HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 09 25 Regular
September 15, 1995
To: John Govoruhk, City Manager fib //
Thru: John Ketteringham. General Services Directo1'
From: Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist~
Re: Agenda Item, Commission Meeting September 25, 1995
Seminole Batting Range, Commission Review
This item is to follow the Commission's request that they review all projects along SR 434 that
come before the Site Plan Review Board.
This particular project is for the addition of a go cart track at the existing batting cage located at
the intersection of SR 434 and Belle Avenue. The Site Plan Review Board recommended
approval of this project provided that there are no objections from the Commission.
Attached are the minutes of the Site Plan Review Board, Staff comments and the Site Plan
referencing this project.
cc: Mayor
City Attorney
City Clerk
September 11, 1995
City Manager
General Services Director
Staff .... ..
Land Management SPecialistif)
Site Plan Review Board
Seminole Batting Range
The above referenced Board convened on September 5, 1995. L. Mallo, S. Mallo and B. Bonyadi
represented the project. Staff members present were Grimms, Houck, Jenkins, Ketteringham,
Lallathin, LeBlanc, Lockcuff and Sexton.
This is a proposal to add a Go Kart track at the existing batting cage located at the intersection of
SR 434 and Belle Avenue. Attached are comments received by Staff members.
Some of the comments offered during this meeting:
1) the fence surrounding the track should be eight (8) feet in height;
2) there will be a nine (9) inch barrier around the outer and inner perimeter of the track;
3) four (4) trees will have to be removed and the developer will replace these with two (2)
4) hours of operation will be from 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
5) six (6) cars will be allowed on the track at anyone time - top speed eighteen (18) MPH;
6) existing sign may be modified to advertise the track;
7 the cars will be stored within the enclosed batting cage at night;
8)~repairs to be done on premises; }1I!101C f<~fJ/1I~5
estimated attendance - 10 to 12 per hour;
10) there will be no fuel storage or hazardous material on site - all supplies to be obtained
from the existing convenience store and gas pumps already on site; and,
11) a manufacture's representative will be on site to brief the developer on the proper
operation of the facility.
Motion by Lockcuffto approve provided there is no objection from the Commission. Seconded
by Grimms. All voted aye.
September 5, 1995
From: Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
Re: Seminole Batting Range
The following comments are noted:
~ Fence should be at least eight (8) feet in height totally enclosing the track;
2) what type protection is there around the inner and outer track to prevent the cars from
going off the track or entering the opposite lane;
3) it appears that this will cause three (3) specimen trees to be removed - any
replacements; q9tl\
4) what are hours of operation; - \ D "tc\ c.~
5) how many cars allowed on track at a time; -- to
6) what is top speed of cars; .- \ ~ tr\Pt/
7) any signage; and, -
8) anticipated usage. _
September 5, 1995
Telephone (407) 327.2669
Fax (407) 327-0942
TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
Kipton Lockcuff, P.E., Utility Director / j/V
RE: Seminole Batting Range
I have no objection to the proposed site plan submitted for Seminole Batting Range.
1126 STATE ROAD 434
Telephone (407) 327-1800
September 5, 1995
Byron Bonyadi, Architect
100 SR-419
Winter Springs
FL 32708
RE: Seminole Batting Range - Proposed Addition of Go-Cart Track.
Dear Mr. Bonyadi~
The site plan and stormwater calculatioI)s were received August
22, 1995 and reviewed. There were no deficiencies noted during
review except there needs to be a note added to the site plan that
states i'the distance to" and "the elevation of" the nearest 100-
year flbod zone,' even' though this site is ~ot in a flood zone.
This can be added to the "as-built" plans.
Upon completion of the work, pleas.e, provide a set of "as-
built" site plans, a "letter of certification" (format letter
available from the Engineering Department) and $300.00 for an "as-
built"-. inspection fee.
If you have any questions please call 327-8397.
Thank you.
Mark L. Jenkins, P.E..
City Engineer
cc: City Manager
utility Director
Land Management Specialist
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Community Development
Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
Thomas Grimms, AICP community Development coordinat~
September 1, 1995
Seminole Batting Range
There are three (3) buildings shown on the plans for the
addition of a go-cart track, not two (2).
* Total square footage of three (3) buildings is
approximately 1,700 square feet.
* Sec. 9-277 "Off-street parking requirements:
(27) "General business and retail commercial" indicates
one space for each three hundred (300) square feet of
floor space in the building exclusive of storage space.
Therefore: 5.6 i.e. 6 spaces required, per
Sec. 9-278(9).
* Recommend lighting of the parking area. Nearest Light
pole is 100 feet away at southeast corner of batting
* A few more trees along Bell Ave. between sidewalk and
parking would improve aesthetics.
* NOTE: The City of Casselberry has applied for ISTEA
grant to install a Bike/Pedestrian Trail on Bell Ave.
Developer may wish to contact that city to coordinate
surface improvements along that portion of Bell Ave.
~", .,
TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
FROM: Charles Sexton, Chief of Police
DATE: August 31, 1995
SUBJ: Seminole Batting Range
I have received the memo and inspected the plans for
Seminole Batting Range proposed kart track. The only question that
I have is:
1.) The center and outside track have rubber cushion guard shown
will these keep the karts from jumping track.
J -t
4'1 ~el~\l~ H "
~ ~ Charles Sexton
) Chief of Police
Don LeBlanc, Land Management Speciatist
Don Houck, Buildit1g Official Qw~
Seminole Batting RaDge
August 30, 1995
After reviewing the plan the fonowing are questions or concerns that need to be
addressed: ~ ' ,\roo '3~
<;V~~ ~o1A. ~tt-""--
1. Will go carts be provided? If so, where wiIl1hey be stored and repaired?-
2. What is the es1imated hourly attendance of the batting range and go cart In nefl- ~
1raCk combined? - "t. r
3. Win people bring their own go carts to the 1raCk? If so, where will they t ~
park if they have a trailer? fJ~
4. Is there a separate male and female restroom at the site? Y ~ l:;
5. Are there any Sl Johns or D.E.R. regulations involved? - ~!J
TELEPHONE (407) 327-2332
To: Donald LeBlanc, Land Management SP~Ci~alist _ .
From: Timothy J. Lallathin, Fire Chief 1\ ':-.,~_
~ 7 ' v--
Date: August 29, 1995
Subject: Preliminaryi\Aeeting, Seminole Batting Range
The Fire Department has reviewed the ab~v~ referenced plans for th~ addition of a Go
Kart Track. The following geqeral cOf'l1msl[ltsrare offered referenced tg this site plan.
- c... ...e...-
o -J" t!"~\..",,,,~
1. There is no i7~icated stora~e or. m,.\",nan~. facility for the go karls. ~:!Iieb .~
2. How will fuel storage and hazardou~waste~be handled at t~r facility ~ 4v.if fl:1O\t
3. What type of go karts will be utilized,Le. family type, or fast type go karts. V1~ ~ va,..~
4. How will the eXisting parking h13n~le the impact of this additi~. ~~\\~ ~
5. Is built in safety concerns being incorporated in the track de::;ign. ~ ~ t
\. \ . . ~t!,>
De?l.e't\1e~~\1~tll- Il- .
September 15, 1995
To: John Govoruhk, City MJinage~
Thru: John Ketteringham, General Services Director
From: Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
Re: Agenda Item, Commission Meeting September 25, 1995
Board of Adjustment Recommendation on Variance Request
266 Morton Lane
This item is to consider the Board of Adjustment recommendation on a variance request for that
property located at 266 Morton Lane.
The Board, at their meeting of September 7, 1995, recommended that the applicant be granted a
variance which will allow the side yard requirement be less than ten (10) feet.
Attached for your review is the package sent to the Board, a vicinity map and the unofficial
minutes of the Board meeting.
cc: Mayor
City Attorney
City Clerk
August 22, 1995
Board of Adjustment
Don LeBlanc, Land Management SPeciaJi~
Re: Board of Adjustment Meeting
September 6, 1995
Variance Request
The applicants, Ramon L. and Sharon P. Jondro, have made request for a variance to the sideyard
requirements as outlined in Section 20-166(3) which reads:
Side yards. Side yards shall be provided on each side of every dwelling structure of
not less than seven and one-half(7 1/2) feet in R-IA Single-Family Dwelling Districts,
and ten (10) feet in R -1 AA, including utility easements.
All property owners within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the subject property have been notified
by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested.
Attached is a plat of the property being considered (eastern portion of Lot 4, Block N, North
Orlando Ranches Section 7, Plat Book 13, Page 3, Public Records of Seminole County). This
property was platted in 1959 under the guidelines of Seminole County. The property is zoned
R-1AA (One-Family Dwelling District). The address of this property is 266 Morton Lane.
Also attached for your review is Ordinance No. 577, enacted February 13, 1995. This Ordinance,
in effect, states that the Board of Adjustment is now a recommending body to the City
Commission for any action rendered under Sections 20-76 through 20-84,
The meeting is scheduled to commence at 7:00 P.M., Thursday, September 7, 1995.
(. '
I. )
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has deemed it in
the best interest of the public's health, safety, and general welfare, that variances and special
exceptions only be granted upon authority of the City Commission.
SECTION I. Sections 20-76 through 20-84 shall be amended to provide that the
decisions of the Board of Adjustment, pursuant to section 20-82, shall be recommendations to the
Winter Springs City Commission. The City Commission for the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
shall be the final authority for granting or denying any request for a variance or special exception
or any other request pursuant to Section 20-82.
SECTION II. CONFLICTS. All Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any
of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION III. SEVERABILITY. If any Section or portion of a Section of this
Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or
impair the validity, force, or effect of any other Section or part of this Resolution.
SECTION IV. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately
upon its passage and adoption.
W 0
PASSED AND ADOPTED this ..LJ..::dayof p~~ ' 1995.
First Reading January 9, 1995
Posted Janaury 13, 1995
Second. Reading and Public Hearing
February 13, 1995
1. Call to Order:
Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Greene.
James Greene, Chairperson, Present
Frank Adams, Present
Al Becker, Present
Elizabeth Harrow, Absent
Greg Smith, Absent
Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
2. Consideration of the January 5. 1995 Meeting Minutes:
Mr. Adams moved to except the January 5, 1995 meeting minutes as presented. Seconded
by Mr. Becker. Vote: All aye; motion carried.
3. Request of John D. and Linda D. Stibich for a variance to Section 6-219(a) to allow a
swimmine: pool (water's ede:e) to be closer than ten (10) feet from the rear propertv line
and ten and one-half (10-l/2) feet from the side propertv line. The prooertv is zoned
Planned Unit Development and is located at 625 Clearn Court.
Chairperson Greene said the Board members should have received notice with the agenda
regarding ordinance number 577. Ordinance 577 states that the Board of Adjustment is now a
recommending body as opposed to a granting body.
Mr. LeBlanc explained to the Board that this only pertains to the second case on the agenda
(Jondro), that has to do with Chapter 20. The first case (Stibich) has to do with Chapter 6.
Chairperson Greene said the pool was constructed back in 1978, and currently the people are
trying to clear the property for sale.
Mr. LeBlanc said that is when they discovered the pool was in the easement, and did not satisfy
the setback requirements. The Commission has vacated the southerly eight (8) feet of that
easement, so there is only a seven (7) foot easement. According to the plat the waters edge is
7-1/4 inches from the rear property line, which is satisfactory.
He said he was not sure of the measurements for the waters edge on the side yard property, and
he put that in, in the event that it does not figure out the side yard requirements for this particular
subdivision. The subdivision has a 7-1/2 foot side yard setback, and the Code states it has to be
Board of Adjustment
Meeting Minutes - September 7,1995
Page 2
the side yard requirement plus three (3) feet. So the extra is put there just to insure that the pool
meets all the requirements for future sale, or whatever the case may be.
Chairperson Greene asked if it was permitted, and if anyone objected to it? Mr. LeBlanc said
he gave the Board a copy of the permit. Certified letters were mailed out, and no comments
were received as a result.
Chairperson Greene asked if there was anyone present to speak against granting of the variance?
No response given.
Mr. Becker moved that the variance be granted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Vote: All aye;
motion carried.
4. Reauest of Raman L. and Sharon P. Jondro for a variance to Section 20-166 (3) to allow
the side vard setback to be less than ten (10) feet from the side orooertv line. The
property is zoned R-lAA (One-Family Dwelline District) and is located at 266 Morton
Mr. LeBlanc explained that Mr. Jondro is in the process of attempting to sell lot 3 and possibly
the house on lot 4. To insure that there is no variance required for lot 3, the variance is for lot 4.
It appears the house is about 3 to 8 feet from the side property line, and that is the reason a
variance is being sought.
Chairperson Greene, for clarification asked that when the house and property was purchased, it
was a house built on a lot and a half, and he is now seeking to sell off lot 3 ?
Mr. LeBlanc said that is correct, with the possibility of selling lot 3 and lot 4.
Chairperson Greene asked if he was looking at the possibility of splitting the two and selling as
two parcels?
Mr. LeBlanc said that was correct.
Chairperson Greene asked that since he owns part of lot 4, could he also have cut off part of lot
3 to add to that parcel or is the other alternative easier?
Mr. LeBlanc explained that if you cut offlot 3, you would have a lot split, and it would have to
be two equal size lots. The smallest lot would have to be ten-thousand (10,000) square feet and
eighty (80) feet or ninety (90) feet wide.
Board of Adjustment
Meeting Minutes - September 7, 1995
Page 3
Chairperson Greene asked if he is then seeking a variance in order to sell a piece of property
with a house on it that is closer than the required setback? Mr. LeBlanc said that was correct.
Chairperson Greene, looking at the plat, said the area in the front looks to be a garage slab, but
actually it is the comer of the house, and that requires the ten (10) foot setback?
Mr. LeBlanc said that is correct.
Mr. Adams asked if both lots 3 and 4 were considered one lot at the time it was purchased?
Was there concern at that time of construction of the house that a property line ran through there?
Mr. LeBlanc said no, because the person owned both lots, and he was using half of lot 4 and all
oflot 3.
Mr. Adams said there must be some alternative. If the variance is not granted what size would
lot 3 be reduced to?
Mr. LeBlanc said the issue is not lot 3, lot 3 is all right. The issue is the setback on lot 4 where
the house was when he purchased it.
Discussion regarding lot splitting and minimum lot size requirements for R-lAA zoning.
Mr. LeBlanc said at the present time Mr. Jondro is attempting to sell lot 3 in its entirety. Mr.
Jondro is disabled, and there is a possibility he may have to sell the residence on lot 4. When he
came to see me, I said lot 3 is all right as it stands, somebody can build on it, but lot 4 is where
the problem is. In case you do have to sell your residence, let us proceed for a variance for the
side yard setback.
Chairperson Greene asked if he would have the same problem we just had with the swimming
pool if he tried to sell lot 4?
Mr. LeBlanc answered yes.
Mr. Adams, for clarification, asked that the only alternative then is to grant a variance for lot 4,
or the property could not be sold or split?
Mr. LeBlanc said lot 3 could be split, but it does not answer the question. If you have somebody
that purchases right next to lot 4 , (that half of lot 3) and then he wants to sell his residence on lot
4, the problem still exists that he still has less than ten feet, and will continue to be a problem later
Board of Adjustment
Meeting Minutes - September 7, 1995
Page 4
Chairperson Greene asked if there is anyone present to speak for or against this? None
appearing, and if there are no further questions, I'll except a motion.
Shirley Johnson Jenkins - 265 Morton Lane, Winter Springs said that for such a long time they
have enjoyed such a large area in reference to the acreage. At this point, it seems to bring it down
some and houses start getting a little closer together. That is not really so much a problem if the
neighbor next door were to buy it (and the people here, the Dunns asked me to come as an
interested party). I thought if they were to buy it themselves, it would all stay together because
they would be interested in keeping the acreage as opposed to splitting the lots.
Mr. Raman Jondro said his intention on the lot is to keep it the same size. I don't want to split
it because it would spoil (like Mrs. Johnson said) the ambiance of the whole place. My concern is
that I am unable to work. I have a lot of property that I cannot maintain anymore and is costly to
have cut and so on. Our idea is to sell the lot, apply the money to our present mortgage enabling
us to stay here. I want to keep the property as it is, almost a full acre, and not destroy the
neighborhood. That is why I am going this route. Weare talking about a matter of a few feet,
and I just donlt want to run into a problem later.
Mr. Adams moved to recommend granting the variance. Seconded by Mr. Becker. Vote: All
aye; motion carried
Chairperson Greene said it is the action of this Board to recommend to the City Commission
that this variance be granted.
5. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:20 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shirley A. Frankhouser,
Administrative Secretary
Prepared September 14, 1995
OCTOBER 5,1995 AT 7:00 P.M.
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Lots 3 and 4, Block N, North Orlando Ranches Sec. 7 as recorded
In Plat Book 13. Page 3. Pu::lIic Records at Sem.inole County, Florida,
Less the Following: Begin at the Northwest corner of said Lot 4,
said point being of the Souberly Right-at-Way line at Morton Lane.
said Right-of-Way being a c.urve cancaved to the Northwesterly,
having 0 radius of 430.26 feet and on intersection angle at 10"21'12.,
thence Northeasterly along said Right-of-Way line and the arc
of said curve 77.75 feet, thence South 17'29'30. East 260.37 feet
to a point on the South line of said Lot 4, thence South 69'59'37.
West 125.10 feet along said South line of Lot 4 to Southwest
comer, thence North 7'06'16. West 233.59 feet along the Westerly
line of said Lot 4 to the Point of Beginning.
1. No underground installations cr improvements hove been located except
as noted,
2. Surface evidence of undergrOund utilities within designated utnIties eo..-
merrts are not shown on this survey.
J. Easements or rignts of way U'ot appear on recorded pions or that hove
been fiJmlsned to the !Iurveycr by others hove been incOf"Doroted into this
drawing with oporopl"jote notation. Other easements may be discovered b)
Q seorci'1 o~ the Public RecordS.
4. The bearing .~tem i. based "" lhe Southerly line of plol being S89"S9'3rW,
o.&o,ea on tne ~ationCl' FlOOd Irsurance Program FIRM MQ~ C.om"Tlunity No. 12029~
Pone' ~umber 0005-C dotec: 1-1~:.82, the above de.criOed property is not wlthr~
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6. () a= Nee. 1-1/4- Iro'1 Pipe
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Lots 3 and 4, Block N, North Orlando Ranches Sec. 7 os recorded
in Plot Book 13, Page 3, PU:llic Records of Seminole County, florida,
Less the Following: Begin at the Northwest corner of said Lot 4,
said point being of the Sout"lerly Right-of-Way line of Morton Lone,
said Right-ot-Way being a c.urve con caved to the Northwesterly,
having 0 radius at 430.28 feet and on intersection ongle of 10"21'12-,
thence Northeasterly along said Right-at-Way line and the arc
of said curve 77.75 feet, thence South 17"29'30" East 260.37 feet
to a point on the South line of said Lot 4, thence South 89'59'3r
West 125.10 feet along said South line of lot 4 to Southwest
comer, thence North 7'08'18. West 23.3.59 feet olong the Westerly
line of said Lot 4 to the Point ot Beginning.
1. No underground installations cr improvements have bee?'l located except
as noted.
2. Surface evidence of undergrOund utilities within designated utRlties eaae-
rnents are not shown on this survey.
.3. Easements or rights Of way tt'at appear on recorded pIons or that have
been f;.amlsned to the surve~r by others have been incoroorated into this
drawing with aporopriate notation. Other easements may be discovered b}
a secrc"1 o~ the Public RecordS.
4. The Dearing system i~ based 0'1 the Souther1y line of plot being S89'59'37.W.
O. tlaseO on tne Notiono' Flood 'rs:Jronce Program FIRM Ma~ c.cm.."unity No. 12C29~
Pone' Number 0005-C doted 1-15-82, the above descrioed property is not wit"!~
o soe.:ic. ftoOdhcz.:iro cree. :orc -:-.
6.0 Re(;. 1-1/4" Iro'1 Pipe
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