HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 04 01 Regular Item A ,~ B_o-ard_o_f_A.dJustme.nt AGENDA ITEM A Consent Informational Public Hearing X Regular April 1. 2004 Meeting Mgr. 1 Dept Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department presents to the Board of Adjustment a request for a conditional use to allow a major automotive service and repair shop in the C-2 (General Commercial) zoning district, pursuant to Section 20-254 of the Zoning Chapter of the City Code of Ordinances. PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis agenda item is to consider a request by Walter Dluz, the applicant, to allow a major automotive service and repair shop (transmission shop) as a conditional use in the C-2 (General Commercial) zoning district. The subject approximately 1- acre vacant wooded site is located on the east side of US 17-92, generally north of Boat Lake and south of Shepard Road. APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 20-251. Iu General Sec. 20-254. Conditional Uses. Sec. 20-82. Duties and powers, general. Sec. 20-83. Procedures. CONSIDERATIONS: The site is approximately 1 acre, is vacant and treed. It fronts on US 17-92. The site has C-2 zoning, an Industrial Future Land Use (FLU) designation. t: April 1, 2004 Public Hearing Item A Page 2 The applicant has provided a preliminary concept site plan to demonstrate the proposed product. Staff has reviewed this plan and has identified topics that will be of concern with the actual site plan. Approval of the conditional use will not constitute site plan approval and does not need to address these issues. This conditional use review is a separate procedure to determine the appropriateness of a major automotive service and repair shop in C-2 zoning at this location - not to address site plan issues in any depth. CHRONOLOGY: March 17,2004- Conditional Use application and fee received by City March 30, 2004 - DRC reviews concept plan and provided information to applicant FINDINGS: l.The site has a C-2 zoning and an Industrial Future Land Use (FLU) designation. 2. Staff finds the concept of a major automotive service and repair shop within the C-2 zoning district, at this location, to be consistent with the general zoning and with the public interest. This finding did not address specific site plan issues. Those issues will be addressed during the site plan review process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the BOA recommend approval for the conditional use to allow a major automotive service and repair shop in the C-2 (General Commercial) zoning district at this approximately 1 acre site, pursuant to Section 20-83 and Section 20-254 of the Zoning Chapter of the City Code of Ordinances. Any DRC recommendations may be incorporated into this recommendation during the BOA meeting. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: ATTACHMENTS: A - Application & Authorization B - Location & Concept Design ....- ., "~~ 03 04 04~lSp' I~\RD 0; A~~USTMIHt A"LIe~~.O~ Cn"t O~ ~l"'l'~Pl Sf'JU/COS U'2I=GST=';'AfE~ROAD-'-)-<C UIH1BR"PAl"OS. FL .32101*27" i4a1))n*UCo F'CR srCQIlL BXC~'TfON V All. U.:TC! .C)Jf:>: nONAL. 1:IE ~CM3MJI'!AfJVt ~ECI.tQ~ ... 11:1"""" .-. 1)( 1. A'I"t.1Cl~T:}'J& It.er pluh A~~Jl!IS: . .11 ;j. !ltillg~ :frail. . ~ 'C~;O.& Or.RIQO..': ~ .....- 3. AT~A~~ A co'r 4. ~~AQK A~ 11 ~ ~, HA. ftUR1CUd~!Ma PARCILS. " A~ACU LIOAJ.',DI.CRUl'JON. I. ,. LOOkl'IOH~' PARC'" n....o\J) , .... . letter ...... U~IUbl~UU~ CC:~b 10''''''''14/;);:.1 W,LI'll:..I, ...,JI 1'1........., ~_ I ;"', .. . ~ ': ... APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS A Staef. Report will be developed for each Application, The Applicant should be ptepared to address each of the issues provided below for Variance requests. In ~rder to grant a variance. the,Board of ~djus~ment must ~ake the following findings of fact: 1. That s~eoia~.conditions a~d circumstanoes exist wfich are peculiar to the land. ~tructure~ or br~ld;nct~"involved a~~ whi<ihare. not a~Plic;~~e t~ t~1er __nd_. structures _ buildinos in the saine __lnCl _is_'-;ctu. . . ' 2. That special conditions ~~d' circumstances do not resllI t from the ~ctions of the a~~li__nt. ' . 3, That arantina t:h~ ~ari~nee r~~~ested wi 11 ~ot confe~ r~ the 8IH>lioan!: any 51) c~al riviL~~. tah!!: i~ c;h:nied ~~ th;s oha~ter to other 1 ands but 1 dinCls or truet res in t sa e ~on1nq. district:. 4. . That. litera~ interbretation of the ~~ov~~~s ~f t~~s . chaoter wo~ld dtDrive the ~~I)li~t ~~ ~iqhdi c;7~~nI ~ en iov~~ bY.ot:he~ DroDllrt~es iQ. t w ~~"'':i ~k"~~~ ;;5t,,;..IO, ~~~er th_ terms of this ohaql:er and _ou d _0__ ___e_ SBa_V hL__hip on dth~ 80lllioanl:. '.,' , ,. S. 'l'~at the variance aran;:ct ;9 t:: m~~imr:n v~r1ance that will make tiossibl e the reaso blus f e. d buildinc or structure. 6. .. Th~t the arant of the V::i~~ce ~f~'l ~~ ~n.~~rm:2v with general intent and OUrDO - - tuh: 1"a"t!h ~ I not in1uriouSl to the neiahborhood. ~r ot rw se det~i tal to publio wel fare. ' , . . t ~e ' ~e t Ii '.The .reaul!Ist.must be:on:i;f:nt. with the ob1ectives 1l01icies of the Comorehen_iv_ ___no and. '., THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE CITY WITH,THE NAMES AND AODRIi:SSES OF EACH PROPERTY OWNER ,WITHIN .150 FT. OF EACH PROPERTY LINE BY THE SCHEDULED TIME, . THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE TO POST THE BLUE NOTICE CARD ON THE ' SITE AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE BOARD OF :,ADJUSTMENT HEETINC . I . . AT WHICH THE MATTER WILL BE CONSIDERED: SAID NOTICE SHI\LL NOT BE ..'. POS~ED WITHIN TKE CITY RIOHTS-OF-WAY. . . .,," " ..'.,: . i. ',.' . . .. ,..." . City ofWJDtc:r SpriDp 1126 East State Road 434 WiDter Springs. FI. 32708-2799 re: ,'raallmls..,joD sho.p.. This Jetter i& to acknowledge Ihat as owner(s) orthe below reference property, identified by: tax identification number :lS-2o-30-SAS-oaoo-o 120 I hereby appoint alter DJut? lu Jerve as IllY agUlt. He will be me rcprcsc:ntativc at all public hCArinG$ fCgarding y upcrty. _R.onald K. Wallace_ printed name 3"'4'" D1 date STATE OF GEORGIA The [OtC8~ illStlUment ~ acknowledged before me on this 4~ day of ~ 20O!J.. by ~~ I. 'b I(. Wf'uAc.cY who is pCl'5Onally known to me or who has produced a.~ identification and who did (did not) tllke Iln oath. Z:-4 ~ ~~'JtJ 73,StltJP(print) Notary PubJi. . My commission expires: CAROLYN A E1SHO? Notary N*. Fulton County, Georgi;. u,com..J1t1or fJrpjres Man:h '2.200:; :\T~ sem~~~:~~~d~ME~T !tpe,.~ ~ Your SQurce fQr Ptflpe:rt:y Inf~ma r C\I Q) I '" ..- vi :::i ;~ .. .*.. ".' '.. A I I I Clia:1 ..J J .."... .."... .."... .."... .."... .."... .."... PIIlIaBIIlIUlIlI8 ".. \ \Laura\PROJECT-A\CONCEPTS\MCNALTYTRANSMISSION.dwg. 3/15/2004 4:36:04 PM 111 --, I I MIllE DIBlIIIiI I 1.lllD. I I I ___.J ->. IIILM' rzmIIIlIIliB