HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1998 03 23 City Commission Regular Minutes
HELD ON MARCH 23, 1998
The continuation of the March 9, 1998 Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order
by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 5:30 p.m.
Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
Ronald W. McLemore, present
Attorney Bob Guthrie, present
Robert S. Miller, absent
Michael S. Blake, present
Ed Martinez, absent
David McLeod, present
Commissioner Blake asked to interupt at this point and handed out to the Mayor and Commission
a copy of Ordinance 585. Commissioner Blake said Ord. 585 was passed in June of 1995 by the
previous Commission and Ord. 585 is an ordinance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida providing
for the automatic removal from the City Commission or any City Commission approved Board of any
member thereof, who is a member of the Board of Directors or of an orgazination or group that has
voted or filed a claim against the City of Winter Springs, Florida..." Commissioner Blake said the
ordinance basically states that if an individual on this Board or on any other Board of the City sues
the City or files a claim against the City, then that individual is automatically removed and is elegible
for immediate forefiture of his or her office pursuant to law.
Commissioner Blake said there was a suit filed on March 16th in Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial
District in and for Seminole County Florida case #98-532CA-16-E, plaintiff is Paul P. Partyka,
respondents or defendants are Michael Blake, Cindy Gennell, Edward Martinez, David McLeod and
Robert Miller; each in their official capacities as Commissioners of and representatives for the City
of Winter Springs, Florida. Specifically, it states that this is an action for declaritory relief pursuant
to Chapter 86, Florida Statutes and appropriate mandatory injunctive relief A review of that section
of the State Statutes reveals Section 86.091, parities - it says when declaritory relief is sought, all
persons may be made parties who have or claim any interest which would be affected by this
declaration, specifically it goes on to say: in any proceeding concerning County or municipal Charter
Ordinance, or franchise, such County or municipality shall be made a party and shall be entitled to be
Commissioner Blake said based on this Ordinance, that requires for the automatic removal, and the
fact that this case was filed on March 16th, by Paul Partyka, against the Commissioners and thus the
City, his question is, is Mr. Partyka still the Mayor? If not, then any procedings we go through this
evening would be in question if he continues to sit up here.
Attorney Guthrie said this is not codified but it does appear to be an ordinance, an ordinance, statute
or rule of a public agency is presumed to be valid on it's face, and it's pretty concise and straight
forward. Attorney Guthrie said it is lucky that we have an odd number of Commissioners so it's
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unlikely that we would need the Mayor to vote. Attorney Guthrie said he needs to look at this but
said he sees nothing that suggests it's not valid.
Attorney Guthrie said we do have home rule powers, we have the powers to enact ordinances and
this appears to be an ordinance of the City of Winter Springs.
Mayor Partyka said the whole issue here continues to be this resolution of what the Mayor's
responsibilities are. A motin was made by the Commission to pursue it, all we're asking for is
declaritory relief, to get a judgement on this; there are no damages involved, there is no individual
suits involved. Mayor Partyka said normally suits are given to the Mayor of the City as a
representative, in this case, since there is an issue on the table, in terms of a straight business decision
to handle this definition of what the responsibilities are, we've asked the Court to do that. Mayor
Partyka said he doesn't know if that is consistent with that this is, but said he doesn't know all the
issues, and said he doesn't see where we are asking for a declaritory judgement on something where
we are not suing the City we are just asking for a decision versus this.
Attorney Guthrie said it is a lawsuit.
Commissioner Blake said Section II, states the term claim as defined herein shall include any vote to
pursue and State or Federal administrative (which this is) or litigation remedy, or the filing of any
document initiating State or Federal administrative or litigation remedy. Commissioner Blake said
this suit was duly filed on March 16th and said as he understands it, as of today it still in fact is a suit,
althought that is a mute point because the ordinance clearly states that the suit is filed, not actually
heard. Commissioner Blake said it is clearly a suite, the ordinance is very brief and seems to be very
clear and in fact, in the City's Charter, it states under Section 4.08 - Vacancies, Forefitures of Office:
that a Commissioner or Mayor shall forefit his office if he lacks at any time during his office any
qualifications prescribed by this Charter or by Law; Commissioner Blake said that would seem to him
to be the case in this situation as this ordinance clearly states, that it's an automatic removal, which
means we don't as a Board have anything to say about it.
Mayor Partyka said this is a motion that we followed through on the Commission's motion and we
are asking for a decision, and said he doesn't know what that has to do with what they are trying to
do. The impression when we set this (ordinance) was for legal damages type oflitigation not to get
a decision on what the Charter says:
Commissioner McLeod said he thinks the Commission had asked for a ruling but after the
presentation made by Commissioner Gennell, the other evening, it became quite apparent to the
Commission that we didn't need a ruling and therefore we had selected not to proceed, you (Mayor)
on your own filed the lawsuit with Seminole C<;)Unty against this Commission. Commissioner
McLeod said he thinks it was made very clear the other evening that it was to be dropped.
Commissioner Blake said at the last meeting (or this meeting as it is continued) ruled on it's own
rules, which we have the power to do under the Charter and we made a declaritory resolution of what
the Charter says, which meant there was no question existing.
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Commissioner Blake asked Commissioner Gennell if it was her intention (also) as what was laid out
in front of the Commission and said that is the way he understood it.
Commissioner Gennell said that was her intention and said as a matter of fact the intention was
designed to exactly avoid this kind of a situation, that was a formal resolution passed by this body.
Commisisoner McLeod said if the Mayor didn't understand that, that he has the option to pull back
the suite.
Mayor Partyka asked Attorney Guthrie what is next for now.
Attorney Guthrie said in reading the ordinance, with the Charter, it talks about "shall be eligible for
forefiture of his/her office pursuant to law", the Charter does address how that is handled, it does say
that the Commissioners will be the judge of the election and qualification of it's members and the
grounds for forefitues of their office and for that purpose shall have the power to sopenia witnesses,
administer oaths and require production of evidence. "A member charged with conduct constituting
the grounds for forefiture of his office, shall be so notified by certified mail. And said if the
Commission deires to proceed, that would be a step and it states "shall be entitled to a public hearing
on demand" and it is required that notice of that meeting be published in advanced. It also says that
decisions made by the Commission, under this section, shall be subject to review by the Courts.
Attorney Guthrie said he hasn't had a chance to look at this any deeper, but it does outline a due
process provIsIon.
Mayor Partyka asked the due process would be: whether he filed a claim against the City of Winter
Springs, and said given the fact that there is still a lot ofunknows, wouldn't it be appropriate to spend
time researching this to make sure that it is right or not right.
Attorney Guthrie said he would like an opportunity to review it and said then decide what action the
Commission can take and if there is any other due process steps that are necessary.
Mayor Partyka said until that point is clear, then basically he is still the Mayor of the City.
Attorney Guthrie said until the action to remove the Mayor from office occurs, that is correct.
Commissioner Gennell said that Commissioner Blake raised the issue, and rather than having it
postponed, would it be in order to have a motion, if Commissioner Blake so desired, to go forward
on the basis ofOrd. 585 and proceed with that pursuant to Attorney Guthrie's study of it, so that we
can start the certified mail process if that's what's necessary.
Attorney Guthrie said there is two separate steps; one is an opportunity for him or someone to look
at it, and the second is the notice by certified mail of the decision of this Commission regarding the
determining qualifications. Attorney Guthrie said there is two steps there, and he thinks they need
to be done in order, have a conclusion first and then the action directing that the certified mail be sent
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and a decision along those lines.
Commissioner Gennell said ifshe understands it correctly, one of the other options would be that the
Mayor can recind his action, withdraw his lawsuit.
Attorney Guthrie said that was laid out by one of the Commissioners who would be the judge of the
qualifications and said that could be a factor in the Commission's decision concerning the Mayor's
Commissioner Gennell said if she understood correctly, whether the Mayor withdrew the suite or not,
this ordinance might still apply.
Attorney Guthrie said that is an issue that the Commission would decide.
Commissioner Blake said the difficulties that he has is the fact that this ordinance calls for the
automatic removal from the Commission and asked what normally takes presidence, and ordinance
like that or Section 4.09 where it talks about the due process notification etc.
Attorney Guthrie said he thinks the Commission ought to give deference to the Charter language, and
said he thinks a forefiture of office is a substantial right, so due process steps to affectively affect the
removal office would probably be necessary.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake that based on that legal opinion that the
Commission of Winter Springs initates an investigation subject to Section 4.09 of the City
Charter, regards to the applicability of Ordinance 585 as it pertains to Paul P. Partyka via the
Commissioners named individually, in lawsuite #98-532CA-16-E in the Circuit Court of the
Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County Florida. Seconded by Commissioner
Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commisioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Guthrie asked if that was a motion to investigate.
Commissioner Blake said the motion is to investigate, and said we are stuck with this Charter and we
are stuck with this ordinance and said while he understands that the Mayor is trying come up with an
answer here, his position personally as a Commissioner is that we have come up with the correct
answer and said he thinks there is a little conflict between what this ordinance says and what the
Charter says (in a few small areas) and said he thinks we need to look into that.
Attorney Guthrie said a cure for that would be to give deference to both.
Mayor Partyka said to Attorney Guthrie - then the investigation and research, whatever he is going
to do and then come back to the Commission, by the next Commission meeting. Attorney Guthrie
said yes.
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Commissioner Gennell said if she understands the motion correctly, there is no further motion needed
at this time to institute the actions called for in the Charter and in this ordinance, both, either/or
whichever you work it up.
Attorney Guthrie said he will investigate and then come back to the Commission, unless the
Commission reads the motion as being self effecting that the notice should be sent. Attorney Guthrie
said he thinks it would be preferable that they come back to the Commission and have the
Commission make the conclusion and decide whether notice should be sent, but that is up to the
Commissioner Gennell said that was the discussion she just had about it, steps being taken and that
process that they go forward and asked if that was what Commissioner Blake meant, the appropriate
Mayor Partyka asked that the Clerk read back the motion.
The Clerk read back the motion.
Commissioner Blake said he has concerns as to the business that, we may transact past this point until
we come up with this decision. Specifically, if it is ruled that in fact Paul Partyka ceased to be the
Mayor at the moment and time this lawsuit was filed, which is how he understands ordinance 585 to
read, what jeopardy does that put us in any business we transact beween now and then.
Attorney Guthrie said if that's the conclusion and finding there could be a problem, particularly on
items that the Mayor voted on.
Commissioner Blake asked Attorney Guthrie what he recommends the Commission does between
now and then. Attorney Guthrie said the Mayor could voluntarily step aside until this is resolved; we
could avoid a situation where he votes if one of you must abstain, that item just automatically be
continued, perhaps we could deal with those as they came up, hopefully there won't be a problem
with the mearly presiding.
Mayor Partyka said the only time he would get to vote if there was a tie vote and said that is on a
two/two tie, so there would be no voting situation for him today. Disucssion. Commissioner Blake
said a vote requires three affirmative votes and there would be no way the Mayor could vote tonight.
Mayor Partyka said until this is resolved, it would seem to him that he is the Mayor.
Commissioner McLeod read a letter (on LeIDer and Associates P.A. letterhead), from Attorney Mike
Jones, that was attached to the lawsuit. Commissioner McLeod mentioned that Attorney Lang is
mentioned in the letter and said that Attorney Lang is one of the City Attorneys, who works on the
Pension Board, and said it appears to him that Mr. Lang is working with Mr. Jones and the Mayor
and Attorney Robert Pleus. Commissioner McLeod said (with that in mind) he recommends at this
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time Mr. Lang be removed as one of the City's Attorneys. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod that at this time, Mr. Lang no longer represents
this City and the Pension Board. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motioll
Commissioner Gennell said she shares the other Commissioners and the Attorney's concerns about
the interim period, ifin fact it is found out that the Mayor (at this point) was not the Mayor; and said
she has concerns about the Mayor signing ordinances and checks and those kind of things.
Commissioner Gennell asked that it be on the agenda very soon, and said there has been a request for
a workshop on the 30th, and requested that the City Attorney come back to the Commission with the
information at that time and have a Special Meeting.
It was the concensus of the Commission to have a Special Meeting before the Workshop on March
30, 1998.
MONDAY. MARCH 23. 1998 - 5:30 P.M.
Utility and Finance Departments .
L. Requesting a Workshop to review the proposed rate and policy Ordinance. PURPOSE: to
request that the Commission schedule a workshop for March 30, 1998 at 6:30 p.m. to review the
proposed revisions to Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances pertaining to potable water rates for
irrigation and changes to the customer service policies. procedures. and practices:
The Commission was in agreement to hold a workshop on March 30, 1998.
Mayor Partyka commented that he is disappointed, because the point of what we are trying to do is
to determine the Mayor's job description and said that is all they are trying to find out and said he
doesn't know why it has gotten so complicated.
Parks and Recreation Department
K. Requests the Commission review the policy for opening and closing of the gate at Central Winds
Park for Orange Avenue. PURPOSE: to review the current policy on the Orange Avenue gate at
Central Winds Park and re-adopt or change the policy:
Manager McLemore stated that there has been expressed concern about the fact the gate (at the Park
and Orange Ave.) is being left open during the day. The question before the Commission is what
does the Commission desire Staff to do, this has been brought forward as a safety issue. Manager
McLemore said that it has been his understanding that there has been observance of people coming
down Orange Avenue and into the Park area in an unsafe way. Manager McLemore said that during
the day we have a lot of maintenance work that goes on and the City's Staff is constantly going in
and out of that gate.
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Commissioner Blake said he asked to have this issue brought up and said several weeks ago, on a
Saturday, he saw a young child almost get run over by a car that was "flying" up Orange Avenue,
coming through the Park and using it as a cut-through to get to 434. Commissioner Blake said it was
his understanding that the gate was to be kept closed all the time, as cutting through our City's Park
parking area and walkway, you have to drive up a curb and over a sidewalk (the sidewalk that goes
between the parking area and the ball fields/concession stand/bathrooms and playground, in order to
make the cut-through from Orange Avenue; it is dangerous, and said he has seen High School
students use it as a short cut to get out the back way from the High School, and said he has seen
residents do it also. Commissioner Blake stated that he has seen continual cut through traffic there
at many different times during the day and said he doesn't believe the City should have that as a
throughfare when we have all the children playing there.
Commissioner Blake said his opinion is to close the gate, unless a City vehicle is going through.
Commissioner McLeod asked Brook Seal, the Parks and Recreation Director, what he feels about
the situation. Mr. Seal said he has no problem with whatever the Commission chooses.
Manager McLemore said he has no problem with carring out at all, whatever the Commission
recommends and said arraingements will be made to make it work for Staff .
Motion was made by Commissioller Blake to keep the gates at Celltral Winds Park and
Orange A venue closed at all times unless a City vehicle is using it. Discussioll. Manager
McLemore stated that the City does open the gate sometimes when that road is impassable
because the people from Orange Avenue, on occassions, have not been able to get in and out
so under emergency situations, we would need to maintain that flexability to opell the gate.
Commissioner Blake amended his motion to state "keep the gates at Central Winds Parks and
Orange Avenue closed to general traffic, unless under an emergency situatioll. Commissioner
GenneU agreed for the Second. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher:
Attorney Guthrie said in regards to the lawsuit (that just has been discussed) they are not in the
position to defend that, because the Code of Professional Resposibility precludes that, and because
the result of the lawsuit would relate to whether we continue in a capacity of City Attorney and
continue to make income from that. Attorney Guthrie said he has taken the lawsuit and asked several
firms if they would be interested in representing the City (and said he was expecting a second
proposal from a second firm and it did not come in). Attorney Guthrie said he has a proposal from
Holland and Knight, which is the largest firm in the State of Florida, has no "ax to grind" in this case
and said he has talked to the individual that would be the trial lawyer (if it' s tried), he is a resident of
Winter Springs, lives in Tuscawilla; they have the resources of a public sector practice, they will use
David Carwell, who is former City Attorney of the City of Lake land, and also they have other people
that have been involved with public agency representation in the past. Attorney Guthrie said he has
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their proposal and gave it to the Commission. Attorney Guthrie said since no Commissioner has been
served as of yet, they have time to respond and said he has checked with the Clerk's office today and
the lawsuit is still pending but has not been dismissed or other wise disposed of; we have a chance
to look at this and decide what we are going to do. Attorney Guthrie said this would be a retainer
arraingement that basically outlines the business relationship regarding the proposal.
Commissioner Blake asked about a non-public meeting that is duly recorded to discuss legal
strageties. Attorney Guthrie said there is provision in Chapter 286, dealing with the Sunshine Law,
that talks about an executive session, where the elected officials, the City Manager and City Attorney
and outside council as appropriate can meet in executive session to discuss stragerty regarding
litigation. Commissioner Blake asked if this is the type of discussion the Commission should be
having in that sort; if we do, given that people who sit up here, sit on different sides of the question,
how do we reconcile who is invited to such a meeting. Attorney Guthrie said when this lawsuit was
filed, he started mulling that, because it is very unusual to have one member of an elected body sue
other members; the law is strict on terms of who can attend and said he is concerned that it may be
strict as to who must attend; Attorney Guthrie said there has been very little case analysis of it, but
the case that he is familar with has to do with a City in Broward County and it indicated that you had
to read it strictly and those who were listed could come, what it doesn't answer is "does it say that
some of those that are listed can be precluded from coming", that is an unanswered question and said
he does not know how to answer that right now. There is provisions for an executive session in
which the Commission discussed litigation stragerty, settlement proposals and a whole litney of things
and it is recorded by a court reporter and remains outside the Sunshine (it remains a non-public
reocrd) until the ligigation is concluded and then it has to be released within a certain time of the final
disposition of the case. Attorney Guthrie said this deals with the business end of what we are doing
and said he always wants to be careful with litigation and said he appreciates Commissioner Blake
raising the point but said this is something that can be raised in public, as it talks about the firms
credentials and what they will be charging and the attorneys that will primarily be involved and that
will clearly be a matter of public record.
Commissioner Gennell said she has discussed this with Attorney Guthrie herself because she had some
concerns along the same lines and as was pointed out it would be inappropriate for their firm to be
involved in this, so this in effect gives the Commission legal council to get to an executive session if
that's the way the Commission wants to do it.
Attorney Guthrie stated that this is the only proposal that he has gotten and said,he doesn't know if
he will get the second or not, but said he has no problem recommending the firm of Holland and
Knight; for two reasons: one is the experience of the firm and the hourly rates and said they did put
an upper limit cap on what they would be charging and indicated that they would charge the lower
of the hourly rate or the upper limit that was quoted in their proposal.
Commissioner McLeod asked ifit would be proper to say that a defendent then, if we were defending
ourselves against someone else, would not be sitting in that meeting, the plaintiff of the other party.
Attorney Guthrie said that clearly is the ordinary situation. Commissioner McLeod asked then how
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would that be different and said how could the Commission have an executive meeting among the
members of this Commission with somebody who is the Mayor suing the Commissionres for a ruling;
in which we point out our stragerty or our thoughts, for that individual not to take it back to their
council. Attorney Guthrie said clearly it is awkward and it is unusual enought that the law didn't
continplate this type of situation.
Mayor Partyka stated that if there is an executive session, he will not be there; and stated that all he
wants to know is what his job description is from a Mayor's standpoint.
Commissioner McLeod said is it not his understanding, that this individual can be hire on behalf of
the City, but is it not that each one of the City Commissioners has the right to hire their own council
to be paid for by this City. Attorney Guthrie said this Commission, pursuant to Chapter 111 of the
Florida Statutes can declair that to be a public purpose; the way this was filed, has the effect of suing
the City but it was filed in an odd way, in that it sued the Commissioners individually, in your officials
capacities, which begs the issue of council so it could be a public purpose finding of "you all"
according to Chapter 111, to have your own council, but said he urges that somebody be in charge
and said he would like that to be the council that the Commission hires on behalf of the City.
Commissioner Gennell said the Commission has aired this publically and said it is not a real
complicated situation, it's really a simple basic situation and for the benefit of everybody concerned,
it would be her hope that the Commission wouldn't have to entertain executive session of that in itself
might not even present itself as a problem.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to hire the firm of Holland and Knight pursuant
to the letter agreement and to authorize the Deputy Mayor to sign the agreemellt pertaining
to this litigation on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioller Gellnell: aye; Commissioller McLeod: aye. Motion
B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore:
No Report.
C. Commission Seat I - Robert S. Miller:
D. Commission Seat II - Michael S. Blake:
No Report.
E. Commission Seat III - Ed Martinez. Jr.:
F. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell commented that some of the things taken place this evening gives her no
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H. Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
No Report.
I. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka:
No Report.
The meeting adjournded at 6:28 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk
.-. .