HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 06 05 Regular Item A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM A 06/05/03 Meeting 1 REQUEST: The Community Development Department recommends Approval of a request for a Conditional Use within the City of Winter Springs RC-I zoning District (Residential Rustic FLU designation), to allow a 1728 square foot detached accessory structure at 612 Tina Lane. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider the appropriateness of the proposed detached accessory structure, pursuant to the criteria set forth in Ordinance No. 2003-07, which amended Section 6-84 of the City Code of Ordinances to allow detached accessory buildings larger than 240 square feet, in certain situations. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Sec. 6 - 84. Accessory buildings. Ordinance No. 2003-07 CHRONOLOGY: May 7,2003 - Conditional Use application submitted to the City. FINDINGS: I. The request is consistent with all applicable goals, objectives and policies of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. 2. The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of Ordinance No. 2003-07, which amended Section 6-84 of the City Code, and with all applicable requirements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Jason Zinno's Conditional Use request to construct a 1728 SF detached accessory structure, at 612 Tina Lane, as depicted on the attached plans. ATTACHMENTS: A. Ordinance No. 2003-07 R Application C. Location Map & Site Plan D. Architectural Renderings & Floor Plan BOA ACTION: S:\dept - Community Development\Planning\060503 _BOA Zinno _ Conditional_ Use.doc I j ;' ATTACHMENT A ORDINANCE NO. 2003-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 6-84, WINTER SPRINGS CODE, RELATING TO ACCESSORY BUILDINGS; ALLOWING BY CONDITIONAL USE ONE OR MORE ACCESSORY BUILDINGS GREATER THAN 240 SQUARE FEET ON PROPERTY WITH A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF RESIDENTIAL ,RURAL; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element (page 1-2) provides that residential rural areas are mainly reserved for large lot single-family residences not exceeding one unit per acre and that accessory structures and primary agricultural uses may be pennitted based upon appropriate surrounding land uses; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that under some circumstances the accessory building restrictions under Section 6-84 of the ,Winter Springs Code should be relaxed, with appropriate safeguards, to accommodate the large l()tscurrently designated residential rural pursuant to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and"' WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida~ hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. reference. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein by this Section 2. Code Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Code) Section ,6-84 is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Section 6-84. It is intended that the text in Section 6-84 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain uncHanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2003-07 Page lof 3 .~ 'f' Sec. 6-84. Accessory buildings. * * * ill Upon application filed with the City. the City Commission may vary the number. height. and size requirements set forth in this Section or approve an accessory building on an adjacent lot by , conditional use pennit under the following conditions: ill The subi ect property has a residential rural future land use map designation under the City's Comprehensive Plan. , ill The applicant submits for review and consideration a detailed architectural rendering of the proposed accessory building and a plot plan drawn to scale. ill The City Commission tindsthat: ill the proposed accessory building is compatible and harmonious with the principal structure and the surrounding land uses and structures: @ the proposed accessory building will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity: (Hi) the height of the proposed accessory building does not exceed the height of the principal structure: and (iv) the, accessory building shall meet the requirements of the applicable ,zoning district including setback and maximum lot coverage. ill An accessory building may be constructed on a lot adjacent to the lot on which the principal building is located under the following conditions: ill The conditions set forth in subsections (1). (2). and (3) are satisfied. @ A legal instrument reasonably acceptable to the City is recorded in the public records of Seminole County that provides that the principal building lot and the ,adiacent lot are unified under common ownership and that in the event said ownership is ever separated. the accessory building shall be removed or a principal building shall be constructed on the adiacent lot within one (1) year from the date the lots are separated. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2003-07 Page 2 of 3 ./ '. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City Charter. ' ADOP1'ED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, FI,orida, in a regular meeting a.sembled on tbe 28thdayof April ~~"",~, .20~ ' . JO . BUS~j~lay~r ' , . .. , to..~ .".. . , ) ATTEST: " NZO-LUACES, City Clerk Approved as, to legal form and sufficiency for the City Winter Springs only: First Reading: April 14, 2003 Second Reading: April 28, 2003 Effective Date: April 28, 2003 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2003-07 Page 3 of 3 "~ , /J/} /) ~ if' 3C.Y'(.J 7- / ?il8' , ' " q~,~~r~/ IR,,>~~'?e~. FLU ATTACHMENT B ., 'ReI 2~}"'j ~# BoiRD o~ RD'.".'"T RPPLICRTIO: . .. . . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS , ~o..Jc..:s }.,?1tA.~ IAr ' 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 J/) Q dD ~ J51 WINTER'SPRINGS, FL ,32708-2799 c::f-U a- p S-o (407)327-1800 $ .20 R3> FOR: I SPECIAL EXCEPTION VA'RIANCE 'CONDITIONAL USE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION '\.., 1. , Yo? CJ71 -I02-S- /-1 APPLICANT: :J'~N ~IN /VO ,;, 'PHQNE ,:407 LJf::::f2JO)O ~ , , ADDRES~: 5?~'1 OAK L,Akf: ,F:f:1/L ,OV.I~ F(327&r::; PURPOSE OF REQUEST:' REQueSTIf'lG PE!::MIL ~ 'PUIi A f3Af<N orJ (o/~ -r:1NI>o- 1~f'J__ i_f?. Se_hN~C; 1="1 32708 ,,--,2 v3, , l;4, ATTACH A COPX OF THE PARCEL SURVEY, ATTACH AN 11 x 17 MAP S~OHING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS. .:~ C/s. ATTACH LEGAL'DESCRIPTION. \.,/6. TAX PARCEL ~DENTIFicATION NUMBE~i'J'12r 30'31\~ IL./TC, DOOD 7. LOCATION 'OF PARCEL (street,Addres's' and/or <N~arest Cross streets): &/'2. TlwA LN ''''/'~RSPRltvb'S. ';:-/ ?,'y7/,,5'" ../ 'T I ' 'RA5 .'~ '1~c.-:D - ",' (")D_ rx...-r/c. "v,,~. PRESENT ZONING: _'- FUTURE ,LAND USE: ~~. .,>",..:..' '.' \'~g:~,~l-El~'I- u'nderst~'d that City of'Winter Springs Offidals ' may enter upon,my property to inspect that portion, as relates to this applica~ioh; " ": .. (If the applicant is not the,owner of th~ subject property, the 'applicant must' attach, a letter of authori'zation signed by the owner)' , . :;~. ::..' .;. ' Jason Zinno OHNER-PL-EASE TYPE a ' tJRE,;;,#rE . PERSbNS ARE ADVISED THAT, IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY,' DECISIONS MADE AT THE~E MEETINds/HEARINGS, THEY WItL NEED A,RECORti OF THE PROCEEDiNGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY HILL NEED TO ,INSURE THAT A VERBATIM'RECORD QF TH'E PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, 'AT' THEIR 'COST, HHICH I INCLUDES THE TESrIMON~ AND ~VIDENCE UPON NHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE ,) ~ BAS*D, PER SECTION 286.010~, FLORIDA STATUTES ',' ;?- " \ \. SECTION 20-84 - APPEALS FROM DECI~IONS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT '(1) Any person, or persons, jointly or severally agg'riev'ed by any decision of the Board of Adjustment may, within thirty (30) days after the filing of any decision in the office of the Board of Adjustment, but not thereafter, apply to' the 'City Council for admini~~~ative ~elief. After a hearing,before the City Council an a9grieve~ party may, within thirty (30) days a~ter the d.cision of the City Council, file an, appeal with a court of competent jurisdiction over the subje6t matter~ ' .......-.. , :',..or-";' .' r. i ,'TINA LN , 142.0 .,'~;::/.i;;;;.{:;O!:., 2" :':0: .>: ':;?:'?: :': 210 .1iJ . "', :. ;.;; 209 2JJ >- 219 0:::' 0:::' 232 tu 220 :r (.) 221 231 iU ~ 222 2JO ~ (.) ; ~ / ~I 142.0 !I I I' J! :1 ~~W~~ff.~;1j~ . ~.: :;.~, ......; ...i ':':':"" ': n j ! \ i, J ! , . _re :.... -". 147~C .( , . .' ...., ~08 "J'.~,;,~,.:: ~,',...".:..,~ 207 --, j A r ! I" I ! ~ t fi'Cf ~V : i , f 5 I ! i I I -, "~14' '-." 206 147.G 20~ I ! ~ j Ll7[j ",.JJ f i I I :j '- - 147.A ._- ...:. , ! I I , 1.A to 2 ~~~$~ 39 38 ~ J6 ~ , .....ir.:-..:~;;.;.:~.~..~~. .j,i. ) 0038' . 003#. APR-21-2DD3 02: 31 PM FROM- T-848 P ,001/001 H88 '.J MAP OF SURVEY "AS-BUILT' ---' LOT 'I: FRON TDE SOUTHEAST CO.RN8R OF LOT f ~7, BLOCK -/1', D.R. JllI'CH8US SlIRYJ1Y OF NOSES E. LlYf CJW(T, ACCORDINe TO THE PLAT TBRlOJ' AS ' "RECOJWED IN PLAT BOOK f AT PACE 6 OF TI/8 PllBLlC UCORDS OF SEJI/NOLE COUNrY.' FLORIDA, RUN N04,57'd8 ALONC TM WT LlNI OF SA1lJ BLOCK '0' AND TDE TrEST LINE OJ' c.uwENL4 FDlJIS SUBDIYISION, AS RECORDSIJ IN PLAT BOOK 6 AT PiCES 23 AND 24 OF SEJI/NOLE COUNTY, FLORI.DJ. .4, DISr.4NCE OF 655.99 FEET TO THE POINT OJ'DECINNlNC; THENCE N85.02'11fr, '''0.00 ~I I J 7l~8IDfAff g::s:;,"f/oJ8fifl fl!fj l?1fs:t:-r:o~~~4}1. f~.::ET f.l " FEET TO THE POINT OF BECINNINC. l:l' I IlJ..J "'111<: ~III~ 5Ji' II RECEIVED :O~INGS SHDIIN ~ Am BASED OH M EAST !U :~ APR, 2 t 2003 - rJ\=~Z~~ii~rM:1lS LXI : I 11-- llF RfCQRO. _ ~l'llHl IITn-InEs. FlllHIATI0N9. CI/l OTHER CITY 01' WlNH!R SPRINGS' : 5, nw..~S HERE NOT UlCA1MHtHIS SI6lVEl' I , I .. _ P"rmlWng _ Max ", < - BCII..Wll Nfl TOPOGRAPHrc TtON BASSl'lJH I I I .. ~f~~'1J~Y BY FIRST ~ tAL S\.RmoRS. VIe. -FOIJH1 4114 I I ~ S85 '02 '39"f At'L'Il1lllNi TO TIE fFllEIW- f1E1'K;EIC'f ~ I 7fI//-!i6.78 639 9.'~' , ~~I95.Fl1IIl.JtAP~Uf~.!l. Effa:J1~._ 585 "02 '18 oE ,'" 1'0) rrr U7: III _ '11" .. ~ /6lBlII ~ 640_ 00' (H) ~~ g~ ~~ tulJ.J ~i'o ~~ ~{ri :ol:~ ~ -S~cj;< Vi D ~/~~ NOV 1 3 2a02 204.SZ' ~ .~ ~" .g ~ . ~Nf :!t:;ll: ~~ ~" ~~ . ~ i J5!1. 4(;' ~ PIlE TREE Ifr", NAIl. aE'I-57.38 ~ ~ F.l.R.r.. ' 1S!!8~ N85 '02 '18.1'1 NB5'02'18"1f 639.87' (M) 640.00' (D) CERTIl'IEIl TO AlII fOR THE EXIl-USIVI!. BEHEFIT OF; JASON oJ. lntNll AND .eolIfER M, ZIlIlO ~ ~~ INC. PROPBlTY AllDRESS: TIIIA LANE P.D.B. I~ ..r ~I fg ,\ lfj I 't> ~ :'s ~ 1l!5!1! l I ::] i I~a HOUSE DETAIL 1m SCALI!: J' 060', , ~ s.f..D~ -.......' SCALI: U1T 1-(7 SliD'll. '4 h ..: b ... 1" = 120' FRANKLIN, HART &- REID CIVIL EN(;INEERS - LAND SURVEYORS 1368 EAST VINE STREET. KIssrNH&. 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