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Commissioner Ed Martinez
931 Old White Way
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dear Mr. Martinez;
I apologize for taking up your time with this letter but feel I have no choice but to advise you of how I,
and many of my neighbors, feel about proposed changes to the city codes.
I have lived in Winter Springs for 13 years, the last 3 ofthese at 224 Shore Road. I am writing to you
regarding proposed changes to city code Section 20-431 which, if approved, will cause hardship and great
inconvenience to residents of the city, in addition to discriminating against the working class population.
I feel the code referenced above is already too restrictive regarding trucks with a one + ton capacity, and
dual rear-wheeled trucks. Regarding proposed changes, as I understand them, they include the following:
Restricting van-type bodies regardless of rated capacity.
Vehicles equipped and intended for commercial use.
Vehicles designed to support equipment (such as racks to support ladders or materials).
Vehicles with commercial lettering and signs.
There are many vehicles on the market today that exceed the capacities referred to; many of them have
higher value and look better than the lessor ones, and I think the restrictions should be amended to allow
Vehicles equipped and intended for commercial use should not be the concern of anyone until they
become significantly detrimental to their surroundings. I understand not wanting boom trucks, flatbeds,
tractors, etc. in a residential area, but there are many vehicles equipped for commercial use that are not
offensive to the eye whatsoever.
Vehicles with signs are often more presentable than some of the old, unpainted, damaged wrecks driven
for personal use. Not often do I see dirty, unkempt vans and trucks with signage, I suppose it wouldn't
be good for business, and perhaps they are maintained by business' who have more funds available to do
I feel restricting them from my residential area is highly discriminatory and should not be allowed.
The proposed codes will incur severe hardship to those who own work vehicles. Where is one supposed
to keep their truck full of tools, supplies, etc.? Do they pay to keep it at a storage facility? Do they
. require a guarded facility to protect their vehicle and its contents from vandalism and theft? Will they
have to purchase alternate transportation to get them back and forth to the storage facility (an additional
car payment, insurance, tag, etc.)? Do those who offer "emergency service" after hours (plumbers,
electricians, NC repairmen, carpet extractors, etc.) lose income and/or possibly their jobs because they
can't get to the company vehicle after the storage facility closes, or because accessing the vehicle
becomes too time consuming? The list of hardships goes on and on.
I know two of the gentlemen who are "squeaky wheels" in favor of banning commercial vehicles from my
neighborhood. I also know they are a non-working minority, they sit at home and pick their neighbors
apart for not suiting their personal prerequisite of what type neighbor they'd prefer. They want the
community we live in to be something that it is not, they want it highly restrictive, they are unreasonable,
they are petty. I sincerely hope that the city is aware that people like these exist and do not give in to their
demands simply because they have the time to be so demanding. The rest of us are becoming greatly
distressed at having our backs up against a wall and do not want to see it get out of hand, which is what
will happen if the codes are changed. Changing these codes, if you haven't guessed already, will affect
me and my husband's clean., tagged, insured, 1993 white van with no signage but with the dreaded ladder
racks on top and carpentry tools inside dramatically, both financially and emotionally. I have yet to be
sited for my 1998 Dodge Durango, but it's an SUV, maybe it'll be next...
I do not live in a high income, predominantly "white collar" community, with gated entrances and the
financially elite for neighbors. I did not buy a home here expecting that it was. I would not have bought
my house if these restrictions had been in place at that time. If there are resident's desiring such
communities, instead of trying to change the codes here to make them increasingly restrictive, perhaps
they should seek housing in areas where such restrictions are already in place. I live in a middle class
neighborhood with people who work for a living, take care of their homes, and offer no threat to my
safety. I think they should be able to keep their trucks and vans in their driveway if they choose. I think
the suggestion that they cannot is discriminative and absurd.
I hope, if you haven't done so already, you will drive around our streets and see how many people will be
affected by the proposed changes. I also hope you will notice how many responsible citizens with well
maintained properties happen to have a van or truck parked in their driveway.
I thank you sincerely for reading this letter and giving the matter your consideration.
Sandra Koelble
P.S. There is a plumber who's house I pass every day; the house is kept in good repair, the lawn and
landscaping are always maintained, and the van has a roof-rack with PVC pipes on it. Why should he be
penalized for having a van parked in the driveway when the rest of the home is visually appealing, an
obviously cared for property? The van is nothing of an eyesore, it's simply a clean, tagged, operational
vehicle belonging to a person who works for a living as a plumber. I do not feel it is just to penalize and
cause hardship to an individual based solely on their occupation, which is what the proposed codes imply.
These are neighborhoods we live in, after all (and they're not called Metro West or Heathrow). When I
had a plumbing leak on a Saturday I called the plumber around the comer; he was at my house in 15
minutes, saved my carpet, gave me a deal (a neighborly thing to do), and I in turn have referred several
customers to him. Maybe Winter Springs would be a better community if people were a little more
Reed Hunt
220 Bitterwood Street
Winter Springs, FI. 32708
Dear Commissioner Martinez:
It has been brought to my attention that their is currently a new code being
considered for adoption into the city concerning a stronger restriction of vehicles that a
resident could park at their home. I believe this new code would be Section 20-432.
I have read the proposed Section 20-432 and I strongly oppose it.
I understand that their is currently a code Section 20-431 that already addresses
the limiting of some commercial vehicles that are over 1 ton GVW or have dual wheels
and trailers over 12 feet in length. / believe the current code is quite adequate.
I live in a neighborhood, going on 14 years now, that includes several families
whose husbands work in the construction or service field, including myself. We rely on
our vehicles for our livelihood. Probably half the people on Bitterwood Street have a
company pick-up truck or service van parked in their driveway each night. I've been here
14 years and have heard no complaints about these vehicles. The owners of these vehicles
keep them clean, very presentable, and safe. Remember these vehicles help represent the
image of the particular service that this person provides to their customer. Not being able
to park your own pick-up truck or van at your home in the evening would create an
unbearable hardship on these families. In my particular case I guess I would have to:
A. Rent a space somewhere to park my pick-up truck at night.
B. Have to purchase some kind of affordable beater car so I could drive from my
pickup truck to my home in the evening. Leaving the old beater car out in the
driveway instead of my newly painted pick-up truck
B. Have to increase my fees to my customers so as to be able to afford to pay for
the rental space and another vehicle. Probably losing business due to the increase
costs to my longtime customers.
I believe the authority to determine what type of vehicles can be allowed to park in
front of one's own home should lie with either that homeowner or what is determined by
the Homeowner's Association covenants in that particular subdivision. Please leave the
power to determine who parks what where with the people at the grass roots level. In that
particular neighborhood's Homeowner's Association. That would at least give each
person a choice of where he wants to live in Winter Springs or fthe wants to live in
Winter Springs.
L~ Hunt
220 Bitterwood Street
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