HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 04 28 Consent 200 Silver Creek Drive Traffic Calming Evaluation
ITEM 200
April 28, 2008
REQUEST: Public Works Department providing the City Commission information on
the Silver Creek Drive traffic calming evaluation
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the City Commission information
on the Silver Creek Drive traffic calming evaluation
· Silver Creek Drive is an east-west local residential street between Hayes Road and Holiday
Lane in the North Orlando Ranches subdivision. The street has a posted speed limit of 20
mph and a total of 43 abutting single-family residential lots (see Exhibit A - Silver Creek
Drive Area Map).
. Staff was recently contacted by a resident on Silver Creek Drive requesting action to be
taken by the City to address a speeding problem on this street. The resident requested
additional monitoring by the Police Department and the installation of traffic calming
devices. A petition signed by 22 abutting residents was received on March 9, 2008
requesting speed humps at two locations on Silver Creek Drive.
. At the March 24, 2008 City Commission meeting, the Commission approved a work plan
to evaluate the potential traffic problem as a pilot project under a draft Neighborhood
Traffic Management Process.
042808 COMM Consent 200 Silver Creek Drive Traffic Evaluation
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April 28, 2008
Agenda Item #200
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· Traffic volume collection consisted of performing AM and PM peak hour traffic counts at
the following four intersections:
o Silver Creek Drive and Hayes Road
o Silver Creek Drive and Tides Road
o Silver Creek Drive and Shore Road
o Silver Creek Drive and Holiday Lane
· The results of the traffic volume collection are as follows:
Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Estimated Average
on Silver Creek on Silver Daily Traffic on
Drive Creek Drive Silver Creek Drive
Silver Creek / Hayes Road 35 43 447
Silver Creek / Tides Road 19 24 242
Silver Creek / Shore Road 15 28 265
Silver Creek / Holiday Ln 8 19 180
· The peak hour pedestrian volume at anyone location was six (6) in the Hayes Road AM
peak hour. The peak hour bicycle volume was three (3) in the Shore Road PM peak hour.
· Speed data was collected by radar gun at the two locations where traffic calming devices
were requested in the petition: at 623 Silver Creek Drive and at the Tides Road intersection.
Speed data was collected at various times of the day, including portions of the AM and PM
peak hours plus the mid-afternoon school peak. A total of 80 speed data measurements
were obtained for this evaluation. The posted speed limit is 20 mph. Results of the speed
data collection are as follows:
623 Silver Creek Drive
Silver Creek at Tides Road
85th Percentile S eed*
26.0 m h
24.3 ill h
* The 85th percentile speed is the speed which 85% of the vehicles are not exceeding
· The traffic volume on Silver Creek Drive is relatively low and does not indicate a
significant volume of cut-through traffic based on the measured traffic volume and the
estimated traffic generation from the 43 abutting residences on Silver Creek Drive.
. Traffic volumes on Silver Creek Drive generally increase from east to west, with the
highest volumes at Hayes Road. As expected, traffic flow is heavier westbound during the
AM peak hour (towards Hayes Road and S.R. 434) and eastbound during the PM peak
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Agenda Item #200
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· The average and 85th percentile speeds on Silver Creek Drive do not indicate a speeding
problem that should be considered for traffic calming based on the minimum guidelines in
the City's draft Neighborhood Traffic Management Process.
· Silver Creek Drive has several characteristics that are favorable for having a low-speed
residential street, including a narrow roadway width (20-feet), a meandering alignment, and
mature street trees along the corridor.
· Based on the traffic data collected to date, no further analysis or action is recommended at
this time.
Staff recommends the Commission adopt the findings listed above and approve no further
1. Exhibit A - Silver Creek Drive Area Map
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April 28, 2008
Agenda Item #200
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Exhibit A - Silver Creek Drive Area Map
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