HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1998 08 24 City Commission Regular Minutes
AUGUST 24, 1998
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Deputy Mayor
Cindy Gennell at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, absent
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Bob Guthrie, present
Robert S. Miller, present
Michael S. Blake, present
Ed Martinez, Jr., present
David McLeod, present
Deputy Mayor Gennell asked that the order of the Workshop items be changed and that
the Commission hear the Arbor Ordinance first.
Joseph Genova, 715 Adidas Rd., spoke regarding the Tuscawilla Lighting and
Beautification District and the manner it is set-up.
Jackie Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Cr. E., spoke regarding the Tuscawilla Lighting and
Beautification District' and asked that the process be slowed down until the true figures
are revealed.
Michael Kocak, 1438 Mt. Laurel Dr., spoke regarding the Tuscawilla lighting and
Beautification District and asked why there will be a bond.
Marian Mueller, 1300 Casa Park Cr., spoke regarding the Tuscawilla Lighting and
Beautification District and the manner it is proceeding. Ms. Mueller mentioned that
Commissioner Martinez is running for the Board of Directors of the Tuscawilla
Homeowners Association. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod asked the Attorney to
look into this situation with regards to a Commissioner serving on a Homeowners
Association Board of Directors.
Mike Byrd, 933 Wedgewood Dr., asked when would the residents receive the answers to
the questions that were asked at the special public meeting regarding the Tuscawilla
Lighting and Beautification District. Manager McLemore state that the answers should
be ready in two weeks.
Mr. Byrd also asked why the Code Enforcement officer is not enforcing the City Codes
regarding a lot in Tuscawilla.
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August 24. 1998
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Ellen Weiss, 1203 Winter Springs Blvd., also asked when the residents will get the
answers to the questions that were asked at the special public meeting held on August 6,
Gene Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Cr., E., asked about Resolution 854, regarding the Country
Club Village Lighting District.
Joanne Krebs, 1002 Taproot Dr., asked when the playground equipment would be
replaced in regards to handi-capped equipment. Ms. Krebs also mentioned that BellSouth
has asked her to place a mast in her tree for TV systems. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod asked that the playground equipment be brought to "the front
burner" before ballfields and/or tennis courts.
Commissioner Blake asked that Ms. Krebs give the City Manager the information she has
regarding the BellSouth TV systems and that the City Manager look into this.
Utility Department
A. Requesting the appearance of the Seminole county Director of Environmental
Services to respond to the City's offer to provide bulk potable water services:
Manager McLemore stated that the County's Director of Environmental Services will
come before the Commission at one of the meetings in September.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to table Regular Agenda Item A.
Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Miller: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
B. Requests the Commission to direct staff to prepare an application for Federal and
State grant-in-aid assistance for historic preservation activities:
Charles Carrington, Community Development Director, gave his presentation. Mr.
Carrington stated that there has been talk about a need for some preservation of historic
items that have been saved over the past 20-30 years. Mr. Carrington stated that he has
received a flyer from the State that grant monies are available this year to award monies
to municipalities for historic preservation. Mr. Carrington stated that he is requesting
direction and Commission approval, if appropriate, to submit a grant application in the
amount of $20,000 to hire a part-time professional, a curator type person to evaluate the
materials that have been collected over the years and categorize those historic materials
so that we can display them in cabinets in the lobby of City Hall. Mr. Carrington also
stated that the grant would also purchase four display cabinets.
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Mr. Carrington said this is a 50-50 grant, if we apply for the 25 thousand-dollar grant,
then the City would need to spend 10 thousand dollars in local contribution.
Discussion on this item. It was mentioned to have a notice in the City's newsletter for a
Manager McLemore said if a professional curator is used, it opens up the City, in the
future, for additional funds from the State to further develop the museum, but the State
desires to see that the foundation of this the development of some program or concept by
someone who specializes in this area. Manager McLemore said in dealing with this
situation in the past, the fees of a curator is very minimal.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to authorize the City Manager to file for
the grant and in doing so (if it can be done) use only 5-10 thousand dollars, then the
City would modify the application. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Discussion.
Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: nay; Commissioner Miller: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
C. Requests the Commission to pass a Resolution committing the City to preservation of
archaeological and historic sites within the Town Center area and preparation of a
plan amendment to the Comprehensive Plan:
Mr. Carrington gave his presentation. Mr. Carrington stated that items C and D are both
resolutions dealing with the same matter and are separate issues. One deals with
archaeological and historical sites and the other deals with storm drainage - the SWIM
Discussion on both items C and D.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to table Items C and D until after the
Reports. Seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Martinez: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher
Attorney Guthrie reported on the status of the Battle Ridge issue.
Attorney Guthrie gave an up-date on the lawsuit of Partyka vs. the Commission.
Attorney Guthrie also gave an up-date on the lP.A. issue between the City, Oviedo and
the County. Attorney Guthrie stated that he will be attending the County meeting
tomorrow as under the County Manager's briefing is the Oviedo Joint Planning
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August 24. 1998
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B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
Manager McLemore discussed with the Commission their trip to Tallahassee on
C. Commission Seat II - Michael S. Blake:
Commissioner Blake asked about the roadway collapsing on Saranac Drive. Kip
Lockcuff, Public WorkslUtility Director, stated that the underdrain is collapsing and it
will be addressed in the new fiscal year budget.
Commissioner Blake asked about the fireworks. It was stated that they did not authorize
to have the fireworks rescheduled.
D. Commission Seat III - Ed Martinez. Jr..
Commissioner Martinez again mentioned that the East Central Florida Regional Planning
Council is reducing their membership and that the City will most likely be removed.
Commissioner Martinez mentioned the Mayor's memo regarding the lP.A. and meeting
with Chairman Dallari from the City of Oviedo.
Commissioner Martinez mentioned a letter he received from George Livingston with
regards to drive through traffic in the Seville Chase subdivision.
E. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell mentioned a letter she received from the HomeBuilders
Association regarding signs for a special event they are having. Commissioner Gennell
also mentioned having directional signs on S.R. 434 for new homes.
Commissioner Gennell asked the Commission to think about giving the City Manager
precedence to speak when the Commission is discussing an item, as he may have
information relative to what the Commission is discussing and could save time.
Commissioner Gennell also asked the Commission to think about limiting the Public
Input portion of the meeting to 30 minutes. Discussion. The Commission was not in favor
of limiting the time.
Commissioner McLeod stated that he would like to see the "rules" for Public Input put on
the agenda.
F. Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod spoke about the lights for the City Manager to speak.
Commissioner McLeod also asked about the 17/92 Committee he was appointed to and
stated that he has not heard from them to attend any meetings.
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Commissioner McLeod asked about the paving of Moss Road and mentioned that the
public should be notified.
Commissioner McLeod asked if the public was notified when they would have to hook-
up to the City's water and sewer system and that there should be public hearings to notify
the public.
Commissioner McLeod stated that he has talked to a resident regarding the hook-up and
price and asked the City Manager to talk to the resident and report back at the next
G. Commission Seat I - Robert S. Miller:
Commissioner Miller asked when will the Commission review the Code Enforcement
portion of the City Code.
Commissioner miller asked about traffic calming and would like to see something on this
at the next meeting.
Manager McLemore stated that he will be bringing before the Commission a project list
and said the Commission will need to prioritize the projects.
Commissioner Miller also asked about gated communities on the West side of town.
Commissioner Miller asked about addressing issues along S.R. 434 and asked the City
Manger to give the Commission information on that and also what are the plans for S.R.
434 on the West side of town.
Deputy Mayor Gennell called a recess at 9:30 p.m. Deputy Mayor Gennell reconvened
the meeting at 9:50 p.m.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Resolution No. 863. Seconded
by Commissioner miller. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Martinez: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye.
Motion passes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Resolution No. 864. Seconded
by Commissioner Martinez. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Miller: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Martinez: aye.
Motion passes.
Commissioner Gennell adjourned the Regular meeting at 10: 14 p.m.
A. Discussion of the Arbor Ordinance.
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B. Discussion of the FloodPlain Ordinance.
C. Discussion of the East Side Reclaimed Water Master Plan.
The Commission did not hear Items A and B. Items A and B will be heard at a future
D. Discussion of the East Side Reclaimed Water Master Plan:
Terry Zaudtke, consulting engineer, reviewed the East Side Reclaimed Water Master
Plan with the Commission.
The Commissioner reviewed the recommendations. Changes made were: #C - revise to
state "install meters"; #E - Add "property owners"; #J - take out aquifer storage
The Commission asked the City Manger to bring back more information.
The workshop adjourned at 11 :38 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk