HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1999 07 13 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JULY 13,1999
The Workshop of the City Commission was called to order by Deputy Mayor Cindy
Gennell in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East
State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). '
Roll Call
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, absent
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, arrived at 6:31 p.m.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Law Firm of Frank Kruppenbacher, P.A., Attorney Robert Guthrie, absent
Interim City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake arrived at 6:31 p.m.
A. Commission Meeting Procedures
The discussion began with each Commissioner stating what issues they were particularly
concerned about. Deputy Mayor Gennell compiled all the concerns into a list to be
discussed and a poll would then be taken. Those issues included:
.:. Using "Robert's Rules of Order" or "Parliamentary Procedure Basics for
Governmental Bodies" (Third Edition, Agenda Associates):
. as the guide for the meeting procedure.
. To whom the Motion "belongs" after it has been made.
. In conjunction with the previous issue, does an amendment to the Motion
have to be approved by the maker of the Motion?
. Ranking order of Motions.
. Limiting the time a Commissioner can speak on an Agenda Item.
. Strengthening Public Input rules, specifically when many people want to
speak on the same Agenda Item.
. Adjournment procedures, including if the meeting can be adjourned without a
motion and vote from the Commission.
. Assuring each Commissioner and the City Manager have spoken before the
Chair recognizes the Motion.
WORKSHOP - JULY 13, 1999
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. How to deal with disruptive persons at a meeting.
· Ifmodifying the Agendas would be effective in shortening meetings.
· How often meetings are held and the length of these meetings.
.:. A poll was taken regarding whether the Commission wanted to keep "Robert's Rules
of Order" as a reference tool or if they wished to adopt another parliamentary
procedure tool. The consensus was to use the basics of "Robert's Rules of Order".
There was continued discussion regarding "Robert's Rules of Order"; the length of time
Commissioners could speak on a subject; having more Agenda Items under the Consent
Agenda as opposed to the Regular Agenda; and meeting with the City Manager on an
individual basis prior to the meeting to ask questions.
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager spoke to the Commission about Consent
Agenda Items; Public Hearing Agenda Items taking up most of a meeting; and the
numerous Public Hearing Agenda Items as a result of the City's growth.
The Commission suggested that Agenda Items be listed on the Agenda in order of
Tape I/Side B
There was continued discussion regarding meeting with the City Manager and Staff prior
to the Regular Meetings; the Chair being responsible for limiting "Public Input" when too
many people wish to say the same thing; and what other communities' meeting
procedures are.
Deputy Mayor Gennell called for a five (5) minute break.
Deputy Mayor Gennell reconvened the meeting.
.:. The Commission was asked if they would prefer to hold the Regular Meetings
weekly; begin the meetings earlier; have an open "pre-meeting" prior to beginning the
Regular Meeting to discuss the Agenda and ask questions; or leave the meeting
schedule as it is now. They were also asked if they would like to limit the overall
time of Public Input during the Regular Meeting. The majority of the Commission
agreed to holding a Pre-Meeting from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., without Public Input,
for a trial period of four (4) to five (5) meetings. They also agreed not to limit the
overall Public Input time, however the Chair must strongly enforce the "three (3)
minute rule".
.:. Manager McLemore suggested he would research several other Communities to learn
how they succeeded in shortening their meetings and then return to the Commission
with that information before the issue is formally decided.
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.:. A poll was taken regarding when the Commission would like to receive their Agenda
Packets and if they would accept Add-On Agenda Items. The Commission agreed
that they would like to receive the Agenda Packets no later than the Wednesday prior
to the meeting and that Add-On Agenda Items will be allowed, only if "critical".
.:. The Commission next took a consensus about how to handle disruptive persons. Two
Commissioners were in favor of the Chair issuing two warnings and then requesting
that the Police Chief escort the person from the Chambers. Two other
Commissioners were in favor of the above with the exception of issuing only one
Tape 2/Sidc A
.:. Since there was not a maJonty agreement, Deputy Mayor Gennell concluded by
saying that they hoped that their directives would be enforced "more strongly", in
hopes of alleviating any problems. It was suggested that if the problem still existed,
this matter could be re-addressed.
.:. The Commission, by consensus, again discussed "Robert's Rules of Order" and
whether the Commission wished to "set up our own rules" but retain "Robert's Rules
of Order" as a "underlying foundation"; keep it in "strict form"; or to "start over".
The majority of the Commission wished to retain "Robert's Rules of Order" as an
underlying foundation.
.:. When asked whom a Motion "belongs to" once it has been made and seconded, the
Commission agreed by consensus that the Commission as a whole would "own" the
Motion, as opposed to the "Maker of the Motion".
.:. In conjunction with the previous consensus, the Commission was asked "If the
Motion is owned by the body, then I'm assuming that the Maker of the Motion has no
privilege over which amendments attach to the motion and which ones don't, is that
correct"? The majority of the Commission agreed.
.:. The Commission next took a poll as to whether there should be a time limit for a
Commissioner speaking on an Agenda Item, and if so, how much time would they be
allowed. The majority agreement of the Commission was that there would not be a
time limit for the Commissioners to speak.
The Commission briefly discussed holding another meeting to consider these procedures,
and after four (4) Regular Meetings they would assess the changes.
.:. On the subject of adjournment, a consensus was taken regarding should there be a
specific time to adjourn meetings. The Commission unanimously agreed that there
should be a specific time.
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.:. The majority of the Commission agreed to make 11 :00 P.M. the adjournment time,
however, all Commissioners agreed that the meeting may only be extended with a
supermajority vote.
.:. On the issue of whether or not they wish to include a specific time to extend the
meeting, the Commission decided that the meeting would be extended in one (1) hour
The Commission further discussed procedures for adjournment, and if majority or
supermajority votes should be required for Motions to extend the meeting and Motions to
.:. A poll was taken about requiring a Motion, second, and vote to adjourn a meeting,
even if a vote to extend has not taken place at 11 :00 p.m. The Commission
unanimously agreed.
.:. The Commission was in agreement that a supermajority vote would be required for
Motions to extend the meeting and Motions to adjourn the meeting.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., departed.
.:. The Commission discussed "calling the question" during a Motion; and the
Commission was in agreement that the current procedure should remain.
.:. The Commission decided to adopt the "Ranking Order Chart" in the "Parliamentary
Procedure Basics for Governmental Bodies"(Third Edition, Agenda Associates).
.:. It was agreed that the Chair will only recognize a Motion once all Commissioners,
and the City Manger, have had the opportunity to speak on that Agenda Item.
.:. The Commission decided that any individual Commissioner can separate a Consent
Agenda Item to be discussed and/or voted on separately.
Deputy Mayor Gennell directed the Interim City Clerk to transcribe the minutes so that
the consensus that was taken will be easily identifiable.
There was discussion regarding the consensus being documented in the form of a
Resolution, and in such a form that amendments could also be made. Manager
McLemore was directed to develop a draft Resolution and bring it back to the
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Deputy Mayor Gennell adjourned the Workshop.
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Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Amy R. Lovingfoss, IntfriljJ.Asskia~t Ciw..ClerE
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JULY 13, 1999
1. The Commission shall hold Workshop Meetings, 5:00 to 6:30 PM, prior to each Commission
Meeting for a trial period of two months, beginning October 25, 1999 to be re-evaluated at
the end of that time.
2. Agenda packets shall be made available to Commissioners no later than Wednesday prior to
the Commission Meeting.
3. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the "underlying foundation" for the conduct of Commission
Meetings. (Robert's Rules of Order may be suspended by a majority vote)
4. Any Commissioner may request that a Consent Agenda Item be held for separate
5. No Motion shall be recognized by the Chair until all Commissioners and the City Manager
have had an opportunity to address that Agenda Item.
6. Motions, once made and seconded, belong to the Commission, not the individual making the
original motion. (Amendments need not be approved by maker of motion)
7. All motions shall be considered in accordance with the Chart 1., Ranking Order and Chart
II, Motions in the "Parliamentary Procedure Basics for Governmental Bodies"(Third
Edition, Agenda Associates)
8. There shall be no limit as to the amount of time a Commissioner may speak.
9. Motions to "Call the Question" shall require a second and a vote.
1 O. The Mayor shall strongly enforce the directives of the Commission relative to disruptive
members of the audience and time limits on Public Input.
11. Members of the Commission may call the Mayor's attention to disruptive behavior by
members of the audience, if the Mayor fails to notice the behavior. In such event, the Mayor
shall issue a warning to those individuals.
12. The mayor shall give disruptive members of the audience a (one) warning. If these
individuals commit further disruptions the Police Chief shall escort them out of the
Commission Chamber.
13. Commission Meetings shall be adjourned by 11 :00 P. M., however, they may be extended in
one-hour increments by a super majority vote.
14. Regardless of the time, Adjournment shall require a motion, second and a majority vote.