would concur, can we ask the City Manager to bring us back for us Tuesday and
let us consider a contract, and let us consider a new survey." Commissioner Blake
suggested, "I think it's an Agenda Item actually, not a budget item." Commissioner
Gennell said, "However, it needs to be managed." Further brief discussion.
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In other City business, Commissioner Blake mentioned that Florida League of Cities
President Scott Maddox would be visiting the City of Winter Springs, and other Seminole
County cities on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 on behalf of his "Mayor on the Move"
proj ect.
With discussion, the Commission agreed to hold a Continental Breakfast Meeting at 8:00
a.m. on Wednesday, July 25, 2001, at City Hall.
Manager McLemore advised the Commission that he will be in Tallahassee tomorrow
and Wednesday; and that as he needs to attend to a family matter, he would not be
attending the Advisory Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner Friday evening.
Mayor Partyka adjourned the Meeting at 10:29 p.m.
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