HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 06 03 Regular Item A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM A CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X 06/03/04 Meeting MGR. /DEPT Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department recommends the Board of Adjustment hear a request for a variance by Daniel Finch from Section 20-103 of the City Code of Ordinances, to encroach 4 feet into the 15 foot rear building setback to replace an existing screened porch or Florida room at the rear of the house. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request by Mr. Finch for a variance from the requirements of Section 20-123 of the City Code of Ordinances to allow an existing non-compliant portion of his house to be rebuilt, encroaching 4 feet into the IS-foot rear building setback at 675 Barrington Circle (Lot 61, Georgetown, Unit 1, depicted in Plat Book 37, Pages 1-5 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida). The applicable 15 foot rear building setback is set forth in the homeowner restrictive covenants, but not on the final subdivision plat, cited above. APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 6-2. Compliance with Chapter. Article XI. NON CONFORMITIES (Sec. 9-561 through 9-566) Sec. 20-82. Duties and powers; general. Sec. 20-1 OJ. Restrictions upon lands, buildings and structures. Sec. 20-166. Front, rear, and side yard regulations. CHRONOLOGY: April 29, 2004 - Variance application was received by City. June 3, 2004 Regular Item A Page 2 FINDINGS: I) Lot No. 61, of Georgetown, Unit I, is zoned PUD (Tuscawilla PUD) and has a Medium Density Residential Future Land Use designation. 2) The required rear yard building setback is 15 feet. 3) A portion of the house already encroaches into the 15 foot building setback, as depicted in the attached plot plan. Staff is unaware of any evidence that this is an existing non-conforming stmcture. In the absence of such evidence, staff believes this to be a noncompliant structure or addition. 4) The applicant requested a variance to encroach 4 feet into the IS-foot rear building setback, to within 11 feet of the rear property line. 5) The Georgetown BOA Architectural Review Board approved the reconstruction, subject to the applicant meeting all applicable building or zoning regulations and obtaining all necessary permits. 6) A variance requires compliance with all six (6) criteria outlined in Code Section 20-82 (staff does not believe that the request meets any of the 6 criteria): a) that special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures or buildings involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; There is nothing peculiar to this land, structure, or building which is not applicable likewise within the same zoning district. b) that special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; The request results from the applicant. c) that granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or stmctures in the same zoning district; Granting the variance would confer a special privilege upon the applicant. d) that literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant; A litera) interpretation of these provisions would not deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties within the district and would not work an unnecessary hardship on the applicant. e) that the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure.; and June 3, 2004 Regular Item A Page 3 The variance is not the minimum necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the building or land. t) that the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Granting the variance would not be in harmony with the intent or purpose of the regulations. I 7) There is no lake, tract, or other known mitigating topographic/environmental feature behind this lot that would lessen the effects of the proposed encroachment on the neighboring residents. RECOMMENDATION: Staff did not find the request to be consistent with any of six (6) criteria necessary for granting a variance and recommends a recommendation to deny. A TT A CHMENTS: A - Location map and plot plan B - Variance application C - Applicants' supporting documentation BOA ACTION: /// ATTACHMENT A Map Output r j ~..unole ~ty. f~ Property ~prajseJ' Jenices "-Sc:\u~ fw ~ mrw~ QIllc;k. c.~~\,^~ 0080 Roc Parcel ., 7213151000000610 Owner Addr 5 BARRINGTON CIR C NTER SPRINGS OWner INCH DANIEL W & VI J:'age J or J ft.W; '8lD'~CfA.AM !kminqt~ (:oonfy ~~':r.m'llS'~.n:~~i: JlI\>~:l~""~ . '- .S Hill g. Fin! Sf.. !l1nford 1-'1.3271.1 4Q1~~:>-7~ Legend . Seleetlld Feawres County Boundary Slreeb> HydlOlOgy Subdivision Lines Parcels Faciilios Golf Cou.... Pam Stat. ZI l 2706 >ESCR}PT/ON LOr 6/, ~LAT .OF SURtV'EY #/ll)tE"R CO/V5T/?uCT/ON GEORG~TON/Ve ?lA//T.r IECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 37 PAGE(S) /-~ OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF Jt=M/NO~c- COUNTY. FLORIDA " ~~ 19~ ~ '--~ ~I ~ ~ ~ 'oJ \vI l:( ., ' \J I ,., r ~,DA&IC /",ZI. 1$"' ~ .~ ' ~~ \:J l'r).' '1'1) ~ .~ ~ " R=Zs.OCJ' LJ:-90~OCJ'OO" L' 39 i' 7' '!HIS . PR:PERrt LIES IN ZeNE: 'c'- . P.I.R.M. CI::I+UlI'N PlINEI, ~. /?O~S- ooos:c 0A:re0 ~ HENRICH, TROTTER, CARTER, & AYERS, INC. LAND SURVEYORS 636 N. WYMORE ROAD WINTER PARK. FLORIDA 327B9 (3051 647.7346 ':. ? r~' t:_ .58.9~58'36NE , /00 C?{?' ., ._~~. Q . ~ J:':'7' . , ~ , -'~.....~ ......."..~~-"~",,~.c-~..u QlJrSZ: ~ ~1t ;(183 <58 '36K;y ,J~' . , A; /8.50' I 8 27 21.J1t' I 56. 52' f:i't:; ,.-- - ".-.- : CEla.u 1.W a:JlRE:Cr TO; : Cil= I:ledridc , I\:t;inscn, P.A. 1 '%he P'irn, F: A. ~ ! I ;, ,; " .. 'l: ~ " ~- l\. ~ ~ ~ <;) ~ ~ "> . ~ ~ ;- ~ ,.... ~ ~\1 ~ . IJ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. Ir:l ~ ( ~. ~..- -~, -I" ..-- t . .\ t . . l , . /..:5'" .. ~NII t\J SCALE 1" .~d' ~ r- m Z 9 lMSlIUAYEY WEI!T1I TlE -.... ~ lJTAH:loU\Oe lIEf FORTH8'(T>EFI.OAll:I.4.oMDOI'.......,~~ TO IEC'T1ON CUl:7 ~ ITATVTU. DA TE OF: BOUNDARY 8-/0.89 FOUND ..3 -z/_ e~ FINAL /,;? - /$ -6'S P~cr P~A.v 7.41'7.89 N<X.IJrsrA.t'c- 6'-/0.89 - c W I C1Q ~ r Y~~/77;> "./ .:::z;r::::. ATTACHMENT B ?Jy1/D3 o/H-?Y BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST S~ATE ROAD ~J4 WINTER. SPRINGS, FL .32708~2799 (407)327-1800 x SPECIAL EXCEPTION VARIANCE CONDITIONAL USE: ADMINISTRATIVE DECIS10N FOR: 1. APPLICANT: Daniel W. Finch .PHo.NE 407 366-5272 ADDRESS: 675 BarriJ:lgton Circl.e, Winter .Springs, FL 32708 2 u-,~ 3. ATTACH A COPY OF THE PARCEL SURVEY.! 4. ATTACH AN 11 x 17 MAP SHOWING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS. 5. ATTACH LEGAL' DESCRIPTION:! 6. TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 67-21-31~510-0000~0610 7. LOCATION .OF PARCEL (Street Address and/or. Nearest Cross streets): 675 Barrinqton Circle, winter springs, Fl. 32708 8. PRESENT ZONING: PUD FUTURE .LAND USE: By Signing below. I understand that city of Winter Springs officials may ~nter upon my property to inspecf that portion. as relates to this application; (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must attach a letter of authorization signed by the owner) PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT, IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY. DECISIONS MADE AT THESE MEE~INd5/HEARINGS, THEY WILL ~EED A.RECOR6 OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM.RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS M~DE, .AT.THEIR .COST, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND'EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED, PER SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 20-84 - APPEALS FROM DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (1) Any person, or persons, jointly or severally agg.rieved by any decision of the Board of Adjustment may, within thirty (30) days after the filing of any decision in the office of the Board of Ad justment, but not thereafter, appl y to. the Ci ty counci 1 tor administrative relief. After a hearing before the City Council an aggrieved party may, within thirty (30) days after the decision of the ci ty. Counci I, fi I e an appeal wi th a court of competent jurisdiction over the subject .matter. "...orr." '\ APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS '~epor~ will be developed for e~ch Application. The t should be prepared to address each of the issues provided ~i Variance requests, to grant a the.Hoard of ~djustment must make the exist which are and or do not resul t 3, uested will not confer on. e. t hat is den i e d b t his s or structures in t e same 5. is the mi imum variance tha t Use of e.land. build'n or the be the 7. T e j:lO 1 i ci e 5 wi th t e ob 'ectives and THE APP~ICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE CITY RITH THE NAMES ANDADr:jRESSES OF EACH PROPERTY OHNER 'RlTHIN .150 FT. OF EACH PROPERTY LINE BY THE SCHEDULED TIME. , : THE APP~ICANT IS RisPONSiBLE TO POST THE BLUE NOTI6E CARD ON THE I SITE AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO TREBOARD OF :ADJUSTMENT MEET Hie ....'. ,,' AT HHICHTHE HATTER HILL BE CONSIDERED: SAID NOTICE SHALL NOT BE . POSTED HITHIN THE CITY RIGHTS-OF~HAY. I ' ,~:, , ' '. , ;. ATTACHMENT C z Georgetowne Homeowners Association, Inc. do EPM Services P.O. Box 915322; Longwood, FL 32791-5322 Telephone: (407)327-5824; Fax: (407)327-5816; E-mail: Anita.Robeits@epmservices.com April 1 ,2004 GEl Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Finch 675 Barrington Circle Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: ARB Application 675 Barrington Circle i Dear Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Finch: This is to advise you that your request as described on your ARB Application for the above referenced address has been APPROVED by the Architectural Review Board and the Board of Directors. I have enclosed a copy of the application along with this letter for your records. ~ Notes: REPLACE EXISTING CLOSED PORCH. The Association makes no determination as to whether the proposed improvement meets with local building or zoning regulations, and you will need to obtain any required governmental permits. Thank you for submitting your exterior change. Georgetowne is a beautiful community and your cooperation in complying with the deed restrictions is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely, BOARD OF DIRECTORS GeorgetoV(ne Home wners Association, Inc. ni G. Roberts, LCAM Community Association Manager /Mr // 10/tf 2. I ~h{ 3 f(Uiot4 rhfr ~ tfl/;:Ji{6 Cd z;!lJ1( 7 tj~ L/l;.bh~/ '--~ ~~ Daniel W. Finch 675 Barrington Circle Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 677 BM-JV+f {;;.13 /'li ~#/7't:J/tf. ..".. . Ar~ '. ".:,.:. _ .0' !. "1l0.\1I~r:\(;f .; :. ,.', ('~J",~r.\CT -. .:; .... "w _..:....::... ,'~ '.:'" ...!:~....... "........ "....2~:~.~,_.~ .;:;.....'. ':.- "-;':e""''' UUUlt: vuuruy rrupeny A.ppraIser vet mrormanon oy .l'arcel Numoer page 1 ot I PARCEL DETAIL .-v' ~_:~:~tA-~ C.~nrt, "-.,,..,"!Yi..~' J'f"l"'ptl'~.,';'u., cJi.~'t'It"t!.~ 1101 E. flint St. :'i.:H1rnt'd ..-'1. :\.2711 '~~'~tjo-?5~>(i 2004 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY GENERAL Pan:olld: 07-21-31-510-OOOO-D610 Tax Distrtct: W1-V'<1NTER SPRINGS Owner: RNCH DANIEL W & VI Exemptions: OO-HOMESTEAD Address: 675 BARRINGTON CIR City._.zlpCode: V'<1NTER SPRINGS FL 32708 Property Address: 675 BARRINGTON CIR V'<1NTER SPRINGS 32708 Subdivision Name: GEORGETOWNE UNIT 1 Dor: 01-SINGLE FAMILY Value Method; Number of Buildings: Depreclat.d Bldg Value: Depreciated EXFT Value: Land Velue (Mart<et): Land Velue Ag: JustlMarttet Value: Assessed Value (SOH): Exempt Velue: Tllxable Value: Markel 1 $152,053 $938 $26,000 $0 $178,991 $139,635 $25,000 $114,635 SALES Deed Date Book Page Amount Vacllmp WARRANTY DEED 12/1989 02138 1891 $126,800 Improved WARRANTY DEED 12/1988 02022 1626 $24,500 Vacant Find Comparable Sales within this Subdivision 2003 VALUE SUMMARY Tax Value(wlthout SOH): $2,709 2003 Tax BID Amount: $2,122 Savings Due To SOH: $587 2003 Taxable Value: $112,031 DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS LAND Land Assess Method Frontage Depth Land Units Unit Price Land Value LOT 0 0 1.000 26,000.00 $26,000 BUILDING INFORMATION BId Hum BId Type Year Brt Axtures Base SF Gross SF Heated SF Ext Wall BId Value Est. Cost New SINGLE FAMILY 1989 1,465 2,820 2,039 CBISTUCCO FINISH $152,053 $160,478 Appendage 1 Sqft ENCLOSED PORCH FINISHED /303 Appendage I Sqft GARAGE FINISHED 1459 Appendage 1 Sqn OPEN PORCH FINISHEDI19 Appendage I Sqft UPPER STORY FINISHED 1574 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAT LEG LOT 61 GEORGETOWNE UNIT 1 PB 37 PGS 1 TO 5. 1 EXTRA FEATURE i Description Vear Bn Units EXFT Value Est. Cost New i FIREPLACE 1989 1 $938 $',500 tNOTE: Assessed values shown a/8 NO T certified values and therefore a/8 subject to change bafore baing linalilad lor ad valo",", tax purposes. l- It you recent urchased a homesteaded p 9 ur next a~s arty feu: will be based on JustlMarlmt value. .:, ~nM:K, - ..,' . .:I'nOP['RH,\PI'~,\N.R; ," ..',,_('O:\-L\Cl:- '.,' ~ ~ ".~- ~ :.:....~ "/.(,: '. ._ ~. ~...~ :~~~O;\lI.PA(,1. '~..,:,_. .. :.. ..'l~~~:;.<:'. ,\~_;. .. 'l ~ Subject Photo Page 072131 SEMINOLE Stale F L '" Zi Code 32708 Subject Front 675 BARRiNGTON CIRCLE Sales Price N/A Gross living Area 1,998 T alai Rooms 7 Total Bedrooms 3 Total Bathrooms 2.5 Location GOOD VieW GOOD Site 5,800 SF +1- EST. Quality Age 8 Subject Rear ?__.. Ii x IS.,..' il'-i G.- "" ENLt-CSt,)f2.E Subject Street