HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 07 17 Regular Item B " BOA AGENDA ITEM [) July 18, 2003 Meeting REQUEST: The Community Development Department recommends the Board of Adjustment hear a request by Richard Gudenkauf for a variance from Section 20-486 (please see Ordinance No. 2000-17) of the City Code of Ordinances, to allow an existing non- conforming sign to remain within the SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request by Richard Gudenkauf for a variance from Section 20-486 of the City Code of Ordinances to allow his existing non- conforming monument sign to remain in the front of his business at 155 West SR 434 beyond the November 14,2002, amortization deadline. Mr. Gudenkauf contends that there is no other place for his sign, which is in conflict with the 10 foot setback [from the property line] requirement. APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 20-82. Duties and Powers; general. The Board of Adjustment shall make recommendations to the City Commission to grant any variance or special exception as delineated in this chapter. (1) The board of adjustment shall have the additional following specific powers and duties: a. b. c. . to recommend upon appeal such variance from the terms ofthis chapter as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions ofthis chapter will result in unnecessary and undue hardship. In order to recommend any variance from the terms of this chapter, the board of adjustment must and shall find: ~ July 18, 2003 Page 2 1. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; 2. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; 3. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; 4. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant; 5. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; 6. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. (2) In recommending the granting of any variance, the board of adjustment may recommend appropriate conditions and safeguards. Violations of such conditions and safeguards, when made part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of the chapter. The board of adjustment may recommend a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be begun or completed, or ,both. Sec. 20-103. Restrictions upon lands, buildings and structures. (c) Percentage of occupancy (lot). No building or structure shall be erected.. .nor shall any open space surrounding any building or structure be encroached upon or reduced in any manner except in confornlance with the building site requirements ... for the district in which such building or structure is located. Sec. 20-486. Signs. All signs and sign elements, including shape, fooo, lighting, materials, size, color aild location shall be subject to approval by the design review board if such signs or sign elements are visible from adjacent properties or a street right-of-way. = July 18, 2003 Page 3 (1) Ground mounted multi-tenant or project identification sign: For each multi-tenant development under separate ownership, one (1) wide-based monument style permanent sign with landscaped base identifying the name of the development and businesses within the development shall be permitted. For development with five hundred (500) feet of frontage or more on a major road, one additional sign may be permitted. The minimum separation for all signs on an individual ownership parcel shall be two hundred (200) feet and: a. Shall only advertise the name of the commercial development companies, corporation or major enterprises within the commercial development. The primary address of the building shall be incorporated into the sign with numerals/letters a minimum of eight (8) inches in height, but the address shall not be counted against allowable copy area. b. Shall be located no closer than ten (10) feet from front, side, or rear property lines. c. Shall have a maximum of two (2) faces. d. Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture ofthe proposed building(s). e. A wall sign shall not be higher than eight (8) feet above the closest vehicular use area. f. Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and ground cover and/or annuals to promote color. g. Signs shall be in accordance with the following schedule: Building Size Maximum Copy Area (Gross Floor Area) Under 75,000 SF 32 SF Maximum Height 12 feet (2) Ground mounted single-tenant identification sign: One (1) wide-based monument style permanent proj ect identification sign shall be permitted per single-tenant parcel. One additional permanent wide-based monument style project identification sign may be permitted for parcels in excess of one (1) acre with more than one (1) ingress/egress serving more than one (1) building. The minimum separation for all signs on an individual ownership parcel shall be two hundred (200) feet. a. Shall only advertise one (1) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise occupying the premises. b. Shall be located no closer than ten (10) feet from the front, side or rear property lines. c. Shall not exceed two (2) faces. ' d. Sign copy area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per face. For parcels in excess of four (4.0) acres, the project identification sign face may be increased to forty- eight (48) square feet. e. Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the proposed building. f. The sign shall not be more than eight (8) feet in height above the closest driveway or vehicular use area. g. Signs shall be in an enclosed base a minimum width of two-thirds (2/3) the width ofthe sign. Landscaping shall be incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and ground cover and/or annuals to promote color. Ordinance No. 2000-17 (please see attached) July 18, 2003 Page 4 CONSIDERATIONS: FINDINGS: On November 10, 1997, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 683, which, among other things, created the SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay.zoning District. It also set forth standards for signage and provided a 5-year maximum amortization period for signs that were not in compliance with the new standards. On June 12,2000, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 2000-17, which provided that any sign, other than a billboard, could be ' amortized and maintained until November 14, 2002. At or prior to November 14,2002, all nonconforming signs must be removed and may be replaced with signs that conform to the design standards set forth in the S.R. 434 Redevelopment regulations. All directly affected property owners were notified at or about the time Ordinance No. 2000-17 was adopted. As a reminder ofthe up-coming deadline, on July 26, 2002, former Community Development Director Charles Carrington sent each property owner with a sign in either of the SR 434 districts. The subject site hasC-l Zoning, a Commercial Future Land Use designation, and is located within the SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District. Mr. Gudenkauf operates a business at the site. Staffhas suggested that the businesses at this site and the adjacent site to the east share a monument sign along the common boundary that divides their sites from one another - which would minimize the variance need and not compromise either vehicular circulation or public safety because it would require only a variance from the side setbacks. The applicant rejected this alternative. The existing sign is located within inches of the sidewalk that extends east and west along the south side of SR 434. This is inconsistent with the 10 foot setback [from the right-of-way] requirement set forth in Subsection 20-486 (1) (b) of the City Code of Ordinances. Along this portion of SR 434, the right-of- way appears to extend approximately 18 feet behind the face of the curb. l).The subject site, 155 W. SR 434, is located within the C-1 zoning district, the Commercial Future Land Use designation, and the SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District. 2).The SR 434 RedevelopmentOverlay Zoning District sign standards have been in effect since November 10, 1997, with the adoption of Ordinance No. 683,. 3). On June 12,2000, Ordinance No. 2000-17 amended the amortization deadline set forth in Ordinance No. 683 and set forth a November 14, 2002, July 18, 2003 Page 5 deadline for existing non-conforming signs to be removed and replaced with signs that conform to Code. 4).On or about May 29,2003, the incomplete variance application (no abutters list) was received by the City. The applicant provided the name and address of one nearby proprietor on June 12,2003. 5).The Board of Adjustment is required by Code to find that the variance request meets all six variance criteria, set forth in Subsection 20-82 (1 ) (c), in order to recommend approval. 6). Staff does not find that the variance meets the six criteria for a variance: 1. there are no conditions or circumstances peculiar to the land, structure, or buildings which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same SR 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning district; 2. special conditions and circumstances, if they exist, are the result of the applicant; 3. granting the variance requested would convey on the applicant special privileges that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same overlay zoning district; 4. a literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would not deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same overlay zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would not work an unnecessary hardship on the applicant; 5. the variance requested is not the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; and ,6. granting the variance requested would not be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and would undermine the Code, which could be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 7). A finanCial hardship does not constitute a hardship in terms of granting a vanance. 8). At its May 12,2003, meeting, the City Commission voted to allow affected property owners apply for a sign variance without paying the $500 variance fee. 9). The sign does not meet the 10 foot setback from the SR 434 right-of-way set forth in Subsection 20-486(1) (b) of the City Code of Ordinances. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommend that the BOA deny the variance request pursuant to the six variance criteria set forth in Subsection 20-82 (1) ( c) of the City Code of Ordinances. July 18, 2003 Page 6 ATTACHMENTS: F BOA ACTION: A B C D E - Ordinance No. 2000-17 - Variance application & map -July 26,2002, Charles Carrington letter - Correspondence - May 12,2003, minutes - Picture of sign 'f , ATTACHMENT A e., ORDINANCE NO. 2000-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY or WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AMENDING THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES, SECTION 20-466 AND SECTION 20-454 DEALING WITH SIGNS ALONG S.R434; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs created a special overlay zoning district-, to encourage and provide for enhanced property development within the S.R. 434. commercial corridor, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs desired to reduce visual distraction through uniform sign criteria, and WHEREAS, The City Commission of Winter Springs recognizes that existingbusinesse~ within the overlay district may have nonconfonning signs whose replacement may impose a ffuanciaf hardship, and WHEREAS, the City Commission however, finds that nonconforming signs are not favored. bylaw and 'shall, within a reasonable time proscribed herein, be amortized, removed, and replaced with a new sign confonning to existing city codes, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Winter Springs Code Section 20-454 and 20-466 are hereby amended as follows: (underlined type in~icates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Section 20-454 and Section 20-466. It is ' intended thatthe text in Section 454 and Section 20-466 denoted by the asterisks and set forth inthis Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). Section 20-454 Signs. * * * (r) Nonconforming Signs. ( 1) Any sign, other than billboards, Aa-vtflg-an-eFiginal cost in C)(CCSS of one hundred ($-l-Q~ellars ana which is nonconfonning as to pCFffiittcd sign area or any other reason' whiefl-we\:tld-neoessitate the oompletc rcmeval-er-tetat--ref)l-aeemeRt of the sign. shall be amortized and may be maintained until November 14.2002 .a--pefied of from one(1) to , . Cily of Willlcr Sprillgs OnJillllllcc No, 2000-17 Pugc I or 4 t"/ 2 ti,ve-(%eaFS (:r-em-t-!:lc cffective date ef..these-destg-R-Standards. +HC term of years to be aet-efmmed-ey-tlle-oost-ef--t.He sign oF--ef-renevatteIr,-iAeiliEiffig-iffltaHation, shall be as f0~lew5-'- G-Figinal Sign cost or Renovation Cost PCFmitted Y cars from Effective Date of Design Standards $9-$3,000 ~Ol $10,000 Over $10,000 2 3 5 (2) ,\nyowner of a sign who desires to rely upon an amortization period longer than thrcc(J) years shall file with the City '.vithin one (I) year from the effeotive date of these design standards, a statement setting forth the oostand date of the most recent Fefle-Yation, and a vt'ritten agreement to remo',e or bring into oonf-ormance the nonconforming sign at or prior to the expiration of the amortization period applicable to that sign. The maximum period to amortize a sign shall be fiye (5) years. At or prior to November 14. 2002. all nonconforming signs shall be removed and may be replaced with signs that confonnto the design standards set forth in the S.R. 434 New Development regulations. (3) Violations shall be subject to Chapter 2, Article 3. Division 2 Code Enforcement, City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances. Section 20-466 Signs * * * ( r) Nonconforming Signs. ( I ) Any sign, other than oillboards, having an original oost in exoess of one hundred ($100) dollars and which is nonconfonning as to permitted sign area or any other reason whioh would neoessitate the oomplete removal or replaoement of the sign, shall be amortized and may be maintained until November 14.2002. a period of from one (1) to fivc (5) years from the effective date of these design standards. The term of years to be deteFmffied by the oost of the sign or of reno','ation, inabiding installation cost, shall be as-fel-Ie-ws-:- City or Wintcr Springs Ordinuncc No, 2000.17 I'lIgc 2 or 4 " ,.- --, ol Gfi-giflal--StgfT-€est-er Retleva-ti(')-fl--{;es t P-eFmi-Hea-Y-enrs froffi effective Date of Design Standaffis $0 to $3,000 $3,001 to $IO,OGO Over $10, OGO 2 3 5 (2) lilly o'....ner of a sign who desires to rclay upon an amortization period longer than three (3) years shall file with the City ,....ithin one (1) year from the effective9ate of these design standards, a statement setting forth the cost and date of the most recent feflovation, and a v/ritten agreement to remo'..e or bring into oonformanoe' the nonoonforming sign at or prior to the expiration of the amortization period applicable to tflat sign. The maximum period to amortize a sign shall be five (5) yeftfS-: At or prior to November 14.2002. all nonconforming signs shall be removed and may be replaced with signs that conform to the design standards set forth in the S.R 434 Redevelopment regulations. (3) Violations shall be subject to Chapter 2. Article 3. Division 2. Code Enforcement. City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances. Section 2. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions.' All prior inconsistent' ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission., or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 3. Incorporation Into Code. This ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 4. Severability. rfany section, subsection., sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the ,remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. Cily orWilllcr Sprillgs Ordillollcc No, 2000.17 ('lIge J of 4 4 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the~ day of June \J~c< Paul P. Partyka, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR VF1~TERSPRINGS ONLY: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: Second Reading: Effective Date: Cily ofWinlcr Springs OrdinAncc No. 2()()O-17 1'1lgC 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT B J/II'fjJ ,BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 112~ EAST S~ATE ROAb 434 w INTER' SPRINGS, FL .32 7 0 8 - 2 7 9 9 (407)327-1800 / / FOR: v: SPECIAL EXCEPTION VA'RIANCE 'CONDITIONAL USE ADMINISTRATIVE DECIS10N 1. APPLICANT: f!2!CJfMJ~ :::.i: ~~ D~.lCAul >=' ,;, 'PHONE,', L;()7-3~1-070C/ ADDRESS: JSc..;;~J.:;;I2. 4?Y 11J/AJ,Tb6 -s1>12/,fJ:95 ,!=l- ~.2--?O,p . . \ I ., . . I I .. . . . . 2 PUR~OSE 'OF REQUEST : JeetQlft;;S'T'JA!" 14 U'+K1~* ~AJ ~~~I't1~Jf"~~: ~~T W,AS. PpP.""ITT[;/) lAJ 1'1,f'] IlH4eJ;.).j.s;- }f?1l1J.1M..Mi W_ __J_, ____ _ ,. /fC"71f.((;.8 P/.,J>..r E= T~ f'uu.t=~R,I<:'A"7'~,r;: P(Yj~, rJHJ ~S/~.lr:. Iql,r~biA se. ii8f;. 3. ATTACH A COPX OF THE PARCEL SURVEY. 4. ATTACH AN 11 x 17 MAP S~OHING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS. S. ATTACH LEGAL' DESCRIPTION. . I ..' . 6. TAX. PARCEL ~DENTIFicATION NUHBE~:'3q-~ -3t'-S7d -tJt760 -/JdM - , , 7. LOCATION 'OF PARCEL (Street, Addres's 'andlor,:Nearest st~Teets) l CA21JEC:! I}!= 5;d!2LJ.:JI/'/. FAllld~ ' Cross .... "'- ,) ""~. PRESENT ZONING: FUTURE :LAND USE: ' ~g:~<~l.e~' Iundersta.lld that Cityofriinter Sp~in'gs Officials may ~nter tip6h-my prop.rty to inspect that pottion, as relates fo this applica~ioh; " (If the applic~nt is not the, owner of the, subject property, the applicant must' attach 'a letter of authorization signed by the owner)' ' .~'~: ~}~. . " " \, .;, ' PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT,' IF THEY DECIDE T6 AP~EA~ ANY:bECISIONS MADE AT THESE MEETIN05/HEARINGS, THEY WItL NEED A ,RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIH'RECORD OF TH~ PROCEEDINdS IS H~DE, 'AT'THEIR 'COST, WHICH. INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON MHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE ,:'! BASED, ~ER SECTION 286.010~. FLORIDA STATUTES '.,' , SECTION 20-84 - APPEALS FROM DECr'SIONS OF THE. BOARD OF ADJUS,THENT '(1) Any person. or persons. jointly or severally agg"rieved by any deci$ion of the Board of Adjustment may, within thirty (30) days after the filing of any decision in the office of the Board of Adjustment. but not thereafter, apply to' the 'City Council for admini~t~ative relief. After a hearing,before the City Council an a99rieveq party may, within, thirty (30) days' af,ter the d~cision of the City Colincil, file an appeal with a court of competent jurisdiction over the subject' matter.. .-.....-.. ',"..,or-";' " .' r. I -- /" /"'" , /.. ,"'/, //........~. ./' ./ APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS A Sta'ff, Report ~ill be developed for each' APPlication. The Applicant should be p~epared to address each of the issues provided below for Variance requests. the,Boarcl ,of ~djus~ment mUst ~ake the exist which are s "invol ved and structures or 2. fJ:'om tances do not esult . "." ': 5. ) -......., , " 7. .. T Q.ol ides wit ectives and ~ IS RES CITY foIITHTHE NAMES ~' o FT. OF H ~ , . THE APPL,ICANT POST THE BLUE, NOTICE CARD ON THE SITE 'ATLEAS'l' PRIOR TO 'THE BOARO OF 'AOJ TMENT MEETING)'! AT WHICH 'THE MATTER WILL' BE CQNSIPEREO; SAID 'NOTICE SHALL NOT BE'J' POSTED WITHIN THE CITY RlaHTS~OF~WAY. ' I.', ;.. f: I (.: ..i .' . " I:', .. r.. .#, . .' ., " ' i --.-'.' "--'-'.-- ~'~_..'.' , , ' ...j , JAV/]) VAN ~.. Itf7 W. STATE 7<1>. lf3Cf , t WINTERSPRINlrJ F'l' 327tJ! , ~tJ7) 32.7-tJt/9( ~()7) zrZ - 7?t!/3 REClEaVED JUN 1.22003 CI'fY ~~RlNG$, (f ) H \ 110 E 51 ATE ROAD 434 , , , , I I Continu d Pg 2415 '\~ r. ~ / ! 10.5 , \ , , , I , G 3(jl , -r--- , , - -t- , L___ ~ 20 .1 _ - -- --, 30 1 , _ --~-34 F 1.5 '--- ~i -: 40 .. - - - If; -: _"!_ 4.5 -;/ -:- .50 L _ - - , .5.5 - ~ 5..4_ ~ - 61 - ~ - -60 ~ ---~--- N-6.5,64 ~ _l---- "'Cl 71 ~ 70 ~ - - - - ~ - -i4 ..El 7.5 ~ _ _ - g 81 " 80 CJ __->-- o ' - -l-..~ , " _ _ '", - '7 - - , ' I c B '. 0 , M ,'V ,N -bO j:4 "'Cl II) ::s ..El g CJ 1 3, , I ,I r--- 301 ,r - - : I 202 , , - Cont{~~~l PgL 2429 . 5 6 \ .~I \ ()~. ',~: N A 7 }/' r'v: NOTES: Fire Department Address Map PRINTED: REVISED: March 2003 1: City of Winter Springs, FL o 200 400 fV'~. I C e: ." "'350feet 2: 3 :' Map Pa e ENGINEERING " LAID SYSTEJIS 2423 Developed By: ATTACHMENT C CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (40n 327-0018 Community Development July 26, 2002 Business Owners/Property Owners S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Business Owner/Property Owner, The'City Commission on June 12, 2000 passed Ordinance number 2000-17 requiring all signs along S.R. 434 to comply with the S.R. 434 Development and Redevelopment Overlay Districts. Business and property owners were awarded a grace period for compliance until November 14, 2002. Business and property owners were given a first notice of the, ordinance change July 25, 2000. This correspondence is to again notify you that the grace period ends,. November 14, 2002 and all signs must conform to the sign code. A copy of Ordinance number 2000-17 is enclosed. Any sign that fails to cQnform after November 14, 2002 will be subject to Code Enforcement action and'i>ossible fine. If you have questions you may call John Baker, at , (407) 327-5966. r- Sincerely, L6-'-~ Charles C. Carrington, AICP Community Development Director ATTACHMENTD CITY' OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 407-327-5967 FAX:407-327-6695 Letters sent to the following: RE: Signage Compliance for Winter Springs Food Store, Appliance Store, Pack & Send, Jet Setters, Visible Light, EPM, etc. Winter Springs Food Store 147 W. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 BVS L.C. (Tax Parcel #34-20-30-506-0A02-0000 located at 147 West State Rd 434) 1514 Antoinette Ct. Oviedo, Florida 32765 Appliance Store 147 W. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Business Owner 1~5 W. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Richard J. Gudenkauf, Trustee (Tax Parcels #34-20-30-530-0000-0010; #34-20-30-530-0000-0020; #34-20-30-530-0000-0030; & #34-20-30-530-0000-0040 at: 155, 165, 175, & 185 W. State Rd. 434) 2125 Emerald Green Circle Oviedo, Florida 32765 Business Owner 165 W. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Business Owner 175 W. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Visible Light LLC (Tax Parcel #34-20-30-530-0000-0050 located at 195 W. State Road 434) 195 W State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Business Owner 185 W. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Stephen C.. Cahill (Tax Parcel #34-20-30-530-0COO-0000) 131 Park Lake St. Orlando, Florida 32708 Donna J. Barstow Sign A Rama 5285 Red Bug Lake Road # 121 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 407-327-5967 FAX: 407-3 27 -6695 February 10, 2003 RE: Signage Compliance for Winter Springs Food Store, Appliance Store, Pack & Send, Jet Setters, Visible Light, EPM, etc. Dear Business Owner / Property Owner: Back in July, you sholJId have received correspondence from the City indicating that Business Signage on your property needed to be brought into compliance with current City Codes, prior to November 14, 2002. To date, the business signage on your property is still in Violation of current code. After being approached by one of the business owners in your area, Staff spent some time determining what solutions could be derived that would meet the 10' setback along the property line at S.R. 434, without creating a vehicular hazard, and that would give ample visibility to the signage. It is our recommendation that the property could best be served by one multi-tenant sign, located in the landscaped median to the west of the current Appliance Store signage. It will be the responsibility of the numerous property and business owners to cooperate together to resolve this matter. Once a resolution has been reached, it will then be ' necessary to apply for a sign permit and bring the request before the Board of Adjustment. Sincerely, ~uk. Eloise M. Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA Senior Planner CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 407-327-5967 FAX:407-327-6695 February 17,2003 Stephen Coo Cahill 131 Park Lake St. Orlando, Florida 32708 'FAJ(:407.841.l623 , RE: CORRECTED Tax Parcel #34-20-30-530-0COO-0000 and Signage Compliance for Winter Springs Food Store, Appliance Store, Pack & Send, Jet Setters, Visible Light, EPM. Dear Business Owner / Property Owner: Back in July, you should have received correspondence from the City indicating that Business Signage on your property needed to be brought into compliance with current City Codes, prior to November 14, 2002. To date, the business signage on your property is stillin Violation of current code. After being approached by one of the business owners in your area, Staff spent some time determining what solutions could be derived that would meet the 10' setback along the property line at S.R.434, without creating a vehicular hazard,and that would give ample visibility to the signage. It is our recommendation that the property could best be served by one multi-tenant sign, located in the. landscaped median to the west of the current Appliance Store signage. It will be the responsibility of the numerous property and business owners to cooperate together to resolve this matter. Once a resolution has been reached, it will then be necessary to apply for a sign permit and bring the request before the Board of Adjustment. ' Sincerely, Eloise M. Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA Senior Planner CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 407-327-5967 FAX:407-327-6695 <'iff MEMORANDUM . DATE: February 19, 2003 TO: Glenn Tolleson FROM: Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA Senior Planner PAGES: 71 RE: Signage along SR 434 FYI- I have attached a letter I received today from the Appliance Store at 153 W. SR 434, regarding signage compliance along SR 434. The tenant of the Winter Springs Food Store and the building landlord have met with John and I and are trying to resolve the signage. The landlord indicates she will try to speak with the Appliance Store tenant. I am also attaching a copy of the letter I sent out to the tenants and property owners in this area. I will keep you informed as to any updates. ATTACHMENT E CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - MAY 12, 2003 PAGE 13 OF 21 REGULAR 18. C. Office Of The City Manager Requests That The City Commission Consider Several Dates For An Additional Meeting To Replace The Second May Meeting Which Falls On Memorial Day - And Is A Holiday. Discussion. "I MOVE WE MEET ON THE 27TH" OF MAY. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: . COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER BLAKE: NAY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE DEPUTYMAYORMILLER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Bush said to Deputy Mayor Miller, "You will have to run that Meeting." ~ REGULAR 19. D. Community Development Department - Planning Division Presents To The Commission, A Request To Waive Application Fees For Signage Setback Variances In The State Road 434 Corridor Overlay District Where The Existing Sign age Is Compliant With The Code Except For The Setback Provision And Where Compliance With The Setback Provision Creates An Unnecessary Hardship On The Applicant. - "I MOVE THAT WE APPROVE ITEM 'D' - A REQUEST FOR WAIVER." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McLEOD. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER BLAKE: NAY DEPUTYMAYORMILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE MOTION CARRIED. ATTACHMENTF ~"."'_.'." ~c"l' 'l'~/- , .