HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 04 14 Consent 204 Shelley's Environmental Systems
ITEM 204
April 14,2008
REQUEST: Utility Department Requesting Approval to Designate Shelley's Environmental
Systems as a Sole Source for hauling liquid Domestic Wastewater Residuals
PURPOSE: Utility Department Requesting Approval to continue using Shelley's
Environmental Systems for hauling and disposal of liquid wastewater residuals at
a cost of .065 cents per gallon
This agenda item is needed to continue to dispose of domestic wastewater residuals as required
by the City of Winter Springs East and West Wastewater Operating pennits issued by the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The East and West Wastewater Treatment Plants
each are required to have Agricultural Use Plans for Domestic Wastewater Residuals (sludge).
The City Commission previously authorized Shelley's Environmental Systems as the City's
domestic wastewater residuals hauler on November 13, 2006, under Consent Agenda Item 402, by
piggybacking off of the Toho Water Authority bid. The City Attorney has advised us that recent case
law requires piggybacking bid awards to be substantially similar and not a starting point for
negotiations. Since Shelley's has agreed to a lower price for our sludge hauling, piggybacking is not an
option in this case.
Since Shelley's Environmental Systems is listed on City of Winter Springs DEP operating
pennits as our residuals hauler, they are a sole source. They also have the contracts with owners of our
Agriculture Use sites which are permitted annually by the DEP. The cost for sludge hauling will
increase $0.039 per gallon to $0.065 per gallon for liquid. Cake sludge will increase from $20.09 per
yard to $26.59 per yard. Cake sludge only represents 5% ofthe $175,000 budgeted annually for sludge
hauling. The City of Casselberry has contracted for these same rates.
041408 _ COMM Consent_ 204 _ Sludge_Hauling
Consent Agenda Item 204
April 14, 2008
Page 2
The wastewater plants generate sludge that is predominantly hauled off in liquid form (4% to
5% solids), however, we do occasionally utilize the vacuum beds and/or sand beds to dewater the
sludge which is then in a cake form (12% to 15% solids). Both solid and liquid residuals are disposed
at specific sites (typically sod farms) managed by Shelley's Environmental Systems in Osceola,
V olusia, Sumter, and Seminole counties. The wastewater residuals requirements section of the West
operating permit is attached as an example. Approximately 500 tons (dry weight) of wastewater sludge
is generated each year.
The City has been contracting with Shelley's Environmental Systems (previously known as
Mid-Florida Environmental) of Zellwood for over 12 years. They provide comprehensive annual
reports for the disposal sites and are in full regulatory compliance.
Funds are budgeted in the Utility Department line code 3600-54320.
It is recommended that authorization be granted to designate Shelley's Environmental
Systems as a Sole Source for hauling liquid Domestic Wastewater Residuals at a cost of $0.065
per gallon for liquid and $26.59 per yard for cake sludge.
Sludge Hauling will continue at the new prices.
1. West WRF Operating Permit Excerpt
041408 _ COMM _ Consent_ 204 _ Sludge_Hauling
Winter Springs/West WWTF
City of Winter Springs
May 11,2009
Twenty-four hour composite samples shall be used to analyze reclaimed water or
effluent for the primary and secondary drinking water standards. These monitoring results shall be reported to the
Department annually on the Reclaimed Water or Effluent Analysis Report, Form 62-620.91 O( 15), or in another format if
requested by the permittee and if ap roved b the De artment as being compatible with data entry into the Department's
com uter s stem.
The annual reclaimed water or effluent analysis report orthe
certificatiol1phanb~ completed aM pubmitt~d in a timely manner so as to be received by the Department by February ]
of each year. f62~60J.300(4)J[62..60I.500(3)]
ll. Tbe permittee shall submit an Annual Reuse Report using DEP Form 62-61 0.300(4)(a)2. on or before January I .of each
year. f62-6W870(3)]
12. The permittee shall maintain an inventory of storage systems. The inventory shall be submitted to the Department at
least 30 days before reclaimed water will be introduced into any new storage system. The inventory of storage systems
shall be attached to the annual submittal of the Annual Reuse Report. [62-610..:/64(5)/
13. Unless specified otherwise in this permit, all reports and other information required by this permit, including 24-hour
notifications, shall be submitted to or reported to, as appropriate, the Department's Central District Office at the address
specified below:
Central District Office
33 19 Maguire Boulevard Suite 232
Orlando, Florida 32803-3767
Phone Number - (407) 894-7555
FAX Number - (407) 897-2966
All FAX copies shall be followed by original copies. All reports and other information shall be signed in accordance
with the requirements of Rule 62-620.305, FAC. [62-620.305]
1. The method of residuals use or disposal by this facility is land application and/or transport to Shelley's Environmental
Systems or disposal in a Class I or II solid waste landfill.
2. The permittee shall be responsible for proper treatment, management, use, and land application or disposal of its
residuals. [62-640.300(5)]
3. The permittee will not be held responsible for violations resulting from land application of residuals if the permittee can
demonstrate that it has delivered residuals that meet the parameter concentrations and appropriate treatment
requirements of this rule and the applier (e.g. hauler, contractor, site manager, or site owner) has legally agreed in
writing to accept responsibility for proper land application of the residuals. Such an agreement shall state that the
applier agrees, upon delivery of residuals that have been treated as required by Chapter 62-640, F .A.C., that he will
accept responsibility for proper land application of the residuals as required by Chapter 62-640, F.A.C., and that the
applier agrees that he is aware of and will comply with requirements for proper land application as described in the
facility's permit.
4. The permittee shall not be held responsible for treatment, management, use, or land application violations that occur
after its residuals have been accepted by a permitted residuals management facility with which the source facility has an
agreement in accordance with Rule 62-640.880( I )( c), F.A .c., for further treatment, management, use or land
application. f 62-640.300(5)]
5. Disposal of residuals, septage, and other solids in a solid waste landfill, or disposal by placement on land for purposes
other than soil conditioning or fertilization, such as at a monofill, surface impoundment, waste pile, or dedicated site,
shall be in accordance with Chapter 62-701, F.A.C. f62-640 1(}O(6)(k)3 & 4}
Winter Springs/West WWTF
City of Winter Springs
May J I, 2009
6. Land application of residuals shall be in accordance with the conditions ofthis permit, the approved Agricultural Use
Plan(s), and the requirements of Chapter 62-640, F.A.C. {62-6~Of
7. The domestic wastewater residuals for this facility are classified as Class B.
8. The permittee shall achieve Class B pathogen reduction by meeting the pathogen reduction requirements in section
503.32(b )(3) (Use of PSRP) of Title 40 CFR Part 503, revised as of October 25, 1995. (62-640.600(l )(h) j
9. The permittee shall achieve vector attraction reduction by meeting the vector attraction reduction requirements in section
503.33(b)( I) (Reduce the mass of volatile solids by a minimum of38%) of Title 40 CFR Part 503, revised as of October
25,1995. f62-{)40.6()O{2)(a)f
10. Treatment of liquid residuals or septage for the purpose of meeting the pathogen reduction or vector attraction reduction
requirements set forth in Rule 62-640.600, F .A.C., shall not be conducted in the tank of a hauling vehicle. Treatment of
residuals or septage for the purpose of meeting pathogen reduction or vector attraction reduction requirements shall take
place at the permitted facility. f62-6HUOO(8) f
11. The permittee shall sample and analyze the Class A or Class B residuals to monitor for pathogen and vector attraction
reduction requirements of Rule 62-640.600, F.A.C., and the parameters listed in the table below at least once every
twelve ( 12) months.
Total Nitrogen (Report only) % dry weight Not applicable
Total Phosphorus (Report only) % dry weight Not applicable
Total Potassium (Report only) % dry weight Not applicable
Arsenic 75 mg/kg dry weight 36.6 pounds/acre
Cadmium 85 mg/kg dry weight 34.8 pounds/acre
Copper 4300 mg/kg dry weight 1340 pounds/acre
Lead 840 mg/kg dry weight 268 pounds/acre
Mercury 57 mg/kg dry weight 15.2 pounds/acre
Molybdenum 75 mg/kg dry weight Not applicable
Nickel 420 mg/kg dry weight 375 pounds/acre
Selenium 100 mg/kg dry weight 89.3 pounds/acre
Zinc 7500 mg/kg dry wcight 2500 pounds/acre
pH (Report only) standard units Not applicable
Total Solids (Rep0l1 only) Oft, Not applicable
f 62-6~o. 650{ I) 62-6~O. 700{ I). 62-6~o. 7!){){ 3 )(h), and 62-6~O 850(3) 1
Residuals samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations described below:
Monitoring Location
Site Number
Winter Springs/West WWTF
City of Winter Springs
May] I, 2009
12. Sampling and analysis shall be conducted in accordance with Title 40 CFR Part 503, section 503.8 and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency publication - POTW Sludl,(e Sampling and Analvsis Guidance Document, 1989. In
cases where disagreements exist between Title 40 CFR Part 503, section 503.8 and the POTW Sludge Sampling and
Analysis Guidance Document, the requirements in Title 40 CFR Part 503, section 503.8 will apply. 162-6"'0.650.(/), 62-
6"'0 700(/). 62-6"'0 700(3)(h) , and 62-6"'0..850(3)]
13. Grab samples shall be used for pathogens and determinations of percent volatile solids. Composite samples shall be
used for metals. 162-6",o..650(/)(e}1
14. Residuals shall not be land applied if a single sample result for any parameter exceeds the ceiling concentrations given in
this permit Residuals shall not be distributed and marketed if the monthly average of sample results for any parameter
exceeds the Class AA parameter concentrations given in this permit Monthly averages of parameter concentrations
shall be determined by taking the arithmetic mean of all sample results for the month. [62-6",o..65o.(/)(j)}
15. The permittee shall submit the results of all residuals monitoring with the permittee's Discharge Monitoring Report
under Chapter 62-60], F .A.C. The analytical results from each sampling event shall be submitted with the report for the
month in which the sampling event occurs. 162-640.650(3)(a)&(e)}
16. Class B residuals shall not be used on unrestricted public access areas. Use of Class B residuals is limited to restricted
public access areas such as agricultural sites, forests, and roadway shoulders and medians. [62-6",o..6o.o.(3)(b}J
17. Plant nursery use of Class B residuals is limited to plants which will not be sold to the public for 12 months after the last
application of residuals. [62-MO. 600(3)(b) I.}
18. Use of Class B residuals on roadway shoulders and medians is limited to restricted public access roads. 162-
6"'0 600(3)(h)2. 1
19. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days following the last application of Class B
residuals. 162-MO. 600(3)(h)6]
20. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residuals/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be
harvested for 14 months after the last application of Class B residuals. 162-6"'0. {)()o.(3)(h)3.}
2]. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 20 months after application of
Class B residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer before incorporation into the
soil. [62-6"'0.. 600(3)(hH 1
22. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after application of
Class B residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months before incorporation into the
soil. [62-6"'0.600(3 )(b)5.)
23. Animals shall not be grazed on the land for 30 days after the last application of Class B residuals. [62-6",O.60o.(3)(b)7}
24. Sod which will be distributed or sold to the public or used on unrestricted public access areas shall not be harvested for
12 months after the last application of Class B residuals. f62-6",O. 600(3)(h)8. 1
25. The public shall be restricted from application zones for 12 months after the last application of Class B residuals. [62-
6"'0 60.0 (3)(h) [
26. Residuals that do not meet the requirements of Chapter 62-640, F .A.C., for Class AA designation shall not be used for
the cultivation of tobacco or leafy vegetables. 162-6",0.",OO(7}J
Winter Springs/West WWTF
City of Winter Springs
May 11,2009
27. Current Agricultural Use Plan(s) identity residuals landspreading on the following sites:
High Acres
Cresent 0 Ranch
Beasle Ranch
Hem I Ranch
AG 503 Sumter
AG 2210 Osceola
AG 200 Seminole
AG 277 Volusia
The wastewater treatment facility permittee shall apply for a minor permit revision on DEP Form 62-620.910(9) for
new, modified, or expanded residuals land application sites. The facility's permit shall be revised to include the new or
revised Agricultural Use Plan(s) prior to application of residuals to the new, modified, or expanded sites, unless all of
the following conditions are met:
a) The permittee notifies the Department within 24 hours that the site is being used;
b) The site meets the site use restrictions of Rule 62-640.600(3), F .A.C, and the criteria for land application of
residuals in Rule 62-640.700, F.A.C.;
c) The permittee submits a new or revised Agricultural Use Plan for the site with a permit application in
accordance with Rule 62-640.300(2), F.A.C., within 30 days of beginning use of the site;
d) The permittee does not have another approved land application site, another approved disposal method (e.g.
landfilling or incineration), or approved storage facilities available for use; and,
e) The permittee demonstrates during permit application that application of additional residuals to an existing
approved application site would have resulted in violation of Department rules, or was not possible due to
circumstances beyond the permittee's control.
[62-6.jO. 300(2)& (3) 1
28. Residuals application rates are limited to agronomic rates based on the site vegetation as identified in the Agricultural
Use Plan. [62-6,JO. 750(2) 1
29. Residuals shall be applied with appropriate techniques and equipment to assure uniform application over the application
zone. 162-6-10. 700(2)(c)}
30. The spraying ofliquid domestic wastewater residuals shall be conducted so that the formation of aerosols is minimized.
f62-6,JO 7{)O(2)(d) 1
31. Residuals storage facilities at land application sites shall be subject to applicable setback requirements for residuals
application sites. Residuals stored at land application sites shall be stored in a manner that will not cause runoff or
seepage from the residuals, objectionable odors, or vector attraction. Storage areas must be fenced or otherwise
provided with appropriate features to discourage the entry of animals and unauthorized persons. At the time of
application, the stored residuals must meet the parameter concentrations, pathogen and vector attraction reduction
requirements, and cumulative application limits of this permit. Residuals storage facilities at land application sites may
be used only for temporary storage of stabilized residuals for no more than 30 days during periods of inclement weather
or to accommodate agricultural operations, or up to the period (not to exceed two years) specified in the Agricultural
Use Plan. fo2-6-I() 700(2)(e) 1
32. Residuals application sites shall be posted with appropriate advisory signs identifYing the nature of the project area.
f62-6-10 7{)O(2}(f)1
33. The pH of the residuals soil mixture shall be 5.0 or greater at the time residuals are applied. At a minimum, soil pH
testing shall be done annually. f62-o-l() 700(5)(d)]
34. The permittce shall maintain records of application zones and application rates and shall make these records available
for inspection within seven days of request by the Department, or delegated Local Program. The permittee shall
maintain record items a. through e. below in perpetuity, and maintain record items f. through k. for five years:
a. Date of application of the residuals;
b. Location of the residuals application sitc as specified in the Agricultural Use Plan;
Winter Springs/West WWTF
City of Winter Springs
May 11,2009
c. Identification of each application zone used by the permittee at the application site and the acreage of each zone;
d. Amount of residuals applied or delivered to each application zone;
e. Cumulative loading of each application zone;
f. The names of all other wastewater facilities using each of the application zones identified in item c.;
g. Method of incorporation (if any);
h. Measured pH ofthe residuals soil mixture at the time the residuals are applied (tested at least annually);
I. Unsaturated depth of soil above the water table level at the time of application;
J. Concentration of parameters in the residuals as required by this permit, and the date of last analysis; and
k. The results of any soil testing that is done under Rule 62-640.500(4)(a), F.A.C.
[62-640. 650.(2)]
35. The permittee shall submit an annual summary of residuals application activity to the Central District Office on
Department Form 62-640.21 0(2)(b) for all residuals applied during the period of January 1 through December 31. The
summary for each year shall be submitted by February 19 of the following year. If more than one facility applies
residuals to the same application zones, the summary must include a subtotal of each facility's contribution of residuals
to the application zones. [62-64o..65o.(3)(b)]
36. If residuals that are subject to the cumulative loading limitations of Rule 62-640.700(3), F .A.C., have been applied to an
application zone, and the cumulative loading amount of one or more of the pollutants is not known, no further
applications of residuals may be made to that application zone. [62-64o..7o.o.(3)(f)]
37. A minimum unsaturated soil depth oftwo feet above the water table level is required at the time the residuals are applied
to the soil. [62-64o..7o.o.(6)(a)]
38. Residuals shall not be applied during rains that cause runoff from the site or when surface soils are saturated. [62-
39. Land application of "other solids" as defined in Chapter 62-640, F.A .c., is only allowed if specifically addressed in the
Agricultural Use Plan(s) approved for this facility. Land application of "other solids" is subject to Chapter 62-640,
F .A.C., and the permit conditions that apply to land applied residuals. [62-640860.;
40. Ifthe permittee intends to accept residuals from other facilities, a permit revision is required pursuant to Rule 62-
640.880(2)( d), F.A.C. [62-640.. 88o.(2)(d) [
41. The permittee shall keep hauling records to track the transport of residuals between facilities. The hauling records shall
contain the following information:
Source Facility
1 . Date and Time Shipped
2. Amount of Residuals Shipped
3. Degree of Treatment (ifapplicable)
4. Name and 10 Number of Residuals
Management Facility or Treatment
5. Signature of Responsible Party at
Source Facility
6. Signature of Hauler and Name of
Hauling Firm
Residuals Management Facility or Treatment Facility
I. Date and Time Received
2. Amount of Residuals Received
3. Name and ID Number of Source Facility
4. Signature of Hauler
S. Signature of Responsible Party at Residuals
Management Facility or Treatment Facility
These records shall be kept for five years and shall be made available for inspection upon request by the Department. A
copy of the hauling records information maintained by the source facility shall be provided upon delivery of the
residuals to the residuals management facility or treatment facility. The permittee shall report to the Department within
24 hours of discovery any discrepancy in the quantity of residuals leaving the source facility and arriving at the residuals
management facility or treatment facility. [62-640..880.(4)]
42. Storage of residuals or other solids at the permitted facility shall require prior written notification to the Department if
the storage lasts longer than 30 days. [62-640.30.0.(4)]