HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1999 01 11 City Commission Regular Minutes
JANUARY 11,1999
Mayor Paul P. Partyka called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and stated that the purpose
of this meeting is for the City Commission to hold a Closed Executive Session to discuss
the Firefighters Union Contract negotiations.
Manager Ronald W. McLemore stated that City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher just
phoned and said that he could not make the meeting. Manager McLemore stated that the
Commission could convene in Closed Executive Session and he would bring them up to
date on the negotiations. Manager McLemore also suggested that the Commission could
hold another Closed Executive Session, on Wednesday, January 13, 1999 - before the
already scheduled City Commission Workshop.
Mayor Partyka closed the meeting at 6: 1 0 p.m. and the Commission went into Closed
Executive Session.
JANUARY 11,1999
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, absent
Attorney Bob Guthrie, present
City Clerk, Margo M. Pierce, CMC, present
Robert S. Miller, present
Michael S. Blake, present
Edward Martinez, Jr., present
David McLeod, present
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P.
Partyka at 6:30 p.m. There was a moment of silent prayer, followed by the Pledge of
Mayor Partyka asked ifthere were any Agenda changes. There were no Agenda changes.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. wished the Mayor, Commission, City Staff and the
residents a Happy New Year.
Gary Jeffers, 249 Morton Lane, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke regarding the Middle
School rezoning.
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January 11, 1999
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(Commissioner Martinez commented on this subject, and explained that he had requested
the Mayor to contact the School Board regarding how much land would be needed to
build a new elementary school in Winter Springs. He added that the Mayor has not yet
received a response to his letter).
Harold Scott, 911 Augusta National Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke
regarding the Commission and Staffs trip to Tallahassee and about the grants the City
has applied for. Mr. Scott mentioned that he would be asking for copies of the grants.
(There was brief discussion on this issue including references to the "Florida Community
Trust" and the "Office of GreeneWays and Trails". Commissioner Michael S. Blake
asked the City Manager, "Do you know if any other community right here in the
Seminole County area received funding this year, from either of those two sources"?
Manager Ronald W. McLemore replied that he could get the list). Commissioner Cindy
Gennell and Commissioner Martinez both commented on the minimal costs of the trip to
Tallahassee, and the positive comments that our City received for all of our efforts and
Information Services Department
A. Asks the City Commission for permission to purchase phase one of a new
Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management software package for the
Police Department as approved in the FY 1999 budget.
Commissioner Robert S. Miller and Commissioner Gennell commented on the actions of
a member of the audience.
Commissioner Blake asked about the expenence of this vendor, and about Y2K
Community Development Department/Planning Division
B. Requests the Commission consider contributing $3,054.58 to the U.S. Highway
17/92 Corridor Redevelopment Trust Fund, per a formula established in County
Ordinance 97-55.
The Mayor said, "I'd be looking for a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda". "I make
a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda". Motion by Commissioner Blake.
Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. V ote: Commissioner Miller:
Aye; Commissioner Blake: Aye; Commissioner Martinez: Aye; Commissioner
Gennell: Aye; Commissioner McLeod: Aye. Motion passes.
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January 11, 1999
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Community Development Department/Land Development Division
A. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and Adoption of
Ordinance No. 710.
Attorney Guthrie read Ordinance No. 710 by title only.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. No one
spoke for or against this Ordinance.
Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Regular Meeting.
"I'd like to move for approval of Ordinance 710". Motion by Commissioner
Gennell. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion.
Commissioner Martinez stated, "I want to request that we Move the question".
Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Vote: Commissioner Blake: Aye;
Commissioner Martinez: Aye; Commissioner Gennell: Aye; Commissioner
McLeod: Aye; Commissioner Miller: Aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka then said, "Call the vote please". Vote: Commissioner Martinez: Aye;
Commissioner Gennell: Aye; Commissioner McLeod: Aye; Commissioner Miller:
Aye; Commissioner Blake: Aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department
A. Requests the Commission discuss the formation of a public-private partnership
with Wyman Fields Foundation, America's Housing Development Corporation,
NationsBank and Seminole County's S.H.J.P. Program for the rehabilitation and
condominium conversion of apartments located in the Lori Anne Lane area.
Manager McLemore spoke briefly on this issue, and mentioned some of the merits of this
progranl, while also identifying any potential downsides to this program.
Mr. Charles C. Carrington, AICP, Community Development Director addressed the
Commission on this issue. He then identified the parties involved in this project,
including America's Housing Development Corporation; the Wyman Fields Foundation;
and State Housing Initiative Partnership (S.H.I.P.). Mr. Carrington then introduced Mr.
Barry Graham, Chief Executive Officer of America's Housing Development Corporation;
and Ms. Candace Bide, Chief Executive Officer of the Wyman Fields Foundation. Ms.
Sharon Self from S.H.I.P; Ms. Sherry Koger, Senior Vice President with NationsBank;
and Mr. Tony Richardson, the National Development Director with America's Housing
Development Corporation were also introduced.
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January 11, 1999
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Mr. Barry Graham, of America's Housing Development Corporation explained some of
the major facets of this program including the concept of "transitional ownership
housing". He also mentioned some of the related costs to the Commission.
Ms. Candace Bide, with the Wyman Fields Foundation reviewed documentation involved
with this presentation. [There were technical difficulties in trying to display the
documentation, and the Mayor "urged" Manager McLemore to make sure that Staff was
able to operate the AudioVisual system].
Ms. Bide continued her presentation and explained some of the financial and timeline
aspects, in addition to the interior and exterior renovations that are planned.
Tape 1/Side 2
There was much discussion on the renovation costs; the funding to be approved for the
due diligence research; the estimated project costs for this project; risk factors; and the
overall decline of the LOli Anne Lane area. NationsBank was complimented for their
contributions to our City.
"I'll make the Motion, that the Commission direct tine Staff to develop a contract
with Wyman Fields Foundation and America's Housing Development Corporation,
and involving NationsBank and the Seminole County S.H.J.P. Program, for the
rehabilitation and conversion of apartment complexes located in and around Lori
Anne Lane". Motion by Commissioner Gennell. Seconded by Commissioner
Martinez. Discussion.
Commissioner Blake added, "I'd like to make a subsequent Motion" - "That we
authorize the Manager to enter into an Agreement of Understanding with
America's Housing Development Corporation, and Wyman Fields Foundation, for
the purpose of determining and doing the due diligence, to bring back to this
Commission, accurate numbers to the best of their ability on the proposed project
for the redevelopment of the 64 units, for a cost not to exceed $40,000". Seconded
by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. (This subsequent Motion was stated that it
was an amendment to the Motion). There was further discussion on the subsequent
Motion made by Commissioner Blake.
Mayor Partyka asked that Ms. Margo M. Pierce, City Clerk repeat Commissioner Blake's
Motion, and the City Clerk did. Mayor Partyka added, "It was a separate stand-alone
Motion, at this point". Further discussion. Mayor Partyka asked for "A Vote on the
Amendment". Vote: Commissioner Gennell: Nay; Commissioner McLeod: Aye;
Commissioner Miller: Nay; Commissioner Blake: Aye; Commissioner Martinez:
Nay. Motion dies.
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January 11, 1999
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There was a request to hear Commissioner Gennell' s original Motion again.
Commissioner Gennell said, "We direct the Staff to develop a contract with Wyman
Fields Foundation and America's Housing Development Corporation, and involving
NationsBank and the Seminole County S.H.J.P. Program, for the rehabilitation and
conversion of apartment complexes located in and around Lori Anne Lane".
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: Nay; Commissioner Miller: Aye;
Commissioner Blake: Nay; Commissioner Martinez: Aye; Commissioner Gennell:
Aye. Motion passes.
There was further discussion on the contract issue and related funding.
Commissioner Gennell then stated, "I Move that we authorize the City Manager to
spend up to $40,000 for a due diligence study, for the previous Motion". Seconded
by Commissioner Martinez. There was further discussion on this. Vote:
Commissioner Miller: Aye; Commissioner Blake: Aye; Commissioner Martinez:
Aye; Commissioner Gennell: Aye; Commissioner McLeod: Aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka called a recess at 8:25 p.m.
Mayor Partyka reconvened the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Tape 2/Sidc I
City Manager
B. Requesting the Commission to approve Bond Issue Refunding and/or
Restructuring to provide for the refunding of existing 1989 bond issues and/or the
restructuring of 1989 into a 1999 bond issue for certain City improvements.
Manager McLemore explained some of the details of this issue.
Jim Lentz, Financial Advisor with the First Southwest Company spoke on the previous
bonds; refunding; debt service funds; reserve account funds; and refinancing issues.
Commissioner McLeod discussed his preference for moving forward with financing and
construction, and he felt that Park improvements should move forward. Commissioner
Blake agreed, and said "1 would like to see us move forward and get these things done -
and I would like to see us move forward on the five million dollar level. Money has
never been this cheap, and 1 don't think it's going to be this cheap again. And let's take
care of some of these projects that we've been putting off',
Commissioner McLeod then stated, "I'd like to make that a Motion". Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Mayor Partyka asked for a clarification of the
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January 11, 1999
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Commissioner McLeod stated - "To have the five million dollars proceeds which
then will go ahead and fund the projects that we have - 434 Beautification, the Town
Center Trail, Park Improvements, Urban Rehabilitation, Town Center Planning
and Design, Traffic Calming; and also to payoff the debt that we presently have".
Commissioner McLeod then added, "I just want to make sure that everybody also
knew what was included in that Motion. Definitely is included - that we move
forward quickly with financing and that we move on the construction, construction
documents right away - not to delay, and once we have the money available to us, to
delay - hoping that around the corner - we're going to get something better". Vote:
Commissioner Blake: Aye. Commissioner Martinez: Aye; Commissioner Gennell:
Aye; Commissioner McLeod: Aye; Commissioner Miller: Aye. Motion passes.
City Manager
C. Requesting the Commission to authorize the placement of the Fire Rescue
vehicle loan to the lowest and best bidder.
A spreadsheet on this Item was passed to each member of the Commission.
Commissioner Blake asked, "What is the fund balance in the transport account"?
Manager McLemore elaborated on the funding. There was further discussion on various
aspects of related financing issues.
Commissioner Blake asked, "I would like, as soon as possible, to receive the history of
that fund balance, and exactly what it has earned, since it's establishment". Further
"I would like to make a Motion that we use the proposal, or the low bidder, Gardner
Michael Capital Leasing, and purchase the vehicle under those terms 'for the Fire
and Rescue". Motion by Commissioner McLeod. Seconded by Commissioner
Gennell. Discussion.
Mayor Partyka asked, "Call the Vote to call the question". Vote: Commissioner Blake:
Aye; Commissioner Martinez: Nay; Commissioner Gennell: Nay; Commissioner
McLeod: Aye; Commissioner Miller: Nay. Motion dies. More discussion on this
Mayor Partyka asked, "Call the Vote". Vote: Commissioner Martinez: Aye;
Commissioner Gennell: Aye; Commissioner McLeod: Aye; Commissioner Miller:
Aye; Commissioner Blake: Aye. Motion passes.
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January 11, 1999
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A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
Attorney Guthrie read a letter from Bruce Blackwell regarding two pending matters
dealing with the Mikes suit and the GATX suit. Attorney Guthrie recommended that the
City Commission authorize the expenditure of up to $10,000 for expenses which might
be incurred for Attorney Blackwell. Discussion. Attorney Guthrie said "So, I'm
recommending his threshold of fees be raised by a total of - not to exceed ten thousand
"So Moved". Motion by Commissioner Blake. Seconded by Commissioner
Martinez. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: Aye; Commissioner McLeod:
Aye; Commissioner Miller: Aye; Commissioner Blake: Aye; Commissioner
Martinez: Aye. Motion passes.
B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
No Report.
C. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
Commissioner McLeod stated that he will be out of town for the Commission Workshop,
scheduled for January 18, 1999.
D. Commission Seat I - Robert S. Miller
Commissioner Miller stated that he will not be able to attend the Commission Workshop,
scheduled for January 13, 1999.
Commissioner Miller then spoke about the inappropriate behavior from a resident and
asked that the Mayor write a letter to this person regarding the behavior at tonight's
Tape 2/Side 2
Discussion. Mayor Partyka said that he would speak with Attorney Guthrie regarding
this matter. Attorney Guthrie stated, "You do get to control behavior, and frankly, the
discussion we just had could be a form of notice, and perhaps the individual, Mr. Scott,
should be put on notice so the nature of this discussion, as it appears in the minutes. And
ifhe attempts again, then, it's less likely that it will be infringing on his rights". Mayor
Partyka then added, "We will not allow any inappropriate behavior, whether it's up here
on the Commission Bench, or down on the floor. So we will - on record now, we'll make
sure that all of us here will act with courtesy and decorum. I will also notify Mr. Scott of
that very position. Thank you".
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January 11,1999
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E. Commission Seat II - Michael S. Blake
Commissioner Blake asked about the City's Building Code, and could the City adopt
more stringent codes, in addition to the adopted Southern Building Code. He added, "I'd
like to go on the record as stating, I'd like to have our code stated so that any multi-
family dwellings, or dwellings of this nursing care type of facilities, I'd like to see made
out of some kind of masonry product, for safety issues". Discussion. Commissioner
Blake added, "I'd be interested to know if anybody around Florida has made changes like
that to the Code, and if it might be possible for us to look into that". Discussion.
Commissioner Blake mentioned that the Disney Marathon was held over the weekend
and that a Winter Springs resident, Terry Back came in lS2nd. Commissioner Blake
asked that the Mayor issue a proclamation to him.
Commissioner Blake also mentioned that an Sth grade student from Indian Trails Middle
School was awarded the Tropicana Speech award. Commissioner Blake also asked that
this student be awarded a proclamation.
F. Commission Seat III - Ed Martinez, Jr.
Commissioner Martinez asked that the City Manager look into a Code Enforcement
complaint that he had received from a resident, and to solve the problem.
Commissioner Martinez stated that "I echo Commissioner Miller's statements, and I'm
going to set the record straight here because I think I'm getting fed up and tired of what is
happening here. For the last six' months I have been receiving letters challenging my
manhood, false and malicious affidavits filed against me, unruly remarks being thrown on
me from the floor, and today it culminated with rude and indecent acts by an individual
merely because I took the opportunity to clear up the record when his uninformed and
disrupting remarks were brought up, and I'm saying to you for the record, so everyone
can get a copy of it and read it and hear it".
"Every citizen here has a right to dissent, but dissent, doesn't mean you come here and
disrupt, and there is a group of people that are coming here every week and every issue
and every project that is brought up - they're objecting to it or remarking against us, or
making faces, and laughing on the floor - and I think this is a forum, where you come
here to discuss City business that affects the City of Winter Springs and it's citizens. It's
not for people to be mocking us up here. The mere fact that I ran for office, and got
elected as Commissioner, doesn't mean that I've got to sit up here and accept your abuse.
I'm here as an individual, and you want respect, well, you give me respect! It's a two
way street, and we have to respect each other; and until that happens, I am asking the
Mayor to do that letter and not only that, but to wam the individual that a second
occurrence will mean that he will be declared persona non gratis, and will not be
permitted in this forum anymore. And that can be done - it's been done in other City
Halls throughout the state. Thank you".
City Commission - Regular Meeting
January II, 1999
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G. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
Commissioner Gennell asked about having a Board Appreciation Dinner to honor the
City's Board Members. Discussion.
"I would like to make a Motion that this Commission direct the City 'Manager to
identify a date, in April or May sometime that is not in conflict with any meetings or
any of the Commissioners' schedules, and that we hold such a dinner to express our
appreciation to the Board Members, and perhaps as was done in the past, also give
them a token recognition for their service for that year". Motion by Commissioner
Gennell. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion. Commissioner Gennell
then said, "I'll amend my Motion to say no more than three thousand dolllars,
within the next three months".
Mayor Partyka said, "Call the Vote". Vote: Commissioner McLeod: Aye;
Commissioner Gennell: Aye; Commissioner Martinez: Aye; Commissioner Blake:
Aye; Commissioner Miller: Aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Blake added, "I would just like to add something to the Motion that
Commissioner Gennell made, 1 would like to include in those Board members, the most
recent individuals who served on the Commerce & Industry Development Board ".
Commissioner Gennell also asked that the Districting Commission Board Members be
H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka
No Report.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Margo M Pierce, CMC
City Clerk
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces
Interim City Clerk