HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1997 10 13 City Commission Regular Minutes
OCTOBER 13,1997
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:30
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor David McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Bob Guthrie, present
Larry Conniff, present
Michael Blake, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cub Scout Den 5 of Pack 787. James (didn't say his last name)
introduced the Den Leader and the two chaperones.
Approval of Minutes of September 22. 1997:
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the minutes of September 22,1997.
Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Commissioner Blake said a vote is missing
on page 12; regarding placing the Mayor's Veto on tll1e agenda and stated that there were only
three votes, Commissioner Gennell's vote was missing. The City Clerk mentioned that the
Mayor stopped the vote after three votes. Mayor Partyka said the vote only need three
affirmative votes and therefore the other vote was not needed. Vote: Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of September 29. 1997:
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of
September 29, 1997. Seconded by Commissioner ConnitT. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka said agenda changes are there will be added to the Regular Agenda Item I: Resolution
830 which is to waive sign fees for the campaign.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to place Resolution 830, Regular Agenda Item I
on the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Dnscussion. Vote: Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner
Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka said there is a request by the City Manager to move Regular Agenda Item A to before
Public Input. The Commission was in agreement.
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Recognition to Winter Spring Firefighters for their efforts collecting donations for the Muscular
Dystrophy Association:
Mayor Partyka read a letter that was given to the Mayor and Commission regarding the collection
of donation for the Muscular Dystrophy Association that was held during the Labor Day Week-end.
Lt. Corey Green, President of the Winter Springs Professional Firefighters Association was present
and thanked the Mayor and Commission for giving the Firefighters the opportunity to collect for
Muscular Dystrophy. The Mayor and Commission thanked Lt. Green,
REGULAR AGENDA - Police Department
A. Requesting the Commission accept the donation of two (2) Police Mountain Bikes to initiate a
Bicycle Patrol unit to enhance the Community Policing philosophy of the Department. PURPOSE:
to request Commission review, approve and accept a donation of two (2) Police Mountain Bikes from
Pizzuti Development. Inc.. for the purpose of beginning a Bicycle Patrol unit:
Police Chief Kerr gave his presentation. Two Police Officers brought the bicycles into the Chambers
to show the Commission and the public. Mayor Partyka, on behalf of the Commission, thanked
Pizzuti Development for their contribution.
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to approve the donation of two Police Mountain
Bikes from Pizzuti Development, Inc. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner ConnitT: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Chief Kerr mentioned that the bicycles will be out on patrol next week
Philip Kulbes, 705 Glasgow Ct., thanked the Commission for their kindness in dedicating the Senior
Center in honor of him.
Bruce Bower, 221 Shore Rd., spoke regarding cut-thru traffic fi'om the Seville Chase Subdivision
onto Shore Road.
Discussion. Manager McLemore said he will look at the Site Plan for the Subdivision.
Wayne Nelson, 1104 Winged Foot Circle, spoke regarding Ord. No. 678 and said he supports the
Mayor's Veto.
Harold Scott, 911 Augusta National Blvd., spoke regarding Ord. No. 678 and said he was in support
of stealth towers. Mr. Scott left articles regarding telecommunication towers for the Mayor and
Commission to look at.
Community Development Department/Administrative Division
A. Presents to the Commission for informational purposes a draft of an "Interlocal Agreement
relating to the Annexation of Enclaves" prepared by staff PURPOSE: to apprise the Commission
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that City staff has prepared a draft ofan Interlocal Agreement relating to the Annexation of Enclaves
that will be reviewed by Seminole County staff
Parks and Recreation Department
B. Requests the Commission accept the low bid of $25,750.00 from D & B Tennis of Sebring,
Florida for construction of basketball courts at Torcaso Park and authorize the City Manager to enter
into a contract for such services with D & B Tennis. PURPOSE: to request that the Commission
accept the low bid from D & B Tennis and authorize the City manager to enter into a contract for
such services.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve the Consent Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner ConnitT. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
City Manager
A. Updating the Commission on the land clearing activity occurring at The Oaks Subdivision.
PURPOSE: to update the Commission regarding the land clearing for The Oaks Subdivision and
whether it is in compliance with the Arbor Ordinance.
Police Department
B. Informing the Commission of the approval of a Bureau of Justice Assistance Block Grant.
PURPOSE: to provide information to the Commission regarding the Police Department's approval
for a Bureau of Justice Assistance Block Grant, to be used for Crime Prevention projects in the
Department's Community Relations Section.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to accept the Informational Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
B. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing to approve the First Reading for adoption of
Ordinance No. 683 to establish the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations
(Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan. PURPOSE: to request the
Commission approve the First Reading for adoption of Ordinance No. 683 establishing the
"Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) that would become
a part of Chapter 20 "The Zoning Ordinance" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to remove this item from the table. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
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aye; Commissioner ConnitT: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye.
Motion passes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the First Reading of Ordinance No.
683 and to read by title only. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Commissioner
Gennell said on page 13, number 18, should state that if a retention pond has to be in the front
of the property, a water feature will be incorporated. Commissioner McLeod mentioned on
page 14, A(2) states the type of trees and that a tree list is attached and the section only
mentions one type of tree, but also mentions the tree list. Commissioner McLeod also stated
that Regular Agenda Item C has the same language however, it does not have the tree list and
the tree list should also be attached for the New Development Area Overlay Zoning District
Regulations. Commissioner McLeod mentioned a few typos. Vote: Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner ConnitT: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Guthrie read Ord. No. 683 by title only on First Reading.
Mayor Partyka asked if any member of the public wished to speak on this item. No one wished
to speak.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
C. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing and approve the Second Reading and Adoption
of Ordinance No. 675 to establish the "New Development Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations
(Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan. PURPOSE: to hold a Public
Hearing and approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 675 to establish the "New
Development Area" Overlay Zoning DistriCt Regulations (Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434
Corridor Vision Plan:
Mayor Partyka asked that it be noted on the agenda items that were tabled from a previous meeting.
Manager McLemore said he met with"Mr. Yeager and Ms. Cassells regarding this and recommended
creating an interchange zone. Discussion.
Mike Schrimsher, property owner spoke regarding this item.
Public Works Department
D. Requesting the Commission hold a Public Hearing and approval of the Second Reading of
Ordinance No. 684 revising the Transportation Impact Fee. PURPOSE: to request the Commission
hold a Public Hearing and approve the Second Reading of Ordinance No. 684 which replaces the
Transportation Impact Fee Cost Table identified as Appendix "B" of Division 2, Article VII, Chapter
9 of the City Code of Ordinances:
Attorney Guthrie read Ord. 684 by title only on Second Reading. Mayor Partyka closed the
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Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak on this
ordinance. No one wished to speak. Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reconvened
the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to approve the Second Reading of Ord. No. 684.
Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner
Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Finance Department
E. Requesting the Commission approve for First Reading, Ordinance No. 688, establishing a Police
Public Safety Facilities Impact Fee. PURPOSE: to approve for First Reading, Ordinance No. 688,
establishing a Police Public Safety Facilities Impact Fee which repeals the prior ordinance and
establishes new fees:
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to read Ord. No. 688 by title only on First
Reading. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti:
aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Guthrie read Ord. No. 688 by title only on First Reading. Mayor Partyka asked if
anyone wished to speak on this Ord. No one wished to speak.
Finance Department
F. Requesting the Commission approve for First Reading, Ordinance No. 689, establishing a Fire
Public Safety Facilities Impact Fee. PURPOSE: to approve for First Reading, Ordinance No. 689,
establishing a Fire Public Safety Facilities Impact Fee which repeals the prior ordinance and
establishes new fees:
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to read Ord. No. 689 by title only on First
Reading. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Guthrie read Ord. No. 689 by title only on First Reading. Mayor Partyka asked if
anyone wished to comment on this Ord. No one wished to comment.
City Manager
G. Requesting Commission review alternative life insurance coverage for City employees, and
authorize the City Manager to solicit bids for the life insurance alternative the Commission desires.
PURPOSE: to review alternative life insurance coverage for City employees to determine if it desires
to change the current coverage, and to authorize the City Manager to bid the life insurance alternative
Discussion on this item.
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Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to direct the City Manager to go out for bid to have
a life insurance policy for employees that is one times their salary, up to $50,000 and to have
an option for employees to purchase additional life insurance at the group rate. Seconded by
Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner ConnitT: aye; Commissioner Blake:
aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: nay.
Motion passes.
City Manager
H. Commission action relative to the Mayor's Veto of the Telecommunication Tower Ordinance.
PURPOSE: for the Commission to determine if it desires to over-ride the Mayor's Veto of the
Telecommunication Tower Ordinance:
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to over-ride the Mayor's Veto of Ordinance 678.
Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Commissioner Blake gave the Mayor
information he received from the University of Minnesota regarding Telecommunication
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to call the motion. Seconded by Commissioner
Gennell. Vote: All aye.
Vote on the Motion to over-ride the Mayor's Veto: Commissnoner Blake: aye; Commissioner
ConnitT: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
ADD-ON Mayor's Office
I. Resolution No. 830 - waivine fees for political sil!ns:
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to alPprove Resolution No. 830. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye.
Motion passes. Attorney Guthrie read Resolution No. 830 by title only.
A. City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher/Bob Guthrie:
Attorney Guthrie mentioned he would like to schedule a workshop to update the Commission
regarding the Private Property Act.
B. City Manager Ronald W. McLemore:
Manager McLemore said he has concerns regarding political activity on City property. Discussion.
Manager McLemore said he will send a letter to the candidates stating there will be no solicitation
offunds, no solicitation of votes and no passing out of literature on Public Property.
C. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti asked the City Manager ifhe could meet with Chief Kerr regarding a traffic
problem. Manager McLemore gave his permission for Commissioner Langellotti to meet with Chief
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D. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell stated that she had been contacted regarding the traffic on Shore Road.
Commissioner Gennell also mentioned speeding on Edgemon Ave. and First Street.
E. Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod mentioned Consent Agenda Item B, regarding the approval of the low bid
for the tennis courts and stated that the low bid wad 31.4% below the rest of the bidders and asked
that the Parks Director make sure to look at what he is getting. Commissioner McLeod mentioned
that the percentage from the highest bidder and the next was 4.3%. Commissioner McLeod stated
he is in favor of a highway zoning district.
F. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff commended the mayor for his dancing expeltise at the dedication of the Senior
G. Commission Seat II - Michael Blake:
No Report.
H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka:
No Report.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk
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Mayor Partyka called the Workshop to order at 8:35 p.m.
n. Discussion on "Town Center" Planning:
Manager McLemore gave his presentation.
Manager McLemore recommended a Public/Private Partnership for the Town Center design and
Development Process.
Mick Schrimsher, property owner spoke regarding the Design/Development process. Mr. Rob
Rosen, attorney, representing Winn Dixie, also spoke.
Manager McLemore introduced Ken Simback, who has agreed to volunteer to help with the design
and development process. Mr. Simback spoke regarding the design and development process.
The Commission was in agreement to have the Manger go forward with this project.
The workshop meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.