HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1998 07 06 City Commission Special Minutes
JULY 6,1998
The Special Meeting of July 6, 1998, was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:34 p.m.
in the Commission Chambers.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Robert Guthrie, present (6:43 p.m.)
Robert S. Miller, present
Michael S. Blake, present
Edward Martinez, Jr., present
David McLeod, present
Mayor Partyka called a moment of silence and special prayer, especially for all ofthe firemen, the
volunteers, and for all the people who helped take care of the recent fires.
There was discussion about the following Agenda Items and whether to hold Agenda Item II or III
first. After some discussion, it was decided that since Counsel and the Court Reporter were already
here, and with the concern of fees to be paid for their time, the Commission felt that they should
handle the Executive Session first.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka read the "Notice of Executive Session", and said for the record, "I will not
be attending this session".
Attorney Robert Guthrie arrived at 6:43 p.m.
The Executive Session then convened in the Conference Room.
The public meeting was called back to order at 7:51 p.m., with the conclusion of the Executive
Attorney Guthrie explained that the Executive Session concluded at approximately 7:47 p.m., and
that he was recommending an additional Executive Session - to be scheduled for July 13, 1998. It
should begin at 5 :30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Attorney Guthrie then
explained who would be in attendance, the expected length of the session, and other particulars
dealing with this meeting.
Attorney Guthrie then left the meeting.
Attorney Guthrie announced whom would be attending this meeting, and other related details.
Special Meeting City Commission
July 6. 1998
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City Manager Ronald McLemore read for the record, a letter of transmittal (see attached) which
accompanied the "City of Winter Springs FY 1998-l999 Preliminary Budget" that was distributed
at this meeting.
Manager McLemore said that tonight's meeting would be an overview of the proposed budget, and
that more detailed discussions would take place at the upcoming scheduled budget workshops.
The first point that Manager McLemore made was that he was recommending a change in the
millage rate - from 3.6 to 3.5495 mils, and he briefly explained three proposed millage alternatives
that the Commission may want to consider.
There were further comments from Manager McLemore regarding the numbers for the new Town
Center which are being evaluated right now; Capital improvement costs; reimbursements from the
COPS grant; and required Commission authorization for recent personnel adjustments.
Manager McLemore then pointed out some changes in personnel, and the spoke of the probability
ofre-bidding he Health Insurance contract, as prices are most likely to increase. Regarding page A-5
(Merit Pay and Other Compensation) of the "City of Winter Springs FY 1998-1999 Preliminary
Budget", Manager McLemore spoke in depth about general salary changes, along with an extra merit
increase. He explained that "This would be a one time situation. The reason relates back to the
Cody study, and it relates to the issue that our employees, particularly in Police and Fire, are
continuously raising with us; that because we do every two years, increase our ranges, of people that
have been here; and this keeps forcing people with some time, up against the beginning ofthe range,
so therefore - a person that's been here five or ten years, is making virtually the same money as a
new person". He further explained that this "salary compression problem" will always occur with
a non-stepped pay scale, such as this; and that many governments offer an extra merit increase to
those employees with five or more years of service.
Manager McLemore further spoke of a proposed sick-leave adjustment; potential contributions to
the City's Retirement Plan; personnel costs; and new operating costs.
On page A-8, Manager McLemore mentioned that the reference in the second paragraph, to ".. .pages
C54-C60..." - this should really be noted as ".. .pages B54-B60.. .".
Special Meeting City Commission
July 6. 1998
Page 3
Manager McLemore next discussed the fiscal strength of the City. He said "I want you to pay
particular attention to the difference between your projected year end in FN 99, or the budget before
you. Because, what we are saying here, is you're starting off the year with a projected $9,800,000
dollars in revenues; expenditures of $9,800,000; a beginning fund balance of almost $2.9 million
dollars, and a fund balance that which simply means - in your FN 99, we've reached the goal I set
three years ago, of not having to go into fund balance to operate during the year - and that's an
extremely important point, for me, in terms of the management direction that we set". Manager
McLemore further said that he did not see any reason to use the fund balance for any capital outlay
or operating expenses.
Mayor Partyka spoke of some changes to the numbers that should be taken care of on page A -l 0,
and Manager McLemore said that it had been noted.
Manager McLemore briefly discussed Base Line and Enterprise funds.
The graphs in this section of the "City of Winter Springs FY 1998-1999 Preliminary Budget" were
briefly discussed. Mr. Harry Martin, Finance Director clarified that the graphs should be read
starting at twelve 0' clock, and go clockwise.
There was discussion on the adjustment of salary and merit raises, and the current closeness of
salaries between some new employees and some employees with five or ten years of service.
Manager McLemore was asked about this same situation happening with other cities, and he
explained that this is standard problem with a pay plan of this type. There was further discussion
on this subj ect.
The sick leave purchase proposal as a potential employee incentive was next briefly discussed.
On page A-l4, it was noted that the "Ending Year Fund Balance" (under the "Adopted Budget FY
98" column) should be $1,941,394 instead of$1,914,394.
There was other brief discussion about the costs for the proposed swimming pool (complex), and ad
valorem taxes.
Manager McLemore mentioned that at the next Special Meeting, that there would be a brief
discussion with Bruce Blackwell, as previously noted.
Special Meeting City Commission
July 6. 1998
Mayor Partyka adjourned the Special Meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Andrea Lorenzo- Luaces
Deputy City Clerk
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