HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 07 01 Regular Item A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM A CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X 07/01/04 Meeting MGR. /DEPT Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department recommends the Board of Adjustment hear a request for a variance by Charles and Sandra Lacey from Section 20-103 of the City Code of Ordinances, to encroach 3 feet into the 20 foot side building setback to add on to the side of an existing single family residence. / PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request by the Laceys for a variance from the requirements of Section 20-123 of the City Code of Ordinances to encroach 3 feet into the 20 foot side building setback at 733 Bear Creek Circle (Lot 21, Bear Creek Estates, depicted in Plat Book 26, pages 57-59 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida). The applicable 20 foot side building setback is set forth on the final subdivision plat, cited above. The City Attorney has determined that the City has the authority to hear variance requests involving [primary structure] building setbacks on lots within planned unit developments (PUDs) where the building setbacks are set forth on the final subdivision plat, as in this case. A proposed ordinance is being considered (draft Ordinance No. 2004-31 is scheduled for first reading on June 28, 2004) to establish minimum primary structure building setbacks within PUDs. APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 6-2. Compliance with Chapter. Article XI. NONCONFORMITIES (Sec. 9-561 through 9-566) Sec. 20-82. Duties and powers; general. Sec. 20-103. Restrictions upon lands, buildings and structures. July 1, 2004 Regular Item A Page 2 Sec. 20-166. Front, rear, and side yard regulations. CHRONOLOGY: June 18, 2004 - Variance application was received by City. FINDINGS: 1) Lot No. 21, of Bear Creek Estates, is zoned PUD (Tuscawilla PUD) and has a Rural Residential Future Land Use designation. 2) The required side yard building setback is 20 feet, as set forth on the face of every page of the plat. 3) The applicant requests a variance to encroach 3 feet into the 20 foot side yard building setback, to within 17 feet of the side property line. 4) The applicants have provided the attached memo of June 16,2004, from the neighbors adjacent to the proposed addition, stating their endorsement of the proposed building addition into the side yard building setback. 5) A variance requires compliance with all six (6) criteria outlined in Code Section 20-82 (staff does not believe that the request meets any of the 6 criteria): a) that special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures or buildings involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; There is nothing peculiar to this land, structure, or building which is not applicable likewise within the same zoning district. b) that special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; The request results from the applicant. c) that granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; Granting the variance would confer a special privilege upon the applicant. d) that literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant; A literal interpretation of these provisions would not deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties within the district and would not work an unnecessary hardship on the applicant. July I, 2004 Regular Item A Page 3 e) that the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure.; and The variance is not the minimum necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the building or land. t) that the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Granting the variance would not be in harmony with the intent or purpose of the regulations. 6) There is no lake, tract, or other known mitigating topographic/environmental feature behind this lot that would lessen the effects of the proposed encroachment on the neighboring residents. RECOMMENDATION: Staff did not find the request to be consistent with any of six (6) criteria necessary for granting a variance and recommends a recommendation to deny. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location map, plat pages, and plot plan B - Variance application C - Applicants' supporting documentation BOA ACTION: c , " '161 S~~~~'J~!;~/~A TT ACHMENT A Continu dPg261: ' I t---183' , .' . '. "'. '. '....~.:.j:.2~~~;S},ll.:J:.::'~.~.~.~.~.~.i.~.~....._'"1.-7.d-~-.,___'__~___L__~__L__---- N '" . ~ = , _~____l_~---~---':-------- \ \ '~ 687 \ 688 ..... ~---~------, , , , I - - -1- - ..; ., - - - "'i' - - - ~ - - - - - - - " - :- - , I I , I I \ I I I I / 'I \ I --------,'- I ) - - i- -- , , , ~ - 1 , ( , , - - - - - ,- ~. , - I , - - ., I , I -, 675 o G '693 - - - / ~ ,; ,; \ ."\ \ , , , 697 , \ \ . ~ ~.\ \ \ , .\ , F 699 ~ N \,C) N bO P-. "'c::l G) ;:l ~ --. = ' o . I U____ O' , , 779 : 778 ( , ,. 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OA: Cr- W t,J r;J - ~ ...- """ . , BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WIN T E R ' S P R I N G S, FL. 3 2 7 0 8'.;. 2 7 9 9 (407)327-1800 , , .._" FOR: Y- SPECIAL EXCEPTION VARIANCE 'CONDITIONAL USE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION 1. APPLICANT: ~HnL€'$ f SA,VUAA LAaGY ADDRESS: 1 ~'~ ' ~r" Ctce-fc:. C,t-t:-!.t.. PURPOSE OF REQUEST.: 12t<>:~"HD{ S'~t1.~' V4r\~~ '(80,) 'PHo.NE ~s:t -<:[1 J.. 7 2 "f~~t ~ 3. ATTACH A COpy OF THE PARCEL SURVEY. 4, ATTACH AN 11 x 17 MAP SHOWING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS. 5. ATTACH LEGAL'DESCRIPTION. <' \ J.. 21 I B,""'A ~ CIf'e:e..fc t:=~MeS. S~~ :>c....rvcy.. LOr ~. p(q 6,a"k. 2fD) P P ~,(-.f:1 o ( - 21 - ~\ - is G.B - OOQ:) - C ~ I 0 6. TAX PARCEL ~DENTIFICATION NUMBER: . 7. LOCATION 'OF PARCEL (street Addres's and/or Nearest Cross Streets): ."~"'3... ~Wi!<., Cre.~k.. Cit'l'..(4.. W~~~r S"~r'l\..fS, rl.... 3:l(~R a. PRESENT ZONING;:- l>u b FUTURE LAND USE ;...<'.tvF~ ))GJ~,'7 .K3,JJ';;;. By Signing below' I understand that City of Winter Springs Officials may enter upon my property to inspect that portion, as relates to this application: (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, applicant must attach a letter of authorization signed by oh'ner) , e-hac-l~} A. ~e.~ OWNER-PLEASE T~YPE '. ~ 'L &./t7/"'Y' OWNER-S G ATU', . t~e the <;~IL H. iA<: f!7 ~71~ (p/f7/0t PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT, IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY.. DECISIONS MADE AT THESE HEETINds/HEARINGS, THEY WILL .NEED A ,RECORD OF THE PROCEEDiNGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM 'RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, 'ATTHEIRCOST, WHICH; INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND',EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE, I,! > . BASED, PER SECTION 286.0105, FLORTDA ~'T'r.'T'rT'T'l:'~ .. . ". c SJ. ~," APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS A staff Report will be developed for each' Application, The Applicant should be piepared to address each of the issues provided below for Variance requests, the,Board of Adjustment must make the are and or 2, T t from the es do not resul t 3. uested will not confer on. e. t hat . s den i e d b t his or structures in the same 5. the minimum variance that Use of t eland, build'n or wi 11 the' be, the 7 , T policies uS.t be. cons_stent with Comprehensive Plan. and THE APP~ICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE CITY WITH,THE NAMES AND ADb,RESSES OF EACH PROPERTY OWNER '~nTHIN '150 FT. OF EACH PROPERT~ LINE BY THE SCHEDULED TIME, THE APP~ICANT IS RisPONSIBLE TO POST THE BLUE NOTI~E CARD ON THE I SITE AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE BOARD OF :ADJUSTMENT MEETING" .', '.' AT WHICH THE MATTER WILL BE CONSIDERED: SAle NOTICE SHALL NOT BE J POSTED WITHIN THE CITY RIGHTS-OF~WAY. ;. '. . ATTACHMENT C 733 Bear Creek Circle Winter Springs, FL 32708 :<>:~':"':'R,'i;;",.",:>>~,."<,.;".:::,.,;o:::::/:,,,'1":;'(:!~'2'Y';\>;:.:"::""'<".""'<""".;".'..........................:............ ....... '...............,..,..,/,........"...,.",.....,...... " ........'..."..".."'...'...10. .........,..... ><j (~.<? ~: ;~'." 'j :.'. :'~','~"..r:iL." '; ;.; ",e j~\, '''''liD. ,:': ;"'!;c ! ",,' S;, i<a';oo.....:';..~' :', .. .._ ....'. ....:. ,I , "'.I ' ~. ~.0 ~'-I.";s: ..., ,_ ~? {oI .,1'1.._1 ,,,,,"., ,.,.,"r. .,.,. ,., " "'e,'_ '",.' " ',~. ''''''.. _.. ;._'....._..~.. -".'>. .," ' \.,' '_"," .:.;:", ,", 'f.J. '.r :!.~: ''-:'''... l;." ~' ~;: ,'~', ~ ."} '.-' :",): ',._".' , " '..,. ~'-.:\ ,<.:-: June 17,2004 Winter Springs Community Development Department City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799 attn: Board of Adjustment Application Dear Sir or Madam: Please fmd enclosed our application to the Board of Adjustment for a variance to the side setback requirement for our home. Presently, the west-facing side of the house is 26.08 feet from the lot line; the setback is 20 feet. For a very desirable addition to our home, it is only practical to proceed with construction if we can relocate the exterior wall by 8 feet 8 inches. Accordingly, we are requesting a variance in the setback of three feet. If@arite9~,the setback will still be in excess of seventeen feet. Oiirn~w~strieighbors, and the only ones affected by the setback have endorsed this variance request. 'Th:~!f\!~tt~ds attached. Also, the Architectural Review Committee of the Bear Creek Homeowners :ASsSd.l~iiorihas indicated their intent to approve the construction and I will forward this document as S0011f,as I receive it. ~e:havecarefully reviewed the key points in justifying the need for a variance and believe they are fiiU)':'satisfied in our request. 1. Special conditions and circumstances exist in that the home was built with a Master Bedroom suite (primarily the bath and closet area) that is markedly smaller than any of the homes in the neighborhood. We, and our neighbors, believe this will have material negative affect on the resale value of this house, and is thereby a negative factor for the neighborhood as a whole. 2. The special conditions pre-existed our occupancy and we are trying to correct them with this application. 3. We do not believe that this construction will confer upon us any special privilege. 4. As stated above, our present enjoyment of the home and its future resale value is harmed by the present state of the house. 5. This is the minimum variance request that will allow us to cure the problem. We have hired an architect to explore every possible means to avoid having to make this request, but after looking at many scenarios, we are unable to fmd a solution that does not extend the west side. The total space needed is precisely calculated at eight feet eight inches and we are requesting a variance of three feet to account for possible error, but it is our intent to encroach upon the current setback by just two feet inches. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17, 2004 Page 2 6. Your granting of this variance wiJI allow us to enhance the neighborhood. The Architectural Review Committee of the Bear Creek Homeowners Association will approve the plans only if the new construction will be in harmony with the current building and neighborhood standards. 7. The enhanced home value will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The names and addresses of property owners within 150 feet are: · Parcel Tax Identification Number 07213150B00000200 Joseph and Margaret MCWhertor 731 Bear Creek Cir Winter Springs FL 32708 (only neighbors affected by the variance request) . Parcel Tax Identification Number 07213150B00000220 Arthur and Michele Pines 735 Bear Creek Cir Winter Springs FL 32708 (our opposite side neighbors) · Parcel Tax Identification Number 07213150B00000530 Samuel and Esabella Soh 726 Bear Creek Cir Winter Springs FL 32708 (across the street) . Parcel Tax Identification Number 07213150B00000540 Robert and Michele Steger 736 Bear Creek Cir Winter Springs FL 32708 (across the street) . Parcel Tax Identification Number 08213150T00000920 Max and Patricia Riddick 1553 Winter Springs Blvd Winter Springs FL 32708 (on the far back side - not in our neighborhood) Thank you for consideration of this request. We will be traveling out of town from June 21-25 and unavailable, but we wiJI contact you upon our return to answer any questions you may have about this application. ~c;~IY' cLacey Sandra H. Lacey ~7/~ Memo To: Whom It May Concern From: Joseph & Margaret MCWhertor 731 Bear Creek Circle Winter Springs, FL 32708 Lot 20 Bear Creek Estates, 07-21-31-SGB-0000-0200 Date: June 16, 2004 Re: Home improvement at 733 Bear Creek Circle Lot 21, Bear Creek Estates Our direct neighbors to the east, Charles and Sandi Lacey, are planning an addition to their home on the side that faces our property. We understand that this will require a variance to the side setback of less than three feet. We have reviewed their architectural plans and feel that this will be an improvement to their property and, thus, to the whole community of Bear Creek Estates. Accordingly, we endorse our neighbors' home addition plans. Q~f2'-- fL~LtUL (~ MLxtV1~/~:n~~'0C\ () {= II 10 I 0 4- . 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