HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 10 09 City Commission Regular Minutes
OCTOBER 9,1995
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs was called to order by
Mayor lohn F. Bush at 7:30 p.m.
Mayor lohn F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor lohn Langellotti, present
City Manager lohn Govoruhk:, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
lohn Ketteringham, Gen. Svc. Director, present
Larry Conniff, present
lohn Feering, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
For the invocation, Mayor Bush asked for a moment of silent prayer.
Approval of Minutes of September 25. 1995:
Mayor Bush asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of September 25, 1995.
There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of September 25, 1995. Minutes stand
approved as presented.
Mayor Bush said that the individuals are not present for the presentation of the Resolutions, so we
will mail the Resolutions to them.
Charlene Pittman, 224 Bennett Street, spoke about standing water on her street which in turn is
leaving algae build up on the street. Children and adults are slipping and falling, tires are spinning as
you try and drive out. Ms. Pittman said she spoke with Allen from the Public Works Dept. and was
told that Allen would go out and look at it and get back with her. Allen called back within three days
and said that the road was not on the plans to be redone but now it is it won't be until next year. I
asked if a solution could be put on the road to get rid of the algae and was told that it would be
looked into. I was told by the Public Works secretary that someone would be out to put a solution
on the road but this has not happened as of yet.
Mayor Bush asked Mr. Ketteringham to check on this tomorrow and get back with Ms. Pittman.
Commissioner Ferring asked Ms. Pittman to put her complaint in writing to the Commission so the
Commission can follow up on this with the City Manager.
Lorraine Kasper, 1507 Woodsglen Drive, stated that the Developer has dug up her lawn and her
sprinkler system and shrubs, trees and flowers and has not fixed her lawn. Discussion.
Commissioner F erring stated that the Commission just received her letter of complaint today and
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October 9, 1995
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stated the Commission will look into this matter and we will have someone follow up on it as soon
as we can and someone will get back to Ms. Kasper to let her know what is going to happen.
Commissioner Langellotti said he had received the letter from Ms. Kasper last week and forwarded
her letter onto the City Manager. Commissioner Langellotti said he also received phone calls from
other people living in Chelsea Parc subdivision with their complaints. I think the City Manager spoke
to the Building Official who in turn spoke to Ms. Kasper.
Mayor Bush told Ms. Kasper that the City is working on this and she will hear back from Mr.
Ketteringham or Mr. Govoruhk on this.
Diane Walker, 330 Hayes Road, said she is present representing the homeowners on Hayes Road
from Sailfish to Bahama, regarding the paving and drainage. We as the homeowners want the paving,
we do not want the project to be shelved. I would like to know what we can do to get this going
again because we don't want to see it shelved.
Commissioner Ferring said the City hasn't shelved the issue and at the last meeting we sent it back
to Staff for them to look into what has been transpiring with this project. Staff will look into how
the original survey that was sent out, is now different because of the way the logistics are as far as
the money is concerned. Maybe we are remiss when we sent the survey out and not saying "if we
pave the roads without any cost to the taxpayer, would you want the roads paved", I think that is
probably our mistake for not putting it on there. There were suggestions that we may have another
workshop and the possibility of sending out another survey, to state the roads we can pave at no extra
cost to the taxpayer.
Ms. Walker asked how will they know when this comes back on the agenda. Mayor Bush said the
City Clerk will notifY Ms. Walker of the meeting.
Commissioner McLeod said he has received several phone calls this week which were from residents
in the Ranchlands. The folks that live on the roads that was questioned about being paved, the
response from the majority of the people who called me are in favor of the paving. We have asked
the Staff to give the Commission recommendations regarding the collector roads system. I think we
need to extend that to do a survey of the folks that actually live on the roads that are questioned as
being paved. I think we need to survey the people that are living at the residence on the roads in
Commissioner Langellotti said he drove on Hayes Road after the rain and said it is a disgrace.
Bill Edwards, 1415 Creekside Circle, in Chelsea Pare, said he recently received a boundary resurvey
stating that our property lines in error. Quest properties is telling me that my property line is off
approximately 1 foot 7 inches; by them moving the property line, that means my home is in violation
of the building code. I need some guidance on how to resolve this.
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October 9, 1995
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Attorney Kruppenbacher stated he received today, a memo dated on Friday, from the Staff regarding
this issue relating to boundary lines and a sUIvey that was changed, and how does it get corrected and
what does it mean and that there is potential negative impact on at least one homeowner. We don't
know how big the impact really is, my recommendation is that you direct Staff along with me to get
with the developer on this issue and between now and the next meeting, get the issue resolved and
framed in a manner to protect the homeowners. Additionally, I recommend you table item "F" until
the next meeting.
Mayor Bush said if the Commission has no objection, we will pull item "F" from the agenda tonight
until the Manager and Attorney come back with resolutions to the questions that have been raised
by Mr. LeBlanc through Mr. Ketteringham. Discussion. There was no objection from the
Commission to pull item "F". This item will be on the agenda for the October 23, 1995 meeting.
Marty Nold, 135 East Panama Road, spoke regarding the paving of the RancWands and wanted the
Commission to realize that the RancWands Homeowners Association represents a group of owners
in the RancWands not the RancWands completely. I appreciate Commissioner McLeod's comments
about checking out with the owners, we have coming to you within the next couple days, petitions
from Moss Road, Panama, Hayes Road, for paving from just about 100% of the Ranchland owners.
Commissioner Ferring said to clarifY something, we didn't take the Ranchlands Homeowners appeal
as the "gospel" of what we were discussing, I mentioned at the last meeting was the survey that we
had sent out which was overwhelmingly in favor of not paving the RancWands. Since that time has
occurred there has been a much different change of view point from the homeowners in the
RancWands now that the roads were able to be paved with impact fees so it is a different story. It
wasn't one individual group that we were going on, we were cued on this, we had a workshop on it,
we've had engineers discussing the drainage and the drainage area problems that we have throughout
the Ranchlands. It is not something that we made a snap judgement on and we certainly are going
to reconsider and I think we explained tonight that we will ask our Staff to look at it completely. And
as Commissioner McLeod has said, get a survey out possibly to the homeowners that are affected in
that area. Discussion.
Mayor Bush said what happened at the last meeting was the fact that the Commission wanted to
study this further and I think what they are waiting on is the City Manager and Staff to put together
another survey of the residents, because things have changed and with the new information, we
thought the residents should have an opportunity to evaluate the information. The money is still in
the budget for this purpose, it has not been removed from the budget.
Third Reading and Public Hearing Ord. 589 - Amending Chapter 9, Land Development Article VII.
Impact Fees. Division 2, Transportation facilities; Section 9-386.16 severability; conflicts and
effective date:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 589 by title only.
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October 9, 1995
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Mayor Bush closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing. Mayor Bush asked if there
was any member from the public who wished to speak on Ord. 589. There was no one who spoke
on Ord. 589. Mayor Bush closed the public hearing and reconvened the regular meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to adopt Ord. 589, amending Chapter 9, Land
Development Article VII. Impact fees. Division 2, Transportation Facilities; Section 9-386.16
severability, conflicts and effective date. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennelt: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Second Reading and Public Hearing Ord. 595 - Amending Article ill, Sections 10-51 through Section
10-110, nude entertainment, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in its
entirety. providing for conflict. severability. and effective date:
Mayor Bush stated this item will be pulled from the agenda, it is not yet complete.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that the Commissioners have asked to talk to me about that ordinance
and asked the Clerk not to put it back on the agenda until he (Attorney) says it is ready to go.
Seminole County Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment - City of Winter Springs objection to
the proposed location of the "Urban Boundary" north ofS.R. 434 and to the immediate east of the
Battle Ridge property:
Tom Grimms, Community Development Coordinator, stated that recently the Seminole County Board
of Commissioners held their public hearing for transmittal of the Comprehensive Plan amendment that
we are interested in concerning Urban Boundary moved from DeLeon Street to the east boundary
of the Battle Ridge property. It is at this time if the Board would be interested in sending a letter of
objection to this change, to the Florida Department of Community Affairs.
Mayor Bush said what we are asking for is the Commission's approval to send the letter stating the
objections that have been outlined. Discussion. It was the consensus of the Commission to send the
letter of objection.
Southland Construction Company - Request of Southland Construction Co. to reinstate burn permit
for the widening ofS.R. 434 (two week period commencing on or about October 30. 1995):
George Smalley, Southland Construction Co., asked the Commission to reinstate the burning permit
for the highway construction for a two week period so they can complete their burning, in a time
period when the weather is more conducive and we feel that would be in late October, early
November. We feel we could bum the remaining trees in the two week period under the restrictions
of the original permit that we had. We request it because when we bid the work we knew we could
get a burning permit, but it was rescinded (stopped) and we ask the Commission that we be given this
two week period to complete our work rather than haul the material to a landfill.
Commissioner Ferring said as sympathetic he is to their construction of S.R. 434, and the project that
Mr. Smalley is undergoing, he is also sensitive to the fact that the burning that he was doing prior
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when the burning permit was issued, was polluting our area. Every other builder in this City has to
haul away whatever they have to dispose of, you have a great deal of trees that have been taken down
and a lot of bushes and shrubs; by you burning those trees it puts a layer of smog around this area,
which I don't think is healthy to our residents and myself personally I cannot see it; this is something
you'll have to take up with the State if it is going to cost you excess money to cart the stuff away to
a landfill. I think our residents health is a lot better if we don't pollute the atmosphere.
Mr. Samlley said what he is asking is to burn at the time of the year where we don't have this heavy
air and rainy season that we have recently, that the air is lighter especially at night and late in the
afternoon that the air is not so heavy that it does allow the smoke to dissipate. I don't feel that we
would have that much of a hazard for a ten day or two week period compared to the expense to us
to physically and the time to dispose of the material.
Commissioner Ferring stated that unfortunately the time and expense should have been taken into
consideration and I think if you appeal to the State and tell them that it is going to cost you extra
money to dispose of that to landfills; as opposed to possibly harming some of our residents with the
pollution. As far as I'm concerned I would not allow it.
Commissioner Langellotti asked Mr. Smalley ifhe intended for this burn to be the complete length
or is one spot designated. Mr. Smalley said it is one spot (where we were), all the trees are down at
this point in time and they are all back in the area where we previously burned, our thoughts were to
let them lay there for three weeks or a month and let them dry out to facilitate the immediate burning
of them and not have green material burning. They would be burned where they sit today.
Commissioner Langellotti asked Fire Chief Lallathin how does the Fire Department feel about that.
ChiefLallathin said they had a valid Division of Forestry and City permit that was current to the end
of September.
Commissioner McLeod asked if Mr. Smalley has given any consideration to mulching the wood vs
hauling it. If this Commission so felt to allow you to continue with the burn permit, then would you
be so inclined for those residents that have the allergies that causes breathing problems, would you
be willing to put them up in a hotel for the duration of your burn if you so feel that may be cheaper
if the Commission would give you the go ahead. Discussion. Mr. Smalley we would do something
reasonable if it would facilitate us getting on with our work.
Mayor Bush said you are asking for a permit later this month. Mr. Smalley said that is correct, the
intent is for a dry season burn and if this weather continued until the end of this month, we would not
want that two week period to be, in November and late October, normally we get into a dry season
where the air becomes lighter, where if you burn it goes up, it doesn't hang and that is what we are
looking for. We actually feel that we can do it in less than two weeks if the material can lay there and
dry for three weeks or so. Discussion.
Commissioner Langellotti said Commissioner McLeod had a good idea, have you looked into the
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chipping. Mr. Smalley said no they haven't because one reason is that they felt that the trees that
were in the swamp were no necessarily conducive to that type of disposal. Mr. Smalley said a lot of
it goes back on how we bid the job, if we bid a job up on Tuscawilla or somewhere in there, it is up
front that you are not going to burn, there is no question about it; when we bid this job, we had asked
the State Forestry Dept. and checked here in Winter Springs and if we could comply with the
distances and such that we could burn, realizing that the permit could be stopped if we are in violation
of the permit. We weren't aware that we were having a serious problem with the smoke. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to deny reinstatement of the burn permit for SoutWand
Construction Co. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher said
you don't need a motion, their permit expired and the Fire Chief doesn't intend to issue one based
upon the consensus he heard from the Commission. Commissioner Langellotti withdrew his second.
Commissioner Ferring withdrew his motion.
Grand Reserve Subdivision - Acceptance of water, sewer and reclaimed water system for City
maintenance (subdivision located on west side of Tuskawilla Rd. across from Arbor Glen Subdiv:
Donald LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist, stated on today's date he gave the City Attorney a
draft letter of credit. With the offices being closed today, the letter of credit was out of an Ohio
office, Huntington National Bank, I was not able to ascertain that Huntington is licensed to do
business in the State of Florida, it is my understanding form Mr. Stormer that it did take over some
banks in Florida. The Attorney wants one correction, that instead of upon presentation of the Ohio
office that it be changed to be a Florida office (one of their FL branches), but I am not concerned
about the letter of credit it is for $11,522.00, I am also in possession ofa performance bond in the
amount of $15,000 which if it is your desire to approve this subdivision I will not release the
performance letter of credit until such time as I get an amended letter of credit that the City Attorney
approves. There should be no reason not to approve the project unless the Commission has other
reasons. Mr. LeBlanc also mentioned that the City does need the combination to the gates for the
Public Safety Dept., they don't have that yet; whenever the gates become operational.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring for the acceptance of the water, sewer and reclaimed
water system for City maintenance for the Grand Reserve subdivision subject to Mr. LeBlanc's
caveats. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner
Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
Tuscora Drive - Acceptance of remainder of Tuscora Drive for City maintenance:
Mr. LeBlanc said for the opening of the Reserve of Tuscawilla One, we had stopped just past of the
subdivision entry, across the tracks because S.R. 434 entry wasn't built yet. It has now been built and
D.O.T. has given them a conditional acceptance and like the Grand Reserve, I have a performance
letter of credit, I don't have a maintenance bond yet, so I am not worried about anything happening
while they are achieving a maintenance bond. I must say that we tried all types of tactics to stop
traffic on this road, to no success; the road is usable, they are using it and the Police have noted that
there weren't any speed limit signs - those have been up and if you accept this there will be two signs
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one saying dead end street and the other no thru traffic. I have enough money in the performance
letter of credit that I have that if anything would come up it would take care of it.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked if the performance letter of credit cover this road also. Mr. LeBlanc
said it was because they weren't finished with it, they still had the S.R. 434 entryway to finish, so it
covers it.
Commissioner Ferring asked about the entryway on S.R. 434 eastbound, there is a very short decel
lane and there are sandbags on the side of the road and then there is a sharp turn that you have to
make to get in; is that going to be a permanent thing like that. Mr. LeBlanc said that will be
demolished once that portion of the road is widened, so that will be worked on at that time, but Stan
Mann ofD.O.T. granted a conditional acceptance of the completed work as our City Engineer stated.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti for the acceptance of the remainder of Tuscora Drive
for City Maintenance subject to the comments in the record. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
S.R. 434 Corridor Study - Continuation of August 28, 1995 Commission Workshop on design
standards presented by property owners abutting S.R. 434:
Mr. Grimms stated that at the previous meeting of the Commission it was requested that the Staff
make a comparison review of the Berrinman & Henniger proposal on the S.R. 434 corridor as well
as McIntosh & Assoc. and their proposal that arose out of the property owners along S.R. 434
contracting with them. I would like to mention that we attempted a comparison but the orientation
of the two different consultants works is quite different; they have a couple things that are common.
In the work program for Berrinman & Henniger their specific standards and guidelines would come
in steps 3,4 and 5 of their work program; whereas McIntosh & Assoc. are responding to the directive
of their clients; they went immediately into the development standards and guidelines for the corridor.
There are a lot of good recommendations by both consultants, we tried to make an evaluation as best
we could of McIntosh & Assoc., their proposals and we have them indicated in commentary and Staff
recommendation in your packet.
Mayor Bush said he doesn't know how the rest of the Commission feels, but in reading this, I feel this
almost should be a single agenda item for a meeting, a workshop or special meeting, because there
is a lot of things that Staff has brought up that I feel we need more time to discuss it.
Commissioner Gennell said that was her feeling also, and said she didn't have a copy of the map that
Berrinman & Henniger first gave the Commission. Mr. Grimms said it was not in the packet and said
he will furnish the Commission a copy of the map. Commissioner Gennell said it wasn't in McIntosh's
and you didn't cover it in your's either, the questions I raised about moving that boundary over a little
further west. I realize that there is a great deal of material here, and I'm really gratified to see the
amount of work that has been done in the private sector and the amount of work that the Staffhas
been able to put into it. I don't think you had benefit (MR. Grimms) of the night we had the meeting
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when we were all in agreement that we were not real impressed with Berrinman & Henniger~ so I
definitely would like to have this at our table and let us digest it further. Once we do finish it, our
Boards have not set eyes on it and that might be a good filtration system for it.
Mayor Bush said he would like to wait until the City Manager is here because he did meet with Lake
Mary to discuss what they went through in the development ofLk. Mary Blvd. and I think what he
found out there would be very informative for the Commission.
Commissioner Ferring said looking at the design standards and the comparison that you used between
Berrinman & Henniger and Mcintosh Assoc., I think it is like the best of both worlds, you've taken
the good from each of those two areas and put your own Staff comments and it does reflect the work
that you have been doing on it and I have to commend you for it, I think we are on the right path and
the Mayor is probably right to have a special work session on this. Discussion.
Commissioner Gennell asked if we had the capability in-house to incorporate everything we have into
one document. Mr. Grimms said that he believes that he and Mr. LeBlanc does. Commissioner
Gennell said that would help the Commission greatly if we could get it incorporated into a document
so that when we have our workshop we are dealing with one document. Discussion. If we are in a
position to incorporate these documents into one document, maybe we don't want to go to the
expense to have consultants at this time.
Mayor Bush said the Commission needs to give Staff some input at this point, now the Commission
needs to give Staff some direction so they can go back with Mr. Mcintosh and try to put something
together again.
Donald McIntosh, of McIntosh & Assoc., stated that we concur that there is a lot to ingest here and
that Staffhas done a lot of work. The group that we represent would also like to have time to look
at and talk about and deal with the information that's presented with the idea being to try and
minimize the "pain and time" associated with getting this finished. I think we are on the right track
as do everyone of the people that we represent, there are some issues that we would like to talk over
with the Staff, with the goal being that when we come to the workshop with you, maybe 3 or 4 weeks
down the road, we can have a lot the detail worked out in terms of what we think are good ideas.
We would be happy to come back at a workshop and would suggest it would be our duty to galvanize
the input from our group and share it with Staff.
Mayor Bush asked Mr. Ketteringham to work with Mr. Mcintosh and Mr. Grimms to set a
reasonable time to bring this back and I think the Commission needs to give their recommendations
to Staff at any time, but they do need the Commission's input as they are working, then the City
Manager can give us an idea of when we should get together again, and I think a special meeting
would be more appropriate or a workshop than an agenda item at a regular meeting. Mayor Bush
told Mr. Ketteringham to get with the City Manager to give us a reasonable date for the workshop.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said his recommendation to the Commission would be at the next meeting
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the Commission picks the date for the work session because time really is of the essence, with the
way in which we are beginning to see developers looking at this whole corridor, so I recommend that
you pick that workshop date at the next meeting.
Commissioner Conniff said he feels that Commissioner Gennell brought up a good point with regard
to getting some of the other City Boards involved in the workshop also, because it will be going
before them and they can get on track from the "get go". Mayor Bush said that was a good idea and
to have Mr. Ketteringham pass that on to the City Manager.
City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher - Reports:
Attorney Kruppenbacher said with the Commission's approval we are going to revise the Burn
Ordinance. Casselberry and Altamonte Springs don't allow burns at all, we are going to "tighten up"
the ordinance and the Manager will bring back a recommendation to you on that.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said at the last meeting you voted to authorize me not to proceed forward
with the motion to attempt to access costs in the Tuscawilla lawsuit. After the meeting I received
a telephone call raising and issue if that was appropriate because it was not put on the agenda. I
technically believe it was appropriate, I don't want to have anybody have any issue about that and so
I ask you to consider putting that item on the agenda tonight, we cancelled the hearing subject to
rescheduling it and if you would put it on the agenda, I'll talk about it again and then we can deal with
the issue once and for all tonight.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to place this subject on the agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner Conniff Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye~ Commissioner Conniff: aye~
Commissioner Ferring~ aye~ Commissioner Langellotti: aye~ Commissioner Gennell: aye.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said at the latter stages of the Tuscawilla lawsuit, the developer (Oviedo
Mall group) filed for a motion to tax: cost for the cost of their getting the depositions transcribed that
were taken. The Court awarded those costs, we filed a similar motion and the issue for us in our case
is somewhat different and that is the homeowner's Attorney has contested it on the grounds that the
transcribing of the transcript and he is asserting the ordering of it according to him occurred after they
dismissed the lawsuit. So their position is therefore the depositions were not necessary to the defense
of the lawsuit. Our position is that Liz (from my office) called and ordered the depositions and it was
my repeated asking where were the depositions, and we called and said we want them, there were
calls both before and after the settlement of lawsuit. It will be a Judge's call as to whether it's
assessed or not assessed. Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the issue is the transcription of the depositions, after the filing of the
notice of the dismissal incurred in the defense of the case or not, and when were they ordered, and
that is the up front issue - it's the Judge's call. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod said from his understanding the City has the potential to recover about
$1,500~ what is it going to cost us to get the $1,500 in Attorney fees on this particular issue.
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Attorney Kruppenbacher said a couple hundred dollars of his time. Commissioner McLeod said he
thought that last week the Commission kind of determined that it wasn't worth the effort that we are
going through for the possibility of even taking the Court's time at this time to bring it back to the
Court. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to pursue this. Seconded by Commissioner Ferring.
Discussion. Commissioner Gennell said she does not want to throw good money after bad, she
doesn't see any point in it. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: nay; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion
City Manager - John Govoruhk - Reports:
John Ketteringham, General Services Director, stated that the City Manager asked him to bring up
with reference to the letter you received and that is the request for approximately $2,000 for a
consultant to aid in the evaluation of the proposals for the Group Health and Life and the Public
Liability Insurance. He asked that I amend that on the floor to create a Committee, if we can get
some members to serve on it to help the Staff to evaluate the proposals as they come in. I was
designated by the City Manager to chair the review committee from a Staff perspective and found out
there was an uncomfortable feeling on the part of the Staff to effectively evaluate the insurance
proposals without some sort of professional expertise to assist them; this is not an area that they
commonly deal with and therefore we are making this request at this time.
Commissioner Langellotti said he would be more than happy as a licensed insurance person and
Commissioner Conniff is also a licenses insurance person, to help.
Commissioner McLeod said he thinks that is fine and he would like to see Commissioner Langellotti
sit on the committee, and I'm sure that he is not affiliated with any firm that would be presenting any
of the proposals, and therefore I wouldn't have a problem with him on the committee. Commissioner
Langellotti said no, he is not afliliated with any firm presenting proposals. Commissioner Conniff said
he knows that some of the Firefighters that are also licensed for insurance sales, and would like to
see somebody that is benefiting from it as far as an employee getting involved in that, I would like
to see some of the employees other than Staff involved.
Commissioner Ferring asked if there has been any responses so far. Mr. Ketteringham said he is not
aware if there are any responses but there were about 22 on one and about 17 on the other.
Commissioner Ferring said of those, some that do not respond to the RFP...Mr. Ketteringham said
yes, we were thinking about maybe asking some of the people that didn't respond to the RFP if they
would be willing to serve on this Committee. Discussion. Mr. Ketteringham said we are dealing with
a short time frame on this, the proposals are due in October 18, 1995 and we've given ourselves only
a window about three weeks to evaluate both sets of proposals, so we are not dealing with a lot of
Commissioner Conniff suggested maybe contacting the Community College and University in the area
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October 9, 1995
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that both have insurance classes, we could utilize them.
Commissioner Gennell suggested contacting neighboring Cities who may have someone capable in
helping. Mr. Ketteringham said he would contact other Cities in the area.
Commissioner Langellotti said to make sure that the employees get good coverage.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the Orange County School Board has been what is recognized as the
leading self insured health program in the Country. The person on Staffwho runs that is named John
Hanson and he might be willing to give guidance on this.
The consensus of the Commission was for the City Manager and Mr. Ketteringham to work with the
individual that the Attorney mentioned. Also, the Commission had no objection in having
Commissioner Langellotti part of the committee.
Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
No Report.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell said the response from Randy Morris to the City Manager about the County
wide trails task force, he responded by saying t4ey strongly consider an elected official or some other
member of the professional Staff I still am volunteering to be on that, I had a conversation with the
Vice-Chair of the County Commission and she stood by her desire to have me volunteer for this.
Most of the Staff members that are under consideration don't even live in the City, and that's why you
have elected officials to go to these things and represent the City. I would appreciate your
consideration to be appointed to that, I think it's appropriate.
Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to place on the agenda the appointment to the County
Wide Trails Task Force. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Conniff: nay; Commissioner Femng: nay; Commissioner Langellotti: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion fails.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to appoint Donna Ferguson to the B.O.W.S Board.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye. Motion passes.
Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff stated he came into City Hall on Friday night and Ed Schierholzer and Charlie
Barnam were here conducting a Homeowners Association meeting with the people from Winding
Hollow. We recognized Mr. Barnam with a resolution last month, but Mr. Schierholzer has been
working with the Police Department for a number of years, he has moved out of the City and he still
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October 9, 1995
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doing volunteer work and doing a great job and I wanted to make sure that the citizens know that
they still have dedicated people volunteering to help out in our City and we appreciate it.
Commission Seat II - John Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring said the Commission has a copy of a letter regarding a meeting I had with
Barnett Bank regarding a request from Barnett Bank and the people that are involved with this Power
House Workshop for the residents and citizens of Winter Springs. This is something that Barnett
Bank has been doing with different communities as a guide for home ownership, preparing ownership,
shopping at home; all very interesting information for people that are interested in buying homes and
how to maintain them. They recently had a successful workshop in Sanford and in the papers that
I gave you it briefly shows you what they did; it is a two night session and it was well received and
very successful and I would like to get the Commission's thoughts on whether or not we would like
to do this for the City of Winter Springs residents, I think it's a plus for everybody. All I think we
would need to do is provide a location for this seminar to take place and give it enough notice to the
public, we can put it in the Winter Springs Bulletin and what was indicated to me by Linda Anderson,
the manager from Moss Rd. Barnett Bank and Ms. Kathy Bockel, Vice-President and manager from
the branch on Red Bug Lake Rd.; that they would like to have this come in around February. If the
Commission is interested, maybe we can do something and help this get off the ground.
Commissioner Gennell said she doesn't have a problem with them having these types of educational
seminars because they are good, but I think I have a problem if they are offering to do the funding
to these people; in other words, I don't think that the Winter Springs Bulletin or the City of Winter
Springs necessarily wants to go out and giving free locations and free advertising to a Bank if that
is and I know it is one means to generate business for their bank. I think they should go through the
regular channels like any other commercial or any other bank that we have would have to. I have no
objection to us having it.
Commissioner Ferring said this is the only bank we have in the City of Winter Springs and I certainly
can raise that question to Ms. Anderson. I don't think that they use themselves as the funding
mechanism for this workshop but I will double check it. Discussion.
Mayor Bush asked if the City will incur any costs. Commissioner Ferring said no the only costs that
we would incur, it wouldn't be a cost it would be to provide a location, possibly the Civic Center if
that would be ok. Mayor Bush said so we would be waiving the fee on the Civic Center.
Commissioner Ferring said he thinks that probably would be the only thing and he is not sure that we
have to waive the fee, they may be willing to pay the fee. Mayor Bush said if they are willing to pay
the fee they would be entitled to use it as anybody else and I think the fact that they are in our City
is a good reason for us to support them in their marketing efforts. Mayor Bush asked Commissioner
Ferring to check into the one issue that was brought up and get back to the Commission.
Commissioner Ferring said he recently came in contact with Junior Achievement, the Junior
Achievement currently has a drive going on now to help the young people in our area to a better life.
If anybody here or on the Commission wants to get involved by either volunteering or making a
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donation to Junior Achievement. I just paid $45.00 and that takes care of one child, it is $45.00 per
child for Junior Achievement. If anybody is interested the address is 2121 Camden Road, Orlando
32803 and the phone number is 898-2121; it is a worthy cause and if anyone is interested they can
be guided by the numbers.
Commissioner Ferring also stated that we all received copies of the ten final applicants for the City
Manager's job and we have to come up according to the time table that was handed to us by Mr.
Govoruhk, it says the ball is now in our court. I would like to get the Commissioners thoughts on
this and how we are going to go about working on this. The suggestion that I have is, we all have
the ten finalists and maybe on the basis on a 1-10 basis that we rate the ten finalists and submit them
to the City Manager who will compile the figures and the five highest numbers would then be the ones
we would want to consider for interviews.
Mayor Bush said also in the packet the Commission has to make a decision by November 15, 1995,
so that is the dead line you have to work towards; actually we are a little ahead of schedule. The
recommendation is that each Commissioner will evaluate the ten finalists, rank them from one to ten,
give them to the City Manager who will then tabulate the results and then the Commission has to
decide what is the next step after that. Let's take Commissioner Ferring's recommendation do you
want to give the ranking often, giving it to the manager, and what date do you want to have your ten
to the Manager. Discussion.
Mayor Bush said the recommendation is to have your rankings to the City Manager by October 23,
1995, and put the City Manager search on the agenda for the next meeting to finalize how we are
going to handle the five after that. It was the consensus of the Commission that they will have their
data in to the City Manager by October 23, 1995.
There was discussion on the ranking from 1 through 10. It was determined that 1 will be the highest
and 10 the lowest. The City Manager will then bring back the top five candidates.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush announced that the retirement party for Manager Govoruhk will be on Nov. 15, 1995;
the Tuscawilla Country Club has volunteered to host the event at no charge to the City, the time will
be from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. and will be a buffet dinner. The only expense the City will have
is the floral decoration and a cake. It was the consensus of the Commission to expend up to $200.00.
Discussion. The Clerk was asked to see if the date could be moved because the date was not good
for a couple Commissioners; the Clerk will see if the date can be changed to Nov. 8, 1995.
Mayor Bush said the Clerk would like to attend a certification program for Municipal Clerks, the
Municipal Clerks Certification Institute, in Ponte Vedra Florida, the cost to the City will be under
$600.00, I think there is money in my budget to cover that if the Commission so approves. I think
this would be good for the City to have the Clerk to attend this.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to expend the money for the Clerk to attend the
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Certification program. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring:
aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopkins,
City Clerk