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April 10, 19.99.
Mayor and Members of the City Commission:
One. of my cam.paign. i.ssu.cs. was. to. attempt an.d rn.end the. tift di.vi.di.ng ~ an.d w.est wi.thbJ. O\i( city.
This was something that I objected to since we are one city that today is made up of over 29,000
However and from a document faxed to all of us recently, it is obvious that the divisive mentality persists
and I am wging tllis. Adn,1jJ;tjs~tiol1 to do cverytlting wit1ll.n its, P9we~ to enligh.ten tl195e with.i,n, QW rn.i~
who persist in pursuingthis line of reasoning as to the truth.
l'us),cawi.lla ~ld. i.ts. resj,~n.ts. we not yow: enemies. no~ have I pe(S~ma.U'y ever h~d wo~4s,l,lJtered by ~(,)pl.e
there to the effect that they are better, richer and more powerful than our neighbors to the west. 1bis is a
notion perceived beca.use of the rumOJ mongerers and the few inciters, who. <u.e co.nti,nuoJ.l.S.ly attern.ptitlg to.
create detraction from the goals being pursued by this present administration.
Thi.s. bJ.l.Si.nes,s, of th.e City being di.vided i.u two disti.uct parts, is. unfounded <md wi.fuout em.piIical evidence to
support it
lJw resi.den.ts. Qf th.e ~t si.de have never, ever hWted to Uw present ~s~ti.on tllat tl1.e ~g of
commercial vehi~les ~rdinance be enforced on the w~st side. The newly revi~ or~~ ~ing
con.templated came aQput as. the result of complaints from residents. of the wes,t slde.
If a survey were taken of all residents on tlle west side one would learn first hand that a majority of the
residents, tllere Sllpport the OI:din.ance in question, The problem, exists when. ~ple coI:1lpla.W. bllt do not
wish to f~~ public exposun~.
The other poignant issue is that of the beautification taxing district in Tusl<a.willa. Some have led s.ome of
the people to believe that the City of Winter Springs will be spending tax dollars in this proJect.
This ta.xin.g dis1l:i.ct luls bgen conceived through a duly approved. ord.inan.~. It S41tcs. vel)' clearly that tIw
people of Tuskawilla approved by a majority votc to tax themselves on a montll.ly basis in order to
preserve the aest,hetics. an~I the val.ues of tIleir vested rights in. their cOIlll1J.unity. Th~ are homw owners
paying out of pocket money to maintain tIlC quality of life and lhe traditional values of their conmmnity,
Anyone within ow City ~.n. organize and execute equally. Don't criticize EUld join the effort,s of others at
making this; our City the most desired in Seminole County.
Let us be intelligent enough to. know the sources of the divisiye rhetoric that is poisoning the minds of our
citizens and work together to help the administration reach the goals and objectives planned for our City,
Th~ East goes as the west goes and vice versa, If either side is permitted todecay it automatically will
cause the other side to decay. It has happencd n otIler cities. Please do not fall in the trap of tile
obStructiol\ists an.d lets ""or1\ together for a better and su:onger City.
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Council of Loc3.1 Governments in Seminole County
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April 8, 1999
The Honorable Daniel Webster
Florida Senate
316 SOB
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Dear Senator Webster:
Please be advised that the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County at its meeting April
7, 1999 has taken action to advise you to defeat HB 1453/SB 2176 (Video Lottery Gambling at
Parimutuels ).
The concerns expressed have to do with the related unnecessary increase in gambling in Florida, and
its negative impact on people and local governments. In short, unless drastically altered, we believe
this to be bad legislation and bad public policy.
Thank you for your interest and consideration.
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Cindy Gennell, Chairperson
Council of Loca~ Governments in Seminole County
cc: Members of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole Counly
Seminole County Chairman of Board of County Commissioners & County Manager
City of Altamonte Springs Mayor & City Manager
City of Casselberry Mayor & City Manager
City of Lake Mary Mayor & City Manager
City of Longwood Mayor & City Manager
City of Oviedo Mayor & City Manager
City of Sanford Mayor & City Manager
City of Winter Springs Mayor & City Manager
Tri-County League of Cities President & Executive Director
Eddi< KOS<
LlndJ C HJn
Cindy Gcnnc:il. ChJH1'cr'Son
GJry 9r<,,<1<,
Ron S.jr~-::11
Tonl HJ~ood. Jr
OrJdy Lc::~s:J.rd
DJr..l \i(LJln
D.Jn< SJu<,
Dr ~lc::?hc:n C.::ldwdl \Vnght. l)h D