HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1999 02 11 City Commission Workshop Mintues
FEBRUARY 11, 1999
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell called the Workshop to order at 6:40 p.m. III the
Commission Chambers.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, absent
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., absent
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, absent
Attorney Robert Guthrie, present
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager, provided the Commission with an overview
and asked the Commission if they want a "basic overview" and then let Staff and the
Pr.operty Owners and their Representatives continuing working and then come back to
them or if the they want to discuss the Code "line by line and issue by issue" and then
move forward to adoption. The Commission agreed to discuss issues relative to the Code
and the "high points" of the changes that have taken place since the last Workshop held
on January 13, 1999.
Mr. Michael Grindstaff with Shutts and Bowen L.L.P., Attorney for the Schrimsher
properties, stated that "considerable progress" has been made and asked the Commission
to "memorialize" their position and decisions thus far.
There was discussion on the feasibility of the City entering into an "agreement
document"; and if there should be a separation of "code issues" and "Developer's
Agreement issues".
The Commission briefly discussed possible dates for a Workshop regarding the Town
Center District Code, along with dates for the first and second readings of the Ordinance.
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Ms. Juanita Blumberg of 1130 East State Road 434 spoke about all of the Property
Owners being involved in meetings between Schrimsher Properties and City Staff. The
Commission discussed this issue further.
Mr. LaVern Kingsbury of 150 North Tuskawilla Road informed the Commission that he
is "withdrawing" his endorsement of the Town Center due to "coordination problems"
between Staff and the potential developer of his property, which resulted in the sale of his
property not going through.
There was discussion of the schedule of events relative to the adoption of the Ordinance
and a Developer's Agreement. Some Commission Members felt that the Code should be
adopted and then proceed with an agreement. Some Property Owners felt that both issues
should take place at the same time.
Mr. Victor Dover with Dover Kohl and Partners informed the Commission that much
work had been done since the Workshop of January 13, 1999 and reviewed the
significant changes as outlined:
1. The importance future permitting staff or courts would place on illustrations.
Some were revised and added to in order to make them clearer; while others
were removed because they were not necessary.
2. There were statements added about flexibility on some of the illustrations and
diagrams in the Code.
3. The layout of street blocks and alleys, etc., is identified as something that can
be changed.
4. The Code was redlined to indicate corrections, errors or language that was not
clear. New language on procedures, alleys, accessory structures, civic site
structures, parking lots, on-street parking, special exceptions, architecture, and
5. The list of permitted uses was updated and some are only permitted by special
6. Prohibition of drive-through windows has been removed and can be permitted
under limited circumstances.
7. The "cap" on parking in parking lots has been removed.
8. Changes were made to "A" and "B" streets.
9. New language to make single and double loaded streets more flexible.
1 O. Regulations about the size and scale of buildings have been inserted where
development scale was affected. In most cases, this eliminates the lot size
11. Removed specific numbers for trees and landscape and now states that
spacing should be determined in consultation with the City Arborist based on
12. The Frontage Road is now optional, rather than required, under certain
conditions and the conditions are listed.
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There was discussion as to how many of the changes were a result of working with the
Schrimsher organization; which amounted to approximately half of the changes. Several
resulted from reconsidering concepts; Staff consultations; and "changes to accommodate
changes". Mr. Dover informed the Commission that additional training for Staff will be
"essential" as a result ofthe increased flexibility in the Code.
Mr. Michael Schrimsher of Schrimsher Properties, 600 East Colonial Drive, Suite 100,
Orlando, Florida handed out a memorandum which offered additional comments. Mr.
Schrimsher stated that some of the comments pertained to "typos" and that some were for
clarification. He reviewed some of the main concerns in his memorandum, which
1. There is not a description of width or cross section of an alley.
2. Developed properties backing up to the natural area or park space should not
be a "rare circumstance".
3. There is a difference between wetland park boundaries in the Code as to what
the boundaries were a couple years ago as identified by the Army Corps of
Engineers and suggested that the drawing in the Code should be replaced with
one that is more accurate.
4. Buildings on Main Street and Market Square should be allowed to be one-
story if they are 24 feet high.
There was discussion concerning one-story buildings versus multi-story buildings; and
whether specific details should be addressed while in the process of adopting the Code or
if they could be addressed after adoption as "special exceptions". There was concern
from some Commission Members regarding designing and development details being
discussed "at this point".
Mr. Kingsbury informed the Commission that he does not have any objections to the
Code, but that they need to be aware that another developer is looking into purchasing his
property and how that may affect the Town Center.
Mr. Dover informed the Commission that the Town Center map on page 11 of the Code
has been revised to state, "This drawing will be amended to reflect approved
developments and refinements due to additional information". Therefore, in a situation
such as Mr. Kingsbury's, the map will change if necessary.
Mr. Schrimsher showed a map to the Commission that depicts the boundaries of the
wetland park differently from those that the City possess. There was much discussion of
the boundaries; which surveys have been conducted; which surveys will need to be
preformed; and statements on the maps stating that amendments will follow.
Mr. Charles C. Carrington, AlCP, Community Development Director, added that this
issue was addressed at the January 13, 1999 Workshop and said that it would take a
detailed engineering field survey to accurately delineate wetlands; and that this will be
required before the state will fund the purchase of the property.
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Mr. Ed Leerdam representing Springs Landing, LTD./Jessup Shores Joint Venture also
spoke about being involved in any meetings between Staff and with Schrimsher
Properties. There was much concern of this matter. Manager McLemore stated that any
meetings where the Code is changed are public meetings; however, meetings where
individual issues that pertain to property values and acquisition agreements are private
meetings. He further stated that it should be at the Property Owner's discretion as to
whether other Property Owners should be involved in their meetings.
Deputy Mayor Gennell called a 15 minutes recess.
Deputy Mayor Gennell reconvened the meeting.
Discussion continued on possible dates for another Workshop; the first and second
readings of the Ordinance; and when an agreement with Schrimsher Properties might take
Commissioner David W. McLeod added for the record that "This will not be called a
Developer's Agreement".
There was further discussion on scheduling another Workshop, along with the first and
second readings of the Ordinance. Deputy Mayor Gennell asked that everyone present
tentatively mark their calendars for another Workshop on March 1, 1999; the first reading
of the Ordinance to be around March 8, 1999; and the second reading of the Ordinance to
be no later than April 26, 1999. She further stated that a formal decision on dates will be
decided at the February 22, 1999 Regular Meeting of the City Commission.
Deputy Mayor Gennell adjourned the meeting.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:v lf1."JyLgvingfoss
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