HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 04 14 Regular 603 Piggyback off a FDOT Contract with Middlesex Corporation
ITEM 603
April 14, 2008
REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting authorization to piggyback off a
Florida Department of Transportation contract with The Middlesex
Corporation for the resurfacing and reconstruction of various City streets.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request authorization to piggyback off of
Florida Department of Transportation contract #E-8I24 (resurfacing of SR 528 in
Orange County) with The Middlesex Corporation for $1,188,243.70 plus 10%
contingency for the resurfacing and reconstruction of various City streets.
. Staff performed a comprehensive review of all paved City streets in November and
December 2007. The review consisted of a field evaluation of current pavement
condition on all streets, a review of the available paving history data, and pavement core
sample evaluation from selected streets being considered for resurfacing. Streets for
resurfacing were selected and ranked based on ride quality, traffic volume, pavement age,
and signs of pavement deterioration and/or structural failure.
. Based on the pavement review and the available funding, a 3-year pavement master plan
was developed, as shown in Exhibit A. The master plan consists of three types of
projects: resurfacing, reconstruction, and paving of existing dirt roads in the Ranchlands.
Reconstruction refers to the removal and replacement of at least a portion of the existing
roadway base in addition to the asphalt surface course. Resurfacing refers to the milling
and re-paving (or an overlay) of the existing asphalt surface course.
. The 3-year pavement master plan lists projects by fiscal year for construction and funding
source, with the two funding sources consisting of the Roadway Improvement Fund #115
(One-Cent Sales Tax) and the Transportation Improvement Fund #104 (Local Option Gas
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Tax). One-Cent Sales Tax funding can be used for roadway reconstruction and paving of
existing dirt roads. Local Option Gas Tax funding is used for resurfacing projects.
. The 3-year pavement master plan breaks down the One-Cent Sales Tax projects into
"special projects" and "non-special projects." The special projects are major capital
projects that are performed as stand-alone projects, whereas the remainder of One-Cent
Sales Tax projects can be combined with other paving projects and completed as a part of
the City's normal annual resurfacing program. The "Special Projects" consist of the
following with the status of each project as noted:
o Winter Springs Boulevard - scheduled for construction this year
o Wade Street - design this year with construction next year in a potential
partnership with FDOT for improvements to SR 419 at Wade Street
o Paving of dirt roads in the Ranchlands - scheduled in FY 08-09 and 09-10
. Based on the 3-year master plan, the FY 2007-08 paving projects proposed for funding
with this agenda item include the following streets, with additional detail provided in
Exhibit B:
o Winding Hollow subdivision - Winding Hollow Blvd, Twelve Oaks, Saddlewood
Lane north of Twelve Oaks, Timberwilde Avenue north of Twelve Oaks
o Eagle Nest Circle - north half
o Lancewood Drive
o Temple Way I Lido Road
o S. Alderwood Street I Cedarwood Court
o Vistawilla Drive - from SR 434 to Tuskawilla entrance sign
o Davenport Glen subdivision - Warrington Street from Tiverton to Warrington
Court, Stockport Street from Warrington to power easement, Davenport
Way/Court, and Galway Court
o Oak Road
o Northern Way - from Winter Springs Boulevard to Howell Creek bridge
. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) contract #E8124 for the Resurfacing of SR
528 from milepost 0.0 to 3.954 was competitively bid in June 2007 and the project is
currently in progress. The Middlesex Corporation was the lowest responsive bidder at a
total bid price of approximately $5.6 million. Three other major local paving companies
bid the project, including AP AC-Southeast, Ranger Construction, and Hubbard
Construction (Orlando Paving Company). The next lowest bid was approximately $6.6
. Staff performed a detailed comparison of the pay items in the City Street Resurfacing
Project with the corresponding pay items in FDOT contract #E8124. Staffhas concluded
that the terms and scope of the City's proposed agreement with The Middlesex
Corporation for City Street Resurfacing would be substantially the same as the terms and
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scope of FDOT contract #E8I24. Specifically, the City's agreement with Middlesex uses
the same unit prices for asphalt pavement and milling existing pavement. These two line
items represent the primary activities to be performed on the project and constitute 85%
of the total proposed contract price ot $1,188,243.70. The remaining 15% of the price
consists of mobilization, maintenance of traffic, and clearing and grubbing. These items
are incidental to the primary activities on the project and do not represent a significant
expansion of the contract terms under FDOT contract #E8I24.
The cost of the project is $1,188,243.70, consisting of $1,013,424.70 of reconstruction and
$174,819.00 of resurfacing.
The $1,013,424.70 for reconstruction is requested to be funded by the Road Improvement Fund,
#115 through a line code transfer from line item #115-65000-30055 - Michael Blake Boulevard.
This line item has a budget of $1,900,000 and was budgeted based on a required reimbursement
after construction of Michael Blake Boulevard as a part of the Town Center Phase IIA and
Sonesta Pointe developments. Michael Blake Boulevard will be re-budgeted for FY 08-09 based
on ongoing discussions with the developers.
The $174,819.00 resurfacing portion of the project is budgeted for FY 07-08 under the
Transportation Improvement Fund, line code 104-65000-30075, in the amount of $225,000.
Staff recommends that authorization be given to piggyback off of FDOT contract #E8I24 with
The Middlesex Corporation for the resurfacing and reconstruction of various City streets as
shown in Exhibit B in the amount of $1,188,243.70 plus a 10% contingency ($118,824.37) for a
total authorization of$1,307,068.07, with funding as described above.
The scope of work will be completed within 120 days of notice to proceed.
1. Exhibit A - 3- Y ear Pavement Master Plan
2. Exhibit B - FY 2007-08 Project List
3. Exhibit C - Bid from The Middlesex Corporation dated April 4, 2008
3-Year Paving Master Plan
FY 2007-08 through 2009-10
Cost! Funding Source
One-Cent One-Cent
Sales Tax Sales Tax Local Option
Year Project Project Type (Special Project) (Non-Special) Gas Tax Total
FY 2007-08
Winter Sorinas Boulevard - Arrowhead to City Limits Resurface and Reconstruct $1,500,000 $0 $0 $1 500000
Wade Street - SR 419 to Old Sanford Oviedo Road (Desion) Reconstruct, add turn lanes $50 000 $0 $0 $50,000
Windina Hollow Blvd, Twelve Oaks Saddlewood, Timberwilde Reconstruct $0 $361.493 $0 $361,493
Eaale Nest Circle - North Half Resurface and Reconstruct $0 $231,512 $0 $231 512
Lancewood Drive Resurface $0 $0 $20,163 $20 163
Temole Way! Lido Road Resurface $0 $0 $21,018 $21 018
S. Alderwood St. ! Cedarwood Ct. Resurface $0 $0 $37,363 $37363
Cavuoa Drive Resurface and Reconstruct $0 $62.564 $0 $62 564
Vistawilla Drive Resurface $0 $0 $25.265 $25,265
Davenport Glen - Warrinoton Stockport Davenport Galwav Resurface $0 $0 $36.925 $36 925
Oak Road Resurface $0 $0 $20.967 $20 967
Northern Way - WS Blvd to Howell Creek Bridoe Reconstruct $0 $357,856 $0 $357,856
S. Galloway Ct. Resurface $0 $0 $13,118 $13 118
Total $1,550,000 $1,013,425 $174,819 $2,738,244
FY 2008-09
Wade Street - SR 419 to Old Sanford Oviedo Road (Construction) Reconstruct add turn lanes $450 000 $0 $0 $450,000
North Moss Road Resurface add median $1,300 000 $0 $0 $1 300000
Ranchlands Pavina - Phase I Pave Dirt Roads $700 000 $0 $0 $700,000
Eaale Nest Circle - South Half Resurface and Reconstruct $0 $111719 $0 $111719
Antelooe Trail! Swan St. Resurface $0 $0 $78,837 $78 837
Sorinaview Ct. Resurface $0 $0 $18,707 $18 707
Buttonwood Ave. ! Doawood Ct. Resurface $0 $0 $53,183 $53,183
Total $2,450,000 $111,719 $150,727 $2,712,446
FY 2009-10
Ranchlands Pavina - Phase II Pave Dirt Roads $700,000 $0 $0 $700,000
Greenbriar Lane Resurface $0 $0 $114,912 $114,912
Glen Eaale - Winasoan, Nature, Overlook, Forest View, Golf Pt Resurface $0 $100,590 $0 $100590
Total $700,000 $100,590 $114,912 $915,502
Three-Year Total $4,700,000 $1 ,225,734 $440,458 $6,366,192
FY 2007-08 Street Resurfacing and Reconstruction Project List
FY 2007-08 Proiect List Cost I Funding Source
One-Cent Option
Proiect Proiect Type Sales Tax Gas Tax Total
Reconstruct WH Blvd from bridge to 12 Oaks, 12
Winding Hollow Blvd, Twelve Oaks, Saddlewood, Oaks, Saddlewood Lane north of 12 Oaks,
Timberwilde Timberwilde Ave north of 12 Oaks $361,493 $0 $361 ,493
EaQle Nest Circle - North Half Resurface and Reconstruct North Half of Loop $231,512 $0 $231,512
Lancewood Drive Resurface $0 $20,163 $20,163
Temple Wav I Lido Road Resurface $0 $21,018 $21,018
S. Alderwood St.1 Cedarwood Ct. Resurface $0 $37,363 $37,363
Reconstruct 1000 LF from Owasco Street
Cayuga Drive 'northbound only); Resurface southbound $62,564 $0 $62,564
Resurface from 434 to just before Tuskawilla
Vistawilla Drive siQn $0 $25,265 $25,265
Resurface Warrington St. from Tiverton through
Warrington Ct; Stockport St from Warrington to
Davenport Glen - Warrington, Stockport, power easement; Davenport Way/Ct; and
Davenport, Galway Galway Ct. $0 $36,925 $36,925
Oak Road Resurface $0 $20,967 $20,967
Reconstruct 2880 LF from Winter Springs Blvd to
Northern Way - WS Blvd to Howell Creek BridQe Howell Creek Bridae $357,856 $0 $357,856
S. Galloway Ct. Resurface $0 $13,118 $13,118
Total $1,013,425 $174,819 $1,188,243
City Of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Attn: Brian Fields, P.E.
City Engineer
RE: Winter Springs Misc. Streets
Piggy Back Contract.
Per our conversation The Middlesex Corporation has a contract with the Florida Department
of transportation on SR 528. The FDOT contract number is E8124. Please find enclosed copy of
this contract. We feel that the contract items and pricing will allow The City of Winter Springs
and The Middlesex Corp. to perform all work previously discussed piggy backing this contract.
Please find below description of contract items and contract pricing attached to your
proposed quantities. * Denotes The City of Winter Springs items.
* 104-99 Erosion Protection
*Payment and Performance Bond
1 LS
Maintenance of Traffic
* 1 02-1 Maintenance of traffic
1 LS
*110-1-1 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS $157,700.00
*160-99 Proof Rolling and Compaction
* 160-100 removal and replacement of Sub base
327-70-13 Milling of Existing Asphalt (1 %" AVG) 26497 SYx $2.10 = $55,643.70
*Milling of Existing Asphalt (1 %" A VG)
334-1-12 Superpave Asphalt Traffic B
*285-709 Optional base Group # 9 @ 5.5"
*334-1-12 Super pave Asphalt SP 12.5
11240 TN x $85.00 = $955.400.00
This Proposal includes a (1) one year warranty on workmanship and materials.
Thank youh
Kirk Pettengill
Estimator/Project Manager
Cc: 1M File
10801 Cosmonaut Blvd., Orlando, FL 32824 · (407) 206-0077 · (407) 206-3559 (FAX)
Affirmative ActionlEqual Opportunity Employer