HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 07 11 Public Hearing 500 Crown Castle International Conditional Use - Telecommunications Tower BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA TT~.l\/r ~Illl ___ ___ .A.:.J.l. ~ ___ ..J V V Consent Informational Public Hearing v .L"- Regular July 11, 2007 Meeting MGR. /DEPT. tf'1 REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Board of Adjustment hear the request of Crown Castle International for a Conditional Use to allow a telecommunications tower, on an approximately 75' x 75' lease site at the City's waste- water treatment plant site in Tuscawilla, along Winter Springs Boulevard (1560 Winter Springs Boulevard). The site is located within the PUD zoning district (the site has a Public/Semi-Public Future Land Use designation). APPLICANT: The applicant's name is Crown Castle International and the site for this proposed tower facility is owned by the City of Winter Springs. On June 25, 2007, the City Commission granted permission for this application to proceed. However, the Commission made no commitments on the merits of the application and emphasized the Code requirements for locating cell towers and the use of lowest height technology. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request the Board of Adjustment consider the appropriateness of the proposed 150' tall monopole telecommunications tower (cell tower) and its associated site improvements, pursuant to the criteria set forth in Section 20-33 and Section 20-451 of the City's Code of Ordinances. Section 20-33 sets forth the criteria and process for a conditional use. Section 20-451, as amended by Ordinance No. 2006-12, sets forth a 3 tiered zoning system for the location of all proposed telecommunication towers within the City. The first tier allows telecommunications towers as a permitted use at 4 specific, mapped sites within the City (the City's wastewater treatment plant #1/west plant, the Seminole County School Board Consolidated Services Facility - a.k.a. "bus bam, the City's west effluent disposal sites - located at the SE quadrant of Site 16, east of the percolation ponds, and the City Hall site). July II, 2007 Public Hearing 500 Page 2 of9 The second tier allows telecommunication towers to be considered for a conditional use at the following sites: a. nOn property owned by the City of Winter Springs that is designated public/semi-public on the City'sfuture land use map; or b. On an existing commercial or industrial building, not located or incorporated within a single family residential area, provided the tower does not extend more than ten (10') feet above the roof line of the building and the tower does not exceed the applicable maximum height limitation in the City Code; or c. Within (enclosed) an existing church steeple or other type of existing structure which exists for a primary purpose other than for personal wireless services. It is the intent of this subsection to take advantage of existing structures for providing personal wireless services and not to allow the construction of new structures for said purposes; or d Upon existing sports lighting structures, utility structures, and water tanks, provided the structure is not located within a single family area, the tower does not extend more than ten (10') feet above the top of the existing structure, and the tower does not exceed the applicable maximum height limitation in the City Code; or e. On the site of the proposed Fire Station #3 which is to be located on the south side ofS.R. 434 in Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel 3 (approximately 2300 feet west of Vi stawill a Drive). Said tower, if approved, shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) feet. " The third tier allows a request a for conditional use for a site not listed in tier one or tier two, if the applicant presents competent, substantial evidence which demonstrates that the first two tiers are not available or technically feasible for locating a tower. A telecommunication tower shall be considered for a conditional use on the following preferred sites, which are listed in the order of preference. These preferred sites shall be considered in the sequence listed below and the applicant shall be required to demonstrate, based on technical feasibility, that a more preferred site is not available or suitable before requesting a lesser preferred site: a. Property which has a future land use designation of Industrial. b. Property which has a future land use designation of Mixed Use and is part of a Development of Regional Impact. c. Densely wooded or concealed areas limited to a golf course and areas of property which have been designated conservation by perpetual easement and on the city's future land use map. If a new telecommunication tower is placed within trees or wooded areas, the tower shall be concealed by the surrounding trees or wooded areas to the maximum extent possible to minimize the visibility of the tower from any road, occupied building, and fairway if located on a golf course. Trees can be existing on the subject property or installed to meet the requirements of this subsection, or they can be a combination of both. d. Property which has a future land use designation of Greeneway Interchange District. July II, 2007 Public Hearing 500 Page 3 of9 All other locations shall be prohibited. Further, the construction of a tower for speculative purposes shall be prohibited. For purposes of this code, it shall be deemed primae facie evidence that a tower is being built for speculative purposes if the applicant cannot provide with the application written evidence that one or more carriers have committed to locate on the proposed tower within three (3) months of the construction of the tower for a period of at least five (5) years. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Section 9-600 through 9-606 of the City's Code of Ordinances Section 20-33. Conditional Uses Section 20-451, as amended by Ordinance No. 2006-12, Telecommunication Towers The Telecommunications Act of 1996 Section 365.172 Florida Statutes CONSIDERATIONS: Cell phone service in the Tuskawilla P.U.D. has been problematic for some time. The applicant proposes to locate a 150' tall monopole tower at a City-owned water treatment plant site within the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (PUD) that has a Public/Semi-Public FLU designation (this site qualifies as a Tier Two location pursuant to Ordinance 2006-12). The applicant must provide evidence that the proposed structure meets the criteria set forth in Subsection 20-451(as amended by Ordinance 2006-12) of the City Code as well as the conditional use criteria in Section 20-33. The attached application packet includes the applicant's responses to the Section 20-33 criteria and Section 20-451 criteria. In addition, the applicant must provide evidence that the proposal meets the requirements of Section 9-600 through 9-606 of the City's Code of Ordinances (Aesthetic Review Standards). Pursuant to Section 20-451, all telecommunication towers must comply with the following development standards: 1. They shall be located as far as technically feasible from properties that are designated residential on the City's Future Land Use and Zoning maps and shall comply with all other applicable distance standards which are set forth in the City Code. The applicant has stated, and must substantiate, that the proposed tower is as far as is technically feasible from properties designated residential on the City's FLU and zoning maps. The request appears to comply with the other applicable distance standards (e.g. the lease site appears to be 430' from the nearest residential properties along Ironwood Court, in Glen Eagle, Unit 1). The minimum distance from residential properties is 125% of the height of the proposed tower. The 430' distance represents 286% of the proposed tower height. 2. To the extent feasible, the lowest height technology must be incorporated including, but not limited to, micro-cell technology. The applicant must substantiate that the proposed tower and future co- locators will incorporate the lowest height technology, including, but not limited to, micro-cell technology. The applicant states that the proposed July 11, 2007 Public Hearing 500 Page 4 of9 height is based on the number of co-locators and nearby dense tree canopy. Staff has included as a part of this document, a report from Arthur K. Peters wherein he details some alternate technologies, including the use of multiple, low-height towers (as in Medina, Washington) and the use of stealth and disguise facilities. Other low height technologies may be available and should be considered before approving a 150 high monopole. 3. Tower height must be the minimum necessary to technically serve the applicant's needs (not to exceed a total height of 165' or a height calculated based on a tower setback of 125 percent of the tower height measured at grade from the base of the tower to the closest residentially zoned property line. As stated in item #1 above, the site appears to be approximately 430' from the adjacent Glen Eagle, Unit 1 residential subdivision. As also referenced above, the number of co-locators as well as the nearby dense tree canopy were justifications given by the applicant for the 150' tower height. No technical data was provided by the applicant which addressed the use of some of the more effective stealth technologies. As previously stated, other low height technologies may be available and applicable and should be considered before approving a 150 high monopole. 4. The most effective stealth technology (including stealth towers) must be incorporated. The use of a 150' tall monopole does not appear to represent use of the most effective stealth technology. However, staff also recognizes that there are numerous other factors, including the number of co-locators and the existing tree canopies on adjacent parcels, which influence the design of the proposed facility. The antennae shall be internally-mounted/concealed rather than close-mounted. Further, other stealth technologies should be employed to the maximum extent feasible. 5. The location must be the least visually intrusive in the community. To address this requirement, the applicant has provided a visual impact test (balloon test) which was performed on May 16, 2007. This documentation includes photographs of the balloon taken from various locations depicted on a map. This test is attached as part of this report. This test provides documentation of the visual impact of the proposed 150' tall monopole but does not address the reduction of visual impacts on the community attainable through the, use of lowest height technologies. 6. The proposed tower shall be located in an area where the visual impact on the community is minimized to the greatest extent possible. As stated above in item #5, the applicant has provided the balloon test to document/address the visual intrusion into the neighboring communities. Again, there has been no consideration of the possible mitigation levels attainable through the use of lowest height technologies. July 11, 2007 Public Hearing 500 Page 5 of9 7. Antennas must be close mounted or concealed (however concealment shall be encouraged and preferred to the greatest extent practicable). Staff requires concealed antennae. Like all other developments of structures and buildings within the City, Ordinance 2006- 12 requires all applications for location of a telecommunications tower to comply with Sections 9-600 through 9-606 of the City's Code of Ordinances. These sections address the minimum community appearance and aesthetic review standards of the application. Pursua.'1t to Section 9-603 of the City Code, the City Commission(as applied to this application, a recommendation from the Board of Adjustment to the City Commission) may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application only after consideration of whether the following criteria have been satisfied: (1) The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. The proposed 150' monopole is difficult to compare to any facility in the area except the power transmission line poles in the area. The concrete poles for these lines are approximately ninety (90') feet high and are similar in color to the proposed monopole. It must be mentioned that none of these transmission line poles are located within 500 feet of the proposed monopole site. The base of the monopole and the ancillary equipment is enclosed with a chain-link fence and associated landscaping located along the exterior of the fence. The proposed landscaping meets the requirements of Section 20-451 of the City's Code of Ordinances with the possible need to provide two additional trees and attendant shrubs near the fence gate to provide additional screening in this area of the fence. (2) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the City within the surrounding area. City Staff is aware of a small addition to the south side of the clubhouse restaurant and the possible development of residential units on the Country Club site. Staff has received no formal application for review nor have we seen any site plan for the possible residential units. These projects represent expansion of an existing facility and the addition of more residential units to the area. The use of lowest height technology, even if additional towers are necessary to cover the service area, would be more in harmony with the existing and future development and existing recreational uses in the area. (3) The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or July 11, 2007 Public Hearing 500 Page 6 of9 intersecting street within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: (A) Front or side elevations, (B) Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement, (C) Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. The proposed 150' monopole is not similar to any other facility within five hundred (500') ofthe site. No power transmission lines exist within 500' of the subject site. (4) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established character of other buildings; structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. The proposed 150' monopole is different than any other facility in the immediate area. While the proposed monopole is unique in Tuscawilla in terms of its purpose and appearance, the use of lowest height could substantially improve the project's relationship to the established character of other buildings and structures in the surrounding area. (5) The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this Article, the Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g. Towne Center guidelines, SR 434 design specifications) and other applicable federal state or local laws. The use of a 150' monopole, when considered in light of the aesthetic review section of the Code, does not represent consistency and compatibility as defined by this section. The use of lowest height technology would allow for greater consistency and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. (6) The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, marble, termite-resistant wood, wrought iron, brick, columns and piers, porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. The use of architectural enhancements is all but precluded when utilizing alSO' monopole structure. The applicant has incorporated no significant architectural enhancements into this project. Such enhancements might be a major element to lower height facilities as would be the possible incorporation of these lower height solutions into existing or compatible architectural elements. Examples may include, but not be limited to, bell towers, entrance features, incorporation into existing architecture, and clock towers. July 11, 2007 Public Hearing 500 Page 7 of9 OTHER FACTORS: Another cell tower site has been proposed on the Tuscawilla Country Club property. This site is a Tier Three site as defined by Ordinance 2006-12. Should the Board of Adjustment recommend approval of the Crown Castle site (the subject ofthis report), the Tier Three site would not be viable as a stand alone cell tower site because of the stipulations set forth in Ordinance 2006-12 that anyone proposing a Tier Three site must present to the City competent substantial evidence which demonstrates that Tire One and Tier Two locations are not available or technically feasible for the location of a tower. The Tier Three site could be considered as part of the employment of lowest height technology wherein multiple sites would be required to provide adequate '.'lireless service to the area. FINDINGS: 1. The site is owned by the City and has a Public/Semi-Public FLU designation. If this facility is approved, the applicant will be required to enter into a lease agreement with the City. 2. Pursuant to Section 20-33 of the City Code, "all conditional use recommendations and final decisions shall be based on the following criteria to the extent applicable: a) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the conditional use, including its proposed scale and intensity, traffic-generated characteristics, and off-site impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity." The concept of harmony and compatibility, as applied to the proposed facility, is different than for an addition to a building. There are no other similar structures in this immediate area with which this monopole can be compared. The off-site impacts are limited to the visual presence of the tower on surrounding residential areas. The use of lower height technology would lessen this impact. b) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to accommodate the proposed scale and intensity of the conditional use requested. The site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, and similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use." The Public Works Department has stipulated that the lease site be limited to an area of 65' X65'. This area will accommodate the tower and its ancillary equipment as well as an adequate landscape area. Staff understands that a slight modification may be necessary once the exact location is established. Details regarding access, power supply feeds, and the source of power will be addressed as part of the final engineering for the proposed tower. July II, 2007 Public Hearing 500 Page 8 of9 C) Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the local economy, including governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values." Theoretically, the proposed facility could have a positive impact on the local economy because it could enhance wireless communications in the Tuscawilla area. In addition, the City would benefit financially from the lease payments. If the applicant employed concealment, low height, stealth technologies, impact on property values could be negligible. d) Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and flood hazards." The proposed facility will not have an adverse impact on the natural environment, subject to the applicant providing a listed species survey indicating no adverse impacts. In addition, a survey determining that the location of the site is outside the 100 year floodplain. The applicant states that no trees will be removed to accommodate the proposed tower. e) Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources." Staff does not believe that the proposed tower will create any ofthese adverse impacts except for the possibility that an adverse impact may occur scenic resources. The 150' height question needs to be addressed as part of the consideration of scenic resources. At issue are the scenic vistas and views and the potential adverse impacts to the area's scenic resources. f) Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities." Staff does not believe the proposed use will create any of these adverse impacts. g) Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality." The proposed monopole should not impact social conditions and the variety of housing types. Housing prices and neighborhood quality are potentially at risk of being affected because of the visual presence of the proposed July 11,2007 Public Hearing 500 Page 9 of9 monopole. The use of lowest height technology will decrease these potential impacts. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Relocate the proposed lease site approximately 100' west/northwest, as directed by Public Works Staff. 2. Decrease the proposed lease site to an area 65' by 65', as directed by Public Works Staff. 3. Provide a tree survey for the area within 75' ofthe lease parcel. 4, Provide a Listed Species Report and sufficient documentation to verify that the proposed facility location is not in the 100-year floodplain area. 5. The applicant must enter into a lease agreement with the City of Winter Springs. 6. Any proposed tower solution must be compliant with Section 9-600 through 9-606 of the City's Code of Ordinances to the greatest extent possible. 7. The applicant must provide credible and compelling data documenting that the lowest height technology required to provide personal wireless service to the Tuscawilla area has been used. 8. Any other conditions deemed appropriate by the Board of Adjustment to meet the requirements of the applicable City Codes. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the requirements contained in the applicable City Codes, including the aesthetic review code (Section 9-600 through 9-606) and Section 20-451 as amended by Ordinance 2006-12, it is questionable as to whether a 150' monopole meets the criterion stipulated by the City for the use of lowest height technology and aesthetic compatibility and harmony requirements under the Code. Staff requests the Board of Adjustment consider the information presented in this staff report and during the public hearing testimony and, if the Board is satisfied that the request is consistent with all applicable criteria and code sections, recommend the City Commission approve the request, subject to the Conditions of Approval detailed above. The City Commission may consider the use of two or more shorter towers or the use of concealed/stealth technology as an alternative to the one tower as proposed in this request. ATTACHMENTS: A. Location Map B. Ordinance No. 2006-12 C. Arthur K. Peters Report D. Application package E. City Manager Letter on Tower Height ~ H F N (<) \0 N bO p., "0 Il) E.S i5 o u ( B A 5 8 NOTES: (. Municipal Address Map Book PRINTED: REVISED: Apr 2005 1: City of Winter Springs, FL o 200 1"1- ..,..~-_ 400 . Feet 3' ap Page Developed By: &utheastem Surveying &: Mapping Corp. 2: 2633 ATTACHMENT B ORDINANCE NO. 2006-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 20-451 OF THE CITY CODE REGARDING TELECOMMUNICATION TOWERS AND ANTENNAS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article vm, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has held several public workshops and hearings regarding the current telecommunication tower ordinance and has determined that said ordinance should be updated to potentially allow additional locations for telecommunication towers and/or other appropriate personal wireless service facilities in order to enhance the quality of personal wireless services that ar~ being provided to the citizens and businesses of Winter Springs; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best interests ofthe public health, safety, and welfare ofthe citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. reference. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein by this Section 2. Code Amendment. The 8ity of Winter Springs Code, Section 20-451, Telecommunication towers, is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (***) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Section 20-451. It is intended that the text in Section 20-451 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 1 of 18 Sec. 20-451. Telecommunications towers. 1. (a) DefInitions. Antenna shall mean a transmitting and/or receiving device used in telecommunications that radiates or captures electromagnetic waves, including directional antennas, such as panel and microwave dish antennas, and omni-directional antennas, such as whips, o"".l"r1~"t"'\,.,. ....l"'IIrln't" "'.....+0..,..,""''''" n~n+o"'9'" .....1"'11,.11.0 I"l.....+onn"'" f"l.,..,rl Cln+oll';to o'lrth "'+1"'11+11'"\"(" v^,,-,,,.&uU.1.1J.5 J.UUUJ. u.1.U........U..1J.Ut.J, U!.uu&.\,{u..1 J.UU u.l.1L\i.lJ.J.J.J.u..:I UJ..1u. uU,"""'.UH.\,.I \"Iu.1 L.a.J. ~:H.UUV.U_U. Co-location shall mean telecommunications towers that have the potential to have three (3) or more carrier antennas located on it. Development review committee shall mean the city staff composed of the city manager, land development coordinator, city engineer, public works/utilities director, community development coordinator, building official, police chief, fIre chief. Guyed tower shall mean a telecommunications tower that is supported, in whole or in part, by guy wires and ground anchors. Lattice tower shall mean a telecommunications tower that is constructed with a series of struts forming a non-solid surface tower, without guy wires standing on and fastened to an in-ground pier. Microwave shall mean a dish antenna, or a dish-like antenna used to link communication sites together by wireless transmission of voice or data. Monopole tower shall mean a telecommunications tower consisting of a single pole or spire self supported by a permanent foundation, constructed without guy wires with ground anchors. Panel antenna shall mean an array of antennas designed to concentrate a radio signal in a particular area. Personal wireless services shall mean any personal wireless service defIned in the Federal Telecommunications Act which includes Federal Communication Commission (FCC) licensed commercial wireless telecommunications services including cellular. personal communication services (pCSt specialized mobile radio (SMR). enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR). paging as well as unlicensed wireless services. and common carrier wireless exchange access services. Stealth facility shall mean any telecommunications facility which is designed to blend into the surrounding environment. Examples of stealth facilities include architecturally screened roof-mounted antennas, antennas integrated into architectural elements, and telecommunications towers designed to look like light poles, mono-power poles or trees. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 2 of 18 Telecommunications tower shall mean a monopole tower constructed as a free-standing structure greater than thirty-five (35) feet and no more than one hundred sixty-five (165) feet in height including antenna, which supports communication, transmission or receiving equipment. The term includes towers for the transmission or receiving television, AM/FM radio, digital, microwave, cellular telephones, or similar forms of electronic communication. T'ue term excludes radar towers, radio support structures licensed by the FCC, transportable communication devices, private home use of satellite dishes and television antennas and satellite earth stations. Whip antenna shall mean a cylindrical antenna that transmits signals in three hundred sixty degrees (360) degrees. (b) Findings and intent. The city has with increasing frequency received requests to approve sites for telecommunications towers. Land development regulations have not adequately identified specific procedures to address recurring issues relating to the approval oflocations for telecommunications towers. Therefore, it is the intent of this section to address the recurrent issues pertaining to the approval of telecommunications towers upon parcels located in the city. Accordingly, the city commission finds that the promulgation of this section is warranted and necessary: (1) To protect residential areas and land uses from the potential adverse impacts of telecommunications towers when placed at inappropriate locations or permitted without adequate controls and regulation consistent with the provisions of law; (2) To minimize the adverse visual impacts resulting from telecommunications towers through sound and practical design, siting, landscape screening, and innovative camouflaging techniques all in accordance with generally acceptable engineering and planning principles and the public health, safety and welfare; (3) To avoid potential damage to adjacent properties through sound engineering and planning and the prudent and careful approval of telecommunications tower sites and structures; (4) To require shared use/co-location of existing and new telecommunications towers (capability of having space for three (3) or more carriers) to avoid proliferation of towers throughout the city. One (1) co-located position shall be reserved exclusively for the use of the city; (5) To ensure that location of telecommunications towers is consistent with the provisions of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, the East Central Florida Regional Policy Plan, the state comprehensive plan as well as the provisions of state and City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 3 of 18 federal law; and- (6) To fix a fair and reasonable compensation, by resolution of the city commission, to be paid to the city for the privilege to locat~ a telecommunications tower in the city and defray the administrative costs of reviewing the applications. Also, a fee shall apply separately to each antenna user on the tower or other support structure. Fee rates shall be renegotiable when contract expires~;- (7) To discourage new telecommunication towers and to encourage the use of existing structures including. but not limited to. rooftops. sports lighting. utility poles. and church steeples for deploying personal wireless service facilities: and (8) To encourage the use of the lowest height technology to provide personal wireless services including. but not limited to. micro cell technology. (c) Applicability. (1) All new telecommunications towers and antennas in the city shall be subj ect to these regulations and all other applicable regulations. For purposes of measurement, telecommunications tower setbacks as listed in subsection (f)( 1) shall be calculated and applied to facilities located in the city, irrespective of other municipal and county jurisdictional boundaries. (2) All new communicatio~ antennas (Le., stealth rooftop or building mounted antennas) which are not attached to telecommunications towers shall comply with subsection (f)(11). . (3) All telecommunication towers existing on July 14, 1997 shall be allowed to continue their usage as they presently exist. Routine maintenance shall be permitted on such existing towers. New construction other than routine maintenance on an existing telecommunications tower shall comply with the requirements of this section. (4) For purposes of implementing this section, a telecommunications tower that has received city approval or building permit, but has not yet been constructed, shall be considered an existing tower so long as such approval is current and not expired. (d) Location, permitted use$ and conditional uses. (1 ) All telecommunication towers shall comply with the following development standards: (i) They shall be located as far as technically feasible from properties that are designated residential on the City's Future Land Use or Zoning Maps and shall comply with all other applicable distance standards which are set forth in the city code: (ii) To the extent technically feasible. the lowest height technology shall be City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 4 of 18 incorporated including. but not limited to. micro cell technology; (iii) Towers shall be erected to a height that is the minimum height necessary to te,?hnically serve the applicant's needs. but not exceeding the lesser of one hundred sixty-five (165) or a height calculated based on a tower setback of one hundred twenty- five (125) percent of the tower height measured at grade from the base of the tower to the closest residentially zoned propertY line: (iv) The most effective stealth technology (including stealth towers) shall be incorporated; (v) The location shall be the least visually intrusive location in the community; (vi) The proposed tower shall be located in an area where the visual impact on the community is minimized to the greatest extent practicable; (vii) Antennas shall be close-mounted or concealed. However. concealment shall be encouraged and preferred to the greatest extent practicable: and (viii) The visual impact of all towers shall be reduced or eliminated to the maximum extent possible by concealment. camouflage. and disguise. (2) In addition to the standards set forth in subsection (1) above. the location of all proposed telecommunication tower sites shall be determined based upon a tiered zoning system. Specifically. a telecommunication tower shall be allowed as either a permitted use or a conditional use depending upon the location of the applicable site: (i) Tier One. Telecommunication towers shall be a permitted use Tc1ecomnmnkations to~c.rs shall be a pellnittcd use at the following sites (see map attachment Figure 1 dated February 12. 2007 July 14, 1997) subject to other regulations which may apply: ,a. City of Winter Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant #1/West Plant. b. Proximate area of the Seminole County School Board Consolidated Services Facility (alk/a Bus Barn). c. City of Winter Springs West Effluent Disposal Sites: at the southeast quadrant of Site 16 east of the southern nercolation ponds. -. . d. City of Winter Springs City Hall. (2) A monopole shall be the pelmittcd ty pe oftde,-ommunications to ~eI within the City of-VVintCI SPlingS. Stealth-designed monopoles ale encomagcd by the city. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 5 of 18 (311) Tier Two. A telecommunication tower shall be considered a conditional use at the following locations. provided the proposed tower complies with the standards of this section and complies with the conditional use criteria set forth in 20-33 of the City Code: a. On property owned by the City of Winter Springs that is designated public/semi- public on the City's future land use map: or b. On an existing commercial or industrial building. not located or incorporated within a single family residential area. provided the tower does not extend more than ten (10) feet above the roof line of the building and the tower does not exceed the applicable maximum height limitation in the City Code: or c. Within (enclosed) an existing church steeple or other type of existing structure which exists for a primroy purpose other than for personal wireless services. It is the intent ofthis subsection to take advantage of existing structures for providing personal wireless services and not to allow the construction of new structures for said purposes; or d. Upon existing sports lighting structures. utility structures. and water tanks. provided the structure is not located within a single family residential area. the tower does not extend more than ten (10) feet above the top of the existing structure. and the tower does not exceed the applicable maximum height limitation in the City Code: or e. On the site of the proposed Fire Station #3 which is to be located on the south side of S.R. 434 in Tuscawilla Tract 15. Parcel 3 (approximately 2.300 feet west of Vistawilla Drive). Said tower. if approved. shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) feet. (Hi) Tier Three. If an applicant presents to the city competent substantial evidence which demonstrates that Tier One and Tier T\vo locations are net u,tailable or technically feasible for the location of a tower. a telecommunication tower shall be considered a conditional use on the following preferred sites. which are listed in order of preference. The preferred sites shall be considered in the sequence listed below and the applicant shall be required to demonstrate. based on technical feasibility. that a more preferred site is not available or suitable before requesting a lessor preferred site: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 6?f 18 a. Property which has a future land use designation of Industrial. b. Property which has a future land use designation of Mixed Use and is part of a Development of Regional Impact. c. Densely wooded or concealed areas limited to a golf course and areas of property which have been designated conservation bv perpetual easement and on the city's future land use map. If a new telecommunication tower is placed within trees or wooded areas. the tower shall be concealed bv the su.rrounding trees or wooded areas to the maximum extent possible to minimize the visibility of the tower from any road. occupied building. and fairway if located on a golf course. Trees can be existing on the subiect property or installed to meet the requirements of this subsection. or they can be a combination ~~~ . e. Property which has a future land use designation of Greeneway Interchange. All other locations shall be prohibited. Further. the construction of a. tower for speculativepurooses shall be prohibited. For purposes of this code. it shall be deemed primae facie evidence that a tower is being built for speculative purooses if the applicant can not provide with the application written evidence that one or more carriers have committed to locate on the proposed tower within three (3) months of the construction of the tower for a period of at least five (5) years. Additional tdeeommunkation to ~eI site,s shall only be. pcmutted as a conditional use pursuant to this section. A pIope.rty dcdMed eligible rol cOl1~idetation ~ ~ ~d~~~~ telcconumuucation to ~CI site is Ci~ ofVrTil1tCI Sptmgs Phe. Station #3 to be located 011 the south side by S.R. 434 in Tusc,a~i11a Tlllet 15, rMC,e1 3 (apploximatd) 2,300 fcet west of Vistawilla Dtivc). Thc telecommunications to~e,l loc,atcd on this site shall, Iequirc a conditional use, flOm the Wintel Splings Ci~ Commission In acc,old~~~~i~ this section and applic,able Ci~ Code, plO v islons. The to wet on this site shall not excecd a height of one hundled twenty fGet (120) and shall only be available as a towel site following apploval bji d~ commission as part of the gnmt of the conditional use. FolIo wing applo v al and constI tIc-tion of thc rom (4) to ~ CIS descrlbe,d in this subsection, additional to~cr5 may be, applied rol andjustifkdin accordance. with the applicable stan:dMds for a conditional use in tile. Cit} Cod", as well as thc,sc standatds. a. The to ~eI at plopose.d Pire Station #J and any subsequent additional tclccollulltmication tO~CI is Icquiled fOt public saf(.,~ commt111kation needs, or b. Technical data is presented by an applicant indicating that the proposed towcr is the only technically feasible available site to assmc tc1econID1t111ications SCI vices covciage ll<:.cds to Mca citizens, and c. Such tcclmical data specified in subsection b., abo.v'e, is not for speculative, ootricd telcc,onanmucatiol1s uses but is fO! CUl1cnt technology recognized or apPlOvcd for City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 7 of 18 5el vice. aIe.a ne.c,ds and maIket conditions underapplicabk state, fcde.lal or local laws, regulations 01 OIdillat1CGS, d. All such tcdmical data ghall be provided at: COgt to the applicant. The dty may, in apploximate cases in its sole di5cIetion, letain the sCIvicc of tedmie.all, COnlpe.tent eon5ult1mts to e valuate the data submitted by an applicant to justify an additional to wer pmsnant to this oldinance. The. applie.al1t shall post a de-posit with the c.ity manager 01 l' .J" 1 1.rJ. l' &..rJ. -,'-1"' 1 1 ., ill,) U~')i01i\"\.dU a .)U.l1i SUv..1 t.~at lJ.~eapp I."ant .1.01 ule auOltlolla. t....(,I..v!u!11U!1!vatlu!! tu wer 1'3.'5 the full cost oftcchnical review of such tOWel by city's eonsultant,and e. Initial rc'~'ic'vY of any additional tclecornmt:m.ication to'vVcr giteg shall bc by thc city'g development re.view contmittce. The conditional use. shall also be considered by the plmnnng and zoning bomd wInch shall nlakG a rc(,onnnendation to the. city e.onlmission conceming 5aid conditional use, and f. Additional towel sites shall be. (i) Located as far as possible from residentially zoned property (and at least the minimum set forth in this oldinanec.), and (ii) Erected t-o a height that is the minimmn height necessary to tcdmicall}" serve the applic.ant's needs, but not e.xcGcding the IGssc.1 of one hundred sixty-fi vc. (1 G5) or a hei~ e.alcul3.tcd based on a tower setback of one hundted twenty-fi ve (125) pe1cent of the to wel hci~ measw cd at grade fr om tho base of the to wer to the d05CStt esidc.ntially zoned property line., and (Hi) The use of stealth to"vvcr is encouraged in aeeordance vrith this section. ( e) Site plan: Application: Technical Supporting Data. ill Any telecommunications company or entity that intends to install a telecommunications tower in the city shall file a site plan for review and approval by the city in accordance with the city code. All proposed towers requiring conditional use approval shall be reviewed by the board of adjustment for compliance with this section and other applicable provisions of the city code. Upon review. . the board of adjustment shall make a recommendation to the city commission of either approval. approval with conditions~ or derJaL (2) All applications shall contain the information required by the City to process applicable building permits. aesthetic review pursuant to section 9-600 et seq. of the city code. site plan permits. and any other required development permits. Applications shall City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 8 of 18 be processed within the time frames required by law. Additionally. at a minimum. the following information shall also be provided by the applicant: a. Name. address. telephone number. and original signatures of the applicant and all co- applicants. b. Detailed description of the request. c. Location information including legal description of subiect property.. parcel identification. geographic coordinates. and name of nearest roads. street addresses. or other landmarks. d. Scaled elevation and engineering drawings depicting the proposed tower and related facilities including all mounts. antennas. collocation spaces. and equipment facilities. e: A current property appraiser aerial delineating the subiect property. the proposed tower and related facilities within 1.000 feet of the proposed tower and facilities. f. For proposed towers within trees and wooded areas. a tree survey identifying the type. size (DBH). and height of existing and/or proposed trees within a 75-foot radius oftbe proposed tower and related facilities. g. Future land use and zoning designation of the subiect property. h. Any applicable letters of approval for the proposed request received by the apl'licant from any other government agency including the FAA. FDOT. and FCC (if permitted by law). i. Documentation oflocation and site selection process. including search ring. location and siting criteria. alternative sites in the area. and site selection methodology. j. To the extent permitted or required by law., technical data. maps and analysis showing the area to be served by the proposed tower and personal wireless service facilities and any claimed gaps in coverage where the applicant desires to erect a tower. In addition. technical data and maps demonstrating any other proposed. existing. and authorized towers in the service area as the proposed tower and related facilities. k. Documentation evidencing that one or more carriers have committed to locate an antennae on the proposed tower for Pm:Poses of providing personal wireless services. (3) The applicant shall provide a visual impact report that provides a line-of-sight analysis including scaled and colored front. side. and rear elevation drawings or photographs that depict the proposed tower and related facilities. The drawings or photosp::aphs shall also depict any significant natural and manmade features that affect the buffering of the potential visual impact of the proposed tower and related facilities. Upon receipt of the visual impact report. the City may require the applicant to conduct a visual impact demonstration consisting ora minimum of two hour balloon test. which shall demonstrate the maximum height of the proposed tower. The balloon test shall be City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 9 of 18 scheduled with the City and representatives of the City shall be present at the proposed site for purposes of evaluating the test. (4) For pm:poses of demonstrating technical feasibility under this section ~0-4S 1. the applicant shall be required to submit. in coni unction with a site plan application and to the extent permitted or required by law. technical data indicating that the proposed tower is the only technically feasible available site to assure telecommunications services coveral!e needs to area citizens. Further, such technical data not for speculative. untried telecommunications uses. but is for current technology recognized or approved for service area needs and market conditions under applicable state. federal or local laws. regulations or ordinances. All such technical data shall be provided at cost to the applicant. The city may. in approximate, cases in its sole discretion. retain the service of technically competent consultants to evaluate the data submitted by an applicant to iustify an additional tower pursuant to this section. The applicant shall post a deposit with the city manager or his designee in a sum such that the applicant for the additional telecommunication tower pays the full cost of technical review of such tower by city's consultant. e. Initial revicw of all' additional tckcommunkation tower sites shall be by the city's development review eomnlittee. Th6 conditional use shall also be c,ol1sidcled by the plalming and zoning, bOa1d which shall nlake areGOlnm~lldati6n to the city commission concerning said conditional use, and (as defined in Chapter 20 "Zoning", if applicable [TIllS r AC13 INTENTIONALLY L13FT BLANK] and/or Chapter 9 "Land Development" Code of Or dil1at1ces, City of\Vinte:r Springs) with the land development coordinator. Said site plan shall be reviewed by the development review committee. (t) Performance standards/design criteria. (1) Setbacks. a. Telecommunications tower setbacks shall be measured from the base ofthe tower to the property line of the parcel on which it is located. b. The setback requirements shall be a minimum often (10) feet from any lot line and shall comply with setback requirements in this section or the City Code for setbacks from adjoining uses. (2) Separation of towers from off-site uses used to calculate maximum tower height. Separation distances between telecommunications towers and the lot line of any residential zoned property shall be used to determine the maximum height of a proposed tower. The maximum height of any tower shall not exceed one hundred sixty-five (165) City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 10 of 18 feet proVided however that the distance from the tower base to the nearest lot line of residentially zoned property shall be a minimum of one hundred twenty-five (125) percent of the tower height. (3) Measurement of height. a. Measurement of telecommunications tower height shall include antenna, base pad, and any and all other appurtenances and shall be measured from the finished grade of the parcel on which the telecommunications tower is located. b. Telecommunications towers shall not exceed one hundred sixty five (165) feet in height which shall include the antenna. (4) Dlumination. Telecommunications towers shall not be artificially lighted except to assure human safety as required by the Federal Aviation Administration. (5) Finished color. Telecommunications towers not requiring FAA painting/marking shall be of such color that will blend with the surrounding enVironment. (6) Structural design. a. Site plane s) are required and shall be submitted for approval as defined in Chapter 20 Zoning (if applicable) and/or Chapter 9 Land Development, Code of Ordinances, City of Winter Springs, Florida. b. Telecommunications towers shall be constructed in accordance with the EWfIA 222-E Standards as published by the Electronic Industries Association, which may be amended from time to time, ASCE 7-95, "Minimum Design Load for Buildings and Structures," (Wind Loads Chapter), as published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, and further defined by ASCE 7-88, "Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions", both which may be amended from time to time, and all City of Winter Springs constructionlbuilding codes as indicated in a statement signed, sealed and dated by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida. c. Such statement shall also describe the tower's capacity, number and type of antennas it can accommodate. No tower shall be p~rmitted to exceed its loading capacity. For all towers attached to existing structures, the statement shall include certification that the structure can support the load imposed by the tower. d. All new telecommunications towers, and those existing towers to be modified, shall have the capability of having space for three (3) or more carriers. Upon request by the. ~ e Qne of these spaces shall be reserved exclusively for the use of the City of Winter Springs. Tower owners shall accommodate other antenna users on their towers. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page II of 18 e. Further, any improvements and/or additions (Le., antenna, satellite dishes, etc.) shall require submission of a site plan signed, sealed and dated by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Florida which provides substantial competent evidence of compliance with the EITITIA 222-E Standards ASCE 7-95, "Minimum Design Load for Buildings and Structures," (Wind Loads Chapter), as published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, and further defined by ASCE 7-88, "Guide to the Use of the Wind LoadProvisions," both which may be a..'l1ended from time to time, in effect at the time of said improvement or addition. (7) Public notice. Notice of any request, under this section, shall be published (in a newspaper of general circulation) and personal notification shall be given to all property owners located within three (3) times the height of the tower area. Personal notification shall mean notice sent by first class U.S. mail, and to the board of directors of duly. recognized homeowners associations. (8) Signage. No commercial signage or advertising shall be permitted on a telecommunication tower unless otherwise required by law or the signage pertains only to the posting of the property relative to trespassing. The use of any portion of a tower or perimeter fence/wall for signs or advertising purposes, including company name, banners, streamers, etc., shall be prohibited. (9) Fencing. a. A vinyl coated chain-link fence or masonry wall not less than eight (8) feet in height from finished grade shall be installed by the applicant around each telecommunications tower. Barbed wire or other fencing method to prevent pedestrian access to the tower, not to exceed two (2) feet in height, shall be installed along the top of the fence or wall, but shall not be included when calculating the height of the fence or wall. b. Access to the tower through the fence or wall shall be through a gate which shall be locked at all times the tower site is not being occupied by the person or entity in charge of the telecommunications tower or site. (10) Landscaping. The visual impacts of a telecommunications tower shall be mitigated for nearby viewers through landscaping or other screening materials at the base of the tower and ancillary structures in order to maintain visual aesthetics for those who must view the site on a regular basis including, but not limited to, proximate residents and the travelling public. The following landscaping and buffering requirements shall be required around the perimeter of the tower and accessory structures; a. A row of shade trees of minimum of eight (8) feet tall that will reach heights of forty (40) plus feet, two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in caliper, and a maximum of ten (10) City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 12 of 18 feet apart shall be planted around the outside perimeter of the fence/wall; b. A continuous hedge shall be planted in front of the tree line referenced above; it shall be at least thirty (30) inches high at planting capable of growing to at least thirty-six (36) inches in height within eighteen (18) months shall be planted in front of the tree line referenced above; . c. All landscaping shall be ofthe evergreen variety being a minimum quality of Florida #1. d. All landscaping shall be xeriscape tolerant and shall be properly maintained by the telecommunications tower owner/operator to ensure good health and viability. The use of existing vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable and may be used as a substitute or supplement towards meeting landscaping requirements. (11) Antennas on buildings. Stealth 100ttopOl building momrted antennas shall onI) be pet:mittcdaftel buildout to tItl cc (3) co-locations 011 each of the rom (4) to wel sites indicated in subsGc.tioll Cd) abOve. Aftel buildout occurs, th"11 ~ S,tealth rooftop or building mounted antennas may be erected. Any stealth rooftop or building mounted antennas which are not attached to a telecommunications tower, shall be a permitted ancillary use to any commercial, industrial, public buildings, utility installation, and recreation (sites greater than ten C I 0) acres in size) land uses indicated on the future land use map of the city's comprehensive plan provided that: a. Antennas shall only be permitted on buildings which are at least fifty (50) feet in height (the height requirement may be waived if public safety needs warrant the antenna); b. Antennas may not extend more than twenty (20) feet above the highest point of a roof (this requirement may be waived if public safety needs warrant additional height); c. Antennas and related equipment buildings shall be located or screened to minimize the visual impact of the antenna upon adjacent properties and shall be of a material or color which matches the exterior of the building or structure upon which it is situated; d. No commercial advertising shall be allowed on an antenna or supporting structure; e. No signals, lights, illumination shaH be permitted on an antenna or equipment building unless required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): and f. No more than one (I) total unmanned equipment building shall contain more than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet of gross floor area or be more than twelve (12) feet City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 13 of 18 in height. All building shall be subject to regulations of the building department; and (12) Equipment storage. Mobile or immobile equipment not used in direct support of a telecommunications tower facility shall not be stored or parked on the site of the tower unless repairs to the tower are being made, and are in progress. (13) Schedule of structural integrity. Telecommunication tower owners/operators shall submit to the building depa11ment a certified statement from a qualified, registered, professional engineer, licensed in the State of Florida, attesting to the structural and electrical integrity of the tower on the following schedule: a. All towers examined one year after initial construction. b. All towers every five (5) years; c. The city may require such certified statement after a nearby unusually severe storm event as determined by the (NOAA) national weather service. (14) Transmission/reception interference. Each application to allow construction or modification of a telecommunications tower shall include a certified statement from a qualified, registered, professional engineer, licensed in the State of Florida, attesting that the construction of the tower, including receiving and transmitting functions, shall not interfere with public safety communications and the usual and customary transmission or reception of radio, television, etc., service enjoyed by adjacent residential and non- residential properties. (15) Prohibitions with certain principal uses. Telecommunications towers are prohibited when a proposed or existing principal use includes the storage, distribution, or sale of volatile, explosive, or hazardous wastes such as LP gas, propane, gasoline, natural gas, and corrosive or dangerous chemicals. This prohibition does not apply to emergency generators. (g) Co-location of communications antennas. The City of Winter Springs desires to minimize the number and general proliferation of communication towers. This section is intended to insure that telecommunication towers that are permitted within the City of Winter Springs are utilized in a manner that provides for the maximum number of service providers upon each tower within the context of technical feasibility and safety. Further, this section is intended to minimize the number of such towers within the city. Specifically, as a minimum, telecommunications towers exceeding one hundred (100) feet in height shall be engineered and constructed to accommodate three (3) communication providers. The city shall have the authority to require, specify and otherwise stipulate that telecommunication towers be engineered and constructed in a City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 14 of 18 manner that provides for three (3) co-locations as part of the conditional use and/or site plan approval processes. As a condition of approval of all telecommunication towers and to the extent that co-location is technically feasible, all owners of existing telecommunication towers shall, upon request of another service provider and for reasonable and agreed upon consideration, permit additional communication service providers upon such existing telecommunication tower. Applicants desiring to construct new telecommunication towers shall submit written documentation that clearly explains the need for and reasons for the proposed construction of a new telecommunication tower rather than locating proposed antenna array/communication equipment upon an existing tower. Such documentation shall include plans of existing and future towers by the applicant/provider in question, correspondence with existing telecommunication tower owners and may include a cpst analysis of alternatives. Existing service providers, e.g., existing telecommunication tower owners, that are unwilling, upon request of another service provider, to allow co-location upon such existing tower, shall submit written documentation to the city with reasons and justification as to why such co- location cannot be accomplished. Competition between service providers shall not be considered to be a valid reason for preventing or otherwise obstructing co-location. The city shall determine whether the applicant and/or existing provider are reasonable and correct in their respective assertions. If the city determines that either party is being unreasonableor otherwise uncooperative, the city shall deny the applicant's request for a new tower and/or the city may cause the existing telecommunication tower's approval to be revoked and said existing tower to be removed. Such determination involving existing tower owners shall be made in writing and adopted by a majority vote of the city commission upon holding an advertised public hearing and notification of the owner at least fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing. Upon adoption of such determination by the city commission, the existing tower owner and the property upon which such tower is located shall be considered to be a violation of the city's Land Development Regulations and shall be subject to any and all remedies and penalties thereof. To minimize adverse visual impacts associated with the proliferation and clustering of telecommunications towers, co-location of communications antennas by more than one (1) carrier on existing or new telecommunication towers shall take precedent over the construction of new single-use telecommunications towers as follows: (1) Proposed communications antennas shall co-locate onto existing telecommunications towers. (2) Type of construction. A telecommunications tower which is reconstructed to accommodate the co-location of an additional communications antenna shall be of a monopole tower type. Stealth-designed monopoles are encouraged. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Pagel5 of 18 (3) Height. An existing telecommunications tower may be modified or rebuilt to the allowed height including antennas by compliance with this article; (4) Onsite-location. a. A Telecommunications tower which is being rebuilt to accommodate the co-location of an additional communications antenna may be moved onsite, but shall comply with 01 maximize setback requirements from residentially zoned property. b. After a telecommunication tower is rebuilt to accommodate co-location, only one (1) tower shall remain on the site; (h) Certification of compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) NIER Standards. Prior to receiving final inspection by the Winter Springs Building Department, documented certification shall be submitted to the FCC, with copy to the land development coordinator, certifying that the telecommunications facility complies with all current FCC regulations for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER). (i) Abandonment. (1) In the event the use of any telecommunications tower has been discontinued for a period of one-hundred eighty (180) consecutive days, the tower shall be deemed to be abandoned. Determination of the date of abandonment shall be made by the building official who shall have the right to request documentation and/or affidavits from the telecommunications tower owner/operator .regarding the issue of tower usage. The telecommunications tower owner/operator shldl provide all requested information within ten (10) working days of a request being made, and failure to so provide shall be deemed to constitute one hundred eighty days (180) days of non-use of the tower. Upon such abandonment, the owner/operator of the tower shall have an additional ninety (90) days within which to: a. Reactivate the use of the tower or transfer the tower to another owner/operator who makes actual use of the tower; or b. Dismantle and remove the tower. With regard to towers that received conditional use approval, ninety (90). days after dismantling or the expiration of the two-hundred seventy (270) day period as set forth in this section, the conditional use and/or variance for the tower shall automatically expire. (2) The City of Winter Springs, upon abandonment, and at its discretion, may assume ownership of the tower at no cost, or require the owner to dismantle the tower at the owner's expense. Ifthe decision is to dismantle the tower, the property shall be cleared of all appurtenances and returned to its natural state. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 16 of 18 (3) An appropriate surety instrument to assure dismantling costs shall be provided by the owner prior to a tower construction permit. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts ofpnor ordLllaIlces and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance, including Figure I which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference, shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City Charter. [ADOPTION PAGE FOLLOWS] City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 17 of 18 ADOPTED by the. City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 12th day of February, 2006. ~ j, /!;u4 1.:" . ---. .------...----..... JU~ li'o tlu:sn, lYl;l~(}r _ A LORENZO-LUACES, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City Onter Springs only: ANTHONY 0 GARGANESE, City Attorney First Reading: January 22, 2007 Second Reading: February 12,2007 Effective Date: February 12, 2007 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2006-12 Page 18 of 18 Figure 1 to Ordinance 2006-12 February 12, 2007 , ATTACHMENT C CONSULTING ENGINEERS RECEIVED APR 2 6 2007 ARTHUR K. PETERS RADIO TELEVISION CATV COMMON CARRIER 5422 NW 91 ST BOULEVARD GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA 32653-2872 GITY or IJ'JINiER SPRINGS ~~Flfl}.e/ccE (352) 331-0149 FAX: (352) 331-8026 www.akpce.com akpce@cox.net April 17, 2007 Mr. Ronald W. McLemore ('ih, f\A~n':)'-'ot" .....,....). I.,I........II........~.....I City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. McLemore: This is in response to your request for information concerning (1) the experience that the City of Medina, Washington is having with disguise and stealth cellular technology, and, (2) will similar technology work in Winter Springs. The City of Medina is small, with a population of about 3000 persons, a land area of 1.43 square miles and a water area of 3.35 square miies. Its. population and area is ten times smaller and its tree density is much lower than Winter Springs. Finally, Medina's terrain undulations are approximately similar to Winter Springs except near tlie water where the land abruptly falls to sea level. I spoke with Ms. Rebecca Leslie, a planning consultant to the City, and with Mr. Joseph Gellings, Director of Development Services. The City regulates Wireless Communications Facilities in Title 17, Chapter 90 of its Municipal Code. A feature most pertinent to this analysis is that Medina overall tower heights are restricted to 35 ft. above ground, including all antennas. This restriction has given rise to a number of different tower configurations. For example,' one tower is a relatively thin pole-like structure. Another is disguised as a light pole in a church parking lot. Another has recently been rebuilt using a fatter, shrouded cylindrical tower. Co-location is encouraged on all towers. Some ground facilities are placed inside of in-ground vaults having an above ground height of about 5 inches. Medina has seven cellular towers. The spokespersons knew of few service problems. At present four providers serve Medina over the seven towers. This implies that not all potential providers have physical facilities in the City. It is believed that each tower supports a single provider. There are three cities adjacent to Medina that likely have cell sites that provide service into Medina, possibly including providers having no sites within Medina. Since Medina cells use regular cellular equipment, there are no special technical issues relating to disguise and stealth antennas. Only physical mounting and shrouding considerations differ between normal and disguised facilities. For example, regular antennas mount to fake trees that hide the antennas behind non-conducting fake leaves or needles. Also, regular antennas are used behind shrouds within a lighting standard extension or a flagpole. Because standard technology is employed in Medina, similar technology will work in Winter Springs. However, due to the dissimilar size and population of the two cities, several important considerations must be examined before employing the Medina experience. Page 2 Mr. Ronald W McLemore April 17, 2006 Most importantly, according to the Medina spokespersons, stealth and disguise facilities do not totally hide cellular facilities and antennas, except in cases such as bell towers and the like. My personal experience is that, for example, a tall bell tower or tall fake tree are almost as visually objectionable as monopole towers because they can be foolishly out of scale and, as a result, more visible in some locations and circumstances. Another consideration is the number of towers required. In Medina there are seven towers in an area of 1.3 square miles for a tower density of 5.3 towers per square mile. If consideration is given in Winter Springs to a 35 ft. maximunl height then, for the typical number of providers in Florida, three more providers must be accommodated. At 35 ft. it is doubtful that there would be any collocations. Therefore. the tower density would rise in Florida to 10 towers with a density of 7.7 towers per square mile. The Winter Springs area currently requiring improved coverage has a radius of about one mile covering an area of about 3.1 square miles. It could require 24 towers to cover that area with 7 providers using 35 ft. towers. This includes both 800 MHz and 1900 MHz systems. If towers were allowed 70 ft. heights the numbers would decrease both because of greater range and a few collocations might occur. Even with this height increase the number of towers could, in this case, require 6 or more towers. There is also the issue that quite possibly the providers will do nothing further in Winter Springs because of the expense of multiple towers and cell site equipment. I recommend some consideration be given to the utilization of a single, relatively thin cylindrical (uniform cross-section) monopole structure that houses antennas and transmission lines inside a non- conducting shroud. These structures seem to be less visually distracting and perceptually fade into the background noise rather quickly. The finish should be non-reflecting and have a pleasant, neutral gray color, as opposed to white or black. This type of structure has been termed a flagpole, but when used as an actual (white) flagpole, is usually offensively out-of-scale. Finally, as an update to my March, 2006 report, there has been little progress of cellular alternative technologies. There are a few standards being voted on in the next months that will lead to the development of dual mode service that is aimed at seamlessly merging Wi-Fi and cellular services. However, current plans for these services revolve around computer centric operations such as short messages, images and e-mail. While there is mention of voice services and efforts to include voice in the initial standard processes, convenient and fluid cellular-like voice services are still years in the future because there have been no viable suggestions or proposals relating to managing transfer of calls between Wi-Fi networks and the public switched telephone (cellular) network. Sincerely, Arthur K. Peters, P.E. Via Facsimile and USPS .' . . .. . ATTACHMENTD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 407-327-5966 FAX:407-327-6695 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION ~ CONDITIONAL USE I SPECIAL EXCEPTION o VARIANCE o WAIVER ~ CAfa"iUt T~'~_C/() ~~s'lvh~~c. Last First Mid Ie MAILING ADDRESS: ;)('):") &OWQ(J&R: (?~~r ~\.~ ~(A ~nrl t=:( 3'2..1-so City State r;::) , Zip Code y\c...hard. , (~~ 8wSOU(tIc()\.;S \f\e. Ctf't-v\ tJ-o:t--~-C2~1 ~ \\ I If Applicant does NOT own the proAerty: . PROPERTY OWNER: ~l+lA ~ Wtl'Lk S.Rrlt'lqS Last ~ First 1"" ...J Middle MAILING ADDRESS ~~W ~ ~ h"/-~~Z=roe City ~te Zip Code APPLICANT: PHONE & EMAIL PHONE & EMAIL This request is for the real property described below: ,. () ~ PROPERTY ADDRESS: lS-tOD Wl~ Sf'r(f"\'J~ ~\ ~ TAX PARCEL NUMBER: ~\ - z..o- ~,- ~ rsE:,- C)060~- CIA SIZE OF PARCEL: Square Feet nAcres EXISTING LAND USE: ~~ -r reeP{\\.~. ~(~ Current FUTURE LAND USE Classification: _po blLl., l~: r vb~ l Current ZONING Ch"'ifioation, 'P Lt 1) Please state YOUR REQUEST: ~~+ltfY\j;) ~ ~ lSD' rf>LDJ1O~ ~~E' --......., !ii' .. "... '?I .~.~'"' "v . 'I~. ""- . ".......:;:: ij,~' ED MAY 3 G Z007 March 2005 en Y OF I;\.IN U"H SPRiN Pemlltung _ Sylvia' GS The APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE for posting the blue notice card (provided by the City) on the site at least SEVEN (7) DAYS prior to the Board of Adjustment Meeting at which the matter will be considered. Said notice shall NOT be posted within the City right-of-way. All APPLICANTS shall be afforded minimal due process as required by law, including the right to receive notice, be heard, present evidence, cross- examine witnesses, and be represented by a duly authorized representative. The CITY COMMISSION shall render all final decisions regarding variances, conditional uses and waivers and may impose reasonable conditions on any approved variance, conditional use or waiver to the extent deemed necessary and relevant to ensure compliance with applicable criteria and other applicable provisions of the City Code wid Comprehensive Plan. i\.11 forma! decisions shall be based on competent substantial evidence and the applicable criteria as set forth in Chapter 20, Zoning. APPLICANTS are advised that if, they decide to appeal any decisions made at the meetings or hearings with respect to any matter considered at the meetings or hearings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purposes, they will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, at their cost, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per 286.0105, Florida Statutes. Any CONDITIONAL USE, VARIANCE, or WAIVER which may be granted by the City Commission shall expire two (2) years after the effective date of such approval by the City Commission, unless a building permit based upon and incorporating the conditional use, variance, or waiver is issued by the City within said time period. Upon written request of the property owner, the City Commission may extend the expiration date, without public hearing, an additional six (6) months, provided the property owner demonstrates good cause for the extension In addition, if the aforementioned building permit is timely issued, and the building permit subsequently expires and the subject development project is abandoned or discontinued for a period of six months, the conditional use, variance or waiver shall be deemed expired and null and void. (Code of Ordinances, Section 20-36.) THE FOllOWING ITEMS ARE TO BE SUPPLIED WITH THIS APPLICATION: D A copy of the most recent SURVEY of the subject property. D A copy of the LEGAL DESCRIPTION reflecting the property boundaries. D 11 x 17 MAP showing ADJACENT STREETS and ZONING AND LAND USE classifications on the ADJACENT PROPERTY. D JUSTIFICATION for the Request (See Attached List) D NAMES and ADDRESSES of each property owner within 150 ft. of each property line. D Notarized AUTHORIZATION of the Owner, IF the Applicant is other than the Oviner or Attorney for the Owner (see below). D APPLICATION FEES: FEES are as SHOWN BELOW plus ACTUAL COSTS incurred for ADVERTISING or NOTIFICATION, and for REIMBURSEMENT for TECHNICAL and/or PROFESSIONAL SERVICES which may be required in connection with the review, inspection or approval of any development (based on accounting submitted by the City's Consultant) , payable prior to approval of the pertinent stage of development. CONDITIONAL USE / SPECIAL EXCEPTION ~ WAIVER $ 500 VARIANCE $ 500 TOTAL DUE $ 2 March 2005 By submitting this application you hereby grant temporary right of entry for city officials to enter upon the subject property for purposes of evaluating this application. ************************************************************************************** FOR USE WHEN APPLICANT IS OWNER OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY: This is to certify that I am the Owner in fee simple of subject lands described within this Application for Board of Adjustment consideration: Signature of Owner Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 20_. Notary Public My Commission expires: Personally Known Produced Identification: (Type) Did take an Oath Did Not take and Oath ************************************************************************************** FOR USE WHEN APPLICANT IS NOT OWNER OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY: I, do hereby, with my notarized signature, allow to represent me in this Application related to my property. The property is identified as: Tax Parcel Number(s) b 1- '2...6- .3 ( - S.&& ()Cx:)cx:::t:) -9 A: 1S-~~(~ ~' ~ ~ &,1, ,.M.{, . YII1 ~ ( "'32~ Located at Signature ofOwner(s) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 20_" Notary Public My Commission expires: Personally Known Produced ID: (Type) Did take an Oath Did Not take and Oath ************************************************************************************** 3 Man:h200S CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST Taken from Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 20-33(d): All Conditional Use recommendations and final decisions shall be based on the following criteria to the extent applicable, Attach additional paper as necessary: o What is the Conditional Use you are requesting? '\0 --e.K-r~ ~ eo... .\::::::.~f fJ_ 11" ,~,_ ,All...._. PAL, _ _ ""-"- \. \"..."""" \..o"y f . ,vr \t"",(,J I - ~ o How is the Conditional Use (including its proposed scale and intensity, traffic- generating characteristics, and offsite impacts) compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses'h -n ek:.! l~ s.~ ','":::. ~ .' eN' -t~{'ov<- c..~~'- bU--c., u tv ~~~ ~~ ~~ 'J~c~ ~ adcl;h;n- () ~ - ~ o Demonstrate how the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements are adequate to accommodate the proposed scale and intensity of the conditional use requested. The site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, and other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potenti adverse impacts of the proposed use. a.e..c.-e...2:>'b \.5 0 r-ou k-- l. ,ocJ~ I see- ...ii:e- p\~ ~ '" f'B"'-- ...~c.e. ~"L~ f\~ ,~~ 8 March 2005 o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on the local economy, including govec.nmental fiscal ifPpact, loyment and property v lues? If no, why not?' ~ ~ w\. o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, nd flood hazards? If no, why not? \h:~ ~ ~ wJ1 ~ y!ft e..k:t l~ o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on historic, scenic and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of c Itural and historic resources? If no, Why not? en-- c-J.J..v ~l~\v-) o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bic cle and pedestrian facilities? If no, why not? '---"" .. "::> ~ l Q.. ~ ~ ~ e'>LL" In'l o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including a variety of housin.,g ~hit types and pricEls, and ~jJ) neighborhood quality? If no, why not? I'~ ~po~ lN~ W , inhM-u.- ~s r.-M-v~ ~ fh"~.ck<i1 ~ ce&vav- ccw~O 9 M=::h 2005 /IIIII...IIn-II" 1'-'" 2007-06-08 14:34 VEGA ......... u... . '"'4072075925 >> AWSolutions, Inc. r II I Windsong. Inc. Don UMlI New Site Development CwWii CiilJe liitG"i'i".at.ont! 6306lknjamin Road Tampa, Florida. 33634 Rc: Proposed Tclccomm\lnieadol\$ Facilicy: 'fuselwilla. Florida Dear Mr. Uurell, I understand that Crown hu subltlittt:d a C6llditional U$C Applj~.tioR to tJw City of Winter 8pri.Dp. Florida proposing to constrUct a new \l.dtComI'f\unications facility .. tht Wintef Springs Water Tretwent fac.;iUt)' located at 1560 Wlnter SprinjS Blvd.. Winter Springs. Florida 32708. AI.... expcricneed win=lcn provi~. whose ~plishmcnts ..-c a ratter or record with the Federal Commmde..ion. Commission, we arc intemtdd in developlDl an \II1licensed BtoadMnd appliC:I\ion to serve the area of Tuscawilla.In ~l, I would like to explore the locadoD further and. _ubjtaet to mut\lall)' bcnefiQi.' t~nn8 ~ condition.. could be intereSted in leaiNl spaee in the futuR if )'0\& are suceenful in your elYott to win jurisdictional approva1. _~;?~r:~I'~~~~~pN' Ricbltd V op President WlndJone, ,... I Z007 -06--08 13:41 WINO SONG GROUP Page 1 t;A Y :1 D l007 Conditional Use Application (Tier II Proposal) For Proposed 150' Monopole Site Location: City of Winter Springs Water Treatment Plant Site Address: 1560 Winter Springs Blvd, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Property Owner: City of Winter Springs Applicant: Crown Castle International Applicant Address: Property Zoning: Property Tax J.D. #: Legal Description: 6306 Benjamin Road, Tampa, Florida 33634 Current: PUD Future: Public/Semi Public 31-20-31-5BB-000000-9A LEG PT LOTS 8 910 & 111N 8-21-31 DESC AS BEG 650 (M) FT S 75 DEG 10 MIN 48 SEC E OF INT W LI SEC & SLY RfN WINTER SPGS BLVD RUN S 75 DEG 10 MIN 48 SEC E 1247.94 FT S 14 DEG 49 MIN 12 SEC W 340 FT SLY ON CURVE 732.34 FT S 64 DEG 28 MIN 26 SEC W 315.39 FT S 37 DEG 29 MIN 38 SEC W 514.23 FT N 87 DEG 11 MIN 46 SEC W 629.84 FT N 30 DEG 55 MIN 51 SEC W 434.41 FT N 12 DEG 56 MIN 23 SEC W 100 FT N 34 DEG 11 MIN 57 SEC W 300 FT N 28 DEG 36 MIN 59 SEC E 602.11 FT N 14 DEG 49 MIN 12 SEC E 650 FT TO BEG PHILLIP R YONGE GRANT PB 1 PGS 36 TO 38 Detailed description of the proposed Tier Two Conditional Use request: Crown Castle International is proposing to locate a 150' Monopole in Tuscawilla in order to accommodate the growing Cellular needs of the Winter Springs community, utilizing a stealth type of technology. The search ring area was developed based on the demand for coverage expressed by the Tuscawilla community. A current property appraiser map of the subject property is provided below. '~'~:"'i,>,: """,,.: c,' .~___' ~ ,,',' ,', _', ;-" .'.--....'.:.-.-' .~,.""'.. " ". " LEGEND: FLOOD PlAI't ZoM wl""..."'" ~ln9 ~f>t)O City of Winter Sprit:l9S , Parcel ZoninglVJap/ February 2007 The Engineering firm of record is: A W Solutions, Inc. 300 Crown Oak Centre Drive Longwood, Florida, 32750 Contact: Emmanuel Poulin, PE Phone Number: 407-260-0231 Ext. 102. This proposed site has been selected, based on City Code requirements, to protect residential areas from potential adverse impact, and to minimize a visual impact as portrayed in the accompanying Line of Sight Study, which was conducted as a part of a Balloon Test. The facility will incorporate aesthetically pleasing technology used in other areas such as Medina, Washington to create visual harmony within the community of Tuscawilla, Florida. Specifically, Crown will incorporate a Flagpole type structure. This proposed site is a City of Winter Springs owned and operated Water Treatment Plant. The applicant, working with the Property Owner, has been able to identify a suitable equipment compound. The location of the compound places it as far as technically feasible from those properties that are designated residential, and not interfere with the Property Owner's property uses. There is only one (1) known property located within three (3) times the height ofthe tower (150 yards). The property is owned by the Winter Springs Golf, LLC. Personal notice has been sent to the property owner in accordance with the City Ordinance. Further, public notice has or will be filed within a newspaper of general circulation. '..., 'l' 0;. Three (3) times the heiQht of the Tower Map 4SOFeet (150 y,yds) lSOyds PurSU5"lt to Section 20-451, PMagraph (fX7), as amended, of the Winter SprinQs City Ordinance No. 2006-12, the only Property onwer wthin "(3) times the heiQht of the tower," or 450 feet (150 yards) is the City at Winter SprinQS. As such, personal notification 1m been made. If rJ ~ ~ ~ q; lroowOQd Q Co Ii ht@<Ind P 1Q88 2000 MiofOsoftCor or.ltion.lrllllori!ssu lilt15. All ri hls'lturvld Three (3) times the distance map Crown, the nation's largest telecommunication site facilitator, has existing relationships with the largest national wireless carriers as well as numerous regional and local carriers. Crown is working to educate the wireless community about the possibility of co-locating their equipment at this site, subject to jurisdictional approval, and will supplement this application with The height of this proposed Monopole is based on the number of future co-locations and also based on the dense tree canopy that surrounds the proposed site. One hundred and fifty feet in height will allow each co-location a height that will technically serve each need, and still be the least visually intrusive location for this region of the community. This site will not be required to have FAA lighting, and the applicant has no provisions for any signal or illumination type lighting. The location of the proposed compound meets all requisite set back requirements based on the distance of 125% of the tower height. The proposed antennas would be close-mounted or concealed, and the applicant will propose to reserve space for the City of Winter Springs. With a Building Permit, that applicant would provide a schedule of structural integrity, and a licensed Engineer(s) statement attesting to the structural and electrical integrity based on one year, (after construction), and every five years. Further, the applicant will provide a certified statement, from a professional engineer, (registered in the State of Florida), attesting that the tower and the receiving/transmitting functions, shall not interfere with public safety communications and the usual and customary transmission or reception of radio, television type services that are enjoyed by the adjacent residential and non residential properties. Included with this application, the applicant's site plan and Engineer's drawings depict a location map with a scaled elevation drawing. These plans also include a current property appraiser's map delineating the subject property. This application also includes a visual impact report that was conducted on May 16, 2007. This report was conducted in the form of a balloon test and photographs taken from various locations in the close proximity to the subject property. Each photo is documented with a map that shows the location of each photo taken. This map also shows photos that were taken inside the Water Treatment Plant to show the proposed height. The applicant has no intentions of allowing any commercial signage or advertising on this site. The attached plans have provisions for no trespass, warning signs and emergency contact information. These plans include an eight foot tall chain-link vinyl coated fence with gate that restricts access, which would be locked all times that the tower is not being occupied. This site does not have any existing vegetation within the area of the compound, and the applicant has provided plans for a continuous hedge and a row of trees based on City Code. There are no existing trees on the lease parcel. Prior to requesting a final inspection, the applicant will provide the City Building Department with a Certification of Compliance from the Federal Communications Commission, certifying that this telecommunications facility complies with all current FCC regulations for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER). This proposed site is an unmanned and restricted access equipment facility, and will be used for the transmission of radio signals for the purpose of providing public cellular service. This facility will consume no unrecoverable energy and no potable water is to be provided. No waste water or solid waste will be generated at this location. Line-of-SiQht/Balloon Test For Proposed Tuscawilla Facilitv Site Location: Site Location: City of Winter Springs Water Treatment Plant Site Address: 1560 Winter Springs Blvd, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Property Owner: City of Winter Springs Applicant: Crown Castle International Applicant Address: 6306 Benjamin Road, Tampa, Florida 33634 Property Zoning: Current: PUD Future: Public/Semi Public Property Tax LD. #: 3l-20-31-5BB-000000-9A Legal Description: LEG PT LOTS 8 9 10& 11 IN 8-21-31 DESC AS BEG 650 (M) FT S 75 DEG 10 MIN 48 SEC E OF INT W LI SEC & SLY RIW WINTER SPGS BLVD RUN S 75 DEG 10 MIN 48 SEC E 1247.94 FT S 14 DEG 49 MIN 12 SEC W 340 FT SLY ON CURVE 732.34 FT S 64 DEG 28 MIN 26 SEC W 315.39 FT S 37 DEG 29 MIN 38 SEC W 514.23 FT N 87 DEG 11 MIN 46 SEC W 629.84 FT N 30 DEG 55 MIN 51 SEC W 434.41 FT N 12 DEG 56 MIN 23 SEC W 100 FT N 34 DEG 11 MIN 57 SEC W 300 FT N 28 DEG 36 MIN 59 SEC E 602.11 FT N 14 DEG 49 MIN 12 SEC E 650 FT TO BEG PHILLIP R YONGE GRANT PB 1 PGS 36 TO 38 Prepared By: AW Solutions, Inc. 300 Crown Oak Centre Drive Longwood, Florida 32750 (407)260-0231 ext.111 (,,;A v .1 & 2(IU7 BackQround: Crown Castle International proposes to locate a 150' Monopole within the City of Winter Springs Water Treatment plant located at 1560 Winter Springs Blvd, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. Crown intends to utilize stealth type technology to comply with the City's Tier Two zoning requirements. Visual Evaluation: A balloon test was conducted on Wednesday May 16th, 2007 in order to determine the visual impact the 150' structure might pose to the Tuscawilla Community. Notice of the meeting was provided to the City at least three (3) days prior to the test. At least 15 bright red balloons bundled together were placed into position at approximately 11 :50 am and remained in place for a minimum of two (2) hours pursuant to City requirements. The weather conditions were optimal for conducting the test (low wind speed, no rain and good visibility). After confirming that the test balloons reached their required height of 150', members of the test team began to document the visual impact at several locations surrounding the desired site location. As evidenced in the attached photos, the balloons were visible from only a very few locations of the entire surrounding area (See attached Photos). Furthermore, the drive team received positive feedback from neighbors that is confronted and that were able to see the balloons in an area of greatest visibility (Fox Glen Drive and Braewick Street). Those residents were provided with details concerning the plans. The area just east of the test site located along Eagle Nest Circle revealed few line of sight zones. There were no areas identified to the south of the test site where line of sight was realized. The balloons were visible from certain areas of the Winter Springs Golf Country Fairways and from the area off Greenbrier Lane. BALLOON TEST PHOTOS for TUSCAWILLA 851 NORTHERN WAY WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 150' MONOPOLE PERFORMED ON: WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2007 I. ...... .... Ui1mi!I)I}I.J,U n ~ w .... ... ....~ ";A Yi D 21lO? Tuscawilla Photo Location Mal! .al Zi (} 'tl o j ~ Vl , . ~~: I d Q) '"'" c. ~l Q) ~ (f.) Q) ""' Q) :::l Q) (") b ..... \ \ ;\ II \ I ',I! 1111 J, . 417'; rrrl Jj ii liil fl; I I fi II i '..;l #"f. Bear cf. OWaSco.$t '(ii ~ .c 0:0 "0). Location 3 0~ I Location 8 1 Location 2 swan ;;>~ ~, ':) '$ -0 '0 dl A ~ I Location 6 c~ eel< O~ ~ r! ~ ~~ ;""~ F>>"'d-'O>'" Northern Way e 'q"o' Oviecb ". e....<lb.'V l>'Ie << . .>: )<,11JUCl ~u'l ;p; 1~~""':':Y.o:; Ut"IO<i(.1t'::O! ):JraUol aIO:l(.r It ~. ~ . :-I~ I~. ....-11 rt .t r~~,~ r:i'd. Notes: Reference the above noted photo location numbers to the attached photos. I....... .. 11(1.llli'!VI,lI,Lltn~ ... ~. .~ ~ ~ = o ..... ...... ~ CJ o ~ o ...... o ..= ~ ~ - - ..... ~ ~ CJ 111 = ~ =1) ::::: -.,. =. .-..., =....., . . N :;t:: = = .- ....... ~ ~ = ~ = ....... = ..= ~ ~ - - .- ~ ~ ~ rI:l = ~ ~t) -. ':":<, .1 . -- ~ =tt = = .,.. .... ~ ~ = ~ = .... = ..= ~ ~ - - .,.. ~ ~ ~ fI). = ~ ~ =#: = Q .- ... ~ ~ Q ~ Q ... Q ~ ~ ~ - - .- ~ ~ ~ r:I:J = E-i . II) =I:t: = o .... ...... ~ CJ o ~ o ...... o ..cl ~ ~ - - .... ~ ~ CJ rI:J = ~ :::( -:';: -. --- ._..,~- ':"::" =."., . -- \0 :;t: = = .... .....- ~ CJ = ~ = .....- = ..= ~ ~ - - .... ~ ~ CJ rI). = ~ =tJ :::: -:,:', -. 1':'; ~ =:" . . i t--- =t:t: = o .... ..... ~ eJ o ~ o ..... o -= ~ ~ - - .... ~ eJ rIJ. = ~ ~'; == .-., ;:::;c 't:.~, ..-... :; :: =,.., . ...- 00 =#: = o .... ....... ~ CJ o ~ o ....... o ..= ~ ~ - - .... ~ ~ CJ ~ = ~ =f == 1':"; ~.: .. <..., . "" ~ = o ... ....... ~ ~ o ~ o ....... o ..= ~ ~ - - ... ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ =t == -";. -.. =, =-, = ~ =t:I:: = Q .... ...... ~ ~ Q ~ Q ...... Q ..c ~ ~ - - .... ~ ~ ~ l:'-l = ~ ;.( r::'~ --., . . '1"""'1 '1"""'1 :;t: = o ...... ..... ~ CJ o ~ o ..... o ..= ~ ~ - - ...... ~ ~ CJ rIJ = ~ =1; :::: --.., --' T::-; :-::' ~ =:., i . . N ~ :;t:: = = ...... ..... = ~ = ~ = ..... = ..= ~ = - - ...... ~ ~ rI.l = ~ ;.i.: -. - ,,;:::, '5:~ ~:~ , ., . . ("f') ~ =tt = = ...... ,... = t:.J = ~ = ,... = ..c ~ = - - ...... ~ t:.J fI.l = ~ ';.1. "" == .~:~ r: "' . . , ~ ~ =#: = = ...... ....... ~ ~ = ~ ( = ....... = ..= z ~ ".., "" "... '-:: '"":: ~ - ~ -- Q: -- ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~t *.-:.:<. oS"~ =:;:, . .... ADDRESS: 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SITE NAME: WINTER SPRINGS SITE 10: 8124-2867 Directions From Major City or Highway FROM 1-4 GO EAST OF S.R. 436. TAKE S.R. 436 TO RED BUG LAKE ROAD. MAKE A LEFT (EAST) ON RED BUG LAKE ROAD AND FOLLOW TO TUSKAWILLA ROAD. GO LEFT (NORTH) ON TUSKAWILLA ROAD TO WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. MAKE RIGHT (EAST) ON WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. AND FOLLOW TO SITE ADRESS. SITE ENTRANCE LOCATED AT INTERSECTION OF WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. AND DAVENPORT WAY. SITE DIRECTIONS .~: n ~, t~; c,.: 2\ PROJECT INFORMATION ZONING DRAWINGS FOR MONOPOLE TOWER AND COMPOUND INSTALLATION Q '...c~ Z <:> 1.:7 tr. td :> ~ ~ <:> f.'::::. r~> eU.Tl"' j)j\TE NAME: DATE I INTERNATIONAL .1 SITE NAME: WINTER SPRINGS SITE 10: 8124-2867 ADDRESS: 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 VICINITY MAP SITE MANAGER CONSTRUCTION MANAGER ZONING MANAGER NAME: NAME: DATE DATE NAME: DATE ZONING DRAWINGS SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION T-1 TITLE SHEET ARCHITECTURAL A-1 A-2 A-2.1 A-3 CC-1 TOWER ELEVATION PARENT PARCEL SITE PLAN AERIAL VIEW DETAILED SITE PLAN GROUNDING PLAN/CONDUIT RUNS STANDARDIZED CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS DETAILS & GUIDELINES SHEET NUMBER CD-1 CD-2 CD-4.1 EM-1 EB-1 GD-1 GD-2 S-1 DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DETAILS GATE DETAILS TRENCH DETAILS/CONDUIT DETAILS FRAME DETAIL 4 GANG METER GROUNDING DETAILS GROUNDING DETAILS SITE SIGNAGE FENCE & GATE PROPERTY INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ZONING: PUD FUTURE LAND USE: PUBLIC/SEMI PUBLIC PROPERTY TAX ID: 31-20-31-5BB.OOO-OOO-9A RF ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER NAME: DATE ~ ~P5'W~...... ., L~<", ~~ . ~ L_ ( I INTERNATIONAL +1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA 1D ~ ~ ~ i5 z i5 i:j " '" z 0 i:j '" z i= 0 0: ~ N 0- 0: '" 0:: ~ e f[ U :> Ul Iil gj Iil w " ;L ~ Cl 18 '" ~~ .... ... .... ~ 0 ~ ~ Q <( ~ ~ ~ Ul Cl (50 < .. 0 cr:: z A'WSOIutioDS ._l1iI'rpr...rat.. JIX) """," ON< CEHlRl' DRM, lU<<lW"JOO. Fl 32750 r~~' "'W_u.._ I -r11n I .- In \) 1.\)~1 '" !\'l IV . " q\.\ "j. L EMMANUa POllUN ... J FI,. P.:,E. _'54013 DRA\"'N BY: RAR CHECKeD 8)': JV'm DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER. I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE TITLE SHEET I SHEET NUMBER T-1 GROWN IUSA VERSION:6.0 DATE:.30/n,3/06 ( :..,.... ::; .tlQIE; <, 1. FINISHED COLOR OF PROPOSED FlAGPOLE SHALL BE OF SUCH A COLOR THAT IN WILL BLEND WITH THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH FAA STANDARDS. 2. PROPOSED FlAGPOLE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH T1A 222-G STANDARDS AS PUBUSHED BY TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION, AND ALL OF CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CONSTRUCTION/BUILDING CODE. 3. PROVIDE NO TRESPASSING SIGNS ON FENCE. SEE SHEET S-1. 4. PER FAA REQUIREMENTS NO TOWER UGHTlNG IS REQUIRED. fI1 II n II U n II U / PlU'OSED ANIDIlA 10 BE lXIWWlll1llN RN:PO.[ ~ ~ ~ I '111-111-111-111-111-111-111-111-111-111-11 ' i :z ~ III I I I I I I I I I I L~ ! ~ SCALE: 1"= 20' cen:e~ (j) '" -l (j) en en 000 (j) -l (j) (l)m-~ c ::j::j ~ffi~ :r: :r: )>3:Zo ::j c en ::j mm m 0 m zrrl:e m (j) 0 m :;:0:;: m ::E m )> Z )> z zz -;>;z -l -l 0;0- 0 m :e ~ )>c t-5m[JJ z m -l r-enZ 0 (j) j= 3:3: 0-( c: ::j m"lJn; ::0 (j) ~ m mtll 0"'.. )> ;;:: :::a r- 0;0;0 m C .. m :s>-( '" m oZen (j) z ~ -l .. m m cel..., (j) ::j f1:l,-~ I ;0 r- Zen;o z ...:e:o m ::;!-."z c <:;0 ~ < r-el ;:: 0 )> ",en '" <:> Ntll m .... -l ~< ;0 0 "'!=l Z ELEVATION 1 p.~ ~~;~ '" ~ .~ ?~ -~ ~~. ~~ " :!:~ 'f!!:' 'rJ:'/ --,..~'-' ~(g CJ.' , ~jIi, r::: <:;l~o "i;. ~ r ..... -. ;t -. Z < "= N '" .:::::1 0 ~;..co c> ~~ -J REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY A 4/30/07 ISSUED FOR REVIEW RAR . 5/22/07 RE-ISSUED FOR REVIEW RAR 0 5/30/07 ISSUED FOR ZONING RAR '" '" -lC> )>'" 3:'" ...,m c:1"t: en.,,)> )>r-3: ~Z "';0 ~O )> C 5 ~cD ~~~ !: Cr~O ~,::~ := ('Ti2: .. '" SU~ COMPLEnON NO~ . 1. lHE PROPOSED COMPOUND, TOWER AND EASEMENTS SHOWN HERE ARE PREUMINARY ONLY. A SU~ THAT WIll DETERt.fINE THE EXACT LOCATION IN REGARD TO lHE PARENT PARCa HAS NOT SEED COMPLETED YET. 2. A SURVEY HAS YET TO BE COMPLETED TO DETERMINE THE BASE FLOOD ElEVATION AND IF THE EXACT LOCATION or THE COMPOUND WIll BE WITHIN A flOOD PlAIN OR IF GRADING IS NECESSARY. / / / <.0 c> --. "^} !i:' (.";)'" <') (~.i f- ....c a \ c., 0: Z o 0- n:~, 5! i'3 \ " z' "" ~ c' PLOT UhT!::. \;r,,\:if:: / / -. - /'-'- I I I I / I / - I ~ / / I I / / / / / / / / / / / 1'~. '0. \ -. -. - - WINTER Sp - . 'RINes 8'1 -'-. L.VD. -. L-EXISTlNG WOODED AREA ~ - ~ EXISTING WATER ~ TANK ~ / / I ~ EXISTING ACCESS ROAD TO ~ BE unUZED I I I / / / I I / / TREE UN\I EXISTING WATER TANK /'-.....-.............-- EXISTING WATER TANK L- EXISTING WOODED AREA~ / ------- ----- / / Jr EXISTING unUTY POLE WI / TRANSfORMER \,"" ~~'\> *<:::,~ ~# <;J>cfJ EXISTING RffiNTION POND \ \ /' \ ----- :-- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~._. :,/ ~ TREE UNE -H b ...., .... /" / / / / / / / / / ._._._._._._._._._.~ L- EXISTING WOODED AREA ~ ~ .'\ ~1~1 ~ - - EXISTING ROUNDABOur I / / I / / r EXISTING PROPERlY UNE I I I \ \ \ \ \ :> ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ) / SCALE: NOT TO SCALE wt c~Qvy,?:r C!^ ~'u ILL. IINTERNATlONAL ...1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA fri ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ " '" z 0 ~ e ~ i= '" N a.. '" '" [2 e fil e (J ::l fil ., lil Vl ., W ::l T ::> Cl III ... III '" Vl ... ... ... Z W ~ ~~ 0 !;( 0 l:: g Vi Cl S ~ ~ ~ ci < ID 0 Q: Z A~SoIutiDiiS I II a tt t" ~ ,.JI Ji" I'l 1'. . . JOO CR(YC'< ,'1M CEHlRE ~ llH:1lOOO. R. 32750 lEe <!G:~02.!1 F~ ~7.:!1:M749 Fl CCJ.\fmaJ II = E ~, II L?'r ~/.~ ""f'/ I '---'^ i {\ l.QfJl I W'\I\"'< l ~ I I f:\AMANUa ~L'UN L-.-_~' 15402L--.__ DRAWN av: RA~ CHECKED bY: ,IWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE PARENT PARCEL SITE PLAN I SHEET NUMBER A-2 <D ~> ~~ t'~.; G.i .... .< o <;) <.;,') z o <h o.~. ~ :% \5 ~- ",. b '" '-" ~ !\ ~jts ~~ wt Ck>QWN@ 1")1 " ! [' j~ ~I"'ll.......l <.._ I INTERNATIONAl ...1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, Fl 33634 USA >- ~ ~ ~ CD 15 z 15 i!i " '" z 0 ~ '" z i= 0 '" e N D- e ~ 0:: fil () :> Ul fil III fil w :> T ::> Cl III ... !a !a '" ~w ... ! ... ~ i Q~ 0 UlCl S ~o ., .. 0 a:: z A'W'Slhltimls I fn"D'~Il.r.t.d 3Ii.' et_ OAK l:(ljlllE aIM:, UJHG'll):JIl, Fe J2150 1l'1; >I07.26'l.C2>1 FAX: 497~.0749 P. CIIAf 26963 .' ~ "~I rv ,01 ' -"'f' ". I . '--'/! "' : q~~71 UI '\';{.' ~ V . ,'nt', ElAMANUEL PCUUN Fl P.':. L~ I L DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWllLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, Fl 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE AERIAL VIEW I SHEET NUMBER A-2.1 '0 //0:0 PROPOSED SHADE TREE, MIN. 8' TNJ. wi 2 ~" CAUPER, CAPABlE OF GROWING 40'+ 0 0 010'O.C. ~ " 0 , 0 0 PROPOSED CONTINUOUS HEDGE. 30" HIGH '" 0 AT TIME OF PlANTING, CAPABlE OF " 0 GROWING TO AT lEAST 36" WITHIN 18 " 0 MONTHS ", 0 0 0 " 0 , 0 ", 0 0 0 ' 0 0 ", 0 0 , 0 ", 0 0 0 ' 0 0 ", 0 0 , 0 ", . 0 0 ' 0 0 o '" "" , ~ .,< ~I~f ~9~ /' /' ---- ---- ------ \0 c..~ '~ !;} C:J v, t<...i gNOTES: <::> NJ. lANDSCAPING SHAU. BE OF THE EVERGREEN VMIEIY C. BEING A MINIMUM QUAlITY OF flORIDA '1. ~ :UlAN~~~Nxg~~ET:r AND ;y; OWNER/OPER4TOR TO ENSURE GOOD HEAlTH AND ?i. QlWJTY. '.:s-; g NO EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED. DATE f:jLF r~jV.f:E:' ,/ / / / / / ,/ EXISTING ACCESS ROAD TO BE UTIUZED PROPOSED 150'FlAGPOLE, REFER TO NOTES~2 ON SHEET A-2 1 A-I PROPOSED MULTI-TENANT SERVICE STAND W ~ ",/' /' ~ '" / '" FUTURE TENANT ) LEASE MEA / // / ~ FUTURE TENANT LEASE MEA '" FUTURE TENANT LEASE MEA '" ~" / '" '" / --- / FUTURE TENANT LEASE MEA ---- --- --- ---- "'-- ---- " ./ ./ ./ ~----- T""''' " ""- ""- PROPOSED 8' CHijNUNK" FENCE WI IN RESISTANT VINYL SLATS. W \.5l ,/ ,/ " " " " ,/ ""- ,/ " ,/ "'-- /' ---- L- EXISTING DENSE WOODED AAEA~ _.o~c'i. ~~C\):J"/ . \I.\~' c.'~C\ ~14 ~ c;~r?-vyry~ ~="/c\~) J L L. I INTERNATIONAL "'I L- EXISTING RETENTION POND ~ 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z~~!i ~ ~ : ~ CL 0: t: N ~ E fil ~ &l lil ~ fil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " " .... ~~~ Q ..:: ~......~ VJ 0 .. '" '" ~ 0 <C .. c 0:: z A'WSoIutiorlS ,/ I n 00 r p 0 r _ t . d JOD CROIlN OAK canTlE DRI\{, LlJQOOO, fl 32750 ,/ 1ll; 407.260.0231 fAX: 407.260.07~ fl COAl 26983 /' /' D/U /' ---- ---- ---- M~\~3 () ~~~1 EMMANUEl), POUUN FL P.E. 54073 DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE DETAILED SITE PLAN I SHEET NUMBER SCALE: 1 16" 1'-0" A-3 OOWElD (TYP.) Sf[ NOTE 1, (TYP.) Sf[ NOTE 3. lHREE (3) TAILS- 2/0 AWG BARE TINNED CU STRANDED WIRE (TYP. EACH LEG) (I) BUSS BAR (I) TOMR LEG (I) SPARE EXIST1NG UTIlITY \ :4'~ _b ~~41 ELECTRIC CO:DUIT~ E -E -[ -1-T (2) 4' ~ TELCO CONDUIT / ;v/;- Y/" "9", 00></ Y CUSTDlIER 13 ANa 14 CONOUIT RUNS (2) 4' ruC. ANa (2) 4' TELCO TURNED UP INSIOl: 2' -O'xJ'-o' PUUBOX W/ CN'S AND PULL STRINGS <-.>.., <:,."). :> .....--:::.0 ;:;:) v., :....c <,"'" _--1-------------____ _____------- Q_--- I ---+------e------- _-------~.J I _- -..... I ___------ I \ -- I ~ i l:--- 2/0 AWG BARE TINNED CU I j" STRANDED WIllE GROUND I .. RING IB' (MIN.) ClEARANCE I , \ FROM EDGE OF CONC. I II \ FOUNDATION I 1 \ i I ' , Ii '''-, i A" I ----fl) I -',- : ,,~-- /. ! ~-- _________ L_______________-'~------------------- / I G~-l ------~----------~--------- , -- ;' I (TYP.) '-" , I "- , I \ ! I \ i I r-----------------------T---------------------~- I ! r- TOWER UGIIlNlNG CONOUIT: I , I' RUN (I) 4" TURNED UP I : \ I AT INSIDE FACE OF TOMR I I I (J) W/ BOOT INSTAllED I I /r I I I : , I I I I , , I I , I I I I / I : : ~' : I I I I I : : I : I I I FUTURE TENANT AREA I I :---------------: i FUTURE TENANT AREA i i : C~4.1 i i i i I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CUSTOMER CONOUIT RUN 0 I I CUSTOt.tER 12 CONDUIT RUN I 11 (I) 4' ElEC. / (I) 4' \ I I rr (I) 4" ElEC. AND (I) 4' TELCO, I TELCO TURNED UP AT I I I REDUCE AT SHElTER AS REQUIRED. I CONER OF CUST. LEASE W/ I I I I CAPS AND PUll STRINGS I I I I !I I I I I I I I~ I !I!I\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~OC~OC-OC-OC-OC-OC-OC-OC-OC-OC-oc-OC-OC~I\ 'I ~~OC OC-OC-OC-OC-OC-OC~OC-OC-OC-OC-OC-OC~\ FUTURE TENANT AREA FUTURE TENANT AREA (TYP.) <.:.~ <.:;) ~ $- LEGEND o INSPECTION PORT o GROUND ROD . CADWELD CONNECTION )( )( FENCE LINE i O;~ <:..., D>\TE. SITE GROUNDING PLAN 3 CD-4. GROUNDING NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHAlL INSTALL THE t.4INIt.4UM NUt.4BER OF GROUND RODS 1<5 INDICATED ON DRAWING. GROUND RODS SHAlL BE 5/B"Xl0 FOOT COPPER GlAD GROUND RODS AND SHAlL BE SPACED AT A 15 FOOT APART. SEE GROUNDING PlAN FOR APPROXIt.tATE LOCATIONS; CONTRACTOR SHAlL PlAN FOR INSTAlliNG ADDmONAL GROUNDING IS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE 5-0HMS OR LESS TO GROUND. 2. ALL BURIED GROUND WIRES INTERCONNECTING GROUND RODS, TOWER STEEL, SHELTER, AND EQUIPMENT_EXTERNAL GROUND RINGS (EGR) SHAlL BE 2/0 AWG BARE TINNED CU STIRANDED WIRE. - ALL FENCE POST LEADS, ICE BRIDGES, AND UTILllY RACK LEADS SHALL BE t.4INIMUt.4 #2 AWG CU WIRE. SEE: DWG EBt.4 FOR DETAILS 3. ALL GROUNDING WIRE AND LEADS SHAlL FLOW IN A SMOOTH CLOCKWISE PATH WITH NO KINKS OR SHARP BENDS. ALL BELOW GRADE CONNECTIONS SHAlL BE EXOTHERt.4IC WELDS (CADWELD). TEE CONNECTORS ARE NOT PERt.4ITTED ABOVE OR BELOW GRADE ON CROWN SITES. - TO PREVENT TRIPPING HAZARDS, STUB-UP ALL GROUNDING LEADS ON THE INTERIOR SIDE OF SELF-SUPPORT TOWER FOUNDATION PIERS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. - ALL TOWERS SHAlL HAVE THREE SEPARATIE GROUND WIRES FROt.4 THE GROUND RING AND EXOTHERMICALLY WELDED TO TOWER STEEL Bf.SE PLATIES. - FOR SELF SUPPORT AND GUY TOWERS: INSTALL SIX ADDmONAL GROUND LEADS, TWO LEADS PER LEG AROUND THE TOWER FOR FUTURE CARRIER'S USAGE. ONE OF THE TWO SPARE LEADS IS FOR THE CARRIER'S GROUND BAR WHICH IS LOCATED ON THE TOWER BELOW THE ICE BRIDGE FOR GROUNDING THE OUTER COAX SHEATH THAT GOES FROt.4 THE TOWER VIA THE ICE BRIDGE. -FOR MONOPOLES: INSTALL SIX ADDmONAL GROUND LEADS, 2 LEADS PER LOCATION AT 120" AROUND THE TOWER FOR FUTURE CARRIER'S USAGE (NEAR THE ATTACHED TOWER LEADS) - ALL SPARE GROUND LEADS FROM THE TOWER GROUND RING SHAlL BE CUT OFF AT 12" ABM GRADE AND ZIP TIED OR TAPED TO THE ATTACHED TOWER LEAD. 4. GROUND LEADS TO MONOPOLE SHAlL ONLY BE CADWELDED TO MANUFACTURER'S GROUNDING TAB OR THE Bf.SEPLATES. "HEYER CADWELD BRAZE OR WELD TO THE TOWER STRUCTURE SECTION". 5. ALL EXOTHERMIC WELDS TO ABOVE GRADE STEEL STRUCTURES MUST BE COLD GALVANIZED AND SPRAYED WITH t.tATCHING RUST INHIBITOR PAINT. GROUND TEST PROCEDURES: A. CCUSA STANDARD REQUIREMENT FOR RESISTIVITY TO EARTH ON ALL SmES IS 5-0HMS OR LESS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILllY TO ENSURE SUCH REQUIREt.4ENT IS ACHIMD. REVIEW OF THE SOIL RESISTMlY TEST PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE SITE GROUNDING SYSTEM WILL GREATLY I<5SIST IN DETERMINING THE lYPE OF GROUNDING INSTALLATION, NUMBER AND lYPE OF GROUND ROD(S). B. PERFORM THREE POINT fALL OF POTENTIAl GROUNDING (MEGGER) TEST UTIUZING THE "AEt.4C 4500" TEST INSTRUMENT FROM A MINIMUM OF TWO SEPARATE POINTS IN TWO SEPARATE DIRECTIONS FROM THE POINT OF CONTACT. C. PERFORt.4 GROUND TESTING ONLY IF NO RAINFALL Hf.S OCCURRED WITHIN THREE DAYS, AND THERE IS NO STANDING WATER IN THE GROUND WIRE TRENCHES. D. THE CONTRACTOR SHAlL DOCUt.4ENT t.4EGGER TEST RESULTS FOR THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND GROUNDING COMPONENTS AND PHOTOGRAPH WITH A DIGITAL CAMERA THE ENTIRE NEWLY INSTALLED GROUNDING SYSTEt.4 PRIOR TO BACKFlWNG AN'( OPEN TRENCHES. E. FORWARD THE MEGGER TEST DOCUt.4ENTATION TO THE REGIONAL CCUSA REPRESENTATIVE (1<5 PART OF THE FINAL SmE ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENTATION). ~ C;R4Q.Wt;Y" Cft) j L. t I INTERNATIONAL +1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA >- ~ ~ ~ CD i5 z i5 ~ " IX Z 0 ~ IX Z f= IX ~ 2 CL E IX 1i:: f3 ~ u iil Ul f3 III f3 w " j; iil Cl !I! IX !a ~w ... ... ... ~ ~ ~ Q< ., ~ UlCl ~ ;;;- ~ ci .. '" 0 a:: z A'WsututiOlIs InngrllDret.d I. ~ ~.cw.CEll1Rf.1'flI\r, 'l'HG'MY.ll,FLJV5Il r~~ d~'~" .".;'Y' /1 '. t_____/ 't' f\ Fl{)\Yf ~I\'{ .~".} \l '- . r \, L [f;lIiWlUEL ~OUUN '_ FL P.L 1540J.3 DRAWN I:ff, RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE GROUNDING PLAN/CONDUIT RUNS I SHEET NUMBER 1 CC-1 2'-0" (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) 2 TO 1 SLOPE MAINTAIN TO BOTTOM OF DITCHLlNE / FLOWLINE AND ON OPPOSITE SLOPE MATCH EXISTING SLOPE. DITCHES SHALL A l' (FOOT) FLAT BOTTOM WITH RIP RAP INSTALLED IN HEAVY EROSION AREA. 12'-0" (TYPICAL) LINE POST WITH CHAIN LINK FENCE EXTERIOR COMPOUND COMPOUND SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT 2:1 SLOPE ~.. . ~: ~ ..... . 4 . ". . .. .', . .', 4 . ... .. . 111==111==111==11 1==111==111==111==111==111 III II 111==111==111==111==111==111==111== ==111==111==111==111==111==111==111==111- 11==1 1==1 1==111==111==111==111==111==111==111 NOTE: [SUBGRADE PROOF -USE OF SWALES AND/OR DRAINAGE ROLLED/COMPACTED DITCHES FOR PROPER WATER CLASS 4 GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL "MIRAFI-500X" (OR RUNOFF AS NEEDED. EQUAL) L 4" #3 STONE (3" TO 4" STONE WITH FINES AND DUST) COMPACTED TO 80% 4" OF DGA STONE (1" OR SMALLER STONE WITH FINES AND DUST) COMPACTED TO 80% (RUN THROUGH PUG MILL OR ADD MOISTURE FOR PROPER COMPACTION) r 4" OF DGA STONE (1" OR LESS WITH FINES AND DUST) 4" OF #3 STONE (3" TO 4" STONE CLEAN) CLASS 4 GEOTEXTILE MATERiAL "MIRAFI-500X" (OR EQUAL) SUBGRADE PROOF ROLLED/COMPACTED -AGGREGATE IS BASED ON AASHTO STANDARDS. -2" CROWN IN CENTER OF ACCESS, UNLESS IN CURVES, THEN ACCESS SHOULD BE SLOPED TO INSIDE OF TURN / CURVE NOTE: -USE OF SWALES AND/OR DRAINAGE DITCHES FOR PROPER WATER RUNOFF AS NEEDED. -AGGREGATE IS BASED ON AASHTO STANDARDS. ACCESS ROAD SURFACING DETAIL SITE SURFACING OUTSIDE OF COMPOUND FENCES ~~A~E 1 TOP OF TOWER OR MONOPOLE FOUNDATION (0 Z ~ T/ FINISHED STONE MAT ~ ~ ~ . a: :::E. . ... . .., 8 "-. g Co) "" ~ <. {:;;:; I I .a 4 4 , ~ffi~ffi~ffi~~ n~ffi~ffi~ffi~ffi~ffi~ffiW==III==III== T ' "-,, ,-, "-,, '-: :-' "-,, ,-" ,-" ,-, ,,-, ,,_. ~~~~~~~ELLED/ I I COMPACTED l... __-~~----.j ",--- ---/ " " <? ~ 13 ~~ 0;'. $: o ?i~ '" o c:. <...~ F'LOT ]P',TE FL.c ~~:\r}F... NOT APPLICABLE 4 SURFACING AROUND TOWER FOUNDATION 5 SUBGRADE PROOF ROLLED/COMPACTED CLASS 4 GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL "MIRAFI-500X" (OR EQUAL) 4" OF #3 STONE (3" TO 4" STONE CLEAN) 4" OF DGA STONE (1" OR LESS WITH FINES AND DUST) . .' . " . ..... ...... ~ 1=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=11 ~ill~W~ill~ill~ill~ill~ill~ill~ill~lli~ill~lli~lli~ill~ill~ill~ill~ NOTE: -USE OF SWALES AND/OR DRAINAGE DITCHES FOR PROPER WATER RUNOFF AS NEEDED. -AGGREGATE IS BASED ON AASHTO STANDARDS. -SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 1/4" PER FOOT TO MAX. GRADE OF 6" FROM CENTER OF COMPOUND TO EACH FENCE LINE 2 SITE COMPOUND AREA SURFACING NOT APPLICABLE n ~ ~~qwr;t WJ VII~~R~::rI~~A~+1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ i5 '" 0: Z 0 i5 ~ z i= 0: 2 Cl.. 0: ~ 1i': lr f.l 0 f.l iil f.l (f) Ul W " J; ::> 0 12 III 0: III (f) " " " z w i ~~ 0 !;( S S Vi 0 ~ ~ ci < lD 0 cr z A~SoIutiolfs Inaorllor.t.d JOO alO'lIl ON( WHIlE IlRIIE, Laaooo, Fl 32750 m.: 407.26ll.0231 fAX: 407.260.0749 fl CtJAf 26983 ~f\' i - ,i f\ 'lQ~1 N\~~ ~ V ~>' E~MANUa: POUUN Fl P.E. 54073 DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE CONSTRUCTION DEl AILS I SHEET NUMBER 5 CD-1 NOT APPLICABLE ~~ -;;:)' ::.:: c v' ;:0 ~ <> "F''' z o f9. ~ <<' v: ;~, ts C::;' () NOT APPLICABLE F>L CT CU\TE iLc MIN.4 FASTENERS (HOG RINGS) PER 2-1/2" 0 NPS LINE POST (TYP.) 3" 0 NPS CORNER POST (TYP.) 1 3 8',0" B'-O. 8'-0" o .' ~ 1 1/2" 0 NPS TOP RAIL & BRACE SCH. 40 (TYP.) 2-1/2" 0 NPS LINE POST (TYP.) 2"GALV.MESH#9GA FABRIC (TYP.) BOTTOM TENSION WIRE #7 GA. - ALUMINIZED COIL WIRE FINISHED GRADE ~ FENCE FABRIC TO BE FLUSH WITH TOP OF FINISHED GRADE . TOP OF CHAIN LINK FENCE (FABRIC) 2'.0' :::: 8'-0" ABOVE TOP OF FIN. STONE GATE HOLD BACK LOCATED 1 FT OFF FACE OF FENCE (TYPICAL FOR 2 PLACES) TYPICAL FENCE & GATE SECTION STRETCHER BARS TYPICAL STYMIE LOCK GATE KEEPER BRACKET ::r ~/ '^Y ^ X X >< I~ ~IO ] ~~^ ~XI /, X X ~X~ X X XX ~X>Q<x> X I I ~ I)(Y YY ^^^ <0x ~ ~ ~ 0/Y' ^ X ><x<< ~*~~ )<><XXXy XXXXx-.- X/y ~ ~ 0<1 ~' Xx I'--- Vx ~ ~ >y< )< "--- ~ ~GATES ...c: b.. STYMIE LOCK DETAIL wt CR,QW(\I@ t /. *, ! ! 1= Il,,, . 'J . .., IINTERNATIONAl",1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA 2 >- ~ ~ ~ ID ~ Z ~ ~ c:> "' z 0 iil "' lii Ii: 0: ~ N ~ "' ii: ~ ~ () Ii! '" Ii! (/) '" W ::> T ::> 0 III .... '" !!l "' !!l (/) .... ~ .... z w ~ i 0 !;{ Ii! ~ Vi 0 ~ ~ 0 -< Ol 0 ~ z A\VSolutioDS Ino.rporat.d JOO CRO'Ml OAK lINTRE IIRI\{, LQlG'MlOD, FL 32750 In; 407.2fill.0231 FA)(, 407.260.0749 FL CIlAf 2691lJ A -....~ ' i. '1 r N\I\'< ~r~ 'tB~V EMMANUEL POUUN FL P"E. 54073 DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30107 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE GATE DETAILS I SHEET NUMBER 4 CD-2 BOLT DOWNS (TYP.4) LIFT PINS (TYP.2) IDENTIFICATION TELEPHONE OR ELECTRIC PART NUMBER: FCA243624FF4xx INOTE: ALL STUB-UP CONDUITS INSIDE PULL BOXES WILL BE 6" FROM TOP OF BOX AND HAVE PULL STRING AND CAPS PULL BOX DETAIL o '^'. ~r '~ ;;~ G.i ~ CUSTOMER STUB-UPS SHOULD BE CAPPED OFF WITH PVC CAP AT GRADED \ LEVEL GAA~\ ~ I" 'I ,,' "III" 'III" 'III" 'I ,,~' 'I I' 11==111==111==111==111==' 4- - ---f I 1 1 = = T I PVC SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " \ "- " , " , --- - " "- ---, .--------7\ ',II V '___ I I \ BELOW GRADE SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT STRAIGHT CONDUITS BELOW GRADE SHALL BE PVC SHEDULE 40 ""III"'III"'III"'III"'III~' 11==111==111==111==111==1 c <..(') z '-' ~ ~ ;.::: z' '" o 5 CUSTOMER STUB UP DETAIL ?LCT L)/\T:,:. ~H..t: TOP 8" SHALL STANDARD FILL PER SITE SURFACE DETAIL UNEXCAVATED * TRENCH WIDTH AS REQ'D BY POWERlTELEPHONE CO.; OR QTY. OF CONDUITS N ..- HTEL WARNING TAPE - z o - ("') :2: * PVC POWER CONDUIT GRAVEL FILL COMPACTED, NO STONE OR ROCK LARGER THAN 1" DIAMETER OR COMPACTED SAND. FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT SHOULD SURROUND THE CONDUITS AT LEAST 8" ON ALL SIDES PVC TELCO CONDUIT * 12" MIN. SEPARATION VERIFY WITH LOCAL CODES AND UTILITIES * AS PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS NOTE: NO DIRT SHALL BE USED FOR BACK FILLING ONLY SMALL STONE CLEAN OR SAND 1 TYPICAL 2 CONDUIT TRENCH CONCRETE OR FILL TOP 8" SHALL STANDARD FILL PER SITE SURFACE DETAIL UNEXCAVATED * TRENCH WIDTH AS REQ'D BY POWER/TELEPHONE CO.; OR QTY. OF CONDUITS N ..- HTEL WARNING TAPE o ?; ("') :2: * PVC TELCO CONDUIT N ..- PVC TELCO CONDUIT PVC POWER CONDUIT GRAVEL FILL COMPACTED, NO STONE OR ROCK LARGER THAN 1" DIAMETER OR COMPACTED SAND. FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT SHOULD SURROUND THE CONDUITS AT LEAST 8" ON ALL SIDES * AS PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS * 12" MIN. SEPARATION VERIFY WITH LOCAL CODES AND UTILITIES NOTE: NO DIRT SHALL BE USED FOR BACK FILLING ONLY SMALL STONE CLEAN OR SAND 3 TYPICAL 4 CONDUIT TRENCH CONCRETE OR FILL ~ CRQWf\.f t/\\,-j'L t.,-H'-\\t,~.; Lf. I INTERNATIONAL +1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA 2 >- ~ ~ ~ lD ~ Z ~ ~ '" '" z 0 ~ '" z i= 0 '" 12 N 0.. '" '" a: 12 6 E u ::> Ul 6 l:l 6 w ::> ;L ::> Cl !a '" !a Ul ,... ,... ! z w ~ ~ 0 !;( ., '" Vi Cl ~ ~ ~ ci < co 0 0:: Z A\4fSolutioiiS In.......Dr.t.. 300 CROIN OAK i:EHM IlRM, ltJlG'IoOOD. Fl 32750 lIl; 407.2llO.O231 FAX: 407.260.0749 Fl aJJ.f 2698J ,~/'l ~{/~' \I ,-WI , j \' EMt.4ANUEL POUUN FL P.E.' 54073 DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE TRENCH DETAllSI CONDUIT DETAilS I SHEET NUMBER 4 CD-4.1 ~; Q t;~ ;:X s ~ Q f,.,0 Z <:> lJ f;/ \t.S > << ~, ~ <:..) 0: (we DATE; (l---------------~---- @ EXTERNAL GROUND RING CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL GFCIRECEPTACLE ) ." I I I 1'. 1.. -----------------~--t---~~..~~- 1.1 ), I I ) I. I f . I ~.) I I 1'1 I" I I..) 1 i 1'1 ~. I ) _I I -I I., I I . I I. 1 ): I I 1 ~ 'I I . , I L I I I I,'f 1"1 I.. L_J 'I I , ,) 1-'-____.:.1 5'-0" REFER TO DWG EM-1 FOR FRAME DETAILS . DD . . 00 . .Ii8 00 . .Ii8 00 . .Ii8 00 4 GANG METER PACK DD DD 2 HOLE LUG o 00 Q SURGE PROTECTOR 3 (TYP.) FRONT ELEVATION NOTE: - ALL METAL EQUIPMENT CABINETS; HINGES; SCREWS; ENCLOSURES; CONDUIT NIPPLES; ETCo< SHALL BE COATED WITH CLEAR COAT LAQUER SPRAY; EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL EQUIPMENT. - ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE POURED TO BELOW FINISHED STONE FJ.E N(;\L~E~ NOTES: 1. STUB-UP CONDUITS 6" AWAY FROM EDGE OF CONCRETE POST ENCASEMENT. 2. ALL PVC CONDUIT ABOVE FINAL GRADE SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT. 3. ALL GALVANIZED POSTS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE EXTERNAL GROUND RING (EGR) USING EXOTHERMIC WELDS. 4. ALL ABOVE GRADE GROUNDING CONDUCTORS TO BUSS BARS SHALL BE #2 AWG STRANDED/GREEN JACKETED CU WIRE. TO FENCE POST, ICE BRIDGE POSTS, AND UTILITY RACK POSTS MAY BE #2 AWG BARE TINNED CU SOLID. EXOTHERMICALLY (CADWELD) WELDED TO 2/0 MAIN GROUND RING JUST BELOW FINISHED GRADE. 5. ALL EXOTHERMIC WELDING MUST COMPLY WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 6. TWO (2) 5/8"x10' (CU or CU CLAD) GROUND RODS (6' APART as per NEC and/or local code) SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LINE WITH THE TOWER EGR. FINISHED GRADE _____0000________00__... TO NEAREST FENCE POST REFER TO DRAWING EMS FOR BILL OF MATERIALS AND NOTES ~ c;RQWf:.r tj\,) I Lt 1 INTERNATIONAL '*'1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA fu ~ ~ ~ is Z is ~ !f 0: 0 ~ 0: Z t= 0: E ~ a. 0: 0: a: E S E () Iil ~ S (f) W :> ;): :> 0 en !a en 0: ~I:! .... .... .... ~~ ~ o N Q< $ S ';;- (f)O (50 .. ., 0 Ct::Z A'WSoIutioifS Ina...UG'f"&t.'1 JOI) CROtIN (),\1( ::ooJl( IlIN. LCIIGllOOO. fl J27"JI\ TEl: 401.26olQ.CJ1 rlX: 4O'~IO.0749 rl. CCAf 26~ -- eli..../'""'" //1 ./...... ~ /;71/ ' v . MAY ~ 0 2007 " I EMM"'NUE~POUUN FL P.,,- ~_ DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JV'lrJ DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE 4 GANG METER 1 I SHEET NUMBER EB-1 FRAME DETAIL FOR POWER AND/OR TELCO EQUIPMENT 1 m m m-. 11==111==111==1 :- 1:;> "' ~ 15" (TYP.) 1,J.) .>, ~; ;;; t;j l- <( c;, SIDE ELEVATION <.:, .~': &; [5 :;:'" NOTE: <D- SPRAY CUT ENDS OF ALL UNISTRUT WITH COLD-GALV. AND PAINT ON CLEAR LAQUER ;}; ;:~, ~ c' "" ~) ~- ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE POURED TO BELOW FINISHED STONE F\.CT 1:;> 1- I III III 111=-." 11==11 1==111==1 9 "' ~" ," d , 5'-0. 00 o .Ii 00 o .Ii 00 o .Ii 00 o D o 00 0 4 METER GANG BOX . DD DD D ,,'d FRONT ELEVATION ~ N <9 Z f.- C3 <l: c.. (/) ...J W Z ~ Z <l: T- J: U ...J <l: i= [ i- T- 5' FINISHED GRADE 1 III III 111-. I III III IlL. 11==111==111==1 11==111==111==1 CONCRETE EASEMENT (TYPICAL) ~ C(R,Qw/~.r /.. -"~ f t ,~m __/ . toft .1...,;. 1 INTERNATIONAL "'I 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, Fl33634 USA fu ~ ~ ~ . ~ Z ~ ;;:; " It: Z 0 ;;:; It: ~ f= It: ~ N c.. 0: ~ a:: ~ El u " (f) El gj El w " ;L " Cl ::! It: ::! ~~ " " ~ ~ ~ Q <l: g ::: (f)Cl ~ ';;;- ;;,. (;So .. '" 0 Cl::Z A~SolutioiiS P.o.rlllorat"".. JOG CIWIM 0/1( CDl '" !lRI\{, lCflCIl:XID, fl 32150 ~ 407:tKl.02Jl FAX: 407.2!O.Om ~ COAl 21983 I ~rl1 M~Y 3 0 ~ggf Et.lMAN\JEm POUUN '-_ FL P.E. .54073 DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30107 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWllLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, Fl32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE FRAME DETAIL I SHEET NUMBER 1 EM-1 GROUND ROD 1 GROUND ROD DETAIL 2 INSPECTION PORT DETAIL 3 TWO-HOLE COMPRESSION LUG BURNDY CAT #YA2C2TC38E2 OR APPROVED EQUAL HEX BOLT LOCK WASHER USE 1/4" FOR FLAT WASHER ATTACHMENT TO ~ METAL ENCLOSURES COPPER SHEILD & 3/8" FOR ~ ATTACHMENT TO GROUND BARS FLAT WASHER LOCK WASHER TYPE GR TYPE SV HEX NUT INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. BOLTS, WASHERS, AND NUTS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. ~ 2. SELECT BOLT LENGTH TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF TWO EXPOSED THREADS. 3. BURNISH MOUNTING SURFACE TO REMOVE PAINT IN THE AREA ;.c~ OF LUG CONTACT. .~ GROUND BAR t<"} '-' TYPE PH TYPE KA TYPE VS 4. APPLY COPPER-SHIELD COMPOUND TO MATING SURFACE OF '" C:;J ~...., LUG AND WIPE CLEAN EXCESS COMPOUND. >...;,.c- ';;: a NOTES 5. ALL METAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE EXTERNALLY 1. SECURE TO INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR WALL wi S.S. LAG GROUNDED TO THE TOWER EGR. (PAINTED METAL SURFACES <d HARGAR CAT # GBB-1442-G OR APPROVED EQUAL MUST HAVE SMALL SECTION OF PAINT REMOVED BEFORE Z <.:) INSTALLATION, AND SHALL BE SPRAYED LIGHTLY WITH CLEAR 7, 2. OMIT INSULATOR WHEN MOUNTING TO TOWER STEEL OR i.Y._ COAT LACQUER FINISH). ld PLATFORM STEEL. USE INSULATORS WHEN ATTACHING TO ";:'" [$ BUILDINGS OR SHELTERS c.::.::. z 3< <'::> CADWELDS (TYPICAL) 4 "" GROUND BAR 5 GROUNDING TO FLAT SURFACES TYPICAL 6 {we ~ CADWELD TYPE NC THERMOWELD TYPE CR-17 DOUBLE CABLE TO GROUND ROD GRADE ~ I" 'I I' "1I1':":":1I1':":":111~ II~ II I III m ffi::::J 11=' 8" PVC CPLG. (THRD.) W f- , zO o -2 (") ::2;w * w ~ CADWELD c ':":":11i"'111':":":111~1I~' Tf:111m III m 111=' T1FINISH GRADE SUBGRADE b (") ". u 2/0 AWG BARE STRANDED TINNED COPPER WIRE, ANIXTER CAT. #1A-0201 OR APPROVED EQUAL 111-Ti\.!..! \.- TRENCH BOTTOM <0 ~COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD 5/8"QlX10'-0" LONG 2/0 TINNED CU EXTERNAL TOWER GROUND RING WIRE COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD Q CAD WELD TEST LOOP TO GROUND RING WIRE CAD WELD TYPE GT THERMOWELD TYPE CR-2 HORIZONTAL TO GROUND ROD * NOTE: GROUND ROD SHALL BE MIN. 30" BELOW GRADE OR 6" BELOW FROST LINE. (WHICH EVER IS GREATER) AS PER N.E.C. ARTICLE 250-50(D) * NOTE: GROUND WIRE SHALL BE MIN. 30" BELOW GRADE OR 6" BELOW FROST LINE. (WHICH EVER IS GREATER) AS PER N.E.C. ARTICLE 250-50(D) n ~ t~{~W~. W "INTERNATIONAL ..., 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA ~d ~ ~ I.. ~ Z ~ i:j '" 0: Z 0 i5 ~ ~ ti: .. N .. 0: ii: e fil e () :::> U') S l:l fil w " ;L :::> 0 i:l 0: !8 U') ... .... i z w ~ ~ 0 !;( '" N Vi 0 ~ ';;- ~ 0 < ., c a:: z A\VSolutioliS InaDr"or.t.d 300 CIlO'lH ON( C[NTR!: DRI\t LllIG'MlOIl. FL 32750 TEe 407~02J1 FAX: 407.260.0749 FL COAl 26t83 ~,.-:." ~/1 MA~ 3 0 20D} I EMtAANU POUUN Fl P.E. 54073 DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE GROUNDING DETAILS I SHEET NUMBER GD-1 " I 1::;::11 E,:3 11;:;::111 \ r#2/0 TINNED STR. CU Y _(TJP.) , \, ~ \..L 2/0 AWG BARE ~ I TINNED CU COPPER CLAD STR. (TYP.) GROUND ROD I I L__~ p ~?Jo \p )~2J ~ ~~~~~~~~ A V TOWER STEEL~ (;\ ~ ------- II II -Jr I , f!' C) _ C") :::!E :ROUND RING WIRE J II E lli::;:m.~~~ II~ 11::;:;1 I I I TOWER FOUNDATION ~ TOWER GROUND DETAIL CONCRETE POST FOUNDATION METERBOARD POST I CADWELD TO PIPE -.....J ) \ TYPICAL FOR ALL l ; ~ METALPO:T ~~ J GD-1 ~ ~ "'" I11I II II ~ ~ NOTE: -- - --~ALWAYSCADWELD TO SIDE OF FENCE' .. i..- POST TO PREVENT TRIPPING HAZARD - MECHANICAL GROUNDING CONNECTIONS ARE PROHIBITTED -TOP OF FENCE FABRIC SHALL BE LEVEL, CUT SIDE OF FENCE FABRIC TO BE INSTALLED TOWARD THE GROUND, AND SMOOTH SIDE TO BE INSTALLED TOWARD THE BARBED WIRE. CADWELD 2/0 GROUND WIRE TO BASEPLATES ONLY, NEVER CADWELD TO MONOPOLE TOWERS OR HOLLOW LEG SST. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE AND CLEAN PAINTED OR RUSTED SURFACES BEFORE CADWELDING. PAINT SURFACES AFTER INSTALLATION PER CROWN STANDARDS. BARBED WIRE 2'.0" RADIUS BEND (MINIMUM, TYP.) ~x 'X 'X 'X x.)(V' XXXXxX'X Xx'X V'XV~><)<;. XX'X'XX'><)< 'X 'X'X 'X x: X X ")(''>< X ~ X'X VV'><><.)< W~)< X X ')()< 'X 'X 'X k X X 'X )< X X)< X 'XX vv ~XXX-/<x'><x'><x'><x'><x ~'X 'X'X'X '^xX ~ ~W X 'X'XX 'X'X ~W & Y\l0 'X'X'X'X N;0X)<Xlv X X x"x 'X X""x: SUBGRADE HII- K. I ) gl 2/~ AWG BARE TINNED J STR. CU (TYP.) Q COPPER CLAD GROUND J ROD 3/4" x 10' LONG i. I SCAlE: I N.T.S. 1 FENCE GROUNDING 5'.0" PIGTAIL FOR E~QUIP. \ ! SUPPORT CHANNEL FOR ELECTITELCO EQUIP. :) - \MAIN GRO~ND RING- ",. ~:.:.) ~~ ~ z:; - - - -- - - 2/0 AWG BARE TINNED CU STR. (TYP.) NOTE: -NUMBER OF LEADS FROM GROUND RING TO METER BOARD EQUIPMENT: ONE FOR EACH POST (3), ONE FOR EACH WIREWAY (3), ONE FOR TELCO BOX (1), ONE FOR ELECTRIC METER PANEL (1), ONE FOR BUSSBAR (1) C': <c' Z c- ~ ~ ;.~: :z: ~ e;; c~ -GROUND RODS AT METERBOARD TO BE 30" MIN. OR 6" BELOW FROST LINE (WHICH EVER IS DEEPEST). "! (iT DPJf. C":: ,;: t~!\f'JE:.: METER RACK GROUNDING TYPICAL - PLAN VIEW 7 7' ~ CORNER ~ FENCE POST FENCE FABRIC (#2 AWG BARE SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE CADWELD TO EXTERIOR GROUND RING AND FENCE POST 'j ~ CADWELD TO SIDE OF ~ POST 6" ABOVE FINISH GRADE &,/ FINISH GRADE I ~~ 12 #2 AWG BARE SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE TAIL FROM FENCE POST CADWELDED TO 2/0 CU EXTERIOR GROUND RING (TYP.) COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD 3 GD-1 - ~~ '-- TO FENCE - I SCAlE: N.T.S. I 4 GATE CADWELD CONNECTIONS FENCE POST 10 ~ )Q :~v~ / V I ~ h I t::::::::= / CADWELD TO SIDE OF POST 6" ABOVE FINISH GRADE GATE JUMPER 2/0 AWG WELDING CABLE r / ~V" 10 "lX~/ ~ ~INISHGRADE, I I #2 AWG BARE SOLID TINNED T~~ .... - 2" ~~.- ~~~f;~i~~~:~:~riUND RING +/- 12" FROM FENCE POST GATE GROUNDING DETAIL I ~~ I 3 CONCRETE POSTFOUNDATI~ \ UNISTRUT CLAMP FOR CONDUIT ~ J \ METERBOARD --...........1 POST l ") - \ SUPPORT CHANNEL FOR ELECTITELCO EQUIP. UNISTRUT CLAMP FOR SUPPORT CHANNEL UNISTRUT CLAMP DETAIL I SCAU:' N.T.S. . I 5 wt ~\QW~. ~ (u ." i ..f....... <oJ' v' L I INTERNATIONAL ...1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA ~d ~ ~ ~ z ~ Gi C> '" Z 0 Gi ~ z t= .. S c.. .. .. a:: e s e () s ~ s Ul W ::> T ::> 0 !a Ili l:l ~ w .. ,.. ,.. Qt( ~ ~ ~ UlO ~ ';;:)- (50 < '" 0 ~z AW'Solutions Inaar.01'flt'_d JOO CR<llIN ~ 't. c.lNlRE IIRM, l.lIIG'tOOIl. P. 'ill5(J lD.: 407_'6..il2J1 F,J(: ~.07J9 Fl COAl 16'J83 Ii ) P,llt ~..) '. ','t .1 '-- ., -'" \'- I \ t Mfi?,~ 0 200~? EWMuEl'.'€ POUUN Fl P.E. 154D'/~ DRAWN BY: RAft CHECKED BY: v'WD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE GROUNDING DETAILS I SHEET NUMBER GD-2 ~ SCHEMATIC SIGNAGE PLAN NO SCALE 10 M .'. '!. ... ~ " 8 ";:; ~ V') S! <' ,., <::> <.0 z' ~ i;t' ;'); 1~ ~ c~ n:: <.' PL GT D,<;,:rF.. CONC. FTG. 10" DIA. x 36" (TYP) GATE HOLD BACK L.E NilJ./E.: NOTE: o CAUTION - RFE SIGN (BLACK, YELLOW, WHITE) TO BE MOUNTED NEAR TOWER LEG W/ CLIMBING CABLE. DO NOT RESTRICT CLIMBING ACCESS. @ ASR SIGN TO BE MOUNTED AT TOWER BASE DURING CONSTRUCTION. CD CCUSA MARKETING/ID SIGN 18"x24" (INCLUDES SITE ADDRESS) CCUSA MARKETING SIGN: 14"x20" (BMI SITES) ACCESS GATE (IF INSTALLED) SEE DRAWING CD-2 DETAIL #3 GATE ACCESS ROAD MONOPOLE SITE RAZOR WIRE WARNING SIGN - (IF APPLICABLE) CHAIN LINK FENCE ~ TOWER SITE COMPOUND SIGN PLACEMENT SITE SIGNAGE SECTION "A-A" CD MARKETING ID SIGN (IF ACCESS ROAD GATE INSTALLED) ,'. .". '. ::.. ~.,. '):. ~ ~~... ~.~~ '. ." 2 PRIVATE PROPERTY RED BACKGROUND WIWHITE LETTERING NO TRESPASSING VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED CD NO-TRESSPASSING SIGN 18" WIDE X 24" HIGH WARNING THIS SITE IS POSTED & on PROTECTED--- BY RAZOR WIRE @ RAZOR-WIRE SIGN 18" WIDE X 24" HIGH WHITE BACKGROUND WIRED LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WIWHITE LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WIWHITE LETTERING WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACKLETTERING FCC TOWER REGISTRATION NO. 1234567 @ FCC REGISTRATION SIGN 24" WIDE X 18" HIGH SITE 10# 000000 VERIFIED 911 STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE FOR LEASE INFORMATION CAll 1-817-788-7011 FOR 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE CAlL '-aoo.788-7Ql1 (1) MARKETING/ID SIGN 24" WIDE X 18" HIGH WARNING . AlITHORIZED PERSONNel ONLY . HARD HATS REQUIRED . WATCH FOR FALLING MATERIAL . WATCH FOR TRiPPING HAZARDS . WATCH FOR UNEVEN SURFACES . IN THE EVENT OF A T-STORN. VACATE THE COMPOUND. LT. GRAY W/BLACK LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WIWHITE LETTERING WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING @ CAUTION-HARD HAT CONSTRUCTION AREA AND TRIPPING HAZARDS 24" WIDE X 18" HIGH WWHITE BACKGROUND Lf01A a W/BLACK LETTERING ~ 5" WIDE X 10" HIGH @ ANCHOR POINT SIGNS 10" WIDE X 10" HIGH NOTICE RADIO FREQUENCY ENVlORMENT AREA o NOTICE-RFE SIGN 12" WIDE X 18" HIGH CAUTION RADIO FREQUENCY ENVIORMENT AREA @ CAUTION-RFE SIGN 12" WIDE X 18" HIGH GREEN BACKGROUND WIWHITE LETTERING WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING YELLOW BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING AND YELLOW SYMBOL I @ ASR + WHITE W/BLACK LETTERING 1234567 ASR SIGN 10" WIDE X 4" HIGH NOTE: ALL SIGNS TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO DWG SITE SIGNAGE ADJACENT TO GATES (LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE OF GATE IS ACCEPTABLE, BUT MUST BE MOUNTED ON GATE SIDE OF COMPOUND, SO AS TO BE READABLE WITH GATES OPEN OR CLOSED). TYPICAL SIGNS AND SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~Qw~r "",it) ! L L I INTERNATIONAL +1 6306 BENJAMIN ROAD TAMPA, FL 33634 USA 1D ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ " 0: Z 0 ~ z f= ~ 0 0: N 0- 0: 0: a:: e ril e u ril ~ 8 Vl W :> I :> Cl " ll1 !3 !Il ~w ... ... ... ~ ~ ~ Q ~ " VlCl ~ ~~ ~ci < lD 0 a::z A\VSoIUllifs In.o...~or.t.d JO() CROIII ON( <INlRE llRM, LOHG'MIOO. Fl 3V50 Tn: 401.260.0231 FAX: 401.260.0749 Fl COAl 26983 ~IU I \ MAY'30 2001 Et.4t.IANUEL;POUUN FL P.E. .54073 DRAWN BY: RAR CHECKED BY: JWD DRAWING DATE: 4/30/07 SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: I SITE NAME TUSCAWILLA I BUSINESS UNIT NUMBER I SITE ADDRESS 1560 WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEMINOLE COUNTY USA I SHEET TITLE SITE SINAGE FENCE AND GATE I SHEET NUMBER 3 8-1 ATTACHMENT E CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Ronald W. McLemore City Manager June 29, 2007 Crown Castle International 300 Crown Castle Drive Longwood, FL 32750 Dear Sir: This letter is to advise you that the City Commission has expressed strong concerns regarding the negative aesthetic impacts of cell tower monopoles at the 130-150 foot height being discussed at this time. The Commission has expressed a strong preference for a lower tower alternative that would fit on an existing telephone pole and a new pole installation that would not extend above the typical tree canopy line in the City. This letter is provided for advisory purposes only and should not be construed in any way as a regulatory decision. If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, /(cv~ tJ 7}/~J'~f Ronald W. McLemore City Manager /jp cc: Community Development Director Richard Vega richard. vega@awsolutionsinc.com