HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1997 03 24 City Commission Regular Minutes
MARCH 24,1997
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor David McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
Michael Blake, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
Manager McLemore asked that Regular Agenda Item H be moved to the last item.
Commissioner Blake asked if the Attorney's comments could be moved to the front of the meeting.
Commissioner McLeod said seeing as there has been ADD-Dn's to the Agenda could the Commission
have a few moments before each item so that the Commission can review the item.
Approval of Minutes of March 10. 1997:
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the minutes of March 10, 1997.
Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Wayne Nelson, 1104 Winged Foot Circle, spoke on behalf of the Tuscawilla Tennis Members, and
Country Club Village and himself, and gave a presentation regarding Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Units
3 & 4; the opinion that was rendered by Attorney Donna McIntosh's response letter to Attorney
Philip Tatich, who represents Mr. Mikes and Olympia Homes.
George Seely, 211 Birch Terrace, spoke regarding the conduct of speaking at the Commission
RolfUtegaard, 797 Austin Court, representing the Tuscawilla Tennis Community, read a letter that
was sent to Mr. Jim Mikes which stated the termination of the members as of March 31, 1997 and
signed by the Tennis Members.
Ed Martinez, 802 Leopard Trail, spoke on behalf of the Presidents of the Homeowners Associations
ofTuscawilla, read a letter signed by the Presidents of the Homeowners Associations of Tuscawilla,
regarding the issues with the Tuscawilla Country Club and also mentioned the Presidents Committee
which the City set up and said that they decide who will belong to that Committee.
Commissioner McLeod stated that the Committee the City set up was to respond to a letter that the
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City received and that the Committee was asked to be put together to give recommendations
regarding the three subjects of the letter. Commissioner McLeod said that committee as far as the
City sees it, no longer exists as the recommendations were given.
Susan Folsom, 1101 Huron Court, said that the residents of Tuscawilla have been asking for a
moratorium on Arrowhead 1 & 2 because many felt that illegal thing must have happened. Ms.
Folsom stated that she has taken photographs of the building that is going on in Arrowhead 1 & 2
which is on the golf course and said it is definitely encroachment on the golf course and asked what
is the City going to do to stop this until they can find out how this happened.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the letter is from Attorney McIntosh and him, they worked it together
and they have identified is that in 1993, in a memo from Keith Bricklemyer and himself advised that
pursuant to the Compo Plan, they believed that the Comp Plan amendment had to take place to
implement the Settlement Agreement. Thereafter, at that point in time, the Department of Community
Affairs were making all the relative decisions and were impacting funding if a City did or did not
comply. The then Planner spoke with D.C.A. and dealt with them along with Hennigar and Ray, the
City's consultants, and opinions were issued in an O.R.C. Report regarding making plan amendments
in which they apined that if the sole purpose (one of their comments alternatively) of making a Comp
Plan change was simply to implement a settlement agreement, then there was no need to make a
Comp Plan change and from that, the Planners and the City relied and pulled Comp Plan changes.
When we (McIntosh & Kruppenbacher) last Wednesday, the General Council's Office, the Assistant,
advised based upon their review of the files, (which we had asked them to review) because we wanted
to go through them as we did the research, they had been looking at the matter for (some) two weeks;
it was their opinion that the D.C.A. erroneously issued that letter and that was a mistaken opinion and
that in fact they believed a Comp Plan amendment had to take place. Attorney McIntosh and he
spoke about the issues of what to do with an existing project at this time, many lots were sold to third
party developers, the evaluation was, at that time, that based upon the information we had to date,
the City would be significantly exposed to potential damage claims to implement a stop, based upon
the information we have right now at that point in time on any existing permitted lots. We have, in
the letter (towards the end) said this was the preliminary result of our investigation of every document
that anybody could present to us, from City records. Additionally, we asked for, in that letter, a reply
to be provided to us by the Attorneys from Mr. Mikes to ascertain is there anything they have or
claim, somehow rebuts the conclusions we are drawing right now based upon all the information we
pulled together and based upon what D.C.A. has given us. That is where we are right now, and
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he will tell the Commission that he is speaking for Attorney McIntosh
and himself(she is out of the Country right now) that we would tell you it is premature to make that
decision; we are about two weeks away from finalizing this, our letter (I believe) concluded that we
wanted it back by "X" date because we scheduled April 14, 1997, here at the Commission meeting
to give you a final opinion on all of these issues. Attorney Kruppenbacher said his answer to the
Commission would be that it would be premature to give the Commission advise at this point until
that meeting because if the Commission only knew the extent to which they have had to search for
and dig out and find documents. We are very prudently trying to give everybody an opportunity to
put everything on the table first and then say based upon everybody's opportunity to put it on the
March 24 1997
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table here are the answ..... Pre\iminarily the opinion speaks for itselfbased ,;,pon what we've seen,
we .;.., giving the developer the opportunity to gi-:e .their input .and at ~ Apnl14, 1997 meetmg we
will give you a fina\ opinion. So he will defer g1VtIl8 an OplDlon tODl~t becaUse they have not had
the opportunity to have the fina\ element of input. Because there are third parties mvolved (not Mr.
Mikes but other developers who have bought properties to develop) you are looking at real damage
claims if those people are involved and we give the Commission a wrong opinion.
Mayor partyka said if in effect they (developers) are in the wrong and parts of the golf co~se
property is being developed right now, does that say in two weeks when we finally have a pOSItiOn,
if by chance it was on wrong land, that they have to rectify that problem.
Attorney Kruppenbaeher said he will not give an opinion on that tonight because it involves a
complex set of analysis and does not want to give an answer based upon one set and mislead the
Commission. Attorney Kruppenbaeher said when he and Attorney McIntosh give the Commission
their final opinions they will say based upon all the facts, here are the answers. Attorney
KruPpenbacher ssid he has asked Manager McLemore to place on the agenda for April 14, 1997 the
final report of everything that we have at that point. Attorney Kruppenbaeher said you don't give
an opinion on a complex issue like this in five minutes, you read every available document and analyze
everything and that is what we have been doing. Discussion.
Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, 977 Chestnut Ridge Street, President of the Chestnut Ridge Homeowners
Association, stated her concern regarding code violations at the Tuscawma Country Club and the
water and sewer bill; also Ms. Fitzpatrick asked if it could be put on the agenda what the
Commissioners will talk about under the report section on the agenda.
Commissioner McLeod asked the City Manager to look and see if there is a safety violation with the
tennis court restrooms being closed and the people having to use the club house restrooms.
Dan Dike, 846 Bentley Green Circle, spoke about the Tuscawilla Country Club issue.
Mayor partyka called for a recess at 7:43 p.m. Mayor partyka reconvened the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
l.ublic W orkslStormwater Division
\. Requesting authorization to enter into a Contract Agreement for Orange Avenue drainage and
'Jadway improvements. pURPOSE: to request authorization to enter into a contract agreement with
Esterson Construction Company, Inc., for Orange Avenue Drainage and Roadway Improvements at
a cost of $184,375.00 plus 10% contingence.
Utility Department
B. Requesting authorization to award a bid for One 50 KW portable Generator to Florida Detroit
Diesel- Allison North at a cost of $36,000.00. pURPOSE: to request authorization to award Bid
#97 -004 for one 50 KW Portable Generator to Florida Detroit Diesel - Allison North at a cost of
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Police Department - ADD-ON
C. Requesting the Commission give emergency approval for the replacement of the gasoline pump
accounting system. PURPOSE: to gain emergency approval of the Commission to purchase a
FUELMASTER 2000 accounting system to replace the existing GASBOY fuel and accounting
system, which has become obsolete.
Chris Murphy, Stormwater Utility Manager, stated he will be overseeing the project for the Orange
Avenue paving.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve the Consent Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Police Department - ADD-ON
A. Providing the Commission with information regarding the initiation of a process to become a
Florida Accredited Agency. PURPOSE: to provide the Commission with information concerning
the Police Departments initiation of a process to become an accredited agency through the Florida
Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve the Informational Agenda.
Seconded by Commissionel' Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka mentioned that the City of Winter Springs is ranked 12th in population in the five
County area and the City of Winter Springs is the second .fastest growth City from 1990 through
Commissioner Gennell also mentioned that Seminole County has the highest per-capita income of any
County in the State and Winter Springs has the highest per-capita income of any City in the County.
Land Development Coordinator
A. Requesting Commission action on the recommendation of the Staff Review Board that The Oaks
Subdivision Final Engineering be approved with stipulations. PURPOSE: the forwarding to the
Commission the recommendation of the Staff Review Board that the Final Engineering for The Oaks
Subdivision be approved with stipulations. This property is located north of Edgemon Avenue and
approximately 500 feet southwest ofS.R. 419:
Commissioner Gennell asked Mr. LeBlanc to review the stipulations with the Commission.
Donald LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator, stated that the stipulations are: to allow the
platting of the subdivision to be done at a later date; and some minor items addressed in Staff
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comments, which the developer has the comments and also that the wall and entry be approved
contingent on the City approving the wind load calculations.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the recommendation of the Staff
Review Board that The Oaks Subdivision Final Engineering with stipulations. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Genncll: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye.
Motion passes.
Community Development Department
B. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing and approve the Second Reading for adoption
of Ordinance No. 650 to annex a .229 acre parcel located on the north side of State Road 434
approximately 3,000 feet east of U.S. 17/92. PURPOSE: to request the Commission hold a Public
Hearing to approve the Second Reading for adoption of Ordinance No. 650 to annex a .229 acre
parcel that would be developed along with two other parcels into a Winn-Dixie Store:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ordinance 650 by title only.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked if there were
anyone present who wished to speak on this Ordinance. No one wished to speak on this item. Mayor
Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reopened the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve and adlopt Ordinance No. 650 to annex
a .229 acre parcel located on the north side of S.R. 434 appIrOximately 3,000 feet east of U.S.
17/92. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department
C. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing to approve the Second Reading and adoption of
Ordinance No. 652 to change the Future Land Use designation of a .229 acre parcel located on the
north side of State Road 434 approximately 3,000 feet east of U.S. 17/92. PURPOSE: to request
Commission to approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 652 to change the Future
Land Use designation of a .229 acre parcel that would be developed along with two other parcels into
a Winn-Dixie Grocery Store, from County designation "Commercial" to City designation
"Commercial" :
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 652 by title only.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked if there was any
one present who wished to speak on this item; no one wished to speak. Mayor Partyka closed the
Public Hearing and reopened the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve Ordinance No. 652 and the
considerations of numbers 1 & 2 in the Staff's considerations. Seconded by Commissioner
Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Regular Meeting City Commission
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Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye.
Motion passes.
Community Development Department
D. Requests the Commission to hold a Public Hearing and approve the Second Reading for adoption
of Ordinance No. 653 to change the zoning designation ofa .229 acre parcel located on the north side
of S.R. 434 approximately 3.000 feet east of U.S. 17/92:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 653 by title only.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. There was no one
present who wished to speak on this item. Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reopened
the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to adopt Ord. 653, changing the zoning designation
from County C-2 Retail Commercial to City designation C-l, Neighborhood Commercial with
all considerations in the Staff report. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion.
Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department
E. Requests the Commission to approve the First Reading for adoption of Ordinance 651 to change
the zoning designation of the 8 acre "Joyce" parcel. PURPOSE: to request the Commission to
approve the First Reading ofOrd. 651 to change the zoning designation of the 8 acre "Joyce" parcel
from R-U "Rural Urban Dwelling District" to R-IA "Single Family Dwelling District":
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to read Ord. 651 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake:
aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 651 by title only.
General Services Department
F. Requests that the Commission consider authorizing a sign to be constructed designating the
entrance to City Hall. PURPOSE: to allow the Commission to decide if it wants to allocate fiscal
resources to facilitate the construction of a sign designation the entrance to City Hall:
Manager McLemore said this item is a result of previous Commission interest in developing a marker
in front of this building. Discussion.
Commissioner Gennell suggested following the guidelines of the downtown center for signs; and that
the sign would be the same architectural style as the building.
Commissioner McLeod stated that the sign needs to follow the architecture of this building and also
needs to follow the design standards that the Commission is setting for the rest of the area and also
with the landscaping that is appropriate for the signage.
Commissioner Blake agreed with Commissioners Gennell and McLeod.
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Commissioner Conniff stated he doesn't think the City should spend the money for a sign.
Commissioner Gennell stated that the sign should be illuminated.
Commissioner McLeod said there are questions in the agenda packet that need to be answered before
the Commission comes to a vote. Commissioner McLeod said the first question is "does the
Commission desire to designate the entrance to City Hall with a sign" It was the consensus of the
Commission that the answer to that is yes (Commissioner Conniff: no) The second is "If the
Commission does want a sign, what kind of sign does the Commission desire". The consensus of the
Commission to follow the guidelines of the 434 Corridor Visioning, following the construction of the
building. (Commission Conniff: no) The next question is "How much does the Commission desire
to spend on a sign for City Hall" The answer is not to exceed $10,000. The last question is does the
Commission want to hire an architect to design a sign for City Hall. The consensus of the
Commission was yes. (Commissioner Conniff: no).
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to authorize the City Manager to spend up to
$10,000 to hire an architect to design and install a sign at City Hall, subject to the
considerations that Commission discussed. (above) Seconded by Commissioner Blake.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: nay. Motion passes.
Fire Department
G. Requests that the Commission review the City of Winter Springs Employee Blood Drive
information to be held at City Hall. PURPOSE: to assure that the City Commission is informed of
all the pertinent details regarding this activity:
Fire Chief Tim Lallathin stated that on April 18, 1997, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and request that
the Mayor and Commissioners be present at the City's employee Blood Drive and hope that the
Mayor and each Commissioner will come out, as well as the community, to assist in this endeavor.
Community Development Department - ADD-ON
I. Requests the Commission approve the first reading for adoption of Ordinance No. 654, to annex
a 9.58 acre parcel located on the south side of State Road 434 approximately 2,500 feet east of u.s.
17/92 :
Motion was made by Commissiont:r Gennell to read Ord. 654 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye.
Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 654 by title only.
Gene Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Circle East, spoke as a member of the Planning and Zoning Board,
and stated that at the P&Z meeting of last Wednesday, this item was tabled by the Planning and
Zoning Board. Mr. Lein stated that it was tabled for a number of reasons: there was no developer
present, there was no representative of the developer, there were too many preliminary questions that
couldn't be answered, so the Board tabled it. Discussion.
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Art Hoffmann, 1436 Mt. Laurel Drive, spoke as a member of the Planning and Zoning Board, and
stated in addition to what Mr. Lein mentioned was that the owners of the property were not clearly
defined and as for the use of the property, it was indicated that part of the solution for the traffic
ingress and egress was a piece of property to the east but required using a Casselberry street and the
Board questioned whether that was going to be permitted or what the problems would be with that.
So not having the developer there and not having the owner there, not having the owners defined and
the problem with two Winn-Dixie's are the reason the Board tabled it until the Board had more
Commissioner Blake asked that in the P&Z process is it part of what the Board's duty is to determine
the owner of the property is or what the ultimate development is to be.
Manager McLemore said he is concerned about what was put on the record at that P&Z meeting, we
have got to do some work with the P&Z Board so they understand this process. Manager McLemore
said there was a petitioner for annexation, with a particular zoning and that is the only issue before
the P&Z and no other issue. Manager McLemore stated he knows the P&Z Board is trying to do
their best, but whoever the owner is, they have the right to petition the City for annexation or any
other petition for land use to be considered on its merits. Manager McLemore said you have a
situation here where you have this particular store (and it's going to be a large one) that is working
with two different property owners. Discussion.
Manager McLemore said based on what happened at the P&Z meeting, when we reviewed this, his
concern was that because we will have a space of time between this reading and the second reading
we can come back to the P&Z Board prior to the second reading and allow them to receive whatever
information they receive and have them form an opinion for the second reading; this is just getting
it on the Commission agenda and starting the process. Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher mentioned that the Chairman of the P&Z has been working with him and
the City Manager to come up with rules and guidelines on how to deal with different issues.
Harold Scott, 911'Augusta National Blvd., asked how far west is the City's boundary.
Discussion on this item.
Community Development Department - ADD-ON
1. Requesting a reading and public hearing to adopt an emergency Ordinance No. 657 extending to
April 30, 1997 the moratorium on the construction and/or erection of any Telecommunication
Towers in the City. PURPOSE: to allow the City additional time to resolve certain issues relating to
Telecommunication Towers siting and to make additional changes requested by the City Commission.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to read Ord. 657 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
ConnitT: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher readOrd. 657 by title only.
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Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. Mayor Partyka asked
if there were any comments pro or con regarding this ordinance. No one present spoke on this
ordinance. Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reopened the Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Emergency Ordinance 657 extending
to April 30, 1997 the moratorium on the construction and/or erection of any
telecommunications towers in this City. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion.
Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department - ADD-ON
K. Requests a first reading of Ordinance NO. 645 regulating the siting and construction of
Telecommunication Towers within the City. PURPOSE: to request the Commission hold a first
reading of Ordinance No. 645 regulating the location, construction, and impacts of
Telecommunications Towers in the City that will protect the health, safety and welfare of the
residents and businesses in the City:
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the first reading of Ord. 645 and
to read by title only. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord.
645 by title only.
Harold Scott, 911 Augusta National Blvd., said he will reserve his comments until the second reading
and so that he can get a copy of the Ordinance and read it.
John ArieI, Prime Co. representative, commented on this ordinance.
George Cohen, American Portable Telecom representative, also commented on this ordinance.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked that the representatives provide written statements on their positions
and their reasons for their positions to the Staff
Manager McLemore stated that balloons will be put up on April 10, 1997 depicting the proposed five
sites for telecommunication towers in the City; the balloons will come down on April 14, 1997.
Discussion on a workshop. It was determined that there will be a workshop on Telecommunication
Towers on April 7, 1997 at 6:30 p.m.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked that Staff contact the ballool} company and have them confirm with
the FAA that there is no issue with the height of the balloons.
City Manager - ADD-ON
L. Requesting the Commission consider contributing to the Seminole visioning Plan. PURPOSE:
to help finance the continuation of the Seminole County Visioning process:
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Wayne Weinberg, President of the Seminole County Chamber ofCoinmerce, gave his presentation
and requested the City contribute $3,500 to the Seminole County visioning process for 1997.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve a $3,500 contribution to the Seminole
Visioning to be paid out of the General Funds Reserves. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: nay; Commissioner
Langellotti: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor's Office - ADD-ON
M. Resolution No. 816 - Expressing Appreciation to Russ Robbins for his service on the B.O.W.S.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Resolution 816 and to read in its
entirety. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes. Mayor Partyka read Resolution 816 in its entirety.
City Manager - ADD-ON
H. Requests the Commission to consider approval of second reading and Public Hearing of
Ordinance NO. 640 to amend the FY 97 Budget. PURPOSE: to have the Commission amend the FY
97 Budget to update Fund Balances as provided in the FY 96 Audit, approve new funding strategies,
approve new proposed spending, memorialize new spending already approved by the Commission
and to memorialize line item transfers approved by the City Manager:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 640 by title only.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone
present wished to speak regarding this ordinance. No one wished to speak on this ordinance. Mayor
Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reopened the Regular Meeting.
Discussion with regards to computers for the Commission.
Commissioner Blake asked about changes to the interest amounts in the fund accounts.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to give the Commission two of the used machines
that are being upgraded from another Department and make one accessible to the Mayor and
one for the Commission office. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Conniff: nay; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: nay;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Partyka closed the Regular Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. No one wished to speak.
Mayor Partyka closed the Public Hearing and reopened the Regular Meeting.
Commissioner Blake mentioned he had four issues of concern and they deal with basic accounting
issues and are basically math problems and not with appropriation.
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Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve the budget with the City Manager
getting with Commissioner Blake resolving the four issues of mathematical concerns.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Blake: aye. Motion passes.
N. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher:
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated to the Commission that they are hurting the City as we deal with the
Tuscawilla issue when the Commission has these debates and makes comments. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said he has stated that on April 14, 1997 he will give a final opinion and said he has
asked the Commission to say nothing or do nothing until the final opinions come in.
O. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore:
Manager McLemore stated he echos the City Attorney's comments.
P. Commission Seat II - Michael Blake:
Commissioner Blake asked about the sign issue. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he will be
bringing that back at the next Commission meeting. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he has not
identified a sign problem that would inhibit someone from putting a sign in their yard announcing the
fact there was a meeting; there is a problem with anybody putting a sign in the r-o-w. Commissioner
Blake asked what about a common area and not a r-o-w. Attorney Kruppenbacher said if the owners
of the common area consented to it then he doesn't see a problem with that being done. Discussion.
O. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti commended Brook Seals and the Parks and Recreation Department for the
great job on the Easter Egg Hunt on this past Saturday.
Commissioner Langellotti said he will speak with the City Manager about Orange Avenue.
Commissioner Langellotti stated that in his subdivision there are 25 mph speed limit signs and asked
the City Manager to post 20 mph speed limit signs there and also a sign stating "slow". Manager
McLemore stated that what is done is a study and then bring back to the Commission a
recommendation before signs are changed.
Commissioner Langellotti said that there is a parcel of land on the corner of Greenbriar and Northern
Way that needs to be cleaned up and asked the City Manager to look into that.
Commissioner Langellotti also asked who maintains cutting the grass along Northern Way and said
the City put a sidewalk in from Arabian to Greenbriar and said there are weeds growing there.
R. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell asked about how well the Arbor Ordinance is enforced against Builders and
if it is not to see that it is.
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Commissioner Gennell stated that at the last meeting Mayor Partyka invited the Commission to attend
the "Fly-In" to Tallahassee and said she would like to attend and stated that this would go over her
portion of the allotment in the Budget for attending.
S. Commissioner Seat V - David McLeod:
No Report.
S. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
No Report.
T. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka:
No Report.
Manager McLemore said with regards to the computers, we have a master list of things that need to
be done and many of the computers are going to be upgraded with upgrade cards and that type of
thing and the ones that are not upgradeable will be auctioned.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
,..R~ectfull~ Submitted,
Margo M. Hopki~s, 6;-CI~rk
/'. -