HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2001 05 23 City Commission Workshop Minutes
MAY 23,2001
The Workshop of May 23, 2001 of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor
Paul P. Partyka at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call
Roll Call:
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor David W. McLeod, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, absent
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, arrived at 6:37 p.m.
City Manager Requests That The City Commission Conduct A Workshop On The
Town Center District Code Adopted June 12, 2000.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore said, "The goal coming out of this was making sure
that as we review projects on a project by project basis and we are trying to work with
developers and make things fit into our Code that we don't give up those things that are
absolutely essential to maintaining the character of the Town Center and I think Victor in
the end we can go back and say these are things that you absolutely have to be very
careful of not giving up."
Mr. Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney, arrived 6:37 p.m.
Mr. Victor Dover, Dover, Kohl & Associates: spoke of present projects being worked on;
and the "Educational process".
Commissioner Cindy Gennell that a video of "Guidelines and requirements" be
developed for applicants.
WORKSHOP - MA Y 23, 2001
Mr. Dover displayed the following chart and spoke of the differences between Typical
Zoning and the Town Center Code.
Typical Zoning
Town Center Code
One-Parcel Coordinated, Incremental
Land Use Flexibility
Density Design
Setback Build- To-Line
Floor Are Ratio Height: Shape of Space
Parking Minimums Parking Location
Streets For Autos Only Pedestrians First
Random Open Space Squares, Plazas
Berms & Buffers Connectors
Covenants, Restrictions Architecture Stds
Strict Signage Traditional City Signs
Mr. Dover then reviewed How To Use This Code on page one (1) and page two (2) of the
Town Center District Code.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake asked Mr. Dover to explain the importance of the
Commission following the rules in order to maintain the integrity, as opposed to granting
a "Special Exception" or Variance because someone asks for one.
Mr. Dover said, "The essence of this is that not every situation or good idea can be
forecast or predicted and built into the Code as a pre-approved, pre-scrutinized thing.
The Code has a lot more details because its meant to sort of memorialize those things that
you have already thought about, thought through, and want to pre-approve so they can
move through the pipeline to a permit more quickly and still come out with development
that you can live with. But there are other ideas; there are cases where the greater good
of the Town Center might be served by moving away from those things. That's not to
say the same as a Variance that runs with - because of hardship running with the land.
The test is different for a Variance. That's supposed to be a hardship. It is just a better
idea, a more workable idea for a special situation."
Mayor Partyka spoke of arbitrary standards such as years ago the popular color being
teal, today pink, and tomorrow something else and asked "On special exceptions do you
allow for arbitrariness like that - at what point does it not become a Special Exception?"
Mr. Dover explained that special exceptions require discipline on the part of the
Commission and said "The whole idea of putting yourselves and the applicants through
the process of gathering and reviewing this substantial incumbent evidence is that these
are not meant to be things you give away like candy and, or that you casually and - that
somebody with more influence get one answer and somebody with less influence get
another. No, you are sitting quasi-judicially and following the rules of evidence and so
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you have to - this is requiring some discipline and discretionary thought on the part of the
City Commission."
Manager McLemore stated "Let me break right here just a minute on this issue of special
exceptions and how you discipline yourself with them. You need to make specific
findings on the criteria that are laid out. Specific, in writing, findings based on each
criteria and if you do it that way it will discipline the process and I think the Staff should
be engaged to do that, make specific findings on the criteria. That's the best way to do
it. "
Tape IISide B
Commissioner Gennell suggested that Staff and the Commission consider the building
being shared by schools. Discussion.
Mr. Dover reviewed the General Provision and touched on the topics of: alleys; build-to
lines; first floor height residential; and diversity of building width. Regarding accessory
structures, Mr. Dover agreed to "tighten up" this language. Discussion.
Drive-through's; civic sites; parking; that main streets should be able to accommodate
buses; and parking structures were then reviewed. Mr. Dover stressed not putting the
garages next to the sidewalks along the main streets and that "blank walls are not okay."
Further discussion.
Tape 2/Side A
Mayor Partyka asked Mr. Dover for a copy of the chart being shown on the screen and
Deputy Mayor David McLeod suggested changing the language of "no" to "not
required". Mr. Dover agreed to both requests.
Commissioner Gennell spoke of her understanding that the Corridor 434 requirements
included shade elements being built into all of the buildings that fronted State Road 434.
Mr. Dover said, "So, this is a good thing for us to go check. If, let's just say if that's the
case, if it is then that might be something you might want to revise by Ordinance because
if that is the case and they are allowed but not required under the Town Center District
Code it in effect repeals that requirement from that State Road 434 Corridor.
The next topics reviewed were building elements, followed by colonnades and arcades;
porches; architectural guidelines building walls; windows; the "traditional look";
windows and signage. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake spoke of his concern of "Where can we give a little and it doesn't
hurt and where do we stand very, very strong." Commissioner Blake suggested "It would
be helpful for me and perhaps with the rest of the Commission if you could - make a table
WORKSHOP - MAY 23, 2001
or maybe a short narrative or something, kind of roll these things in together and give us
some sort of feel for the real trade-offs that we might have to make in some incidents."
Manager McLemore said, "I don't personally see any problem. I think you can reduce
the presentation tonight before five (5) pages of like the graphs that you created and those
types of things would be good. But I think the thing that is important to remember here is
what has changed is now in the portfolio - we've introduced now an architectural element
yet we still have the reviewers, type of reviewers. And that's the reason that we have to
understand that dynamic that we have suggested it to you before that we needed to keep
an architectural reviewer in the process with us and that is why we have used Victor on
all the projects, to try to help us make those trade-offs." Manager McLemore further
said, "So I think is very important for us, at least in the near term to continue thinking of
Victor as a consultant to the City and the DRC because a lot of these things you're just
not going to know what to do when they face you and you'll need help architecturally to
make those decisions."
Commissioner Blake requested that the Deputy City Clerk put the Town Center District
Code in the their book on the dais.
Discussion ensued regarding several developers' progress with various parcels and how
to expedite the process for approval. Discussion.
Tape 2/Side B
Commissioner Martinez departed at 8:57 p.m.
Deputy Mayor McLeod said "I do remember us all sitting here and I do remember part of
the reason that this Commission was supposed to be sitting here as the DRC now, was to
make the permitting process easier, faster, to encourage the development of this and to
move it through City Hall, fairly quick. I believe that was the original intent. It would be
interesting - that you have your Staff bring back to us how we can achieve that in a
shorter window in this Town Center than what may be required at - the present process."
Mr. Charles Carrington, AICP, Community Development Department Director reviewed
the process that an applicant would have to follow. Discussion followed concerning the
scheduling ofDRC meetings; and speeding up the process by utilizing Staff.
Mr. Anthony A. Garganeese, City Attorney stated, " By appointing yourself DRC you
have freed Staff up to do a lot more handholding with the developers, - more
handholding, more dialog, more communication with the developer that they would not
have been able to do if they were a final decision making authority. Because final
decision making on site plans is a quasi-judicial action which would require the Staff to
meet as a DRC in a public meeting and not technically communicate with one another on
a particular matter, and now they can go out individually and meet with the applicant and
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help them develop a site plan that can be presented to this Commission. You have
improved the process."
Mr. Carrington introduced Community Development Department's new Land
Coordinator, Mr. John Baker.
Mayor Partyka adjourned the Meeting at 9:21 p.m.