HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2005 06 23 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JUNE 23, 2005
The Workshop of Monday, June 23,2005 ofthe City Commission was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 6:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake, arrived at 6:06 p.m.
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, absent
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
With the City Commission, City Manager Ronald W. McLemore discussed the
Independence Day City Newsletter.
300. Office Of The City Manager
Budget Review.
Fire Department:
Fire Chief Tim Lallathin, Fire Department addressed the City Commission on his
proposed Budget.
Much discussion ensued about a Fire Department staff member assisting with inspections
and the certification process for Fire Fighters.
Tape I/Side B
With additional discussion on staffing levels and certifications, Commissioner Donald A.
Gilmore said, "I would support an additional Inspector."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 23, 2005
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs suggested, "I would like to see you put in funding for
another person." Commissioner Sally McGinnis noted, "I would like to see the idea
explored more and try to develop present staff. I think there is a lot of incentive there."
Commissioner McGinnis added, "I like the idea of Staff being able to go to higher levels
and I would like that option." Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake said, "Did she say 'No' to
an additional person?" Commissioner McGinnis commented, "Yes - for now." Mayor
Bush added, "She is asking for the information." Commissioner Gilmore added, "I
support an additional person who is specifically trained, educated in Fire Inspection and
all of the necessary Codes that go with it." Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "Yes."
Mayor Bush summarized, "The Commission is saying they would consider a full-time
Fire Inspector as the Chief has indicated."
Discussion continued on the Fire Department Budget.
Deputy Mayor Blake then asked, "Can we get a copy of the Ordinance on the Medical
Transport Fund, at your convenience?" Deputy Mayor Blake added, "Specifically, I
think we really need an Ordinance - we need to look and see what the actual creation of
that Fund was. What it allows; and what it doesn't allow - if we need to fix it, we need to
fix it." Chief Lallathin noted, "I will make sure of that."
Mayor Bush then asked, "Does all the Commission want a copy of the Ordinance?" No
member of the City Commission voiced an objection.
Regarding a new Fire Station, Deputy Mayor Blake said, "We need to actually research
and perhaps have some conversation - with the controlling party on the property that we
currently own - which is restricted use." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "We have a dead
piece of property and now might be a very good time to have a conversation with the
controlling party that could relieve us of that restriction." Manager McLemore said, "I
think we already did that, but I'll check."
General Services Department:
Regarding the General Services Director position, Manager McLemore noted that Chief
Lallathin "Was filling in there, but I am probably going to be filling that job in the next
thirty (30) days."
Mayor Bush called a Recess at 7:25 p.m.
The Workshop was called back to order at 7:36 p.m.
WORKSHOP - JUNE 23, 2005
Discussion ensued on the General Services Director position that Chief Lallathin has also
been handling. Manager McLemore stated, "Thank goodness Tim [Lallathin] has really
been able to help me."
Further discussion.
Manager McLemore added, "I really think I have a good person lined up now mid I am
going to try to bring that to a close." Deputy Mayor Blake noted, "I think that is great
that you finally filled the position after three (3) years, but I would hope that the
Commission would recognize in some way that when - if somebody has to step in and do
a job because we have a disaster out here like we had with the hurricanes, that is one set
of issues or scenario. If we have somebody that has to step in because we lose a
Department Head or we lose a position, somebody has to go over and cover for a period
of time - that I think is expected as being part of the job that you signed up for, it is about
making the team work. But for an extended period of time, I think it should be policy
first off, if we are going to expect a Department Head to take on additional
responsibilities, that there ought to be some consideration to do so. That doesn't mean a
month or two (2), that is different; but six (6) months, I think we have got to talk about it.
A year, no question. Three (3) years, I think we owe him something."
Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "Absolutely." Manager McLemore stated, "I would
support some consideration for that - for Tim [Lallathin]." Deputy Mayor Blake then
suggested, "I would like something to come back to us on that." Manager McLemore
said, "Okay." Commissioner McGinnis also noted, "Okay."
Mayor Bush stated, "Maybe some kind of a Policy ought to be considered that when a job
is vacant for an extended length of time, that it just becomes an automatic consideration
for remuneration, rather than just having to treat it as a special case." Deputy Mayor
Blake said, "Absolutely."
Deputy Mayor Blake then said to Manager McLemore, "I expect to see that position
filled really soon!" Mayor Bush said, "What is your expectation Ron [McLemore], on
the filling?" Manager McLemore noted, "I have the person in line."
Tape 2/Side A
Community Development Department:
Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, Director, Community Development Department spoke to
the City Commission on his proposed Budget.
WORKSHOP - JUNE 23, 2005
Much discussion ensued on staffing and improving "Customer Service." Commissioner
Krebs noted, "If there is something else we need to do up there, and if it is people we
need, then we need to do something about that, because I think for me, one of my biggest
concerns is to serve the community and that is what I think we need to do, however we
can." Mr. Stevenson then commented on cross training his staff.
Further discussion followed on staffing, to which Deputy Mayor Blake noted, "My
concern is that we set a Policy on funding the back portion of the Retirement Plan and
holding raises to a certain level and it appears as though - we are not applying the Policy
equally to everybody." Deputy Mayor Blake further said, "This might be one of those
times, like in other times when we have been notified, or asked, or had an opportunity to
have some input - that this might have been one of those times."
Tape 2/Side B
Discussion ensued on salary increases for a few members of the Community
Development Staff, to which Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "If there is going to be any
exception to a Policy or some sort of a specific deviation then we ought to know about it.
That is what I am primarily concerned with." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "I think we
should have been in the loop on it." Furthermore, "Our direction also to you is to
communicate with us and let us know what is going on."
With discussion on this compensation issue, Manager McLemore noted, "When we find
out these situations, we try to deal with them."
Next discussed was the Development Services Fund.
Deputy Mayor Blake said, "I think we need - going forward, this Fund cannot operate at a
loss if we are not putting expenditures at our actual costs of providing the services,
number one." Deputy Mayor Blake further stated, "Assuming we only have expenditures
- it needs to be a Fund that its fees are structured for covering those costs, number one.
Number two - make sure that we are not setting up a fee structure that collects monies in
place ofthat which aren't attributed to this."
Next, Deputy Mayor Blake suggested, "That in this Fund, in particular, I think we need to
- put together some sort of a five (5) year notice of plan of where this Fund Balance ought
to end up."
Additional discussion.
WORKSHOP - JUNE 23, 2005
Assessment Districts:
The Boards were the next Budgets discussed with Mr. Steven Richart, Beautification
Coordinator, Community Development Department.
Beginning on page E-23, discussion ensued on the Tuscawilla Lighting and
Beautification District.
Tape 3/Side A
With discussion on the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District, there was
confusion on the term "Ponds" which in this case meant the entrance fountains. Mayor
Bush suggested, "Rename it 'Fountains'." Commissioner McGinnis agreed.
Commissioner Krebs stated, "Yes." Mayor Bush further suggested the wording,
"Fountain Maintenance."
With comments on the Improvement Fund, Manager McLemore noted, "If it is a Bond,
then it's usually done twice a year. Ifit's a Bank Note, it's negotiable. So that cash flow,
we..." Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "...In doing so, it may be just slightly off the point
here, but in doing so, we want to look at the other outstanding debt, and then see if it
makes sense to roll it all into one or not. Let's not forget to do that."
The Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Budget was discussed next, starting with
page E-22.
Regarding the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District and a Wall Extension,
Commissioner Krebs asked Mr. Richart, "Could we have some information on what was
originally Voted on, the very first time there was a Vote made regarding the Extension?"
Mr. Richart stated, "Sure." Furthermore, Mr. Richart remarked, "I'll bring that to you."
Manager McLemore spoke next on a possible Town Center District in the future. Deputy
Mayor Blake said to Manager McLemore, "You don't think that it would make more
sense to get that District formed and put into place sooner than later?" Deputy Mayor
Blake added, "The idea is that when it is there and it is in existence, it is politically not
the fight then because it is already in existence." Discussion.
Deputy Mayor Blake then said, "But if the District is in place and it's recorded as similar
- then every time there is a Title search done, it is going to show up." Manager
McLemore said he would check on the legality of this.
WORKSHOP - JUNE 23, 2005
Further discussion.
Public Works/Utility Department:
Mr. Kip Lockcuff, P.E., Director, Public WorkslUtility Department presented his Budget
with discussion starting on page C-25.
Next, Mr. Lockcuff noted, "That small three hundred and fifty thousand [dollars]
($350,000.00), that's on your - 'Add back' list - that's on the 'Add back' list, that's
basically that - curved medians from - I think it was the entrance to the Park to
Tuskawilla.. ." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "...It says Tuskawilla [Road] to
GreeneWay..." Mr. Lockcuffsaid, "...No." Deputy Mayor Blake remarked, "It doesn't
say that?" Mr. Lockcuff said, "No. It does say that, it's not what it is - it was the - first
request the Commission made was for the Town Center, and that's that number. We had
subsequent discussions about going on to the GreeneWay, create little oases and all
that.. ." Deputy Mayor Blake said, "... Yes we had that discussion. That was passed."
Mr. Lockcuff said, "But, I don't think we ever put a number in for that."
Deputy Mayor Blake noted, "There is a problem with that - because the Commission said
that is what we wanted to do." Mr. Lockcuff stated, "You didn't say when though."
Deputy Mayor Blake remarked, "I think that meant ASAP - the same time as we - would
be doing this." Mr. Lockcuff noted, "I took this as your first step. You wanted to do that
and could see that in the future, but if you want that number we can bring that..."
Deputy Mayor Blake said, "... You might want to get the tapes of that Meeting."
Manager McLemore commented, "You're saying that - your first Vote included the first
phase of Tuskawilla Road to the GreeneWay?" Deputy Mayor Blake noted, "In an oasis
format. In other words, the discussion as I remembered it, was quite clear that that
portion of [State Road] 434 from Tuskawilla [Road] to the GreeneWay would also be
included, not at the same level as what we are talking about here in the core Town
Center, but we are spending money to do the Village Walk side on [State Road] 434 was
the discussion. We are spending money on the central section but we weren't doing
anything on [State Road] 434 on the east side. And the discussion was and it was agreed
upon by the Commission that we would look at and see what it would cost to do these
oases periodically - and you understand what I am talking about..." Mr. Lockcuff said,
"...Yes..." Deputy Mayor Blake continued, "...Right Kip? That part of the discussion
and that was supposed to come back to us at the same time." Mr. Lockcuff commented,
"Yes, that's going to take a little bit of time by Steve or someone, I don't think he has
time, but I understand the concept. We will just have to make sure everyone understands
on how big those oases are, the location, that kind of thing."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 23, 2005
Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "There was also discussion on enhancing the
landscaping of [State Road] 434 - the trees..." Deputy Mayor Blake added, ".. .We had
that last Meeting." Commissioner McGinnis noted, "Yes." Mr. Lockcuff then said,
"And that is going to come back in August when - on the three hundred and twenty
thousand [dollars] ($320,000) that we have set aside and the One Cent - project costs and
see what's available."
Manager McLemore then said, "This three hundred and fifty thousand [dollars]
($350,000.00) on this medians thing includes that amount of work they wanted to do on
up to the GreeneWay or not?" Mr. Lockcuff commented, "Don't believe it does, no."
Manager McLemore added, "Certainly, we need to verify that."
Further discussion.
Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "When you come out of Villagio - when you come
out of there, if you come out at - the Trustco Bank and you are coming west, the first -
there is a cut-off. And the signs to not take that cut-off, don't face the driver. Drive it
and you will know what I am saying." Mr. Lockcuff said, "Okay."
Mr. Lockcuff then explained, "We'll have to change the Gary Hillery to the one
[hundred] seventy-five [thousand dollars] ($175,000.00) from the one [hundred] fifty
[thousand dollars] ($150,000.00) shown based on last Monday's approval."
Commissioner Gilmore added, "Yes."
On page E-9, Mr. Lockcuff stated that regarding the Transportation Impact Fee, "We
need to add some money for Hayes Road based on - direction of the last Meeting or two
(2) - to make that happen, sooner rather than later."
Tape 3/Side B
Discussion ensued on "Turn Lanes" and "Deceleration Lanes." Mayor Bush suggested
that the term "Deceleration Lanes" be retained. Deputy Mayor Blake suggested, "Call
them 'DeceVTurn Lanes'."
On page E-10 with discussion on the proposed City Hall expansion, discussion ensued on
also planning a change to the fayade of City Hall, to which Commissioner McGinnis
suggested that a new fayade for City Hall would "Be in line with the Town Center."
Deputy Mayor Blake said, "If we can't afford to do the expansion, how are we going to
afford to paint the front?" Manager McLemore added, "We're going to come back to you
with a way to do this."
WORKSHOP - JUNE 23, 2005
While the Town Center Trail infrastructure was being discussed, Deputy Mayor Blake
asked, "Are we going to have signs along the way that point out things of interest?"
Commissioner McGinnis added, "I think legends are good when they are appropriate."
Next, Mr. Lockcuff spoke of a Fund Balance of two hundred and fifty thousand [dollars]
($250,000.00), to which Deputy Mayor Blake asked, "Do we have a time limit on this?
Are we in compliance?" Arbitrage was then mentioned and Deputy Mayor Blake said,
"There is actually a defined time frame in there also, isn't there?" With discussion,
Manager McLemore noted, "It is a Williams question."
When page G-2 was discussed, Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "The Rate Study - are you
doing a RFP (Request For Proposals) on that?" Mr. Lockcuff said, "We can." Mr.
Lockcuff added, "I think that is probably a good idea."
Further discussion.
Mayor Bush asked Mr. Lockcuff, "The Lake J esup Water Study - when will we have the
results of that?" Mr. Lockcuff commented on what was planned for the next few weeks.
Creek Clearing was discussed next to which Deputy Mayor Blake said to Mr. Lockcuff,
"Back behind my area." Mr. Lockcuff added, "We'll check before Monday." Deputy
Mayor Blake explained, "Right at the end there, at the Easement - where it comes around
and makes that turn, there are logs and stuff sitting in there. I don't know if it is still
there now. I haven't been down there in a couple of weeks." Mr. Lockcuffnoted, "We'll
check. "
In other City business, Commissioner McGinnis asked, "Will we get a copy of the
Minutes of the Meeting you had regarding the Black Hammock?" Manager McLemore
noted that there will be a summary.
Commissioner McGinnis then spoke of her concern with our Police Department staffing
levels and National and County standards, and stated, "When we have another Budget
Meeting, I would like to propose that we get a figure on what it would cost to add four (4)
Police" Officers. Commissioner Krebs stated, "I would like to hear it."
Discussion followed on this issue.
Tape 4/Side A
Regarding additional staffing for the Police Department, Manager McLemore suggested
having a good staffing study done.
WORKSHOP - JUNE 23. 2005
Discussion ensued on the length of time such a study would take. Commissioner
McGinnis then remarked, "I would like to hear that kind of analysis."
Mayor Bush suggested, "I think at a Regular Commission Meeting, bring this up so the
Commission can vote on it."
Mayor Bush adjourned the Workshop at 10:59 p.m.
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