HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 10 23 Regular Item B BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM B October 23.2002 Meeting REQUEST: The Community Development Department presents to the Board of Adjustmen the request ofM. A. Garcia for a variance from the requirements of sections 9-147, 9-157, 9-221, and 9-223 of the land development regulations of the City Code of Ordinances. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request by M. A. Garcia for a variance to allow a 12 foot wide private roadway surface to be constructed without curbs or sidewalks on private property, consistent with the vote of the City Commission on March 13, 2000. CONSIDERATIONS: This is one part of the process that Mr. Garcia must complete to relocate the existing private roadway, that is not built to City standards, from the platted 30 foot- wide easement across a portion of Tuscawilla Unit 5 onto Tract A of Oak Forest. Mr. Garcia owns Tract A of Oak Forest and there appear to be no restrictions on that tract to prohibit locating the easement there. Written consent for the relocation has been obtained from all of the Tuscawilla Unit 5 residents who will use the private roadway. APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 9-5. Variances. (a) The board of adjustment may grant a variance form the terms of this chapter when such variance will not be contrary to the public interest, and where owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter would result in unnecessary hardships. Such variance shall not be granted if it has the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this chapter. (b) A written application for such variance must be submitted demonstrating that special conditions exist which are peculiar to the lands, structures or required subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or required subdivision improvements. Application shall be accompanied by the fee fora variance as specified in the fee schedule currently in effect. (c) Before any variance shall be granted, a public hearing on the proposed variance shall be held by the board of adjustment. Notice of such public hearing shall be published fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing in a October 23, 2001 BOA Agenda Item B Page 2 newspaper of general circulation in the county. Such notice shall also be posted fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing in three (3) separate places in the city, and be mailed to all persons who are record owners of property within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the subject property. (d) The board of adjustment shall make findings that the requirements of each portion of this section have been met. The board of adjustment shall further make a finding that the reasons set forth in the application justify granting of the variance and that the variances is the minimum variance that would make possible the reasonable use of the lands, buildings or other improvements. (e) The board of adjustment shall make a further finding that the granting of the variances would be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter and will not be injurious to the surrounding territory or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. (f) In granting any variance, the board of adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards, to such variance, and when make a part of the terms which the variance is granted a violation of any term or conditions shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and shall be punishable as such. Sec. 9-147. Minimum right-of-way and paving width. Sec. 9-157. Private Streets. Sec. 9-221. Sidewalks. Sec. 9-223. Curbs, gutters, easements. FINDINGS: 1). On Mach 13,2000, the City Commission heard a request by Mr. Garcia to realign a segment of Tuscawilla Trail (a private road) which does not meet City Code requirements, approving the realignment, subject to certain requirements. 2).On March 12,2000, City Commission acknowledged that the paved roadway surface would be 12 feet wide and that there would be no sidewalks (please see attached minutes). 3). A minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed clear space is required to ensure safe and efficient access by all emergency vehicles. 4). The City Attorney has determined that the applicant needs a variance as part of the process to realign the private roadway. This variance was advertised to cover all pertinent sections of the code. ATTACHMENT A October 23,2001 BOA Agenda Item B Page 3 5). The City Commission action on March 13, 2000, appears to provide a special condition or circumstance to set this situation apart from other variance cases heard by this board. The City Commission would not have decided in favor of the applicant if it did not believe that the variance would be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the chapter and would not be injurious to the surrounding territory (residential properties) or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Board of Adjustment recommend approval of this variance request, given the March 13,2000, City Commission action. A TT ACHMENTS: A - Variance Application B - Information from Rocket and Associates c. - March 13,2000, City Commission Minutes BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: ATTACHMENT B BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLiCATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WfNTER SPRINGS, FL 32708-2799 ( 407 ) 327-1800 FOR: SPECIAL EXCEPTION X VARIANCE CONDITIONAL USE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION I. APPLICANT: M. A. Garcia, III PHONE 407-699-0527 ADDRESS: 941 Tuskawilla TraiL Winter Springs. FL 32708 2. PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Variance from drivewav width 01'24 reet to 12 feet and without curb and gutter. 3. ATTACH A COPY OF THE PARCEL SURVEY. 4. ATTACH AN II X I '7 MAP SHOWING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS. 5. ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION. 6. TAX P ARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: ] 2-2] -30-501-01\00-0000 7. LOCATION OF PARCEL (Street Address and/or Nearest Cross Streets): Cross Street is Chokecherrv Drive 8. PRESENT ZONING: PUD FUTURE LAND USE: PUD By Signing below I understand that City of Winter Springs Officials may enter upon my property to inspect that portion as relates to this application: (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must attach a letter of authorization signed by the owner) M.A. Garcia rrr OWNER - PLEASE PERSONS AI{E A[)VIST[fJ THAT. IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL A"Y DECISIONS MADE ;\T THESE MEETINCiS/IIEARINCiS. THEY WILL NEED A RECORD OF THI: PIWCITDINCiS AND FOR SUCl-1 PURPOSE. TilEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECOIW OF TIll: PIWClTDINCiS IS MADE. AT TIII:IR COST. WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND r:VIDI:NCT UPON WIIIUI THI: APpr:M, IS TO BE llASI':IJ. PEI{ SECTION 2R6.0105. FLORIDA STATUTI.S SI-:C:TION 20 - X'I - APPEAI.S FIWM IJI:CISIONS OF THE 1l(Ji\IW OF ,\1 lfl ISTMI':'\l (I) AllY persoll. or persons. jointly or severally aggrieved hy any deCISion of the Iloard or AdlLJSIIllent may. ",ithill thiny (JO) days atier the filing of any decisioll ill the of/ice of the lIoard of Adjustment. hut not there atier. app" to the City Council (i,r administrative relieI" ,\Ilcr a hearin~ hcli're the ("i~\. Coullcil :111(1 aggrieved p:ln\' Illay. within thin\" (301 d:l\"s aner the decis'Jjnll or the ('il\ Coullcil. rlic. an appeal ",ilh a eoun or eOlllpelellljurisdictioll over Ihe suhjeetlll:lllcr -~.~~ ROCKETT & ASSOCIATES Ct ):-':SUI.TINC CIVIl. U'i(;IN[[I,S S: SLJI,V[YClRS September 11.2002 Mr. John Baker City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: Proposed Access Driveway Relocation Engineer's Project No.: 99040.001 Dear [vi r. Baker: Pursuant to our discussions during the recent DRC meeting (September 3, 2002), we have prepared and attached herewith a Board of Adjustment application for a variance request. The application consists of: 1. Application Form 2. Fee Check in the amount of $500 3. Attachment describing request and circllmstances concerning the request 4. Plan showing Access Drive Relocation. 5. Property map showing property owners within 150 feet of the project 6. A list of property owner's within 150 foot of the project 7. Tuskawilla Unit 5 Owner's "Consent and Acknowledgement" (all notarized.) Thank you for your help in getting these items before the Board of Adjustment. If anything else is needed from our office, please call me. Very truly yours, ROCKETT & ASSOCIATES dJw.VvL?~ .John M. Sikes, P.E. Associate .IS/bw r:/lclosurcs ORLANDO EAGLE LAKE '" J'.:) 1vI11." :V 1)1~1\j1. ()kl N\J[)O II :\:-'I3()il I) f N ,I i. 1\1/, i i:: IN;II ! t'oKI f'l. :Uinr) (111)/):'1')/1 :\iHJli f!\X(tlO/)iNtl.:WW, (il():\)/l(Jl.t)():, ;/\>~(W)'l)tli)I.WI~i wWV/I(, ,(:k' :1111 Hjlll':' ;11: Ii 1.1:,)(;; A. REOUEST The Garcia's desire to expane!their --front'. yare! by relocating the driveway as shown on the "Access Drive Relocation Plan" attached. Further. the other property Owners in Tuskawilla Unit 5 have given their written consent to the drive relocation. A variance is requested to allo\\. a deviation from the Cit:-'s subdi\ision standard 24 foot wide roadway (with curb and gutter) to a 12 foot \\ide driveway without curb and gutter. B. CIRCUMS'fANCES The Garcia's residence is located on Lot 5 and they also o\\'n Tract A Oak Forest Unit One. Tuskawilla Unit 5 subdivision is approved with a 30 foot Pri\'ate Ingress-Egress and Public Utility Easement with a driveway width of ten (10) feet without curb and gutter. The Garcia's propose to relocate the 30 foot private ingress-egress through their Tract A property with a driveway width of t\velve (12) feet \\ithout curb and gutter. The existing 30 foot Public Utility Easement is to remain since an 8 inch diameter water main is installed therein. The variance request is considered to be in keeping with the criteria set forth for variance under Section 9-5 of the Winter Springs Code, Atlachll1Cll[ 11 )/ I .D -1 :::> ::~ -, -- - ~-- --"---'---,- ------------ .- \ I.~(, 't' \"'l'~~~'~"~ t:,'.' .,r" ;'.,:' \ \ \ ~2 .. \', .-,. /;;i;:.~~f;: . '\\jt\. (.~ ~ .~ ~ '.:... :.",':: ' ~ i i LE:GUJ[j Iii ,....- ,..,. _/ "."'H'..,,, . ( .'. .. '. ~, ""~l" , ;'U I';'; 1:1I,""r"';! II'::" 1111""< !Io~< ~ C'.l'.f I \' Il,~rr :[ ,~!d! 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PLA1~'JIl,Jc::, A\ltJ'2Gillf-16 BZl."'.Rf fillS IS TO CHTIfT, Thol Oil. ~\J~'\')'lt. :~.T.~ /t',~"", .l~'" .Tt..",U '''., .1.Ut'. .'l..~~ ~~"\'.. opp.o"d I~" fo..~g;rg pwt. --.+ Q (\ ~ ~_ .: IJrr.O\(J :- :~...:J,. ,,'~~....~.. ,,,...(\<,(.!C!"<o,,, " ~~. ,..:~:';--;.',! .~<!,~~~t~ it~i~{::~011ijI~~]lA~{li~~:,:!~:j ..c..,::'.:; ; TL'SI~A WILL'\ UNIT 5 O\VNERSHIP LOll Lot I Lot = L01 :; Lot .:1- LOI) Lot 6 Baron R ...\: B~v~rly Luckenbach SIU~lrl F &. BarDara Van !-\rsdale .Iohn D &. LC:lgh A. Mamione PhillD \\ &. Marshalle Rich MA Garcia &. Geraldine Garcia Oscar C. &. K.arlene Duke Ed\Nard \V. &. Mary Pigman * Stuan f. &. Barbara Van .:\rsdale - Lot] less the east 175 ft. * Baron R. & Beveriv Luckenbach - The east] 75 ft. of Lot ] \ -~- - " ce CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MArZCH 13,2000 1. CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of March 13, 2000 of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:36 pm in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). ROLL CALL: Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present Commissioner Michael S. Blake, absent Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present Commissioner David W. McLeod, present City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, absent Public WorksfUtility Department Director Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E., present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present A moment of silent prayer was called and Mayor Partyka asked that we think of fonner City Manager Richard Rozansky who is very ill. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Mayor Partyka then introduced Mr. Gene DeMarie, General Services Director who in turn, introduced the new Assistant to the City Manager, Mr. Richard Greenwood. Mr. DeMarie also announced that Ms. Louise Frangoul, has accepted the position of Finance Director. Attorney Anthony Carganese left the dais at 6:37 p.m. II. PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Tom McGee, NT/? Development, 1600 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida: spoke about his attendance at the Pebruary 14, 2000 City of Winter Springs City Commission Regular Meeting. Attorney Garganese returned to the dais at 6:39 p.m. Mr. McGee added that he is "Under contract with approximately tcn acrcs on the southwest corner of 434 and Tuscawilla Road;" spoke on the impact of thc Town Center conccpt; thc impacted quadrants; hIS conccrns with such "pedcstrian, rcsidcntial friendly" areas; and stated that he wanted to address the COll1mission, prior to any action involving a Town Centcr ^gcnda l(cll1. CITY m WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES . CITY COl\fMISSION RJ:GULAR Mr:J:T1NG - MARCH I J. 2000 Page 1001'16 f "I'LL MAKE THE MOTION." MOTrON BY COMMISSrONER McLEOD. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MILLER. DISCUSSION ENSUED BRIEFLY ON HOW THE PROGRAM WOULD BE FURTHER fMPLEMENTED. VOTE: COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: NAY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE MOTION CARRIED. D. Community Development Department - Land Development Division Presents To The Commission For Their Action The Request Of Mr. Manny Garcia To Realign A Segment Of A Tuscawilla Trail (A Private Road) Which Does Not Meet City Code. Mr. Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator introduced this subject, and spoke of the planned realignment of the road. , Mr. John Sikes, Blount Sikes & Associates, (Consulting Civil Engineers & Surveyors), 3032 Mercy Drive, Orlando, Florida: discussed an exercise trail; natural growth; engineering; waivers; Mr. Garcia to approve the alignment; approvals; whether an agreement from all property owners affected by this change should be considered; keeping the neighbors happy; whether an easement will be recorded on the property for perpetuity; acceptance of the easement; and other neighboring properties. Further discussion included altering the road; changing the width; and what Attorney Garganese thinks about thlSlssue.~Attomey. Ga.~ga-n:e.se--spok.e .of the provisions of the code; arbitrary arguments; the legal standpoint; sL~.~~alks; fire suppression; t~~._w.idth of the road; accommodating emergency vehicles; who haC! reviewed this proposed plan; the entry from Tuscawilla road; concerns with the engineering of the road; would it come back to the Commission for further approval; the approval of the road; and whether the road should have a larger easement. Mayor Partyka commented that the lights on the dais were not working properly. "I MOVE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVE TlfE REALIGNMENT OF THAT SEGMENT - SEGMENT OF TUSCA WILLA TRAIL, INCLUDING A FWTY (SO) FOOT EASEMENT AND SUBJECT TO A NOTARIZED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ALL PARTIES ALONG THE ROAD, THAT THEY ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH THE CHANGES AS ENGINEERED - THE FrNAL ENGINEERING." MOTION BY DEPUTY MA YOn GENNELL. . .~cA . 'f)~ -/\ I e '\ F.l CITY OF WINTI:R SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION F.I:GULi\R ME!:T1NG - MARCH 13,2000 Page II of I G [VIR. LeBLANC INQUIRED, "AND YOU'VE - THIS HAS AIJLOWED FOR A I)RQf_9_~g}~_I.~ELV~JPJ.};'Q()T PAVED DRIVE;dAS IT'S SHOWN IN THE - A TWELVE FOOT EASEMENT?" DEI)UTY MA YOn. GENNELL STATED, "THAT'S RIGHT - AND A FIFTY FOOT EASEMENT." - SECONDED BY -- ..- ---- MILLER DISCUSSION ENSUED ON WHICH LOTS WERE INVOLVED; AND VARIOUS LOTS IN THE OAK FOREST SUBDIVISION. MR. LeBLANC ADDED THAT "WE WILL GET - FOR THOSE PROPERTY OWNERS ALSO - A NOTARIZED .~_E.!}'ER. SAYING THAT THEY HAVE NO OBJECTION. BuT: IN YOUR MOTION COMMISSIONER GENNELL, MAY I JUST ADD ONE MORE, THAT XQ.Y~~.._.._ ~LSO W AlVIN9 TH~.n _~[DE\V ALK REQUIREMENTS?" DISCUSSION:--------- Commissioner Miller left the dais at 8:35 p.m. Commissioner Miller returned to the dais at8:37 p.m. DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL ADDED, "J1JST TO BE MORE SPECIFIC ABOUT THE LOT NUMBERS THAT ARE INCLUDED IN THE NOTARIZED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - IT WOULD BE LA, 1.0, 2, 3, 4, AND 5 OF TUSCA WILLA UNIT 5; LOTS NUMBER 201 AND 200, OAK FOREST UNIT 2- B; LOTS NUMBER 44,45,46,47,48 OF OAK FOREST UNIT 1." MR LeBLANC ASKED, "LOT 44 ALSO?" DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL REPLIED, "YES." Tape 2/Sidc A Commissioner Martinez said, "Sir, would you say, or did you state on the record that you wouldn't have any problem, with a fifty (50) foot casement?" Mr. Sikes replied, "No Sir, I can't speak to that, that's something Mr. Garcia will have to answer." Brief discussion. DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL CLARIFIED, "THE MOTION ENTERTAINS A FIFTY (50) FOOT EASEMENT." The City Clerk was asked to read the Motion back. MA YOR PARTYKA ADDED, "WITH THE LOTS, SO DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSION." COMMISSIONER MCLEOD THEN. ADDED, '"'AND WHAT ABOUT THE TWENTY (20) FOOT BUFFER?" DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL ALSO ADDED, "AND WAIVING THE SIDEWALK REQUIREMENT."