HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 09 02 Public Hearings Item B BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM B Consent Informational Public Hearing X Regular September 2, 2004 Meeti!lg REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests that the Board of Adjustment hold a Public Hearing to consider the applicant's request for a General Permit for Eagle Bay Wood Products (a light industrial use) under the property's current 'A-3' zoning. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is a request to consider granting a General Permit to allow Light Industrial use (Eagle Bay Wood Products) at 203 Cress Run. The applicant is requesting the following uses at the subject site: · Primary Use: Wood component manufacturing and storage including warehouse, office, showroom, and point of sale location; · Secondary Use: Boat, RV and automobile outside storage. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: SEMINOLE COUNTY VISION 20/20 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy FLUE 11.1 of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan indicates that "the County shall continue to enforce Land Development Code provisions and land use strategies that recognize(s) East Seminole County as an area with specific rural character rather than an area anticipated to be urbanized. It shall be the policy of the County that rural areas require approaches to land use intensities and densities, rural roadway corridor protection, the provision of services and facilities, environmental protection and Land Development Code enforcement consistent with the rural character of such areas." Policy FLUE 11.8 includes an overlay corridor district. Policy FLUE 12.5 indicates that "the reasonable use of property is a use which does not adversely affect the public health, safety, morals, or welfare and is compatible with abutting or proximate properties and is otherwise a use that is consistent with generally accepted land use plarming principles. Policy FLU 12.5 further states that "an unfair burden on property owners will occur when property is too stringently regulated in view of the level of regulation necessary to protect the COOl August 25, 2004/12:04 PM September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B public health, safety, morals, or welfare, in view of consistency with this Plan, in view of compatibility with abutting or proximate land uses, and in view of generally acceptable planning principles." SEMINOLE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Section 30.102. Permitted uses, (see Attachment A) Section 30,112. Uses by oeneral permit (see Attachment A) Section 30.1348. Nonconformino uses. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy FLUE 1.1.1, Inconsistencies. Policy FLUE 1,7,1, Land Use to consider existing and proposed land uses in adjacent jurisdictions, Policy IGE 1.4.1. Coordination in planning efforts with Seminole County and adjacent cities. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES Article VI. Site plan review. Section 9-346, Prohibitions. Section 9-347. Duties. Section 9-348. Appeals. Section 9-349. Penalty for violation, Article XI. Nonconformities. Section 9-561, Intent; rules of interpretation; buildino and fire codes; definitions, Section 9-562. Continuance of lawful nonconformino uses and structures, Section 9-565. Abandonment. Chapter 10- Licenses and Business Reoulations Section 10-26. Required. Section 10-32. DelinQuincy penalty established, BACKGROUND: Business: Owners: Current Location: Proposed Location: Acreage: Parcel #: Future Land Use Zoning Eagle Bay Wood Products (light manufacturing of wood components) Timothy and Hope Montgomery 203 Cress Run 203 Cress Run 1. 6 acres 03-21-31-300-0040-0000 Rural 3 (Seminole County) A-3 Agriculture (Seminole County) Land use is regulated by the zoning that is in place for a property. This parcel, although annexed into the City of Winter Springs on November 27, 2000, still retains a Seminole County Zoning classification of'A-3' and a Seminole County 'Rural-3' (1 du/3 acres) / 'Conservation' Future Land Use designation. The' A-3' classification allows for agriculture and agricultural-related uses (see Attachment A). The property was rezoned from 'A-5' to 'A-3' classification as an administrative action by the County in 1995. 2 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B Because the site does not have a City of Winter Springs FLU or Zoning designation, the City is required to review any proposed use of the site and buildings pursuant to the Seminole County 'A-3' Zoning regulations until such time as a City of Winter Springs FLU and Zoning is adopted. Seminole County Code Section 30.112 allows the granting of a General Pennit upon parcels with an 'A-3' Zoning classification if detennined that the use is appropriate based upon eight criteria. Since the property is located within the City of Winter Springs, the City will be the jurisdictional body determining whether the application's request can be granted, not Seminole County. If granted, the General Permit will stay remain in effect as long as the granted use (manufacturing of wood components) remains at this location, even if the property is sold or rezoned, Eagle Bay Wood Products Eagle Bay Wood Products manufacturers solid hardwood cabinet doors and drawers as well as cabinet doors in thermofoil / RTF. Their product is marketed nationwide for wholesales sales and distribution through a web-site, Eagle Bay Wood Products does not include retail sales or installation, and no retail traffic is currently generated. Currently, Eagle Bay employs six (6) employees including the two owners. Traffic is limited to shipment of product via one (1) UPS truck and one (1) tractor/trailer truck per day. Eagle Bay Wood Products was previously located on the adjacent parcel at 217 Cress Run in leased space from Donald E. Weaver for approximately 2-1/2 years before purchasing the subject property at 203 Cress Run in December 2003, The City Fire Marshall has inspected the buildings and determined that they satisfy fire safety considerations. Eagle Bay Wood Products obtained a County issued Occupational License on May 24,2004, which will expire on September 30, 2004. The City will not issue a license unless one of the following is granted: 1- General Permit (Seminole County Land Development Code, Section 30,112); 2- Non-Conforming Use (City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Article XI. Nonconformities, Sections 9-561-568); or 3- Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the FLU from Seminole County 'Rural-3' to City of Winter Springs 'Industrial' and Rezoning changing the Zoning from Seminole County 'A-3' to City of Winter Springs '1-1' Light Industrial. '1-1' Light Industrial is the only City Zoning classification that currently allows woodworking at the scale of operation currently in place at the site. Tim and Hope Montgomery have proceeded with application for the General Pernlit at the urging of the City. The General Pernlit may be approved only after the proposed use (light manufacturing of wood components) is detennined to be appropriate based upon findings of fact relating to eight (8) 3 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B criteria (Seminole County Land Development Code, Section 30.112). 1972-1991 Previous Use of the Site 1991- Oct. 30, 1996- Four (4) buildings constructed/located on the parcel: 1972 Steel/PreEng 10,800 SF Bldg 1982 Masonry Pilas 1,536 SF Bldg 1982 Steel/PreEng 1,230 SF Bldg 1991 Steel/PreEng 5,600 SF Bldg Mid Florida Motor Sports established at this location. Mid Florida Motor Sports and Global Contacts considered as non-conforming uses and are approved to remain on the subject parcel (letter to Donald E. Weaver from John Dwyer, Seminole County Planner), Aug. 22, 2000- Application by Donald E. Weaver for Annexation. The application included a list of occupations and trades being performed on the properties. List did not include woodworking or light manufacturing of wood components. Business names/locations were not identified. Note: The uses were never determined to be non-conforming uses although it was the applicant's desire to continue these "exceptions to zoning until such time as residential/commercial can be obtained from Winter Springs." Nov. 27, 2000- Annexation of subject parcel by Ordinance 2000-40. The subject parcel was one of four parcels owned at that time by Donald Weaver. Subject parcel sold by Donald Weaver to Gary Adair, owner of Mid Florida Motor Sports. Eagle Bay Wood Products locates at 217 Cress Run in leased space from Donald Weaver. Subject parcel sold by Gary Adair to Timothy and Hope Montgomery. Warranty Deed stated that the property is subject to "all applicable zoning ordinances and/or restrictions and prohibitions imposed by governmental authorities, if any", . , Mar. 2001- 2001- Dec. 2003- Seminole County Greeneway/SR 434 Small Area Study & Urban Boundary The subject parcel was included in the Seminole County Greeneway/SR 434 Small Area Study & Urban Boundary completed in 1994 by Seminole County. The Study resulted from encouragement by the State Department of Community Affairs and from opposition to the plans for Battleridge. The purpose of the Study was "to establish a boundary for urban development in this area. ,. to prevent erosion of the rural character of the area." According to the Study, the boundaries of the rural area were recommended to follow DeLeon Street to the West and along a line midway between Florida Avenue and Artesia (p.2 1 -22), as graphically illustrated in the Study (p. 27). Participants in the Study included the cities of Winter Springs and Oviedo and all property owners in the designated Study area. The Black Hammock Area was identified as the core of the existing rural community. This area has historically been an agricultural community with a growing rural residential neighborhood base. Crucial to the rural core was the identification of rural entrances to the core, 4 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B The Study included the subject parcel, which was identified as part of Sub Area #2. Sub Area #2 incorporated all properties north of S.R 434 and between the Greeneway and DeLeon Street. The resulting community consensus identified in the Study for Sub Area #2 was to continue the existing non-conforming agricultural uses with similar uses or with low intensity commercial uses along DeLeon Street. According to the Study, arriving at consensus revealed a great diversity of opinion regarding the desires of the community. The Study states, "It is the opinion of staff that although this land is predominantly vacant today, it is located within the future urban boundary. " During the following year (1995), a Comprehensive Plan amendment revised the Urban Boundary in 1995 from DeLeon to the eastern edge of Battle Ridge (now known as Barrington Estates) . County East Rural Area Although the Urban Boundary shown in the Small Area Study followed DeLeon Street, subsequent action by the County moved the boundary to the west in 1995. Therefore, the subject parcel is located within the County's East Rural Area. The County understood the Boundary to be a tool of controlling Winter Springs' and Oviedo's urban expansion. However, in November 2000, the City of Winter Springs annexed the subject property along with the adjacent Carroll, Minter and Weaver properties. Annexation was challenged by Seminole County (and Oviedo) and resulted in litigation. Although the Court mled in favor of Winter Springs, the Urban Boundary has not been amended by Seminole County and remains at the east property line of Barrington Estates. Non-Conforming Uses/Stmctures In order for a business to be considered Non-Confoffi1ing, the business needs to document that they were at one time permitted (confoffi1ing) under previous zoning regulations. The burden of proof remains with the business or property owner and not with the City. The only businesses that received approval as non-confonning were Mid-Florida Motorsports and Global Contacts. However, neither of these businesses remain on the property. Although a list of uses was provided at the time of Annexation, no records indicate that uses were determined to be eligible non-conforming uses. Additionally, business names and locations were not identified. (City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 13, 2004 and November 28,2004.) The 'A-3' zoning classification allows for agriculture and agricultural-related uses (see Attachment A, Seminole County Land Development Code, Section 30.102. Permitted Uses.). CONSIDERATIONS: Approximately, six (6) months prior to purchasing the property, Tim Montgomery inquired of 5 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B both the City and the County regarding the property's Zoning but was unable to get any clear answers due to the litigation that was still being resolved. Having knowledge that light industrial uses had operated at the property for the past 10-20 years, Mr. Montgomery proceeded with purchase of the land. Mr. Montogomery, assumed that the light industrial uses which occurred previously on this parcel substantiated continued use of the land in light industrial use. The General Permit may be approved onlv after the proposed use is determined to be appropriate based upon findings of fact related to the following eight criteria (Taken from Seminole County Land Develovment Code Section 30,112): 1- The use is consistent with the rural or agricultural uses in the vicinity of the parcel. Adjacent rural and agricultural uses have coincided with the light industrial use of this property since the construction of the first building in 1972, Of the four (4) buildings currently on the site, the most recent was completed in 1991. The Seminole County Comprehensive Plan indicates (relating to existing conditions) that "for the purposes of the lands within the Rural Area (including Rural-3 land use designations) structures existing as of the adoption date of the 1991 Comprehensive Plan shall be permitted to. .. be otherwise improved as long as the. .. intensity of nonresidential property is not increased and/or the land use remains consistent with those regulations in effect as of the adoption date of the 1991 Comprehensive Plan", based on the findings that "these lots and parcels are a generally accepted development pattern by residents of the East Area of Seminole County and that the grandfathering of these certain lots and parcels will not adversely affect the overall intent and objectives of the Rural Area Plan." During the early to mid-90s, Seminole County implemented new zoning and comprehensive plan amendments to address urban sprawl and the protection of the rural character of the Black Hammock Area. This included the establishment of the Urban Service Boundary and the County East Rural Area. As a result of these changes, property owner, Donald Weaver sent a letter to the County planning department, requesting non-confonning status for light industrial use tenants located on the subject parcel. In a letter from John Dwyer (Seminole County Planner) to Mr. Weaver, two businesses were granted non-confonning status and permitted to remain. These were Mid-Florida Motorsports and Global Contacts, Neither of these businesses remain on the property today. 2- The use is not detrimental to the character of the area or neighborhood. The previous users (Mid Florida Motor Sports) had junk cars stored around the site, visible from DeLeon Street. Also, more on-site traffic was generated, The current reduction in on-site traffic by Eagle Bay Wood Products has resulted in less traffic impact to DeLeon and Cress Run as well. The use is consistent with the trends of development in the area or neighborhood based upon the 6 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B historic uses of the properties. The use of the site for light manufacturing is consistent with the historic use ofthe property as documented in the 1996 letter authorizing the continuance of the light industrial uses on the subject parcel. Agricultural and non-agricultural uses have occupied this site and buildings since 1972, when the first building was constructed. The subject parcel was included in the Small Area Study prepared in November 1994 by Seminole County. The community consensus as documented in this Study indicated that the existing non-agricultural uses/Iight industrial uses along DeLeon (referring to the subject parcel) should be permitted to remain. 3- The use is not highly intensive in nature. The use of the site for light manufacturing of wood components is not highly intensive. All of the manufacturing operations are maintained within permanent buildings. Although the Applicant is requesting outside storage ofRVs, boats and automobiles, this use is independent of the manufacturing operations and should be not be granted until site planning/engineering issues have been resolved (such as on-site traffic circulation and parking, stormwater management, protection of 100-year floodplain, and buffer to residential property to the south). 4- The use is compatible with the concept of maintaining the integrity of the rural or agricultural characteristics of the area. Policy FLU 11.8 of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan includes an overlay corridor district along certain roads in the County East Rural Area as a means to restrict activity within 50-100 feet of certain roadways in order to protect and reinforce the rural character of the area so that development along these roadway corridors improves or protects the visual character of the corridor. However, DeLeon Street has not been included nor restricted by this overlay district, and therefore has not been considered as critical in maintaining the integrity of the County East Rural Area. This may be due in part to the existence of light industrial uses at this location prior to the adoption of the current Seminole County Vision 20/20 Comprehensive Plan. 5- The use (or uses) will not have an undulv adverse impact upon existing traffic pattems, movements or intensity. The site has dual access off of DeLeon and Cress Run. A creek runs adjacent to the site along the west side of DeLeon, so both access points are bridged over the creek. Emergency vehicle access is currently from Cress Run due to deterioration of one of the bridges. Traffic is currently generated only from the six employees (including the two owners) and from shipment of product via one daily UPS delivery and one daily tractor/trailer shipment. 6- The use (or uses) will have direct access to a collector or arterial roadway. The subject parcel although addressed off of Cress Run has direct access to DeLeon which is considered a County collector street. 7- The use (or uses) will have an adequate level of public services such as sewer, water, police, 7 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B fire. schools and related services. The site is currently serviced by a septic tank for sewer and a well for potable water. The City has capacity to service the property with water and sewer however, connecting with these services is not feasible until such time as the line is extended across the Weaver property. The City of Winter Springs has an Inter-Local Agreement with adjacent cities relating to first respondent services for life-safety issues. 8- The use (or uses) is consistent with the obiectives and policies of the both the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan. Seminole County Comprehensive Plan Policy FLU 12.5 indicates that "the reasonable use of property is a use which does not adversely affect the pubiic health, safety, morals, or welfare and is compatible with abutting or proximate properties and is otherwise a use that is consistent with generally accepted land use planning principles. The Policy further states that "an unfair burden on property owners will occur when property is too stringently regulated in view of the level of regulation necessary to protect the public health, safety, morals, or welfare, in view of consistency with this Plan, in view of compatibility with abutting or proximate land uses, and in view of generally acceptable planning principles, " City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Policy FLUE 1.1.1: Inconsistencies, Proposed land use amendments which are inconsistent with the character of the community or inconsistent with adjacent future land uses shall not be approved by the City. (It has been determined that the use is not inconsistent.) Policy FLUE 1.7.1: When reviewing land use amendments, the City shall consider the existing and proposed land uses in any jurisdictions that are adjacent to the proposed amendment. Policy 1GE 1.4.1: The City shall continue coordination in planning efforts with Seminole County and adjacent cities through the sharing of relevant planning data and analysis, notification of development occurring within the City, and review of the impacts, including land use compatibility and impacts on city levels of service standards, of proposed development on adjacent local governments during the City's development review procedures, FINDINGS: The request is consistent with applicable goals, objectives and policies ofthe City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. The request is consistent with applicable goals, objectives and policies of the Seminole County Vision 20/20 Comprehensive Plan related to future land use. The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the City Code. The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the Seminole County Land Development Code and is appropriate based on the eight criteria listed in Section 30.112 of the 8 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B Seminole County Land Development Code. Considering the historical use of the property and the type and location of uses involved and the general character of the area, the granting ofthe General Permit will not result in any incompatible land uses, including such factors as height, bulk, scale, intensity, traffic, noise, drainage, dust, lighting, appearance, and other factors deemed important. It should be noted that the Approval of the General Permit in no way implies that the Applicant is exempt from other regulations and codes relating to the site. These issues will be addressed during Site Plan and Final Engineering review, and will need to be resolved prior to the City issuing an Occupancy Permit. Included (but not limited to these) are: stormwater management, protection of the 100-year flood plain and stabilization of the stream bank, upgrades to the bridge accessing the site, on-site traffic circulation and parking, dumpster enclosure, buffering of the adjacent single family residence to the south and impact fees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Adjustment hold a Public Hearing and recommend approval of the General Permit for Light Manufacturing by Eagle Bay Wood Products based on the findings stated herein including the eight criteria listed in Section 30,112 of the Seminole County Land Development Code, IMPLEMENTATION: Sept. 16, 2004- Noticing in the Orlando Sentinel Sept. 23, 2004- City Commission Public Hearing ATTACHMENTS: A- SEMINOLE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Section 30.102, Permitted uses. and Section 30.112. Uses by general pennit. B- SEMINOLE COUNTY VISION 20/20 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Rural Land Use Designation BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATION: 9 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B ATTACHMENT A SEMINOLE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Section 30.101. Description of districts; Section 30.102. Permitted Uses & Section 30.112. Uses bv General Permit. Section 30.101. Description of districts. The lands included in the A-I 0, A-5 and A-3 Rural Districts are generally located in the rural area of the County where urban services are minimal or nonexistent. While these lands may be currently in agricultural use, when developed, they are devoted to rural residential living, Depending upon the land use designation assigned to a parcel by the 1991 Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, the minimum lot sizes shall be either three (3) acres, five (5) acres or ten (10) acres unless otherwise permitted in the provisions of this part relating to clustering, The properties that are assigned these zoning classifications are the respective properties assigned the Rural 10, Rural 5 and Rural 3 land use designations and these zoning classification assignments are accomplished consistent with and in order to implement the provisions of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan. Section 30.102. Permitted Uses. Within any property assigned the A-I 0, A-5 or A-3 Rural Zoning Classifications, no building, structure, land or water shall be developed, except for the following uses: (a) Single-family residences and uses accessory thereto, including one (1) guesthouse or cottage, boat docks and boathouses. (b) Home occupations and home offices. (c) Groves and farms for the cultivation and propagation of citrus, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, grass sod and trees. (d) Pastures and grasslands for the cultivation and propagation of livestock and the keeping of ponies or horses for the immediate use of the occupant and their guests excluding, however, the commercial raising of swine. (e) Plant nurseries and green houses not involved with retail sales to the general public. (f) Poultry production, (g) Dairy farms. (h) Fish hatcheries and bait production. (i) Stables, barns, sheds, silos, granaries, windmills and related agricultural structures. (j) Roadside stands for the sale of fruits, vegetables and similar products produced on the premises, provided such stand is placed no closer than twenty-five feet (25') to a property line. (k) Public and private elementary schools. (1) Landscaping contractors as an accessory use to a wholesale nursery or wholesale tree fann. (Part XXIV, 9 2, Ord, No, 92-5, 3-30-92; 9 13, Ord. No, 94- I 5, 12-13-94; Ord, No, 97-18, 9 22, 5-13-97; Ord, No, 98-13, 9 18, 3-10-98; Ord. No, 00-13, 9 4, 2-22-00).r 10 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARlNG ITEM B Seminole County Land Development Code Section 30.112. Uses bv l2:eneral permit. (a) Pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section, the Planning Manager or the Board of County Commissioners may permit light commercial and light industrial uses upon parcels assigned the A-3, A-5 and A-IO zoning classifications, (b) Applications proposing a light commercial or light industrial use upon parcels assigned the A-3, A-5 or A-I 0 zoning classifications shall be submitted to the Planning Manager. Such proposed uses may be approved only after the proposed use is determined to be appropriate based upon findings of fact that the use requested: (l) Is consistent with the rural or agricultural uses in the vicinity of the parcel. (2) Is not detrimental to the character of the area or neighborhood or inconsistent with the trends of development in the area or neighborhood based upon the historic uses of the properties, (3) Is not highly intensive in nature, (4) Is compatible with the concept of maintaining the integrity of the rural or agricultural characteristics of the area. (5) Does not have an unduly adverse impact upon existing traffic patterns, movements or intensity, (6) Has direct access to a collector or arterial roadway. (7) Has access to an adequate level of public services such as sewer, water, police, fire, schools and related services. (8) Is consistent with the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan (c) Upon a determination that a proposed use is appropriate for the subject property, the Planning Manager shall cause a "Notice ofIntent to Grant a General Use Permit" to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, The Notice shall, at a minimum, state the address of the property and the proposed light commercial or light industrial use, The Notice shall further state that any person objecting to the granting of the permit must file a notice of objection with the Planning Division within thirty (30) days of the publication. (d) Upon a determination that a proposed use is not appropriate for the subject property, the applicant may appeal said decision to the Board of County Commissioners by filing a notice of appeal with the Planning Division within thirty (30) days of the rendering of the decision. The Planning Division shall schedule the appeal before the Board. The Board may approve the permit request, deny the permit request or approve the pennit request subject to such restrictions and conditions deemed necessary to protect the character of the area or neighborhood and the public health, safety and welfare, (e) If the Planning Division receives no objections, then the Planning Manager shall.grant the permit allowing the proposed light commercial or light industrial use. ef) In granting any light commercial or light industrial use, such restrictions and conditions may be placed on the approval as shall be deemed necessary to protect the character of the area or neighborhood and the public health, safety and welfare, A proposed master plan of development shall be submitted at the time of application and approval shall be based upon and limited to the extent of said master plan. (g) If the Planning Division receives an objection to the granting of the permit, then the Planning Manager shall schedule a public hearing before the Board to consider the permit. The Board may approve the permit request, deny the permit request or approve the permit request subject to such restrictions and conditions deemed necessary to protect the character of the area or neighborhood and the public health, safety and welfare, In the absence of the Planning Manager, the Planning and Development Director may issue permits pursuant to this section. (Ord, No, 00-13,966,2-22-00; Ord, No, 02-53, 9 I, 12-10-02), 11 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B ATTACHMENT B SEMINOLE COUNTY VISION 20/20 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Rural Land Use Desi2nation The County has established three (3) similar, yet very distinct, future land use designations assigned to the Rural Area of Seminole County, These are: Rural-3, Rural-5, and Rural-IO. Creation of these land use designations will assist the County in implementing its overall Plan strategies to maintain the rural character and lifestyle of certain areas in the County and promote the protection of agricultural uses and the environment. The land use designations derive from and are primarily based upon the "1991 East Seminole County Rural Area Plan",.. (Note- The subject parcel was included in the Small Area Study prepared in November 1994 by Seminole County, The community consensus as documented in this Study indicated that the existing non-agricultural uses/light industrial uses along DeLeon (referring to this site) should be permitted to remain,) RURAL-3 The Rural-3 Future Land Use Designation allows rural residential development at densities equal to or less than one (1) dwelling unit per three (3) net buildable acres, agricultural and attendant uses. This land use is established to allow residential development on large lots and accommodate the continuation of agricultural pursuits to: A Maintain the rural character of the area by developing at a very low intensity, by encouraging large areas to be left in a natural or open state, by reducing road congestion and the need for commercial services, urban public services and other uses beyond the needs of a rural community; B Permit horses and other livestock on large residential lots; C Minimize conflicts with agricultural operations (e,g" traffic congestion, noise, odor and visual conflicts); and D Minimize planned and programmed expenditures for public facilities (e.g" roadway improvements, schools, fire and law enforcement protection, etc,), USES The Rural-3 Future Land Use Designation permits the following uses: A Rural residential development at a density equal to or less than one (1) dwelling unit per three (3) net buildable acres; B Publicly and privately owned parks and recreation facilities; C Churches, country clubs (over 10 acres in size) and home occupations; D Agricultural operations and attendant structures, greenhouses, nurseries and silvaculture; E Public elementary schools; and F Special exceptions such as adult congregate living facilities, group homes, mobile homes and accessory uses, borrow pits, cemeteries, kennels, sewage and water treatment plants, and fills, and other public structures, SERVICE AND FACILITIES This land use requires an adequate, rural level of service for public safety and other services (see Exhibit FLU: Services and Facilities By Classification). SPECIAL PROVISIONS Travel trailer parks and campsites are pem1itted for short periods of time, and must be located in less densely populated areas having natural or man-made recreation facilities in the vicinity, 12 September 2, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B ATTACHMENT C Site Location Map and Legal Description & Aerial Maps- 1999 & 2004 \ , ,r.i ",,---~,/' SUBJECT SITE r I j 1 I ,- I r-' ',W/AW/"," ,.--.-.,-,..... , S:R OVIEDO .\ "-~>__/~.>--';::;';Id.. -".<~, I '''\ L \~. ,\ \\ II Parcel # 03-21-31-300-0040-0000 The East 245.0 feet of the South 385.75 feet ofthe South 2/3 ofthe North 3/4 of the East 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 ofthe Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East; less the South 100 feet and less the East 25 feet for road together with an easement for ingress, egress and parking over the West 55.00 feet of the East 300.00 feet ofthe North 120.00 feet ofthe South 220.00 feet of said North % of the East 12 of the SW 14 ofthe NW 14 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, and subject to a 30.00 feet easement for ingress and egress reserved for the grantor over the South side of the East 245.00 feet ofthe South 385.75 feet of the South 2/3 of the North % ofthe East Y2 of the SW 14 of the NW 14 of said Section 3. 13 'Map Output Seminole County, Flo.ida roperty praiser Your Source for Property Information... Quick, Convenient, Accurate ... ;u.,... 01:. Page 1 of 1 H.W. "Bill" Sube.CFA,A: ...~~ ~...- ~ "" .. ~ Seminole Coun J~.""".~~.",,~.'_ ,:;::;;..:,.,...~ 1'f.operlJ! ~pmi, mn.K#!1 1101 U. Iii... 51. Sanfol'd I;>J. 3277 .w7~65-75116 0 Legend County Bounda~ Streets . Hydrology # Subdivision Linel 0 Parcels 1999 Color Aeria http:// simon03 .scpafl. orgl serv let/com.esri ,esrimap.Esrimap ?ServiceN ame=overview _small... 8/25/2004 Map Output Seminole County, Florida roperty praiser ervices Your Source for Property Information... Quick. Convenient. Accurate Page 1 of 1 H. W. "Bill" Suber CFA, A: .~~~~. ~ . ':r'~ Seminole Coun ~~~..+"->o:i.I:~.,;.;;.,:-'.:i Rupel11 ~pl'llil c1tn"Kt!s 1101 IS, !lint Sf. Sanfol'd ':'I. :1277 .w7~65-7S06 0 Legend Counly Boundal'! Streets . Hydrology # Subdivision linel 0 pa roe Is 2004 Color Aeria http:// simon03 .scpafl.org/ serv letlcom.esri .esrimap,Esrimap ?ServiceN ame=overview _small... 8/25/2004