HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 10 05 Public Hearing 201 Jetta Point
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ITEM 201
Public Hearing X
October 5. 2006
Mgr. / Dept
REQUEST: The Community Development Department presents to the Board of Adjustment a
request for a conditional use to allow a Seminole County park at Jetta Point, pursuant to sections
20-33 and 20-234 ofthe City Code of Ordinances.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request by Seminole County to
construct a park at J etta Point, an area located on the south side of SR 434, just west of the
Greeneway (SR 417) and including the existing Cross Seminole trailhead. The majority of the
subject property is located within the City of Winter Springs (some of the southern part is located
within the City of Oviedo - approvals for that portion of the park are being processed through
Oviedo). Only the portion of the site that is located within the C-l zoning district within
the City of Winter Springs is part of this conditional use. The applicant is pursuing a Florida
Communities Trust grant and has stated that some construction must commence before the end of
the year to receive the grant.
Chapter 163, Florida Statutes
Comprehensive Plan
Development Agreement
Settlement Agreement
Chapter 20, Division 7, C-l Neighborhood Commercial Districts
Sec. 20-261. Conditional Uses.
Sec. 20-82. Duties and powers, general.
Sec. 20-33. Procedures.
Sec. 20-103. Restrictions upon lands, buildings and structures.
. . October 6,2005
Public Hearing Item 401
Page 2
CONSIDERATIONS: Seminole County has acquired approximately 45 acres along the
west side of the Greeneway (SR 417), south of SR 434. About 35.5 acres are within the City of
Winter Springs and about 9.5 acres are within the City of Oviedo. Most of the subject property
within Winter Springs has a Commercial Future Land Use (FLU) designation - the small
triangular-shaped property surrounded by the trail has a Medium Density Residential FLU.
About one third of the subject property within Winter Springs is within the Tuscawilla Planned
Unit Development (PUD) and the remaining portion is within the C-l Neighborhood
Commercial zoning district. An existing power line extends generally north and south between
the PUD and C-l portions ofthe site through a 10' wide Florida Power Corporation easement.
The portion within the Tuscawilla pun is subject to a development agreement and a court
settlement agreement. These documents restrict the uses within the commercial portion of
the PUD and do not list a park as a permissible or conditional use there.
Therefore no park development within the PUD portion of the site can be addressed
through this conditional use request for the Jetta Point property that is located within the
The City Attorney was notified as soon as staff identified the problem and immediately
prescribed an efficient alternative to provide the park in both the PUD and C-l portions of the
property. He prescribed an administrative FLU amendment and joint planning agreement (JPA)
that would also address the approval process, as well as construction and operation of the park.
The County has opted to pursue the conditional use alternative. An administrative
comprehensive plan amendment is being processed to change the FLU of the both the PUD and
C-l portions of the site from Commercial and Medium Density Residential to the Recreation and
Open Space designation. It is scheduled for a public hearing at the Local Planning
Agency/Planning and Zoning Board meeting on October 4 and for the City Commission on
October 23. A meeting is scheduled at City Hall for the evening of October 2, for the applicant
to meet with interested citizens, explain the proposal, and discuss concerns.
Along with following proper procedure pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan, City Code, the
development agreement, and the settlement agreement, the City has expressed a desire that the
park be designed to adequately address parking, noise, and lighting. Hours of operation; the
distance from the active playing fields or parking to the adjacent residences; the location, height,
fixture type, and time of illumination; and types, frequency, and scheduling of events
(particularly tournaments) to be held a the park and their impact on parking, ingress, egress, and
emergency response must be addressed to adequately protect the adjacent residences, primarily in
Eagles Watch, maintain safe and efficient traffic movements to and from the park, and maintain
the public safety. As part of the fmal engineering/site plan process, a traffic study will be
required. It must identify any necessary improvements (off-site or on-site) to support the
proposed park. The City will also require verification that sufficient on-site parking is
being proposed to meet the parking demand. Proper disposition of the existing power line
vis-a-vis the proposed playing fields is another pertinent issue.
October 6, 2005
Public Hearing Item 401
Page 3
To alleviate traffic and parking concerns, the site plan process $bould carefully consider
provision of a transit stop. The Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan (Objective
1.5) states "the City shall promote. alternative modes of1;ra,nsportation to provide a safe and
efficient multi-modal system." Policy 1.5.4 .states ''The City shall d~elop standards for
m,a,ximum number of parlcing spaces to encourage walking, blcyclit'lg, ridesharilig, transit use,
and shared parking." Policy .1.5.5 states "The City shall review the City Code to address
provision of bus stops, bike parking and circulation, pedestrian walkways, and handicap
. accessible facilities within new developments and existing developments undergoing substantial
improvements. Site plan reviews will ensure that intermodal transfers arc efficiently
implemented." Policies 1.6.5 and 1.6.6 require coordination of bus stops with LYNX to ensure
the stops w;ill be convenient for the handicapped and that they accommodate the special needs of
the transportation disadvantaged.
Most of the more than 500 proposed parking spaces are depicted on the attached concept sketch
away from residences. The storm-water ponds arc located on the interior of the site. The four
lighted fast pitch sbftball fields arc located on the interior of the site. Two of the large
rectangular multi-pwpose fields appear to be located far enough from the residences. The other
two large rectangular multi-purpose fields are located largely within the PUD portion of the site,
inay be intersected by the existing power line, and are not part of the conditional use request.
These fields arc approximately 200 feet from the residences and stafl'belicves that if they arc
provided, they should not be lighted (when the PUD iisue is addressed and a tull site plan is
provided). The lights are proposed to extend to 60 or 70 feet in helght and need to be shorter and
incorporate cut-offlight sources to protect neighboring residential properties froni glare {Sec. 20-
481 (h)). No off-site spillage beyond 0.5. foot candle will be allowed. Policy 1.4.2 of the
. Recreation and Open Space Elentent states "The City Hall evaluate the feaslbillty of .
pr~vidlng lights.at the various courtJ and fields. However, no lights shall be installed if
they would have a negative impact on a residential nelghborhood."
The CitY's Comprehensive Plan sets a level of service (WS) for parks in the Recreation and
Open Space Element. Policy l.l.S of that element states that "The City .haU designate upon
the Future Land Use Map, loCation. witblD projected growth areas for public park
purposes." Map No. VI-4 in the Recreation and Open Space Element depicts letta Point within
a broad ''target area for new parks," that extends generally from the Town Center eastward to De
Leon Street and encompasses the northern portion of the Tuscawilla PUD.
Obviously, any site plan must provide adequate handicap accessibility and should provide
meaningful recreational experiences for the elderly and those with physical impainncnts.
The Recreation and Open Space Element text states, regarding youth play areas, that where
elevated play components are provided, additional ground level play equipment must be provided
and incorporated into the same play areas. At least SO pctceDt of the elevated play components
must be located on an accessible route and COMccted by a ramp. The inclusion of soft contained
play structuies would also provide recreational opportunities for children with disabilities.
. .October 6, 2005
Public Hearing Item 40 I
Page 4
Although not mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan or City Code, provision of a unisex rest-
room with a changing station is important for families who have a large-bodied developmentally
disabled person (child or adult). Often, families find these facilities necessary at a park, in order
to take their loved one to the park. Staff believes this should be an important consideration for
inclusion into the Jetta Point Park.
Emergency access to all areas of the park is an important consideration that will be addressed
during the site plan process. The higher the level of intensity of use becomes, the more important
it becomes to have adequate emergency access from and to different locations.
Section 20-33 ofthe City Code sets forth the criteria and process for a conditional use. The
findings section, below (see Finding No.6), includes those criteria and the extent to which staff
believes the request meets those criteria.
1. The site comprises at total of approximately 45 acres: approximately 9.5 within the City
of Oviedo and approximately 35.5 acres within the City of Winter Springs.
2. The portion of the site within Winter Springs has primarily a Commercial FLU
designation; the triangular-shaped area surrounded by trails has a Medium Density
Residential FLU designation.
3. Approximately 2/3 of the portion ofthe site within Winter Springs is located within the
C-l Neighborhood Commercial zoning district; the remainder is located within the
Tuscawilla PUD.
4. The PUD portion of the site is prohibited by the existing development agreement and
settlement agreement from receiving a conditional use approval for the proposed park.
5. This conditional use request only applies to the portion of the proposed park that is
located within the City of Winter Springs and which is located within the C-l zoning
district. It cannot authorize submission and processing of a site plan for a park in either
the City of Oviedo or within the Tuscawilla PUD. Site plan approval is a separate
function and is required before construction may commence.
6. The Recreation and Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan states that the City
shall designate upon the Future Land Use Map, locations within the projected growth
areas for public park purposes.
7. Map VI-4 ofthe Recreation and Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan depicts
Jetta Point within the ''target area for new parks."
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Public Hearing Item 401
Page 5
8. The Recreation and Open Space Element requires evaluating the feasibility of providing
lighting at courts and fields, stating that no lights shall be installed if they would have a
negative impact on a residential neighborhood.
9. The Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan requires the City to promote
alternative modes of transportation and for site plan review to address bus stops, bike
parking and circulation, pedestrian walkways, and handicap accessible facilities within
new developments. Provision of the proposed park meets the statutory definition of
development (sections 163.3221 and 380.04, Florida Statutes).
10. Pursuant to Section 20-33 of the City Code, "all conditional use recommendations and
final decisions shall be based on the following criteria to the extent applicable:
a) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the conditional use, including its
proposed scale and intensity, traffic-generated characteristics, and off-site
impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not
adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity."
Staff believes a park, at the proposed scale and intensity depicted only within the
portion of the site located within the C-l zoning district, may be compatible and
harmonious with the adjacent land uses and not adversely affect land use
activities in the vicinity. This will require modifying the proposed lighting
proposal and may affect the frequency and scheduling of tournaments and other
intense events. A traffic study and parking verification must be provided to
demonstrate safe and efficient ingress and egress as well as adequate on-site
parking for the park and the trail.
Staff believes compatibility and harmony will largely be determined by what
happens between the portion of the site located within the C-l zoning district
and the Eagles Watch subdivision (the portion of the site within the PUD).
b) "Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the
proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be
adequate to accommodate the proposed scale and intensity of the conditional use
requested. The site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities
such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, and similar
site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the
proposed use."
Staff believes that the size and shape of the site can accommodate a combination
active and passive park. The extent, if any, of the need for additional on-site
and/or off-site improvements, additional parking, will be realized when the
additional studies, parking verification, and other information have been
provided. Modifying the proposed lighting to lower the light sources is very
, ,October 6, 2005
Public Hearing Item 40 I
Page 6
important. As previously stated, what is provided or not provided within the
portion of the site within the Tuscawilla pun is one of the major factors for
determining the adequacy of screening and buffering.
c) "Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the local economy,
including governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values."
Staff believes that this proposed use will have a positive impact on the local
economy, employment, and property values. Property values typically increase
adjacent or near to a park.
d) "Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the natural
environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife,
open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and flood hazards."
Staff believes that the proposed use will not have an adverse impact on the
natural environment. Hours of operation need to be agreed upon; the frequency
and intensity of tournaments within the site and activities within the PUD
portion of the site must be specified no later than with the final engineering/site
plan. Wetland and floodplain determinations, soils/drainage report, tree survey
and a listed species survey must be provided with the imal engineering/site plan
submittal. Construction may not commence until a SJRWMD storm-water
permit or letter of exemption is issued, any listed species are adequately
addressed, specimen trees preserved or replaced, and wetlands and their buffers
are protected or mitigated. The Comprehensive Plan (Infrastructure Element
Policy IV-B-4.7 requires 50 percent of required landscaping (landscape plan
with imal engineering/site plan) to be xeriscaping and native plant materials.
Infrastructure Element Policy IV -D-4.6 requires the planting of littoral zone
vegetation in storm-water ponds and/or lakes to provide a natural system for the
uptake of nutrients and other constituents transported by storm-water runoff.
This is also addressed through the site plan process.
e) "Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and
cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural
and historic resources."
Staff does not believe that the proposed use will have or create any of these
adverse impacts.
t) "Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on public services,
including water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and
recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and
pedestrian facilities."
. October 6, 2005
Public Hearing Item 401
Page 7
Staff does not believe that the proposed use will have or create any of these
adverse impacts, subject to addressing the north-south power line, providing a
traffic study, providing all necessary improvements (if determined by the study),
verification that adequate on-site parking is being provided for the intensity of
the events, providing necessary emergency access, providing bike racks at
appropriate locations, passing the City's storm-water management criteria,
providing littoral plantings in storm-water ponds, and receiving a SJRWMD
MSSW permit.
g) "Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on housing and social
conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood
Staff does not believe that the proposed use will have or create any of these
adverse impacts. Parks typically enhance the value of adjacent and nearby
residential areas. The adjacent and nearby residences must be adequately
buffered from noise and lights and must not be exposed to additional crime.
Staff recommends the proposed conditional use to allow a Seminole County park
on the portion ofthe approximately 35.5 acres that is located within the C-I
zoning district (not within the PUD) ofthe City of Winter Springs be approved for
a park, the intensity of use and hours of operation which shall be subject to
adequately addressing traffic, on-site parking, lighting, buffering, emergency
access, and the power line, as well as the area within the PUD, during the site plan
process. If the Joint Planning Agreement route is taken, as has been
recommended by the City Attorney, these issues should be addressed through that
document as well.
A - Location Map
B - Application Package
C - Current and Future Land Use
" ==:::>
EAS:r S!ATI: RD 434
Continued Pg 2625
Continued Pg 2626
"'~ NOTES:
Municipal Address Map Book
Apr 2005 1:
City of Winter Springs, FL
o 200
. Feet
Developed By: Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corp.
CITY Of Oviedo
Developed By: Southeastern Surveying cl Mapping Cotp.
1126 STATE ROAD 434
FAX: 407-327-6695
APPLICANT: PBS&] (Abra Horne. A/CP. Garv Carlin. PE. and David Larsen. RLA)
Last First Middle
MAILING ADDRESS: 482 South Keller Road
Orlando. Florida 32810
City State
407-806-4493 and ae!zorne@pbs;.com
Zip Code
If Applicant does NOT own the property:
PROPERTY OWNER: Seminole County Government. Board of County Commissioners
Last First Middle
MAILING ADDRESS: 1101 East First Street
Sanford. Florida 32771
City State Zip Code
PHONE & EMAIL 407-665-7375 and Malter@seminolecountvf[.fWv
This request is for the real property described below:
TAX PARCEL NUMBER: M ultiple Parcels (see Attachment "A")
SIZE OF PARCEL: 44.75 acres (approximatelv 1.950.000 SQuare feet)
EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant commercial & P UD properties (see Attachments "E" and "C")
Current FUTURE LAND USE Classification: Commercial. Conservation. and Medium Density Residential
Current ZONING Classification: C-1. Neh!hborhood Commercial & PUD (see Attachment "C")
Please state YOUR REQUEST: ReQuest a conditional use to allow Seminole County to build a public
park and associated recreational facilities. (see Attachments "D" and "E")
The APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE for posting the blue notice card (provided by the City) on the site at least
SEVEN (7) DAYS prior to the Board of Adjustment Meeting at which the matter will be considered. Said notice
shall NOT be posted within the City right-of-way. All APPLICANTS shall be afforded minimal due process as
required by law, including the right to receive notice, be heard, present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and be
represented by a duly authorized representative.
The CITY COMMISSION shall render all final decisions regarding variances, conditional uses and waivers and may
impose reasonable conditions on any approved variance, conditional use or waiver to the extent deemed necessary
and relevant to ensure compliance with applicable criteria and other applicable provisions of the City Code and
Comprehensive Plan. All formal decisions shall be based on competent substantial evidence and the applicable
criteria as set forth in Chapter 20, Zoning. APPLICANTS are advised that if, they decide to appeal any decisions
made at the meetings or hearings with respect to any matter considered at the meetings or hearings, they will need a
record of the proceedings and, for such purposes, they will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings
is made, at their cost, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per
286.0105, Florida Statutes.
Any CONDITIONAL USE, VARIANCE, or WAIVER which may be granted by the City Commission shall expire two
(2) years after the effective date of such approval by the City Commission, unless a building permit based upon and
incorporating the conditional use, variance, or waiver is issued by the City within said time period. Upon written
request of the property owner, the City Commission may extend the expiration date, without public hearing, an
additional six (6) months, provided the property owner demonstrates good cause for the extension In addition, if the
aforementioned building permit is timely issued, and the building permit subsequently expires and the subject
development project is abandoned or discontinued for a period of six months, the conditional use, variance or waiver
shall be deemed expired and null and void. (Code of Ordinances, Section 20-36.)
D A copy of the most recent SURVEY of the subject property.
D A copy of the LEGAL DESCRIPTION reflecting the property boundaries.
D 11 x 17 MAP showing ADJACENT STREETS and ZONING AND LAND USE classifications on the
D JUSTIFICATION for the Request (See Attached List)
D NAMES and ADDRESSES of each property owner within 150 ft. of each property line.
D Notarized AUTHORIZATION of the Owner,
IF the Applicant is other than the Owner or Attorney for the Owner (see below).
REIMBURSEMENT for TECHNICAL 'and/or PROFESSIONAL SERVICES which may be required in connection
with the review, inspection or approval of any development (based on accounting submitted by the City's
Consultant) , payable prior to approval of the pertinent stage of development.
$ 500
$ 500
$ 500
By submitting this application you hereby grant temporary right of entry for city officials to enter
upon the subject property for purposes of evaluating this application.
This is to certify that I am the Owner in fee simple of subject lands described within this Application for Board of
Adjustment consideration:
Signature of Owner
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
day of 20_,
Notary Public
My Commission expires:
Personally Known
Produced Identification:
Did take an Oath
Did not take and Oath
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A waiver request requires the property owner to clearly demonstrate that the applicable
term or condition (the subject of the waiver request) clearly creates an illogical,
impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result [Winter Springs Code of Ordinances,
Section 20-34 (a)]. Please explain how your request meets this requirement (use a
separate sheet if necessary).
In addition to the standard set forth in Section 20-34 (a), a waiver requires compliance
with all six (6) criteria enumerated in the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 20-34 (d).
Address each of the following conditions related to the variance request. Attach
additional paper as necessary: ~
o What is the Waiver you are requesting?
o Is the proposed development plan in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the
City's Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan?
o Will the proposed development plan significantly enhance the real property?
o Will the proposed development plan serve the public health, safety, and welfare of
the City of Winter Springs?
o Will the waiver diminish property values in or alter the essential character of the
surrounding neighborhood?
Ols the waiver request the minimum waiver that will eliminate or reduce the illogical,
impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result caused by the applicable term
or condition under this chapter?
o Is the proposed development plan compatible with the surrounding neighborhood?
Taken from Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 20-32(d):
Address each of the following conditions related to the variance request. Attach
additional paper as necessary:
o What is the Variance you are requesting?
o What special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or
building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same
zoning district?
o Are these special conditions and circumstances the result of actions by the applicant?
o How will a literal interpretation of the provisions of the zoning district deprive the applicant of
rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district and work unnecessary
and undue hardship on the applicant?
o Will granting the variance, confer any special privilege that is denied to other lands,
buildings or structures in the same zoning district?
o Is the variance, as requested, the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable
use of the land, building or structure?
o How is the variance in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning district?
o Will granting the variance be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the
public welfare?
o Identify how the request is consistent with the objectives and policies of the Comprehensive
Taken from Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 20-33(d):
All Conditional Use recommendations and final decisions shall be based on the
following criteria to the extent applicable. Attach additional paper as necessary:
o What is the Conditional Use you are requesting? On behalf of the Seminole Countv
Board of Countv Commissioners and the Seminole County Department of Library and
Leisure Services. PBS&J respectfullv reauests approval of a conditional use permit to
permit a public park within the C-l. Neighborhood Commercial. Zoning District and the
Vista Willa Planned Unit Development (PUD). as provided for bv Sections 20-234 and
20-353 respectivelv.
The park to be located at the Jetta Point
property is envisioned as a communitv
centerviece park providinf! diverse
recreational and leisure opportunities as
well as a respite stop alonf! the Cross
Seminole Trail. The concevtuallavout for
the park proposed to be located at the
Jetta Point propertv is included as
Attachment "G" and shown smaller in
the picture (right>. The park to be
located at the Jetta Point propertv is an
active recreation park for Seminole
Countv that will be located south of State
Road 434 and west of State Road
417( Seminole Expresswav/Greenewav)
adiacent to an existinf! Cross Seminole
Trailhead. As depicted on the attached concevt plan. the proposed The park to be located
at the Jetta Point vropertv mav include such active and vassive recreation facilities as:
Cross Seminole Trail connections; four liRhted softball fields; four liRhted rectanRular
multivurpose fields; a destination vlaVRround; a tot lot; eQuestrian facilities; six
pavilions; various kiosks; several concession stands; restrooms; ancillary office svace;
varkinR; and a three-acre stormwater retention vond. In addition. most of the vrovosed
vark land will include vervious surfaces and wetlands that will be vreserved. The
vrovosed vark is located ad;acent to various multimodal transvortation facilities so that
Seminole Countv and Winter Svrings residents mav access the vark as cvclists.
vedestrians. or drivers as avvrovriate to their recreation activities (softball. soccer.
cvclinR. nature trails. etc. ).
o How is the Conditional Use (including its proposed scale and intensity, traffic-
generating characteristics, and offsite impacts) compatible and harmonious with
adjacent land uses?
1. Alcoholic beveraRe on-v remises consumvtion
(bars and restaurants);
The vrovosed scale and development intensitv of The
park to be located at the Jetta Point vrovertv would
have siRnificantlv fewer off-site imvacts that a
varietv of permitted uses allowable within the C-I -
Neighborhood Commercial (shown in pink at riRht)
and Vista Willa P UD Districts (shown in blue at
Examvles of vermitted uses within the C-I and Vista
Willa PUD Districts include:
2. Animal hospitals and RroominR (with no outside kennels);
3. Avvliances. sales and service (Best Buv. Circuit City. Sears. etc. );
4. Automotive accessories sales (NAPA, Advance Auto Parts. etc.);
5. Bookstores. office suvvlies. newsstands (Borders. Office Max. etc. );
6. Comvuters/ electronics sales and service (Circuit Citv. Geek SQuad. etc.)
7. Covv shops (Kinko's. American RevroRravhics. NGI. UPS. etc.);
8. Dry Cleaners;
9. DruR and sundry stores (CVS. WalRreen's. etc. );
10. Financial institutions. banks. savinRs and loan (Sun Trust. etc. );
11. Furniture. retail. new and used (Thomasville. Ashlev. Brovhill. etc. );
12. Grocers. retail sales of produce. & meats but not the sale of Rasoline;
13. Hardware stores (Ace. Lowe's. Home Devot. etc.);
14. Health and exercise clubs/ facilities (Ballv. Gold's Gvm. etc. );
15. Hospitals. and nursinR homes;
16. Medical and dental clinics and laboratories;
17. Nurseries. plants. trees. etc.. retail (includinll outdoor display and sales );
18. Offices. medical. vrofessional. and business;
19. ParkinR garaRes;
20. Private clubs ana loalles;
21. ReliRious assembly (churches and other reliRious institutions);
22. Retirement homes;
23. Schools. public. vrivate and parochial, service vocational schools (such as
cosmetoloRV. medical and dental assistant's traininR) reQuirinR no mechanical
24. Televhone business office and exchanRes and telemarketers (No disvatch);
25. Tov stores (Tov 'R' Us. etc.); and
26. Wearin.!! apparel stores (Macy's. Sears. Ross. etc. ).
The traffic impacts of The park to be located at the Jetta Point propertv will be
si.!!nificantly less (see Attachment "F" AnticiDated Traffic) than the impacts
associated with the permitted intensitv of a 44-acres development that could include
an office complex. hospital. laboratory. and parkin.!! .!!ara.!!es or those anticipated in
coniunction with a maior retail development that could include several department
stores. furniture stores. bi.!!-box retail stores. restaurants. bars. and parkin.!!. Beyond
traffic impacts. the proposed park would be a less intense use of vacant land than the
above listed scenarios.
Unlike most conditional use permit applications. the proposed park facility may be
expected to create positive off-site impacts by providin.!! additional leisure and
employees. Existin.!! surroundin.!! park
locations are shown in the map
(ri.!!ht). The proposed park would be
considered hi.!!hly compatible with
nearby residential and commercial
uses because park visitors may
include office. retail. and other local
emvloyees on their lunch hours as
well as the residents and families of
Winter Svrin.!!s. Oviedo. and Seminole
Countv. The communities that may
consider The park to be located at the Jetta Point propertv the most compatible with
the existin.!! character would likely include the homeowner's of Ea.!!le's Watch and
Tuscawilla since the vacant land where the park will be located could have iust as
easily been sold to a commercial real estate broker who would have pursued the
hi.!!hest and best use of these 45 acres.
The facilities at the orooosed oark would be connected to City of Winter Springs
ootable water. sanitary sewer, and reclaimed water systems at build-out; however.
the Equivalent Residential Units (ERU's) associated with the restrooms at the oark
and its ancillary facilities (an estimated 24-30 ERU's) would be sifmificantly less
than the relative imoacts of a hosoital. office buildinf? nursinf? home. several
restaurants, larf?e retailers, or strio mall (over 100 ER U' s). It should be noted that
there is insufficient reclaimed water capacity to orovide irrif?ation for all of the ball
fields today. Seminole County would provide irrigation wells in the meanwhile but
addinf? this larf?e future reclaimed water service area will imorove the City's chances
of obtaining future DEP oermits.
Based uoon calls for service, The park to be located at the Jetta Point property would
have fewer oolice. fire, and emerf?ency service impacts than any commercial
develooment that would have or could have been built at this location f?iven the
current zoninf? and future land use classifications. The number of calls for service
would be significantly lower for two orincioal reasons. First. the number of oersons
visiting the prooosed park per square foot would be lower even durin!! oeak hours
than at a strio mall or office oark. Second. the total SQuare footaf?e of buildinf?s will
be significantly lower at the orooosed park located at the Jetta Point orooerty (see
the enclosed conceotual olan) than for a variety of other permitted development
scenarios. As such. the average annual number of calls for emergency services and
false alarms would be lower at a oark than for a retail. commercial. office. or
medical use oermitted within the existinf? zoninf? districts. Another unique aspect of
The oark to be located at the Jetta Point orooerty is that oersons arrivinf? by car from
outside of the City may not imoact sif?nificant oortions of the local roadway network
should they choose to utilize SR 417. Beyond that this oark will offer recreational
oooortunities for area residents and employees.
In summary. we anticioate fewer impacts in terms of traffic. ootable water
consumotion. sanitary sewer consumotion. police. fire. and emergency services than
that of any commercial or retail development that would have or could have been
located at this location Riven the current zoning and future land use classifications. In
terms of school and park impacts. we would anticipate an improvement in terms of
level of service and Quality of life considerations. The conditional use is compatible
with the adiacent land uses because it will serve the surroundinR areas. The
recreational and park facility can be accessed by local users by foot. bicycle or
vehicle. The scale of the project reflects the adjacent residential mix of medium and
low density with a multiplicity of on-site recreational resources. including equestrian
facilities. trails. multi-use fields. softball diamonds. and children's play areas.
o Will the Conditional Use adversely impact land use activities in the immediate
vicinity? If no, why not? No. The proposed park would positively impact land use
activities in the immediate vicinity by servinR the surroundinR neiRhborhoods. local
employees. and the community in
Reneral. The proposed park borders SR
417 to the east. SR 434 to the north. the
Cross Seminole Trail (shown in black
dashed line in the picture riRhtJ to the
south and the EaRle's Watch
Community to the west as well as some
pendinR commercial development to the
west and an existinR Black Hammock
The proposed park is compatible with the existinR conservation efforts associated with
the Cross Seminole Trail. which provides public access to the site for alternative
transportation modes (bicycles and pedestrians ).
The proposed park would not adversely impact theadiacent residential land uses. but
would enhance these land uses throuf!h more f!reen space and access to public
recreational facilities. The proposed park is consistent with the Winter Sprinf!s
Comprehensive Plan since it is located in a "Tarf!et Area for New Parks #5 (shown
below)." Jetta Point Park. if approved. would enhance the quality of life for both
children and adults in Winter Sprinf!s. Oviedo. and Seminole County by establishing
additional park lands located in close proximity to the Cross Seminole Trail. an existing
trailhead. Keeth Elementary. Lawton Elementary.. Rainbow Elementary. Indian Trails
Middle. Winter Sprinf!s Hif!h. and Oviedo Hif!h Schools.
It should also be noted that the adiacent
Tuscawilla PUD represents about 10.000
residents who have significant cumulative
park. recreation. and leisure service needs.
The proposed park would be located within
walkinf! distance of the residents of the
nearby residential communities of Courtney
Sprinf!s (252 units). Howells Creek
ReserveIEaf!le's Watch (263 homes).
Wicklow Greens (48 homes). Glen Eagle
(257 homes). Oak Forest (935 homes).
Tuscawilla (4.500 homes). Carrington Woods (79 lots). Chelsea Woods (295 homes).
Howell Creek Reserve (253 homes). The Reserve (78 homes). and many other alon!! State
Road 434 and the Cross Seminole Trail. As such. the proposed Conditional Use is
compatible with the adiacent commercial and residential properties and would benefit
local residents. their children. and employees in the area. The park to be located at the
Jetta Point property would not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate
vicinity. but would complement existinf! land use activities.
i ,
.....No-IoW. ....._..__
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o Demonstrate how the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and
internal circulation, and the design enhancements are adequate to accommodate
the proposed scale and intensity of the conditional use requested. The site shall
be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening buffers,
landscaping, open space, off-street parking, and other similar site plan
improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the
proposed use.
The vrovosed site would include 44.75 acres of land (see Attachment "GH) vrovidinf! a
sif!nificant Seminole County investment in vark facilities and oven svace. The vrovosed
vark concevt (see Attachment "GH) vlan demonstrates that the site is sufficiently larf!e
and adeauately confif!ured to accommodate the planned facilities. multi-modal site
access. internal circulation. and design enhancements to serve the f!eneral vublic and
protect ad;acent vroverty owners from encroachment. For examvle. the elevated
landscaved berms are located alonf! the western boundary of the vark and the ma;ority of
the varkinf! will be located along the eastern proverty lines to vrovide both noise and
lif!htinf! buffers. This layout allows the parkinf! areas to serve as a buffer between the
vark and SR 417.
The concept vlan for the provosed vark to be located at the Jetta Point vroverty identifies
a sif!nificant unvaved area includinf! "multi-use fields. softball diamonds. trails. vicnic
areas and a vond" which would amount to over 38 acres of vervious area. There would
be 4.7 acres of imvervious surface to vrovide for access. internal circulation and more
than 500 varkinf! svaces. The site is buffered by a berm and landscavinf! on the side
ad;acent to the residential area. Landscavinf! is vlanned for common areas. as well as
with the various recreational elements. One-auarter of the vrovertv is dedicated to
conservation. Desif!n amenities such as oven svace and landscavinf! are inherent to the
provosed vark and are sufficient to mitif!ate any votential imvact resultinf! from the
imvervious surface areas.
. "
The closest multi-purpose lighted ball field is located avvroximately 200 feet from the
closest homes in Eaf!le's Watch. As shown in the photof!ravhs below, properly designed
lif!hts do not svillover onto adiacent properties even when the lif!hts are 60 to 70 feet in
height. The vroposed ball field lif!hts will be metered and if!nited separately based upon
need. The recreational level of lightinf! will be vrovided at 30/50 foot candles (see
photof!ravhs belowfor examvles ofnif!ht time lightinf!).
The varkinf! lot and vathway lif!htinf! shall use a conservative architectural 400 watt
metal halide lif!htinf! fixture mounted on a tavered concrete vole of varyinf! heif!hts to
vrevent lif!ht svillaf!e. In summary, the provosed development is a vublic vark with
outdoor recreational elements which classifv it as oven space.
o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on the local economy, including
governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values? If no, why not?
No. It is anticivated that the vark will have a vositive economic imvact by improvinf! the
value of the adjacent residential communities within ~ to 0 mile (a reasonable walkinf!
distance). Proverty owners who reside nearby would anticivate beinf! able to walk to the
new vark and may feature this amenity when evaluating home values. The vrovosed
Conditional Use. if avvroved. would have a nominal imvact on the ad valorem tax base
by removinf! the vossibility of develovment of 45 acres for commercial purvoses;
however. this is more than offset by the likely increase in adiacent home values and the
reduction in reQuired services. The provosed vark would not adversely imvact vroverty
. ,
values. but rather increase vrovertv values because of the vroximitv and access to vublic
recreational facilities.
The vrovosed vark would include recreational facilities that would require manaf!ement
and maintenance staff vrovided bv Seminole Countv. therebv providinf! emvlovment
ovvortunities for area residents. The park to be located at the Jetta Point vrovertvwill
serve as a f!atewav to the Citv of Winter Svrinf!s that area residents. visitors. emplovers.
and votential emvlovers will observe from SR 417 as thev enter the Citv. One of the kev
factors in choosinf! to live or work in a communitv is Qualitv of life. The vrovosed
Conditional Use. if avvroved would enhance the real and verceived Qualitv of life in
Winter Svrings. As such. there would be no
real adverse imvact on the local economv or
the ad valorem tax base. because it would
enhance the character of the area and
potentiallv increase economic investment.
The fiscal imvact to the f!overnment would
be outweif!hed bv the vositive economic
impact that the vrovosed vark would have
on the communitv.
. .
o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on natural environment, including
air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and
desirable vegetation, and flood hazards? If no, why not?
No. The vark will vrovide additional oven space and vreserve the natural vegetation
therebv improvim! the aualitv of air and water while vrotectinJ! the natural environment.
increasinJ! open svace. and reducinJ! local flood hazards. AlthouJ!h there mav be
intermittent noise J!enerated bv versons attendinJ! ball J!ames veriodicallv. the vrovosed
landscave buffer would mitiJ!ate the imvacts associated with this noise. In addition, there
. .
are a number of permitted uses such as a nursinJ! home. hosvital. and various large scale
commercial develovments that would J!enerate a siJ!nificant amount of noise associated
with around the clock truck deliveries and sirens.
The concept vlan for the vroposed vark would also vreserve a wetland conservation area
while J!reatlv improvinJ! the aesthetics of the site. Bv preservinJ! oven svace. the vrovosed
use would enhance the votential habitat for wildlife in the J!eneral vicinity. The vroposed
park would not have an adverse imvact on the natural environment. The vrovosed use
would imvrove the natural environment in the area. The vrovosal vrovides for more oven
space and additional veJ!etation. The site also includes a vreserved wetland area and a
stormwater retention vond desiJ!ned as a buffer and site amenitv.
In summarv. the vrovosed use would not have an adverse imvact on the natural
environment includinJ! air. noise. vollution. veJ!etation. wildlife. oven svace. or floodinJ!.
. .
o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on historic, scenic and cultural
resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and
historic resources? If no, why not? No. There are no cultural or historic resources on
the site and an improvement in the current "view or vista" is anticipated. It is anticipated
that the park may act as a visual and noise buffer between residential uses and the
Greeneway (SR 417). The proposed facility enhances neighborinR community resources
such as the Cross Seminole Trail and the Black hammock Trailhead. The addition of
more open space in this area improves the views and vistas created by these facilities.
The proposed recreational facilities provide a community center thereby providinR a new
cultural resource for the community for recreational activities.
o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on public services, including
water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation,
streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian
facilities? If no, why not? No. This site will offer improved public services in that it is
a public park. No adverse impacts to other services are anticipated. The proposed park
would reQuire additional public services for operation but these services would be
provided by Seminole County staff and would not adversely impact the operations of the
City of Winter SprinRs.
The proposed use provides additional park and recreation space. The park to be located
at the Jetta Point property would improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities because of the
relationship to the Cross Seminole Trail. As detailed in item. #1 above. the site would
reQuire water and sewer services but the usaRe would not be enouRh to adversely impact
the existinR system. The area is already being served by police and fire services and this
would continue. Additional public services that would be required for park operations
, . .
provides for employment opvortunities in the community. The vroposed vark is within an
area defined by the City of Winter Svrinfls as a "Tarfleted Area for New Parks" thereby
eliminatinfl or reducinfl the need for an additional City Park in this vicinity.
o Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions,
including a variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality? If
no, why not? No. The site vlan has been desiflned to minimize impacts on surroundinfl
residences and offers imvroved recreational ovportunities to area residents. The
proposed use would not have an adverse imvact on housinfl and social conditions. The
proposed park would improve the neiflhborhood quality and provide a substantial benefit
.to the residents of Courtney Svrinfls Avartments. The ad;acent residential communities
consist on a mix of unit types. includinfl low and medium density housinfl. This is
exvected to remain the same accordinfl to the future land use vlans for the City of Winter
Sprinfls. The vark may increase local vroverty values because of the proximity of the
housinJ! to the recreational facilities vrovided by the park.
Jetta Point Park
Concept Site Plan
Current Future Land Use, September 2006
SR 434
Proposed Future Land Use, Sept 2006