HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2001 06 04 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JUNE 4, 2001
The Workshop of Monday, June 4, 2001 of the City Commission was called to order by
Deputy Mayor David W. McLeod at 12:38 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, absent
Deputy Mayor David W. McLeod, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, arrived at 12:45 p.m.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
Status Update Of Town Center, Phase 1 By Developer Shane Doran
Mr. Terry Zaudtke, CPH Engineers, Inc.: briefly updated the Commission on the status
of stormwater drainage, water and sewage for the Town Center and the timeline after
permits have been secured.
Commissioner Cindy Gennell arrived at 12:45 p.m.
Mr. Shane Doran, James Doran Company: spoke of potential leases.
Mr. Chip Carrington, Lowndes, Drosdick, P.A.,: representing the James Doran Company
stated "Why we are here is to propose that we go ahead and close on the property - the
entire twenty (20) acres and break ground now with a bit of a gamble - that we'll get the
stormwater worked out in fairly short order. So what we would propose is that we go
ahead and break ground on the portion of the site that can be served by the existing
system which would be that portion west of the ridge. We would be developing that
portion and then the portion that's east from the ridge we would be holding off until the
stormwater permitting issues for that portion are resolved." He further stated that "We're
prepared to do, and offering today is part of this proposal, is to basically waive the
condition we had in there earlier in the developer's agreement that we would have an out
if we don't get Publix and Walgreen's. We're waiving the out. In other words we have
Publix, we don't have Walgreens; we are not going to exercise our right to terminate. We
need established dates for when the items of infrastructure are going to be complete - it
will be an issue for our lenders and tenants."
Discussion followed regarding the expansion of the pond behind City Hall; Hickory Park;
negotiations with Washington Mutual Bank; and the importance of the right lessee for the
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore reviewed what the issues were.
Deputy Mayor McLeod spoke of the property across the street. He then suggested that an
amendment to the agreement could be work out with the City Attorney; and asked
whether City Hall could be expanded with the pond being larger than expected.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. asked about the parking lot and thanked Mr. Doran
and Mr. Carrington "For their efforts in this project." Commissioner Michael S. Blake
inquired about temporary storage for stormwater; and whether the landowner "across the
street" has applied for annexation. Discussion. Commissioner Cindy Gennell asked
about the location of the bank. Brief discussion.
Tape II Side 8
Mr. Doran stated, "What I'm proposing is closing on the entire tract but with the
commitment of the City that within a certain time period however, that it will have
drainage on the other portion otherwise I can't close on land that I don't know I can drain
so it would be with an iron clad guarantee of the City."
Mr. (Chip) Carrington said, "What we're saying, just so we're clear, is we need the City
to commit in writing that the stormwater is going to be done by a certain date for the
portion east of the ridge before we close. That's what we are asking for today and that
doesn't require the City to pursue any particular option. We need to know the connection
point at the property beyond that how the system is configured and the details of
permitting and that kind of thing."
Commissioner Gennell asked about "The worst case scenario" for drainage. Manager
McLemore stated, "The worst case right now the way I see, is the School Board will say
no or not let you do it - and, I think, we will have the answer to that in thirty (30) days."
Discussion followed regarding various options for providing drainage from the property;
and the "Best case scenario" regarding drainage. Further discussion.
Deputy Mayor McLeod stated, "I think what I'm hearing really from you is that you
really want to modify our agreement to tell you that we'd modify and allow you to Phase
1 to the west of the basin at the present time, the 8.57 acres and we would work very
diligently over the next year to try to give you some way with our Engineering Staff to
find where we can have stormwater available. I believe that's what I'm hearing from
you, which then allows you to go ahead with your plans at present. I'm just trying to
make sure that - the date time, the framework here, I think you and our Attorney need to
get together and work out those details and timeframes, commitments. I don't think
anybody up here today can give any kind of commitment to timeframes. I think the only
thing we can tell you, and we really can't give a Motion on this thing, I think we could
take a consensus on tract 8."57 acres - are we in favor of doing that at this time of
reconfiguring the agreement to let you out of the Walgreens and to allow you to take in
phase." Further brief discussion.
Deputy Mayor McLeod polled the Commission for a consensus and stated "As consensus
right now all we can tell you at this Workshop is we don't see a problem with you getting
with the Attorney and working this out - on this particular base ofWalgreens and the first
phase and to come back with some kind of agreement - timeframe that Staff feels
As Deputy Mayor McLeod needed to leave, he "turned over" the meeting to
Commissioner Gennell.
Deputy Mayor McLeod departed at 1:50 p.m.
Commissioner Blake requested "A quick Staff report to us on exactly how, what the
terms are, and anything else we should use to approach the School Board, so that we are
all on the same page, we are all talking about the same pieces, the needs and
requirements. If we could do that as soon as possible.. ."
Manager McLemore informed the Commission that he "Could have that for them in the
next ten (10) minutes. The agreement is not finished but the provisions of the agreement
are finished."
Commissioner Gennell suggested that more frequent updates to the Commission would
be helpful. The Commission and Mr. Doran agreed that monthly presentations would
Comtrllssiol,ler Gennell adjourned the meeting at 1 :54 p.m.
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