HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 03 04 Regular Item A '.' " BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM A REGULAR x March 4, 2004 Meeting MGR. IDEPT Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Board of Adjustment hear a request for a variance by Armando 1. Davila from Section 6-85 of the City Code of Ordinances, to encroach as much as 7 feet into the 7 foot rear screen enclosure setback. The applicant wishes to construct a screened enclosure for a swimming pool in the rear yard, into the rear setback, and on top of a brick privacy wall. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request of the Davilas for a variance from the requirements of Section 6-85 of the City Code of Ordinances to allow a screen pool enclosure to encroach as close as the rear property line, instead of adhering to the 7 foot rear setback. The property is an irregularly shaped lot at 203 Arrowhead Court (Lot 28 at .AITowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 2, depicted in Plat Book 55, Pages 37-39 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida). APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 6-2. Compliance with Chapter. Sec. 6-85. Screen Enclosures. Sec. 20-82. Duties and powers; general. Sec. 20-103. Restrictions upon lands, buildings and structures. CHRONOLOGY: February 9,2004 - Variance application was received by City. February 23, 2004 - Letter sent to abutting property owners and sign provided to applicant. \ . .~ March 4, 2004 Regular Item A Page 2 CONSIDERATIONS: A somewhat similar instance has occurred with pool screens built on true rear yard privacy walls in the Georgetown subdivision within the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (PUD). In Georgetown, the rear yards actually are rear yards that abut other rear yards, in contrast to this situation, where Arrowhead Court abuts three sides of the lot. Special provisions are written into the homeowner documents/restrictive covenants at Georgetown to allow the screen enclosures to be built upon rear privacy walls. Our review of plans and permits indicates that previous City staff enforced homeowner documents. Arrowhead Unit 2 addresses pool screen enclosures differently than Georgetown. The Arrowhead Unit 2 restrictive covenants state that "A screen enclosure shall be constructed no closer than ten (10) feet to any rear property line and no closer than the side yard set back to any side property line, nor closer than twenty (20) feet to the Club property unless approved in writing by the Club Owner." This comparison is provide to demonstrate that screen enclosures were meant to be set back from the rear property line in Arrowhead. A note on the Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 2 plat (please see Attachment "B") states the following, however: "Flag! Irregular Lots: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Architectural Review Board for ARROWHEAD AT TUSCA WILLA - UNIT 2 shall have a wide discretion in establishing greater or lesser setbacks for all lots which are not rectangulary shaped, including 'flag' lots." This and its associated notes address the actual setbacks for the primary structure and not pool screen enclosure setbacks - which are different. The applicant did receive'a letter from the Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 2 Architectural Review Board stating that it had no objection to the proposed encroachment. Section 6-85 of the City Code requires the screen enclosure to be set back a minimum of7 feet, in contrast to the 10 feet prescribed by the restrictive covenants. Staff does not enforce restrictive covenants, except in the case where building setbacks are set forth in the restrictive covenants, but cannot be found anywhere else, for a certain subdivision within a PUD. Only in those situations (not applicable in this situation), staff enforces the building setbacks set forth in the pertinent restrictive covenants; FINDINGS: 1) The applicant is building a new house and requests to build the pool screen enclosure that would encroach into the applicable 7 foot rear setback (set forth in Section 6-85 of the City Code) as far as the property line (in one comer) on Lot 28 of Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 2 (203 Arrowhead Court). The rear of the pool screen enclosure would be built upon a rear privacy wall. 2) The Georgetown subdivision in the Tuscawilla PUD allowed pool screen enclosures to be built upon rear privacy walls where the rear yard abutted another rear yard. This is not applicable to Arrowhead at Unit 2 Tuscawilla Unit 2. March 4, 2004 Regular Item A Page 3 3) A note on the Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 2 plat provides that the Architectural Review Board shall have discretion in establishing greater or lesser buildiD!! setbacks for irregularly shaped lots in that subdivision (did not address pool screen enclosures, which have different setbacks that the rest of the building). 4) The applicant did receive a letter from the Arrowhead Architectural Review Board, stating that it had no objection to the encroachment. 5) A variance requires compliance with all six (6) criteria outlined in Code Section 20-82 (staff does not believe that the request meets any ofthe 6 criteria): a) that special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures or buildings involved and which are Ilot applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; Staff does not believe there are any special conditions and circumstances. The applicant had a vacant, although irregularly shaped, lot to design a home and amenities on. b) that special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; Staff believes that the applicants created their own situation and that no special conditions and/or circumstances exist. c) that granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; Staff believes that granting the variance would confer special privileges upon the applicants. d) that literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the term~ of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant; Staff believes that a literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter do not deny the applicants of any rights and does not work any hardship - much less an unnecessary hardship. e) that the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure.; and March 4, 2004 Regular Item A Page 4 Staff believes that there is already reasonable use ofthe land, building or structure. Further, the applicant could opt for a pool and associated screen enclosure that would meet the pertinent setbacks. f) that the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Staff believes that to grant the variance would be inconsistent with the intent and purpose of and undermine the code. 6) Staff does not find that the request meets any of the 6 variance criteria set forth in Chapter 20 of the City Code of Ordinances. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the BOA recommend denial of the request. ATTACHMENTS: A - Plot plan/Land Description B - Photocopy from final subdivision plat C - Variance application D - Applicants' supporting documentation BOA ACTION: l r- C-l (P.) t:. =.,0'J5'45" R = 875.18' L - 161.85' C = 161,62' C8 = NJ875'14"E C-l (AI.) .6 = 10'J5'29" R = 87S.18' L = 161.78' C = 161,S5' , ca. = NJ87 S'27"<: C-2 (P.) L\ = 1467S'IS" R = 40:00' L = 102.10' 'C = 76.50' CB = N4-070'15'W C-2 (AI,) 6 =.,4674'2," R = 40.00' L = 102.09' C = 76,5S' C8 = N4070'40'W C-J (p.) 6 =. 70<Jl'44" R = 2S.OO' L = JO.77' C = 28.87' CB = SJI76'IS'W C-J (AI.) 6 = 70<J2'07" R = 25.00' L = JO.78' e = 28,87' ca = SJI76'JO'W C-4 (P.) C-4 (AI.) 6 = J2<J2'16" '6 = J2<Jl'18' R =. SO.OO' '. R = SO,OO' L = 28.J9' i. = 28.J8" e =28.01' ' C = 28.00' , C8==~~~ C8~=~~~ , . CODES IN EFFECT : 200 ~ATioNAL' ELECT. CODlE & CURRENT F.E.C, ~/ Fl~RiDA '. BLOG, - PLUMBING GAS - MECH . , F"B~CJt'c>~ . An I~ of ~e TO AVOID DEROGATION OF THE ADJACENT EXlSTlNG SlRUCTURE CARE SHOULD BE EXERcISE). WHICH SHOULD INClUDE SHGRI ~ i:J~ ~JAC;ENT PORTION OF THE EXCAVA ON NTRACTOR TO PREVENT UNDERMINING ~,THE EXISTING FOUNDATION IF CQNDITION\AT E TIME OF THE EXCAVATION DICTA'rE SUCH ACTION BE TAKEN 1Ii0'fleE:', ' / ENCLOSURE, (SCREEN off FENCE) IS REQUIRED ON ALL SWlMJ\1IING POOLS PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION SEPARATE PERMIT IS REtlUIRED (CITY ORD SEe 6-217) , REceiVED 'NOV , 4 2003 /~. '0. _~. "f.---- ;)H~'1\ :tf~iD i~)~~:(~f.~{lA~.~ul AI'; ;, \::,.;~'I);~ ~HIS ~P}"Ur.Ai'mf.j PRE$ji:,',L:" , 1RlllltANO CaR~EC1'. / ..; --(I DAlE: ...' ?7.-/2 $h:;I\'\'BJ:..L..~ CITY OF W1NT "', P_"":~ ~RlNG8 t/... ,,-0 . , (j\,,) t' $:I I: tA<v~.#'.Q; ~~ 'I..<vc, ~,~'# '" ~ ~ R:-a~~'P( ~'?! ~ I f C-l ~ ~ . .~ / RAD, PT. FD. HAJJ.. '" DISK ~ ..'i" ~~.\ -.l.~. ...' ~'1"" , P.1. FD. NAiL '" . DISK , =617 ..--- >- ,., '" 3/.-11' '0. ~~~I /' 1:-; , " ~"'. p,c. ~ 'l'D1~ ~ ~1Il:\c..-< w..U.. ~c.\O:!aJ EN<'U:6u ~ ~' €no.DsonE <::>N fDD C>p Rz"J",c. ' ..<. -. D'l <b> p~ toS1- ~eJL <,' Q!1/lRAI.NGQIi,. CIBJ/Ia)/( 0ESalF11rIN m CIBJ lRIJ.HaE _r -.r , rllMJSrNEMAIf1EJWICE _RDal Fa.HJCtJIICRE1ElitMN9ff Fa.HJ~_ J.S((;TH, lMTEDACCaSlWiBIENT MWICU! NC1T1f)$CAI.E: c:m:I4L_ "",,",,!El:lll1Ssmr _CONTRa.FOtNT -REF<RSlrEIIOMRIENT ""'" ' "'.....". FfAT/Ia)/( FOtNT (1' /Ji$J/HNG 1'OtNT(1'~ I'OtNTfllUiE I'OM'O'''''''''''''' POINTa:a:a.R::X.N)aRVA1Ul/E POM"cFiBERSE aftIIE PClNrO'TN<GBIr:Y """"fWJ/A/.I ROCF"",""""EASEMNT SErRatRtXJlCAP . Sl19WX 1SI'aWrY8ENCH1IARJ( TrPO'BN<< """",. It117ESS C1JRNBf .EDGEa:M1Si' """''''''' , EX1.'imGa:EVA17QV' ", ai 1U>llD< Na:r1llZ '> ~ ~ > n == ~ '~ ~ ~ > PL~TPLAN IBeUNDARY SURVE , ~ --- IlQXlFENCE 6 -- . 1llE'J!M:!' DJ1 F.N. Ho4L II . /1Ra1ER1Yc::tRER /JH. . mEEDlIW/X" DW " FalJ~ ESMr kv.~' ~ BOI E/DItJt.4DI:ENr FJ:JJ. 'r:st1ERLIiE FPJ( """'" <aI<RElF L &, ~~ 'ZJf F1.R. m.HJIlONRCtJ N.T.s. F.Ii', FaNJI/CHI'PE OR RW RQiTCFIt:4Y Q..IU HID NALIQSC J'.CP. DE- ~&.sa/EN1' P.RM. UE. UTJITYEASBENf PG. : Fa FCUD PNT. p., FlAT Pi1. ~ A9H4LT P.1J.8. OJU.. ~UiES p.o.c. P.P. fIOtfER1'aE PoOL D' l'1WlSR7iJlSIl p.c. c;.tIj1Y CABERlSBI p.c.t;, WJl tW'Bl1ETfR P JtC.. ra TS..6f/CIEIr4CIJT1ES. . p.T. c::5::l ~ARS(. It Bll "l6VfIIIO RIi1fRENCE . R.OJ!. Oi.Q1CIID SJA RAD .w:w. TE .sw Nil. IDiItG4L T.J1IL JJC . .AR aHXTIC'NBl T.DJJ. 8JJ. IJEJO( IJARK "1)'p. ca. . CAT'OISUIf ttc' c..~ Ea.tt. e mu: ~ c:tlC(U)CKfR,L nP. . J9fJL GENERAL NOTES:. , ", .. . t} . lBW.~FRt:JtrsJ1I'fcmERS' 1) 'nEWD$stC1tfNJEREONMfReNaT AtJSmAClH]/m EAssisns arr:mBlREI:t:R:ED~Nl1rSHOffNaf1hfiP"...Ar: ,'Q ~PCRTX:NS~FCUiDA.T1ai$OROTHEil . . ~WfRENOTLCCA1Bl . .{} WALL TeAREro.1HEFAa!rF7HERCU. ~ 1t'OTV.IUJWTTHr:M"7HE&GWLAE'ICR"I.iiN4L 1WSEDS64C. CFAR.GI'lID4 LaNSBJ~Mo4PJ'ER . I} Q'LYY1SELE~lo:::,(1m l} NO t:ENTR::A11CW FaH:J CPI PRJ:PERTYa>>BlS I.N.ESS HCJtED. ~' DWENSlCK$SH!MN_Ft.<f_~fRESSl1TIIERW1>E """'" I} FENCEUt'lNERSTPNOTDE1ERJtl4ED.. . tDJ B.Er'...mcwsFSHrMNNlE/WiEPCl?CWILG.V.a. fN.ESSUTHERWISENorm f1} '. fJEARH;SREFER8IC1!IJTOUlENf11EDASJJ.R. . U, 1H/SSUMY~IEREFCRMSAac:t5E)~FiG.RE"' ~~C&~~ "3, ' TE S&tED &GN8) . LOU$.t RAMIREZ D m::sSUftfYlSIfTE1C8JFOR~QfRERWc:E~. RRTH3USE6YTHOSE70M<<:Wff13CE1lTJfEl"" . ~ I'BaIT7JW4l'ES1G1(CRANYanefUSE IfRfTTENtXIISBlT (FIWST'RWQIl.~NC. .. . 1!JAPPERl<<1lW1 /OM}AfR.JJJED CCJI'N<EJJ U.1SI1 ~:85lX!SWI2rd.5bl(M'tJ.aJ4 M/Jtd.Raitb3JI$! (Xli}2l1.a5 hz(3l1SJZl14Gf ...,,,,, NI6a:r1i1I:~k:~ . ..... .,:: ..'t~ . ,,' ":':~<r;;.7~::::~'%:!~~i:~~~~:~\~)~~5~c ,"'" :-~:~" "/,': "".',', ,':<'; ':"~' ... ',." ....... "'".:~r&,1!~ra,fJ/.!1fJ1!1~lJ'" :;A'T TUSCA WILLA - UNIT 2 PLA T Boe .AN1J' ',i\feti'tAr,:bF'A 'P()ltTION, :oF' . GARDEN A A REPLATOF A PORTION OF' PHILIP R. YONGE LOCA1'Elf IN SEcTION .7" TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, .. CITY OF WINTER. SPRINGS, SEMINOLE FARMS PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE GRANT PLAT BOOK 1, RANGE 31 EAST COUNTY, FLORIDA 23 PAGE SHEE 38 Rectangular Lots: No clos.,,- than JO feet to. the front yard (..treet~) property boundary line; 25 feel to. the rea(' )<11'd ProPerty boundary line; on't .12 feet to the side yOrd property, boundary lines on itItenor lots, If, 0 lot abuts. the', Tuscorilci C<I,..mtry-Ctub Golf Course. Ihe minimum ...tbocJc On -the rear or side abutting the Tuscowillo Country Club properti Shall be JO feet (unless the o,,"er of the Tuscowi/lo 'Country.Club property consents. in :/ writtng. to 01_ ....tbod<) and Iorg.,,- ..here the night of errant golf bolls may be a p,obl",", Comer Lots: The side yard setback shall b~ 20 feet to the side yard property lines on the side(s) of the pr 't to 0 street rk;ht-of-..oy. , lar Lots: Notwithstanding the foregOing. the Architectural Revle.. Boord ror ARROWHEAD AT IUSCA Il!LLA . - UNIT 2 shaJS-:..ltave wide discretion in establishing greater or lesser Htbocks for all lots which are not rectangulory $hoped. including -flag- tots. \ \ \ /'~---/ ~\L ll2\, o. , ~\\ -- \< ,> \ES }...... IRACI .'(.' Ci'OIlC[ fOWN UNI r I ;:'}~ J/. PAGf~' 1..5 l.or 87 CARDfNA r ARJ..4S p B 6. PC.' 7.3 \.. i ..po... \1' TR~~owN uN ,. S 'ORGl p~Gl5 ~1.6 }./, -- \ \ - 'Buid/ng Se'tbodcc (As sho." hereon) \ S 89'58'~ PI 189,71 C62- ,.. -, ..U9.70'" .. ----- - - ..----- ./ ~ j lOT 62 / // // cUR' cSJ "" LINE Ll<4 .. C(N' D .. RADI ~ ; AR~ CB , #p ~O' 'l._.. ~ RIG>- ^ n,~'."O'''7n / ~, ! e/'...."'.. 'it' , ..r:.:>'K-,'co l.tv'li'\ "'- ATTACHMENT C~..., .~ Kc_=JVED FEB 0 9 2ilD~ , CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ,BOAR 0 OF ADJ U STMENT AP P r,. I CA T I ON Permitting _ Dagmarle CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 43 4 _ / WINTER'SPRINGS, FL .32708''-2799 ~t9J'{)OI (407)327-1800 FOR: '-1.. x' SPECIAL EXCEPTION ~ VARIANCE 'CONDITIONAL USE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION 1. APPLICANT: A72MION~D T 2J()\jIU\ 2 v{" ~ ATTACH A COpy OF THE PARCEL SURVEY. ATTACH AN 11 X 17 MAP SHOWING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS. ATTACH LEGAL. DESCRIPTION, TAX, PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER :01 -Zl-3'/ - 5)9 - O\.?c:l)- 02.00 .A~ v< 7. LOCATION OF PARCEL (Street Address andjor:Nearest Cross S t r e e t s ) : ~05 A/~ Qo...,..l ~ If::) 'COU \'2.:)' ; ~ A}; V"II"CYL. 'SPf2.. V\ q S ,Ft..- 5'2..708~' ~ \...V\>")T'Cv] -:S1:>~,^c:..~ '9.~_D' , , , 8. PRESENT ZONING: ~\'\)~yYn~,-- " FUTURE LAND USE i ~es .'Ot'V'\..;'i\l\- By Signing below' I understand that City of Winter Springs Officials may enter upon my property to inspect that portion, as relates to this application: (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must. attach a letter of authorization signed by the owner) , ~'fl\.-~ / PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT, IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY;OECISIONS MADE AT THESE HEEJINdSjHEARINGS, THEY WItL ~EED A,RECOR6 OF THE PROCEEDiNGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM'RECORD OF THE PROC!EDINGS IS ~ADE, 'AT'THEIR 'COST, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIHONY AND'EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEA~' IS TO BE BASED, PER SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 20-84 - APPEALS FROM DECI~IONS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (1) Any person, or persons, jointly or severally a'gg'rieved by any decision of the Board of Adjustment may, within thirty (30) days after the filing of any decision in the office of the Board of Adjustment, but not thereafter, apply to. the City Council for administrative ~elief. After a hearing before the City Cou~cil an aggrieved party may, within thirty (30) days after the decision of the City' Council, file an appeal with a court of competent jurisdi~tion over the subject matter, ....... , '....or..... :.i ......c APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS A Staf f, Report the exist which are s"involved and structures or 2. T t from the do not resul t c variance that buildin or the be the . " , , THE APP~ICANT IS RESPONSIB~E FOR PROVIDING THE CITY WITH THE NAM8S AND ADDRESSES OF EACH PRQPERTY OWNER 'WI,THIN '150. FT: OF EACH PROPERTr LINE BY THE SCHEDULED TIME. :'., ' ~ THE APP~ICANT IS RE'SPONSIBLE TO POST THE BLUE ,NOTICE CARD ON THE SITE AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE BOARD OF'AD~USTHENT HEETING, . AT WHICH ,THE HATTER WILL BE CONSIDERED: SAID'NOTICE SHAhL NOT 88'. POSTED WITHIN THE CITY RIGHTS-OF~HAY. ' : . ; I \ ~ I. " ': , .. ' 'J' . ATTACHMENT D V ARIANCE APPLICATION BY MR & MRS ARMANDO 1. DAVILA FOR POOL ENCLOSURE CONSTRUCTION AT LOT 28 ARROWHEAD AT TUSKA WILLA 6 FEBRUARY 2004 The purpose of this variance application is to request that the pool enclosure on this new home construction be allowed to extend all the way back and finish on top of the brick privacy fence to be built on the rear of the lot. The permit for the pool placement has been approved by the city in accordance with the plans for the general placement of the privacy wall. The permit for the wall is being applied for concurrently with this variance request. The Home Owners Association has reviewed the plans and has expressed its agreement with this request via the attached letter. 1. Special conditions and circumstances... - Lot 28 at Arrowhead at Tuskawilla is a odd shape lot. Is a comer lot, but it is surrounded by street on three sides much like a peninsula. The shape of the lot, visible in the plot plan, the setback requirements, and the abundance of trees in the west side of the lot, all affected the placement of the house in the lot. In order to provide privacy to the house for the homeowner and for the neighbors it is necessary to build a privacy wall on the back of the lot. By covenant requirement and to match the conmmnity, that wall will be a 6' tall Norwegian brick wall matching the existing walls of other houses in the cul-de-sac. In the rear of the lot, and in order to avoid obstructing the street view of the houses in the cul-de-sac the wall has to be in a straigh line instead of hugging the property line. That condition was discussed with and viewed by Mrs. Max Epstein, the city's Customer Service Manager. The use of the straight wall severely limits the amount of space available behind the pool. Therefore weare requesting that the screen enclosure be allowed to run all the way back and rest on top of the rear wall. This approach has been presented to the homeowners association and has been accepted by them. 2. Special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action of the applicant... - We are simply dealing with the odd shape of the lot, meeting the- setbacks, and allowing for an appropriate solution to the privacy requirements of the community. In order to satisfy the city's concern with safety in the approach to the cul-de-sac, the privacy wall has to be a straight line. That impedes having a buffer between the pool rear deck and the privacy wall, which will make it impossible to maintain the back of the screen. Therefore the request to let the screen finish on top of the wall. 3. The granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege... - No special privilege is requested, only a way to address the space limitations of the lot. 4. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties... - Other properties are allowed to have the wall on the property line. For safety approaching the cul- de-sac the wall had to be a straight line so that visibility is maintained. That limited the space available to place the screen enclosure within the wall area. 5. That the variance granted will be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land... - Because of the limitations in the placement of the wall, the variance will allow the place the enclosure on a maintainable way on top of the wall. 6. The grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter. .. - The privacy wall is required by the situation of the lot, the privacy requirements, and the safety requirements. The placement of the screen on the wall will be in harmony with the design of the house, surrounding area and will provide for the safe use of the pool. It will also allow the enclosure to be maintainable. 7. The request must be consistent with the objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan. - Do not know how to answer this question. 10 November 2003 Armando & Maritza Davila 977 English Town Lane, m#107 Winter Springs, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Plan Review To whom it may concern: This letter is in reference to the construction of our house in Arrowhead at Tuskawilla, lot 28, under permit 200203123. This letter is to present the concept for construction of the pool, perimeter wall, and pool screen enclosure; and to request the screen enclosure rest on top of the rear perimeter wall. (' , Because of the odd configuration of this lot, we planned building a wall surrounding the pool and rear perimeter of the property, This plan is as submitted for the original permit. The actual pool configuration has changed and is enclosed. At this time Champagne Pools has submitted a permit request for the construction of this pool. We will use a different sub contractor to build the wall, and a third sub contractor for the screen enclosure. We are requesting that the screen enclosure be allowed to sit on top of the rear wall. Because of the difficulties in coordinating the three subcontractors and permits, we want to ensure the City has reviewed and approves the concept for the pool, wall, and. enclosure. Upon approval, we will submit permit requests for the wall and screen. Therefore I submit this request for your consideration. ( . i' ~,. j 10 November 2003 Armando & Maritza Davila 977 English Town Lane, m#107 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Arrowhead Home Owner's Association Architectural Review To whom it may concern: This letter is in reference to our construction in lot 28, Because of the odd configuration of this lot, we planned building a wall surrounding the pool and rear perimeter of the property, This plan is per the original plans you previously approved (enclosed). The actual pool design has changed and is enclosed. In order to maximize the pool deck space, we want to bring the enclosure to rest on top of the rear wall. The City of Winter Springs has approved the wall and pool concepts but wants approval of the Homeowner's association for the enclosure resting on top of the rear wall. Therefore I submit this request for your consideration. ( ): l \ . r J February 1,2004 A~~EAD Arrowhead Architecture Review Board Arrowhead at Tuscawilla-Unit 2 Winter Springs, Florida To whom it may concern: The Arrowhead Architectural Review Board (ARB) has reviewed the deviation request from Armando Davila concerning this brick wall and pool enclosure for lot 28, Arrowhead. The ARB approves of Armando's request to have the pool enclosure atop the brick wall, as long as the City of Winter Springs says there are no problems for setback lines, etc. In other words, there is no basis for the ARB to decline this request assuming that the city approves. s~ Pat Banavan President, Arrowhead BOA '" ..." "'II _ \t issues :AQs neetlng minutes 'head map rhead Board _inks S'u~~- ?\20~ U/JP 4J&c7J - !if) 'i~j fl , 'X, )[;~ 'I),t ::( , , , ,HH;_...:::, " ",,'>?'l ",,",,,~'H'."~ "',.........'":...... ,t.o::! '\.t"~~', .. "l~~~ . . ~~~-~J' ,;' l,\{ , ':\~: ~, , ,~: ...L-- ' ' \ '----" t ,~~ ,#~~' t.. 4' \\L"i'j;:~ ._~~i- ", C"'?j' .~y~~~';.." .'t.,.: ,;.;_.' ~'~f';:1 p;~, :":OS .,. '. , t.: ,,,..,, ~;" ."' ' ., ::J:!J ..~dJ ' ....,';l. , .,;1~"'l' ",' ,~.. ';;!.' ,',I' ,~''''c. - v f \i>: , :~~"'! :oj$:" Seminole County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number PARCEL DETAIL j.;,': l{r~,;: ~: !:sT:.\T.f~'~ ': I:'........ .'"--~~-.~.,<;;.., ~.' S;Uj"~~ ~1:~RqV .. <l Back I> ... ~iiRil~~X1~pia!f. > I. . .'.- L.' F\ :.T~;'X Roil~.~:: i Page 1 of 1 St:m.t;iH:d~c!),UiH:r ~~~~!'!fi1!!~;' ~pe,.tf...lpplMi:rn . Jbv~j tun IS. l'inU!t SMlf'I,!'d tiI.:>2'T71 4n'4t;5"1~I6, 2004 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY GENERAL Parcelld: 07-21-31-519-0000-0280 Tax District. W1-WINTER . SPRINGS OWner: :~I,'f~~MANDO J & ExempUons: Address: 9n ENGLISH TOWN.LN # 107 Clty,State,zlpCode: WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 Property Address: 203 ARROWHEAD CT I/VINTER SPRINGS 32708 Subdivision Name: ARROWHEAD AT TUSCAWlLLA UNIT 2 Dor: OO-VACANT RESIDENTIAL Value Method: Number of Buildings: Depreciated Bldg Value: Depreciated EXFT Value: Land Value (Market): Land Value Ag: JusUMarket Value: Assessed Value (SOH): Exempt Value: Taxable Value: SALES Deed Date Book Page Amount Vacllmp WARRANTY DEED 0912002 04540 0690 $130,000 Vacant WARRANTY DEED 0412002 04394 0840 $100 Vacant WARRANTY DEED 1112000 03965 0111 $123,000 Vacant Find Comparable Sales within this Subdivision LAND Market. o $0 $0 $110,000 $0 $110,000 $110,000 $0 $110,000 2003 VALUE SUMMARY 2003 Tax Bill Amount: $2,083 2003 Taxable Value: $110,000 DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLA T LOT 28 ARROWHEAD AT TUSCAWlLLA UNIT 2 PB 48 PGS 52 TO 54 Land Assess Method Frontage Depth Land Units Unit Price Land Value LOT 0 0 1.000 110,000.00 $110,000 NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax 'poses. -If ou reeen rchased a homesteaded 0 tax will be based on Just/Market value. > . . '" l " , '. ' _.' .,r 11 .:' . - ~". . ,- ; .~.. '. .. - ", , ,C," B..\CK' : '.. '.' ...,. . ",. ': P,~(~Pf:Hri :\f I'~AbEl~ :, I ~ .". cO:,\''T.\t:T ,_: ~~, ," ~ .:_~'.',:,~':,,~~: .:: ;;;;;~~_:;_:\!~~i;;::~ '<~},~~~::~::.:~~.:~ ,,;;,: . :_...~_::.~.~.,,,.. .',."~,::~;':~-'~."L:.:,..:.' .. http://www. scpafl.org!pls/web/re _ web.seminole _county _ title?P ARCEL=07213151900000280... 2/9/04 , ,,--. ) f"I C5) ~ ,.. -. IIM!II' 1IIOtU.t~ RJ~ ..-.a.......,... JD.... RMmW'_....,.~. ~ i DIG, HAUl. AU. UNHECE'8ARY DIRT SETIWNDRAINS" APMT SET SPA DRAINS ~ APARf !'O'.8O" DEPTH 8EACHAfIEA ~8" IIIAI8ED SPA WJBU88lER -.-wru PROPANE GAl HTA STD POOl. UGHTJSTD SPALlGHT IENUMArU~NT PW8 CMJ'rAICER. (FLOOR ONLV) WATeII PEATURa PUMP 2 JANrN Da:K JETa 2 CROWN JETS STONICRETE COPING PEB8U! , V BEACH .... ffi t- C5) f"I f"I Q'l ~ C5) II) r- C5) ~ r- N o CMm'MlER ... WLw< "e: --...... .. ......a _r't --.~.. -........ .....,..... .......tI~ .. .. O.iN. .. 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( IIUlIrIIpeIIy -V IIlIlr e.~~ ~'<- 18qWed). nn. hn _fA II; 1D IAJbIIc A~ '?~ ~ !he I*lDr A1IIh '- ~.Ad} Elg to tin WIIIlca .Fuhr ~ IIlII)I .. ell 9 _ \ 0 I,))\l ~ to weathel' holidaya or lack 0' mal.,. aW!labIllt)'. Allow.. IUIly u Four (. addltIona1 ..... lor jot. speciI)ing b1lc Ji ' ..... - iOI NllInI6oft...... r- - EJ >- ~ '?s ,()' 't , ,~ l~ . .' '..,.' ~ " ' ~~~~ AT TU5CAWILLA-UNIT 2, ACCORDING TO THE .1' . PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 48, PAGES 52-54, OF T~E PUBLrC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. .; '~~~~W~~~it1~~~~F.~t~;{~~::j.\~;:/'j~;t:::'::;~'\'.:~ ':-' ::' 1 .,;: ~~. .~: 'T . '._. .. ' ,. -,., -'.," ~. " ~x:_,,_.:.:.l:-:.,,~:.~(:~:~__~ "';" ......:..... ,':...'. .. ':~"-., -.; :~." ~~" 'N\~'\I\...- ~~ \ \ C-\~aL- , \e,",,-\ ~ d... ~~ ~c.\\.?~v~~' ~~ \ . ",. " , \~ " J.... ..~~~ ~'L- ?~,~ < ~V'Vy ~<-- :~: '~. ~ --~.. ~ t ( \\ \ ~ i "\0 <3 ,cs.. ~ .~ ,~. ,,~ lj~#.:~!'1f;3liiik'i,tf~f'~Ji#~"i~I;:<{:Y;i;i~'i-li;?:<;;,;Y:;:~{(;;' ~.::' ".' 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