HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 05 06 Regular Item A :- BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM A REGULAR x May 6, 2004 Meeting MGR. IDEPT Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Board of Adjustment hear a request for a variance by Phillip and Janice Tucker from Section 6-85 of the City Code of Ordinances, to encroach 1.5 feet into the 7 foot rear screen enclosure setback. The applicant wishes to construct a screened enclosure for a swimming pool in the rear yard, into the rear setback. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request of the Tuckers for a variance from the requirements of Section 6-85 of the City Code of Ordinances to allow a screen pool enclosure to encroach to within 5.5 feet of the rear property line, instead of adhering to the 7 foot rear setback. The site is a comer lot at 105 Inwood Court (Lot 20 of Winding Hollow Unit I, depicted in Plat Book 47, Pages 94 - 96 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida). APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 6-2. Compliance with Chapter. Sec. 6-85. Screen Enclosures. Sec. 20-82. Duties and powers;.general. Sec. 20-103. Restrictions upon lands, buildings and structures. CHRONOLOGY: April 21, 2004 - Variance application was received by City. " May 6, 2004 Regular Item A Page 2 CONSIDERATIONS: The applicants state that their pool contractor made a mistake, based on misreading the survey. They state that the pool itself is constructed just beyond the 10 foot setback, but that to meet the applicable 7 foot rear screen enclosure setback that there would not be room to adequately walk around that side of the pool. They contend that to construct the pool deck and screen enclosure to code specifications would make it difficult to clean the pool. The applicants have verbally indicated that the pool itself is not in conflict with the applicable 10' setback from the rear property boundary. However, the written dialogue (explaining why they believe they meet the variance criteria) does not appear to support that statement. This variance request is only for the setback for the deck and screen enclosure. That is what was noticed to the public. FINDINGS: 1) The applicant is building a new house and requests to build the pool screen enclosure that would encroach 1.5 feet into the applicable 7 foot rear setback (set forth in Section 6-85 of the City Code). 2) A variance requires compliance with all six (6) criteria outlined in Code Section 20-82 (staff does not believe that the request meets any of the 6 criteria): a) that special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures or buildings involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; Staff does not believe there are any special conditions and circumstances. b) that special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; Staff believes that, although an error in the pool location may have been made, the pool would still be operable and functional, although not necessarily as desirable as the applicants request. c) that granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; Staff believes that granting the variance would confer special privileges upon the applicants. d) that literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other ~ May 6, 2004 Regular Item A Page 3 properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant; Staff believes that a literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter do not deny the applicants of any rights and does not work any hardship - much less an unnecessary hardship. e) that the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure.; and Staff believes that there is already reasonable use of the land, building or structure. f) that the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Staff believes that to grant the variance would be inconsistent with the intent and purpose of and undermine the code. 3) Staff does not find that the request meets any of the 6 variance criteria set forth in Chapter 20 of the City Code of Ordinances. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the BOA recommend denial of the request. ATT ACHMENTS: A - Location map & Plot plan B - Variance application C - Applicants' supporting documentation BOA ACTION: Continu d Pg 2410 ~;i!~~'~i-----'-----' ,--ATTACHMENT A [i'-~~~~\~\~"I~"'~'~~~/:~:,=,,') 621 :': ' I , ' , ' " -' _ J _ ~ = ~ = - - . . t:I \ 623 - - ~,:. ~ " : \ ",-.t: :" , ,. '., _ J _ ~ = ~ = : = ': = ':: = ,= = = - - - - j' ) ~--~" " " "';'1 J~"\" ....~'_===='=='=__--. ESR434 <>>\e! DET AlL ',.......~~~~;). ~ - i.~.'~:~.~.~~.~ - - - - . . '~~PAGE~2411A;;;~' - - - - ". EAST ST" TE, RD. 434 " G OUT ( '.' ., F , I I I I , , I , I , I I I I I I , , I , , , I I , I \ - -- WATER ,,;..:..:.:;;~t~:':~~M:i':Y:" SEWER.: . \E ASEMENl .:. ,..... .'(:~~~, ~~Jfl, ~~1,'82 Q.R.o . \ \ .---- -- _.---~... "'~5EMEN~__ o. _ -1'"- J' "- , , I. , I , . .1.Q'~-r~ . ~~ ~I -:l ," " ~'l < ' I ~.\ " , , 218 ' -6 \ \216' ,'~o.. - - fTt { f c DRAINAGE AND CONSERV A TION EASEMENT B I , I I I A WINDING 1 4 5 ( ,~\,~~, ,\1"'. ""'1 . " " ..," I" . /"~" . O' . "~), NOTES: Municipal Address Map Book PRINTED:REVlSED: Oct 2003 1 :' 2 : City of Winter Springs, FL 0\ ..... ,..' ..' "'" N bO ~ -e ..j o U o . 200 400 .......~r"c3S0feet I 3 : Map Pa e Developed By: S~rn Surwylng & Mapping Corp. . 2418 Legal Description Lot 20, WINDING HOLLOW UNIT 1, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 47, Pagers} 94 - 96, of the Public Records of Seminole County, FL. Community number: 120295 Panel: 0135 Su.fj1x: E F.I.R.M. Date: 4/17/1995 Flood Zone: X Date offield'Jl!ork: 5/27/2003 Completion Date: 5/27/2003 Certified to: Phillip G. Tucker; Janice G, Tucker; Central Florida Tide Company; Old Republic National Title 1nsurance Company; Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., its' successors and/or assigns, . h Cl:: :::)1 ~l 'oJ Cl k ~ ~ :t 1 ~ It) :x: a a ~ 1 L_ FIR 1/2' CURVE TABLE NO. / RADiUS on TA ARC 50.00' /3'/3'49" /1.55' 25.00' 90'04'4S" 39,30' TANGfNT CHORD CHORO BfARING 5.S0' 1/.52' S08'J6'14"W, 1/.5S'(M) N.orI7'02't(M) 25.03' 35.38' N. 44 '59 '22 "E. 35.S], N.44'42'57T(M) SCALE: 1" = 30' ~ ""'~ ~. . '" "'C> '" . <rill) 0,0) I<ll.j ~~ o.!'< ~O> ~~ ;;0> ~ :c: F1P ,. .2 LOT 2' 5. 00'00 '38T, 85.00'(P) S,OO'07'JO"W. 85.00'(M) -_.--'.__..~~--" I .6;,' -1_1."\ 8.6' ~ ~ - . ~ I '" .::> I'" Q <<l ... ONE STORY RESIDENCE 105 7.9' 22.0t- /4.0' 21.3' \ '-. N,OO'OO'OJ"[, N,OO"OO'J8"w. INWOOD COURT - -- 50'/?/W ~ ~~ Sl!!:. ,") -") "'..: - ~ Jili 8F: . 0, :g~ o,~ ~vi Vi ~9'- F1P ,. Property Address: 105 Inwood Court Wintpr ,~n,.;.".~ 1<" ''J7/l0 oV~'''~ '1.~ l ATTACHMENT B- /: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD ~34 WINTER'SPRINGS, FL 3270~~2799 (407)327-1800 FOR: 'X.. SPECIAL EXCEPTION VARIANCE 'CONDITIONAL USE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION 1. APPLICANTe:'JA"~ i ~ "'PHQNE~'<l'-~'-\~.9l{\\ . ADDRESS: . 'IOC:;-1Z'-l\U~ CI V\ll'ltfA ~\0~ . '. 2 PURPOSE OF REQUEST: ~ L. <;: \ e(f ~ ~ l0~~ 01~' . . ~ ~ 3. ATTACH A COpy OF THE'PARCEL SURVEY. 4, ATTACH AN 11 x 17 MAP SHOWING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS. 5. ATTACH LEGAL' DESCRIPTION. 6 . TAX. P ARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER :sS-. 2.0 ')6-so~ _ <:e8D- ~~~ . 7, LOCAT Streets): r 'Near~st Cross s~7D"6 8, PRESENT ZONING: FUTURE LAND USE: By Signing below'I u~derstand that City of ~inter Sp~ings Officials may enter Upon my property to inspect that portion as relates to this application: (If the applicant is not the Owner of the subject property, applicant must' attach a letter of authorization signed by owner) . OQ Y\ i (p T lALl(Q.X' . ~E~~::EASE _TY~ A .~ . . .' the the , . '. , PERSbNS ARE ADVISED THAT, IF THEY DECIDE~O APPEAL ANY, bECISIONS MADE AT THESE MEE.TINGS'/HEARINGS, THEYWItL .NEED A. RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIH'RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS HADE, AT' THEIR COST, WHICH, INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND ',EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE: ' BASED, PER SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 20-84 - APPEALS FROM DECI~IONS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ( 1) Any per Son, 0 l:' per son s, j 0 in t I y 0 r s eve r a I I y a'g g'r i eve d by any decision of the Board of Adjustment may, within thirty (30) days after the filing of any decision in the office of the Board of Adjustment, but not thereafter, appl y to the Ci ty Counci J for administrative relief. After a hearing. before the City Council an aggrieved party may, within thirty (30) days after the decision of the City Council, file an appeal with a court of competent jurisdic~ion over the subject matter,. .'."or"'" ~ / ".p // APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS / A Staff Report will be developed for each Application. The Applicant should be p~epared to address each of the issues provided below for Variance requests. the Roard of Adjustment must ~ake the exist which are s"involved and structures or do not resul t uested t.lill not confer on e. t hat is den i e d b t his or structures in the same on 5. variance that he' land. build'n or the be the 7. T pol icies ust be consistent Comprehensive Plan, THE APP~ICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE CITY WITH. THE NAMES AND ADJ:1RESSES OF EACH PRQPERTY OHNER 'WITHIN '150. FT. OF EACH PROPERTY LINE BY THE SCHEDULED TIME. , ~ THE APP~ICANT IS RESPONSIBLE TO POST THE 'BLUE NOTICE CARD ON THE I SITE AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE BOARD OF :ADJUSTMENT MEETING ....'. ..' AT HHICHTHE MATTER WILL BE CONSIDERED: SAID NOTICE SHALL NOT BE ' POSTED WITHIN THE CITY RIGHTS-OF~WAY. .' :' ,: .'1' ~ ~ ATTACHMENT C Phillip and Janice Tucker 105 Inwood Court Winter Springs, FL 32708 RECEIVED rX APR 2 t 2004 ~1 r 'l .CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ':, .. Current Planning Request for Variance Overview: Recently we decided to have a pool installed at our home. Our intent was to install a pool that would enhance the value of the property and the neighborhood around us. We took great care to work with three different pool builders and after checlcing references selected Antigua pools of Oviedo. At the point where the city inspector was checking on the deck preparations it was discovered.that a mistake had been made in the original layout of the pool and deck. Antigua pools had used faulty data in determining the location of the rear property line. The deck, if installed according to. plan, will be 1.5 ft closer to the rear property line than is currently allowed. If we moved the deck and screen to the proper location the frame for the screen would overhang the edge of the pool slightly. We. feel that the deck and screen installed in this manner would negatively affect our property resale value and by default the value of the homes surrounding ours. We are petitioning for permission to build the screen and deck 1.5 ft closer to the property line than is currently allowed. 1. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land. structures or buildings involved and which are not applicable to other lands. structures or buildings in. the. same. zoning district. a. The layout of our property caus~s us to have a much larger front and side property that we maintain for the benefit of our community. To the rear our property is much smaller and faces the garage side of the neighbor behind us. Deed restrictions keep us from using the width of our property in the rear to accommodate a pool. 2. That special conditions andcircutnstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. a. . Our intent was to build the pool, deck and screen enclosure within the allowable property lines and respecting all city ordinances. The pool builders error was not discovered until the work had progressed to a point where remedy would be very difficult and expensive. We don't feel we should be suffer because of the builder's mistake. 3. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privllege.that is denied by this chapter to otherlands. buildings or structures in the same zoning district.. r a. Most of the property in our zoning district have access to the full width of their property to accommodate pools or other backyard structures or back up to a conservation zone. Granting us this variance will allow us to make better use of the unique characteristics of our property in ways that are already common to many other property owners in our area. 4. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enioyed by other properties in the same zoning district underthetenns of this chapter and. would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant. a. If we are required to observe the offset from the rear property line as stated in the ordinances, the structure will detract from the value of the home instead .ofthe desired addition of value. Many homes in our zone have much deeper back yards and would not face this dilemma. Because of the location of our lot~ we are maintaining a very visible and large front yard for the beneHt of our community. This reduces the amount of space available to us in the rear of the house. 5. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land. building or structure. a. The variance requested will allow for a 1.5 foot distance between the pool edge and the screen enclosure at the closest point. This is the minimum distance that will allow a person to pass by the pool on the deck. 6. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter. will not be iniurious to the neighborhood. or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. a. We have made every effort to make this addition to our property a benefit to the property and our community. Care has been taken to ensure that it will be an attractive addition to the landscape. We will be using a dark color of screen enclosure to make it less obvious to passersby. We will be making an extensive investment in landscaping to help this addition blend in better with the environment. We believe that we are benefiting the community not being a detriment to it's welfare. 7. The request Ihust be consistent with the obiectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. . a. 1 do not have a copy of the comprehensive plan, but 1 feel that this variance will only enhance the addition to our house and will have no adverse effect on our neighbors. Our intent is to better the community we live in and do everything w(: can to maintain property values for all citizens of Winter Springs. 'lII~~~ 0_.... Aar1ilu UJ&.~ '41-fl".I~ - oN.lf..J<<olL Qlln 01(.0041401 tj,.{yoq City Of Winter Springs Upon contract we looked at survey, measured to find 29,3 to rear lot line. Antigua Pool Co, called survey company to confirm and proceeded with the job. Upon deck inspection the inspector alerted us to get a hard copy of survey as deck seems a little close to rear lot line. I called survey and he said looks like 29', I said to fax a hard copy with your measurement on it. He did and to my surprise it came out 28', So, we are actually 1.5' short of set back. We are asking for a variance of 1,5', Thank you Scott Whiteway - President Antigua Pool Co, Inc Seminole County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number PARCEL DETAIL '....~ " ~::~~:,:l., I'fopert.l ~,...*,. c:Rrvl<<' 1101 ~. liin' St. Suf4rd 1''''. 3%n I 40''(;li5-'7~06 GENERAL Parcelld" 35-20-30-502-0000- Tax District. W1-WlNTER . 0200 . SPRINGS Owner" TUCKER PHILLIP G Exemptions: OO-HOMESTEAD . & JANICE G Address: 105 INWOOD CT City,State,ZipCode: WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 Property Address: 1051NNSWOOD CT WINTER SPRINGS 32708 Subdivision Name: WINDING HOLLOW UNIT 1 Dor: 01-5INGLE FAMILY SALES Deed Date Book Page Amount Vac/lmp WARRANTY DEED 0512003 04861 1923 $230,000 Improved WARRANTY DEED 06/1995 02931 0900 $153,600 Improved WARRANTY DEED 09/1994 02831 0061 $256,500 Vacant Find Comparable Sales within this Subdivision LAND Lllnd Assess Method Frontage Depth Land Units Unit Price Land Value LOT 0 0 1.000 40,000.00 $40,000 BUILDING INFORMATION Page 1 of 1 2004 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY Value Method: Market Number of Buildings: 1 Depreciated Bldg Value: $156,738 Depreciated EXFT Value: $916 Land Value (Market): $40,000 Land Value Ag: $0 Just/Market Value: $197,654 Assessed Value (SOH): $197,654 Exempt Value: $25,000 Taxable Value: $172,654 2003 VALUE SUMMARY Tax Value(without SOH): $2,954 2003 Tax Bill Amount: $2,248 Savings Due To SOH: $705 2003 Taxable Value: $118,722 DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAT LOT 20 WINDING HOLLOW UNIT 1 PB 47 PGS 94 TO 96 Bid Num Bid Type Year Bit Fixtures Base SF Gross SF Heated SF Ext Wall Bid Value Est. Cost New 1 SINGLE FAMILY 1995 1 2,323 2,988 2,323 CB/STUCCO FINISH $156,738 $162,845 Appendage { Sqft OPEN PORCH FINISHED /154 Appendage I Sqft OPEN PORCH FINISHED /70 Appendage I Sqft GARAGE FINISHED /441 EXTRA FEATURE Description Year Bit Units EXFT Value Est. Cost New SCREEN ENCLOSURE 1996 624 $916 $1,248 NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax urposes. -* If ou recentl urchased a homesteaded ro tax will be based on Just/Market value. K .' , . ~ 1 \ . ,..' -; = ,~. . . 1 . ." .......';. . '. .' ,',." , . . . . , II '\(,1," ". - ..'.' .,-1 HOI I.H I" A rl H f\ II;[ H , "', ."'... CO"" \1 '1""',,' .'~:' . .:.~' '. :..:;,:,.:~,\ ,>Y'::':<: : :~;":'.;>'i(:".:~'/"~.~)":\ ~ r_I'~~(:lL'~ .~t 0' '::;::, '::t'.' :. .~~: .:::,/~. :~.' :fj'~(~,:"D';~' http://www.scpafl.org/pls/web/re_web.seminole_county_ title?P ARCEL=35203050200000... 4/15/2004